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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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83089980 No.83089980 [Reply] [Original]

I'm watching Subaru right now and she can't even read half the kanjis in games, the fuck is the point of this arcaic language? when native people can't even read their native language you know it's complete fucking garbage

>> No.83090062
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>> No.83090076
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Do your reps

>> No.83090090

/jp/fags won't tell you this but half of holoJP can't read common kanji. Haachama is borderline illiterate.
At this point the next generation of japs will be illiterate.

>> No.83090124

Subaru should do her reps, I'm happy speaking the best language in the world

>> No.83090164

It's 2024, Kanji shouldn't be a thing anymore

>> No.83090298

Kanji need to exist as there are too many homophones in japanese. If they want to get rid of kanji they need to expand their alphabet and change a lot of words first.

>> No.83090304


>> No.83090443

search something like "ki" or "ko" on jisho and you will see why kanjis are needed.

>> No.83090556

Did she reach THAT part yet?

>> No.83090603 [SPOILER] 
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This part? Not yet, still a bit to go.

>> No.83090627

Alrighty, just in time

>> No.83090660

It's always hilarious to me when a Japanese person explains that "you need the multiple alphabets otherwise you can't tell when one word ends and another begins". What a cursed language

>> No.83091350

Homophones are not the reason. Remember it's also a spoken language, do people draw the kanji in the air when they talk so that the other people can figure out what they're talking about? It does help immensely when you write it down, I gotta agree here, but you can do without. A lot of games, back from when kanji didn't fit in the cartridge, used only kana, hell, Pokemon used only kana up to Generation IV. Generation V games let you select if you want kanji or pure kana as it always used to be. The drawbacks when just using kana are what >>83090660 said, since the text is hard to read without spaces if you don't have kanji to "separate" words (imagine English, same thing), and it takes more space in general. One kanji is on average two or three kana, so (assuming full-width characters) lines become long, even longer with spaces between words. Try playing some game from the 90's, you'll immediately notice how much you're mushing A to proceed (unless it's not a plot-heavy game). You can try to mitigate it by using half-width katakana, but the drawbacks should be obvious.
Don't get me wrong, I love kanji, but I'm a chuuni retard (and I get unnaturally excited the moment I notice a character I don't know). Even if the Japanese government made a decision to ban kanji in their all public services and stopped teaching them at school, I (and many other people) would immediately flock to authors opposing it. Because kanji are cool.
See also: https://files.catbox.moe/70gy0n.webm

>> No.83091437

That's just because those games use very unusual kanji and since she was a normalfag she was never used to this unlike other holos

>> No.83091505

To be fair the average IQ of a vtuber is a 2 digit number

>> No.83091603

This. Subaru is cute and dumb (in a good way), if she was a native English speaker, she would not know entire words and/or would read them wrong. It's not language's fault, it's hers.

>> No.83091776


>> No.83091849
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These are the kind of girls you are dealing with dude

>> No.83092166

Kill yourself. Kanji is a part of the culture that makes Japan what it is.

What should happen is the Japanese government should offer grants to people that learn full kanji to preserve the language. Also offer subsidies to couples who have children but one thing at a time.

>> No.83092214

I'd chalk it up to the translation team for DDLC writing Japanese words and the Japanese typing software occasionally autosuggesting/inputting difficult kanji without regards on whether they're widely known by Japanese people or not.

>> No.83092288
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>> No.83092291

>the culture that makes Japan what it is
you mean the culture of grown-ass men and women reading manga for children instead of meaninful literature?

>> No.83092332

>there is nothing meaningful in manga or anime
Why are you even here you stupid nigger

>> No.83092345

>English higher than Japanese

>> No.83092358

Nene being the strongest at math will never not be funny

>> No.83092427

just make it romaji bwo, literally no downside except death of culture

>> No.83092461

Not even this, anon but
>instead of meaninful literature
The retard dont even know what the fuck he is talking about.

>> No.83092477
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The IME reflects the user. I've written so much edgy ramblings the first match after hitting space does not resemble anything a sane person would write.

>> No.83092500

But what did I say in that sentence?

>> No.83092604

"English" in Japanese education is literally learning saying stuff like "how are you?," "fine, and you?" and asking how to get to the airport throughout their entire school career. Kokugo (i.e., Japanese) is trying to figure out what feelings were the authors conveying.

>> No.83092637

Oh yeah, the preservation of "culture" has done wonders for Japan. This preservation has led to Increased-Birthrates, Economic-Incline, and Cultural-Rise, right? Oh wait, it's done the exact opposite of that. But all must be done in the name of cultural preservation, who gives a fuck about the people actually living in the present and those of the future.

>> No.83092653

read >>83091350 you retard, there's a lot of downsides, cultural aspect is a side effect

>> No.83092656

a literal retard...

