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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79505639 No.79505639 [Reply] [Original]

What are the advantages and disadvantages of streaming on Twitch as a vtuber?

>> No.79505729

Twitch has a fixation on hair-trigger banning chuubas that aren’t beneath Vshojo’s banner, so that’s a disadvantage.

>> No.79505740

twitch died after amazon bought it and started implementing their tos in 2015

>> No.79505774

go read their terms and after that look trough their algo

>> No.79505856

You get a lot of scam bots, and 99.9% of new followers won't come back.

>> No.79505859
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>Twitch: We will ban vtubers that dont follow our "REAL LIFE PERSON ATTIRE GUIDELINES"
Meanwhile on youtube

>> No.79505894

Wtf I love YouTube now

>> No.79505959

Discoverability is non-existing in Twitch compared to YouTube. You can become huge thanks to clippers in YouTube, which is how I got into Hololive thanks to people clipping and translating Miko clips to me.

>> No.79505965

you dont have to compete against hololive on twitch and less anal about demonitization like saying fuck, showing a bit of cleavage, playing songs or watching something. easier to find your streams due to tags, more interactive chat
anyone can raid you and give you a surge of viewers

youtube gives a bigger cut
bigger audience if they can find you (like SEA does not have a free data plan for twitch for instance) calmer chat
you are at the mercy of the algorithm
you have zero chance to win against hololive
no raids unless friend

>> No.79505971

In order to grow on twitch you need to network and vtweet and leech from bigger numbers and make informal 1view groups and collab together and mod in each others chats and then backstab them when you are ready to go to informal 2view groups where you will do the same thing.

If you are already big then twitch just has better streaming tools and its easier to coast on ccv alone and you dont have to fight the algo any more.

>> No.79505989

im subbed to 0 vtubers on twitch and 0 regular streamers on youtube
my twitch account is too well known for me to be seen in a fuckin vtuber chat

>> No.79506057

>you dont have to compete against hololive
Yeah but you're now competing with Ironmouse

>> No.79506059

Yeah, I’d never let my friends catch me watching chuubas, so I get that, sort of.

>> No.79506069

if you're a chuuba, consider just simulcasting to both, let your audience pick where they want to watch.

>> No.79506094

People used to say the complete opposite.
At any rate I never thought the "discoverability" on Youtube was that bad.
I hate Twitch UI and Twitch culture which already filters out anyone on Twitch as "worth watching" to me. The only Twitch exclusive that I like is now a Hololiver so everything works out.

>> No.79506100
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Are you Bon Jovi?

>> No.79506143

do what filian does
stream on twitch then clip yourself and put it on your youtube channel

>> No.79506247

im pretty sure worrying about ironmouse is better than trying to avoid streaming at the same time as anyone big from hololive is streaming

>> No.79506301

>competing with someone that rides connor's dick all day and does sleeping and react streams
Not even 1% of vtubers fit this niche

>> No.79506367
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>> No.79506384
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>> No.79506392

I love the channel points and the ability to gamble them on various streamer/mod set bets. Those points don't even need to do anything, just let me gamble imaginary points on youtube and I will never look at twitch again

>> No.79506403

advantages are that it's a site that actually focuses on streaming, as opposed to youtube which focuses on makeup guides, cat videos, and fail compilations. the algo seems to work well enough that if you watch enough vtubers it will recommend you other vtubers instead of fleshies. the tag helps a little though it's also abused by fleshies, though there's addons that let you blacklist channels that misuse it and clean up the tag. there's a number of chat interaction tools and raids help in discoverability and networking. youtube also has a terrible habit of abusing copyright claim and fucked up algo that buries channels if they misstep.

simulcasting is technically the best option since you can let your audience decide and yout automatically archive all your streams to the youtube channel. on the other hand there's more rules you need to follow, like you can only have one of the two chats active on screen instead of both, and what works on twitch doesn't work on youtube, like archived karaoke.

none of this really matters because no one here is a vtuber and none of the points in here are directed at anyone in particular. there's been many threads like it and they've all been retarded.

>> No.79506465

what vtuber is this?

>> No.79506487

better localization prices for the streamer

>> No.79506492

I feel like It's easier to find people to watch your streams on Twitch. But you're chances of growing are as big as the hours you put streaming. If you don't stream you're as good as dead on Twitch.
On YouTube, VODs stay forever and there's a higher chance of discoverability. Even as a mainly Twitch streamer, if you don't at least upload clips on YouTube you are doing it wrong.

>> No.79506519

vtuber youtube market is dead.
good luck reaching 3 view on a platform thats already cornered by hololive as an indie starting out

>> No.79506517

>4 hour ad break time

>> No.79506597

I've streamed on on YouTube for 2 years and never broke 20 subscribers.
If you fail on twitch they don't keep vods so it's like you never existed. At least I have a library on YouTube but i think the verdict is that they all suck.
Just pick the platform that doesn't piss you off.
(Fleshtuber channel since I only put money into my art that I get from my art)

>> No.79506619

>30 days

>> No.79506680

>4 hours of unskippable ads
>still make less money
There's no money in Twitch

>> No.79506697

Good luck having more than 1 viewer on twitch
I'm scrolling for a full minute and I have yet to reach 2views

>> No.79506907

No, you're competing with all the 2-3 views, which would already put you in the top.

>> No.79506909

>they don’t keep vods so it’s like you never existed
>you can stream to the void and you won’t even have someone that cares enough to record your descent into madness
Kino, maybe all the 0views end up like the crew on the Event Horizon.

>> No.79506920

Twitch is extremely aggressive in banning vtubers, enforces overly restrictive rules targeting vtubers that don’t get enforced for fleshtubers, has even less consistent moderation than YouTube, a worse revenue cut than YouTube, piss poor discoverability, and an advertisement model that actively discourages people from watching streams.
Twitch is arguably better for channels that are already big and they don’t need to worry about discoverability, but even then, due to how insane Twitch moderation is about vtubers, I would recommend against a large vtuber or moving from YouTube to Twitch, and I would strongly recommend Twitch-based vtubers get off the site.
There was an argument for streaming on Twitch four or five years ago, on the grounds of YouTube streaming lacking necessary features for both viewers and streamers alike, but YouTube streaming has basically all of the same features at this point, so there’s no reason not to go with YouTube.

>> No.79506936

Half of these aren't even vtubers

>> No.79506973
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>> No.79507027

Discoverability on Twitch is abysmal. Atleast on yt you can publish videos/shorts with clickbait titles and gain subscribers that way. You'll get recommended eventually just make sure you're doing interesting stuff.

