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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 334 KB, 2000x2000, 1718027663050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
81920845 No.81920845 [Reply] [Original]

The 156th Wind

>CURRENT STREAM:【MEMBER STREAM】Hi it's me, welcome in!

>PREVIOUS STREAM:【ZELDA-Minish Cap】The fully immersive experience!

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
Important Videos: https://rentry.org/ImmerMarks



#ImmerScreen (Stream) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerScreen
#Immergination (Art) https://twitter.com/hashtag/Immergination
#ImmerPiece (Music) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMusic
#ImmerMemes (Memes) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMemes

>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous thread: >>81909931

>> No.81920894
File: 616 KB, 1920x1080, Schedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.81920898

to niggers get mad at people saying vinegar too?

>> No.81920939

>youtuber can't youtube properly

>> No.81920959

I’m really excited for CecexRirika tomorrow

>> No.81920965

retards will get mad at anything as long as it's retarded

>> No.81920985

The only nigger here is you

>> No.81920987

>Twitch streamer can't Youtube properly
it's not that confusing

>> No.81920999

in america its normal to enunciate the E sound more so it doesn't sound like that

>> No.81921001

Why are her seething noises making me hard..

>> No.81921022


>> No.81921068
File: 4 KB, 48x48, 7Z6qZoC5HceDv_IPnbKzsQ4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otomo for ants

>> No.81921109

She should have uploaded it at 360x360

>> No.81921123

looks better than the commisioned ones to be honest

>> No.81921126

>All emotes of good quality
>CC adds one herself
>Goes out of her way to upload micro ones instead of good quality ones
>Despite being told that youtube resizes them

>> No.81921148


>> No.81921156
File: 144 KB, 360x360, gKuWZt2SFZOe_9EP5qeemAg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.81921185

now scale it down to 24x24

>> No.81921203
File: 117 KB, 360x360, 1697131079176825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.81921236
File: 1 KB, 24x24, 1708302869029796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compressed white squares

>> No.81921244

based, darkmode is for redditors

>> No.81921257
File: 70 KB, 716x439, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.81921297

How did you guys get these

>> No.81921305

can you post the rest of them? wanna save some of them

>> No.81921362

there are cringe whitemode users in this thread

>> No.81921384

Post booty cough soundpost

>> No.81921409

I use everything in light mode because I don't want to turn on the light in my room

>> No.81921444
File: 280 KB, 400x400, channels4_profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same way you get uncompressed and uncropped images from community posts anon, it also works for avatars, banners and pretty much everything else outside of thumbnails

>> No.81921465

What did she ask Gigi?

>> No.81921466

Image Max URL extension, it's a godsend

>> No.81921484

from here

>> No.81921494

The links to the emotes are available to the public, you can see them when joining the channel etc
From there you can just open image in a new tab and you got the full url

>> No.81921501

how to upload emotes

>> No.81921506
File: 120 KB, 360x360, 1722201122088080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.81921510


>> No.81921524

>The same way you get uncompressed and uncropped images from community posts anon
HUH. That makes sense. Thank you!

>> No.81921529

If you don't have membership you can also see them in the popup for joining membership

>> No.81921546

yeah but I'm lazy ass so can you >>81921305

>> No.81921544

Controversial opinion Ceci isn’t a green woman. Her hair and eyes are aqua

>> No.81921563

she really wanted to say it again...

>> No.81921577
File: 100 KB, 1033x985, 1603794609035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.81921586
File: 151 KB, 360x360, 1722091994537016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.81921593

isnt that a BLUE shade?

>> No.81921597

Yeah, it really makes difference, especially on old-ass posts that are like ten times as compressed

>> No.81921600

counter point IMMERGREEN

>> No.81921604

You already have the instructions.

>> No.81921605

>She hates the fast chat
it's over

>> No.81921624

>CC is aqua
she also is a lazy maid

>> No.81921628


>> No.81921643

no its a hue of blue

>> No.81921670

>Otomo's are canonically smaller than my dick
I will fuck an Otomo to death.

