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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 188 KB, 1280x720, worsthologen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
79666731 No.79666731 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, we can all unanimously agree this is the single worst Hololive generation ever, right?

>> No.79666752


>> No.79666804

regloss is/was worse
much worse

>> No.79666838

Project: HOPE is worse

>> No.79666864

Dust hasn't settled yet. Needs more time. Still need to get through the honeymoon period. Check again in six months.

>> No.79666928

Regloss is more Holopro/Homostars adjacent than Hololive.

>> No.79666961

CC, RR and even GG was good.
Too bad the scarlet rot ruined them. Hope advent and Fauna can save them.

>> No.79666963

Cecilia and Raora are fine, Gigi is not bad, she's similar to Bae, but without the Homo collabs and Elizabeth will probably become another Mori. They're still better than Myth.

>> No.79667004

Advent exists

>> No.79667013

>Holo gen 1
>Holo X
>Every single ID gen.
Nah, could be a lot worse.

>> No.79667016

Gokisei exist

>> No.79667017

Project hope was worse it brought in unwashed pajeets and pakis. We were already in the shitter due to the huge amount of flips sea Brazilians and euros in the fanbase irys brought in the most schizos in.

>> No.79667089

usually there some honeymoon phase with the debut of each generation but these just have such godawful screeching thick esl karen voices I dropped them all right away. I only dread at the prospects of collabs and ruining my enjoyment of the other girls. EN4 is by far the worst gen and is not even close. Whoever was reviewing their auditions did a terrible job. Like who would have thought we had it so good with Kiara's chicken voice?

>> No.79667101

Fancy meeting (you) here, Ennacuck. Did you get bullied out of /#/ again?

>> No.79667330

You don't even know when to call out the usage of "we" you dumb newfag,

>> No.79667406
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>Holo vs Holo
what the matter sister? cant use luxiem anymore for your shitposts now that they're borderline 3 views?

>> No.79667420

It's definitely the msot forgettable/bland/underwhelming. And I thought Council would forever hold that crown

>> No.79667523

Only because of ERB
The other 3 can't rescue the disaster she is

>> No.79667598

>pajeet seething

>> No.79667672
File: 436 KB, 2048x1430, GQ-AIh0WAAAZHRM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least pretend to watch streams before baiting, antinigger. It's only been a week unmonetized and Justice already has had better collabs than anything your kusocorp has shat out in years.

>> No.79667694

They are better than Myth at least just for a single reason: They don't have Mori
Mori has caused more damage to Hololive than ERB can ever hope to achieve.

>> No.79668037

They're very "fine" I don't see many memes or threads about them but it's an inoffensive addition to the roster

>> No.79668067

Eh, is Regloss considered a bad gen? Hajime, Ao and Raden are all pretty great in their own ways. I can't say gen 5 or HoloX impresses me any more than regloss does.

Kronii is the only Council member I've ever watched, Fubuki is the only relevant member of gen 1.

>> No.79668085

Oh look another "red woman bad" thread, not like we've had one every fucking day since debut.

>> No.79668172


>> No.79668175

Unicorns are restless beasts they won't stop until she yabs directly or indirectly inducted by them

>> No.79668217
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seething troons have been spamming gigi bait threads all night, so it's safe to say they're a success despite the usual false flagging for a new gen

>> No.79668609

She seems to have absolutely mindbroken the tumblredittor tourists, so good for her.

>> No.79668810

the tourists are the ones shilling her numbers to own the unichuds, anon.

>> No.79668858

Reminder that no matter how much any of the four (more like Liz specifically) make /vt/ seethe, this gen is still miles ahead of TTT and Denauth.
Watch even bad red woman at her worst surpass views of Niji's best in a few months.

>> No.79668881
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>> No.79669067

You're literally replying to one of the tourists.

>> No.79669105
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>false flagging /lig/ger is back
You don't watch Holo or Phase and it's painfully obvious from the comparisons, none of them are accurate. Kill yourself this instant.

>> No.79669130

You've brought it upon yourselves by picking her as a frontliner in your invisible war. I could've told you it'd return to this after all the "unicorns lost" posts.

>> No.79669163
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>yesterday that the settle has dusted
kill yourself

>> No.79669166
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Imagine calling anti-homos tumblredittors. Never go full retard, sister.

>> No.79669182

The worst Holo gen is still better than the best Phase gen.

>> No.79669226

anon, it's very likely nijisister

>> No.79669357

The only one at war here is you.

>> No.79669490

Euphoria is pretty good, except Muyu is an obnoxious gooner and her fans are even worse. Picrel is unironically their best talent in the corp.

>> No.79669510
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No, u.

>> No.79669567
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>forgot to upload
Curse my brown skin

>> No.79669615

ID1 honestly. Risu was fun for a while and Moona had her brief Pekomoona arc but they're all basically nonentities now.

Subjectively, I'd also add ID3 because I despise Kobo and her fans, but I can't deny that she was a success who gave HoloID an actual strong ID audience. Kaela is undeniably great too.

>> No.79669623

So far GG and CC are entertaining. Raora spends too much time drawing for my liking even if she's a great chatter, and I haven't watched Liz at all because I despise that fake British accent, especially when she can't even keep it up, plus all the shit she's said and tweeted about.

>> No.79669723

Kaela is too unironically unhinged for my liking. Also her English really isn't very good and she doesn't seem interested in improving despite primarily streaming in English.