Twitch doesn't even have that. You'll be hoping some viewers will manually scroll through browse and click your stream out of thousands of other 1views on there. Good luck with that. The only way to get big on Twitch is by leaching off of bigger streamers.

>> No.79507109

>you can only be discovered when you're doing your job
this is bad why?

>> No.79507152

>At any rate I never thought the "discoverability" on Youtube was that bad.
Go to your Youtube home page. How many small Indies (1 to low 3 view) that are not holo or niji related) does YouTube recommended you?

>> No.79507162

IDK if it's due to the communities or its feature (i.e: global emotes), but Twitch chat is garbage. I'm inclined to believe the former is the case given that Twitch streamers don't seem to have much issue with it

>> No.79507189

One good thing about vtubers streaming on twitch is they become invisible to most baitposters on /vt/

>> No.79507383

VODs on YouTube stay forever, and they advertise you, while earning your cash.
On Twitch, you need to keep streaming for hours and pray that some big streamer raids you.

>> No.79507429

YT shorts are underrated, but may be moving back to appropriately rated now that many creators have picked up on them. The minute you watch more than 1 or 2 videos of vtube content it recommends a million vtube clips on shorts

>> No.79507458

>they are so unknown that nobody cares to talk about them
I guess that's a flex.

>> No.79507461


>> No.79507483

Is that why 90% of the relevant EN indies stream on twitch instead of youtube?

>> No.79507511

I still feel like discoverability on twitch must be better because WHERE is the en indie scene on youtube?
All the big youtube indies like Doki and Mint got their exposure from being former corpos, not because there's discoverability on youtube. On twitch there's people like Chibidoki, Laynalazar, Shylily, Yuzu and dozens of others who grew from nothing there.

>> No.79507543

Name them and lets see how many of them only stream on twitch and never touch youtube

>> No.79507626

Probably. When you don't have any corpo backing, the raids from Twitch help a lot with discoverability.

>> No.79507797

Name relevant EN indies who stream only on YT

>> No.79507818

streaming on youtube is also much more annoying to set up and work with compared to just hitting go live for streaming on twitch, discoverability is also complete dogshit on youtube if you don't already have some kind of following where twitch will actually recommend small indies if you already watch similar. most people also do not want to learn how to edit videos

>> No.79507833

You cant name a single fucking one? Jesus christ

>> No.79507854

>like SEA does not have a free data plan for twitch for instance
wtf I love twitch now

>> No.79507858

Now let see how many of them use YouTube to advertise their channels

>> No.79507972

dok…. oh wait
mint fantome

>> No.79508028


>> No.79508036

Better community interaction
Has an actual schedule built in
VODs are instantly saved instead of being trimmed
Has to suck up to the Twitch clique or your channel will be irrelevant
Twitch culture sucks

>> No.79508052
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>> No.79508067


>> No.79508116

Hey i tried my hardest buddy fuck off

>> No.79508132


>> No.79508134

Not him but I've got hundreds of different ones, I can't even be bothered checking them all. I feel kinda bad ignoring so many of them, specially when a lot of them have cure models.

>> No.79508215

>300 ccv
The most relevant YT indie

>> No.79508290

>unless they're 5views or got millions of subs they're not relevant
So who fits your criteria for this on twitch? Nobody?

>> No.79508299

the only youtube indies who make it are former corpos.
indies who stay on youtube are completely fucked and stuck in ngmi-land and it's not even their fault.
the only exception is ebi and all she does is play gacha.

>> No.79508405

Three to eight depending on if I've been watching specific stuff (IE speedruns) en mass lately or not

>> No.79508527

Protagonist of the small corpo minecraft server, 4view ASMR, 300 CCV during fucking morning streams, video with 1+ million views, a bunch of them over 100k
She is relevant as fuck and she does it without coomer shit like Hal0

>> No.79508598

>youtube gives a bigger cut
Of what? Ad revenue? Those are pennies from the morons without adblock unless your channel is absolutely gigantic. Comparing Supas to bits, bits are better for the streamer but worse for the donator because the cut is prepaid when they buy bits. So1 bit = 1 cent to the chuuba which is better than YT's 70 cents on the dollar.

>> No.79508616

watch him name fillian
please post her name I want to laugh at this retard even harder

>> No.79508647
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Kanzarin. Nui Soicere's mama and a cunny artist. She likes to draw herself being raped.

>> No.79508649

One big advantage is that Twitch protects pedos.

>> No.79508726

The rapist-in-question? Why, me, of course.

>> No.79508803

most people dont use bits they use streamlabs which takes single digit %

>> No.79508808

Yeah that's straight up not true, I got recommended Yoshika when she had like 1000 subs or less and barely 100 viewers at absolute peak. I don't even watch her anymore, but she regularly pulls 1000+.
Both youtube and twitch are full of ngmis and in both cases it's their own fault, although in case of twitch I'd say good luck making it unless you're willing to be a youtube watcher content parasite, because that's the only easy way to get an audience there without having someone promoting you.

>> No.79508829

Twitch is for whores like the ones in vshitshow.

>> No.79508843

How is that an advantage?

>> No.79508897

never knew 300 ccv is relevant for YT.

>> No.79508974

can you name a single one you fucking retard
lets see who these relevant twitch indies are that only use twitch as a platform to grow

>> No.79508991

lol did she just created a twitch channel?

>> No.79509063

everyone laugh at this retard

>> No.79509075

Youtube based chuubas also use streamlabs. But we aren't talking about third party options to dodge cuts.

>> No.79509238

All of those grew from Youtube clips my guy

>> No.79509271

you're competing with millions of other 1 views

you're competing against the AI algo

there is no winning move here

>> No.79509346

But not streaming on Youtube

>> No.79509428

>Discoverability is non-existing in Twitch compared to YouTube
That's pure bullshit.
Videos are not discoverability and there is nothing stopping twitch streamers from having their own clipping channels.
Youtube does not advertise livestreams and they are a pain in the ass to find.

If I want to find a vtuber streamer, I have to
>type "vtuber" into the search bar
>Then either click the provided tag "Live" or go into the limited filter settings and choose "Live"
>Get to see from 100 randomly selected vtuber channels as Youtube refuses to load more

You want to tell me there are only 100 vtubers streaming on Youtube right now?
There is some bizarre Kizuna stream going on right now and in search youtube is only showing me Anyer.

Twitch at least has a dedicated recommended channel window with up to 10 channels + "Viewers also watch" with 5.
Youtube's search is actually abysmally bad, and not just for livestreams.

