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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 31 KB, 332x434, 1629052132109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.7974857 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7974882

Nobody told me that Astel screams like Tom.

>> No.7975230

I love this lil' nigga.

>> No.7975284

This song covered by Shien

>> No.7975298

wrong link

>> No.7978282

The board is fast during these hours

>> No.7978388
File: 79 KB, 212x192, Nekoyama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why anons are posting him lately but NEKOYAMA LOVE

>> No.7979044
File: 216 KB, 353x476, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majin Love!

>> No.7979362
File: 17 KB, 473x377, 85E08382-54FC-4241-AF78-D54823F8B4AE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Camechan!!!

>> No.7979877

I love the Nekoyama poster he makes me happy

>> No.7979955

Me too.

>> No.7979987
File: 67 KB, 639x359, 403CD253-9CFB-46DA-9747-714B28BA3DEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too!

>> No.7980072

Peak soul.

>> No.7980829

If somehow EN2 has the same artist as the boys do you thik they'll get along?

>> No.7980985

Sharing a mama has nothing to do with getting along

>> No.7980995

just look at arupapa and flare as an example

>> No.7981284

Define get along. They might nod at each other, but not necessarily bond like Tomoe and Shien do.

>> No.7981313

We’re getting an en2?

>> No.7981437

Bro check the archive it's the reason the thread got bumped off so early. EN girls btw

>> No.7981594

Even if they did share an artist, it's 99% certain that every single EN2 girls knows nothing of holostars and will big league them. Kind of weird because if you asked me this a year ago I would have said EN would be like ID and wouldn't give a shit and there would be EN/ID/Stars/fubuki collabs all the time but I got BTFO pretty hard there. It's not a big deal but I love UNITY collabs and wanted more of those and knowing there were a fuck ton of japs insisting to EN girls over twitter before they debuted that they never EVER acknowledged holostars that does make me salty that it seems EN will go in that direction overall instead of being more of a UNITY and collabing with non holo chuubas kind of branch.

>> No.7981626

Take your meds and go to bed

>> No.7982016

Prob not gonna happen but It would be cute if a EN2 share the same artist and have a brother/sister dynamic with one of the boys.

>> No.7982289
File: 1.22 MB, 1417x1889, E82dnsFVgAE3SDq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unity is cool, but you gotta calm down. There's also the fact that there's a language barrier/lack of interest, I'd rather watch an interesting or fun collab than something done just for the sake of unity.

>> No.7982442
File: 1.11 MB, 800x1200, 1628881085472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7983342

https://twitter.com/astelleda/status/1427060327414259721 what did he mean by this?

>> No.7983467

>google it
>it's kemoshota
Why am I not surprised

>> No.7983592

Doubt it, the current ENs aside from Mori show no interest in collabing with the stars and we usually don't get repeat artists aside from Lack being the one exception. Plus given their track record as of the past few Gens, specially with EN (Kiara, Irys, Ina's artist) they're probably aiming for big name artists and the mama's of the stars really aren't all that big

>> No.7983643

EN is just dubbed JP, they behave the exact same way and go by the exact same rules

>> No.7983730
File: 171 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210816-033609_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7983833


>> No.7983908

i can understand wanting hetero ships, but man this is just not the place.

>> No.7983986

I assumed this was some lost kid but they're as old as I am

>> No.7984448

The bar's opening.

>> No.7984938


>> No.7984949
File: 186 KB, 508x636, 54633654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The orange sock is nice.

>> No.7985780

Probably just me but it looks like finally fixed his phone position since his avatar's not looking far down like it did in the past few streams
Also, pantsu SC rain started again

>> No.7985822

Can always count on the regulars for that, like clockwork

>> No.7986627

Roberu... please do a karaoke stream...

>> No.7987817

Today's schedule

>> No.7988168
File: 8 KB, 335x116, 894034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like she's more active in the chat than ever.

>> No.7988224


>> No.7988358

There's no fucking way Haneru didn't assign her to keep tabs on Roberu at all times

>> No.7989844

Lads, I need some help. I need multiple picture of Holostar talents that have some emotion on its.

