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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 861 KB, 1280x720, Gura's clowned, in front of her kouhais, by the new EN Managers!【Hololive EN】 1-35 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8296982 No.8296982 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Gura so entitled? Is it because of her sub numbers? She keeps asking management for more game permissions and they complained that it's overkill when they could be playing the games they already got permissions for.


>> No.8297104

Why are managers so lazy?

>> No.8297135


>> No.8297145

Don't they literally just send out an email asking if they can stream and if so the requirements? You could send the same email to every company in like an hour. How is it even game specific? What do the managers even do?

>> No.8297147

sending a template email is haaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrdddd

>> No.8297152

Obviously it was a joke but the managers do sound like little bitches.

>> No.8297164

I hope she leaves hololive and goes indie again, management are clearly low-balling her in a feeble attempt to contain her

>> No.8297168

managers are chuds

>> No.8297181

literally their job kek, otherwise what type of relevant shit do managers do?

>> No.8297183

I bet if Gura doesnt ask for game... you will do like "Ughh, why Gura sooo lazy".

>> No.8297217

>have managers
>managers don't do their fucking job
why is Gura like this?

>> No.8297287

They are the new en2 managers. Not hers I think.

>> No.8297300 [DELETED] 

they're capitalist produced leeches. this is late-stage capitalism where you have pointless labor in order to oppress workers into not leaving your company or getting too full of themselves.
that's why companies are forcing workers back to the offices despite the obvious cost saving. managers don't want to look like clowns and need to yell at people and monitor everyone 24/7.

>> No.8297401
File: 221 KB, 700x702, holol management.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is Gura so entitled?
Getting permissions is literally the managers one and only job outside of middle management duties. If they can't do that, why the fuck do they have managers? You can hire people from costco and they would do the same job the management is doing now.

>> No.8297443


Do your fucking job

>> No.8297455

It's a fucking email and maybe some paperwork. It sounds like they hired some lazy fuckers who won't do the jobs and are instead hiding in corporate middleman jargon to keep from having to do it.
Apparently this is endemic in Japanese companies.

>> No.8297462

Because she is not Kiara who will assrape manager if they won't do their job.

>> No.8297464

Do what haachama does. Do it anyway and say sorry after.

>> No.8297484

What stops holos from getting game permissions themselves? Obviously ridiculous that they would have to but it would be funny if one of them went "i want these permissions" and Management says no but she gets the permissions on her own.

>> No.8297513

holy shit I love Haato now

>> No.8297542 [DELETED] 

Computer jobs aren't real work, you lumpenbourgeois fuck.

>> No.8297554

Then you have companies like Capcom which then give sends the manager a 140-page document that outline in asinine detail what you can and cannot stream; that they never read nor explain to the talents.

>> No.8297566

Technically nothing but I imagine Cover doesn't want them to do this. They pay the management to go through some kind of legal process with the publishers.

>> No.8297580 [DELETED] 


>> No.8297642

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the new managers got rejected at auditions and are now trying to get models like Achan did and become vtubers thrmselves

>> No.8297689 [DELETED] 

>/vt/ - Communism

>> No.8297695

Then the Corp loses the networking opportunity for a potential sponsor. I don't care how much they make off superchats, corporate vtubing doesn't work without sponsors and merch.

>> No.8297716

Nice try dramanigger

>> No.8297849

>Then the Corp loses the networking opportunity for a potential sponsor.
That doesn't even make sense, anon.

>> No.8297932

Someone makes a joke, Gura exaggerates it for comedic effect, schizos blow it out of proportion. Many such cases.

>> No.8298007

i fucking hate clippers and clipper watchers. why can't you all just fuck off and die already

>> No.8298049

Haachama is based enough to tell management to fuck off, and see what happens later. Basedchama

>> No.8298099

anon, obviously gura should just hire her own contract lawyer to do cover's license negotiations for them.

>> No.8298146

Only Japanese companies care about streaming permissions, no western dev cares if someone advertises their game for fucking free, however the bigger game companies have japanese branches which try to uphold the anal retentive laws on their end so you have western streamer outfits streaming anything the want whenever and Cover stuck in the shitter until they pay a diet member to change the law which is notoriously hard.

>> No.8298171

Now now, anon. Being a little whining bitch won't get you anywhere in life.

>> No.8298200

It's not a joke a manager should make in front of new talent that hasn't even debuted yet.
It's not about being too sensitive or shit like that. You never know of any of the new girls will take it too seriously and never request games.

>> No.8298241

And here we see a prime example of a schizo blowing it out of proportion. Truly fascinating.

>> No.8298287
File: 321 KB, 605x358, Watamelon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People here may be autistic spergs but even they can tell this was said in jest, seems whenever there's a stream, obsessed people like you nitpick every little thing to try and make drama out of it.

>> No.8298539

don't you schizos have imaginary friends to talk to?

>> No.8298711

I think Gura read the message wrong.... Gen2 is about to debut, and they didn't want to give the wrong impression to them on expectations for games and creative content so early in their careers.

>> No.8298744

>I have to send out my copy pasted email 6 times
>look at how hard I have to work gen2
no wonder cover is so shit. The managers are fucking volunteers or something.

>> No.8298747

getting permission for games is literally their one job

>> No.8298752

American managers literally complaining about having to do their jobs

>> No.8298898
File: 213 KB, 480x480, 1593492421802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isnt SCP in some legal hell? I doubt she'd get permission for that

>> No.8298905

Gura's manager also has to tell her she's not allowed to collab with jp whores.

>> No.8298910

Business as usual

>> No.8298940

>Russian copyrights

>> No.8299000

Bots would do a better job. They could flood devs into submission.

>> No.8299044

It's asinine. I send out purchase order emails to companies on a daily basis and I have a template in which all I change is the PO number, account number, and the PO attachment. I have a similar template for requesting invoices and the whereabouts of missing product, quite literally a trained monkey could do what I do so I don't know what exactly these 'managers' are complaining about.

>> No.8299123

Some stupid legalese. That guy who made Undertale Toby or something gave a blanket statement that all Holos could play any of his games on Twitter but since it didn't come from official corporate channels it somehow didn't count. Obviously they did go through the proper procedure but you'd think a blanket statement by the owner and creator would be enough but it wasn't/

>> No.8299139

Based retard.

>> No.8299528

>playing devil's advocate here
There's probably more to it than that. There may be some costs involved that would involve going back and forth negotiating and getting the okay from Clover's accounting. May be issues with localizations, like when the girl's could only play the recent RE with Japanese voice acting. Then there could be issues with copyrighted content within the game, like music. I doubt it's as simple as just shooting an email and getting an "Sure, go ahead." back. Maybe with small indie titles it's that simple, but any with a publisher involved is probably complicated.
>done playing devil's advocate
They can't expect their streamers to keep playing the same games week after week though. If they're annoyed with her for requesting a game and only playing it for an hour one time that's one thing, but she's obviously only going to do one playthrough of something like DMC and they can't expect her not to request something else when she's finished.

