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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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82683013 No.82683013 [Reply] [Original]

Eepy Jedi wife

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://x.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1820955245629067720

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think

Previous Thread: >>82655851

>> No.82683134


>> No.82683146

quick somnium go report and attack that guy for posting the asmr video in the discussion channel! the video description! oh no! hes doxxing!

>> No.82683149

Good evening

>> No.82683416

he's not bringing attention to the description though. i do think shondo should go back and edit those descriptions though if she doesn't want people to acknowledge it

>> No.82683418
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i love her so much

>> No.82683455

Sidious finger's typed this

>> No.82683500

you’re a hero Somnium!

>> No.82683706
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and to those of you who haven't posted pinky, you know who you are, you have until the end of the month or else you're getting iced, this is one and only warning

>> No.82683823

old model

>> No.82683836


>> No.82683903

take a step back lil bro

>> No.82683945


>> No.82684068

are you ok?

>> No.82684273

you guys need to relax a little bit

>> No.82684289

stay mad T

>> No.82684321

im not wrong though. dunno why you're trying to be a cunt

>> No.82684363

that’s not me

>> No.82684393

didnt that fag cry about people posting those videos before?

>> No.82684554

you're divorced

>> No.82684911
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>> No.82685143

Question for /here/ which shogger is your favorite white night?

>> No.82685251

white night?

>> No.82685417


>> No.82685488

i think you meant it to be knight

>> No.82685804


>> No.82685845

>thread mentions a post in Discussion for Somnium to go attack
>Shondo suddenly online in discord again

>> No.82685895

all of them because they're the real husbands

>> No.82685923

not /here/ btw

>> No.82686491


>> No.82686757

Shondo shondo shondo shondo

>> No.82687049


>> No.82687070
File: 7 KB, 575x493, n7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be nise

>> No.82687588

hi thread reading shondo i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you
oh and dont forget
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (please marry me)

>> No.82687775


>> No.82687856
File: 101 KB, 1060x595, 1717910368852568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her doing the baby voice when she gets excited is so cute bros

>> No.82687913

the duels between luke and vader were way better than any duel in the prequel trilogy. zoomers need not reply

>> No.82687969

i approve this post

>> No.82687990

not even giving your dogshit post a reply

>> No.82687999

anakin and obi-wan's is cool but narratively the i agree 100%

>> No.82688064

y-y-y-y-y-you're samefagging!

>> No.82688152

shondo even if you're being a dumb retard i'm still having a fun night with you <3

>> No.82688241

calm down bapy and look at the flashy lights on screen (jangles keys with a lightsaber keyring on them)

>> No.82688310

i agree with this

>> No.82688322

I love you shondo

>> No.82688481

>my flashing lights different and better because they're older!
this is how ridiculous your argument is

>> No.82688523

This isn't a bad film or bad scene, the soundtrack is great (as usual) and it is a great culmination to the prequel trilogy, but it still feels like a mostly empty spectacle. The understated battle between Luke and Anakin in Empire will never be topped in the franchise. The set it takes place in and the shot framing is leagues above what George managed with this film.

>> No.82688653

average zoomer argument

>> No.82688658
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>my flashing lights different and better because they're older!

>> No.82688760


>> No.82688805

i agree

>> No.82689090

she's so brainrotted
i love her

>> No.82689136
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>> No.82689156

shondo keep saying kino it makes me smile

>> No.82689230

Can someone please clip and sequence every time shondo says kino in one long video/audio file please? It would be so nice

>> No.82689357

okay mister

>> No.82689392

Oh no, ABC's is starting to argue with her now

>> No.82689545

>no shondo, this one was the BEST MOVIE EVAR
lmao you people have the worst taste

>> No.82689578

she HATED it

>> No.82689584

Nothing to masturbate to this watchalong 0/10

>> No.82689582

losing a lot of respect for shoggers based entirely off of their onions wars rankings

>> No.82689688
File: 74 KB, 1796x769, cinema.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am literally dereking shoggas' rankings right now and let me tell you, a lot of you are plebs.

>> No.82689720

they're all pretty mediocre, the prequels are at least funny

>> No.82689725

>loopy on painkillers for "headaches" again
uh oh

>> No.82689724

Heads up, she's not streaming tomorrow. This watchalong wiped her out.

