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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79569384 No.79569384 [Reply] [Original]

>Withering Cheebs

>Our Promise original song MV/Instrumental

>Not a devil cover




>Connect the World MV



>HoneyWorks Covers

>Story Time

>Snow Halation Cover

>SodaRyS Cover!




>Digital Message board + Voice

>CasualRyS Acrylic
>Clear folder
>Starter Merch
>2024 Valentines merch
>2.0 Plushie
>3D Acrylic
>KimonoRyS rerun
>OMOCAT merch

>Archives (Songs, Clips, Spaces, Misc.)
https://mega.nz/folder/91EUXBqT#uuMZYZmL5cUbXZcDGMCwig (Updated Karaoke)
https://mega.nz/folder/PJljFaDC#bERcB4FtvuLJpahT2AFb5Q (Ancient and dead)

>Channel / Twitter


>IRyS Status/ Milestones / Karaoke / SCs

>Previous Thread

Report all "irys" posters, Brazilians, and British, post cute IRyS pictures, do NOT feed cheebs

>> No.79569397
File: 2.87 MB, 1920x1080, JKRySo Comfy sidepony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sip* Ah...

>> No.79569418
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>> No.79569495
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1080, Had Enough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79569547
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>> No.79569611
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>> No.79569632
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>> No.79569714

who is this fatty?

>> No.79569741
File: 221 KB, 560x388, tldr[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fckezf2.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79569750

I wish I was her toilet

>> No.79569761
File: 13 KB, 257x150, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are IRyStocrats schizos?

>> No.79569778

God she's so dumb

>> No.79569792

this fag SC's like a fucking grey

>> No.79569843

Just the asian ones really

>> No.79569923

she's so fucked

>> No.79569964

gameRyS sex

>> No.79569985

By me, after we got married.

>> No.79569998

that guy is actually retarded so i dont really care

>> No.79570000

eat shit

>> No.79570008
File: 244 KB, 845x1385, 1711834913315819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love IRyS!

>> No.79570243

she's been masturbating to tom holland

>> No.79570249


>> No.79570754
File: 165 KB, 714x1200, aeaf9ae8e3f4f3f4ae02aa7c05015e75e3931670d702798fb2e315ed0112a170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79570833

I have not checked chat in a year, has it always been subscriber-only mode?

>> No.79570873

Yes, it used to be even better and be at 1 week too.

>> No.79570884

irys likes this game

>> No.79570902


>> No.79570905

>AHHHHH not there!

>> No.79570924

shit like this makes me want to skip superchat readings

>> No.79570954

dinnerdate bgm desu

>> No.79570999

bout time, this game's awful

>> No.79571033
File: 523 KB, 1138x710, meganeRyS_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79571065

I cannot Shazam it. Anyone knows its name?

>> No.79571085

its the game BGM

>> No.79571101

Looks like one of those deals that would be WAY more fun to play than watch.

>> No.79571139

FUCK, did she stop the gameplay a long time ago?

>> No.79571159

Literally just now if you just got here

>> No.79571195

bros... I'm sleepy...

>> No.79571196


>> No.79571264

its a single player game IRyS, who cares

>> No.79571273

Hi bunzo

>> No.79571280

You didn't really beat it, you used your fingers.

But seriously... props for not using your brain.

>> No.79571286

IRyS knows fromsoft fags are cancerous fags who fag all over the place.

>> No.79571288

>who cares

>> No.79571289

souls autists are their own worst enemy when it comes to streams

>> No.79571317

And yet she is one because she does the exact same thing now

>> No.79571323

Ame cheesed Rennala with summons and doot spam and no one give a shit

>> No.79571356

I'm just here to see IRyS, they're only ever here for Elden Ring

>> No.79571366

Do you really call "purposefully limiting yourself in a game" "shibari play" in JP slang....?
That's so lewd..

>> No.79571372

souls-likes = shibari play according to IRyS

>> No.79571390

if she ever reaches the final boss how will she take it?

>> No.79571395

and to complain when she's not playing Elden Ring

>> No.79571413

Because she's been cheese and goofy build from the start, one of her first boss kills was with the groundpound even

>> No.79571442

What shit motherboard does she have that doesn't have Wifi?

>> No.79571446

depends on how stubborn she is when she gets there

>> No.79571450

if her heart gets taken she's gonna cream

>> No.79571451

is she wrong?

>> No.79571479

She'll do yandere rp to cope

>> No.79571481

So there I was playing FF6 when I decided not to use the vanish + X-zone glitch because reasons.

>> No.79571506


>> No.79571548

>stoll no improvements on their shitty unoptimized holo app
I recall it has frequent memory leaks

>> No.79571558


>> No.79571591

nails mention...

>> No.79571616

I don't remember a members PC build...

>> No.79571617

Shit, Rayster isn't even ESL is he?

>> No.79571619

Well you don't wanna use it on Doom Gaze or you'll lose the Bahamut magicite.

>> No.79571632

It's okay for Fauna. She needs me to fly to Japan and help her

>> No.79571638

does irys not let anyone come to her place to set this shit up

>> No.79571660

He's an asian

>> No.79571677

Isn't it a problem for most, if not all, boss fights?

