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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 190 KB, 311x344, Screenshot_77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
79564537 No.79564537 [Reply] [Original]

>lands on coconuts

>> No.79564559

Slob Edition

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomer vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
Filian is bilingual?
When $20 is $20
If I Laugh, I Get Punished #3

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian
Monopoly with Pippa, Dokibird and Lumi
Filian & Vedal vs Neuro
Filan & MariMari_EN Watch ONE Championship Fight Night 21
Wrestletuber Day 2

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Thread baking instructions

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:06 - 24:00 UTC

>Recent Stream
YLYL Saturday


>Previous Thread

>> No.79564732
File: 851 KB, 386x380, Scatman_Filian[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fifd52w.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79564744


>> No.79564804
File: 299 KB, 502x639, fillyFunnyStare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79564889
File: 300 KB, 502x639, 1719723283225083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79565005

Didn't she browse here on stream once?

>> No.79565079

it was a catalogue thread about filian not /flip/

>> No.79565314

it was the >flips thread that spawned /flip/

>> No.79565358

No, someone linked her to warosu
>posted on her main channel

>> No.79565440

I actually vaguely recall there being two of them that got a lot of responses and (you’s) but I already don’t really remember.

>> No.79565512

speaking of our girlfailure slob wife I remember someone asking the status of the filyCunny and an anon responded with
>crusty and smells of macaroni and salmon
I'm beginning to believe him

>> No.79565703

wow the new comments are almost all anti’s

>> No.79565759
File: 37 KB, 512x512, 1708629297440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79565905

i only saw one guy calling her overweight i dunno what comments you got

>> No.79565980

nothing special just braindead comments like “vtubers are cringe we know you’re overweight behind the model anyways” and then people being like “loud = funny lul maybe in NA”

>> No.79566135

well, she is in NA...

>> No.79566541

I’ve eaten worse

>> No.79566630


>> No.79566791

oh there was nothing holy about it trust me

>> No.79566834

poor guy

>> No.79567471
File: 393 KB, 735x724, filianedit1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79567512

realistic height but unrealistic boobs

>> No.79567554
File: 73 KB, 735x724, templ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i didn't make the base image just the edit

>> No.79567583

Who put the fruit snacks on the top shelf?

>> No.79567595

oh I see

>> No.79567626


>> No.79567715
File: 3.20 MB, 498x482, fu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79567846
File: 1.35 MB, 392x328, filiFridge[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5e66kl.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79568433

Why does Filly have such a difficult time sitting still?

>> No.79568492


>> No.79568523

my pp too big for her

>> No.79568723
File: 56 KB, 600x908, CALORIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...nya? she is? I thought she was a twig. Tell me more about this weight gain, please?

>> No.79568726

she’s been trained like Pavlov’s dogs to entertain her viewers at all moments

>> No.79568764
File: 232 KB, 1344x1128, 1715740777288418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79568767

sadly no she’s not fat. I wish

>> No.79568797

I love filian
does she also love me?

>> No.79568998

I could save Filian

>> No.79569049

I could save her more and better

>> No.79569195

You can't save her. She's a hopeless girlfailure

>> No.79569260

Is there a way to download these soundclips that won't result in them being muted?

>> No.79569264

I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt

>> No.79569339


>> No.79569552
File: 31 KB, 575x158, Screenshot 2024-06-30 163622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this button here goes straight to your downloads folder and should keep the title format

>> No.79569688

Thanks, but when I download it and play it without a browser it doesn't play any sound

>> No.79569742

yeah, that's because the script that embeds the audio is a browser extension so it won't play anywhere outside 4chan

>> No.79569769

you would need to download the audio from catbox and then splice it together with the webm video with ffmpeg or something.

>> No.79569804

No, the webm and audio are separate files.
The extension just plays them together.
If you want to download the sound just copy the catbox address.
and replace %2F with / like this

>> No.79569904

Thank you. This kinda makes soundposting just worse than uploading the webm/mp4 to catbox no? Way harder for snackers to download usable versions.

>> No.79569965

I think thread consensus is that soundposting is basically annoying boomer bullshit, but you will probably get called a newfag if you go into a more established global like hlgg or somewhere else on the board and say that.

>> No.79569991

Why don't girls like Filian exist irl?

