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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79568111 No.79568111 [Reply] [Original]

>Bae is an amazing singer, hard-working, is a solid entertainer, yet is disliked by half the board because she has done like, five male streams
>Gura, Mumei and Fauna are lazy, disappear or cancel their shit half the time, and have basically dropped all ambitions to coast, yet this board constantly showers them with praise for doing (less than) the bare minimum - but hey, no males!
Are people on here really such mindbroken retards?

>> No.79568196

Whatever you say cuck

>> No.79568248

Keep seething sister, they cancelled the concert

>> No.79568280

Why do sisters have to falseflag with my oshi...

>> No.79568300

Catalogfags don't qualify as people. Don't hold them up to that standard.

>> No.79568353

ah but you only click on them to further your agenda right

>> No.79568354
File: 76 KB, 801x801, Ehky-jiXkAAxe_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone who posts after me is italian

>> No.79568378

>disliked by half the board
>this board constantly showers them with praise
>this board
lol lmao even

>> No.79568520

why are sisters like this

>> No.79568530

another shitposting? mamamia...

>> No.79568759

I was about to type out a long post about why I don't watch Bae, but honestly, it doesn't matter. She's not my cup of tea. I think she's a polarizing talent who you either love or can't watch at all. And it can't be boiled down to "male collabs", it's bigger than that.

>> No.79568817
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>> No.79568843

Bae is alot the runt of promise which is an achievement in of it self as the klock is in that gen

>> No.79568897

Month is ending. We're going to see new subcounts lol

>> No.79568946

Honestly I wish Bae would stand up to Fauna and call her out for being the P.O.S. dead weight to Promise that she is. She's cultivated the worst fanbase, bringing all the worst kinds of possessive unicorn types into Promise which leads to girls like Bae and Kronii getting harassed, and she basically guarantees that any group project as a unit they do is going to suck because she can't sing, she can't dance, she can't voice act, she can't speak Japanese, but they're stuck having to include her in everything due to the group association.

>> No.79568994

Just because you tucked your tail running away from one thread and proceeded to regurgitate a talking point from last thread, doesn't mean this board would magically agree with you, but you just wanted to farm those (You)s anyway so I think you couldn't careless about those girls.

>> No.79569058

that's a bold claim you are making, I like Bae and I've talked to tons of people who like her
She has a lot of schizos but so does every girl, 5 group of haters doesn't make up "half the board"

>> No.79569138

Talk to some saplings and ask them what they think about Bae. You'd be surprised how venomous a fan of another holo can be.

>> No.79569186

bizarre claim to make when bae probably has fewer genuine schizos than any of the other three girls you listed (as in, people who dislike bae for being bae, not because they categorize her into some category of vtubers they hate)
but you're probably a schizo yourself based on your post

>> No.79569232

homosis please

>> No.79569238

>amazing singer
mid singer, good performer
>solid entertainer

>> No.79569258

>Gura, Mumei and Fauna
>this board constantly showers them with praise
Gura and Fauna have probably the most antis on this board of any vtuber. Fauna gets like 6 anti threads a day. I don't know where you're pulling these delusions from.

>> No.79569282

>I'm a cuck, I love to be a cuck, second hand women are my fetish, i love when her breath smells of not-my cum. yap yap yap yap yap
oh shut up

>> No.79569295

Bae does get more hate than Mumei or Fauna though. Only Kronii gets more from her gen. Even Irys criticisms are pretty much only when Flare calls her out for not speaking EN.

>> No.79569296

How am I a homosis for pointing that out? Especially Gura and Fauna who have tons of antis on /vt/. Wait are you OP?

>> No.79569322

It's the ultimate filter for a vtuber. "Does she know what it means to be an idol?" That's the question that determines if they're worth watching or not.

>> No.79569325

This is wrong.

>> No.79569340

Mori and Kiara antis outnumber them, and Kronii as well.

>> No.79569391

Skippa skippa.

>> No.79569430

>Mori and Kiara antis outnumber them
did you time travel here from 2021

>> No.79569452

Why the fuck am I supposed to care what they think again? does a minority of number obsessed saplings who probably spend their entire life comparing numbers like a horse race matter in the grand scheme or represent the entire fandom? do they matter outside of here? fuck no, let them rot away, nothing they say or think matters. There are tons of saplings who don't even know this board exists and the ones in /uuu/ are chill. I've personally met really swell saplings at holofes

>> No.79569503

Better luck false flagging next time, chud.

>> No.79569513

>Bae anti because homo collab
this is a very common mistake homobeggars tend to make
unicorns don't hate Bae, they just don't give a shit about her.

>> No.79569542

So basically, Faunas the alpha female and you mad about that?

>> No.79569550
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Bae doesn't really get personalized hate except from people who throw her into the "homocollaber" category, but it's clear none of those people watch her at all. Kronii gets more hate now but for most of /vt/'s lifetime she was the darling of the gen.
You're obviously a newfag who doesn't remember what this board was like during Council debuts when SEA had to get rangebanned for how they treated them

>> No.79569567

bae only being disliked is nothing compared to the genuine hate and horde of antis the other 3 girls you mentioned have

>> No.79569615

NTA but you are pretty fucking stupid, Bae has an equally mentally ill dedicated schizo like the other girls have. You just don't pay attention

>> No.79569629

I puta the pizza

>> No.79569633

Fauna streams very consistently, that's not fair.
And why would I support someone who deliberately does something I dislike? Go push her in the Stars thread since she prefers that audience so much.

>> No.79569644

The Kiara vs Bae schizo isn't a real Baeschizo, he just drags her in because it's convenient. He's primarily a Kiaraschizo.

>> No.79569647

>/uuu/ are chill
KEK if you think this. Saplings are some of the most duplicitous schizos next to ruffians. They always act like they're "unity" until they think nobody's watching. Ask your self this: how many saplings are membered to Bae or Kronii? How many send them supas? How many of those /uuu/ posters have posted on /#/?