>> No.79509585


>> No.79509588

Buddy, I've been recommended many indie vtubers on youtube by the algo. Not big ones, tiny ones nobody has heard of.
Yes, you're right, they are Japanese not English, but if English vtubers choose not to be on youtube it follows that they won't be recommended to me or anyone else either so their discoverability on youtube really is 0. I know most of those twitch vtubers you mention btw, but only from being recommended their youtube clips.

>> No.79509616

>Twitch at least has a dedicated recommended channel window with up to 10 channels + "Viewers also watch" with 5.
And none of them are worth watching because they're on Twitch.

>> No.79509631

>Twitch at least has a dedicated recommended channel window with up to 10 channels + "Viewers also watch" with 5.
Youtube will feed you an infinite scroll of content on the main page and a huge ass list of things it thinks you want on the side of every video. It's not my fault if you haven't tuned your algorithm by watching to teach it.

>> No.79509653

If this were 1.5 years ago, I would say Twitch is definitely the best streaming service.
But this year, for some reason, Twitch's performance has been terrible, and now YoutubeLive is much more comfortable.

>> No.79509659
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>> No.79509731

Seriously where the fuck is the indie scene on Youtube if youtube is truly superior? We have /lig/ for twitch but I cant find the equivalent of /Lig/ for youtube
Here is her twitch channel

>> No.79509751

This is the first time where feeds skip for me or straight up die and I lose interest quickly when it’s frequent enough. I wonder what’s different.

>> No.79509796

you can only date a Holo if you make it big on YouTube, not twitch

>> No.79509801

how I be looking while watching a Twitch "vtuber"

>> No.79509820

Yeah, because streamer community/culture is way bigger in twitch which is a flaw YT has. Thats why most people want to stream on Twitch.

>> No.79509824

>liggers exist on twitch but not on youtube
This alone proves YouTube’s supremacy.

>> No.79509907

Because they road on the pandemic boom or leeched someone else who did.

>> No.79509919

Advantage: fart sound alerts, you can show what you're watching when you do watchalongs, animated emotes, and more fart sound alerts

Disadvantage: you can get banned at random for being aware of the concept of horny content, or even just for being a vtuber; if your avatar is wearing a crop top and is positioned high enough to have her midriff even slightly exposed, but isn't positioned high enough on screen to show the waist of her pants/skirt, you could get banned for violating the attire policy for streaming while bottomless, even if your avatar isn't actually bottomless
also if you're on the business end of a hate raid, Twitch won't even try to enforce the TOS against the raiders

>> No.79509975

It's not "superior", it's different. Like half of the English indie vtubers I know about just stream themselves watching youtube videos on twitch and then uploading clips of those to youtube. Streaming that works on twitch, clipping that works on youtube. It wouldn't work if they tried to stream that on youtube.

>> No.79510013

sure but if you’re an aspiring vtuber thats starting out that means going youtube is career suicide

>> No.79510074
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Come on anon, she's not sleeping now...
Nvm she's doing react content...

>> No.79510091

But it's true though. Twitch forces you to become an annoying collab beggar for a crumb of views. With Youtube you can just let the algo do everything for you. Membership in youtube is far cheaper than the $7.50 sub on Twitch therefore you have an easier hook onto your audience. Twitch censorship is far worse and biased towards fleshies, and mods can take down your account without reason and without any warning at all, like Twatter. I've known more than a handful of 2-3 views on Twitch that had that done to them and moved onto Youtube instead. The only valid argument for Twitch is being able to stream copyrighted content without being flagged mid-stream, as long as there's no VOD.

>> No.79510097

My choice to disable watch history does not excuse having a garbage manual search function or for Youtube to have dedicated "Live" segment.
How about letting me see what is being watch instead of being fed what Youtube thinks I will watch?

Are yo actually defending the castrated Youtube's search functionally?
It is criminally bad.

>> No.79510114

>you can show what you're watching when you do watchalongs
Technically, it's against TOS, but if you're small enough, no one will report you.

>> No.79510166

I don't give a fuck about indies. I generally only like girls who have a wrangler. There are plenty of small corpos that I've discovered over the years. I discovered Kiri Kilovolt from globie just last week on Youtube and she seems entertaining

>> No.79510193

Twitch Chat is extremely better for streamers than the Youtube one. It's straight garbage that the YT one buffers so much during your stream.
Global Emotes as the ones in Twitch aren't as bad, and the fact that you can use subscriber (which for YT it would be membership) emotes adds up. Now, what you probably mention is "the culture" around 7tv or any of the other extensions in chat. Which is actually a streamer decision, it's an extension, and you can pick and choose the emotes in chat, many have it on because it is a way for non-subs to have a good form of chatting and because it adds emotes that wouldn't be possible for Twitch (copyrighted stuff and borderline TOS), although the former reason was the fact that they wouldn't allow more than 5 animated emotes, which were one of things streamers (mainly vtubers) liked the most.

>> No.79510285
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YT is truly superior regarding the censorship.

>> No.79510309

you can get away with more on twitch, both due to how the site is run and the culture of the viewers

>> No.79510312

>With Youtube you can just let the algo do everything for you
lmao this dumb motherfucker
enjoy your copyright claims
enjoy one video getting good views but not any of the others, resulting in the algo considering all your other stuff to be bad content and killing it in its sleep

>> No.79510389

>enjoy your copyright claims
Stop doing react content.

>> No.79510413

I don't give a FUCK about emotes

>> No.79510437

That’s anathema to a twitchfag, anon,

>> No.79510451

i like how pro twitch is discussing actual shit about streaming while pro youtube is just “oh ironmouse shes doing react content il never watch twitch lulz”

>> No.79510479

No one gives a fuck about chat besides the 5-10% of people that chat in them.

>> No.79510490
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>My choice to disable watch history does not excuse having a garbage manual search function or for Youtube to have dedicated "Live" segment.
pic fucking related, idiot. im not logged in on my own PC so it's showing generic shit but there's a page on Youtube to view livestreams past present and future.

>> No.79510498

>My choice to disable watch history
Stopped reading right there. You're not using YouTube if it's kneecaped like that.

>> No.79510508

my oshi got hit for a song that was playing in the game. then got and email saying she could claim content from another channel because they were playing the same game as her.
this shit's broken.

>> No.79510540

You can get copyright claimed for literally anything, you dumb fuck.

>> No.79510600

Streamers do, you dingus.
Which is the point of the OP

>> No.79510612

My oshi was getting slapped for her own original song and had to stop playing it. Fucking bullshit.