>> No.81921680

its definitely not blue, Teal is maybe arguable but not blue

>> No.81921684

Giantess fetish leaking through

>> No.81921686

That's a tall flat doll..

>> No.81921727

if you're shorter than CC you should consider the femboy path.

>> No.81921759
File: 1.16 MB, 2337x2160, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HD CC SC after paint compression

>> No.81921757

Please become 6m tall CC...

>> No.81921762

with or without heels?

>> No.81921796

All the way through

>> No.81921831

>a joint in this area
CCs pussy joint

>> No.81921868

I fucking hate that argentinian dude, with his 20 cents donations. I hope CC ignores him in the future.

>> No.81921886

she can squeeze down soo hard

>> No.81921912

>superchats are free

>> No.81921961

I don't have an issue if it's actual Argentinians and their actual currency. Anyone else should be put in a mass grave though.

>> No.81921987

why is he speaking for all of us? He's not wrong but still

>> No.81921991
File: 300 KB, 1901x1470, 1719574260251916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a single thought in that head...

>> No.81922013

If its not a VPN asshole, then his punishment is he lives in Argentina, anon. Let him have this he probably can't go get bread without the risk of getting shot for it.

>> No.81922016
File: 301 KB, 565x446, 1710871227741927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cc's definitely green, bro

>> No.81922064

....What is she talking about, what? Is it ASMR? What's this about flashlight?

>> No.81922072

shes into cia interrogation roleplay

>> No.81922077

I'm going to shine a floodlight in her face.

>> No.81922104

It's a trigger for her apparently.

>> No.81922116

visual asmr are a thing

>> No.81922133

I can't get into asmr.
Can't tell whether what I hear is real or just my usual delusions.

>> No.81922137

This is literally the first I'm hearing of it what

>> No.81922140

> She gets wet when going to the optometrist
She's a freak

>> No.81922166

does the A in asmr not stand for audio?

>> No.81922167

>Fauna ASMR
stop lying CC

>> No.81922176

the a is for autonomous not auditory.

>> No.81922179

imagine orgasming but from your head

>> No.81922216

She just circumcised the otomos...

>> No.81922242

>CC cutting off your crank

>> No.81922255

why imagine when you can already orgasm from your "head" already?

>> No.81922256

>shadow ban

>> No.81922264

What do you think cecis hair is? Silk? Human? Horse? Plant fibers?
and was her maker based enough to give her pubic hair?

>> No.81922290

ASMR are not limited to girls whispering. It can be a regular doctor visit role play or something similar. Some are really hyperactive too, which helps people with extremely active brains like CC probably has.

>> No.81922295

>censorship is sometimes based actually
I like CC

>> No.81922294

>she doesn't read my cringe jokes
>I must be shadowbanned!!!

what's with that logic?

>> No.81922303

In 2008 I ripped the audio from a tutorial on how to get on myspace at school and put it on my mp3 player to listen to in bed. I thought I was gay but it turned out ASMR was a thing. I was very relieved when I found out.

>> No.81922313

it's a wig

>> No.81922317

>socks get wet and slightly warm
why is she so evil?

>> No.81922323

Perfectly smooth. That's why they sent her after Nerissa.

>> No.81922349

the pubic hair can be used to brew tea

>> No.81922358

she definitely is that weak

>> No.81922421

Everyone is if the cute girl matches their type enough

>> No.81922456

That is on Friday not tomorrow ya SEA monkey

>> No.81922549

Tomorrow is...*checks zeitplan*...no...

>> No.81922582

Tomorrow is VOD day.

>> No.81922588

>Easy to carry
Yea, about that.. She's a fucking rock.

>> No.81922596
File: 152 KB, 360x360, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.81922656

so ririka's taking cc's first time?

>> No.81922738

That already happened in the faaaaar east, this is the her second time

>> No.81922809

>tea themed branding
>tea's most durable warrior
>has only tried like 3 types of tea
make it make sense

>> No.81922843

>sorry blacks

>> No.81922864

>What is playing a character

>> No.81922882


>> No.81922888

>bless you

>> No.81922925

You know, what's crazy is on debut CC didn't come off to me as a gamer but I swear to God, her game rants are legendary.