>> No.79569661

i hardly ever see any anti threads for bae, yet gura and fauna get multiple ones a day you're the one being blind here

>> No.79569689

Except that he goes out of his way to shit on Bae even when Kiara isn't involved. This behavior happens quite frequently. Just go archive diving
Bae has a dedicated anti thread that exists already, it's called /#/

>> No.79569728

saplings call any thread that's not explicitly tonguing Fauna's asshole "anti threads" though

>> No.79569748

He literally always brings it back to Kiara. Next you're going to tell me he's a Shiorischizo too since he's adding her to the rotation.

>> No.79569752

You lost me at amazing singer. Fix your fucking ears.

>> No.79569756

don't you ever shit post in here ever again using an image of my baby

>> No.79569762


>> No.79569779

Fauna gets the bulk of the hate, but I think it might be the same person that was the gura anti, because I don't see that as much anymore.

>> No.79569793

>He always
Nope, once again, the archives are right there. Go diving, I'm not gonna do your schizo work for you

>> No.79569805
File: 252 KB, 685x384, 1707891816004182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been in this shithole for years and to date, I still have no fucking clue what a catalogfag is supposed to be. It can't just be someone who uses the catalog because you can't seriously be flipping through the pages looking for individual threads. How the hell do you even use this board if you're not using the pin threads, search and hide features on the catalog?

>> No.79569808

this. no one hates Bae, no one hates Kronii. they just simply don't watch them
wrong. Bae gets only a tiny fraction of hate compare to the other 3, and that is mainly people grouping her into the homo collabers group, same goes for Kronii
Fauna, Mumei and IRyS get hate because they refuse to bend the knee to homobeggars. they hate them because FauMeiRyS refuse to give a single fuck about their homos. they hate them because FauMeiRyS refuse to disappoint the fans who supported them. they get hate because of who they are, cute girls that want to do cute things

>> No.79569867

Maybe I should start saving all the Bae hate and anti posts unicorns make about her all the time since you are so keen on being delusional and braindead

>> No.79569894

So have I, and I can confidently say that unityfags are some of the most insane people on the board. If you say something that might be construed as negative about a chuuba in /hlgg/ some of them lose their minds completely.

>> No.79569902

/#/ pretty much antis everyone, the whole thread needs to be blacklisted like /ehe/.
either you're new because of summer, or you're just pretending to be blind.

>> No.79569907

Bae just had a collab with some male TikTok e-celeb that she invited to dinner on stream. That's not really what I'm looking for in hololive

>> No.79569917

unicorns don't waste their time hating Bae, they drop a single backhanded post at most and then fuck off to watch their oshi

>> No.79569931

>/#/ pretty much antis everyone
except fauna KEK
>or you're just pretending to be blind.
link me an actual Fauna anti thread

>> No.79569952

/#/ is the ultimate hololive CGDCT thread. keep seething sister

>> No.79569954

I think you're confusing posts that simply dislike someone to very dedicated antis. There's a marked difference to the amount and level of vitriol.

>> No.79570011

Sure let's try this again
Hakos Baelz is an idol

>> No.79570022

And yet Bae didn't even get a bait thread for it (or if she did, it died very quickly because no one cared)
Meanwhile you have this schizo thread pitting Bae against Fauna which will probably reach bump limit >>79545207
here you go
>inb4 it's not an anti thread
it's an anti thread just like the threads bae used to get that were like "why can't bae incline, what does she need for le noombers sadbaeface.png" were also anti threads

>> No.79570023

You reply to the wrong post or something?

>> No.79570072

that's a mistake that fanbases like brats and kronies made a lot. they really think that this board is somehow treating their oshi unfairly all while /vt/ couldn't give a single fuck about them

>> No.79570093

All Holos are idols!
The problem is when people try to claim one girl is an idol and another girl isn't and then people start flinging shit at each other.

>> No.79570109

They are the people that use catalogfag as a pejorative, anon.

>> No.79570147 [DELETED] 

I think you are confusing the /#/ thread with the rest of /vt/. Get off your high horse brown boy.

>> No.79570157

>it's an anti thread just like the threads bae used to get that were like "why can't bae incline, what does she need for le noombers sadbaeface.png" were also anti threads
so you admit bae gets anti threads?

>> No.79570195

>Sapling numberfagging anti thread amounts
You couldn't make this up, the jokes write themselves

>> No.79570258

Oh I'm not the other guy, I just butted into your convo. Sorry.
She does get anti threads but she's overall pretty well liked on this board. There's a reason why I said she "used to" get those threads, people already moved on to juicier advent and justice bait.
I'm not a sapling, sorry.

>> No.79570273

Correct, I'm not sure they use /hlgg/ at all, and probably stick to Discord or Twitter.

>> No.79570294
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>bae anti this bae anti that
lmao cope. go shill her in /MANS/ or something homosis
we won't watch your whore. we won't buy her merch

>> No.79570296

>All Holos are idols!
Yes but have you considered the opposite extreme where if you say a girl is an idol and point out her qualities only to get hounded by newfag unicorns who don't even know what that word means and are revising it's history?

>> No.79570339

Stop using my oshi to shitpost
Yeah, I know, like the other faggot I just replied to. But I get the feeling it's a few guys who are very dedicated to spamming the catalog, they always sound the same.

>> No.79570368

just like how homobeggars keep fighting against the invisible unicorns and their inivisible gun that they totally use to stop the girls from collabing with their precious homos

>> No.79570387

Bae's superpower is that nobody really cares about her, I guess. I'm just replying to OP to explain why I don't watch Bae. The most successful members of any Vtuber group usually get the most hate

>> No.79570405

By the same token, Mori said idol culture was toxic shortly after debuting. You can play this game all you want, I still have no interest in mixed collabs.

>> No.79570413

>my oshi
sister please

>> No.79570424

>I'm not a sapling, sorry.
And yet you come in at the defense of Fauna.