>> No.8300619

I mean it's Gura's fault for requesting so many games at once instead of one by one.

>> No.8300841

wouldn't be a problem if gura is as diligent as the managers
stream more you shark whore

>> No.8300860

Maybe the manager wants her to finish the games instead of just dropping them after one 2-hour stream.

>> No.8300912

Have you not seen her schedule for next week?

>> No.8300963

Hololive managers need to shut the fuck up and get to work, sounds like

>> No.8301034

She streams every day. Get friends, a job, or go back to school.

>> No.8301079

You reap what you sow with your insistence to have permissions. A lot of these companies already have rules for streaming their game so people wouldn't bother them all the time. Arcsys outright said they're not staffed to handle requests like that for everyone and their mom to get individual permissions.

>> No.8301132

Don't take Gura ribbing management too seriously. If anything you should be glad that management aren't turbo-fascists the talent are afraid to criticize. Try to put things into perspective.

>> No.8301199

And you think lying, creating imaginary scenarios about a bunch of girls you have never met in life on a basket weaving forum will?

>> No.8301276
File: 342 KB, 750x745, E0B6DF38-D5C4-4F99-9E0B-B51EDBD26785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine not having a red bull gaming sponsored oshi that gets to play whatever AAA shooter she wants in between her sponsored Xbox streams

>> No.8301395

someone just needs to formulate a standard permissions template, then the game company would have to agree to use that for requests, then the permissions contracts etc just get auto-loaded into a queue for the company exec to sign

>> No.8301400

With how popular hololive is youd think theyd be handed review copies left and right by now. Someone is being incompetent but I dont know which party

>> No.8301455

She exposed that it’s difficult for her to get permissions, even if that turns into a joke. If she didn’t make it somewhat funny, it might be taken that she disliked them.

>> No.8301603

Permissions take a long time to get because Cover are paranoid retards and want to get everything down legally and in writing, they don't trust devs to not retroactively pull permissions then try to fuck them over with Youtube.

>> No.8301705

Managers apply pressure for the talents to only stream Apex forever.

>> No.8301720

That actually sounds petty as hell that they'll bitch about her in front of the new girls. Do they seriously expect everyone to be content with playing the same 12 games indefinitely?

>> No.8301781

rrat: COVER would be more relaxed about permissions but due to the great humiliation endured by 3 billion chongoloids when coco said "Taiwan" once (and the publisher for muse dash pulled permissions), they are now paranoid about covering their asses

>> No.8301783

>Oh nyooo, the mangers have to do their job

One day you're complainging that Gura is phoning it in, the next it's this

>> No.8301813

And it's "new" management, meaning they're being disrespectful right out the gate.

>> No.8301893
File: 19 KB, 273x356, boredshadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do YOU fucking think?

>> No.8301971

showing managers who's boss, could shark be any more based?

>> No.8302017

from the way she said, the manager was just teasing gura. you schizos are making everything seem like a bigger deal than it actually is

>> No.8302042

>She exposed that it’s difficult for her to get permissions
Seems fairly difficult to get permissions in general. Think about all the people this type of stuff could potentially have to go through: Managers, Lawyers, Publishers, Developers, Intellectual Property Owners, and so on. All these people have to read e-mails, make an informed decision, and either respond themselves or kick the request up the chain. If at any point the communication hits someone that just goes "nope" then the whole thing becomes a waste of time. I don't have to remind you that time is money, and a corporation abhors wasting time.

>> No.8302078

All the red tape IS wasting time, assuming the managers aren't lazy pieces of shit.

>> No.8302141

>new managers are failed chuubas
>they are resentful of the real talent
I like this rrat.

>> No.8302156

manager hands typed this.

>> No.8302207

Japanese publishers got wise to how much money streamers are making and demand a cut now, that's why VA union shit is relevant

>> No.8302238

>management mad that they have to do their jobs.

>> No.8302244

>Managers shame Gura (one of the biggest holo's) in front of new generation

Yeah, I'm thinking this gen is gonna fucking suck dick if managers are restricting what "fun" games can be had especially with the new blood coming in.

>> No.8302651 [DELETED] 

Based post

>> No.8302719

>it goes from manager, to lawyer, to publishers, to developers, to…
It’s permission to play a game. I don’t think a lawyer is paid crazy money for each permission.
>then the whole thing becomes a waste of time
Asking for stuff isn’t a waste of time, if their job is to do that stuff.

>> No.8302763

It started with Nijiniggers and various vtuber antis from NND going targeting them (especially Korone, who NND users hated for her previous life) after Nintendo publicly posted a list of companies that had permission to stream and monetize their games (Cover didn't have permission but was doing it anyways) followed by Capcom slapping Mio on the ass in front of YAGOO a few months later causing the Holocaust.

>> No.8302935

And if she watns to tell the old men at management to fuck off she can tweet: ''I Love Hololive!! the only way for me to retire if it something bad happens, HOLOLOVE'' boy they would hate her but she would become virtually untouchable.

>> No.8303178

Can you spoonfeed me anon? what was the doog's previous life like that people hated ?

>> No.8303182

This. They're so absurdly careful because there is a mountain of antis ready to report Cover for the slightest fuck up.

>> No.8303184

They already did that. Nintendo is infamous for it. I just assumed you could set it up in a way that the company gets a percentage.

>> No.8303243

>management crying about being asked to do it's goddamned job
cry som moar and get back to work, you lazy cunts.

>> No.8303368

Top talent is asking because the stuff they already have permissions for has been done to death. They want the girls to run every game into the ground and get played by 30+ talents then have them ask for one new permission and play that to death.

>> No.8303445

she was one of them but took the success she had there to join a corporation and become a v豚

>> No.8303544

so, envy

>> No.8303606

Isn't that just because nip devs are autistic as fuck about permissions whereas western devs hand them out like candy? and because MS will take absolutely any marketing opportunity in nipland in the hope that THIS TIME they'll break into the JP market

>> No.8303705

we are talking about women, what did you expect

>> No.8303805

Fuck lazy Salarymen

They all just act like they're working because Jap work culture is shitty busy work

>> No.8303907 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 536x688, Managment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a numbers point of view, the mangers would be putting in extra work for the same pay
So why bother when Gura can just keep playing the same 3-4 games everyone else does and they get paid anyway?
Alternatively, All hololive members pay Yagoo/Cover 30% of their Superchat income to do whatever he does

>> No.8304163

Plenty of Americans that move to Japan and work in a Japanese office quickly find out how little work the nips actually do in a workday. The whole idea is too appear busy and work long hours to seem dedicated but in reality you do less work in 12 hours than the new gaijin does in under 8.

>> No.8304199 [DELETED] 

>From a numbers point of view, the mangers would be putting in extra work for the same pay
because it's their fucking job to trust the talent.