>> No.82689791

Shigga are you gay?
She’s literally on your lap

>> No.82689789

im excited for the stats tomorrow

>> No.82689811

it's almost like she shouldn't do 16 hour watchalongs...

>> No.82689856

no one should and no one should be emote spamming for 16 hours on end.

>> No.82689875

how was the filian slopstream

>> No.82689901

the objectively correct ranking is Empire > A New Hope > Revenge of the Sith > Return of the Jedi > Attack of the Mid > The Phantom Mid

>> No.82689975

>burns self out right after coming back and getting banned
>mysterious headaches that precipitated the codeine abuse return

>> No.82689991

i ageee somewhat

>> No.82689993

it would have been fine if she didnt stay awake until 6am shitposting the day before and she actually ate a real meal.

>> No.82690039

she is too weak willed to go against so many grown "men" throwing a tantrum at her to push herself, one day she'll be strong enough... one day...

>> No.82690060

nuh uh the phantom mid is the best shit ever did you see those racing effects?

>> No.82690070

is it just me or was the talking really stilted in episode 1?

>> No.82690089

It was funny I laughed a few times

>> No.82690110

And no reads with that tactic? Zamn what did he do to her recently to job this hard?

>> No.82690128

No thread reading Shondo, got to bed.

>> No.82690186

She finally caught on to his performative behavior

>> No.82690292

I had a lot of fun, time to eep

>> No.82690438

Calling Phantom mid is overselling it. It's got one good fight and an overrated racing scene.

>> No.82690591

Another good watchalong.

>> No.82690642

i wrote this post

>> No.82690697

tourist here who's guilty pleasure is watch a long react content, has shondo done any other movie watch a longs like this?

>> No.82690792


>> No.82691079
File: 3.82 MB, 2628x2295, kinografique.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add to this because I'm in a basedwars mood, the use of silence and ambient sound in the duel in Bespin is great and the pacing is perfect.
>Dark and Slow = Good

>> No.82691083

Yes. The LOTR one was even better because she wasn't already exhausted halfway.

>> No.82691257

her audio was kinda messed up and quiet a few times (maybe my end) but if you mean she was just quiet (not speaking) then yeah she was super zoned out at the start of phantom menace maybe she ate a funny gummie or 5 then. she should have just done this on Sunday if she wanted to do a super late collab with Filian but people couldnt let that happen so instead she was super zonked out of her brain by the time the prequels started and she could only handle saying "kino" and making jokes about grooming

>> No.82691334

I meant the movie

>> No.82691428

Is that vod on her channel? I like lotr even more than star wars

>> No.82691460

yes the dialogue is shitty in that film (and the subsquent pair) idk if you noticed but george doesn't really write good dialogue and the way he shoots people speaking to one another is very boring (normally just shot-reverse shot with lots of short cuts) so it doesn't make things interesting. he was better at handling it with A New Hope but maybe that was the more collaborative editing that made scenes there better

>> No.82691681

No. Watchalongs are typically not achieved on youtube.

>> No.82691714

he’ll never be as good as spielberg

>> No.82691875

george is at his strongest when he is a collaborator/ideas man rather than the guy in charge at every stage.

>> No.82691977
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It's funny that he included an ET cameo in Phantom Menace though. Love that she noticed that.

>> No.82692078

podrace is great

>> No.82692087

the Cuck always acknowledges the Bull.
isn't that right, Zach?

>> No.82692158

he isnt afraid to disagree with her

>> No.82692179

I completely forgot about this until she brought it up

>> No.82692180

im sad im not getting the reference.

>> No.82692186
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>> No.82692231
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Thunderbolt Fantasy watchalong when?

>> No.82692245

He's done so before this isnt new

>> No.82692302

>nooo you have to agree with shondo at all times you can't disagree with her in stream chat about a kids movie trilogy

>> No.82692337

my nigger how do we make this happen? it would be such a hard sell but i genuinely think she would love it.
do we sell it on the fact that the Madoka guy wrote it? she has to be interested knowing Gen Urobuchi made it syadouCopium

>> No.82692357

shoggers hate husbands who have civil disagreements, they can only rage here and they envy it
even if she is often not in a mood to take it and then tone polices them

>> No.82692418

you must really like monogatari smarty

>> No.82692538

approve (me btw)

>> No.82692603
File: 3.94 MB, 480x426, eepyshon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight shoggas

>> No.82692607

yeah I think she idolizes urobuchi so it's worth a shot

>> No.82692665

where are they archived then?

