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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.8097655 [Reply] [Original]

>ID manager now forbid her to play on Maincraft JP server
>HoloID is playing on ID server now
>Moona is going to lost her number 1 leech source
Is over for her isn't?

>> No.8097794

From where the fuck is this coming from?

>> No.8097928

Is this bait? Aren't the servers merging? Legit question. I don't follow the Minecraft arc.

>> No.8098033

Nobody gave you (you)s at the /moon/ thread, so you are making a thread
cute schizo

>> No.8098126

Most likely they'll get their own server. Not that I don't like tho, I'll still watch their Minecraft stream.

>> No.8098685

Why their own server?

>> No.8098941

That sounds like wasted money, only three of the six play craft

>> No.8099460

Because I actually heard EN server was merging eventually with JP and it contradicts what you say.

>> No.8099574


>> No.8099754


>> No.8099775

They're not spending more money. Just moving people around. The EN girls are moving to the JP serer but the server the EN girls were using are now being given to ID. It's obviously going to be a fresh world. Hololive isn't spending more money.
Probably because the EN girls are more popular and they want to group them with JP. The ID girls don't get that many views so they're giving them their own server.

>> No.8100668

They are going to connect all the servers so they will be free to move around ,this give the girls more minecraft content because there is nothing much to do in the JP server until the next expansion. Expect more pekomoona in the new server.

>> No.8100785

I thought they were linking the servers? like EN will just get a teleport like how JP can go to the resource server

>> No.8100919

This comment sounds reasonable. It's not "hurr leech getting banished cos shes a leech durr" like OP seems to think, it's literally just "ID wanted a server like EN where they can do their own thing".

>> No.8101045
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>> No.8102114

Think of it this way:
Hololive is renting 2 servers, one for JP, server1 and one for EN, server2. The JP server includes the resource server and other things. All Hololive will do it add another portal, that portal is going to be a COPY of the EN server. As in same seed and structures already built. It's still in server1. Now what do they do with server2 now that the EN girls left? Give it to the ID girls.

You're thinking of servers as minecraft worlds, that's wrong. You can have as many minecraft worlds in one server. Like how the JP server has the resource server (should be called resource world but w/e). It's just getting another world in it, the EN world.

>> No.8102508

this is so fucking dumb, EN might be far more popular but the only member legit interested in minecraft is Ame, while ID got Reine and Moona
Since EN got more member, it's them who should have their own server

>> No.8102581
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Why don't they just put them all in a brand new server instead?
Starting over is always the best part of Minecraft, specially now that they have so many members, there is little to really do in the Japanese server anyway nowadays.
It wouldn't even be the first time this happened.
Maybe wait for the big update that coming out in a month or so, and then start fresh, those goodbye streams in the old servers would do massive numbers too.

>> No.8102759

I'd enjoy that. I checked out the world generation on the latest snapshot, and it's so much fucking better than before...

>> No.8102963

You're spouting bullshit, and this is a waste of time, but fuck it, I'll bite your bait.
>All Hololive will do it add another portal [to ... a ] COPY of the EN server. As in same seed and structures already built.
If they put the EN world on the JP host, every connection (except Mori) will be from EU / NA to JP. That will be laggy as shit.
>like how the JP server has the resource server (should be called resource world but w/e)
The resource server can be connected to directly (one of the holos showed the server screen with JP and Resource as separate entries.)
Since a separate IP + port is hosting the resource server, it's NOT a Multiverse set up, it's got to be a Bungeecord set-up with a shared inventory DB.
(We know it's a Spigot install from F3, likely off-the-shelf from one of the many Minecraft hosts, but maybe they're doing a VPS / dedicated set up with a unix admin, seems like a bit of a stretch for an Idol company to be doing web-hosting though)

>> No.8103000
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Wouldn't they also be missing out on a lot of the new updates because of how new blocks are generated?
Pretty sure they have to start fresh if they want to get all those new caves and depth.

>> No.8103135

If they go out far enough they can generate new chunks.

>> No.8103222

yeah, I think they should just start fresh. I want to watch pekora and moona rebuild the entire thing
not sure this update works like that, considering the depth changed and all...

>> No.8103278

As far as I'm aware the plan was to fill old chunks with bedrock below y=0.

>> No.8103344

Haachama's Babel...

>> No.8103430

Is the ID management trying to sabotage their own talents? First they force the streamers to speak Indonesian despite the majority of their audience being English, now this.

>> No.8103480

I'm just saying, it's made of wood. I don't think anyone would suspect anything if it suddenly caught fire and disappeared...
>not sabotaging their own talents for retarded reasons
anon I...