>> No.81922930


>> No.81922952

she should method act by drinking more tea, faggot

>> No.81922953

yeah fuck ai

>> No.81922980

There are more teas than Earl Grey?

>> No.81923033

No, I did

>> No.81923036

Uhm... yes please?

>> No.81923064
File: 369 KB, 686x748, 1721614118965746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Der Jude...

>> No.81923263

She hasn't peed yet.

>> No.81923289

I already took care of it.

>> No.81923290

She is dehydrated...

>> No.81923321

I want to shark cece

>> No.81923334
File: 24 KB, 256x256, OtomoGrin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or has she?

>> No.81923357

doll toes...

>> No.81923359

I like the transparent part.
It's original and cute.

>> No.81923426

she looks really cute with her arms up what the hell

>> No.81923445

>194 minutes

>> No.81923447

ahhh, here we go

>> No.81923452

she's /here/

>> No.81923453

Why would she go AFK for water when the stream's going to last like 10 more minutes?

>> No.81923460

>193 minutes

>> No.81923475

Is this the new record?

>> No.81923483

She should stop stretching or at least mute when stretching. The noises aren't good for my heart.

>> No.81923506

which one of you can't count

>> No.81923583
File: 236 KB, 468x409, 1721660378542430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be different timezones

>> No.81923625
File: 170 KB, 701x680, 1722456002538170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.81923631

first guy was 13:53
second guy was 14:10

>> No.81923645

This right here is the kind of reason why posting timestamps for something /here/ is not going to work well.

>> No.81923662
File: 577 KB, 924x923, Wartomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that murdertomos are canon

>> No.81923699

hear that? if otomos wind her up its just masturbation

>> No.81923721

>you're quite smol


>> No.81923728

>winding up cc is a special privilege
I wonder if it feels good

>> No.81923739

We are weak…

>> No.81923768
File: 149 KB, 360x360, knife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.81923950

that soft voice turns me on, she seems so submissive... so breedable...

>> No.81923979

>soft voice

>> No.81923984

is it gay to wind up or get wound up by other otomos?

>> No.81923994

Do you have a favorite book? Mine's Crime and Punishment.

>> No.81924046

She’s not a bottom by default anon. From hints here and there you have to earn her submission or she’ll laugh in your face.

>> No.81924065

ah, ESL problem, can't express well, the voice she did when she was asked to make a joke

>> No.81924156

The old man and the sea or snow country because I'm too dumb for long books. flowers for algernon is a favourite too though

>> No.81924174

Peace and War or One Hundred Years of Solitude. If we are talking about fantasy, then maybe Prince of Nothing.

>> No.81924198

What was the question?

>> No.81924201

>Build her to do chores
>Cogs and gears

>> No.81924215

War and Peace*, I'm retarded.

>> No.81924257

>do you like bitch sissy?

>> No.81924277

Not anymore but the first larger book I read in English when I was 11 as ESL was the 2nd Eragon book and thats probably the one I remember having enjoyed the most. Series would be the Left Hand of God books as a teen. Not its The First Law

>> No.81924287

Sand in her pussy
She just called Freshwater, "Sweetwater" kek

>> No.81924318

The Ancients wanted their own Youmu.

>> No.81924328

It’s how a lot of european languages refer to it.

>> No.81924422

sweetwater is another word for freshwater, but rarely in use these days

>> No.81924445

a lot of languages refer to it as "sweet" water, in spanish is agua dulce

>> No.81924448

first law is great, have u tried the black company?

>> No.81924450

Hear that? You have to be 17 cm to be an otomo.
Small fries need not apply.

>> No.81924503

>smaller than a dick
can't even use them as otonahole.

>> No.81924506 [DELETED] 

I am too big to be an Otomo :(

>> No.81924538

That's how it works in most languages.