>> No.79510712

>Twitch culture sucks
understatement of the century right here
Verification not required.

>> No.79510717

Streamers care about chat. At least the good ones do.

>> No.79510734

What the fuck?! You want them to do ORIGINAL CONTENT?! Thats highly antisemitic fuck off

>> No.79510758

I mean other than Hololive, streaming exclusively on YT is a death sentence. There is a reason that the indie scene exist on twitch, not youtube. Heck even small corpos (Phase, vdere, Idol,...) are starting to simultcast to twitch

>> No.79510804

All content is react content

>> No.79510853


>> No.79510874

I'm not saying the detection system is perfect, but the majority of people get claimed because they watched copyrighted content.

>> No.79510882

Youtube and twitch are fucking DOGSHIT
kick is a fucking joke and if you stream on twitter or facebook you're just a fool. Bilibili is like selling your soul to the devil. Fansly is well porn.
Shits fucked. There is no good streaming platform.
I'd say YouTube is the best but you can't even do fucking ear licking or breathing sound asmr anymore because it's banned without being mentioned in the ToS.
On twitch you get banned randomly for no reason and only famous E whores that shake their real tits around and send feet pics to twitch staff can stay unbanned.
They change their ToS every other week and ban you for FOLLOWING ToS and discriminate against Vtubers.

>> No.79510929

What makes you think it's any better on youtube

>> No.79510949
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This is how you find vtuber livestream.
It's mostly Japanese though. Some Korean in there
Youtube search can be hard to tard wrangle, but I'm pretty sure this works.

>> No.79510966

the blackpill is that neither of them are viable and threads like these pitting two pieces of shit against each other is just a distraction

>> No.79510978

>me reacting this pie I just baked
>me reacting to mastering Tartini’s Devil’s Trill Sonata
>me reacting to myself rebuilding an ancient mausoleum by hand

>> No.79510993
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I am logging in and I this is all I have.
So more reasons for why Youtube is a garbage site where different people have different website layouts?

Youtube is place people upload and livestream content.
An algorithm is not a substitute for normal search function.

>> No.79510998

You know what streamer care more about? Viewership, some weird cope Twitch viewers have is that chat matters somehow. Only a small minority actually chat in the first place while the rest just watch the actual stream.

>> No.79510999

All content is copyrighted content. Games are copyrighted, music is copyrighted, images are copyrighted, characters are copyrighted

>> No.79511048

You are the one saying twitch is better when its worse

>> No.79511051

A distraction from what, anon?

>> No.79511070

The entire point of streaming is live chat interaction. If you're not interacting with chat, you might as well just make prerecorded videos

>> No.79511102
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>> No.79511117
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>> No.79511121

I think that the demand for "reaction" content is a sign that the algorithm is failing for a lot of people. Some viewers may be happy with what they're getting recommended, but some viewers aren't, so they turn to other people to find it for them. There's a growing demand for human curated content, but there isn't currently any site that specializes in content curation, so live-streaming it on sites that are leniant about copyright restrictions like Twitch seems to be the best solution currently.

>> No.79511133
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>> No.79511160
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>just make prerecorded videos
those were the good times

>> No.79511217

People watched live events on TV in the past and didn't need a dedicated live chat to go with it.

>> No.79511252

Are you a redditor with a attention span of 15 seconds or something? >>79510758

>> No.79511262

Well I’m not talking about chat as a whole, but more about how twitch viewers complain that YoutTube chat UX is bad. Average viewer don’t care about how chat moves.

>> No.79511326

Don't blame me if you can't back your own claims and start pissing your pants

>> No.79511344

People used to pay money to send SMS shitposts on trashy late night talkshows.

>> No.79511359

yea go stream on kick instead and copy johnny somali and bother random people on the street

>> No.79511379

>Kuro is 3view now

>> No.79511455

this deflection is also a distraction

>> No.79511480

And most of the time they eventually stopped doing it because moderating that sort thing is a nightmare.

>> No.79511496


>> No.79511564

Do that many chuuba’s spam reaction content? I feel like filian YLYL is the only big example, but I barely watch vtubers.

>> No.79511728

All content is react content. If you're playing a game, you're reacting to the game. If you're watching a video, you're reacting to the video. If you're listening to music, you're reacting to the music. If you're talking to chat, you're reacting to chat. Unless you're just sitting in a void and making art of some kind, you're doing react content.

>> No.79511735

it's already too late

>> No.79511743

from my enormous dick

>> No.79511884

You are one sad pathetic human being

>> No.79511926

You're mad because I'm right

>> No.79511958

You aren’t right, you’re autistic.

>> No.79512034

Stay mad about it. Your oshi is a lazy react streamer, just like everyone else

>> No.79512092

Time for me to use the word “hobby” so you’ll chimp out about it.

>> No.79512196

T o T

>> No.79512208

The fact that you're trying so hard to make me mad (I don't give a fuck), is really funny, and shows how buttblasted you are

>> No.79512222

>I've been recommended many indie vtubers on youtube by the algo. Not big ones, tiny ones nobody has heard of.
That's the problem. As the vtuber, even if you do everything right and ride the algo it just serves you to a bunch of groomers on /vt/, you are still a tiny 2view because they sekret klub the fuck out of you and never recommend you to anyone, and then you either give up and some asshole makes a thread every two weeks about "i wonder where my daughter X went she was so cute" or you are forced to go to a smallcorp to pay the bills and your groomers intentionally well-poison you against your new audience because they dont actually want you to become big.

>> No.79512249

>Twitch at least has a dedicated recommended channel window with up to 10 channels + "Viewers also watch" with 5.
I'm in theater mode on Twitch like any sane person, so there's nothing being recommended. On Youtube the recommended videos on the side include 1views and 2views sometimes, at least.

>> No.79512277

1 is for open whores and the other is for discreet whore

>> No.79512319

I follow a couple vtubers on Twitch, but I almost never watch them. They don't follow regular schedules so it's hard to know when they're streaming. I can tune in to guerilla YouTube streams because I'm on YouTube a lot and get YouTube push notifications.

>> No.79512369

Not that guy, however even if we were to gigacope that all content is react content, it still wouldn't mean that all content is equally lazy. It takes substantially more effort to make a video game "react" stream entertaining, specially if it's not a movie game, than it would be to make a stream about watching top tier YouTube video, anime or TV show.

>> No.79512379

the /vt/ groomers are like 90% of the 2view audience, can’t be helped

>> No.79512423

This is some serious cope

>> No.79512563

Yes I agree, calling everything react content in order to cope with the fact that you're watching people watch YouTube is indeed serious cope.