>> No.79570439

State ONE (1) thing Gura has ever cancelled on.

>> No.79570452
File: 1.06 MB, 4624x2600, 1714188543919096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based FauMeiRyS chad

>> No.79570458

She already sells more merch than IRyS so she's doing pretty great.

>> No.79570491

>the invisible anti
lmao Bae bros

>> No.79570505

I don't know about specific cancellations but she's said she would stream and hasn't multiple times. She's still my oshi thoughbeit.

>> No.79570534

>source: it came to me in a dream

>> No.79570544

numbersaplings found the thread

>> No.79570558


>> No.79570565

That's probably the ideal spot for the homocollaber. Pick up girl fans that buy merch and don't watch streams.

>> No.79570585
File: 122 KB, 1384x448, 1718088386882961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, my oshi
stop fucking using my oshi for your shitty posts
and stop stealing pictures of other people's merch to do it

>> No.79570647

>still don't buy homocollabers merch
based. now get IRyS

>> No.79570674

I didn't defend fauna anywhere, just pointing out that there's an anti thread for her on the catalog right now

>> No.79570720

The sisters are the real bullies, Gura is the one with the most anti-threads of all of them.

>> No.79570802

Whats with retards and
>sing good and streams a lot = good you should watch them
>loli model = gura you should watch them
You retards don't know what a personality is?

>> No.79570813

i told you, saplings are duplicitous. they pretend to be unity but will anti other girls when it really comes down to it

>> No.79570846 [DELETED] 

lmao cope harder sis. won't watch your whores, won't buy their merch

>> No.79570865

>I didn't defend fauna anywhere
so you admit she's done something wrong?

>> No.79570903

I've never pretended to be unity anything because it demands of you unquestioning loyalty, regardless of behavior. That's objectively the cuckhold's position.

>> No.79570932

based sapchad. buy IRyS to complete the CGDCT trinity

>> No.79570949

You aren't even a real Hololive fan, post your own merch instead of stealing from others

>> No.79570966

I don't get it. What am I defending? What did Fauna do?

>> No.79570980

saplings anti IRyS as well if you're not trolling and actually don't know. they blame her for the "we're not friends" incident since it was one of her paypigs that baited her.

>> No.79571011

also i'm a huge faggot, please fuck my face. forgot to add that.

>> No.79571019

keep seething sis
>saplings anti IRyS
lmao sis try harder

>> No.79571055

>sapling resorts to false flagging the moment Fauna receives light pushback

>> No.79571068

He's not the guy who posted the pic, I am
IRyS didn't release a fucking shirt at the same time as the other two, moron

>> No.79571070

Post merch with timestamp, you will never convince anyone otherwise samefagger

>> No.79571092

post IRyS membership, sapfag

>> No.79571143

why are Bae and Kronii fans like this?

>> No.79571160

Untrue. She clearly lost to IRyS on personalized / birthday merchs
Even the standardized merchs (i.e: keychains / acrylic stands), she is only neck-to-neck with IRyS with one of them being ahead of each other at times.
(I.e: Bae's friends with you outsold IRyS's while IRyS's Christmas Choir outsold Bae's; Bae's Holomeet Tshirt outsold IRyS's, while IRyS's Chibi sticker outsold Bae's)

>> No.79571182

>thread starts out with decent and civil discussion
>saplings come in and start seething
what the actual fuck

>> No.79571231

victim mindset. they think the world is against them and their oshi. funny homobeggars also share the same mindset

>> No.79571290

>victim mindset. they think the world is against them and their oshi.
why are you describing saplings in this very thread? >>79569058

>> No.79571328

Funny you say that considering I'm only seeing that display of behavior from saplings in this thread, while they continue to reiterate that those two don't have any schizos (which is blatantly false)

>> No.79571330

>schizo vs schizo thread
yeah i'm out have fun

>> No.79571348

ok sapling

>> No.79571363

all the post you just replied and those above us only proved that these anons don't hate Bae, they simply don't give a shit about her

>> No.79571398

Why is it considered "not schizo" to make a ton of disparaging posts calling Bae a "homo collaber" but it's considered "schizo" to say that Fauna is somewhat lazy and lacks ambition or idol spirit?

>> No.79571399

you're one of the schizos, i'll call you saplingschizo
this guy is the other one, i'll call him homobeggarschizo (or sisterschizo)

you guys need to get a discord and kiss already

>> No.79571417

Yeah that faumeirys chad ITT sure is proving that. Share with me some of your delusional pills as well
>Homo collaber
Cut the bandaid, they call her far worse stuff
It's called double standards and revisionism

>> No.79571453

because one is objectively true and the other is an opinion.

>> No.79571458

I dislike Bae because she's a shrill little zoomer with an ear piercing awful Australian accent who hasn't - the last time I saw her, at least - matured enough to find her own personality yet so I find her embarrassingly boring alongside being painfully loud. The homocollaber in her is a tiny footnote and a crutch of an excuse as to why she isn't better liked.

The reason you don't hear the likes of me talking about this more regularly is that she's eminently ignorable and I generally have no reason to talk about her at all.

>> No.79571475

they don't give a shit about Bae and Kronii, so they don't buy their merch. simple
and Bae is not a homo collaber now?

>> No.79571496

>It's called double standards
Unicorns have only one standard and it is a very easy one to follow.

>> No.79571503

>Bae is an amazing singer
Wrong out the gate.

>> No.79571523

kys trannie nijifag

>> No.79571526

You know that's not what he said
Maybe I should call Fauna a whore right now
Fauna is a whore who never spends money on her fans, let us see how this is recieved

>> No.79571527

victim mentality right here. Bae is called a homo collaber because she collabed (still collabing) with homos

>> No.79571539

calling someone a "homo collaber" is not schizo (since she is and there's nothing wrong with that), but like >>79571417 said they call her far worse stuff which is schizo
saying Fauna lacks idol spirit is also schizo
there's like 50 different definitions of the word unicorn and everyone has different standards.