>> No.79570007

i get what you mean but i don't really have the intention of posting these small clips outside of this board. and if i was gonna upload them to youtube, i would supercut them together in a video editing software so it would be easy enough to just download an audio file externally

>> No.79570013

In an ideal world, this board would allow webms with sound in them but mods are faggots and hiro is a chinese jew that doesn't care.
This extension is the closest thing we have to native support. Posting a catbox link is annoying because you have to open another website.
Soundposting also filters newfags which is nice I guess.

>> No.79570095

4chan X embeds catbox but it is annoying how long it takes for a catbox video to load for me (my country's internet is notoriously shite)

>> No.79570134

They're pretty slow for me too, but at least I can download them with full functionality.

>> No.79570186

the other problem with catbox is the uncompressed size takes up alot of space on my shit ngl

>> No.79570208

god hates us

>> No.79570554

They exist they just all never leave the house like you do so you'll never meet them

>> No.79570593
File: 234 KB, 532x597, Ohyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do. If you volunteer at a place that takes care of adults with special needs you'll meet heaps of them.

>> No.79570751

it’s over dude

>> No.79570939

It was over before it even began

>> No.79571306

how to groommax hikkiNEET girls

>> No.79571546

play Gaia online

>> No.79571665


>> No.79572195
File: 2.74 MB, 1920x1080, fillyGoodMorning[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fcgtm4s.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79572998

>Filian says Koko will never be a real woman
>Koko talks about a time Filian apparently put her on a leash and dragged her around in VRChat (presumably during one of Camila's batshit ERP parties)
/flip/ bros...

>> No.79573272

Watching a vod; noticed this nice expression she makes. If you want to crop it more and maybe make a soundpost of it:


>> No.79573315

It's still night time...

>> No.79573411

I get no video with supported format thing

>> No.79573531

>try to open with 4chanX(embedded)
>not working
>open the link directly
>no video support
>fucking firefox
>open the link on brave
>no video but audio
So... is that a (you) skill issue or a (me) skill issue?

>> No.79573609

Not him, does this one work for you?

>> No.79573692

Yep, this one works anon. The above mp4 could still be a me issue though, since I use Linux

>> No.79573834

It's not a you issue I'm on windows and it didn't work for me either

>> No.79574660

both work for me

>> No.79574722

Lemme guess, you use chrome or another browser instead of firefox? It just worked for me on chrome, the one that isn't working for others (or me when I use firefox)

>> No.79574945

https://files.catbox.moe/toff72.mp4 - Filian loads in to her background in new facetracking stream and makes an adorable satisfied gremlin noise

>> No.79575225

>First Cerber and now Fillian
This stupid Imp whore needs to stop corrupting my favorite vtubers

>> No.79576030
File: 461 KB, 806x1031, 1719488394052761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79576434

Did Filian beat the Elden Ring dlc offstream or will she finish it on stream?

>> No.79577180

Guess pet play is the hot shit with streamers nowadays, i never got the appeal, also isn't that fetish just being a furry without fursuits?

>> No.79577239 [SPOILER] 
File: 215 KB, 526x612, zoomed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79577595

Camila got so cunnypilled, that she started following on epstein ways and she now hosts secret sex parties

>> No.79577934

I didn't hear them mention VRChat at all. It sounded like she was just making something up to be funny. Also Filian still reacts with an instinctive negative tone when saying things are gay, so I don't think it would make sense.

>> No.79578023
File: 2.48 MB, 1920x1080, squidward.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck am I even supposed to believe

>> No.79578095

Fuck, it's the very long version lmao. I was supposed to post like 6s one. My bad. Also idk why it didn't work for some of you.

>> No.79578158

>>79577934 (me)
Never mind she mentioned VR LOL. Missed it live.

>> No.79578159

The right version, also hope this now works for others. Idk why it didn't

>> No.79578688

Horny kemonomutt wants to make us firm.

>> No.79578729
File: 304 KB, 500x464, Yapping[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9i43cu.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79578928

Nice, thanks for that.

>> No.79578938

do your reps anons

>> No.79579168
File: 2.35 MB, 667x540, Filly Hype[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpkiini.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79579285

filian saiyan

>> No.79579337


>> No.79579373

That dbz clip was posted a bunch /here/ a few days ago so it's funny seeing it show up on filian's stream

>> No.79579409

her sense of humour is quite predictable tbqh

>> No.79579597

It is. After watching her for a while you can roughly guess what jokes she is going to make and what reaction she is going to have. Still, I like it. Though she does overuse certain things. At the same time it's easy to understand. I don't think there is a single human that can stream 3-5 hours on average every other day and make fresh jokes all the time. She sometimes drops something new though.
I think each and every one of us can pick at least one joke from her regular repertoire we would want to disappear forever.

