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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8221523 No.8221523 [Reply] [Original]

Is this true?

>> No.8221553

it's before demonetization and after

>> No.8221556

For clipniggers maybe. As far as actual streams and content go basically nothing has changed

>> No.8221684

He forgot the Hololive BBC era

>> No.8222638

Only for newfaggot Redditors. They love their Reddit dragon.

>> No.8223223

I think sankisei have changed hololive more than RD.

>> No.8223356

>As far as actual streams and content go basically nothing has changed
A major driving force exiting from the scene has by necessity ripple effects. I didn't watch her much but come on.

>> No.8223389

So, where are the swimsuits?

>> No.8223492

No, the actual eras are:

BH - Before Holocaust
AF - After Holocaust

>> No.8223639

No, the correct one is:
>Before Taiwan yab
>After Taiwan yab

>> No.8223724

no. be less new or less retarded.
eitherway do a flip

>> No.8223749

Dumb cocofag overestimating coco's influence beyond any point of reason, what else is new

>> No.8223754

this is the correct one

>> No.8223794
File: 150 KB, 257x368, 1611341465944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The correct eras are
BN - Before Miko Said Nigga
AN - After Miko Said Nigga

>> No.8223823

cover is a shit company

>> No.8223947

Literally the single most important event in hololive history.


>> No.8223974

Before Scatman
After Scatman.

>> No.8224023

>A major driving forc
What did she do that was deserving of this title?

>> No.8224026

Before Covid
After Lockdowns

>> No.8224042

No its actually:
>Before i started watching
>After i started watching

>> No.8224071

>Before the christmas miracle
>After it

>> No.8224082

So before Kizuna Ai and after Kizuna Ai?

>> No.8224149

Kizuna was unironically the first vtuber i watched. But even then i ended up actively watching Kaguya more cause she sounded drunk in all her early vids

>> No.8224169

They actually got a sponsorship deal with the British Broadcasting Channel? Weird choice for internationalization, no wonder I haven't heard much about it

>> No.8224264
File: 7 KB, 205x246, 1612313703528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you mean reddit memes don't qualify you as a major driving force?

>> No.8224302

This is the correct term

>> No.8224333

Coconiggers are so cringe

Some of them arent, but holy shit they do behave like an unintentional shitpost

>> No.8224365

>not before chinks
I hate twitterfags so much.

>> No.8224400

How many average viewers she had on that stream?

>> No.8224418

Only for redditors

>> No.8224443

>Is this true?
On one side we have tatsunoko over exaggerating all of Coco's accomplishments. And on the other side you have legit anti schizos and Zhang pretenders who'll say anything to try and discredited Coco's influence over the vtuber sphere. I side with the former considering how much it makes the Zhangs here seeeeethe. Now back to your question. Is it true? 100% true.

>> No.8224447

name a worse group of people than cocofags. the only thing I can think of that's even close to literal redditors is the schizos chama has

>> No.8224460
File: 160 KB, 1080x1011, cool shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cunts are all wrong. The Correct eras are:
BE - Before En
AE - After En

>> No.8224477

90% of /vt/ joined after holoEN debuted

>> No.8224496


>> No.8224509

>A major driving force

Lmao the cope, coco-fags dont realize normies and ledditors have the attention spawn of a 2year old, they forget about coco and just get "drove" by and to other hololive chubbas

>> No.8224547


>> No.8224574


>> No.8224593

Less than 1k?
I know she mentioned that she was doing terribly, all of Gen 2 quickly passing her and was thinking of calling it quits before that clip blew up and brought much deserved attention to her.

>> No.8224619
File: 176 KB, 276x286, elite miko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuga Migo

>> No.8224657

There hadn't been any swimsuit streams for months before Coco left either. Those were neither something Coco brought in, nor something she took away with her. The lack of swimsuits streams have very little to do with Coco.
If anything, Marine's new outfit was pretty close to a swimsuit. Heck, Marine even explained that most of the restrictions aren't even real and hard restrictions, just that many Holos are incapable of negotiating or explaining things to the management to get their way.

>> No.8224684

It doesn’t feel different at all for me. Especially because Kanata sometimes still talks about her.