>> No.79571543

Don't you have some impure whore who spoke to the mailman to harass or stone to death or something?

>> No.79571575

ok schizo

>> No.79571662

She changed a little this last year, but instead of being a zoomer she is a chunni obsessed with Naruto.
Also she stopped making a voice and uses her natural voice now.

>> No.79571680

>never spends money on her fans
But this is factually true. She's released ONE WHOLE SONG in her entire career and has even stopped making ASMR despite investing over $10,000 on a fancy microphone. She straight up told them she refuses to do a 3D live because they're expensive. But it's fine because she doesn't collab with men on stream even though she's doing much worse than Bae or Kronii IYK.

>> No.79571691

Compared to Kronii, Bae gets nearly zero hate for homocollabing. Why is that? Bae homocollabed because she's a horny little bitch that burns a hole in her gaming chair every time a hot guy comes on screen. Kronii on the other hand demonstrates a clear dislike of not only her audience, but also idol culture itself. Despite clearly being a man hating feminist, she insisted on collabing with men for no other reason than to own the chuds. In other words, Kronii clearly demonstrates ulterior motives for breaking the collab rule while Bae is just horny.

>> No.79571704

NTA but I don't get your point. In order to prove that Bae antis are schizos...you want to become a schizo yourself?

>> No.79571718

>there's like 50 different definitions of the word unicorn and everyone has different standards.

>> No.79571736

Don't throw stones in a glass house, saplings.

>> No.79571764

I was just trying to show how the anon I was replying to has a completely retarded logic and he is straight up wrong

>> No.79571777

You're retarded. I've been defending Bae this thread. You're just making me realize there are no actual brats in this thread, just antis trying to use her to falseflag.

>> No.79571793

You'd think that Mori wouldn't get nearly as much hate given that she essentially hasn't done anything disagreeable in over two years outside of the homocollabing talking point, but catalogfags live in a completely different universe.

>> No.79571801

Besides, Bae is talented, Kronii is mediocre.

>> No.79571842

Sapchuds scare with Brrats. They knows their oshi is a talentless whore cant compete with Bae in that category. If you want to taunt them, just call Bae is an idol. They will shit and piss their pants to deny it.

>> No.79571845

Katamari race

>> No.79571853

>there's like 50 different definitions of the word unicorn and everyone has different standards.
NTA, but that's only if you count massive schizos. Most unicorns basically "inherited" their standards from JP idols unicorns and it's pretty clear - no males interaction outside of pure business activities or politeness.
Majority of schizo posts (i.e: those who complained about IRyS's participation in HLZTL after she made it clear it was just for work) didn't come from actual unicorns.

>> No.79571854

I don't hate her but this is completely false

>> No.79571859

>yet is disliked by half the board

>> No.79571903


>> No.79571906

Fauna is unironically more of a "whore" than anyone else in EN if we use its proper definition since she's the biggest emotional prostitute in the branch. Even moreso since she unironically sells sexual gratification to her fans with coomerbait swimsuit spam and ASMR.

>> No.79571998

Honestly didn't care for Bae because it felt like everytime someone mentioned her being chaos she tried to over compensate for being the straight man in most of the situations she's in. Also didn't care for her play-through of VA-11 Hall-A. Her collabs when she isn't trying to play the character are fine I think? Her chunni evokes second-hand embarrassment rather than laughter because she is just entirely incapable of it every time I see her try. Karaoke streams aren't for me, so no comment on that.

Fauna is nice to occasionally binge through her content.

>> No.79572006

on a somewhat related note
i saw someone on /jp/ "drop" an idol because she dances with her male idol brother

>> No.79572045

kronii sounds like a guy, meanwhile bae is feminine.

>> No.79572046

>not actual unicorns
Oh please, /HIRyS/ was legitimately melting down and became an anti thread (even renamed themselves to /ByeRyS/) until her damage control karaoke. Some people clearly cared.
It's very clear there are a lot of variations but since people are stupid they like using the same word to describe a huge group of people who don't all agree on the same standards. And then you wonder why the discussion around this topic is so stupid because people aren't talking about the same thing

>> No.79572135

/hirys/ is one of the most filled with schizo threads on /vt/, anon. They (or more accurately, their schizos) shat on IRyS herself like half of the time

>> No.79572170

Irys talks to her delivery persons all the time.
>harass or stone to death or something
You beggars always catastrophize it so hilariously, and always bring up violence out of nowhere.

>> No.79572186

I wonder if Fauna feels proud of having one of the easiest grifts in the world.

>> No.79572246

Of course she does, she oshis Gura.

>> No.79572391


>> No.79572417

It's simply that easy, just give your fans what they want. Not everything has to be a crusade to own the chuds.

>> No.79572457
File: 1.20 MB, 1284x895, firefox_G7GhpV1E2v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet, they followed Rushia despite the male collabs, despite her being married and abusing her husband, and despite continuing to male collab even after leaving holo.
Why are we supposed to respect these idiots? Those guys are actually worthless.

>> No.79572540

unless that thing is ASMR, not canceling streams, and literally any projects whatsoever KEK

>> No.79572571

I'm not fandead but it's because she always begged and pleaded afterward. It was basically the same as an abusive relationship.
Regular collabers, like the ones in EN have no compunction about it. At best they just won't bring it up again.

>> No.79572606

Those who still follow her aren't unicorns. They are gachi. There are overlaps but they aren't the same

>> No.79572635

So wait are unicorns controlling psychos who hold the girls hostage with threats of harassment the moment they get a whiff of a male or are they pathetic yesmen who will castrate themselves even if the one rule of "no males" is violated and continue to paypig for them regardless of how they're abused?

>> No.79572678

Those guys weren't unicorns, sis.