>> No.7990755

It's not like she wasn't active in the stars' chats before this.

>> No.7991144

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v2IVmLV8vY Temma POV
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzVz4T47w-c Rikka POV
Knight and Old man doing some practice before scrims

>> No.7991879

What time are scrims?

>> No.7992756

Literally all the members have En have gone gosling over every member of Holostars at a convention. Do your reps.

>> No.7993827

Because they had to. Nothing happened there was genuine.

>> No.7994148

around 7 or 8 pm JST

>> No.7994342

Thanks. I saw that Odanobu's POV is going up at 8PM so it looks to be then

>> No.7994742

define emotion

>> No.7994765


Happy, sad, scared . All and all.

>> No.7994911

Hi, i'm a tourist. I would like to not the status of the orange man, is he free or in a rape dungeon?

>> No.7994924

Right now he's free, check again tomorrow.

>> No.7994992

The rabbit has set him free after an hour with him last night but she will come back to collect him on the 26th

>> No.7995266

Depends on which rape dungeon

>> No.7996220

Wait, there's more than 1 rape dungeon?

>> No.7996263
File: 182 KB, 1000x1200, summerboss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boss eigo jouzu

>> No.7996391

Animare's, Polka's, and the one under his bar.

>> No.7996403

There only used to be the Animare rape dungeon, ruled over by the Animare matriarch Inaba Haneru
Now she has formed a truce with Inuyama Tamaki and Kagura Mea and allows them to take Roberu to their own rape dungeons from time to time

>> No.7996719

Spiral Tones remix content, warning: may be cringe

>> No.7996744

Can anyone summarize after it's done? I can't bring myself to watch it

>> No.7997003

wow, mori has such a cheery infectious enthusiasm

>> No.7997076

She's a cute dork, I love her attitude

>> No.7997744

I tuned in late. Any remixes worth pointing out?

>> No.7997876

Idol Manager with Robert:

>> No.7997981
File: 898 KB, 1080x680, Hey hey guys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think we're getting Holostars EN anytime soon?

>> No.7997999

no, now go away

>> No.7998059

You realize it's probably the /qa/ retard that's trying to spam Shien threads to make him hated, right?

>> No.7998135

That was a fun stream with some good tracks. Rikka kinda got put on the backfoot having to respond in English and not being understood by Calli but that was gonna happen in either direction.

>> No.7998208

ok, bye, have a good day

>> No.7998301

>am /qa/ poster
>am OP
>post eeveelushien because he cute

>> No.7998500

It's more of a "let's shit on the girls using Shien" thing than anything

>> No.7998620

Funny you mention the /qa/ poster because there's now another shien thread by that guy here on /vt/

>> No.7999170



I don't see a room up for Choco yet.

>> No.7999234
File: 250 KB, 322x365, 1627365154729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Astel being one of the last in entering the custom lobby, along with Choco.
>both streams are not up yet

incoming rrat?

>> No.7999276


Probably for polka's anniv

>> No.7999341

Stock image again...

>> No.7999511

Choco play octane?

>> No.7999566

likely for jump pad support since Astel is playing Seer for scouting

>> No.7999869

Pakael stopped seaweed.

>> No.7999871

Not bad solopex by Astel but of course ran in to Pakael

>> No.8000430

Those booties and socks are real nice

>> No.8000718


>> No.8000884

Astel.... the ring

>> No.8000889

>Popping off
>Died by ring

>> No.8000906

Shitposters already get bored of using Roberu and Astel?

>> No.8000946

For some reason I can understand the stars better than the girls. Is it their speech pattern or just reps paying off?

>> No.8000951

stop collabing with robocco

>> No.8000957

Wonder switching to octane might be better since he is likely to be solopex most of the time.

>> No.8000964

He survived a sandwich only to get ringed.

>> No.8000966
File: 148 KB, 1280x720, E86RGI7VEAgQ2wA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8001006


>> No.8001034

Seer is just too strong to be ignored at this point, and he's the only one who can use it.

>> No.8001080
File: 18 KB, 162x94, 5453443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gyaru supremacy.