>> No.79669755

no. there's finally someone streaming when I have time to watch

>> No.79670644

>watched Kronii
Opinion discarded

>> No.79670763

Kaela's English has improved since debut though

>> No.79670785
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>red woman bad
While I disagree with faggot OP, where exactly was red woman specifically mentioned ITT, before your brown woman ass brought her up?

>> No.79670869

Right here

>> No.79670985
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>> No.79671046

Kaela is just an annoying, unfun autist. I legitimately don't understand what Biboo sees in her and I really wish she'd stop interacting with her.

>> No.79671116

You are mindbroken.

>> No.79671216

Strange that the Phase girls are total shitters then, isn't it?

>> No.79671224

Irrelevant, she was brought up ITT before >>79668085
The question did not mention number of posts

>> No.79671267

>people forgetting about ID2

>> No.79671284

why do phaseniggers think they'll garner more interest in their whores by attacking hololive?

>> No.79671294

Have you by any chance stopped seething for a single moment any watched any of them? All four bring something good to the table. Their first week tops Advent's for sure, at least for me, and I'm excited where they'll go from here.

>> No.79671359

I haven't watched any of them yet. Is nazi robot any good? Is she a Fauna nepo hire? And is pink cat bad?

>> No.79671407
File: 521 KB, 2400x2880, __ninomae_ina_nis_malenia_blade_of_miquella_ninomae_ina_nis_and_elizabeth_rose_bloodflame_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_bloodymoonia__452572c1a96b36bec374990a7b394a0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit talking the Scarlet Rot Queen

>> No.79671414

Wait, there are actually people out there who hate Kaela, of all people?

>> No.79671476

Green murderhobo good, orange gremlin good, pink cat good

>> No.79671487

I haven't watched much robot, but eyetalian Shylily is a treasure. Her voice is like silk and she's just the right amount of loopy in the head.

>> No.79671491

yep, ugly models, mid girls.

>> No.79671501

kraut doll good, not a nepohire
pink cat good, possibly a gura nepohire

>> No.79671552

This is the catalog after all, just goes to show that she's getting popular

>> No.79671553

Don't you have a drama video to watch?

>> No.79671570

I don't "hate" her. She's completely inoffensive, but she IS an annoying and unfun autist.

>> No.79671600

>streams with Kronii
>collabs with Zen and Reimu
>boring enough that it bears repeating

>> No.79671751

I will watch your pink cat. And probably Cecilia too.

>> No.79671785

Loopy how so?

>> No.79671817

>I legitimately don't understand what Biboo sees in her and I really wish she'd stop interacting with her.
she's one of, if not, (probably) one of the really few other girls that can keep up with her for long ang grindy games

>> No.79671891

My favorite of the group is ERB, but that's not who you asked about. Love both her singing and her dork energy.

I dunno how to explain it, man. She's just got some screws loose and it makes for solid entertainment.

>> No.79671894

Yeah I get that part but that's clearly not the ONLY thing she likes about her.

>> No.79671949

Out of curiosity anon, what do (You) consider quality?

>> No.79671978

She cute

>> No.79672018

She's literally the furthest thing from "cute".

>> No.79672032

Green and orange are cute.

>> No.79672033

Who is this nijisister who speaks to me as if I needed his opinion?

>> No.79672066


>> No.79672101

that isn’t council

>> No.79672143

You don't find autistic tomboy hags cute?

>> No.79672203

Only the worst EN gen
Regloss and ID gen 2 still rein supreme as the top 2 worst gens

>> No.79672252

Liz and Raora are great. Very entertaining both as streamers and in their chosen niche. Cece seems pretty cool and Gigi seems really funny. Need to spend some more time watching them to fully come to appreciate them
And no; the worst gen is still EN2 thanks to Omega fucking around with everything

>> No.79672277
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>> No.79672319

No, I don't. I think I've articulated well enough how I consider her and annoying and unfun autist.

>> No.79672326

No "Unicorns" even exist in the EN fanbase.

>> No.79672356

Damn that's pretty gay anon

>> No.79672381


>> No.79672454
File: 68 KB, 576x507, 1703415295146098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the new strat? Afer getting blown out time and time again you're now going to pretend like "the unicorns don't exist"? Good luck sister.

>> No.79672488

Back to the number thread with you, sis

>> No.79672510

>gg is bae but better
>cc is good
>rr is good
I don't know OP, even if I'm being charitable to you, at least half of them are good, meanwhile ID2, council season 1 and regross exists

>> No.79672543

About as new as your playground tier "strat" of trying to reflect whatever insult was just used against you back at people

>> No.79672580

Maybe, top 3 easily. All the bad ones at least has one member that saves it, like ID3, Kobo is SEA cocksleeve and Zeta is that dog guy cocksleeve but Kaela saves it. Gen 1 is bad too but Fubuki and Haachama save it

Not holo desu

>> No.79672597

Reverse card has already been played ITT.

>> No.79672632

>Nijisister thinks xer opinion is relevant
This EN gen is great. Last EN gen is great. EN gen before that is great. And the one before that is great, too. Can't believe /vt/ niggers actually sit around and assess this shit like they're sommeliers.

>> No.79672638
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Polka alone is better than all the members in the new gen put together

>> No.79672679

Pls understand, this is all they can do to distract themselves from the merger or allow doki to drive them to insanity by simply existing.

>> No.79672701

Bro, Polka is a pretty fuckin' high bar. She's top tier Holo.

>> No.79672763

She is easily the least interesting of her gen

>> No.79672798

Isn't she a discount Pippa herself?