I'm actually a contract manager for venues (bands, sports, etc.) in my city and it's my job to make sure everything goes smoothly.
It's everyone else's job to do their fucking job and for me to trust them.
Just because I'm a manager doesn't mean I can entertain, or do lighting, or do sound so if the sound guy comes up to me, telling me I need to find a way to move some lights in order for him to move some speakers to get the best sound possible, I'm not gonna turn to the light guy and say, "ha get a load of this fucking retard!"

No, I'm gonna do my fucking job and trust that everyone under me knows what their doing as well.

>> No.8304251 [DELETED] 

I trust you to do your job
You can pay me in cash

>> No.8304300

I think it's different for livestreaming. Your job ends after the project ends. Their job is constant after getting the permission. They still watch over the streams. They also monitor chat and comments after. I'm pretty sure permissions are handled by another person. Not exactly by their manager.

>> No.8304342

Are you deaf retard she litterally gave you your answer, "watashi wa gamer desu" if you don't speak nihongo that means it's because she's a gamer.

>> No.8304392

I always hear Marine, Korone, Subaru. Polka and other Holos describe the manager job more as a glorified goffer that makes things happen by sending request that the vtuber wants done to the management. They are also at times just their "friend" they talk to. It isn't just permissions. Polka's manager is more like a paid friend/mother to Polka

>> No.8304465

>I don’t think a lawyer is paid crazy money for each permission.
A lawyer gets paid crazy money to do anything. They have retainer fees. That said, your point still has merit: If a publisher wants to talk legalese then COVER might just break off the attempt immediately.
>Asking for stuff isn’t a waste of time, if their job is to do that stuff.
It's their job, but their job is also a lot of other things. They have to make judicious use of that time.

>> No.8304474


>> No.8304523

wait, gura can't play gartic phone? why?

>> No.8304533

Because shes Gura

>> No.8304563

I think A-chan would be a better fit that describes what you do as well. She's a project manager that pretty much makes anything music related happen from conceptualization to actual execution. Managers are just Baby Sitters.

>> No.8304573

If management is really this shitty, no wonder Coco fucking left lol

Won't be long until Gura amd the rest starts seeing the light too

>> No.8304581

Gura doesn't trust her fans to not do some weird bullshit.
Schizos interpreted her words, however, as a manager stopping her.

>> No.8304585

>Managers are just friends to the idols
Man how much do you think they get paid? How do you even apply to be a hololive manager? Do you think being a Japanese teacher and having a bachelors in the language could get me a cushy job talking to cute girls?

>> No.8304587 [DELETED] 

based, Gura was all along a commie

>> No.8304625

Potentially because one of Pekora's fans heiled Hitler a little too hard.

>> No.8304643

Pekora got an anti making swastikas on her first garctic alone. Gura will probably attract more retards like that. She can do an members only. Gura is just dumb and takes hings at face value

>> No.8304652

Kiara talks about her manager in the same way, who she also shares her with Ame and Gura.
Gen 2's manager made a tongue in cheek joke and the autists here are losing their shit thinking it was her own manager saying it.
As for the bossa nova, Kiara already explained the reason why they can't use it. Youtube's AI detects it as copyright infringement and demonetizes them.

>> No.8304664

why dont you stop being a fucking brat, gura

>> No.8304666

Gura needs a lawyer big time before she re ups her contract.
She should be able to get anything she wants. Imagine if she quit and said something like "I dont like what management was trying to force me to do and they wouldnt work with me at all"

It would create a new level of anti unlike the world has ever seen.

>> No.8304680

enma is a chink spy who pressured coco to graduate

>> No.8304693

because she said before that she didn't care about weird bullshit and wanted to try gartic phone anyway, and sounded like she was about to cry. management obviously stopped her.

>> No.8304702

So Holo managers are glorified menhera handlers?

>> No.8304712

I mean, american's arent chinks though. We just wanna play with cute grill streamer not give a shit because someone lives in a more advanced society then we do, and also recognizes that taiwan exists as a nation.

>> No.8304725

because i didn't wanted a work, i only wanted to watch cute anime girls

>> No.8304741

>sounded like she was about to cry
now that bit I don't remember

>> No.8304746

They would hire Japanese people over foreigners any day for manager positions.

>> No.8304780

It really makes you think how Gura is so fucking retarded as a person. Kiara loves their manager and always praises her. If you only go by Gura's stories, she sounds like a prude. If you go by Ame's stories, she sounds like she can be bullied

>> No.8304822

The Pekora troll is from America

>> No.8304828

>Kiara loves their manager and always praises her.
Watch streams retard Kiara has openly bitched about how useless her manager is quite a few times.

>> No.8304879

Her remarks aren't directed towards her manager. It's mostly to management as a whole retard

>> No.8304884
File: 476 KB, 640x640, sadshark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also want to play Gartic phone with everybody, yeah. I know stuff would - I know people would probably be cheeky about it, but honestly, I'm kinda thinking like, either... either we - we just do it, right, and we - we get all the - the garbage people are gonna do out of the way. We get the unfunnies out of the way, or we just never get to do these types of things. You know what I mean? Like, I want to do all these things and I don't want to have to, I don't know... I'd like to play games with all of you guys... but... we could do it as a collab, but I don't know, I - I WANTED to try with you guys...

>> No.8304886

Yes, she changed her mind. She's a human, that happens.

>> No.8304887

No respectable talented employee would work for peanuts "managing" idols. They're glorified incompetent from the bottom of the pile.

>> No.8304914

you actually retarded boi

>> No.8304926

She bitches about upper management being useless, not her own manager.
Upper management is where ideas go to die.

>> No.8304952

>glorified assistants

>> No.8304973

It's either you only watch clips or not a member

>> No.8304982

fuck off, manager.

>> No.8305008

right, she didn sound upset. that was just 1-2 days after the pekora funnyman

>> No.8305016

And then Kiara plays gartic phone 3 times before their collab. They have the same manager. Sounds like empty whining to me

>> No.8305019

Filthy management hands wrote these.

>> No.8305037 [DELETED] 

based and red pilled

>> No.8305056

They also probably see she does a lot of one and done shit.

>> No.8305060

That comic is retarded. The workers wouldn't have the capital to purchase the machines they use. No machines, no job. I don't understand how people are so dumb that they think just because they're employed to sell coffee for 3 bucks a cup they're entitled to all 3 dollars because they personally made the coffee rather than the agreed on wage for them to perform that specific duty.

>> No.8305087

Gartic phone can get pretty yabai, or can the host filter the images?

>> No.8305142

Plenty of Americans do the same.

>> No.8305349

Well, you can cover the screen and skip if it's yabai. Kiara didn't have any problems.

>> No.8305370 [DELETED] 

If only, I wish. But most of 4chan is still bugers brainwashed by the myth of the self made man thinking they can "make it" if they work hard enough and sacrifice their life for it, while people simply born with the right parents will continue to exploit them and laugh their ass off as people who would benefit from taxes vote against those like nice little sheeps.