>> No.79579638

i already say copper...

>> No.79579763

Honestly, I don't mind that one. It's a phrase I can easily ignore. Haven't started saying that myself, thank goodness, but I did notice my messaging pattern has become more Filian like. Never before would I use the word "cuck", and yet, here we are...

>> No.79579847

Being unnecessarily loud (to be funny) I think would be mine. Seeing earlier VODs of hers where she literally just talks to chat in a normal voice was kinda nice.

>> No.79580004

Her getting loud is fine imo. The problem is just how much she does it. Should you cut out every segment where it happens you would be left with like half the stream; of which 30% would be silence since she is watching/doing something.

I also wish she would do more of those chill streams like back in the day.

>> No.79580074

The most infuriating thing she does is substituting words with just a string of r's.

>> No.79580099

that's cute tho

>> No.79580202

It's cute when she does random noises like 'rrring' out of nowhere but not when it's disrupting an otherwise normal sentence.

>> No.79580396

I do like it in "rrring" and overall I am okay with it, partially because I really like rolling r's and regular English lacks them.
Though hearing her go "whatdidrido" for 9000 time is ugh.

>> No.79580408

her spasms are cute to me idk

>> No.79580473

Pippa gets our hate for TTS fags

>> No.79581398

Think I might me /out/ bros.

>> No.79581596

I wonder how degen she would appear if twitch kept old vids like youtube.

>> No.79581631

idk man sounds like she's memeing ngl tbdesu

>> No.79581730

koko says she has filian porn too
I don't think either of these statements mean anything

>> No.79581798
File: 322 KB, 1765x1200, 1549040657317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79581848

If she is memeing – idc.
If she is serious – also idc. Filian being into freaky things wouldn't shock me in the slightest, nor would I care. In my perception she already is a pervert that tries to pretend otherwise.

>> No.79581914


>> No.79582145

Do you trust your oshi or an attention seeking tranny?

>> No.79582178
File: 422 KB, 598x595, filiCuter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normal person mindset, congratulations

>> No.79582318

Overall /flip/ is surprisingly "normal" so to speak. Setting aside gooner/gosling posting we rarely end up in insane sperg sessions.

>> No.79582348
File: 2.91 MB, 854x480, fillyMental[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Faz4ly0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79582382

this is true

>> No.79582394

sound posts are newfag culture

>> No.79582432

so they fit right in /here/?

>> No.79582748

Oh, nice. I missed that one. One of my favourites.

Only thing I like about them is that there is no need to open a new tab. But I do think needing to download an extension and then bother with userscript just to have sound is bloody idiotic.

>> No.79583190

is there any point in us still having the "friends" section in the bake posts
afaik none of them list friends (anymore) so it feels kind of pointless

>> No.79583323

It's not like we had some massive fallout so leaving them be is alright. We have nothing to lose by having them there, though I guess it's up to whoever bakes at the end of the day.

>> No.79584411
File: 2.44 MB, 806x694, Fillycide[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fu4pyeb.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79584986
File: 32 KB, 226x482, mngmt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't like it

>> No.79585041


>> No.79585870


>> No.79586038

Curious if this will backfire somehow. Idk, I just feel like this is a type of decision that can easily get your ass burned real fast. You would think someone who managed to get a thousand subs on a one stream wouldn't take such a risky bet, but here we are.

>> No.79586349

it's such a retarded move
milking your community for a few grand at best shouldn't be worth it

>> No.79586380
File: 22 KB, 599x515, 404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to Layna?

>> No.79586390

Just did some digging and found some old RoflGator clips. Filian really ain't who I thought she was.

>> No.79586463

Yeah. Tbqh I am mostly curious what is going on inside Filian's head that she is trying to do it. If I was on PC I'd check what channels are with only management access to see where it might be going.

>> No.79586550

I'm missing something, what the issue anons? (I mean unironically, sorry for tard)

>> No.79586569

did that just happen because there's literally no information about it anywhere

>> No.79586610
File: 2.18 MB, 2168x2168, filiDansen2[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbx5e3u.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79586640
File: 78 KB, 554x403, vip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's implemented some sort of shadow government to try to monetize her discord

>> No.79586750

Someone in /lig/ mentioned that layna's twitter disappeared. Apparently she has a nswf alt account(don't know the @) that is still up.

