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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.8062549 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Americans like this?

>> No.8062588

are you racist anon?

>> No.8062623

>Literally all we have is their design---

>> No.8062641

Wait, I don't get it. The retard. Why doesn't he just ignore it?

>> No.8062664

She hates niggers, what's wrong?

>> No.8062685
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The proper response should have been a gigachad and no further dialogue ever.

>> No.8062692

he is following her though
what's the point of this thread?

>> No.8062705

no roots
no culture
no soul

>> No.8062714
File: 477 KB, 540x747, 1627611504891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not being racist

>> No.8062740

It's easier to make drama by showcasing idiots, dragging people in to call you out for showcasing the idiot then calling out everyone calling you out for showcasing idiot number one.
It's an easy 3 step plan to make yourself popular on 4chan
Think about it. Why do anything with your time when you can help create a twitter shitstorm from the privacy of your home?

>> No.8062757

>European blaming america for his own breed's shortcomings yet again

>> No.8062805

Refer to

>> No.8062887

>Cornstarch crusaders
That sounds like a name of a JoJo chapter or something.

>> No.8062936

But it just implies perhaps she doesn’t like Spaceniggy?

>> No.8062941

That list reminds me of "holobrony" that's supposed to be an insult to people they don't like here in /vt/

>> No.8062972

isn't that image a falseflag?

>> No.8062978

What's worse?

Being black or being a Karen?

>> No.8062984

so if she ends up with lower income/subscribers than her genmates twitter is going to lose their shit. I need more popcorn

>> No.8063073
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because it's a samefag baiting actual retards

>> No.8063097

please call me a bleach demon

>> No.8063189
File: 46 KB, 547x697, E4A4zm5VgAY_cMC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>twitter is in gook
>caught not following the nig holo and sperging out over what reads like just a joke because gooks get cancelled for not being niggerlovers

uhhhhh fellas I'm thinking based??

>> No.8063247

being Kiara

>> No.8063249

Why are they avoiding the potent ones?

>> No.8063340

And we don't actually know what she sounds like yet.

>> No.8063368

For me it's Culture Vultures.

>> No.8063443

False flag

>> No.8063556
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You can at least try to hide the fact that you're being a containment breaking attention whore faggot next time

>> No.8063595

Have you missed the trend of americans being koreaboos

>> No.8063807


>> No.8063854

Don't have to. I don't live in fear of anything.

>> No.8063873

>cornstarch crusaders
go over to youtube, search "cornstarch", and describe to me who the most common type of people are that show up in the results

>> No.8063929

this image is perfect if Omiman labeled "coon"

>> No.8063958

why can they just use faggot?

>> No.8064402

Americans are like that because they are brainwashed by the media to only think about identity politics so they don't think about real issues.

>> No.8065011

I don't understand
do people perceive that model to be that of a black girl when it's very obviously and clearly ganguro?

>> No.8065131

It's funny because the insults we ourselves come up with for ourselves, like cuck and incel, are the only ones that can actually ever hurt us

>> No.8065195

I'm confused, who are we making fun of here?

>> No.8065243

Being black Karen

>> No.8065298

>nearly all of them are at least two words
even leftoid attempts are slurs are too wordy holy fuck

>> No.8065591

That's clearly a Person of Color because her skin isn't white as snow

>> No.8065595

Coloniser sounds more like compliment to me.

>> No.8065616

Fuck you, I like moon cricket.

>> No.8065655
File: 29 KB, 226x339, 1626915650624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's hurt by cuck and incel

>> No.8065826

>no purpose flour
idk why but that one got me lol. Still not offensive though

>> No.8065924

Honestly I don't even know.

>> No.8066322

lmao actually hilarious that people can see you racist losers true colours, gutless cowards as always lol, I followed everyone but the brown one for no reason other than I didn't like the design.

who expects people to buy that lol

>> No.8066557

>salty scallywags
arr me mateys, we be raiding the spanish main today

>> No.8066562

The one who sent the message
The one who received it
And the one who posted it here
Are all the same people

>> No.8066660

>it's all just niggers just eating spoonfulls of the stuff
What the fuck, was this retarded shit a trend among black youtubers or something?

>> No.8066774

4chan creating fake outrage in order to create the illusion of mass outrage to post on 4chan? Impossible, never has been done

>> No.8066897

Mf could've not acted like a bitch and ignored it but no gotta show twittards how good I am

>> No.8066950

If it's EN, that's probably a IRL brown american

>> No.8067048

Lol, call anyone here a virgin, a cuck, a incel, post BLACKED shit or say that the white race will go extinct is more effective than all of these insults.

>> No.8067365

I still don't understand why people try to argue against it or try to throw insults back.

It if REALLY bothers you, don't respond.

>> No.8067652
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I thought you guys were memeing about her having fewer subs but holy shit you weren't

>> No.8067798

>no cumskins

>> No.8068126

Not the OP but yeah

>> No.8068285

>Bleach demon
I wish people would call me that