>> No.79672827

This new gen is great. Same as the other ENgens.
Nijisisters still desperately trying to chase the high of Gokisei's disasterous launch over 4 years later lmao

>> No.79672835

Why are you three so fucking stupid? How did you get to this point? How do you even manage to survive?

>> No.79672847

there isn't a single standout. They are kinda mid at best.
what made Advent lightning in a bottle was it was 2 years between gens + the dogs were an instant hit.

Justice is just eh. Some of the choices were head scratchers like there were #3 or #4 girls in small corpos that couldn't get popular, and you think they are gonna stand out and hit as holos?

>> No.79672873
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>> No.79672907

They arnt, OP.

But lets look at it another way. They could be the "worst Hololive gen" and even then they would still be leagues better than even the best Nijigen

>> No.79672953


>> No.79672979

Shes boring and I dont find her funny. Its as simple as that. I dont hate her, but I will never watch her.

>> No.79673020

Go back

>> No.79673035

How are you freaks still hating on Regloss at this point???

>> No.79673047

Clara, Muyu, Uruka, and Panko have about 13 years of vtubing experience combined, and still not a single playbutton between them.

>> No.79673236

Worse Marine and a whore
Worse Miko
Worse Mito
Top 3 worst JP members, even Matsuri is better

>> No.79673393

>No "Unicorns" even exist in the EN fanbase
Don't give a shit about this red woman non-sense but fuck you, I exist

>> No.79673448

Ok sis

>> No.79673773

I don't know what it is exactly but HoloEN's past few gens have been bland and unappealing to me in general. FuwaMoco excepted, everything after Council had been bland. Even then only really Mumei is interesting. In contrast Phase's last gen was incredibly strong and exciting. Are big corpos just doomed to always be a little plain?

>> No.79673910

Or maybe you just prefer Phase brand of content and you like Myth only due to nostalgia

>> No.79673967
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>sisters are now trying to pin holo and phase against each other
NijiEN is dead and all the niji-seething in the world won't change that. Time to move on sis

>> No.79673990

>Phase's last gen was incredibly strong and exciting
their last 2 gens have both bombed. All of Euphoria should be 4views given how much was spent, yet none of them are even close.

Only Clara stands out, the other 9 have struggled and Phase has not gotten the return on the big investment they made. They wasted $30,000 for Euphira and Kaleido to have anime music videos, yet Pippa, Lia, Tenma, Airi, Shiina and Invaders still hard carry the company in earnings.
Where is there state of the art rigging and models? Where is their anime? Where is their 1 month shilling on the big screens in Shibuya?

>> No.79674018

I think I just like gremlins but they haven't hired any since Gura/Ame and maybe Mumei.

>> No.79674070

Hololive ID gen 2 still exists though

>> No.79674123

I'm going to bet you haven't even watched any of them since debut or at all for that matter

>> No.79674157

Euphoria is often close to 4view, but even then view count alone isn't the only important metric. I haven't gone 4 days since monetization without a gifted Runie membership if that tells you anything about her earnings.

>> No.79674305

>Euphoria is often close to 4view,
not on their own they are not. not even close. they are in the 500-600 avg range

also they were shilled mega hard at offkai by Phase. That is how you know things are not going great for them. It is still all hands on deck to try and get them popular. It's bad enough they want their Gen1/Gen2/Invaders to canibalize their audience for Gen3 and then use the money they make to prop them up.

>> No.79674502

Clara debuted 1 month later and mogged them all. The reality is I don't think Phase debuting 10 talents in 1 month was a good idea looking back. The first misstep they made in quite some time.

>> No.79674906

How the hell does Holo X have Antis

>> No.79674910

I've decided that I have no clue what gets the average normalfag interested in a piece of media. How can people watch Origins religiously but not Euphoria too? The content is tonally very similar and the girls are just as good. Blows my mind that Lia Likers aren't all Runatics too. Honestly Clara's success is surprising just because her hours are so different from the rest, or maybe that's her strength after all.

>> No.79675033

Clara gets raids and panders to EN. She is a bjg reason why the JP branch has struggled because they spent a lot of money for her to bring in new japanese fans but all she is doing is feasting on the existing Phase fan that gets raided into her

>> No.79675064

There are plenty of reasons to hate Lapuss, but the others? No clue, must be a contrarian

>> No.79675150

kys schizoid brownie

>> No.79675313

I'd say they are the worst gen that isn't Chinese.

>> No.79675440

It's depressing to see, because Kaleido has some good JP talents. Memory is one of the cutest girlfailures I've watched and the only non-Holo JP I catch live regularly, she streams a shitload, and she knows how to play the audience really well, they just get no support. They still aren't even listed on Phase's official website.

>> No.79675545
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Nope, in fact I firmly believe Justice are better than Myth, Promise or Advent.

I genuinely enjoy their content more than EN1, 2 or 3.

If I'm alone in this then that's fine, because I never enjoyed Myth. I got burnt out on Promise quickly (even after IRyS had her glowup) and Advent... Well honestly I feel like people overrate them to this day.

>> No.79675588
File: 165 KB, 550x1024, in shambles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the dust has settled, we can all unanimously agree this is the single funniest thing that happened in vtubing, right?

>> No.79675634

Fubuki has done like 50 more male collabs than Zeta.

>> No.79675712


>> No.79675752

I feel like Advent had a stronger roster and Justice was created as quickly as it was because they know there's a hole where they should have debuted a gen in 2022 but chose to debut two starsen gens instead. Justice also clearly had a "we need some EU tubers" mindset behind its creation. Basically filling gaps. Next gen will either be HoloES or a bunch of spanish-speaking bilingual girls from puerto rico.