>> No.79512696

>Wanted to give some /lig/ chubas a try
>All the big names are Twitch
Fuck that. I have no inntention of using the shitty website or dealing with constant TTS spam or other shitty noises fucking with the stream becuase some tard thinks it's funny to make random noises when the streamer is speaking. I hate twitch and won't watch anyone who streams there.

>> No.79512712

Okay retard, let's play a game. If the vtuber you're watching is playing a horror game, and a jump scare pops up, do you want them to sit there stone faced as they die, or do you want to see them scream and shit their pants? Do you want them to react, or not react? This situation applies to any surprising event in any game.

>> No.79512772

you are talking to someone defending ironmouse sleeping on a stream
stop replying

>> No.79512834

Keep making strawmen to fight while you cope with the fact that your oshi is lazy as fuck

>> No.79512890

Who’s your oshi, anon?

>> No.79512898

you can simply watch a youtube ligger

>> No.79512897

>Wanted to give some /lig/ chubas a try
stop lying to yourself. you never even attempted to give them a try.

>> No.79512940

I don't have one because I'm not a virgin

>> No.79512986

Oh, right, so you’re just a pussy.

>> No.79513048

>imagining a fake relationship with someone who doesn't even know you exist is being a tough guy now
What the fuck happened to males

>> No.79513068

It's much, much, MUCH easier to find new indie streams on Twitch than it is on Youtube. I look at the games I'm following on Twitch and frequently see vtubers with single or double digit viewers streaming. Youtube is better for vods but Twitch is king when it comes to LIVE streams.
Networking is also easier. If someone ends their stream and decides to raid into someone streaming a certain game, they could pick you just because you're one of the only people streaming that game. Boom now you have anywhere from 5 to 500 new people watching you. Most of them will leave after a bit but that's still some interaction and some amount of growth that you can't get on Youtube.
You can also grow by raiding into other people; go to end stream -> raid someone -> now they and all their viewers briefly know you exist. Again you'll get maybe single digit percent of the people there who care, but 1 is better than 0.
Twitch culture/chat is absolutely cancerous. The emotes people spam are fucking dogshit. Raids, while good for growth, also come with attentionwhoring and spam that makes chat nigh unusable for 5-10 minutes.
Twitch's ad spam (that you as the streamer cannot control) and attempts to kill adblock results in worse quality streams.
DMCA issues.
If you don't grow during your live stream, you can't hope that your VOD will bring people in. Youtube VODs are 100000x better than Twitch VODs are for growth. Best of both worlds would be stream on Twitch and make a Youtube VOD channel, and then potentially migrate over to Youtube once it becomes big enough.

>> No.79513106

NTA but I like natural reactions.
I'm a dude and I flinch during horror things but it doesn't feel natural to fake a scream.
I remember watching Tru3Ta1ent and laughing at him flinching at horror things.

>> No.79513133

The fact that you're asking me that shows how dumb and vapid you are. I don't know, it depends on who is playing the game and what game it is. I obviously don't want the streamer I'm watching to pretend they are startled when they are not, and I'd prefer if they didn't play slop that relied on jump scares to begin with.

>> No.79513184

Congratulations, you like react content. The streamer is reacting to the in game events, whether it's natural or not. I'm glad I could help you along this journey

>> No.79513210

Too obvious sis

>> No.79513234

Well, for one thing, you came to /vt/ to spout shit no one agrees with, and secondarily, you’re not even able to associate the nomenclature properly.

>> No.79513259

I will never use twitch. If Hololive ever decided to move to twitch I would just bow out of this hobby.

>> No.79513315

such as? don't say mint or any other j-ew

>> No.79513443

Yes, but how did that turn you into a failure of a person

>> No.79513485
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>> No.79513523

Don't be pedantic.

>> No.79513575

I'm fucking right, you mongoloid. Any one of those things is enough to get you copyright struck on youtube, even if it appears for under a minute.

>> No.79513582

VShojofags are unicorns? BASED BASED BASED

>> No.79513619

>internalizing what some off-board pussy says
Couldn’t be me. I’m glad I’ve made you reply this frequently, though, it’s at least kept some other anon from having to read your digital diarrhea.

>> No.79513707

My other replies are... right there on the screen. Like, they're completely visible. Just how fucking stupid are you, anon? Do you wear a helmet?

>> No.79513759

I mean some liggers say that whenever Ironmouse does a big event/subathon, their sub money and ccv all go down.

>> No.79513834

YouTube is a video site.
Twitch is a streaming site.

Simple as.

Personally, I would never choose to deal with the absolute nightmare that is the YouTube monetization and copyright systems. YouTubers are constantly forced to play a game where the rules are intentionally obscured and always changing.

>> No.79513856

>not shitting up the whole board versus shitting up one thread
Well, I guess you do believe anything short of sculpting a masterpiece is just reaction “content”, so I can’t expect much from you.

>> No.79513934

Playing a game involves some kind of input from the player. It's not just a reaction. Some involve some kind of skill, some watch it for the catharsis of getting over something difficult. Not to mention you can make your own gameplay style, no player is gonna play the same way.
Now compare that to watching a video.

>> No.79513950

Are you still mad that your oshi isn't a real creator? That she's doing lazy react content?

>> No.79514017

No, but you are still autistic, and not the adorable kind.

>> No.79514047

I just know that my oshi tried youtube for a year, then tried twitch, and got significantly more support, viewers, and friends there. She simulcasts now but only for archiving purposes. It doesn't help her growth at all, and the copyright claims come no matter what she does so she stopped caring.

>> No.79514059

I'm sure she'll get some talent one day

>> No.79514095

Is oshi what you called your favorite streamer on youtube?

>> No.79514162

Sure, man, and you’ll be a break-out artist one day, too, and certainly not just a hack.

>> No.79514167

Great dating platform, both in context of chuuba to chuuba as well as chuuba to viewer
Chat is pretty good from technical side
Guarantees access to great discord servers where you can hang out with all the other chuubas
Casual atmosphere without stuffy shit

Crabs, nearly every single chuuba there will do their best to drag you down the second you reach above them
Drama, this can be a positive if you want to specialize in it like fleshies there
Audience quality is kinda shit, not to say youtube one is good but it's still definitely two steps above Twitch one on average
Utter lack of professionalism from people streaming to literally 0 people to the site owners
Ultimately it's a small pond, if you have any serious ambitions beyond streaming to 100-200 people it's just too small
Time based meta, the site rewards streaming for as long as possible without care for quality
Ironic weebs, you are stuck with them

Overall Twitch chuubas will swear by it so if you want to hang out with them choose it over youtube

>> No.79514196

The entire process of playing the game is a reaction. They're reacting to the pre-programmed situation provided by the game. They're reacting to the situation. They're reacting to dying. They're reacting to chat's reaction of their reaction. Just because there's more things to react to, doesn't mean it isn't a reaction.