>> No.79586890

So management = VIP snacker?

>> No.79586925

i don't see any mentions about it on twitter so i have no clue what is happening

>> No.79587191

Schizo drama over discord changes.
Filian's a smart woman, she's got something planned she just hasn't shared the details

>> No.79587459
File: 10 KB, 224x266, adaqwda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>79586463 (me)
Dear lord, just how many hidden channels are there; I never checked it on Filian's Discord so now, having done that, I am surprised. Most of them are archives of older events, but there is some interesting stuff as well. Here is what Snackers VIP will have; weird emojis and names suggest vids and pics are Fansly 2.0, maybe more spicy.

>> No.79587772

>more spicy
Discord is pg13 if anything it’ll be tamer.
I still left the discord on principle though milking discord of all places sets a bad precedent.

>> No.79587825
File: 73 KB, 1070x569, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff specifically, what do you mean "flavortown" xD. Whatever it was the last message in any channel there was over a year ago, still kinda intetresting so here you go.

>> No.79587907

People post very vile shit on discord. In a closed community, like bunch of people spending probably $100+, it is unlikely anyone would report something wrong. But yeah.

>> No.79587949

its just a random street word that she is using to hype the thing up i think

>> No.79587995

that's probably what she was using for events before making an extra discord for it

>> No.79588022

I doubt she would risk her discord for that. when your community on discord isn’t required to be 18+ discord bans shit faster than you’d expect. It’s one of the reasons most vtuber discord are 18+ even if there is still no lewd shit allowed.

>> No.79588060
File: 57 KB, 651x432, Screenshot 2024-06-30 234833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79588141

First discord only stream will be a guy fieri show watch along would be my guess.

>> No.79588427
File: 1.81 MB, 506x514, fili5Min[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgbl0rq.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79588630


>> No.79589288
File: 3.74 MB, 1152x648, filiSaiyan[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fopsnf2.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79589455

she probably just soft deactivated
I think she's sick rn so maybe. she wanted a reason to not be on Twitter(?) idk

>> No.79589536

yeah i skimmed /lig/ and it seems she's down with a bad cold/flu so that makes sense

>> No.79589807
File: 1.80 MB, 792x720, filiWallPancake[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmh8xo1.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79590248
File: 3.14 MB, 1280x720, filiSniffa[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F17bbqp.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79590934

me when she is stinky

>> No.79591177

Filian scratching the crab...

>> No.79591250
File: 3.21 MB, 1280x720, filiScratch[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F77wvof.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79591662

she's so cute

>> No.79592189

i believe in the fillyBush

>> No.79592231

good man

>> No.79593033


>> No.79594195
File: 208 KB, 1080x1920, 1716521808859601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79594243

Is Filian a Brony?

>> No.79594695

I don't think she's ever mentioned such

>> No.79596093
File: 67 KB, 477x800, 1717741581668316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79596220
File: 787 KB, 862x842, filiWoah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are so many fillyBushes holy shidd

>> No.79596423

fillyBush is fillyLove. I want to caress it

>> No.79596495

This model seriously needs to make a comeback.

>> No.79596604

lil fil is adorbs but i think she's gone for good (except for ylyl punishments like with chibian)

>> No.79596783

It would be nice if someone suggested it a punishment for one of the YLYL streams, though idk if this would be added onto the wheel.

>> No.79596861

>gone because of "branding"
so many stupid decisions lately

>> No.79597001

yeah there's always the slim chance

>> No.79598044

idk if that's entirely why
remember her only plushie was made from this model

>> No.79598090
File: 3.74 MB, 640x640, 1718209984878537.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79598769
File: 985 KB, 1024x1024, 1689679821242770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cute, I dunno why she won't use it more. Or maybe she could use this one some anon posted before https://komado.booth.pm/items/2258111

>> No.79598833

isn't that just the base Mint model

>> No.79598835

We're never getting the new model, are we.

>> No.79598915

>does a 720 front somersault
>lands on my face

>> No.79598964
File: 2.02 MB, 4320x4866, cr4mm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fillyBush my beloved

>> No.79598973
File: 292 KB, 1024x1024, 1707364815774280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flat chest queen

>> No.79599125

I love my catfoxgirl wife so much

>> No.79599131

oh yeah I didn't realize that.