>> No.83092814

Half of HoloJP can barely read because all they read is manga and light novels for 12 year olds that have furigana on all but the most common kanji.
Kanji will probably be dead in a generation or three because young japs don't read.

>> No.83092861

Hey retard, Japan's problems only began after WWII when it became an American outpost. If the retarded restrictions are taken off of the country and they're allowed to be prideful again and not be strong armed by the US economy they would prosper in every area.
So I say again, kill yourself. Likely jew.

>> No.83092873
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I'm telling Ayame about this thread

>> No.83093050

Do you understand English? Minor misunderstandings should be manageable. Why be so bothered or triggered? It might be better to focus on comprehension rather than corrections. If it’s too challenging, consider moving on. How is the OP getting away with it? It should be deleted.

>> No.83093091

this was unironically my experience as a foreigner when I first throught I'd play children's or retro games to help learn japanese and then found out that the 500-1000 hanzi I learned taking high school traditional chinese was way more meaningful than I thought.
And that I was very glad when pokemon added a kanji option in gen 5 or 6.

>> No.83093270

this the dude that killed himself in the balcony, right?

>> No.83093308
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>> No.83093446

how about some spaces then?
はは は は が すき

>> No.83093493
File: 237 KB, 2048x1536, Fnhuyx4aQAA5D0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not even what I said

>> No.83093528

spaces are dishonorable

>> No.83093589

ok sorry I missed one letter but the point stands

>> No.83093629

enjoy deciphering moon runes then fkrs

>> No.83093637

It's funny because most ultra weebs are lefties and these people are the same that defend japanese culture while the people in japan who want to preserve tradition are turbo right wing lmao

>> No.83093685

>one letter
How about the whole sentence?

>> No.83093924

holy mother of inserted world views, jesus christ
also the hardcorest of japanese cons dont like kanji cause they hate everything about china
also you'd be really surprised how reactionary and recent a lot of "traditional conservative views" are in just about every political system.
A really good example for westerners is how Ron Paul is basically just every standard republican view from the 80s, just he never sold the fuck out.

>> No.83093956

Why would you expect ex NND titty streamers to be geniuses ?

>> No.83094042

>Japan's problems only began after WWII
Actual retard.

>> No.83094067

yes anon it's the leftist black ships that forced a secluded JP to open their boarders.

>> No.83094085

Retard, Japan isn't unique in that. If not for endless waves of muslims and niggers, Germany would've died ten years ago.

>> No.83094097

>muh le hecking based japanernio

>> No.83094102

The last samurai

>> No.83094106

I'd say being able to read your own language is a tad below that level.

>> No.83094142

Just learn English

>> No.83094167

Not all languages have the same entry level some are really difficult and gate kept on purpose dur to different reasons being religious, political, historical or retarded.

>> No.83094170

he was also a raging homosexual

>> No.83094180

Best thing that hapened to Japan was 2 atomic bombs and being occupied by America. They have no idea the atrocities these motherfuckers did to other countries and its own people

>> No.83094187

Shut your mouth jew

>> No.83094244

I accept your concession.

>> No.83094266
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>> No.83094325

hey, nene as dumb as she is, is unironically the japanese equivalent of a CPA

>> No.83094328

So Sio stopped streaming because she was smart enough to have better prospects?

>> No.83094347 [DELETED] 

I hate kikes so much is unreal

>> No.83094353

I meant to write Shion...

>> No.83094375

You didn't even make an argument there's nothing to concede to, stupid kike

>> No.83094657

>some are really difficult and gate kept on purpose
t. EOP

>> No.83094661

Same but that was unrelated

>> No.83094666

As someone who's been trying to do their reps and learn the language, its fucking hard. All the characters, plus the ass backwards sentence structure makes my head hurt. I'm jealous of these girls who can speak both languages.

>> No.83094713

As someone who actually learned the language, it's actually easy. Most people just have mental barriers set up by their retarded education systems.

>> No.83094739

I don't speak template

>> No.83094977

I thought you meant to say :
haha ha hana ga suki
since that sentence gets used to argue for kanji often
now I don't have a Jp keyboard on this device so I only copy/pasted your sentence and added spaces in a rush
still, my point stands.
you're not arguing against adding spaces, you're only pointing out my mistake over and over
is that a hidden concession?

>> No.83095074

>According to the U.S. Department of Education, 54% of U.S. adults 16-74 years old - about 130 million people - lack proficiency in literacy, reading below the equivalent of a sixth-grade level

>> No.83095193

Bro I only said 刃は母が好き
How hard is that for you to understand? Have you even studied Japanese?

>> No.83095206

Got any suggestions for learning as a native english speaker? Everyone keeps telling me that at some point, it will just click and you'll just get it but I haven't got to that point yet. I know a few kanji, but I've been trying to memorize hiragana and its been a struggle

>> No.83095281

my oshi cure dolly unfucked it for me

>> No.83095501

Bro, I respect you Matrix level dodging
But I don't care about what you said
focus bro focus
and for words that sound the same but have different meanings, context should be enough
just like context is enough for people to understand each other in conversations

>> No.83095533

nah it won't work

>> No.83095558

ORRR an accent mark you dumb faggot.