>> No.8001106

Seer is mega OP to be given away, Astel needs to abuse the fuck out of the passive.

>> No.8001210

Jesas. Pakael got 9 kills that round too

>> No.8001545

I wonder what the ??? on 19th is.
Maybe it's the HanakishiBabudon thing?

>> No.8001570


>> No.8001597

WTF, Why wasn't astel hitting the wraith?

>> No.8001617

Servers are shitting themselves.

>> No.8001796

The server being shitty, as always

>> No.8001826

Chad nose tanking an entire magazine to the face, only to lose a red armor.

>> No.8001854

It seems like a bug with wraith?

>> No.8001958

Nah, Astel had those ping indicators flashing the whole match, servers are messed up

>> No.8002045

Is it just me, or does Oga 2.0 look exactly the same?

>> No.8002254

The girls do voices and have some vocal flares that aren't really used in typical speech. All of the girls in Hololive are not using their regular voices while the Stars are doing close to normal voices.

>> No.8002377

Nope, I can't really see a difference either.

>> No.8002511

Nope, I can see some minor differences but I have to really focus on them. But I see that as Oga already have a good 3D rigging for his 1.0 so there's really nothing much to improve on. It also doesn't help that he doesn't have much clothing that he can strip off like Roberu's or ears like Shien's.

>> No.8002947

Damn Pakael has fucked over Seaweed in like 3/4 rounds

>> No.8004067

>Astel hunts Odanobu
>Pakael hunts Astel
It's a vicious world.

>> No.8004493

I'm amazed they actually won that fight

>> No.8004559

Chocosen strong!

>> No.8004893

Pakael is breathing on their necks again.

>> No.8005828
File: 115 KB, 262x238, apepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good team play from ARCSTARS in the last round, Choco and Roboco both held their own well. I feel good about this.

>> No.8005968
File: 354 KB, 837x461, 3873655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They got some nice kills and placement. Izuru's team is having it rough today.

>> No.8006032

Same with Towa's, they only had that one good round thanks to Noah carrying herself to second and getting five kills.

>> No.8006102

They are doing another match and Kamaneko will replace Choco. She has a cod collab with the girls.

>> No.8006231

Looks like ReTIcle isn't participating in the bonus match
Also, Oga Grindblue Farmtasy spark session

>> No.8006341

All three are still in the lobby. They just closed their streams and their coach left.

>> No.8006803

Hinano's team got their revenge on Arcstars.

>> No.8008385

It's a shame his expression doesn't turn into a smirk as soon as her starts laughing anymore

>> No.8008467

Does ARC and RIT play well today?

>> No.8008736
File: 460 KB, 830x809, thlkm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are reddit mods like this?

>> No.8008969

Anyways in this case, afaik they're starting to remove art posts that aren't created by the artists themselves (because reposting is bad and a majority of artists establish rules forbidding reposts/reprints, y'know?)
The only way for non-OC art to be posted in the subreddit is to submit the link to the twitter/pixiv instead of the image itself
It's not really an unusual rule though. The same rule got implemented in the Granblue reddit sometime two years ago iirc.

>> No.8009038

ARC performed better than expected. A few rough spots here and there but it went okay enough that even Roboco and Choco scored some kills

>> No.8009072

I don't browse reddit but that's not a bad rule.

>> No.8009466


>> No.8009716

after Menheras got good placement points in the bonus match they ended up last.

>> No.8010445

Mang, i just woke up and catched the end of the stream, he's been saving well and had to spark him anyways.
I went to do mine with way less crystals and i got him TWICE plus his Grand ver.
Oga pls don't kill.

>> No.8010521
File: 102 KB, 621x646, ibereeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got to witness Choco and Roboco taking out 2/3 of VSPO's team. It felt good, then Hinano got their numbers in the next round.

>> No.8014787

زب في كس

>> No.8016948
File: 510 KB, 1920x1080, 20210816-140214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pretty unique group


>> No.8017133

At the beginning of this year Aruran would usually only contact Kuku,Izumi or the former magnet. Look at him now. Mr external collabs just like Rikka and Roberu.