>> No.79601115
File: 176 KB, 471x730, IMG_1106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79601316

Probability of Filian rapidly approaching your location is slim, but never 0. Stay safe anons.

>> No.79601402

I’ll smoke her with my Glock 19 and then taxidermy her and add her to my shrine

>> No.79601550

What if no panties

>> No.79601713

she would become too powerful. probably become president within a year or two

>> No.79602267

I know this is a lie because there is no way Filian is holding the leash.

>> No.79602371

oh she is 100% a degenerate pervert, there is no explaining what she gets up to on vrc

>> No.79602489

oh wow filian really said fuck?

>> No.79602557

Vague posting is very lame. Elaborate or do not post.

>> No.79602998

I’m out hanging out with my many hoes and friends so I can’t post the screenshot, but there’s a sc of a lumi and Camila and filian truth or dare stream or something that’s like “filian is NOT a member of which of these VRC clubs” and all 3 are degen as hell

>> No.79603077

I still have no idea what it means

>> No.79603088

Me neither, these guys don't seem like my tribe.

>> No.79603177

they’re literally part of my tribe/subculture. don’t say I didn’t sperg out and try to warn the normalfags

>> No.79603179

ok sister

>> No.79603224

can't wait for filian to monetize /flip/

>> No.79603262

well now you’re just exposing yourself as a flip newfag, it got posted a few days ago. not my job to spoonfeed day in and day out

>> No.79603320


>> No.79603335

$10 per post
$1,000 for her to dog whistle your posts live on stream

>> No.79603820

Probably still cheaper than snackers VIP

>> No.79603887

You and your subculture have a sub 90 IQ score and can't convey a proper message. I doubt that any of these people can be good leaders or managers.

>> No.79603898

debatable once you consider that posting in this thread all day is essentially doing unpaid advertising for filian

>> No.79603957


>> No.79604061
File: 137 KB, 1440x1080, IMG_1111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that’s what you think you’re up against, but it’s actually homosexual and godless 150 iq MIT dropout sociopaths

>> No.79604095

Debatable once you consider that reading what is being posted in this thread would scare away most people. Our chuuba is a slop and we are down for it

>> No.79604564

ruined by sound alert and TTSfag

>> No.79604563

bonus: gaze into the inner workings of the mind of caroline ellison


>> No.79604569
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I'm going to ignore this.
Tired of dropping chuubas and the next one would probably be a worse degenerate.

>> No.79604989

I would not be surprised if it was true VRC people are 99% degenerates. I'm not a unicorn so my only complaint about that happening is that I didn't get to see it. I'd pay for a fansly sub for that content.

>> No.79605168

Many such cases. She should add a sound alert that is nothing but like 10 minutes of total silence. I'd buy it constantly to keep other sound alerts from playing.

>> No.79605356

stereotypes exist for a reason, I’ll just put it that way

>> No.79605390
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>> No.79605435

No don't stop there elaborate.

>> No.79605511

If you have the file saved you can replace the relevant part of the filename with
I muted the shit at the end. Use this to check.

>> No.79605884

I like the way you think. Except I wouldn't pay, I'd find it on some random website as I always do.

>> No.79605977

the literal only contexts my friends have ever brought up vrc in were them doing weird sex stuff, weird furry sex stuff, or raving/partying at ghost club and then doing weird sex stuff after

>> No.79606490

I posted that but I'd just from Rekson's trivia night collab between Filian and Melody where Rekson asks Melody to guess which of those groups Filian isn't a part of
he has the full VOD on YouTube if you care

>> No.79606843

>>79606490 (me)
https://youtu.be/f6Azdh1h6a8?si=i6UFTgCq1O70av7G 1:14:40

>> No.79607448
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>> No.79607475

How important is the person behind the character for you? If Filian hired an actress and scripted her next streams with a custom LLM, would you still watch her?

>> No.79607553

her personality is what makes the stream, if she wants to script stuff she should make a separate channel for it. I'll give it a try, but it's a far different experience

>> No.79607619

But she already scripts parts of her stream...