>> No.79572700

They are unicorns suffering from years of sunk cost fallacy

>> No.79572721

>muh grift

>> No.79572757

I go by the front page personally

>> No.79572775

Except Fauna will get exposed one day. Literal EN Rushia. Surely you're going to stick to your unicorn ideals and not go back on them to justify her actions when that time comes.

>> No.79572857

if you're a dimeless geek you stay a dimeless geek
simple ass

>> No.79572865

Speak for yourself nigger, I hate Kronii with every fiber of my being

>> No.79572910

This except Fauna.

>> No.79572916

>two more weeks!!!

>> No.79572967


>> No.79573094

Imagine deleting this LMAO butthurt sapling janny banning users for posts that break no rules

>> No.79573138

I'm sure you pull models, /vt/anon

>> No.79573191

it's a low quality post just like these other posts

>> No.79573218

newfag,go back to redd*t.

>> No.79573261

lmao based Fauna
truly the protagonist of promise

>> No.79573302

Eh. She's more of ignored if anything.
Not many people care about her enough to dislike her.

>> No.79573320

Kill yourself power tripping nigger retard

>> No.79573406 [DELETED] 

That's not what I'm seeing in this thread. It seems like a lot of saplings care a lot for some reason.

>> No.79573459

>Gura, Mumei and Fauna are lazy, disappear or cancel their shit half the time
Add fuwamoco to that list, they went full lazy mode after moving to japan
Unicorn friendly girls are always the worst

>> No.79573489

lmao the /vt/ mods won't let me report a post.
All I did was make fun of your comment.

>> No.79573517

It's honestly kind of disgusting how emotionally manipulative and fake girls like Fauna or FWMC are and how they just continually string along these mentally ill men for their money.

>> No.79573595
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>> No.79573610

It's funny how the sisters are full of pure hatred.

>> No.79573663

>Attack other people's oshi(s)
>They fight back
That should've been very predictable, anon

>> No.79573693

>Attack other people's oshi(s)
So what saplings have been doing for years already?

>> No.79573714

Chadlings run this board

>> No.79573717

I'm always surprised at the amount of confidence Unicorns have at being the only demographic that exists on this board

>> No.79573744

I'm glad this thread was made so I can see the sapling janny sperg out first hand

>> No.79573760

both brats and saplings lost because they're the only two HoloEN fanbases on /vt/ who don't keep up a permanent thread, they let it die from time to time if there are no streams
so it's funny to see them always fighting in the catalog

>> No.79573803

Fauna is particularly bad because she actually displayed contempt for her audience with the "parasocial fucks" moment and then pretended like she never did it and spammed ASMR the next day, so you know she hates them too. Unicorns are honestly just sad creatures.

>> No.79573824

I love Bae and I love Fauna but this thread looks like 2 sides both equipped with victim complex butting heads.
With unicornfags somehow getting brought up in the mix, but at least they still got the self righteous attitude as always.

>> No.79573878

Is this the vtuber equivalent of "the left can't meme"?

>> No.79573891

you would be correct I think
plus you have schizos on both sides mixed in (despite those same schizos claiming that the other girl doesn't have any schizos)
what a mess lol

>> No.79573906

Saplings are DBSpics, what else is new?

>> No.79573908


>> No.79573934

that's actually a good thing
permanent threads just turn into anti threads
look at fucking baubau, a thread almost entirely dedicated at finding fault or outright shitting on everything FWMC does, the place where 3 out of 4 anti SC they got originated
That's the thing about permanent threads, fans go do something else when there is no stream and/or talk in a way there is a chance of interaction with their oshi. The antis and the schizos sit here all day long.

>> No.79573984


>> No.79573987


>> No.79574007

Except saplings instead of staying contained in their own shitty schizo thread have to roam around and shit up everyone else's threads and make them about Fauna or harass them for whatever dumb reason. Kronii is still getting hate to this day for not constantly sucking Fauna's dick on stream. Bae is still getting hate from saplings because of a halloween collab. Mumei is treated like an accessory. They took over Cece's thread and tried to force a "green unity" meme.

>> No.79574018

No permanent thread means that when people think of your oshi's fanbase, your representatives are not the people in your split, but the shitflingers in the catalog and other threads. That's the biggest reason why saplings have a such a dire reputation on this board

>> No.79574042

Calm down sister, think of your blood pressure! It's already so high from your incredible obesity!

>> No.79574050

>your representatives are not the people in your split, but the shitflingers in the catalog and other threads
in the case of saplings those are unironically the same people

>> No.79574071

>Are people on here really such mindbroken retards?
Yes, Holocorns are some of the most retarded people in this hobby.

>> No.79574084

You're a perfect example of why permanent threads are a bad thing. Thank you for unintentionally proving my point that the only people that care or want such things are brainrotten schizos

>> No.79574101

>muh contained
Kronii receives hate from his own ex-fans, newfag

>> No.79574113

/baubau/ had the worst heel turn on this board during the house moving months, because so many tourists visited the split and decided to make it their permanent residence.
They've dropped some of the most heinous insults to the HoloEN girls, worse than all the anti threads combined.
It's really fucking unfortunate that a period of no streams became a greenlight for the schizos to take over the split for good.

>> No.79574137

trying too hard, sister

>> No.79574163

Hey schizos, promise sucks and none of them like each other.
Now go kys

>> No.79574165

>They took over Cece's thread and tried to force a "green unity" meme.
Well it didn't help when Fauna herself tried to push this on her even before debut, which is honestly a rather reckless thing to do since it could completely stifle her ability to develop her own niche and stand on her own because Fauna forced some connection to her from the very first "green" tweet. I'm not sure how attempting to stifle your kouhai's growth could be considered "nice"

>> No.79574169


>> No.79574175

Pretty sure saplings made the original, so yes, pretty likely

>> No.79574194

That happens to almost all generals.

>> No.79574202

Lol. Must be female with that type of reaction to random anonymous posts.

