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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7951488 [Reply] [Original]

Fox edition
Previous thread >>7488115

-Uto will be participating in Shibuya Hal's Apex tournament. Her teammates are Yuuki Chihiro and Morinaka Kazaki, both from Nijisanji. https://twitter.com/amatsukauto/status/1420618267719208962
-Nabi might stream soon https://twitter.com/aoinabi/status/1425849240274702340

Amatsuka Uto:
Schedule - n/a

Aoi Nabi:
https://www.twitch.tv/nabinya (embed) (guerilla KR streams)
Schedule - n/a

Shiratori Rena:
Schedule - n/a

Himukai Kogane:
Schedule - n/a

Aoi Mizuki:
Schedule - n/a

Alice Mana: New addition to the family, adopted from Paryi and saved from the depths of bili hell
Schedule - n/a

MupuRhea: Sister on the Fungi side, good at Smash


>> No.7951584

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh7mFdOA0_Q Rena story reading stream in 5 minutes

>> No.7951862

Cute Mana
Rena storytelling is the best. Reminds me of the old days of being read stories to by librarians during elementary school.

>> No.7952577

I agree her voice is really soothing even though I can barely understand im listening anyway

>> No.7953010


>> No.7953294

Mana debuted a year before her...

>> No.7955361
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>> No.7957560

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpH5Eytcw00 Kogane chatting and working stream

>> No.7958576

Scrims start tomorrow. Hope they can at least participate in all of them.

>> No.7959386

Mana ASMR in two hours

>> No.7963952


>> No.7965350

Mana, your meds please.

>> No.7970415

What do you guys think Uto and her team’s chances are at the tournament. I saw their drop point and it wasn’t too bad, at least not surrounded by the big gun teams. I also thought they were pretty good during their last stream but nothing too spectacular. I hope they do well.

>> No.7971349

3. or 4., I don't think they will get higher.

>> No.7974213

I think the team has potential but they needed more time to figure stuff out, not sure if just the scrims will be enough.
The spot isn't great from what I've heard (not much loot and far from the center), don't think it's that big of a deal though. I'd agree that the surrounding teams aren't too scary at least.
Top 10 would be fine, top 5 would be nice but placing higher will be rough.

>> No.7976964

Yeah, top 10 would be pretty cool. I’ve been watching a few of Chii’s and she’s not bad. Given that she knows the others in Nijisanji, who are a majority, I was going to say she and Kazaki has some advantage, since I’m sure they don’t know much about Uto, if you know what I mean. Looking forward to the tournament.

>> No.7977410

I'm not sure how knowing or not knowing much about Uto would make much of a difference. Chii is good, but she's not as strong as some of the other carries (Noah was dropping 3k dmg in their introduction stream like it's nothing). She's a strong igl, but the other two will have to pull their weight to stand a chance.

>> No.7979975
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>> No.7985426

Damn cute.

>> No.7991539

Mizu nee gonna have a collab with Momo later https://youtu.be/PVRaykj0TbU

>> No.7992037

The finger ruins it, I thought she was doing a fist bump, but it's just shitty idol pointing.

>> No.7994443


>> No.7996246
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>> No.7996286

It seems today really is a quiet day. All of Nabi's daughter(and Mizuki) are off on Sunday. I hope Nabi finish her moving and will stream again.

>> No.7997529

MupuRhea playing pokemon united. She’s trying to get to Masters rank or whatever its call dor the game.

>> No.7997563

You mean Monday?

Scrims start in ~1h. Hope her team will participate.

>> No.7997943

Did she say she’ll be playing? Or will she make an appearance in Chii’s stream. Anything will be fine.

>> No.7997991

No info, but Chii's frame just went up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNNnQIY070s

>> No.7998205

I really hope Uto and the other girl are playing and training offline. Otherwise it’ll just be Chii whose doing all the hardwork with her daily apex

>> No.7998361

They haven't played much on their mains. Maybe on a smurf but who knows.

>> No.7998746

Uto on her stream now.

>> No.7998854

Fuck yes! I’ve been waiting for this day!

>> No.7999096
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>> No.7999153

Uto just in the back laughing without saying a word is cute.

>> No.7999487

Nooo Uto what are you doing?!

>> No.7999843

Are they playing with randos or are they going against other teams?

>> No.7999886

Scrims with the other teams.

>> No.8000107

At least they’re not first blood victims. Their teamwork could still use some more work with their indecisiveness it appears. Coordinations could also use some work.

>> No.8003180

Does this team not have a coach?

>> No.8006535

Now they do.

>> No.8006540

Speak of the devil.

>> No.8007036

They finally won a fight.

>> No.8007367

Faqing charge rifles!

>> No.8007661

Welp, this tourney is just 3rd party simulator

>> No.8007717
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>> No.8007775

Apex in a nutshell

>> No.8007952

Not having to watch them get murdered straight at the beginning if already enough. Also, this is just practice, not the tourney itself I think.

>> No.8008256

They’re going to need more practice. Hopefully they’ll train themselves up DBZ style.

>> No.8008506

What highest rank Uto team got so far in that practice

>> No.8008688

Ranks per game was in the Apex thread >>7994957 with Uto team’s highest rank at 7 at game 6.