>> No.79571699


>> No.79571706

I'm not in Japan right now so no

>> No.79571709

kimonoRyS makes me want to unwrap her...

>> No.79571731

I want to nut

>> No.79571742

It's a Japanese company plus invisible fixes
No manager is going to approve 'yeah I took three weeks and fixed this bug that MIGHT crash the app once every three streams'

>> No.79571744

Thinking English might be #4 behind specifically homosexual elfish.

>> No.79571747

IRyS is 100% naked under that one layer of kimono

>> No.79571756

crazy that no one at cover has written up guides to teach the talents how to set up 3d at home

>> No.79571762

DO NOT impregnate retards

>> No.79571781

I want her

>> No.79571789

IRyS won't even make it to that point

>> No.79571792

you already know the answer to this

>> No.79571820

>There's no money
>Buy our plastic stands and concert tickets

>> No.79571849

was there? I can't remember the last members stream... Oh wasn't it during the last movie watch along people were suggestions parts, I kinda phased out

>> No.79571870

that's bullshit

>> No.79571889

this is a stupid supa but at least it made her say cleavage over and over

>> No.79571914

did you fall asleep during last member's stream?

>> No.79571937

cleavageRyS when?

>> No.79571950

i mean what are their software devs doing? There should be documentation for everything if they're an actual team and not one guy

>> No.79571966

Her boobs are so sweaty under there

>> No.79571975

>trying to make space for my pc for now
she should delete her cheebs folder

>> No.79571978

I think gomer might be one of the least retarded of the regulars.

>> No.79571988


>> No.79572010

^ This guys supers don't make IRyS laugh.

>> No.79572016
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next time she's in default or casual

>> No.79572017

>i mean what are their software devs doing?
wasting manpower and money on holoearth

>> No.79572053

He's retarded enough to expose himself /here/

>> No.79572059

>knights of Sidonia
yeah the shitty outsourced CG is trash

>> No.79572078

I hope it's worth it for them. I think they've already missed the boat, it made sense when they started

>> No.79572085
File: 12 KB, 1051x78, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79572088

this faggot

>> No.79572098

what the fuck?

>> No.79572110

it would have been 100x better if it wasnt CG

>> No.79572128

every time

>> No.79572133

Does he even watch IRyS? This isn't a recent development.

>> No.79572150

It's amazing how IRyS just dodges schizo SCs

>> No.79572152

What happened, I went to the bathroom and everybody's calling out a faggot

>> No.79572158

they should let us down vote suppas

>> No.79572157

what the fuck is this guy doing?
troll sc's are retarded

she's barely spoken any JP at all lately

>> No.79572173

the crafting survival shit was just a bonus so the fans would use the app more.
the main purpose that its their own VRChat for online concerts. that azki and foobs mio ayame concerts were promising

>> No.79572177

Hantako needs to come back

>> No.79572183

when is she releasing her JAV?

>> No.79572207

oh no hes going to jinx it

>> No.79572214

I genuinely cannot believe how fast her anniversary came up. What the fuck is time, man

>> No.79572215

every anime is 200% better without the obvious shitty CG they keep using.

>> No.79572217

we will not be releasing our video

>> No.79572277

Seriously, 11 days?!

>> No.79572281

the hero nobody wanted but we needed

>> No.79572284

what happened? what did i miss?

>> No.79572304

what a way to ruin the dinnerdate bgm

>> No.79572313

IRyS you don't have to make wage slaving sound enticing

>> No.79572316

>but we needed
lol no

>> No.79572318

Wouldn't mecha anime just be fucking dead without CG

>> No.79572329

i've been having so much fun watching hololive
time goes by too quickly

>> No.79572357

>happy to be shared

>> No.79572371

do it for her anon

>> No.79572393

faggots like him should count their blessings IRyS isn't as spiteful as other girls who do things more if their fans complain about it

>> No.79572402
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>> No.79572403

>more CoD
despite them being shit it's fun watching her play them like a retard

>> No.79572427


>> No.79572432

It's fun at the begining, then reality sets in around year 3 and by year 10 its just whatever man

>> No.79572435

i hope she ignores the supa but i know she won't
someone already said that back when she was actually doing like 50/50 jp in march

she definitely saw it and made changes after, it hasn't been anywhere near as much since

>> No.79572451

Even if I don't give a shit about the story it's always fun to watch her play.

>> No.79572453

I'm just happy she's enjoying COD cause lord I have tried and I do not get the appeal. But I guess that's what happens when you grow up playing the pre-COD shooters. It would be fascinating to see her play fucking Deus Ex or something. Also I'm surprised classic DOOM's not a thing in the Hololive pool.

>> No.79572462

no zoomerchama. mecha anime was carried hard by the actual hand drawn artists way back. there's A LOT of veteran mecha artists/directors still active today.. its just your usual corpos where they obviously keep using the cheap outsourced korean flip and chink CG's

>> No.79572461

Watching her tag her friendlies during the no Russian level was fun

>> No.79572464

>back when she was actually doing like 50/50 jp in march

>> No.79572470

>all these wafares in modern times
Will IRyS ever give Hitler a tough time?