>> No.81924566

>Eats the glue.
>Drinks the ink.
She's a little special...

>> No.81924568

Did she ever read her SCs from her membership stream? Said she was too tired to read the rest and would do it later.

>> No.81924575

Perfect onahole size...

>> No.81924628

She endorsed the brother war...

>> No.81924661

Excluding manga and LN's, probably The Divine Comedy

>> No.81924761
File: 11 KB, 458x530, GQpMb3Pa4AAgTdR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gigi knows, it's her job

>> No.81924788

>talks about eating chatinis
>talks about putting chatinis in a blender
there can only be one

>> No.81924793

I'm pretty sure she got through them all? I vaguely remember hearing her read one that was still up on the banner.

>> No.81924795

my stream was behind

>> No.81924815
File: 24 KB, 256x300, Small masochistic fairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not with that attitude

>> No.81924838

Argentinian Otomo needs to be stopped.

>> No.81924855

Oh I might have just missed it then.

>> No.81924871

Are Otomos stretchy?

>> No.81924932

>country so poor their currency is worth nothing
>uses what little money they have to donate to online anime girls
They should definitely fix their priorities

>> No.81924944

made from the same stretchy immerheim metal cc is made of

>> No.81925092

The whole spamming thing with his worthless currency is a starting to become a bit tiresome.
Half of Argentina is in Spain. It wouldn't surprise me that he's just using an older card or something. Specially seeing how much he's spamming.

"Verification not required."

>> No.81925146

That amount of money isn't even enough to ride a bus in some places.

>> No.81925264

I don't want to be hard right now.

>> No.81925317

even though we're doomed with this shitty currency, the average argie earns at least 350k pesos per month. 200 pesitos is straight up disrespectful toward the streamers.

>> No.81925334

austrian puppeteer .jfif

>> No.81925390

Pokemon Department Store-ass music

>> No.81925421

I thought you guys just use USD because your currency is fucked?

>> No.81925489

That's Venezuela first worlder, Argentina is not THAT bad yet.

>> No.81925522

The use of dollars is heavily taxed here.

>> No.81925570

for savings yes. everything else is in pesos and most things (cars, electronics and shit) are even more expensive than in the US because the heavy taxation on importations

>> No.81925576

Declares his nationality in his name. Put time into making a pfp etc. Speaks fine english. Spamming for attention which is what all these fake ARS fuckers do. Doubt he's actually argentinian, everything about him screams fake. I swear there's more ARS cheaters than ever before despite them allegedly requiring a credit card or something now. Must be some work around. So fucking annoying, he's literally sent like $1 total with a bunch of messages.

>> No.81925587

>everything is edible
Of course a German says this

>> No.81925590

How many argies are in this thread?

>> No.81925685

like half the board is unironically south american (mexicans are south american)

>> No.81925690

we like germans

>> No.81925773

How could there be that many, I've never heard of "SWA" as a perjorative.

>> No.81925776

>hates shoujo anime
>love shoujo manga
she's lesbian, all the clues were right.

>> No.81925778

t. senor hitler

>> No.81925791

I am the only one

>> No.81925795

Just go visit your grandparents then?

>> No.81925946

they were spaniards...

>> No.81926096

I'm sorry

>> No.81926159
File: 334 KB, 2134x1947, 1717153204872647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright i'm going to crash. good night otomos i'll watch the rest tomorrow morning

>> No.81926275

same... it's 6am

>> No.81926315

>4 hours and still going
Jesus christ this woman can talk a lot. I like her.

>> No.81926371

Same here, I hought she would be ending now at 00:00, but she's still going.

>> No.81926383

Same here, good night crank

>> No.81926399
File: 152 KB, 474x548, Es ist aus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I binge watched a lot of anime early on like CC but never grew out of trashy isekai and ecchi harems

>> No.81926418

This woman is autism.

>> No.81926454

I used to watch a lot of shonen/isekai stuff. Now I watch mecha and cute slice of life stuff.