>> No.8008741

Sorry, 7 at game 5. My mistake.

>> No.8008743

They are worse than I thought, lol.

>> No.8008768

Rough but it's just the first day and they have coaches now. They should try to be more aggressive probably. Hopefully Seer gets nerfed hard since they seem to be better with BH anyway.

>> No.8008950

Better than I expected but they were not doing that guchi, yeah. They have a hard time coordinating with each other, too indecisive on what to do like during the few rounds they couldn’t figure out where to go and got caught out of rings bunch of times. Being to far from each other doesn’t help since it makes it hard for them to back each other up and in a gun fight they get picked off without so much as fighting back.

>> No.8008992

>Better than I expected
They're 18th for the day...

>> No.8009215

Did Hal post the overall already? Didn’t see it. But yeah, they need to step up if they wanna get at least top 10. Although don’t really care either way since I just want them to have fun, I’m worried for Uto if she doesn’t at least do well since shitheads will blame her for dragging the
Niji girls down or something.

>> No.8009365

Someone was posting standings in Chii's chat. Though it was without KP cap so it would be different in the actual tournament, but whatever.
>I’m worried for Uto if she doesn’t at least do well since shitheads will blame her for dragging the
Niji girls down or something.
Yeah expecting antis to talk shit. At least Chii's members were nice and supportive towards Uto from what I've seen, that was nice to see.

>> No.8012771
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Hello, fellow Anons.
New collection of Tomo-chan singing.
Please, listen her. It may be a little rude to the other girls, but Tomo sings very well.

>> No.8013285

Nice to see some Tomo stuff making on to youtube. However, she’s b2 only so it’s hard for people to accept her, even here at the family thread. Tolerate is probably at most. At least she has a mention on the b2 general, even if those tend to die out fast.
But thanks for the vid.

>> No.8013387

Seems its even worse. Overall score seem to be 19, second to last. Damn. They need to step up their game but I believe in them.

>> No.8013734

They're tied with Matsuri's team (not sure if there's any tiebreaking). Not that it matters much, they'll have to step it up but I think they can do it.
Results aside, I feel like the team atmosphere was good throughout and Chii/Kaza were very encouraging. Once Uto is more confident and experienced in customs it should go a lot better. Also that pep talk by Chii before the scrims was quite something. Uto really has some nice teammates.

Her voice and singing is very nice. Wish she'd stream on YT.

>> No.8014150

>Her voice and singing is very nice. Wish she'd stream on YT.
She's in an actual Chinese company so that's impossible. Even if she could move to yt, it'll be a waste of time and too much work since she'll have to start all over again, plus there will probably be other problems that'll come up. At least she seem to be doing quite well at her home site.

>> No.8014637

Yeah I realize it's very unlikely. There are some B2 chubas who stream on YT without much issue, but they're probably all indies.

>> No.8017145

Today is a pretty slow day yet there are a ton of schizo threads and retards despite all thew recent hubbub with HoloID’s new model. What a pain.

>> No.8019560

Curious who's the one Uto is bringing in as a coach.

>> No.8022142

Thread keeps getting close to dying.

>> No.8023682

This is going to be my last bump. If the thread dies, then it dies since its too dry. I’m going to put up Rena’s free chat from her channel that contains her schedule since it seems when the thread was made it didn’t come out yet. Peace out bros.

>> No.8025349

It felt like no one was really in the driver's seat calling shots. I heard Uto saying "doushiyou kana?" a lot. I'm hoping that with a bit of coaching and more scrims under her belt she becomes more confident and pops off.

>> No.8030069


If you want an honest comparison of singing voices, by using the ever popular Dry Flower as the comparison: Tomo is a better singer than Mana, but then Mana's whispery voice is pretty specialized. Uto sang it live unlike Tomo so the comparison is not exact. I'd say that Uto has a clearer voice (indeed it is her trademark), but there are many notes where Uto does not hold long enough, or transition smoothly enough, giving it a childish feeling. Certain folks might dig that. But otherwise, Tomo's cover is the more standard one, in terms of good singing. I'd say I even prefer Tomo's version a bit more to Kagura Nana's (which was too heavily edited for my liking).

If I have to offer any kind of criticism, it is that Tomo's voice does not offer enough contrast, i.e. the feeling of her voice remains the same throughout. Maybe the best way to explain it is by looking at Chima and Hachi's covers, which offer a lot of contrast. Though those two are also extreme outliers, so overall I'd still say Tomo's singing is pleasant and I'd listen to her karaoke if there is ever one on youtube. Dunno about that.

Links (in order of preference):
Alice Mana https://youtu.be/aoUuMtVKQyQ?t=1043
Uto https://youtu.be/HX3cskaf7RI
Tomo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eykUbyms3sA&t=767s
Chima https://youtu.be/M3W5aOiAf_c?t=2088
Hachi https://youtu.be/s1UOvW2UE7w

>> No.8033459
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>> No.8033460

Chii-chan and Kaza even said that Uto remind them on how Chihiro was during early tourney.
And that Chihiro talk about the "Saikyou" in "V-saikyou" is something else.

>> No.8036849
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