>> No.8103572

>ID manager now forbid her to play on Maincraft JP server
Yup dramafag, make your own drama because no one give a fuck in /moon/ thread

>> No.8103587

She made it herself in a few stream just for a joke, I doubt she cares, she could probably build it better with Ame in a new server.

>> No.8103647

Even if she does care, I can comfort her with my babel.

>> No.8104492

Realistically, Cover will build another server just for the new update and the Holoserver will still stay as a Legacy server. It already got too big and it will be a waste to reset the whole thing, not to mention the strong objections from many members because of Coco's legacy.

>> No.8105352

OP's ass.
>they're hooking EN server and JP server together with portals
>but for some reason they'd at the same time lock out ID
anyone who's giving the schizo the time of day needs to rethink their life choices.
tbf they're an entertainment company, not specifically an aidoru company. but the guy you're reply to is indeed spouting nonsense out of his ass.
>anon I...
yes we know you're a retard.

>> No.8105641
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>> No.8106022

Ollie just confirmed it too

>> No.8106066

ID has a server? For what purpose, don't all the ID play on the JP one?

>> No.8106863

Most likely they are merging everything, even Hololive recognizes pekomoon as something important since it was on a huge banner on akihabara along with gura and fubuki

>> No.8107836

So Ollie can play with Astel without idolfags and unicorns bothering them.

>> No.8108065

If you think that they're going to prevent Moona from playing on the JP server, you're beyond retarded.

>> No.8109536

eh they have a technical team, I bet they could probably take a world download and edit the chunks if they wanted that extra -64 to be seamless.

Though that update is probably just going to be fun for exploration, and that can be done on resource server.

or they can make a nether route to just get new chunks a couple thousand out where they haven't been before. they really haven't explored more than 1/1000th of a minecraft worlds size.

>> No.8110923

now ID can play minecraft with connor

>> No.8110970

stop talking about connor you fucking nigger no one cares

>> No.8111002

ID girls and some EN do

>> No.8111632

No one on this board gives a fuck about Connor except for Vwhorejo cucks

>> No.8111795

ollie and lofi do

>> No.8111824

>Is over for her isn't?
Sea-kun.... stop enforcing the racial stereotype that you’re all dramafags please.

>> No.8111924

none of en members are active in the jp server, you dumb rrat eater

>> No.8112248

Shut the fuck up. Stop making shit up.
The EN server and JP server are getting a portal made between them using that portal mod. That's it.
I've used it, I USE it, right now, it's trivial to do, it's a bit more awkward to do between 2 separate physical servers compared to 2 worlds on the same server, but it's easy enough.
It's a very common plugin used by any reasonably large Minecraft server to offload resources to physical processors instead of one single computer, because Minecraft FUCKING SUCKS at multicore.
That's what the resource server is for.
They have 2 of them now. One of them seems to have been made semi-permanent (the old one) and the new one seems to be the new new resource server.
>not sure this update works like that, considering the depth changed and all...
It does in Minecraft. It looks ugly because they abandoned their attempts to smooth terrain between world gens multiple times because they are a shit company, but it works still.
But sometimes the fucked terrain is nice to built in to.

>> No.8112277

fucking manchild

>> No.8112335

Na, the easy solution is just continue world gen below old chunks, but cut off anything if it breaches the bedrock level.
Then, the most important part, filter out the bedrock for stone, but ONLY bedrock. Absolutely nothing else should be touched above 0. It should be a direct replacement for stone.
This way anyone who has anything built at the bedrock layer won't have their builds disastrously shit on when a cave decides to generate through it. (this would be terrible on so many servers I know of right now, like Scicraft, it'd destroy their chunk loader lines)
Fucking 10 year old.

>> No.8112489

stupid decision by GITA

>> No.8114577

most likely preparation for ID3

>> No.8115864

Monn have her own kind of gachikoi and they have nothing to do with Pecker

>> No.8120096


>> No.8120207

Kek. You kept trying to bump this thread OP. Pathetic.

>> No.8123272

I never watched neither Perkora nor Moona, but I know stuff about Perkora and nothing about Moona. What's her deal, is she really bland and uninteresting?

>> No.8123654

try harder

>> No.8124793

Cover is originally a tracking tech company, they sort of stumbled upon becoming an entertainment company after their tech demo (Sora) became popular

>> No.8127393

>suddenly caught fire and burned
Not how fire works, especially in a thunderstorm - an entire structure of even half the size of the Tower of Babechama burning perfectly with default fire spread and speed is abysmally unlikely.

>few stream
>for a joke
>doubt she cares
>could probably build it better with Ame
ESLchama, this is a sad attempt you're putting up here. Why would you even reply when you know this little about the build?
