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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.8130970 [Reply] [Original]

>invite your fuckbuddy to a stream and play minecraft with him
>call the stream "minecraft with mamatori"
>say that mama will be muted during the stream
>everyone believes it's her mom
You gullible motherfuckers.

>> No.8131108

this stunt is the final nail in the coffin for Kiara. If she doesn’t graduate by New Years I will boycott cover corp.

>> No.8131139

I know Germans are kinky, but she probably doesn't use her mom as a 'fuckbuddy'.

>> No.8131158

Ah yes, another KFP hate thread. We've been short of these as of late, you've been slacking.

>> No.8131186

Why is kiara fucking her mother?

>> No.8131215

She’s going to play Diablo 2 right? That was the last stream of hers I enjoyed. Guys, tell her to play more of it for me, okay?

>> No.8131259

>retweet a males meme
>make reddit post mentioning being worn out
>cough on stream

>> No.8131281
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>> No.8131292

Its actually Huke pretending to be her mother. He's going to get his revenge for being bitched off the server.

>> No.8131310

If we cannot see or hear them, how can we know who it actually is? She could tell us anything. This is dumb

>> No.8131359
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Will the new En girls be bullied in this board as much as Kiara is?

>> No.8131388


Depends on how they act

>> No.8131396

She will never fuck you anon

>> No.8131417

Chris Chan please stop posting your incest fetish on /vt/

>> No.8131439

Fucking your mom is Austrian tradition.

>> No.8131477

lol how will they ever recover
They better graduate the live streamer that brought in $0.8 million in superchats in less than a year or else a couple fans might boycott

>> No.8131524

Would be based tbdesu

>> No.8131532

Obsessed much?

>> No.8131535

now they got gura's ip...

>> No.8131536
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Anybody question the authenticity of her mother in chat yet?

Hope someone puts in doubt via superchat.

>> No.8131545

Remember how much we horny post over peko mama? Yeah that might be why no audio.

>> No.8131546

Kiara's mom is trans.

>> No.8131605

i can't wait to see her get mogged by every en2 member and get super buttblasted over it

>> No.8131672

Can confirm, it's me.

>> No.8131698
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>> No.8131757


>> No.8131785

It's there a genuine reason to doubt her besides maybe her not speaking? I understand that is less exciting and fun to not hear talk like with the other holomoms but maybe she just doesn't want to talk or she is too shy to, after all, there's like 10k watching.

>> No.8132008

chrischan is austrian?

>> No.8132078

kiara said because this is going to be a normal several-hour-long stream, they're doing no VC to avoid yabs (real names, i assume)


>> No.8132135

This would be pretty based

>> No.8132177

>not a femcel
absolutely kusa

>> No.8132181

I like Kiara.

>> No.8132235
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The most live viewers Kiara has ever had in a long while.

>> No.8132453

Is there a genuine reason to believe it’s her aside from Kiara telling you it is?

>> No.8132533
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>> No.8132577

I think part of the reason is because she plays very long games so the audience loses the interest over time. That's why management suggested Ollie to play literally anything besides Apex and Minecraft.

>> No.8132597

No you we're not, she doesn't even acknowledge your existence, nor will ever have anything to do with you

>> No.8132630

you need to go back

>> No.8132800

No but is the same with the other way around too.
I am thinking about it logically, since by that logic Gura and Ina is fucking with everyone as well by pretending that's Kiara mom.

>> No.8132857
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I prefer the REAL mamatori

>> No.8132970
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wahmen are weaker and more stupid than the vast majority men, essentially animals with no free will on their own. property free for the taking for whoever can tame them.

>> No.8132987

How ironic. Where’s the logic in Ina and Gura risking losing their jobs and embarrassing Kiara by saying it’s not her mother..? Instead of just playing along and forgetting about it..? Why do you take everything at face value..?

>> No.8133179

What's actually the reason for no voice chat?

>> No.8133238


it's always cuck shit with you victim complex cock suckers isn't it

>> No.8133256

She's an old-date Austrian, who calls Hitler's name in vain every time she trips in Minecraft

>> No.8133311

Debut the new VOMS already fat bird fuck

>> No.8133400
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Kiara threatens the average /vt/ user because she reminds them of high school and all the Stacy tier women that tormented them throughout their time there. Kiara is the embodiment of a generic Stacy and thus dredges out bad memories for the mega autists of /vt/

>> No.8133408


>> No.8133427
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Mamaloni is a girl

>> No.8133531

Why would she even lie about somehing like that

>> No.8133622

Moms tend to be used to calling their children by their real name. It's to avoid a slip up.

>> No.8134141

Not wanting a random "Hey, *real name* come here" during the multihour collab probably

>> No.8134416

No. She threatens my ears every time she speaks. But she's too busy being a contrarian and assuming every criticism is an anti to ever fix that awful fake voice, so I'll continue to not watch her once Holo/Fate debuts.

>> No.8135230

I can think of multiple reasons on top of my head, most of them being there to avoid potential yabe scenario. Don't know why most people assume she would be mic up.

>> No.8135408

kek Chris Chan looks different

>> No.8135517
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>> No.8135915

So I should take your claims at face value instead?

>> No.8136149

It has been months, Eggboy, and Kiara isn't going anywhere. Go defend your borders from the influx of Afghans I sent your way :^)

>> No.8136278

Any reason you're certain she's playing with a fuckbuddy other than being a /v/ tourist attracted by the Matsuri antis?

>> No.8136849

kek , i'm sorry kfp cucks

>> No.8137582

She probably don't wanna KFP schizo to dox her or even her relatives

>> No.8138901

my highschool stacies
>overweight fat ugly as fuck
>3 times more muscular than normal adult men.
>scream everytime she speaks.
>amalgamation of the worst quality of a school bully and a women, a monster literally and metaphorically.
>break every school rule without repercusion because the school didnt want to confront her.
>led a schoolwide campaign to make it mandatory for every classes to have a minimum 2 air conditioner. she succeed.
>led a schoolwide campaign to 'impeach' the new headmaster because she heard a rumor that he is a nepotism hire, honestly she didnt give a fuck she just want to stir things up. she walk around terrorizing everyone to sign the petition. our school got into newspaper. she succeed btw.
>the school wants the graduation photobook to be in uniform, stacy didnt like it so she decide to visit the student council meeting. she succeed, her class is the only one allowed to take graduation photos in casual attire.
>her class win the rope pulling tournament by tying the rope to her belly while she rolling on the ground backward, absolutely destroy the competition.

eops highschool stacies

fuck. what did i do to not be born as an american? why am i suffer? what did i do wrong? sadness...

>> No.8143068

>be me