>> No.8224699

Meant to address >>8223389

>> No.8224767

Yes. Hololive had so much soul and freedom before Coco joined the company. Her stupid yab only caused Cover to put restrictions on their talents. Everthing changed for the worse after Coco joined Hololive.

>> No.8224875

Okay Zhang.

>> No.8224881

For popularity the timeline would be
>before fubuki scatman -> before migo said nigga -> holo EN -> present
Coco had some major contributions to popularity but those ones are the turning points
For content
>before holocaust -> before Taiwan yab -> present
One for a shitload of new restrictions and the other for killing 90% of chink games, granted most of them are shit but you still lost a few good ones
For "mood" you have a mix of both, scatman brining a shit load of EOPs, same with Migo, which were "positive" boosts, then you have Taiwan yab which was a negative boost brining chink antis and hate ultimately culminating in Coco's graduation which just made most if not everyone miserable, you can notice this most about 1 month or 2 weeks before the announcement since some of the girls already knew and were having a shit time or moving streams because of this

>> No.8224963
File: 102 KB, 322x236, 1596426988749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this really the only response redditors can think up?

>> No.8225111

Anon, I...

>> No.8225179

Does anyone gives a shit about reddit outside of losers and midwits?

>> No.8225420
File: 257 KB, 1200x675, EN5xl2KU0AEQkWL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you're a newfag EOP.

>> No.8225500

shut the fuck off coco fags

>> No.8225597 [DELETED] 

That's depressing. To be fair her design is not very unique, and since her appeal is not immediately apparent it required some push for people to watch her long enough to get hooked.

>> No.8225653 [DELETED] 

In the west? Maybe. From Subaru's initial responses to the duck meme blowing up you can tell that Japs really don't give a shit about reddit.

>> No.8225665
File: 456 KB, 2048x1483, 1626748751351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MiComet is kino because they both started with nothing in cover/hololive and worked their asses off for years until it paid off

>> No.8225669

It has to be BC and AD you faggot.

>> No.8225726

But coco help made hololive en an possiblity. Cause without her we would not have the hololive en that we have now. She also one of the first to activity try to take eop fans and relate to them. Cause if a few fucking memes all it took then it should be easily to replicate by other companies like nijisanji but it did not happpend. Coco best represents the uprising arc the period in which hololive experience expolsive growth from small indie company to mainstream as they are today,

>> No.8226141

I agree, but the things is that coco didn't have a defined point to her, after eops came from fbk and migo they found coco and stayed with her, she was the one that made cover see that holoEN would be a success and the one that influenced a lot of things but it was in a reaction way instead of a creation one (which is completely fine), if someone came up to you about hololive they would have probably mentioned either fbk or migo then you would direct them to the one chuuba that new english and they stayed there, in response to this coco utilized her bond with the eops to create immense growth
You can see it as war comparison, "America won the war" because they did but real reason was the guy who made the nuke won it, "hololive got massive growth" and that time the face of holo was fbk and migo, the one who made the nuke here is coco, she directed the growth and made eops stay with hololive

>> No.8226187

Simple as

>> No.8226366

Then what's the time during Coco?

>> No.8227028

AD. BC/AD refers to the birth not the death.

>> No.8227106

>Implying it was her fault
>Implying chinks didn't lash out for other minor controversies
>Implying it wasn't Cover's fault for relying so heavily on that fucked up country
I'm so sorry your traitorous oshi gave up streaming.

>> No.8227187

doubtful. leave it to ex-tatsunokos to make the
>before christ/anno domini
comparison though. the level of delusion is almost as high as that of the zhangs these days.

>> No.8228576
File: 230 KB, 316x331, 1609554987332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90% of /vt/ joined after holoEN debuted
It does feels like a board full of newfans.

>> No.8229547
File: 119 KB, 296x306, 5365654643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>christmas miracle
>elite niggaaaa
>the permissions saga
>taiwan yab
>coco gradulation
these are the big events so far, at least I belieb so.
but the real yabbening has yet to come, the signs are on the walls and it's not long now. superchat your oshi while you still can.

>> No.8231343

Hololive was a cringe virtual idol company
Hololive was based

>> No.8231637

Was the christmas miracle the origin for the curse of the 25th? I’m only aware of hololive’s history from fbk scatman and migo nigga onward

>> No.8231812


>> No.8231966

More like:
>Before holoEN
>After holoEN

At least you can still go to niji and indie streams and not see a wall of English spam

>> No.8232015

It's all based on how long you've been around. People who got into hololive around Gen 2 & 3 probably still think in terms of before archive nuke and after.