>> No.79675830

There are no valid reasons to hating Laplus

>> No.79675870

It wasn't funny for Goku and Vegeta.
But Vox having the worst male vtuber model on corpo history is fucking hilarious.

>> No.79675874

how much would the timeline change had raora was given a cunny model

>> No.79675894

The three Eurotubers for Justice are actually pretty fucking talented though. They each bring a pretty nice skill and niche to the table.

>> No.79675910

They do get support though, with bots. How else do you explain a fucking birthday totsu averaging 500 ccv getting just an average of 12 chat messages per minute?

>> No.79676026

how did you last this long watching something you don't like

>> No.79676099

I hate La+ for the same reason I hate all l*li vtubers, they're disgusting pedophile enablers and all they do is cater to the worst types of men. I'm almost 30 and I've never had a boyfriend while these fucking women who are probably as old and talented as me get success handed to them by sexual degenerates spamming their chat with the same obnoxious nauseating dogwhistle about fucking children. I fucking hate men you're all disgusting.

>> No.79676112

>being a hag
>being a sexdoll

>> No.79676137


>> No.79676169

>hag voice
>loli model

>> No.79676177

Her voice can only Support a hag model imo

>> No.79676200

There has been no homobegging
Hags are the best
Lifelike texture is king.

>> No.79676211

>cunny model without naturally cunny voice
Just look at how shit Gigi is lol. Only Japanese girls can do a loli voice if they weren't born with one like Gura or Biboo.

>> No.79676252


>> No.79676263

Advent is 5/5 certified great chuubas

>> No.79676267


>> No.79676327

Gigi is literally a Gura killer and none of you will ever fucking admit it because you actually got filtered by her. At least you're being honest about it now.

>> No.79676361

>just look how shit Gigi is
>Gigi isn't even loli
>easily the most based and entertaining of her gen
I understand now, you just have shit taste and don't watch hololive

>> No.79676430

There' no valid reason to hate any Holo talent desu(except Rushia but we only learned about her Menheraness after she was fired)

>> No.79676452

>There has been no homobegging

>> No.79676507


>> No.79676536

How can we force femcels to lose weight and dress like 17yo girls to entrap ojisans just trying to get a younger gf?

>> No.79676587

Shiori... Nerissa...

>> No.79676642

Even if you don't accept fucking over gachis and unicorns as valid, she is still quite literally a hypocrite by being a unicorn herself despite doing what she did. And that's not even touching the holoan promoting shit.

>> No.79676671

>Blows my mind that Lia Likers aren't all Runatics too
Why? Their content is nothing alike from what I have seen.
Lia does exotic cocaine (borderline) filter content vs. Runie who is slower GFE normie type content.
Lia has about 500 core that will show up for anything so long as it is in her timeslot. If she has a good zatsu topic? Add 700+ to that 500. If it is a regular zatsu/FOTM game? add 300-500 tot hat 500. If it is Lia playing her games she likes that are giga debuff like League, Genshin, Twist, Danganronpa, IDV etc? add 0 it will just be her core.

>> No.79676685

I don't have to lose weight you projecting cuck, you probably have bigger boobs than I do. I hope you know those girls you constantly "uoooh" and ojifag post over think you're a creepy fucking paypig and that's all you'll ever be to them.

>> No.79676687

>not loli
Lmao. And I don't know what strawman you're arguing in your head.

>> No.79676689
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can it be called homobegging when the talent is the one doing the begging?

>> No.79676691

No, that's still whatever the fuck Vox's new outfit is looking exactly like the fucking chink slave memes (I know it's meant to be a samurai thing, but that doesn't matter)
It used to be decent on debut in terms of design (with shit stiff rig like the rest). Then it got progressively worse until we landed on that thing.
Also why did a supposedly japanese demon turn into a blatantly western one anyway?

>> No.79676770


>> No.79676769

Mori is also a beggar.

>> No.79676833

So when you say "I don't have to lose weight" do you mean "300 pounds is healthy, chud" or do you mean you're a skeltal 90 pound 5 foot 1 womanlet?

>> No.79676940

She's taller than Ame and doesn't have any loli proportions other than the fact that she wears a hoodie so her chest isn't visible. Nerissa claimed in a chat with Gigi she doesn't want to be seen as a loli, either, and she doesn't put on a loli voice or act like one. If anything she's hebe and there is a difference

>> No.79677067

Lol I knew I recognised your autism. Still seething over literally nothing nearly 3 years on

>> No.79677071

but enough about nijis

>> No.79677208

I'm 56 kg at 1.80m, literally completely healthy weight. The reason I don't date is because I have autism and the only ones interested are either A.) Otaku losers who unironically gave chud in their vocabulary or B.) Insufferable reddit feminists who are beside themselves that I am not a frigid proglib cunt like they are.

>> No.79677281

Advent really should have been the last EN gen, there is just no more diamonds in the rough that would somehow explode with Hololive's exposure. Promise is just shit we already have, but worse. Biggest homobeggar, loli who doesn't play into her character as much, decent artist with shit voice, and the doll bitch is just boring.