>> No.81926489

She's just like me fr fr
She is not just like me. I have the cold dead non-verbal autism but I could listen to her forever

>> No.81926535

>Do you like Shoujo? Read it
>Do you hate Shoujo? Then you should probably not read it.
Thank you CC

>> No.81926635

she's perfect

>> No.81926875

Holy autism fuelled tangent..

>> No.81926949

"he's a *audible disgust* guy"

>> No.81926994

absolutely based femcel

>> No.81927056

>bromance is nice

>> No.81927104

bromance is nice, actual bromance atleast.

>> No.81927153

>4 hours into stream
>like 2 hours into just chatting
>chat is finally good and communicative
I knew we had it in us

>> No.81927324

>4,5h membership stream
is that normal? seems long

>> No.81927376

>won't let us choose
Told you

>> No.81927387

no, but it's a special occasion I guess

>> No.81927403

She's the best...

>> No.81927446

That feels like an average length.
2 hour streams are too short

>> No.81927450

It was her first plain zatsu in a while, I guess she felt like chatting.

>> No.81927466
File: 2 KB, 313x28, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.81927483

How am I supposed to take a nap with a four hour stream? I'm eepy...

>> No.81927587

I'm not argentinian, I'm just not ignorant.

>> No.81927832

Takes about 3 months to filter enough of the useless chatters so it's actually readable and not filled with meaningless comments
Seems like it's hard for her to adjust to the speed of her chat on top of that.

>> No.81927911


damn I really like this slow BGM
>it's kinda creepy
nah, it's kinda jazz

>> No.81927946

I think she is doing very well with reading chat.

>> No.81928100

yeah she's doing good a bit more and she'll learn to filter out my useless comments which are not funny nor communicative nor informative enough and often times just bad but I don't know how to do better it's all good

>> No.81928655

Yeah, I've thought the same, she's handled chat pretty well for being 20 to 30x what she used to have.

>> No.81928764

Having emotes now probably helps too

>> No.81928823

She is for what she's being given.

>> No.81929555
File: 309 KB, 707x592, 20240723_234036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, kid. Wanna fuse kinstones?

>> No.81930072
File: 57 KB, 195x246, 1722466447416167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I waited for you........................

>> No.81931299
File: 297 KB, 468x409, 1719882474627139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doll hands grasp your balls

>> No.81931362

Cecilia said multiple racist things that stream

>> No.81931441

i cant believe what she said about chatiggers

>> No.81931568


>> No.81931908

proof next thread?

>> No.81932120

Based. Total chattinigger death.

>> No.81932628


>> No.81933005
File: 1.44 MB, 1024x1024, otomo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make 3D art.

>> No.81933086

cute, would punt

>> No.81933430

bomberman otomo

>> No.81933771

>shitting on your mamma

>> No.81933855

make him faster

>> No.81933953

Cute! You should make a small fan game with them. Like lemmings

>> No.81934135

Just a reminder that cece doesn't want otomos to explode (but that's up to you in the end).

>> No.81934292

No, I must explode inside CC.

>> No.81934573
File: 116 KB, 1024x1024, otomo-fast.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh! No! Now I'm too fast!
I have so many ideas! But not enough time, sadly.
Otomos will be given headpats.

>> No.81934616
File: 236 KB, 921x1143, 1707769925537786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.81934714

Why did cc make us perfectly penis sized? What does she want to do with us?!

>> No.81934881

And then I will serve her pancake breakfast in bed the next morning.

>> No.81935162

>perfectly penis sized
maybe for you

>> No.81935244

17 cm is a nice size. A little more than average but not big. We might be too girthy though

>> No.81935669
File: 33 KB, 244x260, 1722444032285455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the real reason for our size

>> No.81935935

What's worse? Stepping on a lego or stepping on an otomo?

>> No.81936310

Otomos are round in most places. Perfectly suitable for pressure on skin, porcelain, or inside cece's butt.

>> No.81936452


>> No.81936462

are we... flared enough?