>> No.8305469

I get the feeling Gura lets her "manager" boss her around. Like people have said they're not really managers, they're more like assistants and gofers. It should be Gura calling the shots, not the person who gets her morning coffee. Gura obviously doesn't have an assertive personality though so if her manager says "I don't think that's a good idea" she probably goes "Y-Yeah ok"

>> No.8305524

Sorry, she has to play Shinymas, Minecraft and Henry Stickman like everyone else all the time.

>> No.8305529

She sounded pretty upset/frustrated.

>> No.8305549 [DELETED] 

Fascism > Communism
Communism is for retards who still want to live like bugmen living in their free apartment.

>> No.8305570

I would unironically watch Hololive play strictly and only minecraft forever

>> No.8305590

I meant to type "she did sound upset", it's a bit late in the night here

>> No.8305683

She wanted to do a drill sergeant style alarm for her birthday merch and managers said no. It's crazy for anyone to suggest Gura just 180s on Gartic Phone when managers regularly do this shit.

>> No.8305749
File: 56 KB, 702x702, 20210821_223409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are chumbuds literal children? Have you ever worked in an office or in any professional capacity? The person was obviously making a fucking joke. It's like saying "Calm down there speed racer." when someone drives a little fast or "Leave some work for the rest of us." when someone does a bunch on one task. It's called busting someone's chops. The amount of people taking this comment so seriously is fucking staggering. I never realized how brain dead chumbuds really care but this thread proves it. Holy shit.

>> No.8305865

Yeah, they busted Coco's chops real good, not to mention Mel's.

>> No.8305876

Again how can the managers say no to her? Gura is just a wimp who doesn't know how to leverage her popularity properly. She needs to hire an actual agent to represent her, because the Vtubers aren't actually employees of Cover, they're contractors and pay for the merch out of their own pockets.

>> No.8305917

Comparing this to Coco or Mel proves how brain dead you are.

>> No.8305924

>How do you get the machines?
>My capital.

>> No.8305927 [DELETED] 

I'd take any of those 2 over current capitalism, they're not even that different from each other, even facism moes toward an objective that transcends individual egoism.

>> No.8305983

I don't actually beleive it, I just want to be upset at something.

>> No.8305993

>defending managers after their constant incompetence.

>> No.8306071
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1616339145460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn get to watch Gura play Pressure Wash Simulator

>> No.8306081

Youre basing your entire knowledge of a situation on bread crumbs and table scraps. But keep seething through, dramafagging is a serious mental illness.

>> No.8306086
File: 153 KB, 382x352, w1600067729531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it chumbuds and not just chums?

>> No.8306141

One of the few girls that understood their leverage and how companie work eventually got isolated pushed to leaving on her own, nips are the worst about this kind of shit.

>> No.8306159

why is it teamates and not just tea?

>> No.8306184

ogey, manager-san.

>> No.8306208

Imagine complaining about having to do your job. Imagine thinking it's hard work having to send out a template email. These managers are a fucking joke.

>> No.8306254

No one calls their friends tea

>> No.8306257


>> No.8306300
File: 28 KB, 355x319, 3try65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even a Gura fan, but you guys can never be happy with her.
>/vt/ shits on her for barely streaming, calling her lazy for months
>Gura finally gives a solid reasoning, /vt/ accuses her of using her celebrity status to "bully" a corporation, a fucking corporation
Like what the fuck do you want her to do? Boring Superchat streams like the rest of EN?

>> No.8306388

Gura finally got the balls to pull a Kiara. About time honestly. It is actual bullshit that the vtuber with the largest subs in the world is getting her chain jerked by middle management. Kizuna AI at her peak had people literally trying to beat the door down for sponsorships and to play their game.

Gura isn't even being ridiculous here she understands people get tired of the same 3 games and that her Bus Simulator stream was one of her best streams in a long time.

>> No.8306390

It's almost like people don't actually care and just want to hate on the easiest target

>> No.8306407

Anon we're not roasting Gura, we're roasting the management saying that her doing her job is, "overkill".
They also thought it appropriate to say that shit in front of all the new hires too, which will do nothing but scare them from requesting unique and fun games and will instead stick to the same boring shit we've seen thousands of times from everyone else playing it.

>> No.8306414

>Using leverage or trying to force Cover's hands
Yeah, good luck doing this to a Japanese company anon. This is how you get the Coco treatment. They will straight up purposefully isolate you from everyone, shoot down all your ideas, and passive aggressively bully you until you have a mental breakdown and leave. Its the Japanese way.

>> No.8306517

Superchat streams are actually the most entertaining streams if the streamer has a good personality and can bounce off their chat well. Look at Nene. Guras streams are already boring anyway.

>> No.8306536

Aren't they already doing this?

>> No.8306540

I think people on here aren't familiar with how Japanese businesses work. If you go against the grain or challenge upper management in any way, they'll purposefully go out of their way to ignore all your ideas, keep you as isolated as possible, be as passive-aggressive as possible, and bully you until you fucking snap and quit or kill yourself.

>> No.8306583

It makes me wish either Botan or Pekora knew english. They could teach Gura how to get around permission loopholes.

>> No.8306649

What do you think happened to Coco anon? In Japan they have very solid laws about firing employees and what not, plus the culture stigma behind it over there. So instead, they mindfuck you into paste through bullying so that you jump off a building, go visit the forest, or quit and probably do one of the above options afterwards.

>> No.8306654

This used to happen in America until managers got shot.

>> No.8306685
File: 1.49 MB, 2200x2200, Giga Nyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol She was the first in the company to play Stickmin, they probably got permissions for the whole company because of her. Same with Assetto Corso. She might be an ADHD little shit, but getting more and newer game permissions benefits the entire company.

>> No.8306719

When you realize there's the other vtubers in the same fucking company and even with the same manager that is doing better with permissions and game variety, you just know that the problem is the person themselves.

>> No.8306737

I'm looking forward to watch gen2 playing the same "first month" games

>> No.8306752

lol why even ask, 99% of Twitch streamers with higher viewcounts never ask for those, just stream it

>> No.8306768

>wait you mean I have to WORK to be able to leech off the most popular vtuber in the world?

>> No.8306798

In america there's barely any real protections or rights for employees. Bosses can fire you for whatever made up reason they want, and 9 times out of 10 you have to take it, cause suing them costs money and time you don't have.

>> No.8306836

>In the West, you either become a wagecuck or die in the streets
>In the East, you're guaranteed a job, but have to work in a shit-tier work culture
why does working in this world suck to much?

>> No.8306883

And that's how Hololive nearly got murdered by Capcom. You goddamned idiot, rules for Corpos are enforced far more harshly than on indies.

>> No.8306934

Amazon is willing to back the notion of fair use for streaming games on their platform. Google, on the other hand, just let an algorithm block an unlisted stream by Nyanners from being uploaded as a VOD because one of the songs she was practicing for her karaoke stream on Monday probably had an instrumental passage without her singing over it trigger the DCMA lockout.

