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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.8125074 [Reply] [Original]

>THIS is one of the fastest growing Nijis right now

>> No.8125180
File: 564 KB, 2134x3520, 1628072431940-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex Fish

>> No.8125195

VSluts reject? VSluts reject.

>> No.8125281

Why were there 2 NijiEN bait threads made so close? There's a ton of bait in the general too. Did something bad happen with HoloEN or something?

>> No.8125300

why must my real girl gamer purple dragon associate with this insufferable she-zoomer

>> No.8125327


>> No.8125348

Actually we love our lewd fish very dearly.

>> No.8125398

Rent free

>> No.8125400

>6 hour ago
Nijiniggerbros its over...

>> No.8125414

Not sure how she would have them, but Polka's gachikois are seething about her roommate colabbing with 8 male chuubas(including Niji and Homo roommates)

>> No.8125416

>that full red bar

>> No.8125564


>> No.8125737

This is why I dislike roommate posting. Retards get too invested and can't separate a vtuber from their irl stuff.

>> No.8125765

>it's fine when Marine does it

>> No.8125818

sorry anon, the only black chuba is in holoEN gen 2. NijiEN doesn't have any yet.

>> No.8125947
File: 434 KB, 1024x1024, 91833896_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Finana so much you wouldn't believe.

>> No.8125960


>> No.8126008
File: 255 KB, 2047x1396, 1612005577059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this cute & sweet fish

>> No.8126016

Are they really? Ironic considering how people were begging her to collab with Roberu in her first week and she ignored them to chase after unicorn bux. She should have gone the Fubuki route to begin with because most people won't associate a clown with GFE.

>> No.8126017

There's no separation. Vtubing isnt playing a character it's a real person being its own self

>> No.8126050

But she is the slowest growing NijiEN...

>> No.8126560

The fastest growing is actually Selen. Though baits don't check.

>> No.8126681

I love her so much.
She's adorable, wholesome, sensible and pure.
Also a massive degenerate pervert horny freak.
Her duality is beautiful.
I want to marry her and have wild sex with her every day until we both pass out.