>> No.79572482
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>> No.79572487

she stopped JP spamming a few weeks ago, why did he complain now

>> No.79572510

To the anon that knew I would get mad at the fuckers bragging about getting the tickets. I'm getting really fucking angry at the people bragging about getting their fucking tickets.

Fucking cunts.

>> No.79572516

No, she loves Hitler

>> No.79572523

1 stream games are always a fun time even if they're kusoges

>> No.79572522

The faggot probably on just got his paycheck, look at the currency.

>> No.79572524

she was, it was very noticeable but I understand she was just spending a lot of time speaking JP at the time

>> No.79572537

Because he finally sucked enough cocks to scrounge up enough to supa

>> No.79572554

drama, probably a clipfag

>> No.79572562

I don't know why you assumed I'm a fucking zoomer for stating that mecha anime is expensive to make but okay. I guess I'll pretend you gave an explanation.

>> No.79572572

>he didn't get a ticket

>> No.79572619
File: 160 KB, 391x477, 1377237183131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a prophet

>> No.79572620
File: 277 KB, 1024x895, 0c7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could radiate your insides.

>> No.79572623

she didnt ignore it ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.79572625

>he ordered and queued using his phone
>on merch
>on tickets
tale as old as time

>> No.79572638

I'm just going to mute this cringe for a bit..

>> No.79572642

lmao get fucked retard

>> No.79572651

EOP bros... we lost

>> No.79572658

Darn she read it. Props to her for defending herself

>> No.79572665

She is too nice

>> No.79572668

I didn't use my phone. What?

>> No.79572672

KEK She didn't even give much of a thought about it.

>> No.79572691

Now put that on a thumbnail with the crying emoji face and US flag as a backdrop. Faggot.

>> No.79572695

I dont think IRyS even wage slaved. She pretty much lived with her family until she found the infinite money glitch called hololive

>> No.79572696

her streams have been like 95% english for the last 3 months

stop being a troll

>> No.79572699

lol she just basically told him fuck you, I've been doing this since forever, suck it up

>> No.79572702

That comment should have happened 2 months ago when it was valid you British retard

>> No.79572701
File: 3 KB, 301x36, bro leaked the term.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This you?

>> No.79572710

>Why does the English talent that lives in Japan speak in Japanese sometimes?
I just don't get why this is a thing people are baffled by to this fucking day.

>> No.79572715
File: 432 KB, 629x539, Screenshot 2024-04-15 075211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright which one of you was it that asked the language question, smolrys is upset.

>> No.79572723

OMG, she seriously forgot the term facetanking LOL.

>> No.79572729

>going back

>> No.79572749


>> No.79572756

I missed that, why did she bring it up again?

>> No.79572766
File: 27 KB, 1308x85, 1700530290999364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

euroniggers deserve death

>> No.79572768
File: 318 KB, 1152x2048, 1705058589182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79572773

He is 100% right but braindead sycophants will suck up to her because uwu cant say mean thing omg anti

>> No.79572774

damn eops can go rope i guess lol

>> No.79572787

Honestly while it kind of sucks, it's not the end of the world. It's not like they're doing a special meet and greet at the venue.
Just buy tickets on SPWN or something else from the luxury of your own home.
t. NYer.

>> No.79572788

There's that rare chip on her shoulder.

It was a cunt supa.

>> No.79572793
File: 215 KB, 393x387, 1701757791133790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute anti

>> No.79572794

its going to be bugging her for days
what a shitty thing to SC when she obviously has been holding back on JP lately

>> No.79572801

If he sent this during the nigger elf arc she would've understand

>> No.79572802

whiny EOPRyStocrats are the untouchable caste of IRyStocrats

>> No.79572805
File: 2.39 MB, 1462x1515, BurnitalldownRys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79572807

shut up bunzo

>> No.79572813

kys brit tranny

>> No.79572833

You could probably find her response in the archives word for word, since the schizos always get replies when they post le too much Japanese bait

>> No.79572847

kys bunzo

>> No.79572849

it's time to ram up FlaRyS collab IRyS. show these EOPfags who's boss

>> No.79572858

Yeah, I'm hoping for the next time. Already bought the SPWN tickets. The fact is we're getting more opportunities in America.

>> No.79572860

A /HiRyS/ regular shitposter.

>> No.79572863

No, I mean why did she bring it up again ~4 minutes after addressing it the first time.

>> No.79572862

He's really not, especially what IRyS said about collabs. Can you imagine how awkward each collab would be in terms of flow if she had to constantly stop to translate every little thing.

>> No.79572866

seriously, her streams have been like 90% english lately

>> No.79572904

there's already a FAIL collab being planned

>> No.79572914

she's a woman

>> No.79572917

did it happen during song learning?

>> No.79572920

They are so buttblasted about this lmao

>> No.79572924

IRyS has too much sex appeal.

>> No.79572930

>hitting her from behind
>grab horns as handlebars
>it pops off
>world ends
worth it

>> No.79572938
File: 18 KB, 175x323, 1698737473468162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to rip out her horns so she can wear hats.