>> No.79607683

I think that there’s something meaningful about it being a real person. That’s why I think vtubing isn’t actually threatened by aishit, people will want to basically find meaning together in communities after ai takes all our jobs and obsoletes us

>> No.79607685
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>Making me look at a Rekson video
Disgusting behavior. Not even anything that interesting here, two of these aren't even degen, Snack HQ is for her own community and I don't think Virtual Sanctuary is anything crazy but I barely dabble in vr chat so maybe I'm wrong about that. Coomers may even be ironic but I'm not familiar with it. VR chat groups are public on a user's profile though and there are definitely a few unironic degen groups she's in.

>> No.79607697

"scripts" to a point, and she's still the one doing the presentation herself

>> No.79607911
File: 3.30 MB, 548x540, fillyNoises[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3wf2is.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI wouldn't be able to do all the noises she makes so it'd be dead on arrival

>> No.79608013

yeah it's nothing special from what I remembered, the screenshot was funny when I saw it having forgotten the context

>> No.79608019

That would be the actress job

>> No.79608075

ainiggers will just add more compute and params endlessly until it works

>> No.79608320

>/flip/ is consistently active during non live hours
We were held back by /lig/ all this time, we are entering the snacker renaissance

>> No.79608327

By 2030 we will all be married to forks of the fansly AI that are indistinguishable from the real thing.

>> No.79608355

Honestly, given she got her start ERPing in roflGator degen night streams, I'm kinda suprised she isn't in a server called dgen club.

>> No.79608368

The silver age is here. The gold age has yet to come.

>> No.79608404

/flip/ is no longer the same 5 dudes screaming at each other and gosling posting, but 10 dudes screaming at each other and hornyposting. the incline is real

>> No.79608435
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>> No.79608486
File: 1.77 MB, 480x320, THEGOLDENAGE[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbdnq3y.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79608528

She said that she would do stupid shit for fun during Degen Nights that was sometimes kind of lewd but more over the top than anything else, and also self-admittedly went clout chasing (how she became friends with Layna)

>> No.79608595

god I need this

>> No.79608718


>> No.79608730

We need more new outfits more often. And I need her to spend a few minutes bouncing like that in front of a green screen with sound alerts off.

>> No.79608932
File: 276 KB, 540x825, fillyMaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79608945


>> No.79609002


>> No.79609009
File: 3.74 MB, 650x540, Filly Maid Pedro[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fetkrbh.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maid Filian my beloved...

>> No.79609176

Hope the upcoming collabs will lead to Filian being embarrassed.

>> No.79609226


>> No.79609322

Who's on it again? Lumi, Mega, and Tricki?

>> No.79609477

have these girls ever interacted with each other

>> No.79609533

Lumi, Mega, and Filian yeah. Don't think Lumi has interacted with Mega or Tricki but unsure.

>> No.79609557

Warning: woman in flesh
I didn't expect to get called out so much, this thread is why I am getting into hags, damn.

>> No.79609649


>> No.79609654

>[this] is in demand
It never is. If it were in demand then nobody would need to be convinced of this.

>> No.79609728

flip converting people into bush lovers, stink lovers, and hag lovers
what a culture

>> No.79609796

Kind of based. Wonder what the venn diagram of hagmaxxers and guys who had a hot teacher looks like.

>> No.79609973

>marine poster
holy kek my neighbors probably just heard me I laughed so hard

>> No.79610629

I remember seeing a video of an el xox vrchat orgy. It was pretty funny.

>> No.79610798

El Xox moment

>> No.79611089

I don't understand virtual sex
that shit makes no sense to me

>> No.79611167

I don’t know. ERPing was never really my thing, I tried it once or twice and it never really did anything for me. I can somewhat understand the phone sex aspect of it, like mutual masturbation

>> No.79611381

Allegedly there can be like phantom sensations when you get really into it. The mind trying to fill in the blanks for what your eyes are seeing or something like that. If true I could see the appeal.

>> No.79611404


>> No.79611451

These nibblers out here fucking ghosts.

>> No.79611638

I'd fuck ghosts too if I could.

>> No.79611733

average wispy

>> No.79611764

Obviously it's not like actual sex but imo It is way more fun than standard fapping to porn videos or whatever

>> No.79611911

Not a unicorn but kind of annoyed she puts on airs about being shocked by lewd content, but actually a massive degenerate. Just be honest about it.

>> No.79612028

it’s not filian’s fault people still go nuts for that whole routine even though it was played out like 5 years ago

>> No.79612220

true but there's already enough from her being embarrassed about her sexuality to service anything that routine could do

>> No.79612424

I'm sure everyone but lumi is in Cami's erp parties.