>> No.83095568

perfect argument
thank you and have a nice day

>> No.83095662

>China is part of japanese culture
That's the problem.

>> No.83095807

Grammar is pretty easy but most learners fail at this somehow
The only difficult part is learning more kanji but you can actually do it in some months by reading regularly

>> No.83095912

Not that anon, but try this if you're struggling with hiragana (I always tell people to do this, you could look in the archives): print yourself a hiragana/katakana chart without Hepburn readings of the characters. Just kana, nothing else. The worst thing that people do is making a translation chart in their heads from Japanese to Latin alphabet. あ is not "a," it's あ, period. Next thing: you gotta memorize the order of characters, you gotta know what vowel each row is and what consonant each column is. Listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADqLniFy6ww if you can't memorize it, the song will stick in your head. Next: print a chart like that, hang it over your desk and start reading. It can be song lyrics, it can be shounen manga with yomigana over every character, just something that contains a lot of kana. Consult the chart on the wall any time you can't figure out the character. Find it, check the row, check the column. Soon you will "see" the chart in your head and be able to realize what sounds the characters make. Do it for an hour or so every day, you'll know kana in a week. Maybe two if you're a slow learner.
Consulting a chart with Hepburn readings or trying to memorize what each character stands for independently is completely counterproductive.

>> No.83095932

meant for >>83095206

>> No.83095979

You are fucktarded if you think any language NEEDS chinese characters. Homophones would just fall out of favor like they already have and people would use english loanwords or make longer japanese words. Japanese dictionaries are ~20% grg by now

>> No.83096001

still won't work

>> No.83096041

Language learners are just adults returning to being kids after all...

>> No.83096049

The blade likes its mother? What? Shouldn't it be 母は刃が好き? "Mother likes blades"?

>> No.83096075

You're absolutely right. Language "teachers" really don't want to admit that for some reason.

>> No.83096082

Just learn kana and grammar, everything after is secondary

>> No.83096083

Nope. You just don't understand the context. Which is why you NEED kanji.

>> No.83096104

Those homophobes? All me.

>> No.83096114

I don't try to argue with you, I agree that kanji should stay, I'm just comparing it to 俺はお前が好き, etc.

>> No.83096173

Kanji have surely helped gatekeep their country, which is based, but it is a stupidly arcane system in terms of practicality

>> No.83096216

>but most learners fail at this somehow
It's because a lot of people are more or less incapable disconnecting the language they're attempting to learn from their native language. It's like the language equivalent of those people with no imaginations that can't see images in their heads

>> No.83096231

Every major japanese city is overrun with indians so clearly the gatekeeping doesn‘t work all that well

>> No.83096249

これ は わり と まじ な はなし なん です けど
せんむし しま の たたかい は せんご の にほん に とって の ぶんすい れい てき な たたかい でした。
ほっかいどう に きょうとうほ を きずかれて いたら どこ まで それん に なんしん された か わかった もの では ない。
それ こそ、きょうかしょ で こーなー を さいても ふしぎ では ない ほど じゅうよう な たたかい で あり、たたかわれた しょうへい の みなさま の こうせき は おおきい の です。

>> No.83096314

>POV: it's 1987 and you just got a Fujitsu FM77AV.

>> No.83096341

could have skimmed that in 2 sec if it had kanji, thanks for showing how convenient they are

>> No.83096354

>watch barely sapient women who failed at everything before yagoo saved them from themselves
>suprised they can‘t read kanji well

>> No.83096356


>> No.83096393

>It's like the language equivalent of those people with no imaginations that can't see images in their heads
This. It's like with >>83095912 and kana charts, people try to first translate the foreign language into their native language and only then try to extract the meaning, instead of going straight for the meaning.

>> No.83096434

I guess that was the point... Kanji make reading easier and text more compressed, basically what >>83091350 said.

>> No.83096486

They should gatekeep a little harder.

>> No.83096492

Or just drill physically writing them for a few hours total then you can practice them in your head any time anywhere

>> No.83096562

Some people become more mentally stressed out without a sense of accomplishment, forcing yourself to write them endlessly does not immediate trigger the gratification mechanisms while reading and realizing you're starting to remember characters makes you feel satisfied and less likely to skip on the next session.
People need to feel progress, otherwise they get bored and consider all they did a waste of time.

>> No.83096645

Is that an actual black dude or a nihonjin in blackface. I feel like I'm going crazy.

>> No.83096768

I said a few hours total, not endlessly. Adding the specific muscle movements to the visual and audio components gets them stuck in your head more deeply and you can rehearse without paper really quickly