>> No.79572943

it was valid for like 2 weeks a few months ago, but that's just cause she was spending all day working with Japanese people in the studio

>> No.79572951

Bro, like I said, its that rare chip on her shoulder. Let's not pretend there's been moments where something bothers IRyS and she gives a flat answer, then revisits it, she's doing it a lot. Remember when she got very annoyed a long while back about how people insisted she was lewd most of the time rather than accidental?

>> No.79572961

think she got a little bit angry, calmed down and wanted to explain it better

>> No.79572971

this. I'm always getting second-hand awkwardness for that

>> No.79572980

she should get a piano bgm like this, her recent one gives me brainrot

>> No.79572982

>IRyS wants to wear guyRyS cap sometimes
She loves me
Not us

>> No.79572999

She said before she was a session singer didn't she?

>> No.79573001

here comes the tourists

>> No.79573010

Hello IRyStobros, why your split has schizos that love sending SC about their schizo shit?

>> No.79573021

Also I think I know what period it was. It was very clearly her being annoyed around the time her and Shiori were in a team together for the minecraft games stream.

>> No.79573031


>> No.79573044

>Why are schizos schizo?
Let us know if you find out. It's probably a mental thing.

>> No.79573052
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>> No.79573051

would've been based if the GuyRyS cap merch has two slits at the sides where her horns would've been located if she wears it

>> No.79573054

Are you saying she spoke Japanese because Shiori annoyed her?

>> No.79573070

based if true

>> No.79573085

this was a great stream for IRyS noises desu

>> No.79573088

>why are schizos, schizos?

>> No.79573098

Unprotected baby-making sex with IRyS for the purpose of recreation.

>> No.79573114

time to sell cheebs to the tourists

>> No.79573117

>Replying to him
Big retard

>> No.79573124

Isn't that how you trigger super saiyan in the new canon?

>> No.79573127

honestly, as an eop i only feel like theres too much jp when its a solo stream and theres barely any jps chatting yknow?

>> No.79573147

>IRyS flexing and arching her back

>> No.79573153

I still vividly remember the first and only time(stopped sleeping on my back) I got sleep paralysis. Legitimately the most terrified I've ever been.

>> No.79573156

No. I'm saying people took that bit between them and pushed a joke and a supa inevitably got put out and IRyS provided a clean rejection of what the supa was saying, then revisited it again and again to make sure people got the message.

>> No.79573162


>> No.79573170

shes been speaking english lately
sometimes she just has periods of being japanese

>> No.79573173
File: 253 KB, 1300x2100, 1654981490372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79573190

Fuck off go back to baiting in /#/

>> No.79573197 [DELETED] 

Total jopnigger death

>> No.79573203

>as an eop

>> No.79573207

Yeah, It only bothers me when she repeats what she said in english in Japanese when there are none in chat

>> No.79573237

I told them to give her a concert in the survey and I hope you did too

>> No.79573245

just dont reply to me man im not trying to start shit lol its just my thoughts on it

>> No.79573250

Man she needs a 3D model of this hair. And just give her a hime cut while you're at it, Cover.

>> No.79573278


>> No.79573288

at least we know these schizos are from SEA or yuros

>> No.79573297

Why would you confess yourself as an EOP

>> No.79573306

Can you guys post the recent Cheebs? I haven't been able to save them, like the Cheebs kicking the sapling gifs.

>> No.79573318

Straight bangs are lame. Luckily here's are a little messy/choppy, so they're cool. But a clean straight cut like what's so common in Japan is lame.

>> No.79573325

This is very good. Thank you.

>> No.79573326

that doesn't bug me
what bugs me is when she goes on 10 minute long tangents in japanese and doesn't translate them

>> No.79573327

boredom i guess? its not hurting anybody who cares

>> No.79573338
File: 241 KB, 482x526, 1718439714526328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79573368

SEAbros really take pride in the fact they can speak Tagalog and broken English huh

>> No.79573399

what keyboard?

>> No.79573400
File: 441 KB, 1968x2032, 1711605052293689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79573402

I never understood how being EOP is a flex. I'm pretty sure its great if you know more than one language. I've seen more dumbassess here who are also EOP but can't even master their only language.

>> No.79573451

and by 'here' I mean the retards in my state

>> No.79573473


>> No.79573494

There's a Gigi Cheebs, but none of the other three yet.

>> No.79573513

speaking in english made me forget half of my mother language...

>> No.79573525

ESL >>>> EOP

>> No.79573538

Isn't Lien busy?

>> No.79573560

speaking more than one language objectively sucks because you never have full fluency in any of them

>> No.79573588
File: 104 KB, 661x624, 1718998955571352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79573604

Man, that would be pretty cool if it had function keys instead of all that light up faggotry.

>> No.79573616

skill issue

>> No.79573625


>> No.79573626

It's a flex because you already know the only language that matters

>> No.79573630

anon there are people out there who can speak fluently 4 languages. this is a (you) problem

>> No.79573646

that's a completely retarded take unless they're a 1st/2nd generation immigrant where the family barely speaks the local language to teach their kids with. still, there's a lot of people who can speak two or more languages fluently

>> No.79573659

There's an age factor and exposure to language. If you are not exposed to the second language frequently in a naturalistic setting before puberty then you're not likely to achieve native-like proficiency in L2

>> No.79573660

Meh. Want more Cheebs or the Cheebiverse.

