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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 79 KB, 1200x630, pekora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8164101 No.8164101 [Reply] [Original]

Pekora is the most important and influential vtuber, not only in Hololive but the whole world.

In this thread we will thank Pekora for her hard work and for making vtubing as big as it is today.

Thank you, Pekora.

>> No.8164240
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>Am i a joke to you?

>> No.8164253


>> No.8164260

This but COCO

>> No.8164285


>> No.8164294
File: 70 KB, 734x720, 1628946761067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally too autistic to make amends with Miko, even though Miko wants to

>> No.8164319

You spelled COCO wrong

>> No.8164331
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>> No.8164336
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Thank you pekora

>> No.8164353

Kizuna Ai, Kaguya Luna, Sakura Miko, Minato Aqua, Inugami Korone, Shirakami Fubuki, Kiryu Coco, and Gawr Gura are all more influencial.

>> No.8164377

Are they mad at each other? I thought Pekora was just fed up with the yuri shit so they backed off a bit. I thought they were friends still IRL

>> No.8164413
File: 298 KB, 699x539, EoKjdsQVcAAJlRl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you shachou

>> No.8164427

You have to let go anon. It wasn’t your fault

Coco and Gura wouldn’t be shit without Pekora.

>> No.8164445

Don’t listen to what idiots here say, no one here’s know anything that’s actually happening behind the scenes.

>> No.8164451

Thank you peko

>> No.8164459
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Would you want to go back after waking up to pic?

>> No.8164463
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Thank you peko~

>> No.8164470
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>Am i a joke to you?

>> No.8164472

They used to be one of the most iconic pairings in Hololive and they haven't had any significant interactions for the entirety of 2021 barring a guerilla Mario Party that Suisei dragged Miko along to. They've had some kind of falling out but nobody knows why, don't listen to any retard who posts the rape meme. Basically Pekora is an autist, Miko did something to trigger her autism and Pekora shut off all contact with her.

>> No.8164540

>Kizuna Ai
hasn't been relevant for years
>Kaguya Luna
>Sakura Miko, Minato Aqua, Inugami Korone, Shirakami Fubuki, Kiryu Coco, and Gawr Gura
roru rumao

>> No.8164541

vtubing blew up because of miko's GTA clip

>> No.8164543

RUMAO! I've never seen a Pekora Killer thread before, influential my ass.

>> No.8164612

Wouldn't say the most important/influential considering all those who came before her to keep this niche culture going until they eventually cracked the algorithm. Maybe the most iconic in recent memory would be more accurate?

>> No.8164732
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>> No.8164767

How can we show our appreciation for Pekora? Should we make a meme video of all our Pekora reaction images for her?

>> No.8164783
File: 3.58 MB, 2500x1000, 1622061050633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, Pekora

>> No.8164796


>> No.8164850

Don don don Peko-chan

>> No.8164876
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this is a BEEG bait

>> No.8165074
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>> No.8165549

Are nousagis usually this delusional?

>> No.8165573

Yes basically 24/7

>> No.8165581
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>> No.8165591
File: 27 KB, 355x332, 1625102146591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bow to your goddess.

>> No.8166369

Thank you, Pekora.

>> No.8166383
File: 767 KB, 720x949, no ploblem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8166430

Don’t worry anon she just got done destroying someone who mocked the nousagi. Also pekoland rabbits ears grow back.

>> No.8166820

She wouldn't even exist without Fubuki, who herself wouldn't exist without Sora, who herself wouldn't exist without Kizuna Ai.

>> No.8166868
File: 49 KB, 661x623, 1629115060916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8166947

Only in Japan.

>> No.8166992

So where's your mother, her opinion is clearly more important than yours since you wouldn't exist if not for her.

Seriously now, Pekora is a blessing and was for sure part of everything great in vtubing this year.

Her influence is so great that it counterbalances the lack of motivation of the most subbed vtuber and keeps hololive strong.

>> No.8167027

what is her influence actually? peach liquor?

>> No.8167061

Lol >>8166597

>> No.8167065

>lack of motivation of the most subbed vtuber
she will stream 24 hours everyday and it wouldnt even be enough for you because of your own bias
>muh subjective critic
you already singled out that vtuber, that her number is making you seethe

>> No.8167110

Nah I like Gura and relate to her a lot. Her streaming habits are just annoying.

>> No.8167138

And its been like that since September 2020 anon

>> No.8167183

That is why Pekora is queen.

>> No.8167632

why are chumbuds so fragile? gura has a high subcount, that's it. she doesn't bring anything of value to hololive. she doesn't have any pull in the company. she doesn't even make for clippable content anymore. gura could graduate tomorrow and nothing at all would change.

everything pekora touches turns to gold. she's started more arcs than you can count. she gets permissions just by talking about games. and despite being firmly entrenched at the peak of the vtuber pyramid - a place that gura has never and will never be - pekora still works her ass off as if she was still a 50 sub indie trying to make it.

>> No.8167921
File: 94 KB, 360x300, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F15zz6t.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It appears my superiority has led to some controversey peko~

>> No.8170119

Honestly no one knows. If they don't do a Christmas stream together though then the rrats are true and pekomiko is dead.

>> No.8170684
File: 806 KB, 697x1247, 1627220856633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8170684,1 [INTERNAL] 

Are these retards forget that pekora wouldnt even get big if miko didnt say the n-word that pushed the vtuber algorithm and the reason why scatman and korone clips got recommended

>> No.8172436

Imagine being told to shut up by your oshi

>> No.8173956

>gura could graduate tomorrow and nothing at all would change
Oh to be as delusional as a pekorafag

>> No.8174189

Watame is the most influential because I said so and she has bigger tits

>> No.8175637


>> No.8176113

I want to lick Pekora's asshole

>> No.8176239

wtf pekora got irrelevant after usada festival, even with moona can't beat the queen of hololive Houshou Marine!!

>> No.8176305

Thank you peko~

>> No.8176375
File: 429 KB, 2046x2048, 1604719047740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nepotism hire due to being Miko's friend
>become most watched holo
>ego gets to your head
why is she like this?

>> No.8176442

lack of rape

>> No.8176531


Verification not required.

>> No.8176546

Thank you, rrat, hope one day you become numbah 1# most watched female streamer

>> No.8176898
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>> No.8179473

Even I don't watch you most of the times but Thanks Pregor

>> No.8180000


>> No.8180702


>> No.8183434
File: 8 KB, 251x201, 1629355987983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8183486

Holy fuck didn't know i needed Goth Pekola until now

>> No.8186829

Pekora NOOOO!!

>> No.8187089

nepotism has been very successful in hololive tho.
They should just do nepotism going forwards
