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79478790 No.79478790 [Reply] [Original]

Mumei casually / accidentally gave away that she's in Japan

>> No.79478874
File: 237 KB, 1100x880, dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time

>> No.79478992

Wow thanks for info anon. Not sure if it's worth a thread though

>> No.79479041

Oh no muh precious catalog bait died for this

>> No.79479127

is Towa in Japan too?

>> No.79479249

She's in Mumei

>> No.79479277

I hope not.

>> No.79479281

Sushi exists outside of Japan

>> No.79479350

>t. too esl to understand context clues

>> No.79479353

Oh my god, it's unbelieveable. Make 10 more threads like this, people must know

>> No.79479427

>check catalog
>literally the only thread

>> No.79479428
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I want to have sex with both Mumei and Towa.

>> No.79479482

I have insider info, Irys is in japan too, can't say much or cover will know who I am.

>> No.79479486

Octopus sushi is the grossest I've eaten. Wasabi helped me swallow it down

>> No.79479566

You either went to a shitty sushi place or you're squeamish about tako. Octopus is delicious

>> No.79479587

>sushi doesn't exist outside of japan

>> No.79479617

Try the urchin

>> No.79479620

japan claims another entuber

>> No.79479718

>talks about how ppl eat sushi in japan
retard think it means she is japan

>> No.79479746

>Girls have to record stuff for concerts
>Anons are SHOCKED they're back in Japan
>Also preasu understando wasabi lovers she's white girl

>> No.79479766

Salmon roe is the toughest for me. It's like eat those fish oil pills.
I like the smaller fish roe though

>> No.79479800

She has a birthday and a 3d concert in a month, towa responded to her within literal seconds, and she makes some weird additional note about japanese customs as if it applies to what she's currently doing. But yeah, be retarded I guess

>> No.79479873

Do you guys remember when Mumei used to stream consistently and was entertaining? Isn't it wild that was something like 2 years ago?

>> No.79480033

Fauna was talking about going to Japan last month, they probably have some anniversary related shit to do

>> No.79480068

truly incredible discovery. keep us posted.

>> No.79480097

She said earlier this year that she would have quit hololive if it was a regular job by now, but she doesn't want to leave "the good gig"
So she essentially hates the job but likes the perks

>> No.79480173

>In Japan people eat whats on their plate
Yeah it's called being polite

>> No.79480263

I thought wasabi in Japan tasted better
Do they still cheap out and use horse radish over there as well?

>> No.79480329

They serve mass-produced green horseradish in japan just like they do in the west
You get the real shit in the higher-end places only

>> No.79480344

Why would it even matter if she’s in Japan? Not like she gave any location.

>> No.79480458

I'm always amazed how sisters manage to twist Holos' words into something opposite of what they meant

>> No.79480467

She seemed fine before her "break". Something made her distance her from her fans or she started taking her meds

>> No.79480580

Is it really being ESL when the post is in Japanese?

>> No.79480607

How the fuck is that what you took from what was said

>> No.79480702

Did you get tired of spamming /who/ with your nonsense?

>> No.79480862
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>> No.79480926

You come to visit 4chan after shitposting on your facebook groups all day?

>> No.79480950

>every poster is the same person
you should take your meds too.

>> No.79480959

Sana? Is that you?

>> No.79481019
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>> No.79481092

>Factoid about Japan.
>"She's in Japan right now eating sushi guys"
Living with retardation must be so blissful

>> No.79481127

I mean... Duh? There's a concert coming up VERY soon and the studio is in Japan

>> No.79481205

Amateur. I saw her walking with her mom in Tomari 2 days ago.

>> No.79481204
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this nigga

>> No.79481233
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>> No.79481438

It's squishy, slushy, and too tough to chew properly. The jellyfish one is probably the best

>> No.79481564

Towa loves sushi so much that she worked part-time at multiple sushi restaurants during her high school days. In Japan, part-time jobs have a ranking system based on the skills you have, and she was given the title of "Sushi Leader."

>> No.79481623

When it’s pretty much the exact same line being used? It’s a fairly reasonable guess that it’s the same person.

>> No.79482001

All she could do was preparing fishes. I won't put her above Choco or Azki

>> No.79482511

mhm. Please link me the post that I posted in /who/

>> No.79482833

Or recording for the concert

>> No.79483105

I'm not gonna lie, I can't taste wasabi. All I taste is pain.

>> No.79483646

You're either an M or you've never been in pain.

>> No.79483799

>showing his twitter icon

>> No.79483864

>In Japan people eat the sushi they order
What the actual fuck?

>> No.79483899

Fuck, that homo is going to rape my oshi...

>> No.79483962

There's a yakuza substory about you

>> No.79484002

Everyone wants the Towa banana so it isn't rape

>> No.79484156

IRyS already say that they are already doing the EN concert recordings, and that it's gonna get worse for mid July to 1st week of August

>> No.79484169

It didn't hurt much or anything, it was mild. It just felt like needles were prickling my tongue.

>> No.79484477

Towa majored in early childhood education and worked for several years as a nursery teacher. She is also skilled in household chores such as cooking and cleaning, earning a perfect score on my "perfect wife" test.

>> No.79484662

is fugu really representative of the taste of pain?

>> No.79485312

The thumbnail of this image looked like she was naked

>> No.79486163

You used too little. Enough wasabi at once feel like a kick in the brain

>> No.79487342

Timestamp please?

>> No.79487974


>> No.79488157

Wasabi in Japan isn't spicy.

>> No.79488263

Imagine not liking wasabi. Fucking dumb bitch.

>> No.79489938

Hey bros in Japan they usually go to soaplands and fuck whores dressed as their oshi!

>> No.79490945


>> No.79491026

Did you just casually reveal you are in japan anon?

>> No.79491968
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Oh shit fuck please don't let my oshi know, she won't be happy with me giving someone else my mayo...

>> No.79492033

Mumei would be overjoyed if a hooman impregnated other holomembers and raised little hooties for her

>> No.79492035

Do retards /here/ not know that Mumei has been to Japan multiple times now?

>> No.79493590

>second time this year.
ENs dont go to Japan as much as you might want to believe. Mumei will record her 3d live, EN concert, any guest stuff and maybe new years / fes stuff on this trip.

>> No.79494153

w-what a second... why is a person in the employ of a Japanese company... in... in Japan?
...no...no this can't be happening.
She's been going to Japan for years now, you mega faggot. It's not a secret.

>> No.79494808
File: 14 KB, 637x49, sushimey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that supposed to be weird? Did she expect them to throw perfectly good food out? What kind of niggers does she live among?

>> No.79494899

Wow, very cool thread.

>> No.79494933

Everyone has been to Japan this year many times. Even Pomu was in Japan hanging out with the baubau's at some point when they were pretending to be ill or something and couldn't stream.

>> No.79494953

I assume she's saying that people are eating the wasabi that comes with the meal even if they don't like wasabi, which is ridiculous. You don't have to eat condiments you don't like to prove some point.

>> No.79495011

Did this really need a thread?

>> No.79495125
File: 1.07 MB, 1394x1356, 1648047670477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, yeah, you are most definitely right, I somehow missed the context

>> No.79495137

I don't know what made you think I didn't know that, I'm just sharing news
Calm down, you're acting like someone on a downyrage

>> No.79495274

bae was talking about rehearsals for EN concert and world tour too

>> No.79495304

Who gives a fuck about inferior CGDCT mumei

>> No.79495528
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, IMG_8729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this faggot Japanese

>> No.79497734

ummm, you know that the twins now live in Japan now?