>> No.79573666

the more you divide your time between languages the more you lose fluency in all of them

>> No.79573681

what am i looking at

>> No.79573688

well it's basically based on this which does have an f row

>> No.79573704

>learning another skill means you can't 100% everything ever since its like you have limited stat points just like in video games
this poster is 100% an american

>> No.79573718

I'd buy one if I didn't have to give Satoshi my info.

>> No.79573737

cheebposter won a bet

>> No.79573745

Couldn't you give him a proxy address (if you cared enough, that is)?

>> No.79573746

mococo hiding her head inside the shirt. took me a long time too to figure it out like some old warcraft 3 icon

>> No.79573747

dont trust that guy

>> No.79573753

You are american. I speak 5 language since I was a fucking toddler

>> No.79573755

it's more like when you don't do something regularly enough your ability declines

>> No.79573789
File: 471 KB, 2136x1379, GQve2TCWoAEvkQL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79573806

Yeah and you're not as fluent as you would be if you only spoke one

>> No.79573822


>> No.79573843

If you have "acquired" it, it won't decline because it's subconcious knowledge already. No one unlearn how to ride a bike

>> No.79573851

...Kiara and Cecilia are RIGHT there

>> No.79573855

shut up and take my money

>> No.79573864

I'm going to fill my belly with diet soda and get high once this streams done

>> No.79573875

It does decline

>> No.79573901

Motherfucker you are LITERALLY watching IRyS who can speak fluently in both with the latter being motivated by wanting to read fucking BL manga what are you even fucking saying

>> No.79573914

If you don't use it, you do actually. Riding a bike is different because you have that physical experience with it, it's muscle memory. Once you understand that you're not going to fall off of the bike and just have to stay upright and peddle it's easy.

>> No.79573936

looks okay. I just dont like the logo

>> No.79573939

Her English fluency declined and it's not up to the point a one-language speaker's would be even though she's EFL

>> No.79573941

It does not dumbass, that's for people who learn it as adults. There are like 26 definitions of billinguals, many of which acquire both languages fully

>> No.79573943

How does one get their hands on that

>> No.79573953

I am fluent on 4 language and average at one. and that's because one of your ancestors is a filthy colonizer

>> No.79573955

Don't use it and your skill will decline. I lent a bike to a friend so we could go for a ride together and he was awkward as hell for the first couple miles.

>> No.79573970


>> No.79573972

IRyS even said her English ability reclined
Remember Coco, she was EFL but she became fucking awful at speaking English

>> No.79573978

>those thirdie seafags who still think sugar is bad for you
Calories in, calories out. Health is literally that simple.

>> No.79573989

>baked potato in wendy's another shit taste
that product went downhill hard since the owner died

>> No.79573988

Average EOP logic. It was not her decision to move half way across the world to a different country that caused her English to decline. No, it was her decision to learn Japanese.

>> No.79574011

You saying this to me in broken English doesn't help your case

>> No.79574017

I hope I can get one since I missed out on the originals, but ordering one feels very unorganized.

>> No.79574031

I mean HFCS is for sure not good for you

>> No.79574037

Oh. Its pick up in person. I guess that makes sense.

>> No.79574053

she loves us bro...

>> No.79574055

You're a dummy. My aunt was born in China but adopted by my grandparents when she was somewhere under 10. I don't think she recalls a single word of it because after leaving China literally no one around her used it.

>> No.79574056

>No, it was her decision to learn Japanese.
but that's exactly what im saying you clown

>> No.79574057

she loves wearing (me)

>> No.79574067
File: 32 KB, 1453x804, That's me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's wearing me.

>> No.79574082

You are clearly not American. There are a lot of people who are not even at IRyS' level of english.

>> No.79574085

And you don't know shit. I do Master in this field. All knowledge can be declarative knowledge (short term memory, things you know you know/learn) and it can be turned into procedural knowledge (long term memory, things you just do, like riding a bike). Once they are procedural knowledge, you dont unlearn it. In addition, billinguals from birth have the ability to distinct sounds and they form specific rooms for sounds in both languages already so they have already acquired it

>> No.79574102

anon... having bad reading comprehension while having this conversation about fluency is a bad look

>> No.79574112
File: 767 KB, 1105x1080, IMG_6596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she’s wearing the guyrys necklace rn
I Love her so much man

>> No.79574132

If you're an expert then you should know that the brain handles language in its own special way

>> No.79574136

bros is it me or does she sound cuter than usual today

>> No.79574157

>she has another existing router that collects dust
all she has to do is connect that to her main router and place the spider router in her room as a bridge.. but I expect too much

>> No.79574162

Who cares if she speaks English?

>> No.79574182

You mean you were being sarcastic

>> No.79574188

Worst split on /vt/

>> No.79574193

And didnt I say that exposure and age matter? You have to be young, before puberty, exposed to the language frequently in a naturalist setting to fully "acquire" it. Yout aunt did not have the exposure you moron

>> No.79574210

Yeah no if I'm gonna buy this I wanna have a concert to go to in person for. Good job to them for doing this service.