>> No.79677285

what the literal fuck are you talking about??? fucking schizo

>> No.79677338

phase connect are still clueless about how to get into the jp market.
history is repeating itself like what happened with michiru and nasa.

i don't get why they just didn't make clara a part of euphoria if she was gonna be en? at the end of the day, she is jp and is supposed to be the jp ace and bring in new jp viewers that will then help her 4 genmates. but they would rather her fuck around with airi and pandering to their preexisting english viewers. she is a failure in that regard and she should feel bad about it. she is very selfish and putting her own growth as an en above what she was supposed to be.

>> No.79677379

>has watched literally none of them
Shut the fuck up and watch streams.

>> No.79677420

>Promise is just shit we already have, but worse.
Is this a Freudian slip from a coping Mythfag? You're stuck in the past, old man

>> No.79677422

they both have dommy sexual energy and great antagonistic banter with chat

>> No.79677480
File: 408 KB, 532x512, 1706430918287096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta look out for #1
not her fault that the others can't keep up

>> No.79677496

Phase added 13 new talents in 7 months. I don't think even NIJISANJI ever added that many in such a short time period.

Sakana is an accelerator and he is hurting his company.

>> No.79677571

I am proud of them. I understand your concerns about Elizabeth, but she will improve as an idol. Please support her warmly.

>> No.79677588

>keep up
she can't even keep up as a jp. when you are supposed to be a jp and you have 900 viewers, but 800 of them are always english and they are already preexisting phase connect fans, then you have failed at your job.

>> No.79677598

Based yagod, I kneel.

>> No.79677604

>the doll bitch is just boring
How so?

>> No.79677636

Except her audience is entirely composed of people who were already subbed to another EN she collabed with when the entire point of their generation was to bring in new viewers from the JP market, which she's essentially abandoned

>> No.79677641

What happened in Niji this time?
Luca was heavy breathing watching a girl stream again?

>> No.79677687

Im talking about how you've been literally crying over one line she said whilst bantering with her chat for nearly 3 years now. In essence I am calling you a pathetic faggot.

>> No.79677760

I don't fully agree but I do enjoy Justice more than Advent or Myth if I'm being honest. Partly because I'm actually awake when they stream, partly because the only two other holoENs that I've stuck to as time progressed are Biboo and Bae.

>> No.79677775

>180 CM

>> No.79677794
File: 470 KB, 1004x499, 1719396887500948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you use a browser extension to turn up your audio to 800% when Cecilia goes on her bathroom break in GG's collab you can hear her pee splashing in the toilet.

>> No.79677891

I'm a neet living in EST so having something to watch that isn't early morning or prime time is a godsend. If I were still in high school I'd love to come home from classes and put a Justice stream on, reminds me of going home to watch youtube let's plays

>> No.79677894

Let's be honest, they are a solid gen, but lacking that wow factor. Kind of reminds me of JP's gen 5--which similarly was just kind of solid and it took time for it to become what it is now. I think long term this will be seen as a better gen than people thought initially. The green one and the orange one will probably be growers.

>> No.79677931

GG and CC have potential. RR is sorta maxed out as far as her potential goes, unfortunately. It's not a bad start for their gen.

>> No.79677952

>SEAnigger pygmy blood has never seen a European woman
Either that or you're an Amerigoblin who's immense blubber has caused spine compression losing you 4-5 inches.

>> No.79677961

The wow factor for me was hearing Liz sing. I havnt enjoyed karaokes as much since this since early 2020s Suisei

>> No.79678033

>Lacking that wow factor
Please tell me right now what NePoLaBos "wow factor" was beyond trying to pick up the pieces from Aloe's graduation. I promise I'm asking this in good faith.

>> No.79678052

Liz's streams have been great so far. She is a highly loveable hag dork which is all I need.

>> No.79678099

The wow factor for me is GiGi being the most unashamed and unhinged fujofailure in all of HoloEN within one week of streaming. It might not always be a "wow, that's amazing", but it's always a "wow'. She's going to get in trouble when she does her first mutual masturbation w/ chat stream.

>> No.79678241

I watched CC and GG's A way out collab yesterday and all I could say is GG is probably the worst member of HoloEN. She sounds like a Chink with Twitchwhore humor. Not even a month out and she's already throwing sex jokes. Literally the worst combination in my book.

>> No.79678267

Yeah I think I would have liked that too. Plus, being a Euro myself it's actually kind of fun to have streamers whose cultures are Euro. Even if I do like gigi lol

>> No.79678278

A year of Lamy GFE

>> No.79678372

RIP I forgot about that chapter in history

>> No.79678399

Nothing has settled because the collab ban isn't up yet. You haven't even seen even a fifth of the catalog shit posts that will have occurred during their first month.

>> No.79678489

European women have a average height of 165 CM, you are abnormally large.

>> No.79678517

while I'd love to take credit for mindbreaking you(apparently), I don't know who you're talking about, that was my first post about Laplus in like months lmao. I don't make a habit of talking about vtubers I don't watch nor care about, your post was just objectively retarded and baited a (You) from me just like you're doing now

>> No.79678545

I bet you would love having a job better though.

>> No.79678550

>the worst HoloEN member
Mori Calliope
Takanashi Kiara
Ninomae Ina'nis
Ceres Fauna
Ouro Kronii
Hakos Baelz
Shiori Novella
Fuwawa Abyssgard
Mococo Abyssgard
Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame
Raora Pantera

>> No.79678604

I expect most people will get bored of karaoke spam after a while. Her game streams will never be entertaining since her brain isn't wired for it. She's kinda doomed to being in the sidelines in the future, only being known for her singing. RR is in a similar position with her gaming streams, but she's funnier in general so it's not going to be as bad for her.