>> No.79612899

It's gonna come back to bite her. As she gets more fans who aren't aware of her past and unironically buy this shy pure act. She's just asking for someone to leak one of Camila's parties, or make a hit piece using some of the old roflgator stuff.

>> No.79613280

I think the whole situation is a little “caveat emptor”, but somewhat agree.

>> No.79613585

This is only an issue for retarded babies, what kind of backlash are you even envisioning?
twtter cancellation: filian acts wholesome but secretly likes tentacles (proof in thread)!!! 1/?

>> No.79613770

no one said unicorn spergouts were rational or mature, just that they happen

>> No.79613868

>filian is actually a degenerate
>she begins next stream by saying "yes, im a normal human who flicks the bean... yes, i'm sorry, i'm in an edit, broooo..."
>she toggles the Guts theme from Berserk
>someone TTS's 'fart sound effect'

>> No.79613978

>then the shut up bitch sound alert plays 3 times followed in a row by we don't care
Yep, it would go exactly like this.

>> No.79614071

that kinda raises the real question though, why she even does the boring ass seiso routine sometimes when 99% of her chat doesn’t care and it’s not even what’s meta on twitch and hasn’t been since like, basically prehistoric times if ever.

>> No.79614072


>> No.79614161

she just seems embarrassed by her sexuality is all
id be surprised if anyone over the age of 16 actually believed the seiso thing
especially considering, you know, her friendship with so many porntubers

>> No.79614256

It's worked out for her and she hasn't had a reason to change it *shrug*

>> No.79614296

>continues to explain only to be interrupted again by "wow, i feel good" followed by her falling
We could train an ai on this shit what the frick dudes
>considering, you know, her friendship with so many porntubers
Huh, you're right... Is this what's called post-gosling clarity? Is there a better way for people like me?

>> No.79614445

you can still gosling if you want anon, just ditch the childish seiso virgin fantasy

>> No.79614451

i'll keep goslinging idc lmao

>continues to explain only to be interrupted again by "wow, i feel good" followed by her falling
this is kind of peak

>> No.79614627

It's not off the table that she's an actual virgin, but she's definitely not seiso

>> No.79614821

yeah i don't see a reason to doubt her on that
she's a perv, who cares, so are we

>> No.79614902

the average virgin is unironically more degenerate than the avg non
their only sex partner has been porn, an entity that is down for almost anything and is constantly recommending going deeper and getting into other kinky stuff

>> No.79614966

true honestly
i remember Melody saying something like "Virgins are the most creative, they can make anything into a scenario for sex"
don't quote me on that exact phrasing but it was funny

>> No.79615031

True and real. I've gotten off to things that I'm sure I never would have even heard of if I'd actually learned to socialize.

>> No.79615046

Seiso? Definitely not.
Virign? Honestly, with her lifestyle this one is somewhat belivable... Her habits are worse than those of most anons /here/, she doesn't leave her house much either on top of that, while I don't expect her to be as ugly as she claims, she is probably average looking. Add to that her social awkwardness IRL, fear of touch and the fact that far less men approach women than in the past. Despite what some folks might claim, all women are!'t whores that fuck, fuck and fuck some more. So, imo, it is a belivable thing.

>> No.79615067

One of the anons posted Filian showing up on a very small YouTuber's channel a few days ago playing D&D
You think that might be her practicing for the Neuro D&D thing she wants to do? Maybe?
Could just be that she was out having a little different kind of fun too, I suppose

>> No.79615142

she mentioned casually playing dnd (presumably 5e) for fun recently on a stream. no idea if it’s for a stream or not

>> No.79615209

Could be her learning the game yeah, she was advertising the Neuro DnD game looking for a DM on her twitter a few weeks back so that still seems to be in the works.