>> No.82692706

i haven't seen that yet but it gets recommended a lot.

>> No.82692716

i know of it but i havent seen it so i'd like to watch it with her

>> No.82692843

think really hard i'm sure you'll figure it out

>> No.82692856
File: 2.90 MB, 900x506, 1660246009901.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an Urobutcher show with cute outfits and cute girls. Honestly I think she would be filtered by the first season though because its slower paced than the followups. Shame though since its basically the highest order kino to come out of Japan/Taiwan in the last 10 years.

>> No.82692879

Typically you have to ask someone who already has it archived on her discord.

>> No.82693067
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Also I think she might find it hard to watch a subtitled show and read chat at the same time. I don't think TBF has a dub. Thinking about it, having to download the show and pick the right set of subtitles (Japanese names) might also put her off.

>> No.82693153

promise her the cute girls and the doll feet and we have a shot i think. she'd literally love Cháo Fēng who is just a cute yandere princess

>> No.82693399

TV shows are a shit idea for watch alongs unless they're ridiculously short

>> No.82693436

a season of anime is like 3 hours (less if you skip the OP/ED)

>> No.82693450

agreed. but if she got into TBF on her own i wouldn't mind.

>> No.82693516
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>"watchalongs will be shorter in the future"
>15 and a half hours
kek. I hope she sleeps well after this.

>> No.82693525

Nuh uh, we should do a weekly Twin Peaks watchalong where we watch 2 or 3 episodes at a time and reconvene in future.

>> No.82693898

As a lynch fan… no… maybe i dont know her enough but do you really think shed like it?
i like it for my own reasons i just dont think its for everyone. if you want dark comedy and excellent allround she should watch Fargo

>> No.82693942

Did something go horribly wrong with her Deadly Premonition playthrough? It ends abruptly. Did she lose the rest of the footage or stop playing it, or is it hidden in another VOD?

>> No.82693991

It’s hidden in another vod

>> No.82694060

anon a season of tv is like 6-8 hours, not even half what we just sat through

>> No.82694088

She liked Deadly Premonition, so why not?

>> No.82694117

sadly im also not familiar with that

>> No.82694149

Wow we're getting a lot of tourists
Her internet issues were rampant the last week of streams before hiatus. Deadly prem playthrough was one of the victims.

>> No.82694164

speaking of which did Fargo guy ever finish season 2? It’s really really goid

>> No.82694179

she isn't playing games she was playing pre-hiatus because she has decided that she didn't like them now out of association with bad brain hort. if you mean why do the vods cut out its because her internet was being shitty at the time as well.

>> No.82694223

It depends on how you plan it out. If you do one season per watchalong stream it's much more tolerable.

>> No.82694336

I think she said she would be willing to return to them after some time has passed. Hopefully we do deadly prem was so fun and she was having a blast.

>> No.82694363

It's ok Shondo I don't like onions wars either

>> No.82694507

Think she's actually sleeping this time, or up shitposting about how much she hates Star Wars

>> No.82694749

If we get a stream tomorrow then yes. If we don't then no.

>> No.82694868

i made her laugh a lot today, she definitely had fun this watchalong.

>> No.82695258

I made her laugh telepathically because I didn't come to the watchalong

>> No.82695379

sorry but i telepathically picked up your jokes instead of them going to her. fear not though because i repeated them to her and she laughed.

>> No.82695572

I like that she has no Highlight messages on Chama so you have to actually give her quality chats to read. No cheating because you pay with 100 choccos!

>> No.82695785

Goodnight Shondopolis.
Have weet dreams Saving shondo from droids or whatever Star Wars related situation fits the relationship i dont know good jight

>> No.82695981

I love you shondo<3

>> No.82696045

i trust at least one or two shoggas will. thats over a dozen hours of watch time easily. your gonna be thinking about it in your sleep hehehe

>> No.82696897

I made her laugh a little bit

>> No.82697018

got a lot of reads today i love my cute and contrarian zoomer wife with annoying speech tics that she picks up randomly

>> No.82697390
File: 2.30 MB, 498x294, naur-darth-vader.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this in wifey's voice and it made me giggle

>> No.82697634


>> No.82698858

Thats Shadowmama and she dumped her dad after he cried when Shondo swallowed the last piece he needed to finish his lego falcon

>> No.82698911

sm x fe?