>> No.79574215

you have got to be the BIGGEST retard that has ever posted ITT
very impressive

>> No.79574219

wtf I hate fauna now

>> No.79574229

I will become a Fauna anti if that causes her to change how she says it

>> No.79574258

>saying kyurrently since she was born
she's unironically mentally 7yrs old forever...

>> No.79574286

If they forget a damn word sometimes it's because of memory lapse which happen often to billinguals. It does not mean decline in proficiency.

>> No.79574297
File: 314 KB, 1770x2048, 1655493512327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10kg of feathers and 10kg of rocks are the same thing
>well duhh

>4000 calories of carrots and 4000 calories of sugar are the same thing

>> No.79574301


>> No.79574302

>learns how to pronounce works correctly
>forgets it after this stream
I love her

>> No.79574304

dishonored is trash

>> No.79574307
File: 175 KB, 502x474, 1662871160750369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentally 7yrs old

>> No.79574336

proficiency declines when you don't use a language, I've seen it happen, you can see it happen to people in Hololive even

>> No.79574355


>> No.79574366

She acquired it and lost it. You seem to insist that one you learn a thing it's forever, in language, at least.

>> No.79574377
File: 50 KB, 414x474, LaughsinGermanII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seafags think 100$ for a jacket is a lot of money

>> No.79574376

yes, also finish Elden ring first IRyS

>> No.79574388

most of the new stuff added in the DLC is shit or mediocre
absolute joke of a DLC

>> No.79574403

I mean I would kill to see a Holomem play Thief

>> No.79574470

But it is.

>> No.79574474

she has a ps4 right guys?
will she ever play bloodborne?

>> No.79574497


>> No.79574509

Hantako being cringe again

>> No.79574513

Hantako the GOAT

>> No.79574516

That would require her to take it out of the box.

>> No.79574517

No EN will ever play Bloodborne again

>> No.79574521

Thats fluency, not proficiency.

>> No.79574523

she already said she will never use it ever and just use the controller

>> No.79574537

hi hantako

>> No.79574539

I know Luna played it recently but does EN even have perms for that?

>> No.79574545

dementia bros!!!

>> No.79574549

This is your king, Flare beggars?

>> No.79574552

whats the difference

>> No.79574554

>taking out the PS4
>BB perms hell
Two big issues

>> No.79574562


>> No.79574574

People are really going to keep pushing this on her, huh

>> No.79574581

based hantako

>> No.79574583

She was retarded!

>> No.79574588

is there a reason?

>> No.79574592

>a fucking leaf

>> No.79574594

No, only Luna has perms

>> No.79574600
File: 404 KB, 485x724, 2q7194520w45629b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What level of autism is this? Why put in so much effort for something she'll never stream?

>> No.79574604
File: 357 KB, 927x864, 1678318828748544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79574612

IRyS will never get dementia! You need a brain to get dementia.

>> No.79574618

yeah, me

>> No.79574628

I figured. Sony perms are always a pain in the ass that make no fucking sense.

>> No.79574663


>> No.79574692

ah fuck, oh course.

>> No.79574704

>IRyS is immune to strokes too
lucky fucker

>> No.79574721
File: 354 KB, 1100x694, Industr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the peasants of peasants of Europe wore a 'suit jacket', which is at minimum 100$.
Come on, seafags.

>> No.79574739

How well can you speak vs how much do you know in general (all 4 skills, grammar, vocab, pragmatic competency)

>> No.79574742


>> No.79574753

What is geromino?

>> No.79574797

>all four skills
>lists three

>> No.79574798

to be fair, no one that lives in SEA would have any use for any kind of warm coat that would go for over 100

>> No.79574831
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x720, Loli Sk8teRyS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79574853


>> No.79574864

she probably hit her head a lot

>> No.79574865

Because you don't understand and cannot differentiate between "learn" and "acquire". 1st language is already acquired, you don't learn it to speak it and you don't lose it. If 2nd language is acquired, not learnt, it's the same thing

>> No.79574877

no shit

>> No.79574893

She was a sk8ter girl...

>> No.79574894
File: 1.38 MB, 1280x720, 1719106055592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79574908

The fucking suit that they would wear every day...to the happi coat that you'd wear at best three times in its entire life?

>> No.79574916
File: 993 KB, 720x720, SkateRyS[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbs5gk6.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79574922

Dumbass, 4 skills are automatically understood as Reading, listening, speaking, writing, I just add in other aspects of proficiency

>> No.79574942

Then why did she lose her first language?

>> No.79574971


>> No.79574987

Oh shit I just got an idea

>> No.79575010
File: 36 KB, 500x753, 1922-edward-japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to the happi coat that you'd wear at best three times in its entire life?
>not wearing it every day
baka desu senpai.

>> No.79575015

is this real

>> No.79575047

look shes translating.
are you happy now?

>> No.79575059

Calli played Bloodborne though.

>> No.79575060

No she should have just kept speaking english

>> No.79575078

Because she has not acquired Chinese. First language is the 1st language you acquire, not the one you come into contact

>> No.79575082

No she was clearly enjoying telling that story more in Japanese

>> No.79575090

All four skills are seven skills, gotcha.