>> No.8017271

Will he ever contact jellyfish?

>> No.8019246


>> No.8019292

Nah, she seems like she really doesn't want her old persona to be connected to her new one even if it's a bit of an open secret. If they talk it will most likely be all off screen

>> No.8021420
File: 505 KB, 475x572, astelchamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clip of both of Astel's mags no regging on Matsuri. Let's hope servers are more kind next time.

Also smooth seaweed

>> No.8024079
File: 200 KB, 2048x1423, 20210816-181333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8024264

ARC ended last?

>> No.8024344

Reticle ended up last. Arc ended up 9th if I remember right

>> No.8024914

Who is Reticle ?

>> No.8025006

Rikka, Temma and Izuru's team.

>> No.8025215

Do NOT pet this creature.

>> No.8025957


>> No.8026980

I see, what was their issue ?

>> No.8027124

Izuru has to be the one shotcalling, I don't think I need to add more.

>> No.8030963

board's moving at light speed

>> No.8030999

All the new en girls follow the boys. Which one is gonna tweet at them first?

>> No.8031223

Chaos Rrat

>> No.8031853

>One of them named Nanashi
I wish Robe still doing morning stream everyday so I can ask him about this

>> No.8032024

The owl is an animare spy.

>> No.8032588

https://twitter.com/miyabihanasaki/status/1427442820781019137 The fatechads are feeling it.

>> No.8032671

Is that name realted to Robe-chan ?

>> No.8032763

Definitely not Time/black Elizabeth Bathory since she's in Twitter jail

>> No.8032858

774 anon...

>> No.8032931

>Anon doesnt know who the true CEO of 774

>> No.8033247

That 2nd looks familiar... I think I saw some vids of him playing Dancerush Stardom?

>> No.8033388

the new EN gen means the next thing they announce has to be Holostars, whether EN or otherwise... right guys?

>> No.8033437

I haven't invested enough in 774

>> No.8033499

7 = na(na)
4 = shi
There is a company called 774 inc
Do the math

>> No.8033642

Just stop, dude. Wait until after the big live later this year. Stars EN will only come in 2022, if Cover ever do it.

>> No.8034454

Shut the fuck up with begging for new gens already, even Rikka and Shien already told their fans off on this matter
I'd rather cover focus all their efforts into the boys 3Ds and other events and sponsorships they can get this year

>> No.8034669

You think anyone who asks for EN stars actually watches Stars?

>> No.8035048

I think asking it is becoming a meme at this point

>> No.8035158

Remember to simply ignore any EN beggars as the chances of them having any interest on the boys aside from the occasional "le winning son meme" are next to nothing. Not worthy of your time.

>> No.8036484
File: 282 KB, 1783x995, E87605KVUA0DnrY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, no one posted it yet so here's Miyabi's schedule
Looks like the thing on the 19th is the Hanakishi/Babudon thing after all

>> No.8036700

I am feeling it.

>> No.8037073

>Hanakishi/Babudon thing after all
An orgy?

>> No.8038102

Yeah, with me
On a serious note, we don't know yet since Miyabi didn't really say much more on the matter during the Mario Golf collab other than to expect something involving the four of them again
No idea if this is related to the hints about bossu dropping a new cover sometime this month

>> No.8038560

>with me

>> No.8038737

Miyabi and Bossu also hinted "something" with them for august during the Fall Guys tourney.

>> No.8039181

woah rare Akane

>> No.8040304

I want seaweed stream with kamaneko again.

>> No.8042735
File: 548 KB, 1311x1080, Eroberu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8042994

Poor son...


>> No.8043141

S- son, where are your eyes?

>> No.8044805

he left them at his bar

>> No.8044988
File: 53 KB, 600x733, MANWHORE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seaweed please keep your manwhoring down, at least until the end of the tournament. You already have two bombshells with you.

>> No.8047854
File: 546 KB, 1443x2048, E86V-uwVIAokEzd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8049834

More like rare Aruran, it's Akane's usual group

>> No.8051477

Astel no archive utawaku

>> No.8051481

Astel karaoke in 10 mins

>> No.8052607

I'm glad Tokyo Flash is one of Astel's staples now.