>> No.82701264
File: 243 KB, 1448x2048, GUpfOITXMAAYDE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her

>> No.82703119

> <3 <3 <3
Made me really happy

>> No.82703245
File: 1.84 MB, 1300x884, 1707924738162112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She read quite a lot of my messages! And laughed at a great deal of them as well, some even being repeated later or referenced throughout the stream!!
I've had a great time with her, i always like these long streams and marashons especially
Episode 1 blew ass
Love my wife, goodnight

>> No.82704531
File: 246 KB, 2048x1583, GUqtWFkWoAEFnQn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.82706001

she was so cute in her little yoda hat

>> No.82706138

I hope she rests today, im also still tired after the last 2 days and have some vod to catch up on, maybe just a small chatting stream but i dont think ER is a good idea when shes tired, although she could decide to just explore and not try any bosses and that might be a nice mindless time of just running around and finding places

>> No.82706187

tired er with godrick cbt would be goated in the sauce frfr

>> No.82707560

a part of me wishes i never found her because i can't kill myself in good conscious now

>> No.82708354

what time did she say she has to wake up for FE?

>> No.82708901


>> No.82709368

guys what is shadows irl name??

>> No.82709421

troll somewhere else gary

>> No.82709463


>> No.82709500

it starts with "Em" and rhymes with "family"

>> No.82709920
File: 181 KB, 1296x2304, GNl4o-ZWsAAJFqe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fallen (Shondo) Shadow
when the stream ended she said 6 hours until her alarm i think?
everything will be alright shogga

>> No.82710181

you can if you do it at the m&g

>> No.82710417

John Shondo

>> No.82712007

>i take my lolis out to the cinema
what did you mean by that tweet gary? and why are you talking about them like they’re real people?

>> No.82712214

this is why vibe checks are necessary

>> No.82712758

I take mine to church

>> No.82713338

Actual nonce

>> No.82716029

Has there been any sign of shondo yet? is she ok? I hope shes getting some sleep but she should have woken up right? she had a headache and took a lot of medicine right, but that was hours before bed unless she took more after stream, overexerting herself could have made her sick,and if FT isnt at home theres no one to tell us if something did happen,

>> No.82716067

made a shondo cosplay in a game but can't seem to get the hair color right-- it's more brown than purple but there's definitely some purple in there, right, gang?

right now I've got it at a darker purple, but on the shumo it's definitely almost brown

>> No.82716119

there's no point in worrying right now, she's almost certainly fine just sleeping in

>> No.82716134


>> No.82716257
File: 931 KB, 717x646, 1720791779486624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a dark red/pink that looks brown

>> No.82716306

she's probably fine and going to start 1h later due to fatigue

>> No.82716322

she just tweeted, and I'm proud of her for not forcing herself

>> No.82716389

thank you for letting us know Shonelon

>> No.82716398
File: 94 KB, 780x989, 1717348167141262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo i hope you're smart realize this post was anon made to bait you into saying something, not that it's necessarily a problem

>> No.82716403

she just announced she will take this whole day to rest

>> No.82716410

>can't stream after watchalong
No fucking shit, who could've seen this coming

>> No.82716424

lmao she gon be in da klub

>> No.82716441


>> No.82716470

Shondo please do not the thread.

>> No.82716492

im still mad about how fricking bad pisode 1 was

>> No.82716517

be nise; he was just concerned it was almost stream time after all

>> No.82716655
File: 1.22 MB, 3136x4096, 1707126598250038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing about that was being mean, i just want to make sure she realizes how much people do that /here/ because they do it innocuously when it's not
i like hearing her let us know how she's doing too

>> No.82716661

its aubergine

>> No.82717135

wonder what she'll be doing today

>> No.82717296

That /shon/ place is pretty weird. Everyone calls each other by name. And then there’s this Derek guy? I think he’s an old boyfriend or something.

>> No.82717503

sorry shogga, I agree

>> No.82717505
File: 96 KB, 1023x888, 1712470414570181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also it's because this place is special, one of it's kind, and a different breed
and derek is the guy who plays games like elden ring for her

>> No.82717611

Good morning Shondopolis
>>82712007 theyre not real little girls bud

>> No.82717669

So when is she going to comment on everyone's art again?
Does she even care?