>> No.79575095

what a loser!

>> No.79575099

kys tranny

>> No.79575126

Work on reading comprehension and punctuation first troll

>> No.79575144

2 years ago and she didn't finish it. Biboo also wanted to play but couldn't get perms.

>> No.79575163

loliRyS heelie-ing around the store

>> No.79575169

But you just fucking said you don't lose it. Make up your mind.

>> No.79575209

You dont lose what you have acquired. Did she fucking acquire it? No? Then what the fuck she's got to lose? She lost something she was learning

>> No.79575218

>didn't finish it
god damn it, that fucking fat bitch had to ruin it for everyone

>> No.79575231

>and she didn't finish it.
Because she had played it before personally, was what I thought.
It wasn't her first time playing it, I know that.

>> No.79575243

In regular English "learnt" and "acquired" mean the same thing

>> No.79575268
File: 647 KB, 1125x587, 1667272030932566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bunsRyS my beloved

>> No.79575275

I want IRyS's buns, too.

>> No.79575281

she fucking HATES her horns

>> No.79575287

This should be illegal to post without it being the soundpost

>> No.79575302

fiest time I heard about ojomajo doremi was a doujin

>> No.79575308

I'm talking using technical terms because I'm arguing based on research in the field, not laymen's made up theory

>> No.79575329

Yeah and she was going through Elden Ring at the same time so the new game won out.

>> No.79575334

>it'll look more dumb, but cute
But iRyS, it looks cute because it's dumb

>> No.79575338

You're using jargon specific to your field

>> No.79575348

it makes me sad

>> No.79575350

Considering it's Sony we're talking about I severely doubt Mori is responsible for the lack of perms. Remember when no one in hololive was playing Helldivers when that was the fotm? Sony is just that bitchy about perms.

>> No.79575349

>you don't learn it to speak it and you don't lose it
So you're admitting retardation? OK then.

>> No.79575367

Do you want to destroy the threads' hearing with that banshee's voice?

>> No.79575374

she takes skuhara very well

>> No.79575412
File: 2.74 MB, 1280x720, lewdhandholding[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxl789b.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We love Kiwawa here

>> No.79575414

Bro just doxxed his neighbourhood

>> No.79575418

Why is IRyS so lewd

>> No.79575421

Does Luna have special perms or something? She's played heaps of PS games.

>> No.79575424

Specific to the field in which he's pretending to be expert.

>> No.79575457

She's getting a Christmas gift in July

>> No.79575456

IRyS has been ghosting Kiara for over a year now...

>> No.79575474

Because the topic is in my field? Second language acquisition?
You don't learn it, meaning you don't need to learn. Like theory by Noah Chomsky stated, language is innate and with enough input at a young age, you can automatically acquire a language and speak it without learning anything, like baby. However if the input is not enough then you cannot acquire the language automatically like that, and once you've past that age, you need to "learn" the language instead

>> No.79575478

Based, anyone who respects themselves would

>> No.79575492

better late than never

>> No.79575509

stop giving that fucking faggot attention bruh, we all unanimously agree he's retarded

>> No.79575511

Yeah well normal people aren't going to know what you're talking about when you say learnt or acquired

>> No.79575515

Don't bother.

If the retard doesn't understand the difference between learning something and naturalising it you're wasting your time.

>> No.79575520

It must drive you up the wall whenever she mentions her or her music.

>> No.79575526

>Please answer

>> No.79575559

yeah, never, lmao

>> No.79575560

who so?
i only watch irys

>> No.79575580

IRyS is extra dorky today

>> No.79575582

>whenever she mentions her or her music.
you mean never?

>> No.79575589

every time

>> No.79575602

Watch streams

>> No.79575604

kiara is a literal WHORE with a nails on chalkboard voice

>> No.79575619

She is. I love her.

>> No.79575633

Noah? Seriously? lol

>> No.79575636

what streams are you watching where irys talks about kiara

>> No.79575679

babies on her mind even in high school...

>> No.79575682

It is genuinely so funny how she was so close to speaking Engrish

>> No.79575730

all cosplayers are whores that die without attention

>> No.79575731

Im arguing, typos happen, give me a break.
Im going to work now. Bye, have fun

>> No.79575733

Wrixne is less human than the chat AI.

>> No.79575737
File: 27 KB, 254x212, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why bring it up again...

>> No.79575764

He couldn't read it. Only an AI can do that

>> No.79575791

>why is the top3 retarded chatter, a retard?
anon pls...

>> No.79575798

....Can you even one shot Rellana

>> No.79575811

what a retard

>> No.79575819

wrixne she just forgot about it what are you doing
are you autistic

>> No.79575827

Enjoy your job clearly not in the field of language.

>> No.79575861

I mean he clearly is yes

>> No.79575868

GOATne Lenti

>> No.79575887

>are you autistic
take a wild guess

>> No.79575890

>are you autistic
do you need to ask?