>> No.8306955
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>Japanese middle management bitching that they have to do work

>> No.8306987

Vshojo isn't an indie though, and they can stream whatever the fuck they want

>> No.8306988

If the manager is also the owner then it's different but in Hololive the management didn't create or purchase any of the assets

>> No.8307002

Capitalism is a hell of a thing anon. Plus Japan and America are both turbo-conservative shitholes, so that plays a big role as well. Either way, the worker always loses.

>> No.8307055

You know looking back, Hololive would've ended up like ENTUM if it wasn't for the summer boom.

>> No.8307092

Yeah they are idividual streamers. its a lot harder to sue or go after a single person. However Cover is a big ass company. It'd be cakewalk for Nintendo or Capcom to take them to court of illegally streaming their games or demand a percentage of the cuts. They are a huge free target for any video game company to go after.

>> No.8307098

VShojo isn't playing by Japan's (lack of) fair use laws.

>> No.8307133

>supposedly management bullies coco by ignoring her every request and segregating her
>coco graduates to... do the exact same thing she was doing and becomes unable to collab on stream with literally 99% of her entire friend circle
This narrative doesn't even make sense

>> No.8307147

Vshojo doesn't have to worry about Japan's non-existent fair use laws.

>> No.8307158

They usually pretend it's a lay off.

>> No.8307233

Well for starters VShojo isn't getting nowhere near as many sponsor deals that Hololive has, plus tassling with Overseas entertainments in court is a whole other beast than going after Cover whom resides in Japan. It's the reason when a lot of westerners get away with spoiling games and leaking information.

>> No.8307244

Why can't they just do their job? It seems like these managers have very little to do since the girls have to basically do all the shit that actually has to be done for streaming and making music, and yet there are always complaining or being incompetent.

>> No.8307400

I'm almost certain hololive is already paying out the ass for nintendo permissions. Nintendo has them by the balls and they know it. I think that's why they can't guerilla stream nintendo games, the deal might be a percentage of every stream so it has to planned ahead of time.

>> No.8307436

>Is quarantined away from everyone for months
>Is upset that she can't do what she wants
>Is left to suffer under the constant Chinese anti harassment for months before getting any help
>Was creatively stifled and not allowed to be creative in any way
Yeah anon, she totally wasn't bullied out of Hololive for causing them trouble. No chance a Japanese company would ever purposefully bully an employee into killing themselves or quitting.

>> No.8307496

Cover is shit and takes more than they give to the girls, but to be fair there's no better option in the vtuber corpo world. Nijisanji is a black company pretending to not be one.

>> No.8307560

Japanese companies are fucking clowns. Nintendo are extremely anti-consumer and if it was up to them, streaming even a second of Mario's stupid plumber ass would result in death via seppuku. They are extremely backass over in Japan with their laws on free use. Companies like Nintendo and Capcom can bend Cover over whenever they feel like it.

>> No.8307568

Yagoo is a pushover, Cover is filled with nepotism hires and apparently the internal culture is like a typical tech startup where people are more interested in having fun than doing their actual jobs. I'm sure Cover is a great place to work, but at some point you have to hold people accountable and people like Marine who want to keep their incompetent managers because they have "passion" are not helping the situation. Cover desperately needs people who will actually do their fucking jobs properly rather than being best buds with the talent.

>> No.8307619

If you have a positive or neutral image getting a sponsor isn't that difficult. Doesn't have to be some major or global company, the smaller ones are usually dying to get more exposure anyway. You literally just reach out to the brand you want to work with through phone or email and work out the details. Kinda tells me vshojo either doesn't want it, doesn't have someone on staff to do that, or the person sucks at their job.

>> No.8307631

Does Japanese law actually allow companies to sue for streaming games? That would never fly in the US.

>> No.8307702

With how many companies are purposefully cracking down on sex work of any kind and trying to wipe it off the internet, Melody's very existence probably means getting any realistic sponsorships is next to impossible.

>> No.8307738

>Do you think being a Japanese teacher and having a bachelors in the language could get me a cushy job talking to cute girls?
Doubt it. Even if you could you could end up like Lamy's manager, who she bullies the fuck out of.

>> No.8307761

Did you not watch any of the JP Holos play Henry Stickmin? Every time the game referenced a Nintendo game or any other big Japanese video game, they would always freak out and ask if that's safe/okay to do.

>> No.8307769

>idle trading simulator
sounds like a really dumb idea for a stream but it sounds interesting if it's gura ....

>> No.8307778

Right because US EU or CA are so much better with rampant sjw and anti male culture infecting everything

>> No.8307812

>Medieval 2
Has nothing to do with Japan or anime
American propaganda

>> No.8307820

Lamy is based. Also helps she's a Yakuza Princess. She won't take shit from puffed up middle managers.

>> No.8307830

>Leeching their paychecks and spending their time flirting with the talents.
Maybe this could be overlooked if they did literally anything right, instead of releasing a butchered Country Roads cover and rhombus model with fucking holes in it.

>> No.8307853

I'm not saying that they couldn't, i'm just saying because of their lack of sponsorships is why no company has their eyes on them to ask for permissions. It's understandable since their brand is still new but even if they did, Cpacom or Sega hasn't gone after any major streamer in the west as far as I know.

>> No.8307874

One of their talents has a strong Russian following and could potentially pave the way for them to get a Russian/Slavic expansion. Avoid stepping on the cat's tail.

>> No.8307901

This is why Homolive's idol thing was the right move, way better for sponsorship deals.

>> No.8307914

/pol/ is that way anon. Please feel free to stay in your containment board for now on.

>> No.8307926

Replace those with any games you want to see any holo play, really. While those Mumei strategy game larpers are extremely schizoid, there is at least some demand for games and genres that haven't been played before

>> No.8307971

>but it sounds interesting if it's gura ....
that's exactly why it can be a fun idea for a stream, the idea of a anime shark-girl having to play the stock market is so absurd and interesting, imagine if she gets really into it and freaks out once she goes broke, or if she ends up being really good at it.

>> No.8308041

So you're saying that she got bullied by being basically completely ignored and segregated by the company, so she left the company to be completely alone without a chance of collabing with any of her friends and to stream the exact same stuff she was doing before, for what reason? You're not even trying to argue that the company was actively bullying her and instead just treated her as non existant

>> No.8308113
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I don't see why it's such a huge deal since Gura is only asking for small dev games. Since they make their talents pay for everything anyways, Gura herself could pay out of pocket for permissions.
Or fuck they'll just let her stream their games anyways since it's free promotion. It's not like Calli asking for a major corporation like Atlus for permissions.

>> No.8308123 [DELETED] 

>This is the power of commie logic
If the market goes under and the company is forced to sell goods at a loss for a while, does the employee shoulder that by paying his employers?

>> No.8308173

it's the other way around anon. it may look a joke but the talents requesting so many games is for them to have safety nets in case that one game will not be permitted.