>> No.82717720

she's waiting for me to post mine

>> No.82717722

I think it's ok to be concerned about your wife and wish to hear from her actually. Maybe they should be more direct about it, but it's fine.

>> No.82717731

Hopefuly not within the next few hours because I haven't posted mine for the week yet (im struggling to get it right)

>> No.82717793

look at the way they worded it, it's very manipulative, that's the problem with it
like this shitpost

>> No.82717939

I was larping but thanks for the (you)

>> No.82717958

i know, thank (you)

>> No.82718086

is she actually still /here/? after she got called out for going online after reading the thread yesterday she set her status to offline

>> No.82718124

i dm'd her about it she said she's not

>> No.82718241

klub, duh

>> No.82718294

shon reminds me of those videos of retards or babies clapping at the same thing hapening over and over like a jack in the box repeatedly popping out except instead of that its shondo referincing somethign here and then the thread starts claiing going "shes here! shes here!" even when it happens daily for months

>> No.82718396

>she's not going to be eeping

>> No.82718461

shit taste zoomer ahh wife

>> No.82718565


>> No.82718578

Groomers keep getting the interactions. Seethe third-rates, Shondo likes genuine questions.

>> No.82718635

she's scared of mouz so she gives him pity interaction like fleece and retro and bapy

>> No.82718785

She really set her status to invisible I can't believe she's still /here/

>> No.82718812

I actually did see a post like that a long time ago though

>> No.82718838
File: 1.89 MB, 410x520, MEDS [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhgcwoe.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82718886


>> No.82718897

whats nonce stand for?

>> No.82718922

i thought it was like a zero thing

>> No.82718943

it means youre a pedo gary

>> No.82719137

Atleast she knows Empire is the best. Vindicated.

>> No.82719220
File: 512 KB, 691x835, 1697286028538594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as expected

>> No.82719590

Honestly did she just enjoy the memes in 3 more because of Oli's stream and that's why she rated it so highly

>> No.82719636

I wonder if anyone has a clip of shondo saying that she has thought about killing her family and then herself during Filian's stream? I would search for it myself, but I must admit that I find Filian somewhat distasteful.

>> No.82719814
File: 488 KB, 645x791, 1722900887802122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she has thought about killing her family and then herself
thanks for the reminder of how sexy she is

>> No.82720198

i dont get the take that 3 is a great conclusion to the series. it serves as a good bombastic conclusion to the expansive and overblown dramatics of the prequel trilogy, but it doesn't conclude anything to the story as a whole, although to be fair film 6 doesn't really satisfy either especially after lucas went back and added a bunch of CGI celebration to the movie after the prequels (in the 90s remaster if i remember correctly the camera just panned up to the sky from the ewok party after luke sees anakins ghost standing with obi wan and yoda)
are people really just that easily impressed by the dramatic music and goofy fighting on the lava planet? not to mention the ridiculous vader crying out over padme scene

>> No.82720218

why would you need the clip of that?

>> No.82720369

also how silly she is. this is an adult woman who can barely walk up the stairs without dying. someone who can't lift a normal shovel and loses in armwrestling to 9 year olds. i don't think she's murdering anyone.

>> No.82720436

shes a vulnerable adult

>> No.82720488

im going to marry that vulnerable adult in real life and then fall out with her because i give her a mild criticism of her stupid low iq takes on childrens media

>> No.82720566

a new hope is the best star war
fellowship is the best lotr
i do not understand why people have a different opinion than this

>> No.82720577

dewd stop trying to make her do a british broadcasting company marathon to satisfy your twisted fetish

>> No.82720613

dawn stop being such a bitch we're discussing ideas for future watchalongs how is that not related to her content

>> No.82720683

respect her head moderator

>> No.82720717

dawn be nise and unban me then time me out so i can at least watch from the cuck chair not the cuck shed, please and thank you

>> No.82720728

5 > 6. You're correct in that Fellowship is the strongest LOTR movie overall though. I used to really prefer the 2nd film when I was younger entirely because of Helms Deep, but I grew out of it similar to how I grew out of ROTJ (That film needs to be less goofy and have around 20 minutes trimmed)

>> No.82720789

A yo-yoing film maker. That already screams nonce

>> No.82720800

i think it's funny how the only time a mod shows up to do anything it's to nitpick at discord conversations that aren't harmful but when an actual sperg starts shitting up the discord or stream chat they're asleep on the job

>> No.82720845

>lolicon talking about twisted fetishes

>> No.82720955

if she plays any starwars game it should be a lego one because it should just be a shitpost stream and nothing serious

>> No.82721100

appreciating a fictional girl on her peak age of female attractiveness is not twisted at all

>> No.82721101

>i cant take a 20 year old seriously come back when youre old
Ojichans just keep winning.