>> No.79574265

They were friends in their PL, moron

>> No.79574284

saplings are overly sensitive like women but unfortunately they are all XY chromosome no matter what they try

>> No.79574320

this is the schizo that got ran out of /#/ btw. he's been posting here now instead of there for a while.

>> No.79574351

saplings are doxfags too, nice. good look
Fauna sure good at picking high quality fans.

>> No.79574425

PL discussion is not dox

>> No.79574447

I've never been a big user of splits, truth be told. I'll just post in /hlgg/ when someone I like is streaming

>> No.79574467

to be fair, you guys kinda brought it upon yourself by migrating here from /#/ in order to run a defense force for Fauna and claim somehow that Bae and Kronii don't have any schizos
He literally followed you here because he realized you lot were here

>> No.79574505

>when people think of your oshi's fanbase
lmao who gives a FUCK

>> No.79574531

he really thinks vtuber circles are actually real friends

>> No.79574544 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself janitor

>> No.79574605

I haven't been in their thread for a long time, but from day 1 it had anti squatters that hated them for their kayfabe. It was very obviously crazy women, that probably like the homos or niji

>> No.79574610 [DELETED] 

>this entire thread
I fucking hate Fauna and the fanbase she brought into hololive. Literally Pippa-tier garbage.

>> No.79574705

Fauna and Pippa are friends so it's not surprising

>> No.79574709

Now the schizoing got too obvious, way to kill the fun

>> No.79574716

I agree

>> No.79574767

They don't really, not to the extent other chuubas do anyway. As I said previously, you're confusing people who just don't care for them to dedicated antis. Have some existed in the past? Sure, but like Mori antis, they're not really around anymore.

>> No.79574805

Genuinely why the fuck are there so many schizos OBSESSED with Saplings? There's 5 Fauna bait threads right now and it's filled with schizos just attention whoring for Sapling posts. And there's a couple of bump schizos that keep bumping these threads from page 10. Is it because Saplings stopped ERPing on the catalog and they miss that? WTF?

>> No.79574816
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>> No.79574826

Completely delusional, faunaschizo. Gura and EN in general is the only position that might be remotely believable, even if I disagree with it.

>> No.79574866

It's thanks to this thread, sisters are always like that

>> No.79574878

SEA hours.

>> No.79574890

The only thing you make obvious for me here is that you have selective vision where you can only see the schizos of your own oshi.

>> No.79574907
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>five male streams

>> No.79574914

>every person replying to my schizoing is the same person
oh look a retard

>> No.79574932

It's funny how people will claim that Fauna doesn't have schizos and antis when Fauna's antis infesting the catalog are what killed sapling ERP threads. Any sapling thread got instantly derailed with Fauna hate which completely ruined the vibe to the point where people stopped making and posting in them. Just another bit of board culture killed by culture warriors.
>but saplings ERP threads were shit
They were but they were preferable to other shit catalog threads, and they were occasionally funny

>> No.79574954

This thread proves that you are wrong.

>> No.79574997

>schizoing=telling the truth

>> No.79575006


>> No.79575019

Just carry on with calling everyone Faunaschizo while denying that Kronii and Bae have their own schizos and be done with it. It's clear you come from a bizzaro universe

>> No.79575088

I've noticed those bump schizos. They usually create threads evening time NA and then bump until SEA hours to doxxpost.

>> No.79575118

I literally never did that, ever.
The only thing I know is that you are completely crazy.

>> No.79575135

NTA but you're confusing shitposters and antis with schizos. They're not the same at all. Fauna has like 8-9 schizos.

>> No.79575232

>Yeah but those schizos don't count... t-they are shitposters and antis
Man you lot really do have a severe case of victim complex

>> No.79575254

>you lot
Saplings. They're called saplings. Sapling victim complex isn't a meme.

>> No.79575292

Nijien shitting itself and phase members leeching on the dramafags covering it made this board significantly worse. Nyfco being down is also a big reason

>> No.79575307

Saplings are just like Pippa fans

This post was deleted for no reason

>> No.79575382
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>sapling ERP threads
What the HELL am I reading. Nevermind, I don't want to know. Gott dang devils.

>> No.79575428

Saplings used to make threads where they would anti other girls by gayposting having sex with their fans.

>> No.79575452


>> No.79575461

Sounds like an anti conspiracy to me

>> No.79575530

>Saplings are just like Pippa fans

>> No.79575555

Kill yourself janitor

>> No.79575596


>> No.79575624

>phase members leeching on the dramafags
don't forget pandering to the clique for some godforsaken reason.
Seriously, what the fuck do you have to gain by praising what are some of the most despised individuals in vtubing?

>> No.79575653

Okay so the schizo kind of derailed the thread but can we have an honest discussion on Fauna's SERIOUS behavioral problems that unironically affect her entire gen?

>> No.79575662

Ok newfag. There are 10 bait threads about some of the others you mentioned for every Bae one.

>> No.79575701


>> No.79575724

>enough with the other schizo, time for my schizo

>> No.79575741

See this is why I don't want antis banned, it can be funny too.

>> No.79575837

>victim complex
Ironic much? you sensitive retard. Anti and shitposters latch on to any yab and shitpost until it
blows over. Schizos are obsessed retards that do this every single day without fail. Fauna has these schizos seething about her every single day without fail; selenfag in global, faunaschizo in /#/ and global, polschizo/Juan in /gem/ /baubau/ and /global/, straightschizo in /uuu/, riifling cuckposter that creates bait threads, phasefag cuckposter, doxposters from /hlg/ that post webms of Fauna getting beheaded, and a few other schizos but they're not that regular.
Kronii and Bae get nowhere as much shitposting, unless something actually happens. The most you'll see is Kiaraschizo using Bae to falseflag and start Kiara vs Bae. Show me examples before you double down on your dumb claims.

>> No.79575844

What the fuck is wrong with you Holofags?

>> No.79575909

these are the sisters, newfag.
When Vox was born, they invaded this site.

