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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79832440 No.79832440 [Reply] [Original]

now that the dust has settled EUfags just didn't watch to Kiara right?

>> No.79832539
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, ESL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are brown.

>> No.79832546

I saw a couple comments on their streams that read something like "I don't have to watch Kiara anymore" and thought it was pretty rude honestly

>> No.79832549

How is she this much of a shitter that she has to play the uwu furry tumblr game

>> No.79832606

I watched small corpos instead of Kiara, is that a nicer thing to say?

>> No.79832624
File: 523 KB, 1917x1080, 1703638911793475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just didn't watch to Kiara right?

>> No.79832636

obsessed schizo

>> No.79832806

Man, I really should start tracking you again, obsessed schizo schizo.

>> No.79832826


>> No.79832828

>has to
Anon, she most likely was an uwu furry tumblr girl

>> No.79832900

she was a literal pegasister

>> No.79832973

KFP psyop thread

>> No.79833008


>> No.79833053

that was all me btw

>> No.79833059

Incredibly based

>> No.79833070


>> No.79833464

The dust hasn't settled, wait for the debut buff to go away. Even Kiara grew

>> No.79833591
File: 961 KB, 480x579, ame good luck learning english [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1tolqz.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just didn't watch to

>> No.79834336

We're just ignoring that they debuted like a week and a half ago then?

>> No.79834764

That's extremely rude.

>> No.79835206

Pretty based

>> No.79835253


>> No.79835305

It's a fun game anon

>> No.79835304

Pretty rude. Even if it's not wrong, it's not something you should say in someone else's chat.

>> No.79835451

Pankoposter, your mask fell off.

>> No.79835553

Giga based

>> No.79835567

brutal mogging
Kiara on suicide watch

>> No.79835582

>ERB is the anonette you failed to hitch with
Why Live

>> No.79835637

>1 minute
If only we could see IPs so we can count the samefags to that post

>> No.79835703


>> No.79835775
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>> No.79835781

Will this make kiara get off Ina's back and seethe at other women for a change ???

>> No.79835855

Love to see Miko in the top

>> No.79835876

What imaginary world do you live in?

>> No.79836086

Be more optimistic

>> No.79836319
File: 505 KB, 640x360, SEA[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fcu9jxj.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just didn't watch to Kiara

>> No.79836349
File: 815 KB, 1042x605, 85ad67bf733abc1661692120c84951c19c975bfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys realize almost all of Kiara's recent stream brutally mog the shit out of Erb WITH debut buff, right?
This is just like "vesper will keep mogging Kiara" posts during his debut week. You guys never learn. Her recent numbers mog Mori.

>> No.79836423

>all event streams
ok call me when she goes back to her regular content

>> No.79836516
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>just didn't watch to

>> No.79836537

I also thought it was pretty rude, I would never stop watching you, Kiara-...ehm, I mean, random anon!

>> No.79836569

Debut buff > any other buff

>> No.79836588

Super rude, but also fucking hilarious. I can't wait to see what Cecilia will be like a few months down the road; now that there is more than one "approximately german" holo, we get to discover if Kiara's habit of sticking her foot right in her mouth and saying shit poorly or that shouldn't be said to the public is teutonic in origin or if she just needs to fucking learn2tact.

>> No.79836635
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>>>just didn't watch to

>> No.79836685

The swimsuit real buffed her numbers.

>> No.79836956

Why did you quote me you retard?
I don't watch or care about Kiara.

>> No.79837014

At least it's better than that hideous armor outfit. That could have been kino if anyone capable of basic color coordination had been involved in the design process at any point, instead it ended up looking like shit.

>> No.79837571

What the fuck is this thread?

>> No.79837654

the usual, insane schizos seethe about orange bird because she won despite them shitting themselves on an anonymous image board for 4 years

>> No.79837667

usual numberfaggotry

>> No.79837716

Orange derangement syndrome. It's been 4 years and counting. It's especially funny since Kiara's recent Eurocup streams are giving her 7-10K CCV during EU primetime.

>> No.79837743 [DELETED] 

was probably a former sapling too. based, either way

>> No.79837766

settled my ass, give them at leas a month

>> No.79837815

KEK but yeah a bit rude

>> No.79837949

she doesnt play games
she plays a game she likes
plays a game the comuntity likes

have you considered not being such a faggot
>verification not required

>> No.79838053

>debut month

>> No.79838083 [DELETED] 

It's over for kiaracels.

>> No.79838142

It was also rude of Cover to refuse to give us anything else other than Kiara for several years.
You have no idea how infuriating it is to say "I wish Cover cared more about EU" and there fucking goddamn always be met with some insufferable moron retard going "uhhh but you have Kiara". FUCK OFF I don't want to watch Kiara.

>> No.79838150

It's just the culture. Germans are blunt (and i guess austrians too?) Of course no one is rude to strangers, but if you're pretty close or sometimes just being coworkers is enough, you just say what you think even if it comes off as a bit harsh. No one means really harm with it, it's just how we roll. But I understand that it could be off putting to cultures that are totally different in that regard. As a german, I fucking love Kiara and Ceci. If they trashtalk you, they love you, it's our love-language.

>> No.79838163

I don't understand what level of menhera you're on. Are you saying Panko/BVTM hates Kiara, or that Pankoposters are Kiara fans because Panko sucks Kiara's dick?

>> No.79838283

Panko is friends with Kiara, and Phasegroids are upset about that for some reason.

>> No.79838422
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I usually don't care about threads like this but since the fag is going around linking it so desperately, I have to say, this has to be the lamest, most pathetic I've ever seen as example of antis licking their own wounds, if it's not a samefag, all these replies "haha kek" while holding back their tears

and goddamn, is there even any anti "group" that lost so hard as Kiara's antis? They were there week one on her debut days and never got a single win, hoping so desperately for her fall when the girl just keeps going strong, like damn 4 years of coping, seething misery and for what?