>> No.82721181

she can take me seriously after i grow old with her

>> No.82721358

is he minimodding or is it just a really bad joke
either way i hate him

>> No.82721753

spelling bee reps

>> No.82721809

3 isn't a great conclusion to the series. It's just a good conclusion to the prequels that spent all of 1 of a good chunk of 2 meandering along before 3 really puts everything into motion for the original trilogy to start.

>> No.82722016

I'd rather take clips of this than the cringe pomf reaction
The pomf reaction will do numbers because "lel epic loli" and we know how well those videos do and the type of people they bring

>> No.82722065

>schizo says that shondo doesnt like nina now
>nina and shondo both take the day off
theyre having fun together

>> No.82722417

the hitler is my friend clip is trending again

>> No.82722429

they both read the thread and realized we were right, so they took the day off to mend fences

>> No.82722790

Great! Another cancelation+incline!

>> No.82722799

yeah it was pretty odd that she was just talking while set to offline. because now you can't catch her like that again if she does it.
its a hunch that she read the call-out and then repeated the fat stuff to at least acknowledge that she knows she got caught.
med posters are going to just yap and naysay but they wont have an actual explanation for why she was talking while set to offline. she literally never does that.
so if you're still reading shondo, i hope you're at least ok. i feel helpless about this issue and calling you out openly doesnt feel like the right thing to do. frankly, i just don't know what you want from us when it comes to this and its a little exhausting.

>> No.82722837
File: 48 KB, 960x1200, shondo_choke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this was too spicy for twitter because its not showing up in the art tag anymore

>> No.82722948

the only fence that’s gonna be mended is the one around our house after i marry her pilot

>> No.82722984
File: 521 KB, 1616x886, 1702182457224456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she wants you to stop talking about it posting about it because she knows all this already and is intentionally ignoring you

>> No.82723086

Anakin is way too whiney. I get her argument.

>> No.82723114

take meds

>> No.82723155

someone like her would obviously not be into a man that's younger than her. how that's surprising to anyone is a mystery

>> No.82723194

she said luke is cool, zoomers rejoice

>> No.82723349

>just ignore and happy nod a bad habit even she has acknowledged is terrible for her mental heath
how about no

>> No.82723533

i hope she’ll respond to my bait posts next stream

>> No.82723551

she literally isnt reading the threads

>> No.82723606

why would she lie about coming here?

>> No.82723634


>> No.82723734

you asked what she wanted, i told you, and it's not as bad as you think if that's any consolation

>> No.82723765
File: 1.09 MB, 410x520, fucking take them [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdmi5b4.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she isn't here and wasn't here and won't be here

>> No.82723779

she has a lot of bad habits anon, are you constantly spamming her about all of them?

>> No.82723853

>even she has acknowledged is terrible for her mental heath
also using her words against her in this situation isn't a significant point, you're admitting in the same breath she's the one who decides, not to discredit what you're saying though you have valid concern

>> No.82723883

i love this please continue making this art.

>> No.82724157

im not the anon you originally replied to
no but this one has probably the simplest solution of all her bad habits for something that causes her a lot of issues. what even is your point?

>> No.82724247

you don't get it, she needs to come here to see what people are saying about her.

>> No.82724249

Jesus that (You) is terrifying

>> No.82724379

wdym intentionally ignoring me?

>> No.82724419

>no but this one has probably the simplest solution of all her bad habits for something that causes her a lot of issues. what even is your point?
my point is that you're being a ridiciulous selective concernfaggot. but by all means, keep spamming about how you hope she doesn't come here. weird passion, but you do you buddy.