>> No.8232039

I believe so, it was the fateful 25th when YAGOO used the monkey's paw...

>> No.8232074

this is a topic you can argue about forever, but most people believe coco is the reason holoEN happened.

>> No.8232395

>Gen 3 swimsuit streams NEVER
>Gen 4 swimsuit streams NEVER
>Gen 5 swimsuit streams NEVER
>EN swimsuit streams NEVER
>EN 2 swimsuit streams NEVER

>> No.8233120

Insane how a fucking clip can change the course of events

>> No.8233131
File: 775 KB, 1274x715, 1618129620537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's funny because Coco's greatest accomplishment is growing hololive in japan, not overseas, and giving it that "family" feeling with asacoco, a large % of people either discovered hololive with it or their oshi through it.
The first 5 months of asacoco didn't even have english subs and she barely used english at all on her regular streams, plus it didn't really get clipped that much.

There was a time even nijis ended their streams at 6am to watch asacoco, she debuted and less than a month later was already a superstar because her show was just that good and innovative, getting 20.000 viewers every day at 6am was unheard of at the time.

It wasn't just the fact that it was full of collabs, it also had tons of production value, including 3D skits and even live action stuff.






>> No.8233603

>ID swimsuit stream... possible despite the country's beliefs.

>> No.8235474

>I didnt watch her much
Clipniggers get the rope

>> No.8235799 [DELETED] 

People calling others new even though i was there and saw that hololive only for popular cause of Ark streams that were started by coco and her reddit streams that made holo popular for western,i guess people are ashamed that hololive is the reddit company

>> No.8235925

Taiwan yab was Hololive's 9/11. Nothing was the same after that.

>> No.8235998

Shut up you dumb coconigger.

>> No.8236734

Newfags should not talk lightly of the chrismas miracle. It was a like an unprecedented passing of torch from the four kings to the next gen. An inspiring story that you should well be doing archive reps with.

>> No.8236945

Hololive BC - Before China
Hololive AD - Appeasing Dictators

>> No.8237202

Cope and seethe

>> No.8237313

Yes this is it.

>> No.8237450

It's the only response you're going to get like the bug you are if you think Coco was at fault.

>> No.8237725

I don't like Coco and I'm glad she graduated

>> No.8237771

Hologra dropped in writing quality after she left.

>> No.8237775

Okay Xi, now go eat a dog or something

>> No.8237827

I'm not chinese, I just hate redditors

>> No.8237868
File: 136 KB, 463x453, 1628195014823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try ching chong ping pong

>> No.8237917

go back faggot

>> No.8237979
File: 344 KB, 1025x1080, 1607470533123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should go back to NGA, zhang

>> No.8237981

This is correct.

>> No.8237989

Why not After Death?

>> No.8240346

Id say before holocause (BH) AND after holocaust (AH) would be mire appropriate

>> No.8240520

Coco still applies to that, bc and ad roll of the tongue better

>> No.8240622

ayamefriends, giving lasy whore big ass superchats when other girls deserve it

>> No.8240833


>> No.8241807

BS - Before Soda
AS - After Soda

>> No.8242910

unironically this.
while she's not the real reason for the sudden popularity in the west, she's the one that really changed the game after kizuna ai.

>> No.8249411

>despite the country's beliefs.
It's no longer about belief at this point. It's about money.
Swimsuit or bikini are okay as long it's on beach or swimming pool setting according to the law. But the censorship committee still will sue the television company anyway and no one here want to deal with censorship committee.
That's why even if it 1 a.m, television company still have to put PG label on a movie. Yeah, no blood, no violence and no cleavage. Fuck this country.

>> No.8249901

BTI- Before Taiwan incident
ATI- After Taiwan incident

>> No.8251267
File: 1.75 MB, 1860x820, 1622443125973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my meme :^)

holocaust is holocaust because the holos and their managers never shut the fuck up about permissions and always like to subtlety remind you about Mio's Capcom yab a year ago

>> No.8251349

Before Capcom
After Deletion