>> No.8308198

there's a difference between being isolated by force and being isolated by choice

>> No.8308205

the only game from her list that I could see making trouble is 12 Minutes, because it's a story game. Think Capcom being assholes about the Ace Attorney series or Atlus restricting streamers from playing P5 past month x. Multiplayer games enjoy free promotion

>> No.8308229

I'm pointing out what you perceive as their anti-consumer practices is what prevents them from becoming like the other EN speaking countries which have their own version of anti-consumer practices that are worse. Why are you this dumb

>> No.8308300 [DELETED] 

If the company is going under the manger might have to take a pay cut or be let go since the worker can't afford to keep paying him

>> No.8308323

>being isolated by force
>can collab with literally everyone in the company but EN
>being isolated by choice
>can never ever collab again with anyone but that one friend that wasn't in hololive
Yeah it's a pretty big difference now that you say it

>> No.8308330

he shoulders it by being fired and replaced by a hungry immigrant that's willing to work twice as hard for less money

>> No.8308353

>Muh SJW boogyman
>forced anti male culture
Like I said anon /pol/ is that way. It's best if you don't break containment from now on.

>> No.8308360
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Kiara said managers have to send permissions to their legal department who then handles communicating with the publisher or dev. So it has to go through at least two rounds of Cover bureaucracy and lawyers for something Western publishers and devs don't even consider.

So getting permissions in the form that Cover wants is probably a lot of paper work and nagging, no matter who they're asking.

>> No.8308371

You know the logic is just "me want more money" anon, they don't know how business actually functions. To those people businesses are natural entities that just exist and some people control them unfairly. The genuinely think nothing would change if the slob who works the cash register at GameStop was the owner.

>> No.8308411

Nyanners is sponsored by Square Enix.

Snuffy is also sponsored by SEGA, though she's not officially VShojo.

Melody also currently has a sponsored sign up drive going on with Raid: Shadow Legends, and while I agree that's a super trashy and overly opportunistic sponsor that barely qualifies as legitimate, it still probably pays well. Sony lost the videotape format wars despite Betamax being arguably superior and earlier than VHS partly because they weren't willing to aggressively push into the pornography market.

>> No.8308424

either you're blind or intentionally ignored all the posts defending management at gura's expense

>> No.8308434 [DELETED] 

The issue with this comic is technically the inventors of those machines should be getting the profit, not the workers.
Unless that worker is also an engineer, he's fucked once they take that machine away from him.

>> No.8308451

>Replace those with any games you want to see any holo play, really.
Strategy games as a whole are out because they bore spectators. Battlefield command games are either politicized, or made to be strong simulation games before anything else.
Even simulators like Rimworld went under (poor Marine). All I can think of would be fighting games, and watching my oshi lose her life grinding out the required skills to be good at Tekken or Virtua Fighter isn't my idea of fun.

>> No.8308510 [DELETED] 

That's not what socialism advocates for. What it pushes for is every employee to own a stake in the business. That way they have a voice in things. They vote on shit that directly affects them and their livelihood. They have a say in their job, even if small. Collective ownership gives workers a real voice.

>> No.8308533

Niji: Can I play this game?
Niji manager: Ok let me get perms
Holo: Can I play this game?

Is this right?

>> No.8308570

You are this dumb, got it. Good luck with that.

>> No.8308579 [DELETED] 

>What it pushes for is every employee to own a stake in the business
You can do this right now with co-operatives. No-one uses them because they don't work in practice.

>> No.8308595

>gura wants to play the stock market game cause she's thinking about how to protect her new found wealth from the coming inflation crisis

>> No.8308620

Out of the hundred IPs in this thread how many actually watched the clip

>> No.8308637

>Is this right?
Yes. Being on top makes you complacent and the HoloEN managers just want to cash a pay check.

>> No.8308638

>Unnecessary paper-pushing is the problem
Huh never thought about that, thanks for explaining anon.

>> No.8308681

The fuck are you saying? What's MC got to do with Japan or anime?

CoD is globalist shit too.

>> No.8308696 [DELETED] 

The worker isn't paying him anything. The customers are paying for the goods he buys from the workers at a set rate, the rate the worker agreed to, because the worker values security over potential profit. If he wants more, he can get paid based on commission.
No, his contract with the company was terminated because they couldn't continue to promise continuous payment. He no longer provides his labor, and they no longer pay him. He's not shouldering the company's burdens.

>> No.8308698
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I didn't.

>> No.8308725 [DELETED] 

They have also been demonized in our country thanks to McCarthyism and the great red evil of socialism. You can have unions in the US anon, but good luck getting one going, as the company will send union busters to shatter the union and use dirty illegal methods to force workers to give up. We need proper safety nets in this country, and giving workers a small but guaranteed voice in how their business operates and banning shit like union busters, would go a long way to giving workers much better rights in this country.

>> No.8308751

>Managers buy goods from their workers

>> No.8308778

>What's MC got to do with Japan or anime?
Minecraft is separated from the real world. Medieval wars, specifically in Europe? Only the ENs might have any interest, but then you have the fact that "Total War" can't model war at all. Just stiff battles.
>CoD is globalist shit too.
>Kill Russians cuz bad

>> No.8308781

Do people follow all 30 talents cause I only follow 2 and they haven't had any overlap

>> No.8308788

I didn't even know it's about a clip, I don't watch anything Hololive anymore.

>> No.8308806

The manager isn't the one paying him either. I'm using shorthand. The company owner(s) decides these things, directly or indirectly.

>> No.8308815

Niji managers can offload their work to Sony who has the connections in the industry to really grease the wheels of bureaucracy. In comparison Hololive are literal whos cold calling companies and making them fill out paperwork.

>> No.8308836

I watched it, but I forgot what she said.

>> No.8308912

>Minecraft is separated from the real world. Medieval wars, specifically in Europe? Only the ENs might have any interest, but then you have the fact that "Total War" can't model war at all. Just stiff battles.
Irrelevant, I wouldn't want to watch that shit but doesn't mean they shouldn't get permissions for anything the streamer requests.

>Kill Russians cuz bad
It was an evil individual that happened to be Russian, using mercernaries of multiple nations.

>> No.8308921

Niji has way more members

Once a game has permission its shared across the entire company.
Not to mention Niji has a varied selection of streamers with wildly different tastes.
I remember Selen saying she was pushing for starcraft permissions. later NijiKr took advantage and set up streams before Selen.

>> No.8308949

Suisei says that she's one of the few that "fights" with the management and she always "causes troubles" with them. The girls are the problem, Gura in this case needs to be aggressive.

>> No.8308990

>Irrelevant, I wouldn't want to watch that shit but doesn't mean they shouldn't get permissions for anything the streamer requests.
Who's requesting Medieval 2, and why hasn't their internet been cut?
>It was an evil individual that happened to be Russian, using mercernaries of multiple nations.
"Happened to be". Anon, you know that's how Russians operate in general, right?