>> No.79615213

Probably just for fun then

>> No.79615221

/flip/ has discussed this briefly before, but yeah, when you aren’t grounded by occasional irl sexual contact you end up getting into weird fetish shit fast

>> No.79615317
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>i'll keep goslinging idc lmao
Frick it, we gos
/Horni/ness aside, she is still one of the more unique vtubers and has done an amazing job of being entertaining
>went from nowhere to cold dm-ing people to colab then befriend
>networked with big names like mizkif and drumsy as well as many other vtubers despite self-proclaiming to be mute for most of her internet life
>she is fit and active
>organized a 100k event for vtubers out of sheer will
With how enagaged she is I'm sure she's already in the process of preparring the second vtubers awards and many project behind the scenes. Not to mention preparing skits and joke(no way can a human be that creative on the spot, with consistency).
She's like the kemonomutt of wolfstreet without the tax evasion.
Honestly out of all indies she's one of the most inspiring and (sorry for repeating it) unique.
She even makes me consider VR, to bad vrc seems degenerate most of the time.
true that
caught white handed anon, you're right

>> No.79615348

yeah idk I think that’s sort of 50/50, there are valid arguments either way but it’s not really my business and I don’t really care either way honestly

>> No.79615392
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>> No.79615504

i wouldnt consider vrc only because of how expensive it sounds to do for real
unless you're going to desktop play it which seems kind of lame all things considered

>> No.79615685

I already have a 4080 build I never use but it feels like if I spend $1,500 on an index or whatever I still won’t use it for anything other than posting on 4chin and watching twitch on my ultrawide

>> No.79615718

Same. It's simply what was more or less being discussed so I added my 2 cents. If it turned out to be a lie (her being a v) I wouldn't give a damn about that part, but I would feel annoyed at the part that she lied, not about the contents of the lie. I just really dislike dishonesty a lot simply due to having way too many liars in my family, fucking insufferable to deal with.

>> No.79615727

Yeah I've literally never gotten vtuber brain rot before Filian. I would watch some chuubas casually, usually just youtube content and almost never streams. Now I'm tuning into the kemonomutt every day she's live, managing my schedule and irl stuff to make sure I don't miss streams. I've been fuckin corrupted. The VR stuff being degenerate only fuels my interest to try it.

>> No.79615737

maybe im just a poor but id have to kick my own ass for wasting money like that

>> No.79615841

You and I are not so different.

>> No.79615851

i feel the same way, just a matter of character i guess

>> No.79615855

>>79615685 (me)
I guess it’s useful for transcoding, like when you’re changing the video codec from H.264 (AVC) to VP9, and the audio codec from AAC to Opus when editing clips
I’ve unironically misclicked and lit 15k USD on fire before, this is nothing

>> No.79615924

lmao, we're so down bad
yeah im definitely just a poor comparatively lmfao

>> No.79616125

Think I'll just go back to 2D. I foolishly though lt would be different here, but vtubers are still 3DPG in the end.

>> No.79616136

I did this, though I only dropped 500 on a meta. VR is genuinely cool, it doesn't seem like it watching other people do it but even vrc with it's shitty graphics is an experience. Unfortunately there's still almost no games for it worth playing even years later, my meta mostly sits in its box. Unless you've got a bunch of money to blow or maybe a social circle already in VR I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.79616167

Are you one of the "oilers" on Filian's stream? Just a simple yes or no, if you don't feel like don't respond.

>> No.79616228

no, sometimes when I get drunk I think about attention whoring and throwing 5 figures at her at once but I’ve never done it and probably won’t

>> No.79616259

Funny, she also influenced me... to actually take better care of myself and improve a little here and there. Still a herculean endeavor but it's better than actually rotting alive.

>> No.79616418

same here
i feel like i struggle with a lot of the same things filian does, but i do the bare minimum of daily self-care and cleaning up after myself most of the time

>> No.79616478

Same actually, started working out again and cutting back on eating garbage for the first time in a couple years. The corruption may have been a net positive.

>> No.79616566

that’s endearing anons, keep it up

>> No.79616848

Content creators can get attached to what they believe got then "in" in the first place, it can pay off or it can make you fall off over time, like that captainsparklez guy, the trick is integrating new bits and content over time while keeping your old tricks at hand, in this way you feel safe while your audience experiences some sense of novelty.
She justs feels comfy doing her routine.

>> No.79617167

Any bakers?

>> No.79617339
File: 3.75 MB, 1087x1080, 1719264046854556.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on my way to page 11

>> No.79617341

sure i guess ill do it

>> No.79617358

grow up

>> No.79617378

Question, if you have that kind of money to burn, why are you not spending it to get real bitches?

>> No.79617572


>> No.79617600

thank you, snacker

>> No.79617730

if you really want to know I’ve basically had a terrible relationship with women ever since my hs gf dumped me and then went on to become an extremely famous OF pornstar

>> No.79617789

These's a reason simp is a banned term on twitch. Curious how lonely people have gotten to throw stacks of cash at these virtual hoes.