>> No.79576018

Sapling posting was very popular in 2022. People pretending to be lost little kids and getting kidnapped and raped by others. mainly risuners. Most of them weren't even Saplings desu, just larping faggots who wanted to ERP without getting banned for offtopic. It was also one of the reason bvtm became popular.

>> No.79576016

Conversely, unityfags seem like unhinged zealots completely incapable of humor. I'm betting they're the same kind posters that do that saccharine posting regularly and then blow up insanely. Those types are always like that

>> No.79576023

Ogey, which ones are the sisters then? Because I can't tell.

>> No.79576067

Where's the funny? He's just repeating the same thing like an idiot without going into any detail.

>> No.79576113

>saplings are responsible for BVTM blowing up

>> No.79576126

This is the menhera sapling isn't it?

>> No.79576193

I accept your concession.

>> No.79576249

yep it is

>> No.79576273

Unfortunately they didn't blow up. You should blow your brains out however.

>> No.79576303

>no argument
You might as well be another schizo seething for no reason.

>> No.79576359

NTA but what's wrong with what he said? I do think schizos and shitposters are different.

>> No.79576501


>> No.79576555

It's hilarious because of the absurdity. It's like the "you all know who's responsible right" meme out of left field

>> No.79576746

>because of the absurdity
eh, it's no longer absurd when you keep seeing the same shit every day without an ounce of original thought. It feels like spam to me.

>> No.79576784

please do not use my oshi (amazing singer, hard-working, very skilled entertainer) for shitposting nanora

>> No.79576796

Oh, boy we're hitting the bump limit with this one.

>> No.79576939

>solid entertainer
I chuckled

>> No.79577056

in this thread it would be the Faunaschizo

>> No.79577974

Unironically best kayfabe in the business

>> No.79578068
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>> No.79578082

You have no idea what that word means

>> No.79578104


>> No.79578133

>amazing singer

>> No.79578151

>solid entertainer

>> No.79578163

Both correct

>> No.79578202

and other jokes brrats tell themselves

>> No.79578258

It's okay to be wrong anon

>> No.79578277

Singer is a reach but at least she tries. Entertainer? fuck no. She's the most boring EN. Literally has nothing interesting to say.

>> No.79578303

Likewise. I'll let her numbers do the talking.

>> No.79578347

Maybe once in a blue moon.

>> No.79578399

Because Brrats are the ones shitposting and shitting on every other promise. Look at all the Fauna seethe in this thread.

>> No.79578423


>> No.79578457

>even cecilians are shitposting and antiing Saplings on the catalog
Holy grim

>> No.79578492

Can it?

>> No.79578520

WTF is this thread?

>> No.79578548

>Look at all the Fauna seethe in this thread
Why is there no Gura or Mumei seethe?

>> No.79578561

Vool ity

>> No.79578580

...you do the cancan

>> No.79578652

No u

>> No.79578678


>> No.79578703

1st time on the log?

>> No.79578738


>> No.79578752


>> No.79578773


>> No.79578791

I'm afraid you have very unfortunately been mistaken again, good sir

>> No.79578803


>> No.79578824

>good sir

>> No.79578843

Speak for yourself, there's no one in the EN sphere who rages at video games or gets invested into stories to a level quite like her
I also like hearing about the daily life of an idol rather than pop culture talk for the 1000th time

>> No.79578844

You're not fooling anyone, saaar

>> No.79578865


>> No.79578886

>rages at video games
You're a fucking zoomer

>> No.79578916

>I also like hearing about the daily life of an idol rather than pop culture talk for the 1000th time
How is her life any different than others? You colossal faggot.

>> No.79578940


>> No.79578955

kek brrats really have the biggest victim complex

>> No.79578986


>> No.79579000

Pure unbridled rage is fun to listen to and has been since the millennial-era
Do you watch her? how would you know how different it is? do you really want me to compare the zatsu of different talents? I just prefer this style.

>> No.79579011

This entire thread is just a bunch of brrats seething about other girls because somehow they think that Bae gets hates on more than the others. Fucking lol.

>> No.79579058

I've listened to her. Maybe she talks about her dance for 10 mins in an entire stream. STFU and stop pretending.

>> No.79579065

The entire thread has been Saplings trying to claim that their oshi is the only one who has all the schizos so I'm afraid you are neck deep on invisible brat cock

>> No.79579093

>Pure unbridled rage is fun to listen to and has been since the millennial-era
Go watch some Twitch react streams, faggot

>> No.79579130

I only see proof of Faunaschizos, where are the Baeschizos?

>> No.79579154

nice try shitposting retard

>> No.79579178

The entirety of her zatsu is about her daily life or what she did in the gap between last stream and the ongoing one coupled with a bunch of tangents of her own
Calm down redditor, no need to get so emotional, go watch your female northernlion for the high brow intellectual humor you seek

>> No.79579210

>what she did in the gap between last stream and the ongoing one coupled with a bunch of tangents of her own
And the others are different?

>> No.79579241

>female northernlion
And the schizo reveals himself kek

>> No.79579246

DIE?! You make Pusillin cry!

>> No.79579269

Yes, to varying degrees depending on their interests, some will talk about anime etc
Not everyone is a schizo, victim complex-chama

>> No.79579277

>cater to the primary audience of vtubers
>people love you regardless of what you do
>don't cater to the primary audience of vtubers
>people hate you
It's not rocket science.

>> No.79579290

>Calm down redditor
the absolute irony of saying this when you watch a baby screech and shout zoomer memes

>> No.79579338

>Not everyone is a schizo, victim complex-chama
You are clearly seething about Fauna out of nowhere. You've been doing this for the entire thread. That is schizo behavior.

>> No.79579385

Close to 100 posts later and they're still proving that is true

>> No.79579390

No. Everyone talks about their daily life. You're not making any sense.