>> No.79514220

I knew it...

>> No.79514221

I have never said I didn't like it, I said you were coping by calling everything react content and implying all types of streams take the same effort. My oshi is a vsinger by the way, so by your cope she's a lyric reaction streamer.

>> No.79514445

I have yet to hear of someone getting copyright struck over an image, those are usually done maliciously, like nijisanji tried to do with the dramafags, but then nothing happened.
ContentID is different and claims you for showing copyrighted movies, songs and even youtube videos. You rarely get claimed for playing a game, or watching a picture (unless they think it's porn). But that happens on Twitch too, so there's some give and take there.

>> No.79514486

By the look of it everyone on /asp/ and /wasp/ stream on Twitch.

>> No.79514529

>YouTubers are constantly forced to play a game where the rules are intentionally obscured and always changing.
You can say the same about Twitch.

>> No.79514543

Ah, the primordial crab bucket(s).

>> No.79514558

Twitch is a place for whores only

>> No.79514606

>as well as chuuba to viewer
I'm listening.

>> No.79514620

Sure, if you wanna classify it as that, but there are different kinds of reactions, one is more involved than the other.

>> No.79514636

That's the whole scene.

>> No.79514736

People get claimed for games all the time, though usually not by the company themselves. A lot of gay soundcloud rappers use game OSTs in their "songs" and have copyright struck gameplay VODs for using "their" music

>> No.79514742

I remember that when the first wave of holo inspired indies, /wvt/ style, started (koopa kitanya etc) they all started on twitch.
And then the entirety of that generation had to move to twitch because youtube discoverability is nonexistant for non JP indies. On youtube you either are recommended to kids, like how africat's chat was filled up with back then, or you are a "power user" purposefully looking for vtubers and even then you are at the mercy of the algo.
On twitch you can network, make teams and get lucky raids, like how CerberVT won the neurosama raid lottery.

>> No.79514836

It's still a reaction. It isn't more difficult to react to a flurry of stimuli than it is to a single video. It is the same concept, people just don't want to play favorites and pretend like it isn't all the same.

>> No.79514838

It's called grooming.

>> No.79514842

*they all started on youtube, then all had to move to twitch

>> No.79514866
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>like how CerberVT won the neurosama raid lottery.
no kidding. went from 50ccv to 500-900 over night.

>> No.79514892

*just want to play favorites

>> No.79514925

Honestly people promoting Twitch based on "discoverability" tells you everything you need to know about their mindset, if you want to do nothing but stream without doing any legwork and maybe get slightly bigger it's a perfect place for you, meanwhile if you are actually willing to go the extra mile to do shit like promoting yourself and doing networking that isn't sucking cocks just go with youtube

>> No.79514963

But, it's not the same.
>someone plays a game and completes a hard level
>someone watches a video of someone else completing a hard level
What takes more effort?

>> No.79514983
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Not interested

>> No.79515001

>drinking water is just a reaction to being thirsty
>breathing air is just a reaction to needing oxygen
>dying is just a reaction to your life ending

>> No.79515019

Networking with who on Youtube? Hololive?

>> No.79515066

Neither? It's the same. Why are you pretending that playing a video game is some herculean task?

>> No.79515075

You forget extremely important part- Youtube doesn't allow you to play copyrighted music while Twitch allows.
I could do WoW, LoL, or FF14 stream with my Spotify playlist on Twitch, but I couldn't do that on Youtube because then my VOD will get taken down mid stream.

>> No.79515093

Absolutely retarded take. Good look promoting yourself as a 1-2view on youtube (to who? where? lmao)
Youtube is for moving there when you already have a previously stablished fanbase from other places, or for uploading VODs and clips (good look getting a relevant clipper as a small indie)

>> No.79515113

>doing networking
better on twitch due to the large amount of streamers on there so you can easily get raids
being an extroverted fucker is the best thing you can be on twitch

>> No.79515150

>If someone ends their stream and decides to raid into someone streaming a certain game, they could pick you just because you're one of the only people streaming that game.
I know a 4-5view fleshstreamer from my country who would often do that.
People in the retro games and shmups categories will often exclusively raid each other as well.

>> No.79515164

>and less anal about demonitization like saying fuck, showing a bit of cleavage,

this is so false. you just can't curse in the first like 17 seconds on YouTube. after that it's perfectly fine. Source: thousands of YTers who do it all the time

>> No.79515184

but how is that related to twitch? unless you're a big creator already, I don't see an advantage.

>> No.79515229

Sorry anon, but I don't agree, and I don't think anyone on this planet would agree with you.

>> No.79515243

if you stream on twitch, your chat will be full of kids and trannies who're anti-idol/holo/GFE and want to push male and fleshtuber interactions
if you're on youtube, you only get those types if you're phase-adjacent. you'll usually get the small corpo audience even if you're an indie

>> No.79515256

>Those points don't even need to do anything, just let me gamble imaginary points on youtube and I will never look at twitch again

you can with stream elements/labs

>> No.79515292

>you only get those types if you're phase-adjacent
ph*se not beating the cancer allegations

>> No.79515290

If you can convince discord-less chuuba to make one you are halfway there

>> No.79515302

this man just straight up going to ignore that youtube is home to the literal ipad children

>> No.79515375

Well, you watch vtubers, so I have to assume you're already partially retarded

>> No.79515392

>simulcasting is technically the best option since you can let your audience decide and yout automatically archive all your streams to the youtube channel.

nah. restreaming requires both to be the same bitrate due to how Restream works. This means you're limited to Twitch's 7000 kbps limit while YT recommends 12,000 for 1080p60 and can stream 1440p and 4k since 2016

>> No.79515399

Fun fact: Not even that anon agrees with himself but he's too much of a shithead to use honesty on the internet and engage properly in a discussion
Stop replying to bait retard

>> No.79515403

>if you stream on twitch, your chat will be full of kids
Average age of a twitch chatter is roughly 15 but average age of a youtube chatter is 10. Either way you have to do a fuckload of pruning in order to get anything remotely resembling a functional chat.