>> No.82724474

genuinely don't get it. it's just either antis, tourists or dereks trying to slander people in the community with nothing of actual substance against them. it's maybe 1 in 50 threads where there might be something of actual interest to her that shouldn't really be brought up publicly. and that's with a massive asterisk next to it.

>> No.82724509

>no but this one has probably the simplest solution
it's not exactly as simple as you think, but the best you can do is remind her but holding her over the flame for it only does more harm no i won't elaborate
this gets brought up all the time and she doesn't talk about it, she obviously doesn't want to be shit on for it and she doesn't want to elaborate so don't force the conversation directly like that, that's what she wants, you can express disapproval nisely though

>> No.82724678
File: 891 KB, 982x1440, 1697007907713161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine taking shondo swimming with her floaties

>> No.82724715

she banned it on her puter

>> No.82724751

she doesn't even know how to do that

>> No.82724799
File: 1.01 MB, 960x1234, 1693064033106025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did it for her

>> No.82724806

There is nothing worth bringing up with her publicly because it will just cause pointless arguments with either her or other people trying to defend her honor. Unironically just DMnig if you have legacy access and eat the consequences or emailschizo.

>> No.82724813

the only reason you would want her to be here at all is if you're an anti. they're the only people that benefit from that so yes, i'll keep pushing her to avoid things that are bad for her. go fuck yourself
this is me reminding her. simply going "erm no shondo don't do that please" then sitting in silence for weeks about it doesn't drive a point home. she's going to read infinitely worse things than me wanting her to not fall back into how she was pre hiatus so i dunno why you're acting like i'm a problem here

>> No.82724859

amazing job

>> No.82724917

stop trying to control her, groomer

>> No.82724938

>i'll keep pushing her to avoid things that are bad for her
She told us to stop doing this just this weekend

>> No.82724942

nta but those “antis, tourists, and dereks” are the most active members of her community

>> No.82724966

so real, actual retard behavior

>> No.82725059

The only reason to be obsessed with if she is here or if she isn't here is if you're a groomer or ratracer or terminally /here/ faggot who makes being a 4channer/threadreader essential to their personality (Can be a combo of all 3).

>> No.82725114

So many newfags, but honestly I kind of like it. Beats having the same old stale faggotry all the time.

>> No.82725117
File: 1.02 MB, 960x1266, 1719809625440684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you did more than just remind her
and we've been telling her for months, that's not what she needs, you can keep trying if you want but after a month consider quitting
>she's going to read infinitely worse things than me wanting her to not fall back into how she was pre hiatus so i dunno why you're acting like i'm a problem here
how she was pre-hiatus was caused by mental illness, not anything she did, coming /here/ or not she will be just as fucked but i won't pretend it's a good thing
the problem i have is that i think bringing it up especially like this does more harm than good and it doesn't help with the anti problem you mentioned but i really don't want to get into it, just think about it

>> No.82725131

there ARE no true Shoggers, anon.

>> No.82725298

where did i say that i want her to be here? why don't you tell me what the purpose is of sitting here and complaining about it 24/7 instead? are you retarded?

>> No.82725339

keep being yesmen and happynodding then faggots. too pussy to speak up when you claim to care about her and will just sit and watch her go right back to habits she admitted contribute to her mental health decline
>how she was pre-hiatus was caused by mental illness
yep, and there are other factors that can contribute to that and make it worse. just because her mental illness will always be there it doesn't mean other factors she has active control over should be ignored

>> No.82725431

>too pussy to speak up
... you have negative self-awareness lmao

>> No.82725446

>sitting here and complaining about it 24/7
you mean the couple of posts today and one last night after that post?

>> No.82725449

>it doesn't mean other factors she has active control over should be ignored
i agree and it doesn't change what i said, you're not going to save her or prevent her cycles with this even if she did listen
let's not argue like this it's pointless

>> No.82725484
File: 294 KB, 984x841, 1721581017484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate all of you retarded niggers

>> No.82725566
File: 869 KB, 800x412, 1705823543583665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna start writing her an email every morning telling her to start eating, to start exercising, to start going out, to stop streaming and being parasocial with losers that keep bringing her down, to stop reading /shon/, to start reading books, to meet people and to get a boyfriend. because that's what's good for her and if you disagree with me you're literally an anti that wants her dead.