>> No.8308994

Also remember, the management is full of jealous women who get mogged by their talent's salaries. The seethe would be real.

>> No.8309002

Selen got the Starcraft permissions that allowed KR to play. She said that there's a long list of games she's working on getting with her manager.

>> No.8309006

In literally every CoD that involves Russia, the bad guys aren't the Russian military. They are rogue russian generals or fanatics trying to start a world war. Just like how in CoD MW2 the main bad guy is an American rogue general. Please at least play the campaigns before you talk about shit ou have no clue about.

>> No.8309049

They should be helping the talent as much as they can. If they can't get more pay for supporting good talent, then they have a good bullet point on their cv.

>> No.8309067

>In literally every CoD that involves Russia, the bad guys aren't the Russian military. They are rogue russian generals or fanatics trying to start a world war.
And you don't see anything here?
>Please at least play the campaigns before you talk about shit ou have no clue about.
Anon, you just confirmed I was right.

>> No.8309078

>Who's requesting Medieval 2, and why hasn't their internet been cut?
Don't know, irrelevant.

>"Happened to be". Anon, you know that's how Russians operate in general, right?
Then there's no problem with killing them in video games.

>> No.8309088

>You know that's how Russians operate
Anon America uses mercenaries and other horrible shady shit in countries all over the planet all the time. We are the kings of funding milita groups and causing civil wars and coups. It's like our fucking speciality.

>> No.8309151

KFP's are so insecure about their own Oshi that the only solution for them is push down the other more talented Holomembers

>> No.8309170

Did you just, ignore what I said or? Me pointing out that main bad guys of the modern CoD games aren't russians, but fanatics or rogue generals going against their nations to cause war. They literally made a US general the main bad of MW2. How is that admitting that all CoD games are "lol russians bad"

>> No.8309177

Why are you guys expecting cover's management to be competent.
This is a streaming company with more employee's than talents and yet the talents have to mod their own chat.

>> No.8309220

Asking for permissions in Japan
>send request through 5 different middlemen having to pay fees and waiting weeks if not months

Asking for permission in USA
>"you want to stream our game? Yeah sure."

>> No.8309245

>Then there's no problem with killing them in video games.
Yeah, if your audience is exclusively American. If Cover's looking to expand in former Communist countries, it's best to avoid American propaganda games.
>Anon America uses mercenaries and other horrible shady shit in countries all over the planet all the time. We are the kings of funding milita groups and causing civil wars and coups. It's like our fucking speciality.
Yeah, I know. I'm struggling to find your point.
>Me pointing out that main bad guys of the modern CoD games aren't russians, but fanatics or rogue generals going against their nations to cause war.
>They are rogue russian generals or fanatics trying to start a world war.
Keep your story straight, anon.
>How is that admitting that all CoD games are "lol russians bad"
Not "All CoD games". Just the core of the series.

>> No.8309516
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KWAB, she sounds like an entitled and selfish bitch, I know a lot of women like her in real life, they always complain and bitch over non-issues.
She needs to be reminded that she's just a a fucking virtual prostitute who begs donations for a living, either shut the fuck up and do your fucking job or just fucking quit if you hate it.

>> No.8309583

they'd never tell her to quit though, she's essentially their key to the en market and one of the highest earners in the company

>> No.8309677

Tbh managers are fucking lazy.

Been trying to pitch several console/different platforms games with them several times, through several official channels even the "industry" ones and didn't bother to reply in more than a year.

So yeah i believe the rrat

t. AA developer.

>> No.8309699

The girls need to stay trendy to be more popular, Hololive needs to hire more managers exclusively for their top talent so they can acquire permissions for games before they're released.

When Lamy was drunk she said that the managers are being overworked, so it's clear that they need more help.

>> No.8309701

I asked her to buy silver, or any hard asset, in a couple superchats. I don't know if she even read them, but I hope she did and listened.

>> No.8309732

>Yeah, if your audience is exclusively American. If Cover's looking to expand in former Communist countries, it's best to avoid American propaganda games.

Nonsense, you'll suck it up and enjoy it and pretend it's far more propagandised than it is so you can feel connected with strangers on discord. The fact Botans viewership is not negatively affected when she plays CoD is all we need to see for that.

>> No.8309754

How do you ask permissions for a game whose publisher went bankrupt 20 years ago and never sold the rights to another company?

>> No.8309835

Holy ESL

>> No.8309910

what are you even doing in this basket-weaving thread

>who get mogged by their talent's salaries
as it should be, people whose only job is to help communicate between the actual decision-makers and workers are literally worthless

>> No.8309983

But it's not a cultural norm like in Japan. Everyone is expected to waste time and stay late a work despite not having a late evening amount of work. It takes time away from rest, recreation, and family for no good reason.

>> No.8310016

I can imagine it's somewhat difficult to find competent managerial talent that will also not spill confidential information or have ulterior motives. I can't imagine they forget what happened with Mel last year.

>> No.8310035

or dudes who only think about grooming the girls.

>> No.8310106

SuiStacy is a cut above all the JPs and most of the ENs and IDs when it comes to assertiveness. She knows that Cover knows how incompetent they are so I'm sure she uses their fuckups to her advantages when arguing her position.

>> No.8310119

that's called abandonware
if paper-pushers weren't retarded, chuubas would exploit the fuck out of it

>> No.8310153

It really was weird that Subaru could stream the entire game of DMC3 except the credits

>> No.8310156


8/1~8/21 ホロライブJP 内容別枠数(コラボ含)

109枠 マイクラ
*40枠 APEX
*35枠 歌枠、雑談
*22枠 オラ夏
*11枠 お絵かき伝言、ポケモンユナイト、COD、3Dライブ
*10枠 記念日カウントダウン
**9枠 FF9
**7枠 楽器演奏、マリカ8
**6枠 GTA、料理配信、ASMR、FF7(オリジナル)
**5枠 マリオゴルフ、同時視聴、ドラクエ5、FF7R、流行り神、スパチャ読み
**4枠 ぼくなつ4、バイオRE2
**3枠 PAYDAY2、SIREN、FFCCリマスター、ポリスシミュ、Reddit、スカウォ、帰り道、ロマサガ3、影廊、テトリス、3Dライブ感想

>has 5 blanket perm (sega, nintendo, capcom, square enix, extreme)
minecraft, minecraft, minecraft, minecraft, minecraft, apex, apex, apex

>> No.8310185

i kinda want to see them play payday 2 but at the same time i know with the ineptitude of the en girls it would be physically painful to watch

>> No.8310359

So, you're saying that this is all Mel's fault. I am going to become a manager and ensure her life is hell. brb Anon.

>> No.8310366
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90 of the IPs are me and I didnt watch it

>> No.8310383

There's probably a song that plays during them that's a copyright issue.

>> No.8310433

thinks she's good at payday because she's a "gamer". blows every mission somehow
Gamer comes out, does okay but still makes mistakes.
Never misses a shot, but barely shoots thus making her a mixed bag
Gets distracted by the set pieces, overtalks and is generally annoying during intense firefight encounters. "Look at this shiny diamond display!!! Guys come look!! C'mon guys!!!"
Is just dead constantly.