>> No.8052699

[Twitter Jailbaby News]
Bossu is heading over to Twitter HQ to save the owl's and clock's twitter accounts

>> No.8052748

Forgot the link like a retard

>> No.8052849

I am glad he added Vaundy's songs to his repertoire. His songs fit Astel very much and always leave room for him to add his own arrangements which I honestly can't get enough of.
Personally I'd like to hear him sing soramimi somewhen.

>> No.8052998

I keep forgetting he sings the fox song

>> No.8054196

Meanwhile Majin

>> No.8054228

astel is an angel

>> No.8055106

Roberu Fuuraiki
No Hiyo-nee as of posting but there have been some pretty cool water formations.

>> No.8055945

Maimoto leads a very dangerous life and poor Oliver if he gets swoop in like these two.

>> No.8057468

Wonder if Maimoto and Tenkai are picking Roberu for their Koshien exhibition match.

>> No.8057687

He's too powerful

>> No.8058501
File: 375 KB, 1600x720, Screenshot_20210817-184900_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening

>> No.8058752

APEX SAIKOOOOO Day 2 scrims:
Team ReTICle (No Rikka pov for today)
Team Arcstars
Seaweed will join after the first round.

>> No.8059033
File: 398 KB, 855x482, 63534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sumomo as the sub. That's a pleasant surprise.

>> No.8059061

Who is sumomo?

>> No.8059331

FPS Pro gramer and apex predator. He's strong and will only use one weapon for this round.

>> No.8059590

Astel no archive files

>> No.8059639

Furaiki 4 is pure kino.

>> No.8059933
File: 20 KB, 250x333, Yukoku_Roberu_by_%3F%3F%3F_%282%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit those are a lot of SCs Robert is getting.

>> No.8060074

I don't get it, nothing major happened other than sleeping with waifu in the tent.

>> No.8060158

Roberu...stuck in the middle of girl talk

>> No.8060189

Bossu Toraware no Palm

>> No.8060191

Fadeout -> Text implication of sex

>> No.8060225
File: 911 KB, 835x647, hg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8060304
File: 343 KB, 832x497, 943542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astel's pov is up:
Reid went HAM in that first round.

>> No.8060458

>more kills and damage than Yufuna, BIG STAR's Pred-ranked coach
Why the fuck did Hal assign only 9pts to Reid again?

>> No.8060941

I couldn't tell which team was pushing them, but Ebio's patiently third partied arcstars while the ring was closing in.

>> No.8060960

Damn, unlucky Ring placement, and their position didn't allow them to advance forward

>> No.8061087
File: 369 KB, 850x485, 9483432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the highest ReTIcle has placed on scrims so far. Good job boys.

>> No.8061312


>> No.8061368

Get em boss!

>> No.8061792

Pizzadad Knockout city collab

>> No.8062203

Should've used the tactical before engaging. the Gibby nullified the engagement

>> No.8062430

I think seaweed could have hide inside the blue container and wait for gib dome cd, the angle seems
safe, without dome they got fucked hard by enemy gib's ulti when engaging.

>> No.8063279

>Odanobu took down Astel
Oh how the tables have turned....then he got killed by the ring.

>> No.8063332

Multitasking each person's actions is really hard.
maybe a seer ult could help out Roboco on when to use the dome and ult.
It's hard to think on whats the best course of action, all the while shooting.

>> No.8063566

watching RTI feels like watching seaweed's CR cup...

>> No.8063597
File: 1.25 MB, 800x800, E39525B6-D158-464E-B7F7-DFA9DC517BD5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>killed by the ring
sounds familiar

>> No.8063659

Yea just noticed he is too busy shotcalling to even put down his ulti when being pushed.

>> No.8063670

Like pottery

>> No.8064188

Pakael's packing heat this early. It's gonna be one of those rounds.

>> No.8064594

Kek, Choco killing Astel

>> No.8064692

What a devil. At least it happened in here and not the real thing. That could have been a big hit to her morale.