>> No.79579427

>zoomer memes
The girl doesn't know any zoomer memes or any memes for that matter, we aren't even talking about the same streamer, way to out yourself neckbeard.
I entered this thread just now actually, I have nothing against Fauna, I do not watch her much and am happy for the fans who like her brand of content. I was engaging in discussion against someone who's opinion I disagreed with

>> No.79579453

Are Gigi's streams good? Haven't really had the time to watch her other than her collabs

>> No.79579514

>I entered this thread just now actually
Just now meaning 30 mins ago? lol
> I have nothing against Fauna
Ah, I wonder who that "female northernlion" remark is directed towards. Not schizo behavior at all.

>> No.79579556

Oh right, pretending to not know memes is her schtick.

>> No.79579560

Yes but their daily life have different interests and ongoings no? I have interest in the things Bae talks about such as dancing, bouldering and other stuff
>female nothernlion
is a harmless comparison to her oshi since she is clearly inspired by him, they are quite similar. I did not mean that as a slight. Please do continue to enjoy her.

>> No.79579652

We can play this game both ways and claim all holos are pretending at all times
Anyways, she's someone who is not terminally online and other holos have vouched for her ignorance multiple times

>> No.79579677

No, you fucking retard. You falling for a schizo shitting on Bae, assuming that he is a Sapling and then shitting on Fauna out of nowhere is the problem. I was wrong, you are worse than a schizo. You are exactly why bait threads like this exist.

>> No.79579710

It's funny how people rage about Fauna being a fan of "Northernlion." I'd never seen or heard of him before Fauna mentioned it, but I'll remain happily ignorant.

>> No.79579732

My dear worked up anon, I never intended to shit on Fauna, sorry if it came across as such.

>> No.79579777


>> No.79579783

NTA but
>schizo shitting on Bae
glad we finally agree

>> No.79579838

nta but then what were you trying to accomplish with that post? it's why holo vs holo is so easy to bait

>> No.79579874

>You are exactly why bait threads like this exist.
Honestly yeah, it's because of all the replies that the schizos keep getting. There's no discourse to be had in this dumping ground.

>> No.79579894

I do not see how me comparing Fauna to Nothernlion is me trying to say her brand of streaming is inferior. Just not my style.

>> No.79579962

kek you still don't get it. it's not the comparison brainlet. you assuming a schizo is part of some fanbase is the problem.

>> No.79580009

Like I believe you. Next time you come across "Saplings" shitting on Bae, ask yourself what they see "Brrats" talking about Fauna. Are all the Fauna anti posts here by Brrats?

>> No.79580069

I know what you are trying to say but I don't know how I was supposed to see he was a schizo as opposed to a strongly opinionated person from another fanbase, where's the hint?
My man, learn English before attempting communication

>> No.79580193

You are a genuine retard. Never post about Bae and talk about her friends in the catalog.

>> No.79580265

There was nothing in his post indicating that he's a Sapling. This thread isn't even Bae vs Fauna. You just started Holo vs Holo out of nowhere. How is it not schizo behavior?

>> No.79580268

Why are you so offended over the harmless comparison?

>> No.79580332

He thought he was in the other thread kek >>79545207
Definitely a shitposter.

>> No.79580358

>This thread isn't even Bae vs Fauna
NTA but you mean the thread that got Hijacked by a group of Saplings to say that Bae and Kronii don't have any schizos and that their oshi has 10 million schizos is not exactly that?

>> No.79580404

You think it's only Saplings posting here? Learn to read reply chains.

>> No.79580450

They already spelled it out for you. >>79579677

>> No.79580457

>This thread isn't even Bae vs Fauna
No, you're right. The OP is actually about Bae vs Mumei, Gura and Fauna. What an improvement.

>> No.79580477

>There's nothing in his post indicating he's a sapling
True but most of the thread was mentioning "Saplings" when I came in and he got really aggravated over me making a harmless comparisons between Fauna and her oshi, to cite and example so to speak so I'm inclined to believe he was indeed, a sapling.

>> No.79580506

Yes, you falseflagged in the wrong thread.

>> No.79580601

Learn to speak English, monkey. Also learn to read reply chains. There's 3-4 different people talking to you.

>> No.79580709

The schizo has you mindbroken. My last reply in this thread was like 4 hours ago.

>> No.79580733

I've concluded after reading this thread that Brrats are the second worst fanbase after Saplings.

>> No.79580745

Sorry pal, we're no longer able to be racist against italians with Raora in the company

>> No.79580762

Yeah and they all mysteriously got severely aggravated at the Nothernlion comparison, I wonder why.
Oh, but I forget, it's all schizos, not Saplings am I right? so convenient and selective in who they choose to defend, those schizos.

>> No.79580847

>Unironically reading catalog threads from start to finish
I almost feel bad for you

>> No.79580900

Nigger, for the 100th time: It's not the comparison, it's the Holo vs Holo. I'm not even a Sapling ffs. Stop using Bae to start fanbase wars.

>> No.79581063

Let's end it here anon.
For the record, I was not the one who started Holo vs Holo, this thread by essence, including the people entering it to play boy-who-cried-bigger-victim were all partaking in it, may of whom were genuine Saplings who knew all the schizos of their oshi by names. Have a good day.

>> No.79581098

>and they all mysteriously got severely aggravated
I just read it again. Why lie? Or are you too dumb to follow the conversation?

>> No.79581208

I don't like any homo collabers, so I don't like nijisharts either.

>> No.79581369

>they have basically dropped all ambitions to coast
Gura's fourth 3D live is already in the works btw

>> No.79581419

>I was not the one who started Holo vs Holo
Nah, you definitely started it again. Until you posted, it was just "My oshi has more schizos!!!". You are no better than a nijinigger or the schizos they were talking about.

>> No.79581526

All I did was engage in a debate where I voiced my disagreement against people with differing opinions telling them why I prefer the thing I do. I guess that makes me a schizo.

>> No.79581652

>why I prefer the thing I do.
While bringing up Fauna out of nowhere and starting Holo vs Holo. Yes, that makes you a schizo.