>> No.79678611

rope yourself

>> No.79678617

I'm barely taller than most Dutch women and get mogged by the beautiful ones.

>> No.79678714
File: 158 KB, 688x288, vlcsnap-2012-07-24-03h10m08s192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By popular demand, CC has been remodeled into a form we believe to be more desirable.
Do you like it?

>> No.79678920

>Her game streams will never be entertaining since her brain isn't wired for it
Lmao, newfaggot clearly isnt aware of the really nice journey that Holos who were previously non-gamers have gone on since joining Holo. Subaru and Koyori for example; have been a pleasure to watch over the years.

>> No.79678991

>RR is in a similar position with her gaming streams, but she's funnier in general
I can tell you havnt watched any streams. Liz is hilarious. She has a perfect blend of ancient meme knowledge and silly wit

>> No.79679052

>I have never watched a single Hololive stream: The Post.

>> No.79679064

>Holo vs Holo

>> No.79679109

>n-not me!
Sure sis, keep trying.

>> No.79679170

>the worst HoloEn member
wow I cant believe it was all just one woman all along

>> No.79679240
File: 523 KB, 739x739, 1719503340305361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79679494

>their third-rate oshi can’t compete with holo so they just use another holo to shitpost against hololive.

>> No.79679513

>RR is sorta maxed out as far as her potential goes

>lives in Japan
>good connections
>huge Hololive fan
>wants to collab with everyone
>JP bros are obsessed with her
I think she's going to climb more than people think once the collab ban lifts. I can't say the same for the other 3, although CC will do well within the EN branch.

>> No.79679577
File: 95 KB, 280x296, 1707058771986645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, 3 of 4 are great, only ERB is a hard no for me. The other 3 are all good and Raora is way better than I expected.

>> No.79679635

Raora's voice is weird and I don't like it. I don't care how good of a streamer she is, I won't watch her and I'm not alone.

>> No.79679649

History has repeatedly proven that the best way to take down an uncontested empire is to incite a civil war.
Really, I can't take all this holo vs holo threads as tacit admission of Hololive supremacy.

>> No.79679720

>Been a week
>Dust has settled

I won't give the faggot OP the satisfaction of a (You)

>> No.79679736

Please kill yourself right now OP

>> No.79679840
File: 260 KB, 1080x517, tempusanji11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

homobeggars act like they actually watch streams

>> No.79680010

i want erb to be my dorky mommy that i can bully

>> No.79680218

Koyori is a hardcore otaku, not even comparable. Subaru was much younger when she started compared to ERB. I don't think you realize how much the age matters here. Subaru was literally still developing as a person while ERB has already settled into being the type of person she is and that isn't going to change in any big way anymore.

>> No.79680246


>> No.79680332

shut up indog, go back to ciliwung

>> No.79680371

shit taste

>> No.79681170

I think she might be like an EN version of Mio. Great in collabs but solo content wont be all that popular.

>> No.79681190

My mom's hobbies went from knitting to riding a bike in a few months and she's in her 40s
You never know

>> No.79681242

Liz is great though

>> No.79681287

Out of all hololive ever nah because you're going up against IDs and some of the funkier early gens. It also is context dependent on how does one score a gen? Its peak whenever that was or how its current state is comparatively? Because JP Gen 2 was really fucking strong at one point but is almost nonexistent today outside Shuba, and Gen 1 is also pretty shaky these days as well. But in their heyday they were excellent when their girls were actually active.

Out of EN again this is really a context question because Myth at its peak was the GOAT, but modern Myth is kinda weak. Council started weak but Promise is pretty alright today, arguably better than modern Myth by a fair bit. Advent is the current greatest and they were almost all amazing out the gate. Justice has never even remotely felt like a threat to Advent's greatness in my eyes and doesn't seem slated to. Since Council started so fucking weak but is good now I wouldn't be adamant Justice will always suck, but right now it seems they're hitting on like 1/4 or 2/4 girls depending who you ask.

>> No.79681296

>screencapped his own post
>posts its here like its an authority on something
When will nijiniggers ever learn?

>> No.79681366

>Koyori is a hardcore otaku, not even comparable
Watch streams you retarded newfaggot

>> No.79681452

These psyop threads against Liz will never work, sisters. You've done it too many times with a Holo from every new gen. Shit is contrived as fuck and you glow from a mile away.

>> No.79681648

I think it's the weakest gen so far in EN. I didn't watch Myth debut life, but I started watching around September of '20. Without trying to look with the benefit of hindsight, Myth felt novel, and it isn't exactly fair to compare my opinions of them now to what I felt back then. They were novel, but with the exception of Kiara at the time, I generally liked everybody.

Then Irys came, and I thought she was fine. I thought it was weird she was alone as some 1.5 thing, but whatever. I didn't think she was for me, and she's still the person I'm least likely to watch in Promise, but that's a different story.

Next up was Council, and I'm unsure the novelty of the industry was enough to carry me through, because I thought Council was all alright. Debut Fauna didn't impress me, but it doesn't sound like she really impressed anybody. Sana was a drag, but she also quickly left. I thought the the rest of them were at worst fine. Mumei needed a few months to find her footing, Kronii did too, and Bae is Bae. It wasn't a gen that blew me away, but I generally liked Council, especially around the two month mark.

Then we have Advent, and I was initially blown away by everybody. But this also might be because of the length between Council and Advent. Anyways, I liked the Twins and Biboo, Nerissa wasn't too bad, and Shiori had her moments. I thought it was a strong generation, and was hoping to see what would develop next.