>> No.81936505

>inside cece's butt
Anon I'm so sorry. It's completely smooth there

>> No.81938463
File: 379 KB, 701x639, S312xnY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related but with Ceci and otomos clock key

>> No.81939232

That’s what the peanut is for

>> No.81939552

im glad to be designed with safety features!

>> No.81939992

does the peanut stay outside or is it what goes in?

>> No.81940122

It stays out. Its too wide to go in first

>> No.81941600
File: 65 KB, 1000x500, true_reason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have hidden holes in our bottoms for CC's PP to go inside us.

>> No.81944997

I have no idea how these things work, but aren't our bodies even bigger than the "peanut?"

>> No.81945324

Yes, but our bodies are round. that gives a taper, even at a large size, that’s far easier to insert than the key. To get the key in you’d have to stretch your anus to that width first, opposed to the body which would do the stretching as it goes in.

>> No.81948583

you wouldn't fuck a doll, right Otomos?

>> No.81949270

Hey I recognize your art from low poly Twitter
Keep up the good work anon

>> No.81950088
File: 1.01 MB, 3277x4096, GT2x--OWwAAVgiM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speen to win!

>> No.81950189

normally I wouldn't, but have you seen those joints????

>> No.81951002

the key is an erogenous zone

>> No.81951042

So when is your junk oshi going to do a Rozen Maiden watchalong?
Only the original two seasons are acceptable.

>> No.81951272
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If they didn't want to be fucked, they wouldn't be so erotic.

>> No.81951601

thats not erotic thats a christmas tree

>> No.81951665

Either way it gives me wood

>> No.81952354

Remember that CC is like an Ina level prude and she hates all of us for hornyposting in here

>> No.81952646

so the reason she can't finish the "spin to win" joke in one go, what we thought was embarrassment, was actually arousal?

>> No.81953108

no cecilia tomorrow.

>> No.81953492


>> No.81953890
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>> No.81954092

I find it hot that ceci is aware of her horny fanbase but pretends we don't exist yet.

>> No.81954154

fuck off gigi

>> No.81955703

Hi, tourist here I just discovered I could search for this thread without the special ü, I always assumed it was impossible to search for lol

Did anyone here soundpost when she suddenly became a supreme luckgod during zelda?

>> No.81956335

Ceci should do a frieren watchalong and get angry just by listening to their names.

>> No.81956620


>> No.81956715

that's fine, i've never hornyposted about ina and she hates me anyways

>> No.81956935

she hates you guys regardless

>> No.81957048

not me bro

>> No.81957223

same bro, she loves us

>> No.81957477

i love you, bro

>> No.81957763

Ceci first pay cheque should be out any time now. I hope she spends it on some good food.

>> No.81957979

Still a month to go.

>> No.81959089
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Getting pancakes today. I am easily influenced.

>> No.81959911

She’s very judicious with money. She’ll probably treat herself with a cute outfit or something and hold as much of the rest as she can.

>> No.81960856

Not a lot of soundposts done here, now that I think about it?

>> No.81961186

first time youtube money takes awhile

>> No.81963247
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anyone got bigger versions of these emotes?

>> No.81964187
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pancakes lmao

>> No.81965118
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>> No.81965729

Every time she says sasuke, all i hear is susge

>> No.81965924
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gween tea

>> No.81965994
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wow, gween

>> No.81966901 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.81967221

i gave in and bought membership...
>>81931299 the doll has indeed grabbed me by the balls...

>> No.81967721

Any new CCGG info from the member?

>> No.81967918

Become an otomem to find out!

>> No.81968069


>> No.81968123


>> No.81968446


>> No.81969087

yes they kissed on stream

>> No.81970159

No CC today. Cruel, cruel world.

>> No.81970205

They have converted to shia islam and are becoming sister wives to me. Alhamdulillah brother!

>> No.81970553


>> No.81970630

She said that although she was an automaton she still had squishy parts and then she showed us the squishy parts. All of the parts. Better watch it soon, some puritan faggot is bound to report it for breaking youtube's content guidelines.
