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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79432314 No.79432314 [Reply] [Original]

My Tomboy Rat Got a Power Up Buff! Edition
Last Thread:>>79298254

Previously on /fvr/:
>Raimi streamed Kingdom Hearts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_FalBBgVns
>Sena streamed more Paper Mario
>Malone collabed with Beerman in Helldivers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJxq9i6ISrw
>Nyana premiered a short with the Jonny Carson of vtubing https://youtu.be/qAgrgnMOSBA

>What's this about?
Phase Connect's Pipkin Pippa (and eventually Panko) designed a parody VTuber company with AI-generated art. Some of her fans played along and it outgrew the joke to become an actual indie circle (with Pippa's blessing), using a corpo-style gen structure and AI art as a kickoff point. Some of the talents have reached consistent 3views and a couple of 4views, it is only time for complete FlaVR domination. Some designs were made /here/ by AI wrangling anons.

▼FlaVR Fresh:
▶Minna Vanilla: https://youtube.com/@BakedFreshFlaVR | x.com/BakedFreshFlaVR
>Baker, sassy, mother of two. Has that real motherlike energy (obviously).
▶Sena Bonbon: https://twitch.tv/sena_bonbon | x.com/Bonbon_Sena | https://youtube.com/@senabonbon
>Hardworking DIYer, likes conspiracies. Made her own L2D. No longer streams on youtube after she got exiled on false (unironic) terrorism charges, but her old youtube VODs remain.
▶Dr. Lollime [Kinolime]: https://youtube.com/@drlollime | x.com/DrLollime
>German FNAF loremaster with a cute accent, decent gameplay and can do attitude.
▶Dr. Citrea Lolime [Brolime]: https://youtube.com/@doctorlolime | https://youtube.com/@doctorlolimeVODs | x.com/DrLolime
>Endurance streamer, actual medical worker, occasional 'tism bouts.
▶Rika Paprika: https://youtube.com/@RikaPaprikaFlaVRES | x.com/RikaFlaVR
>Chilean babi, autistic kino, likes “free helicopter rides”.
▶Juwun Sugarbloom: https://youtube.com/@JuwunFlaVR | x.com/JuwunFlaVR
>Actual femboy nurse IRL, incredible voice range (UwU to Macho Man), decent gamer.
▶Donna Darkstar: https://youtube.com/@Donna_Darkstar | x.com/Donna_Darkstar
>Likes FPS games. Openly streams with a voice changer.

▶Nyana Banyana: https://youtube.com/@NyanaBanyana | https://twitch.tv/nyanabanyanavt | x.com/Nyanabanyana
>Puertorican catgirl, la creatividad, cracked at some games, terrible at others (racing). Formerly known as Nyana Sextyn9.

▼FlaVR Sweet:
▶Mixie Mixin: https://youtube.com/@mixiemixin | x.com/MixinMixie
>Turbo 'tisms, old school internet user, enjoys oddball games and is CRACKED at rhythm games.
▶Nayvell Milkdrop: https://youtube.com/@nayvellmilkdrop | x.com/MilkdropNayvell
>Memelord with a golden voice and terrible internet, but does her best. Made her own L2D. Pivoted towards projects rather than streams, streams VERY infrequently.

▼FlaVR Infusions
▶Sour Grape (Sawa) Sama: https://youtube.com/@SourGrapeVA | x.com/SourGrapeVA
>Toxic (and proud) memelord. Expert voice actress with dozens of voices.
▶Neo Pawlino: https://www.youtube.com/@NeoPawlino | https://twitter.com/NeoPawlino
>Neapolitan dog boy with a smooth voice, plays both niche and known games.
▶NiiCola: https://www.youtube.com/@NiiColaOfficial
>Memelord singer, has made several kino covers.
▶Traube: https://www.youtube.com/@Traubei | https://twitter.com/TraubeSucker
>Foxboy with a heart of gold, variety streamer.
▶Loligae: https://www.youtube.com/@ItoOni_ | https://x.com/DrLoligae
>Schizo lime, shitposter, great at drawing and singing, Sci-Fi enthusiast, also goes by Gaymi at times.