>> No.79515446

If that's your opinion on people who watch vtubers then I can only assume that you used yourself as the standard.

>> No.79515451

How's your lazy oshi doing? What lazy content does she have on her schedule next?

>> No.79515503

>some toddler watching baby videos on his itoddler, isolated from your chuuba
>some invalid spamming your chat for six hours

>> No.79515507

Honestly training youtube chat is easier overall due to lack of raid culture

>> No.79515509

Oh i'm not the poster who talked about dating, I was just messing around, obviously not every internet relationship is initiated by grooming, if both sides are flirting then it's just normal online dating.

>> No.79515511

youtube chat is full of unsupervised kids and SEAfags because of their payment plans, I'll take twitchfags any day (besides the trannies)

>> No.79515525

Yeah but the game on Twitch is a lot less of a problem.

It's fairly easy to get issues resolved (comparatively), punishments are not as harsh, and revenue/monetization isn't typically in danger.
MOST streamers on Twitch haven't had a bad run-in with moderation. Almost EVERYONE doing YouTube has a story about the time YT fucked them over.

>> No.79515551

I shoot (You) twice

>> No.79515606

You’ll take the Zen package and you will like it. Yes, that is a double entendre.

>> No.79515616

Nigga WHO are you networking with on YouTube

>> No.79515625

most chuubas I watch on yotuube talked about their statistics and all of them had mostly 30+ viewers
literally never saw a kid in any chat

>> No.79515670

Shooting yourself twice would be a lot easier, faster, and more environmentally friendly, if you care about that.

>> No.79515811

twitch defenders are all selfposting whores and males, or worse, /lig/gers
this board would be so much better if they made a containment board for twitchfags

>> No.79516038
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NTA, but the fact that I used to watch a lot of twitch and NEVER saw anyone below 3view, and now I watch a lot of youtube and always get recommended random 1/2views. The top row is just people I'm subbed to by the way, it prioritizes showing those, but the rest are still on the front page.

>> No.79516059

a ban on twitch is essentially a 3 day vacation
you don't worry about 3 strikes and monetization forever lost like on youtube

>> No.79516123

>gets viewers
>blocks them all
Why bother. As long as they aren't breaking YouTube's guidelines focus on playing the game. That's what they're here to see not your hall monitor expertise.

>> No.79516185

>kids on YouTube = toddlers who don't know how to access the regular site
I can guarantee you that YouTube streams are filled with children

>> No.79516208

>3 day vacation
that kills your career
vtubers stream everyday, some stream twice a day even

>> No.79516232

>do shit like promoting yourself and doing networking that isn't sucking cocks just go with youtube
Like what? If it's that straightforward give /vt/ five easy steps

>> No.79516294

ITT: seething /asp/ies
stay in your containment thread faggots

>> No.79516346

It kills your career less than never being able to make any money ever again lmao

>> No.79516359

Not reading this thread but I'm sure there was some sensible, interesting discussion to be had.

>> No.79516393

try actually streaming instead of making react content
no one I watch had an issue with copyright strikes

>> No.79516699

Most of my twitch recommendations are 2 views but I watch mostly small 3 views

>> No.79516748
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>random 1/2views
Nigga everyone knows GDM, she's simulcasting with 650 viewers on Twitch

Twitch reccs are based on shared channels with the audiences of the channels that you watch, or popular channels in categories that you've watched recently. It's a lot less nebulous than the YT algorithm and it's easy to get looped into low-number reccs just by hitting up one small channel.

See in pic related, I have a literal 1view reccomended to me because of some kind of overlap with the biggest vtuber on the platform.
I also have Corpse in there because she's known by larger indies and I've gotten raided into her a few times.

>> No.79516868

t. seamonkey that can't afford net neutrality

>> No.79516901
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Thanks anon, forgot Live sort existed.... got a new chuuba to watch

>> No.79516920

This scares the Twitch staff. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9GJmBcImvGk
Karaokes can give you that if you're not too careful with the songs you pick. Unless you only do unarchived karaokes, in which case...

>> No.79516984

yes you got a single 1view recommended, even though there are thousands of them live on twitch right now
youtube recommended me so many literal 0view JPs, they're all 2views now

>> No.79517139

If we're gonna start recommending JPs I like watching tobari channel because of reasons, plus she has a JP to English translator roll going on under her avatar.
I think she's starting to become a 3 view.

>> No.79517211

Oh yeah JPs, that's great
If you can speak Japanese

Also, if you specifically want to find low-viewer vtubers, it's obscenely easy on Twitch. Just search the vtuber tag and sort lowest to highest.

>> No.79517248

>she has a JP to English translator
Those are rarely accurate, anon. Even I, with my very limited knowledge of japanese, can tell that they are wrong most of the time.

>> No.79517280

Why does no one there use Youtube? According to this thread Youtube is far superior.

>> No.79517317

nobody here knows anything and you would do better doing the exact opposite of any advice given

>> No.79517345

The people saying that have never used Twitch, let alone been a streamer

>> No.79517359

Youtube algorithm is not rocket science tho, you need consistency and correct use of tags. And for every bit of content you create, make shorts from it (shorts and clips are the main source of viewers and subs) That's all. On twitch you can only stream, you can't work the algo and on top of that,Twitch if going full retard on 2D vtubers, it isn't worth

>> No.79517409

because it's a circlejerk clique and if you stream on youtube you can't be a part of the clique so they anti you
also they're all retards who're still stuck at 1views (their only viewers are other aspies) and all of their advice should be ignored. there's a reason why they're constantly shitposting and gossiping on discord

>> No.79517486

>do the exact opposite of any advice given
Yeah, like DON’T suck me off, that’d kill your channel’s growth.

>> No.79517553

Sources for all of your claims?

>> No.79517604

Plenty do, English ones are just stuck on Twitch due to the entire indie pipeline from aspirants to actual chuubas being mostly composed of people that were already on Twitch

>> No.79517650

damn the /asp/ies really are here
maybe you should stream instead of constantly seething on /vt/
but you're all males anyway, no one would watch you

>> No.79517777

This board is dominated by people not understanding cause and effect. Youtube as a streaming platform for vtubers is only popular due to Hololive, not because of Youtube.
There is a reason why every normal streamer outside of a handful like Ludwig return to Twitch after their exclusive YT/Kick/Facebook contract is done.

>> No.79517825

Oh yeah? Well how do you like this?
*sucks your dick*

>> No.79517863
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>> No.79517880

Is every thread a containment thread?