>> No.82725606
File: 147 KB, 1200x1754, 1698199282658388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get your meds, anon, for real

post more shon

>> No.82725665
File: 1.03 MB, 960x1234, 1709765552930725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good post shon
this, she's not /here/ and reminder this place is public too :)

>> No.82725696

>to meet people and to get a boyfriend
yeah, me

>> No.82725778

>she is not here
yeah sure she said so right?

>> No.82725888

just say you dont believe anything she says, antichama

>> No.82725963

trusting things shondo says is actually crazy low on the list of things schizo husbands actually do

>> No.82725987

I don't believe her this one thing because she broke this promise multiple times

>> No.82725993
File: 404 KB, 960x746, 1707237425963251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of you would fold in this situation

>> No.82726068

you're thinking about this wrong if you have this mindset

>> No.82726109

you people literally said the same thing before the admitted she was here. even when she's being super blatant about it you're still denying it. like you desperately don't want to think about her possibly being here and reading your retarded posts.

>> No.82726410

let's say she was /here/, stop spoonfeeding

>> No.82726414

You almost had me

>> No.82726449

a convincing fake from afar!

just don't look too closely!!

>> No.82726604

but this the spoonfeeding general! everything gets spoonfed here that's what you guys wanted

>> No.82726639


>> No.82726869

she isnt here but if she was she would know all my posts are of exemplary quality

>> No.82726877
File: 242 KB, 504x687, 1723006875955735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf my barista doin bruh

>> No.82726983

Fold her in half and use her cunny, yeah.

>> No.82727040
File: 128 KB, 1024x874, 1715229793823517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this sex

>> No.82727200

She needs to gaslight herself more and more every day. A new downward spiral has started. It's only a matter of time this dream ends

>> No.82727202
File: 310 KB, 678x532, 1721887740644817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her best

>> No.82727356
File: 946 KB, 968x847, 1721602702708893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her best is just enough
I think i'm going to marry this girl
I dont care how shit she is at making coffee

>> No.82727586
File: 107 KB, 1024x1024, f0uxbv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will lock her up in my basement, anyone who dares to try to rescue her will get turned into food and she will have no choice to eat it before she is allowed to ingest anything else

>> No.82727595

you’re already married silly!

>> No.82727712

* no choice but to eat it

>> No.82727793
File: 106 KB, 926x1024, 1721206797847482m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah!! I LOVE MY WIFE!!! I hope shes enjoying her time off today!! Very well deserved after a very kino week!!

>> No.82727985

I will marry her IRL though.

>> No.82728324

getting strong venom vibes too

>> No.82728656

everyone that has a criticism is a hate watching anti no I won’t acknowledge that there is no other platform to discuss grievances about such a polarizing oshi

>> No.82728756
File: 1.06 MB, 1081x887, 1699727379825589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

downplaying the actual shitters in this thread is anti behavior

>> No.82728774
File: 69 KB, 108x108, syadouDance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cha cha real smooth

>> No.82728995

i dont think she wants to be with any of you in real life desu

>> No.82729129

why do people upload watchalong videos and not just the audio, her model is just sat there doing nothing 99% of the time

>> No.82729256
File: 123 KB, 386x274, 1723341388267799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't stare at wifey's tired face for hours with her cute little yoda hat and purple lightsaber

>> No.82729500

Most streams for any vtuber are like that...snacker tourist..?

>> No.82729569

How would you know if she sat in your lap otherwise? Usually there are more visual bits she does and kissing sessions but she was giga tired.

>> No.82729639

every thread on this website has shitters they come and go get over it it's always been this way

>airing out grievances in an ironic or tongue in cheek manner is just anti threadshitting schizo behavior and not just a common way to get your point across

>> No.82729780

a lot of those shitters are white ribbons and no one said that

>> No.82729898

i rip the audio for later use, there is no need for the video

>> No.82729903

can we stop discriminating people based on their color?

>> No.82729973

did she do her BA dailies yesterday?

>> No.82730031

last for shondo stop coming /here/ please

>> No.82730202
File: 88 KB, 1125x1241, 1693447346038543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her

>> No.82730366

you don't, don't delude yourself

>> No.82730399
File: 3.34 MB, 600x340, 1715436667424158.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do though

>> No.82730415

prove it

>> No.82730485
File: 226 KB, 510x680, 1722467750047921.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will once my shumo comes in
