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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8226376 No.8226376 [Reply] [Original]

Can/will she ever be topped?

>> No.8226467

Yeah. next question

>> No.8226473

Yes, because she is small and can be easily overpowered in a sexual scenario.

I don't think she'll be beaten in subs tho.

>> No.8226490

By who? What would it take?

>> No.8226502

No because Ame isn't actually into girls

>> No.8226543

fubuki english is waiting to happen
inb4 he thinks fubuki doesnt know english

>> No.8226588

someone, at sometime later. Do I look like a prophet to you Anonchama? She'll get dethorned just like Ai was a while back. What, do you think talents stay popular forever retard?

>> No.8226697

Pewds is on ten years...

>> No.8226928

>he doesn’t know that vtubers are just a fad here to stay just a few more years

>> No.8226993

Fine, if you want me to go full shcizo I'll bite.

Gura is carried by a few things that are not permanent;
1: Her internet humour / backlog of olds memes is due to her being socially retarded as a kid and spending all her time on the web. That is not a permanent well.
2: Currently, small loli body is the anime standard and thus she is still carried by that fact. This is not a permanent trend.
3: Her voice and singing ability is good, however it's good due to it's uniqueness out there. That is also tied to time as the longer she is popular, the more similar sounding "women" will try vtubing out.
4: She is constantly self destructing, the only thing really keeping the train on the tracks is her fans literally willing it to. Alcholism, mental health issues, as well as incredibly low selfesteem makes her relateable but is not good for prolong exposure to fame. See IRL celebs dealing with that.

Pewds exists and has survived due to him jumping early onto the game as well constantly improving and changing his content with the times. Gura has not. She has improved, and her content has changed slightly, but she is no longer trying to learn new things. She could remain on the top if she tried, but she won't. She can't. She never built the toolset needed to deal with it as her fame in both lives basically came overnight. I saw the past life go from 50k to almost 1 million due to a few good meme songs.

I will not reply to this. There's no point to. Gura will one day fall from the throne. Years? Maybe. Months? Hell no. Based on social trends and experience seeing creators rise and fall, she probably has 3 years left. Give or take 2 years depending on loli love and a challenger not approaching randomly.

>> No.8227084

I mean I was baiting a bit as I'm sure you could of sensed and agree with you on most points. But I will say I'm eager to see if she can evolve to keep it fresh

>> No.8227102

Yes. By me

>> No.8227110
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>will she ever be topped?
yes, by her boyfriend

>> No.8227132
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>And she'll be Ogey with it

>> No.8227202

nope, 2 things that went viral in a debut stream will never happen again

>> No.8227251

not until she retires

>> No.8227252

In subs? Unlikely. In live viewers? Probably.

>> No.8227396

The “a” moment and what else?

>> No.8227457

Ride on Time

>> No.8227472


never say never. a few years ago people thought Ai was unbeatable, theres always a bigger fish coming down the river,

>> No.8227503

So basically, an autistic alcoholic loli with 4chan humor who's good at singing.

>> No.8227553

It is not impossible but highly unlikely because

1) When she debuted the vtuber hype was at an all time high
2) Corona
3) as>>8227202 said

>> No.8227598

>he still believes the drunk acting

>> No.8227653

Ehhhh. Her voice is appealing right now, I don't want to say she's good at singing. Opera used to be the shit, it's still considered good but I doubt most normies can even name 1 opera singer at this point. Once the market gets saturated with copycats, some of which are bound to be actually good, her singing voice is be seen as lesser. What matters most is her range. Can she do heartfelt songs? Can she sing to a more country beat? Can she rap? How is her lyrical game? Cause right now it's still basically all the same type of singing she did in her past life, sans the goofy meme bit.

>> No.8227718

She was famous on her old channel for latching onto memes, now that she can't she will drop off eventually
Maybe she'll follow after nyanners at that point and join vshitjo

>> No.8227722

>I don't want to say she's good at singing
then you are a faggot who can not be taken seriously

>> No.8227762

This is a cope post

>> No.8227824

An even bigger meme.

>> No.8227883

>name 1 opera singer
Jackie Chan

>> No.8228010

Can she? Easily, she's small and seems easy to dom.

Will she? Depends on if she meets the right person.

>> No.8228060

Anyone who says otherwise is delusional.

>> No.8228090

Literally nobody thought AI was unbeatable.

>> No.8228150

>Loli is not a permanent trend.
It has always been a trend. If anything, it is a trend that people have been trying to cancel unsuccessfully.

>> No.8228170

Worst fucking fanbase

>> No.8228331
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she can/has

>> No.8230641

Gura will (and already does) get beaten in live views, vod views and SCs but I think even if she stopped streaming altogether her sub count will just keep growing. The algorithm just works in her favor too much.

>> No.8230737

This annon speaks truth, let's not sit here an pretend that Gura changed jobs because she wanted more viewers.