>> No.79517885

Always relevant

>> No.79517952

Only if you dislike them

>> No.79517969


>> No.79517974

>20 mins of literal who with an ugly voice

>> No.79518040

twitch whores should stay on twitch
I hate that these people are migrating to youtube now

>> No.79518134

well shit man they're not only migrating to youtube, they're getting hired into hololive. where the fuck do you think they get these girls?

>> No.79518164

Not watching the video
She's still on Twitch by the way

>> No.79518243
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>Why I left the Vtuber Community
>continues vtubing

>> No.79518242

I dont care, I dont watch corpos

>> No.79518326

Grifters gotta grift

>> No.79518353

you don't watch indies on twitch, you don't watch corpos on youtube
brother who do you watch?

>> No.79518383

Why wouldn't they migrate on the superior platform?

>> No.79518420

He is watching the mythical youtube indies

>> No.79518450

>Video talking about the state of community
>Replies talking about her vtubing at all in order to discredit the video

>> No.79518506

Most people don't switch platforms unless they feel like they have no other choice.

>> No.79518590

>Why I left the vtubing community
>is still in the community

>> No.79518613

>local woman discovers vtubing and collab politics are PVP enabled
how new

>> No.79518658

Why does this video make /asp/ies seethe so hard?

>> No.79518661

>superior platform
>requires a browser extension to avoid a memory leak in the chat client that hasn't been fixed for years

>> No.79518669

It's too late her video already blown up without you months ago.

>> No.79518757

It made grooming harder

>> No.79518785

It's called soul, twitchfag, you wouldn't get it.

>> No.79518848

imagine using a platform that deletes your vods

>> No.79518851

literally every small single vtuber i checked out on twitch had a group of groomers around
this can be an advantage or disadvantage depending on the vtuber

>> No.79518930

>superior platform
Requires 3 browser extensions to block ads.
Both sites have problems.

>> No.79518969

That's what YouTube is for.

Imagine not using the appropriate tool for the job.

That's just quality of life, not basic functionality.

>> No.79519060

>basic functionality
Basic functionality is being able to watch the stream and not a string of ads.

>> No.79519081

>blocking ads isn't basic functionality
though twitch chuubas have literal ad breaks so it's useless even if you block them lmao

>> No.79519300

Questions I have for youtube bros. Where is the youtube indie scene? Why are your small corpos simultcasting on twitch?

>> No.79519433

Why does youtube make /asp/ies so angry?
Like, they actually start seething when you mention youtube vtubers, weird behavior

>> No.79519592

>serving ads = non-functional
You are not serious people

YT chat is so bad that it will literally eat up multiple gigabytes of RAM over the course of just a couple hours of a stream.
That is completely indefensible and it's insane that a company as big as YouTube either can't or won't fix it.

>> No.79519613

You're not allowed to use both, you're supposed to pick a side a become a tribalfag for google or amazon.

>> No.79519633

>>serving ads = non-functional
Yes? Are you a zoomer?

>> No.79519678

What's your opinion on vtubers streaming on both platforms?

>> No.79519702

If I go to a streaming site to watch a stream, but I can't because of ads showing every hour, what do you call that?

>> No.79519778

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't functioning


>> No.79519837

I don't check that general and can't really tell, but from what I remember when /here/chuubas first started out around 2021-2022 or so there's just been plenty of bad experiences that have made youtube streaming synonymous with a death trap. Hopeful people getting lured in by holo success and then running against a brick wall because the algo doesn't work for shit while their counterparts on twitch were flourishing. I don't know if that just continued on with asp or they have other reasons of their own.

>> No.79519874

>That is completely indefensible and it's insane that a company as big as YouTube either can't or won't fix it.
Ok smart saar, let's see YOU take a crack at it.

>> No.79519942

I never had a problem with that and I always have multiple streams open and I'm using a shitty 10+ year old PC with only 8GB RAM

>> No.79520042

>what do you call that?
A (You) problem lol, there are multiple scripts on github effectively blocking ads on twitch.

>> No.79520079

have you tried using an adblocker...

>> No.79520116

I fixed ads by adding a single line to my ublock script and haven't had an issue in over a year. It's the easiest thing.

>> No.79520204

But the YouTube chat memory leak is not a (you) problem? He said it himself that it can be fixed with an addon.
The default adblock settings (the same settings that block YouTube ads) doesn't do anything on Twitch. You need to install another script to get rid of it.

>> No.79520292

Then you're a fucking liar because this is a known problem

>it can be fixed with an addon
It shouldn't have to be. YouTube's programmers should be competent enough that a user-side solution shouldn't be necessary.

>> No.79520344

idk anon sounds like a (You) problem, it works on my machine

>> No.79520386

Not at all
Heard from mods, Youtube's modding tools fucking suck ass compared to Twitch

>> No.79520390

It shouldn't be, true. The same way Twitch shouldn't force ads on their users.

>> No.79520435

Yeah, I agree, the ads suck but it's a completely different type of problem.

>> No.79520471

>using Youtube when you could be using Holodex
Good job exposing yourselves, plebeian faggots.

>> No.79520512

From a viewer perspective, it doesn't matter where it comes from. If it interferes with the viewing experience than it's a problem.

>> No.79520666

>From a viewer perspective
you're arguing with an /asp/ie

>> No.79520740

From a viewer perspective, one is the same problem you have with the entire Internet, just requiring slightly more effort
The other is a fundamental failure of the platform that shouldn't exist in the first place

>> No.79520879

Anon, don't be dense, my adblock addon literally blocks 99% of the ads, but doesn't work on Twitch. This is not the same problem with the entire internet.

>> No.79521292

On Twitch's side it's completely voluntary unlike the data leak, you don't see ads if you're subscribed, if you don't want to pay you just have to be lucky or regularly write funny/interesting messages in the chat to have a sub gifted to you, some Twitch vtubers regularly get showered in gift subs, and some of them will straight up gift subs themselves.
I have been gifted several subs to channels I have never chatted in.

>> No.79521360

Yes, it is the same problem, blocking ads.
And as I'm sure you know Twitch isn't the only site that has broken adblockers before
Blocking ads online is a neverending war and you will inevitably have to find a new workaround. Twitch is just one of those times

It wasn't that long ago that YouTube was trying to bust through adblockers too, and I've had ads somehow sneak through on several occasions

>> No.79521385

subs from channels*

>> No.79521596

Oh yeah I remember that annoying pop up message that would randomly affect people on youtube, I managed to go past it with ublock's selector even if it messed up a bit with the site but eventually ublock's devs managed to beat youtube again.