>> No.8064772

her hoooi~ are cute tho so idm

>> No.8064941
File: 1.28 MB, 1836x832, 83472434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astel...you got their names wrong again. Also, good finish for ReTIcle.

>> No.8065925

Just as I thought. Choco threw the jump pad last match, because Astel got their names wrong. He wanted RBC to dome.

>> No.8065938

that's a SoloMaster move right there

>> No.8066070

Holy shit the AsteL-star

>> No.8066077

That was a very explosive round. Arcstars keep improving.

>> No.8066109

He's so busy shotcalling and keep forgetting to swap armor easily with the death box just beside him. Also forget to loot.

>> No.8066222
File: 429 KB, 936x531, 8237234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice placement and kills.

>> No.8066243

I guess seaweed works best as a No thoughts Head empty killing machine

>> No.8066294

Always has been

>> No.8066467

Really good kills by comparison, pretty much only matched by Reid's team (of course) and the one in 7th.

>> No.8067612


>> No.8068504

Didn't he make a promise to play with both Sumomo and Kamaneko during this stream?

>> No.8068587

Thanks anon

>> No.8069446

I had a good laugh watching that unfold, but he better fix that asap. It cost him a round.
Sumomo is down to rank with Seaweed, but not sure when. It would be a good opportunity to learn from him.

>> No.8070021

Our seaweed is actually connecting anons...

>> No.8071325


>> No.8072211

He looks deathly ill. EDIT HATE

>> No.8072643

This board is gonna get far worse with every new EN gen, both Nijisanji and Hololive.

>> No.8073009
File: 53 KB, 933x701, amrlp9kj98s51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8074873

I kinda want astel to collab with mika pikazo at apex so that I can say that astel fucked the rat's mom

>> No.8076259


-Arcstars placed two positions higher today, 8th place.
-ReTIcle jumped from dead last to top 10
-Tower, Ars and Noah-chan are in top 5
-Reid is tearing shit up
-Gorilla and Festival are suffering

>> No.8077114
File: 223 KB, 1775x1044, E8weLxOVgAkS35Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to see ReTIcle do better today, hope they can keep it up and improve even more

>> No.8077794

>reid tearing shit up
My cute shota is a killing machine

>> No.8079302

Reid's mechanics are pretty middle of the pack Masters. The reason he pops off so hard is because he's a great in game leader and shotcaller. Players in good teams will always sport higher individual stats than solid individual players in worse teams/environments.

>> No.8080083

What about LOL? Rocket League? anything?

>> No.8080602

His features normally get kind of buried by his busy design and skin tone. This makes them pop and balance out more. Looks uncanny now though.

Though Papa probably could have gone darker to make his features stand out more with how light his hair and eyes are.

>> No.8083285

>-Gorilla and Festival are suffering
They'll probably have a kino match at some point! Right?

>> No.8083756

Pizzadad played Knock out city and Oga just talk about granblue for an hour, maybe try watching other boys

>> No.8085056

Why there's two anons who thinks he looks better. I made the edit and I think it looks awful.

>> No.8085457

Izuru and Astel streamed it once, but it went nowhere.
>Rocket League
The former tri-nero played it before the holocaust happened. I don't know if they have permissions or not.
It's gonna very apex heavy until vsaikyo is over.

>> No.8086432
File: 168 KB, 982x1280, RTI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the art that ReTIcle has been using for their thumbnails. I think it's really cool to see Izuru framed as a leader.

>> No.8087410

It looks fucking afwukl, shame in you

>> No.8087441

Is astel depressed?

>> No.8087758

why do you think he is?

>> No.8088670

I'm not those getting vibes from him. He hasn't done those extremely long apex streams in a long while, whenever he was sulking about something.

>> No.8094669

Bar's opening.

>> No.8095074
File: 595 KB, 1281x719, 8474395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this slut.

>> No.8095919

Schedule for today
It's pretty packed

>> No.8096301

I, honestly, think he is. I'm even taking a break from him because he's being too negative. could just be me tho

>> No.8096739
File: 604 KB, 1278x724, 293834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The topic changed to marriage and he immediately put on the outfit.