Then Justice dropped. Part of the reason I disliked Kiara so strongly at the beginning, and why I'm not overly keen on Nerissa now, is that all her content seems to be about aggressively flirting with people. It's fine to watch something develop naturally or be a clear subversion like Baerys, but I dunno man. Liz just captures that energy, and she captures it in a way that feels like she's Nerissa 2.0. Nerissa being the primary target of such "affection," doesn't help much either. I don't particularly care about the Holostars nonsense, I still think the Kronii and Vesper streams are really funny, but it's also annoying that a lot of discussion about her is limited to inane drama of Holostars. Raora is tough because she seems sweet, but she's tied with Liz for my least watched member this gen. She may be last place because I've actually watched Liz's debut and haven't watched hers. Maybe I'm racist, but I just don't find the constant pokes and prods to her being Italian all that funny. You poked her on pineapple pizza again, yay. What's weird is that I like slower streams: I like modern Fauna and I've pretty consistently considered myself a Tako. I guess I'm just waiting until I get an inkling that something has changed on that front. Half the gen gone, and that half isn't for me. Gigi is boring. I'm sorry, I tried watching her play the crab game and I just couldn't. It felt forced and the jokes were repetitive. Maybe that can be fairly labelled towards some of the people I like, but it felt a lot more noticeable to me on her stream. This saddens me because I can tell she's creative and pretty smart, maybe the luck with her is that she'll find a pace I can appreciate. This leaves Cecilia, who I believe is hands down the best of her generation and the only hire I have zero hesitation saying was a good choice for Justice.

With all of that said, it's only been a like a week, who knows what I'll say in two months.

>> No.79681682

She IS giving them more material than usual.
Meanwhile, there's...what, exactly, to complain about CC or GG aside from just quality, which is up to taste? Even Raora only has PL bullshit.

>> No.79681732

I used to not mind her but last time I tried watching her she just seemed unhinged. That JDON shit was so awkward, it's like she was sat there for 10 minutes making fun of Hajime who was just doing her best with her bad English.

>> No.79681783

If Justice already feels flat after a week, it is not gonna get any better.

Advent was a hit because it was 2 years between gens and people were starving for new talents. Nobody was really asking for a new gen so fast it felt like and the numbers will prove that when all 4 of them are the bottom 4 of EN by the end of the year. It feels like there is nothing special about them. Nobody is really interesting or eye catching.

>> No.79681795


>> No.79681799

Somtimes the jokes write itselfs

>> No.79681948

If they don’t watch her and just judge her because she’s in blue dorito like those anons then yes. She has plenty of them.

>> No.79682077

>JP Gen 2 was really fucking strong at one point but is almost nonexistent today outside Shuba
You're forgetting Aqua. She's streaming a lot nowadays and getting big numbers.

>> No.79682357

ERB will never play Scarlet Rot/Bloodflame larp builds in Elden Ring and it's the worst thing about her.

>> No.79682367

Lmao this is no "more material" than what Bae debuted with. It would be different is she was exclusively in Homo chats but she has been literally everywhere. I think shes spent the last week solidly watching what ever live Holo stream she can consume in that moment. As she alluded to about herself in her latest thread, she is extremely social and outgoing so it all fits a very mundane bill: Happy and friendlt hag is happy to be in Hololive

>> No.79682431

Cece feels like a combination of Kroni and Kiara to me. Not overly into it yet.

>> No.79682494

If someone as shit at games as Koyori can play Elden Ring I'm sure Liz can

>> No.79682836

Just how low is your IQ to think that Koyori and ERB have anything in common in the way their brain works?

>> No.79683309

Imagine thinking you have any fucking idea how either of their "brains work" you pathetic tard

>> No.79683410

But how far overleveled would she have to get to even beat Malenia to have access to the drip?

>> No.79683612

I got a pretty good idea from watching their streams, unlike you. You're just too stupid to do it so you can't comprehend how others could do it.

>> No.79684201

You havnt watched any streams, sis. Stop larping.

>> No.79684657

>Isn't she a discount Pippa herself?
Panko is literally Gura (Italian store brand version)

>> No.79684707

1/5 but it's a really strong 1
3/5 if you count FWMC separately
2/4 but it's a weak 2

They might be on a similar level to Myth which I would call the worst gen HoloEN. Having only 4 base members really doesn't help Justice

>> No.79684813

>Having only 4 base members really doesn't help Justice
On the contrary, having more would only harm them because there are only so many people who can watch them

>> No.79684971

Call me indecisive, but I think it's too early to tell with Justice. Give them more time to settle into their characters, build a rapport with their audience and let's see where they fit into the existing dynamics.

>> No.79685438

>troons love to spam dust settled threads

>> No.79685535

Ironic considering Justice is by far the most troon-friendly generation.

>> No.79685558

Kronii exists, anon. This point is retarded.

>> No.79685607

what is that supposed to count?

>> No.79685634

>more holo vs holo slop
What are sisters trying to deflect this time ?

>> No.79685846

>Having only 4 base members really doesn't help Justice
Tell us you don't know themes without knowing themes.
There are 4 advent channels.


So there are four trackers going after them,


>> No.79686024

How not to count, I imagine.

>> No.79686104

Another generation, another thread like this
Like clockwork

>> No.79686107

that's a great reason to hamstring an entire gen
especially with Advent having 5 members anyway so the "theme" will be half baked either way

>> No.79686168 [DELETED] 

Fuwamoco, while two different people, are close enough to act as one

>> No.79686336

If you think the twins have more then one braincell to share I have a bridge in alaska to sell you.