>> No.8310445
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Reading threads like this always gets a laugh out of me

>> No.8310467

Pupa, shut up and release the fucking gfe voicepack already.

>> No.8310583

Doesn't Mel have a thread on /vt/? /aco/ just that compfy?

>> No.8310656


>> No.8310752

bit off topic but I cant quite place Gura's accent on the map, is she from Texas?

>> No.8310778
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>the girls after attempting stealth

>> No.8310790

Rrats would indicate she's a Flow Rider

>> No.8310835
File: 3.71 MB, 1920x1189, 2984910134.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see Gura play Payday 2 in VR because I am 100% sure she would mog every other Holo in gunmanship skills.

>> No.8310913

It's their fucking job and the game meta moves faster than an unmedicated zoomer on red bull

>> No.8310977

for you Anon <3

>> No.8311002

in one of her previous works she filmed outside her window and it seemed to be a cold ass forest outside

>> No.8311184

Why can't she use Bossa Nova anymore?

>> No.8311247

don't forget

>> No.8311263

Susan and her brown boytoy did an oopsie again.

>> No.8311366

I haven't done my reps, what's the reason she can't play Project Diva on the PS4 and has to do it on the Switch?

>> No.8311388

Permissions. That's also why she played DJMax on console instead of pc

>> No.8311468

Way to show you don't watch any of them or at least none of the shooting game streams.

>> No.8311484

I guess cause they already have it for the switch they dont want to go through permissions wrangling again for the PS4?

>> No.8311511

100% Permissions, because rhythm game perms are some of the worst even though they have a comprehensive agreement with Sega, since there are assorted songs owned by different holders in the western markets.

>> No.8311523

I guess? If I understood the thought processes of holo management I'd probably backflip off my balcony

>> No.8311576

hololive management LITERALLY makes hololive not fun to watch

>> No.8311582

>WaY tO sHoW yOu DoN't WaTcH aNy Of ThEm Or At LeAsT nOnE oF tHe ShOoTiNg StReAmS.

Literally shut the fuck up anon. People are allowed to make jokes retard.

>> No.8312305

Seems like Selen has some experience working in a corp.

>> No.8312483

holy shit imagine the labor that goes into uploading pre-written contract as email attachment

>> No.8312570

Obviously a joke, banter. But, should they as new managers that probably aren't Gura's close friends be talking like that to one of their biggest talents while also influencing the new holos to not ask for that many games?

>> No.8312770

You have to type out "Hello I am a representative from Cover Corporation, one of our talents would like to stream your product. Could you please sign the attached permission form and return it to us". I don't have all day for that shit, I need to block their creative ideas and tell them to stream APEX

>> No.8312989

Why the fuck would cover care about what's essentially Europe's Latin America but even more irrelevant and just as poor.

>> No.8313622

Doesn't help that the girls are probably all pushovers, since they didn't work in a corp before and have no idea how corporate culture is.
You either get pushed around or stand your ground and tell people to fuck off.

>> No.8314179

Why the fuck does anyone need permission to play a fucking video game. Just play the game, so what.

>> No.8314246
File: 105 KB, 800x371, 1620359015759.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't help that the girls are probably all pushovers, since they didn't work in a corp before and have no idea how corporate culture is.
>You either get pushed around or stand your ground and tell people to fuck off

>> No.8314308

Because they're profiting from recording their employees playing said game and copyrights are a thing.

>> No.8314324

>Why is Gura so entitled? Is it because of her sub numbers? She keeps asking management for more game permissions and they complained that it's overkill when they could be playing the games they already got permissions for.
It's a talent's duty to be proactive and a manager's duty to help out.

One of the #1 debuffs of ANY channel even top subscriber ones or ones with minimal gaming focus is letting their game content become stagnant, and shit like that has a tendency to turn into a negative spiral.
The manager is a weakminded retard if they complain about DOING THEIR FUCKING JOB.

>> No.8314490

Coco's entire channel getting micromanaged to death is far from tablescraps.
It's not dramafagging to consider the management of what is ultimately a company meant to make money a little questionable after a number of prior incidents.
This whole "You have to be a fan of the company or you cannot like their talents" thing is entirely unjustifiably.

>> No.8314560

>WTF is a hololive? this is some kind of scam.
>im not even the right person for this, i don't even know who is
>deleted sent to spam, im going to ignore it.

>> No.8314761

> Do you think gura only ask little amount of games? She asks for games but doesn't play it after that, which is why management hates her

>> No.8314943

It is a real problem though

>> No.8315003

t. new manager

>> No.8315122

Never forget managers modding bugs in Coco's chat.

>> No.8315416

One of the few good things they've done

>> No.8315586

Only people past 30 see corps for what they really are.

>> No.8317025

OP is a dumbass. It's their job so why not do it? Fucking retard

>> No.8318467
File: 326 KB, 438x617, 1628783037060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a retard if you think the swastika troll in Pekos stream wasn't a westerner. Have you ever played a multiplayer game? Slurs and general racism are rampant. Whether it's in a shooter like CoD or hack and slash like Mordhau/Chivalry. I wouldn't trust a western fanbase either to not act like retarded forsen or xqc shitters.

>> No.8318598
File: 115 KB, 774x718, 1628784303407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an idiot if you think Cover's management are capable people. Any slight criticism is immediately labeled as drama-baiting and being an anti. Retard.

>> No.8318689
File: 447 KB, 459x581, 1628782702783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heaven forbid they actually have to do some work. What entitled talents these vtubers are for wanting more games for content.

>> No.8318716

Hope gura act as a diva a bully this small startup company

>> No.8319155

Anon the only reason anyone is allowed to stream or record any gameplay of a game, is because Companies think it's too much effort to sue or go after one person. Streamers and content creators are only allowed to stream any game ever off the good graces of the companies. Cover's talent doesn't get that luxury. The Holo girls are all attached to a huge ass company. Meaning that instead of the game company wasting time seeing a single person and getting barely any money, they can just take Cover to court instead and rein them dry of all they have, or demand a percentage of all profits to stream any game. Basically the talent and cover are literally at the mercy of the game companies and if they say bend over, Cover has to.

>> No.8319215

Its not just westerns anon. Have you ever tried playing League in the korean or Chinese servers? If you are a foreigner, they call you slurs, and if your Chinese and playing in Korea, they call you a Chinese dog or mutt and target int you. That shit is rampant all over the planet in any game.

>> No.8319386

each of those games needs to be approved by Hololive China bureau for streaming and content acceptability, they took too many far liberties in the past

>> No.8319599

Yeah, that clip got me pretty mad. It's ok to be a lazy fuck, but don't blame the idols if they ask you to do your job

>> No.8319671

Jap law is a corporate nightmare
That's why you need unions and shit kids, our grandpas did that for us