>> No.8096788

Truly the most wifeable Star

>> No.8096933
File: 1.23 MB, 1414x2000, Eq5nEMVVEAA0EPw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bride Son in my favorite Son

>> No.8097352
File: 429 KB, 1266x712, 75687778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the closest we'll ever be with him.

>> No.8098173
File: 372 KB, 2048x1152, Ewgtj6AUUAYOi3I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This capybara does not miss a morning stream.

>> No.8099587

peak malewifeification

>> No.8099781


>> No.8099950


>> No.8101985


Roberu is only gonna stream Idolm@s from now on

>> No.8102159

I hope his wallet will survive.

>> No.8102517

Dude already lives and breathes Shinymas. If super chat can be turned on, then this is weight off his wallet.

>> No.8104706

sasuga ChiyukiP

>> No.8107041

He’s losing his shit. What’s going to happen now? He was already living the Idolm@ster life, drowning in SSR pussy days on out. Is this the dark future Haneru predicted? Is this how the Animare route ends?

>> No.8108704

Regarding the surprise thing for Hanakishi+Babudon
Keep an eye out for the Molly Online twitter posts

>> No.8109036

This is happening! I hate that crane game, but exposure is exposure

>> No.8109090

Nice but fuck crane games

>> No.8109158

>Once is happenstance
>Twice is coincidence
>Three times is enemy action

>> No.8109249

That is a genuine surprise, holy crap

>> No.8109771



>> No.8109776


>> No.8109789

Roberu looking mighty young here...

>> No.8109811

wow, he wasn't unable to run away from her this time...

>> No.8109920

I'm glad her dislikes are lessening but sasuga bad timing, Matuli

>> No.8109984

the only woman strong enough to kidnap him from the Animare rape dungeon...

>> No.8110013


Astel streaming with bgm

>> No.8110057

Any reason for no Live2D?

>> No.8110072

Lag, probably.

>> No.8110231

A lot of vtubers just don't bother with Live2D for Apex. They don't have the power to handle smooth streaming for long sesions usually.

>> No.8110261

But the rrats...?

>> No.8110288

I thought it was Astel at first glance.

>> No.8110306

While what happened to her sucks I'm glad she managed to power through it. I was afraid she would close herself to prevent more controversies.

>> No.8110324

Yeah I can commend her at least for not backing down.

>> No.8110378


>> No.8110463

The final bail in the coffin

>> No.8110565

You guys or falseflaggers pretending to be you guys told Roberu hates Matsuri

>> No.8110583

*nail, I mistyped

>> No.8110604

You need to learn how to watch streams and not /vt/ when it comes to information about vtubers.

>> No.8110617

Why the fuck would you believe anyone on this board when they say "x hates y"?

>> No.8110741

DJ ARN is live!

>> No.8110805

Don't tell me you believe about the animare sex dungeon too?

>> No.8110897


>> No.8110932


>> No.8111066

Artists: Shiepi's mom and... I don't know this one: https://twitter.com/key_999

>> No.8111101

Artists: Roberu's mom and... I don't know this one: https://twitter.com/key_999

>> No.8111317

Holy shit whats going on?

>> No.8111357

Oh shit it really is Mochizuki Kei
They're mainly a Niji fan but they also drew the merch for the KanataRushia Molly Online collaboration
I knew them way before when they drew for Reol's MVs (Isshin Furan and the Sweet Devil collab with nqrse) though

>> No.8111371
File: 149 KB, 512x724, 311_Baobhan Sith_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, that's the illustrator for the new FGO servant, Baobhan Sith. He (or she) also draws alot of Kanata.

>> No.8111447

1. After Miyabi's announcement during the MarioGolf collab that Hanakishi and Babudon have another big thing this week, Molly Online's twitter slowly tweeted out their oshi marks one by one until we got the announcement for Holostars first collab with them (previous collabs were KanataRushia and NoeFure)
2. Matsuri's secret song collab is with Roberu. She initially set it to premiere tomorrow but has since changed it to premiere later today.