▼FlaVR Umami
▶Raimi Ricotta: https://youtube.com/@RaimiRicotta | tumblr.com/raimi-ricotta | x.com/Raimi_Ricotta | https://twitch.tv/raimi_ricotta
>Cheesed to meet you, zoomer boomer, good at zatsus. Streams many hours at a time. Occasionally streams on Twitch when playing very copyrightable music or doing watchalongs.

▼FlaVR Friends

▼OP & Assorted Copypastas

▼Stable Diffusion Prompts - Character AI :

▼Historical Archive (WIP) - Retired/Inactive - Leftovers:
A record of the early history of FlaVR, including retired or inactive chuubas, early FlaVR scuff and the leftover designs our AI anons prompted. Inactive chuubas will be restored if they start streaming again.

▼Archived Streams:

▼FlaVR General Friends
Korean Vtubers >>>/vt//vnug/
Chocolate Chuubas >>>/vt//choc/
Idol Corp >>>/vt//jidf/
Kiki’s Thread >>>/vt/pyon

>> No.79432573

Why does she look disappointed?

>> No.79434222

She dislikes drama

>> No.79434500

she caught you staring at her massive badonkers

>> No.79435045

Raimi but not evil?

>> No.79435908

Brolime streaming about not being menhera

>> No.79439116

Raimi doesn't like drama though?

>> No.79439219
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>> No.79439500

Whoa, how'd you get the trademark like that?

>> No.79440467

Office Nyana?

>> No.79440482


>> No.79440722

do you think every blonde woman is nyana?

>> No.79440963

Nyana invented the color yellow

>> No.79441270
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holy shit you're right..

>> No.79442422

Shes had several streams that were just about niji/vt drama and feeds into twitter drama all the time

>> No.79442448

Booba are canon!

>> No.79443753

Yeah, she has armor that makes her flat.

>> No.79445967

It's to protect her heart

>> No.79446113

Exactly, it's practical.

>> No.79449313

But everyone does that.

>> No.79449949
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>> No.79449967

Based Nyana

>> No.79450943
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Nyana is getting some good art now.

>> No.79451833
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I was tired. It had been a long day of streaming for the mamabichos (heh) and I just wanted to sleep, so I went to the kitchen, poured myself some water, brushed my teeth and went straight to my room. There was a weirdly reinvigorating scent of cinnamon in the air that wasn't there before. Did I leave the humidifier on too long or something?
At that moment I heard a jostle in my room, I would be lying if I said I wasn't spooked, but I had trusty Pepe with me, so with slightly fearful motions, I pulled Pepe out and slowly, carefully opened the door.
A bunny. It was a bunny, or at least what the shadow on the walls suggested was a bunny, holding an AK. A goddamned AK? Man, I hope they just leave me b- And I stepped on an empty soda can.
Oh god, shit fuck fuck, they're moving towards me, the shadow on the wall replacing the pale blue glow from the gamerlights. I crouched in a panic, and dropped Pepe as I covered my head, fearing for my life. Tears pooled around my eyes and slid down my cheeks as I waited for something, anything, to happen; those few seconds extending into an agonizing eternity. Did I see my life flash before my eyes? Probably.
I could feel my heart beat out of my chest, the individual beats thumping in my head, but still, nothing.
I tentatively opened my eyes and saw those characteristic pink eyes that enamoured me so long ago. But could it really be? If this was a near death hallucination, I'd rather not wake up.
"Come on, Nyana, did I spook you that hard?", she whispered against my ear, the flute-like notes of her voice causing tingles in my spine, and the warmth air exhaled against my ear making me blush.
Keep it together, Nyana, this is not the place for that. Maybe later, but not now. No! AWAY, thoughts!
As enticing as she might be, that was not the moment.
"Ah, I'm sorry, Nyana, I just wanted to prank ya! Can you forgive me?"
I sniffed and clumsily pulled her close, then hugged her as tight as I could, which wasn't very tight mind you, I was still spooked out of my own hair. I could feel her heartbeat through the cloth of her hoodie, and only then realized that the cinnamon scent from before came from none other than her.
I must've spent a good two minutes cuddling her like this. Her scent was relaxing yet intoxicating, and at some point I'm pretty sure she started scratching between my ears lovingly and caressing my head.
"Geez, purring much?", she teased, to which I jolted away in embarrasment, covering my face with my sleeves.
I couldn't look at her straight, she almost glowed with a giddiness that only served to embarrass me further. Ever seen how people get red from embarrasment? I'd be glowing orange through the fur in my ears if I could right now.
She quickly approached me with practiced motions and pulled my arms away from my face, locking me in place. Those eyes... I could get lost in them... And I did. I forgot just how embarrassed and nervous I was when she suddenly pulled ME close this time, arms behind her back and a shining smile that just screamed everything would be ok.
I was getting tired of her teasing at this point, I'm supposed to be the bratty tease, damn it! So, in a fit of what could only be called an autism shortcircuit, I pulled her by the back of her head into a sudden kiss.
Her dreamy eyes suddenly shot wide open, we kept eye contact for the duration of the kiss, and I even dared to lick her a couple of times. She stood unmoving for what felt like forever, even though my tongue licked and prodded with increasing intensity.
Eventually though, her shock vanished, and she started kissing back with passion. Every slight twitch and twist of her tongue against mine sent shocks through my head and heat throughout my body. When we finally pulled out of the kiss I could barely see straight. The taste of cinnamon lingered on my lips and a heavy blush had settled fiercely on both our faces.
Were we really going to do this? She grabbed me by the hand and slowly walked me to my room. Her hand was so soft that my mind couldn't help but race as she slowly pushed me onto the bed, but... That's not something to share, right?