>> No.8230748


>> No.8230943

She's a bottom so hopefully

>> No.8231065

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.8231345


>> No.8231415

yes when she kills herself soon. and you too

>> No.8231581

she will be topped by my fat ojiisan cock

>> No.8231615

Do your kanji reps EOPchama

>> No.8231753

It may take years, but in time the Gura Killer will rise

>> No.8232668

I'd die if they actually hired more than 1 Gura like Kizuna did

>> No.8234638

Gura will probably be surpassed by some new Kizuna Ai with a massive budget, but it will be a hollow victory.

>> No.8234778

Uhh Kuzuha Ai is still queen Holoshizos...

>> No.8238675

that's a child, sir.

>> No.8238720

I top her every night

>> No.8238756
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>we'll see

>> No.8238820
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>> No.8238882

Mori will surpass her before 2023 and become the most subbed vtuber world wide

>> No.8239113
File: 90 KB, 260x260, 1601442728921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most viewers ever
>most SCs ever
who the fuck is this in the OP, btw?

>> No.8239386

Your oshi is gone forever anon, even Kiara will eventually surpass her numbers. Just get over it already

>> No.8239556

She's doing great m8. She doesn't cease existing just cause she's no longer a holo.

>> No.8240012

She is doing great now, but just let a couple of months go by. The decline will happen eventually, if she goes this way the only outcome possible is losing her viewership

>> No.8240027

The new chaos vtuber will destroy Gura's numbers because it’s inevitable that it be destroyed. It’s Hegelian Dialectics, not personal animosity. How do I explain Hegelian Dialectics basically enough? It’s a philosophical theory, the kind you might encounter if you took the time to do your history reps. The fundamental premise is to envision history as a sequence of “dialectical” conflicts. Each dialectic begins with a proposition, a thesis which inherently contains, or creates, its opposite – an antithesis. Thesis and anthesis. The conflict is inevitable. But the resolution of the conflict yields something new – a synthesis – eliminating the flaws in each, leaving behind common elements and ideas. What's dialectic between Gura and Baelz? HoloEN 1 wiped the slate clean. Vtubing descended to a level of saturation that effectively set the market back to zero. Gura has all of the problems of a vtuber – extreme lolibaiting, tribalism, extensive infighting between fanbases. Just as with the old gen, it is natural that a new gen should transform Gura into a 2view. Thesis and antithesis. EN 2 is Baelz's rubicon. Gura's numbers will be reduced, but the new synthesis will change Baelz as well… from a basically new vtuber on the block to the new face of HoloEN as a whole.

>> No.8240084

Yes, Tyrone tops her every night.

>> No.8240121

and got topped by an indian botnet, if they attached a name to said botnet it would make little difference

>> No.8240273

Mutt's law

>> No.8240498

In likability, ideas, and actually being entertaining she’s been topped for a while in subs probably not. Notice how now adays people only call her cute they don’t talk about her content or things she actually does. Not even other Vtubers.

>> No.8240532

Shark loli with a great model who can be both entertaining and calm when needed and is generally the most professional. She also just so happens to have the entire English speaking world behind her and even loyal Japanese followers.

>> No.8240660

but she just did a meme review and is still doing fine?

>> No.8241982

What if she just keeps going, making a new internet personality every time she exhausts the previous, eventually owning hundreds of multi million sub channels making passive income from backlogs? That's the future I wanna see for gura, that's the interesting timeline.

>> No.8242244

Petra Gurin. Enough said.

>> No.8242321


>> No.8242436

it is inevitable unless she starts putting in effort.

>> No.8242710

You've seen pewds views for someone with over 100 mill subs? Mr. beast already surpassed his popularity, subs means nothing nowadays. Anya has more subs than so many indies and can barely compete with them.

>> No.8242758

literally who?

>> No.8242863

>3 years
I give her 1 year, screencap this or I'll kill the president.

>> No.8242965

That is actually decent analysis.

>> No.8243071

I topped her last night, if you know what I mean.

>> No.8243113

it is?

>> No.8243153

not really but don't tell him

>> No.8243484

It will take Kiara years to reach her numbers lol

>> No.8244072

Yeah. By me.
Or that Amber fella who knows

>> No.8244145

She's already been topped in all but subscribers, and they're not worth much anyway if it's all just dead subs

>> No.8244169

in popularity? it'll take a while before that happens
in quality? she's never been on top, even for EN vtubers

>> No.8244583

She'll be topped years from now when vtubing explodes and everyone is doing it, but for the foreseeable future she's the queen. And rightfully so.

>> No.8245208

Hololive will either be overtaken by a new competitor (very likely) or manage to turn the girls into a media franchise that will stand the test of time (extremely unlikely). If the latter comes true then eventually another talent will surpass Gura or her legacy as Hololive grows bigger and bigger.