>> No.79575897

Welcome to IRyS superchat reading

>> No.79575907

I'm so sick of seeing this faggot for 3 fucking years

>> No.79575942

>are you autistic
anon he literally types with no sense 90% of the time like a fucking bot since day1

>> No.79575955

What a fucking retard.

>> No.79575957

At least she ignored it

>> No.79576006

i cant tell if wrixne is autistic
does that make me autistic too...

>> No.79576031


>> No.79576041

I wish I were autistic but rich like wrixne lenti
I'm just autistic

>> No.79576059

IRyS, you live in Japan. Bump into a random dude on the street and he can probably build you a robot. Give him a fiver and ask him to make your network go zoom.

>> No.79576063

it might be hard to tell if you aren't native english

>> No.79576071

Oh the IRyS, Kiara, Gura, Fauna, and FWMC ones look neat.

>> No.79576073


>> No.79576104

im native english...

>> No.79576133


>> No.79576139

She literally just needs to be an eero off of Amazon and plug it in.

>> No.79576145

I like to think he's living in a cave surviving on Ramen and ketchup packets as all his cash goes to IRyS.

>> No.79576181

>no streams until July
I'm gonna lose it

>> No.79576196

he took a picture of his room and it looks like this expensive apartment and he's got a katana on the wall

>> No.79576200

*buy not be

>> No.79576205

KiaRyS my beloved

>> No.79576218

The only one I played was the first game, it was kind of good. Haven't played the others.

>> No.79576227
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>> No.79576232

oops, quoted the wrong reply.

>> No.79576247

insert ina meme soundpost here

>> No.79576257

Tomorrow is July

>> No.79576266

cool i can go to FUCKING bed now

>> No.79576275

no doubt in my mind faggots like him owe thousands to debt collectors.
had the misfortune of living with one once

>> No.79576291


>> No.79576296

The level design in 2 is better but the story and atmosphere is worse. The Daud dlc is peak for the series

>> No.79576295

mamaRyS needs to stop being a helicopter parent

>> No.79576300

sandalRyS cute...

>> No.79576304


>> No.79576315


>> No.79576329

hes probably some lonely single professional, theres lots of those around

>> No.79576332

I saw like a piece of furniture. More like he sneaked into a relative's house and took a couple pics before leaving.

>> No.79576355

you guys will get your turn after im done

>> No.79576371

this is the only opinion I've seen on Dishonored I agree with
Everyone says the first is better but the level design is way too basic

>> No.79576381

bros I think IRyS might be a girl...

>> No.79576390

IRyS' pedicured crooked toe in my mouth
i'm not a footfag but IRyS really does things to me

>> No.79576397

sure after I cum on them

>> No.79576440

Pediphile bros where you at?

>> No.79576442


>> No.79576445

Pediphiles are disgusting!

But I'd do anything for IRyS's feet anyway, only because it's IRyS.

>> No.79576469

loli IRyS feet uohhhh

>> No.79576472

each stream just makes me fall in love with her even more

>> No.79576482

Still waiting for a live2D outfit that shows her cute feet.

>> No.79576484

That hand cream? Mine.

>> No.79576488

what "finding the one" does to a mfer

>> No.79576490

her crooked toe wont make it

>> No.79576493

We haven't gotten a nail pic in almost 2 years

>> No.79576572

we got a whole nail stream in that offcollab she did with Kiara+Mori

>> No.79576576

We got her nails live on stream like 8 months ago.

>> No.79576603

I hope she shows us her toenails after the pedicure..

>> No.79576645

she absolutely will never post feet

>> No.79576657

>2 years
we literally had a nail painting stream collab

>> No.79576671

She must've been putting a lot of effort during her slut phase, probably was very pretty

>> No.79576707
File: 109 KB, 1300x1300, 1655746202829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79576749


>> No.79576767


>> No.79576777

damn mio had a ruptured pancreas
she's lucky she didn't die

>> No.79576812
File: 60 KB, 1024x575, 1678140924245590m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot about the nails stream

>> No.79576841
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x1080, 1708951302185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79576852

What will it take to convince her

>> No.79576862

so many bait and tourist today, what happened?

>> No.79576863

Again about your mom, anon. We don’t wanna hear about how much of a slut your mother was

>> No.79576864

acute pancreatitis*?

also just realized this was the wrong tab

>> No.79576876
File: 1.83 MB, 1010x474, 1716519510914044.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grips and lightly and teasingly presses the tip of her nails on your cock

>> No.79576899

You forgot about the lewdest handholding?

>> No.79576911
File: 240 KB, 1162x2048, 50ac27f8d9b19ab1acd023cc77bf9e8092f0e8114c20f2b6160ee0ff63db884d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79576932

*cums down your throat and makes you choke on it*

>> No.79576936

Concert canceled

>> No.79576944
File: 205 KB, 900x900, beb32b4519233df4b8f559618482a60f86a3233ce649b5dcb726fac8e0c3efba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79576983
File: 1.14 MB, 2294x4096, 4ef5c4f36f2cd9f9b74223fd5f7507d0511224259748dfdc5133920eaff3d94d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79577006
File: 505 KB, 1973x1878, 44383ddaa16e1ef051a810118cecd70d1fcf5aa586521e4929dc304ec3b83676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