>> No.79838515
File: 840 KB, 659x808, 62163941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All me

>> No.79838669

I don't hate Kiara, but I dislike her. Out of all of HoloEN, the only person who bothers me is Kiara. I respect her enough because I know she is hardworking and wrangles the others to collab, but I cannot get over her being friends with the Nijiclique. I can forgive Reimu, Scale, Vivi, hell even some males, I can forgive at least half of that mess besides the clique, and she goes and makes friends with exactly Elira, Enna and Millie. Ugh. Gross.

>> No.79838691

No faggot, I mean she loves Ina

>> No.79838832

Same but I also hate her fake voice. Glad she toned it down over the years but it still isn't as good as her real voice.

>> No.79838859
File: 98 KB, 632x600, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending that kiara was liked
grim reality kfcucks live in, being the trooniest and most shat on group on /vt/ does damage to one

>> No.79839027

>the trooniest and most shat on group on /vt/
you mean nijisisters (like you) right

>> No.79839074

Kek true

>> No.79839238

Gigi is an american streaming on european time.

>> No.79839245

An egg thinking he's relevant in 2024 is fucking hilarious

>> No.79839313

It's not even a real group, I bet there are just 3 guys in this thread jerking each other off in a circle.

>> No.79839424

the eggcord don't even talk abt kiara anymore. last I checked, they're trying to fuck shiori IRL

>> No.79839539

They're not rude. That's that blunt european honesty.

>> No.79839779

They still haven't found me out, they are going to push Kiara vs jp-girls the next few weeks.
They are also discussing about Gigis breasts.

>> No.79839903

I will remember to cite you in the future

>> No.79839928

>they are going to push Kiara vs jp-girls the next few weeks.
Do those losers actually coordinate shit like this?

>> No.79840807

I only watched Kiara, now I watch Ceci, too. I respect Raora for PL reasons (yes, Sayu), and that's it.

>> No.79840830

It's a bit like that one famous niji website.
One retard has an "idea" and then they all get excited.
Two of them were also the guys spamming her doxx images in /sp/ yesterday.

>> No.79840831

you should see what goes on in some discord servers. some of the most retarded, no life pieces of shit on planet earth

>> No.79840977
File: 40 KB, 600x408, 1706290834187062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I don't have to watch Kiara anymore"
Absolutely fucking BASED.

>> No.79841030

Her supposed PL was steeped in MLP content, she 100% was an uwu furry tumblr girl kek

>> No.79841496

She got her swimsuit in 2023 anonchama

>> No.79841512

If JPY and USD end up dominating their superchat revenue they will have been right not to give anything to you whiny fags.

>> No.79841546

holy based

>> No.79841646

Publicly whining about every little thing she feels aggrieved over that just comes with the territory of working at a multinational corporation is not love language, herr anon...

>> No.79841987

NTA but that's a form of gfe so you're wrong
Even if you don't like it

>> No.79842252

>Not showing recent streams like the karaoke rebroadcast, Witch Spring R, and Duolingo that had low numbers
How convenient

>> No.79842330

Sounds like you are the one cherry-picking streams.

>> No.79843902


>> No.79844317

Just like your grades in school I guess

>> No.79844921
File: 20 KB, 989x163, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her recent numbers mog Mori

>> No.79845021
File: 163 KB, 1044x691, 358f30ec399e4b64911f6d186c51ea02082a6e8c_063656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vod views cope
>Mori can't even beat Ollie

>> No.79845039

I work from home so I'm really happy they're in this timezone. They stream around the morning and afternoon of my work day.

>> No.79845174

Rude? Yes. True? Also yes. It's what many yuros have been feeling, can't help it if the sentiment slips into the chat.

>> No.79845183

These women are at least somewhat entertaining. Kiara isn't. Kiara is for people who likes boring shit like telenovelas.

>> No.79845402

pagpag fingers typed this post

>> No.79845698

Mori gets more views each month than both Kiara and Ollie combined. You also cut the stream from that graph before it reached its peak, which is extra pathetic. All you did was bring more attention to this orange woman bad thread lol

>> No.79846953


>> No.79847082

I don't want to watch these whores either, none of them is cute. I don't get how they managed to mess up every single hire. The only good one is Cecilia, and even she sometimes sounds like Kiara so I get hard filtered.

>> No.79847290

>Thinks being american is the problem
Gigi's voice is disgusting, that's why no one watches her. 4k on debut month is DOA.
She's going to be a 3view by next year.

>> No.79847319
File: 330 KB, 666x492, 1664953331583663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is a typical Germanic. Loud, obnoxious, loves to complain. She's the epitome of negative experiences tourists have when visiting Germany/Austria/Switzerland. Her few redeeming qualities don't make up for it.

>> No.79848189

>just didn't watch to
Why is it always ESL/SEA anons that have a hate boner against Europe?

>> No.79848368
File: 61 KB, 831x571, actual monkeys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're actual monkeys

>> No.79848478

>the man with no taste

>> No.79848802

>the man who can do nothing else but cope

>> No.79849187

>the man who seethed twice
>directed by m. night shamalalama

>> No.79849331

European honesty, something you fag's use as an excuse when Kiara is being an ass to others

>> No.79849996

>>79838669 #
I was indifferent to her until the AoE stream collab where she just whined all game and accused Fauna of cheating. After that stream i can't stand her and Reine.

>> No.79850220

This I fucking hate german tourists
t. sweden

>> No.79850414

>...just didn't watch to Kiara right?
Just like I couldn't read to your post.