>> No.79452638

>Nyana x Pippa fic

>> No.79453305
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Raimi streamed

>> No.79453404
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Doc streamed

>> No.79453614

I thought Sawa was streaming today Turok 2 but apparently she's streaming tomorrow. Or maybe she moved the stream and I didn't notice.

>> No.79454593
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>> No.79455094

That's, uh, something anon. Is it your x-ray or a friends?

>> No.79456233

Google images. I thought it was funny.

>> No.79457005

I mean, there's some wild shit about what people put in there. Nothing from this board yet thank god, but it gets crazy.

>> No.79457813

I once saw a pic of an xray of a fucking SHOE stuck inside

>> No.79459128

Next streams for Nyana
- Fan art contest, tomorrow
- Then second collab with Meat, July 2nd
- Then July 4th celebration
- Then Nyana plays Elden Ring, July 6th

>> No.79459254

isn't it the third collab with meat? :nerd: :nerd:

>> No.79459476

In total? Well, I don't know... I just meant the next collab after the most recent one.
I think the meathead that was here last time said it was a very special occasion because Meat doesn't host many collabs in her channel.

>> No.79460503

iirc they've collabed at least twice before, vrchat and roblox.

>> No.79461259

Seems Nyana has a new collab buddy.

>> No.79464259

Many collabs in short succession is good if they vibe. I remember when a year ago she was collabbing a lot with Maika, they were good together.

>> No.79465041

I wonder if Meat knows Maika?

>> No.79466527

probably she's said hi. All vtubers talk on Discord

>> No.79468196
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Raimi schedule just dropped!

>> No.79468831

A.k.a until she cripples herself and needs to recover.

>> No.79470443


>> No.79471025
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>> No.79471177

Much more accurate.

>> No.79473309

I hope, but don't hold.

>> No.79475161

it's just joke

>> No.79476997

Goodnight /fvr/ see you tomorrow!

>> No.79479581

tomorrow more streams...

>> No.79480590
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No, Raimi didn't stream so I'm right /s

>> No.79482006

I haven't seen a slash s in years?

>> No.79484685


>> No.79486608

with me

>> No.79488000


>> No.79489104


>> No.79490197

Sex with me is nice, though

>> No.79491496

she did twice today anon

>> No.79493319
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>> No.79494421

its on steam sale, I wonder if she'd consider playing Passpartout 2, she'd be good at it.

>> No.79496195
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>> No.79496344

lulu isn't streaming uuuuuuuuuuuu