>> No.79686400

some of them grew on me, despite my first impression being "wtf, is this really hololive?"

>> No.79686931

You faggots do this EVERY time a new Gen is introduced

>> No.79687061

Ceci & gigi >>>>>twitch whores

>> No.79687166

because she sees her as a friend, and not as this vtuber that she watches and will never meet, you don't need your friend to be a massive clown or some Mr Bean for you to enjoy your relationship with them.

>> No.79687286

Is it a nice bridge? Do you have pics?

>> No.79687464

Green and orange are good. Pink voice filtered me and red is a homo cocksleeve

>> No.79687556


>> No.79687660

what's wrong with fauna? she's the best

>> No.79687746

they are funny together but trying to watch them play A Way Out actually gave me a headache

>> No.79687802

why do people like shylily? just the name alone
she does way too much coomerbaiting

>> No.79687862

she has the cuckhold audience

>> No.79687871

>she does way too much coomerbaiting
Way to answer your own question.
For me, though, it's the hilarious fart and poopsoup stories.

>> No.79688026

>he doesn't know

>> No.79688157

>Gura nepohire

>> No.79688287

Honestly i dont reslly have much of an issue with them one the whol i think that theur msstl argtdggg d c cr

>> No.79688343

So the pink cat is "im a good girl" now?

>> No.79688370


>> No.79688476

Someone call the ambulance anon is having a stroke

>> No.79688588

>Gen 0 JP
>Gen 3 JP
>Gen 2 JP
>Gen 1 JP
>Gen 5 JP
>Gen 4 JP
>Gen 3 ID
>Gen 1 ID
>Gen 2 ID

As a oldfag who watched since Hololive Fantasy debut this is my hot take.

>> No.79688674


>> No.79688940

Hurdur it's only gud if it's slanty.

>> No.79689175

did... Did you get attacked by a dog mid-sentence

>> No.79689447

You're missing gamers.

>> No.79689536

No I'm not. They're below the worst gen.

>> No.79690183

Try watching streams and not being EOP.
Europoor sorry your gen is boring as fuck and isn't as talented as the other gens.
Shit you're right. They would be above Gen 2 JP.

>> No.79690209

I'm a light holo fan and yes. I was worried pre-debut that advent would bomb because that's the nature of things but they turned out great. Holo missed with this one

>> No.79690429

You knew it was gonna be bad when all the small corpo fans were like
>really? honse? of all the girls? her?

>> No.79690637

You're not seriously defending your rankings as unbiased, are you?

>> No.79690787

With 'we" you mean 'we trolls and antis', dont you?

>> No.79690906

They both look and behave like indies (negative).

>> No.79690980

It really is astounding just how much holo discussion on this board revolves solely around the homos, even indirectly

>> No.79690990


>> No.79691091


Stop seething anon.

>> No.79691110

The revisionist history around Council has been fun to watch. That debut was an even bigger shitstorm than this one, people were begging for half the gen to get graduated.

>> No.79691256

>revisionist accuses others of revising history
Let me guess, you're a libtard aren't you? You faggots always love accusing the other side of what you are doing.

>> No.79691272

My opinion where? That's irrelevant to the point. Does it really upset you that much to be called out as the most weeb wapanese?

>> No.79691368

I think what we've learnt from this is that they need to stop hiring indies and look for talent in other media.

>> No.79691840

About the same as always for me. Only like 2 people out of every gen appealed to me, before and now.
Myth: Gura, Ame.
Council: Bae, Fauna, and IRyS(late addition).
Advent: Fuwamoco, Shiori.
Justice: GG,CC

>> No.79692218

>Calling anyone a last samurai in vtubing
>Just another baufag that is still mad that FWMC reamed his ass by moving to Japan and broke their promise

Here's your last you.

>> No.79692457

It's kind of impressive how every one of your accusations of what sort of fan I am missed the mark. Next you should try calling me a sapling.

>> No.79692738

Worst EN Gen was Council.
Debuts were mostly uninteresting like Fauna's and Mumei's.
Post Debut those that had an interesting debut disappointed in their first streams already. Kronii was really uncomforfable to watch.
Sana surprisingly had the best debut and was somewhat fun to watch but she never put in the hours, so I dropped her.

>> No.79693678

Promise > Advent > Justice > Myth

>> No.79694101

>Justice: GG,CC
how very milktoast of you to only like the two this shitstain of a board declared as unicorn safe.

>> No.79694228

lmao you getting salty because he didn't pick your new red homo saviour?

>> No.79694339

Promise > Justice > Myth >> Advent
That's not to say that any of these aren't good or worth *being here* but I have to call it as it is. Justice is still fresh and has plenty of time to fall off.

>> No.79694539

Council had a terrible start, but they eventually found their footing and are probably the best EN gen nowadays.

>> No.79694562

(me) lol, why are you seething over what I like? Their personalities and sense of humor align with mine as all the others. Simple shit really.

>> No.79694982

>youre not supposed to like them because they won't hang with da boiz
do homobeggars really?

>> No.79695240

Any gen that makes me want to shoot my goo in them is a good gen in my book.

>> No.79695267

Bad voices, bad designs. They're flesh streamers.

>> No.79698769

This list is only accurate if you hate idol culture and love thr homos. Fitting for a JPfag.
>excluding gamers
A nijinigger posted this.
