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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79446536 No.79446536 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't they hit 1 million subs in a year?

>> No.79446756

skipping FWMC Morning killed all the momentum

>> No.79446801

Not living up to their promises on debut is the big one. And moving to JP isolated a lot of their unicorn fans that took umbrage with it all.

>> No.79446859

>got too cocky
>didn't listen to Bae

>> No.79446903 [DELETED] 

Roommate bullshit

>> No.79446997
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>> No.79447124

took too many breaks and they haven't really been the same since the Japan arc. Karaokes are one of the biggest ways to boost numbers and guess what they haven't done.

>> No.79447131

do they sleep in the same room?

>> No.79447141

>pickme pickme
Gee i wonder why

>> No.79447163

cause they alienated the Stars fans

>> No.79447527

>Took IyRS and Mumei about 3 years to get to 1M
>Rest of Promise hasn't reached it yet
>Want to do that in 1 year
>Move to Japan
>Don't stream for 2 month
>Post move streaming not consistent
>One of the first streamer after moving was how they want to stream more for the JP Ruffians to reach 1M
>Massive numberfagging on stream
>Most streams now vertical stream for no reason
Even with just half of these, it would be very unlikely.
The recent post-moving stuff just breaks their necks.
t. ex-ruffian

>> No.79447549

They've cancelled many streams ruffians were looking forward to. Some anon rightly said yesterday that even if their 3D is a huge success, which it likely will be, it's only 1-2 hours of fun. It's just not worth all the bs both before and after the event.

>> No.79447701

This is the verical schizo of /baubau/ he sperg about for days and days on /baubau/ there is a rrat that he is a tranny

>> No.79447785

Everyone keeps making speculations, but hard data for this exists.
I'd like to see an actual graph of subs vs. date, with key events marked (eg. Japan trips, key cancellations, etc. etc.) that are alleged to have impacted the situation. Let's see how (or if) they really impacted the numbers. Could they actually have reached 1 million at all? If a mathematical value can be placed on these things, it will put to rest any further speculation.

>> No.79447814

Too busy having sex with Japanese ojisans to stream. Sad, but I had to do it to them.

>> No.79447860

I don't write in /baubau/ so no, I am not the tranny.
While I don't mind them for specific streams like the Sisyphus Game in others when Fuwawa and Mococo are on screen they hide too much of the game. It's not like it's not valid criticism.

>> No.79447869

Thanks for a sane summary

>> No.79447996

Ok tranny

>> No.79448024

Actually forgot:
>Backpeddled doing JP Stream after the backlash
Safe to say it was a stupid thing to say, the trust of ruffians and JP ruffians was damaged.

>> No.79448041

Why didn't holoX?

>> No.79448070

Not enough mococo tummy.

>> No.79448075

They never claimed they would reach 1 million in a year

>> No.79448149

>Most streams now vertical stream for no reason
The reason is precisely to farm dead subs.

>> No.79448195

Uh they still did that and it was a massive flop that alienated EOP and quite a few casuals left after they did GW.

>> No.79448405

Well Golden Week was promised and at least for me that was okay.
But I think they did say that they in general want to also do more JP stream.
Except for the Marine collab there was no Japanese stream since then.

>> No.79448598

Multitude of factors.
Large ones are taking on too much shit on the back end and moving.
The moving crushed time they could have been pandering to fotm, although I have doubts if they would have had they not gotten so close to their anni. They really do like playing games they want to, and while some of their picks have been in line with their old choices, there's fotm + vertical streams that show they are seriously in it only for the numbers at this point.
The homework shit is entirely on them and has been actively destroying them, their mental state from lack of sleep, and their physical state for months now. Because they got it stuck in their head that they HAVE TO make it to 1m (even after coping live on stream), they started streaming more than their tired bodies would allow, so now we have actual crashing to the point of being unable to keep up 'promises' (scheduled streams). It is completely unlike them but shows a serious need for them to either put streams on hold or put homework on hold, and we know Cover won't do the second because there are people relying on them to finish projects.
In the end, they're overabitious, have very little ties to reality, and like to over promise and now they're stuck like a rock in a hard place. Disappoint fans by telling them they need to go on another break close to the likes of the move until September, or keep doubling up until they legit fall apart. Stupid thing is, their 'Battle Plans (Don't worry!)' stream, they said specifically that it would get worse than when they were moving, but they refused to actually commit to it because they had a segnificant backlash in the VoD comments, at least 15% neutral or negative, which is pretty fucking impressive.

>> No.79448815
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They have to understand that subs don't mean shit in the end if you don't keep your fanbase happy.

>> No.79448837


>> No.79449116

Did they abandon their weekly karaokes? I haven't seen one of those showing up in my recommendation for a while and forgot they existed.

>> No.79449155

ERB will hit before them

>> No.79449239

They're both failures kek

>> No.79449275

Has it already been a year? Time flies when you're having fun

>> No.79449286

I can only picture 2 reasons why they'd want them so badly. One is because they want to use their wish on sonething they've had in mind since they got hired. The other is that they really do want to cut down on streams a ton and focus almost purely on backend stuff, which if that's the case, I'm gonna check out. I don't need to follow someone who barely streams, there's millions of other content creators who are much more competent, interesting, knowledgeble, etc. on any give subject on youtube alone.

>> No.79449563
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>> No.79449564

They weren't weekly, but this is the timeline of events that fucked those post-move.
>Move into actual place finally
>Getting set up for a few weeks
>Announce RnR.
>Cancel RnR because Moco-chan sounds like shit, throat extremely scratchy
>Bemoan needing to do homework while Moco-chan is sick on stream
>Moco-chan keeps yelling a lot throughout the week she's 'on rest'
>Fuwawa solo RnR coming up
>Before that, theybhave karaoke in Tai Pei
>Fuwawa's voice getting rough
>Karaoke is pretty bad with Moco-chan basically out of commission and Fuwawa barely holding on
>Fuwawa announces cancellation of solo RnR party later that night.
>Forced week hiatus from everything for both, including twitter
>Come back and appologize to fans, say that RnR might not be back for a while, assumed because of recordings and needing their voices to not be shreded

>> No.79449595

Cause their dogshit

>> No.79449646

Their viewership hasn't changed at all.

>> No.79449749

>6k average
>10k average
Nothing at all.

>> No.79449755

>>didn't listen to Bae

>> No.79449820

Bae, along with a few other talents had talked to them directly about slowing down a bit before burnout sets in. Now they're collapsing both mentally and physically.

>> No.79449845

Not even with full force bots they ever reached 10k

>> No.79449865

A quick glance shows you're wrong. Also GW was after their move so now I know you're a nijisister

>> No.79449950

She could see they were pushing themselves way too hard and were going to explode (they did), but because she is the runt of Promise, they ignored her. Bae, like Kiara, has proven herself to be someone that knows how to consistently deliver and work hard, so why the fuck they didn't listen to her is beyond me. Everything fucked up because they simply didn't 'chill out a bit'. They rushed into one retarded decision into another and when one of the girls is having a schizo attack, it sets the other one off into a schizo menhera autism spiral.

>> No.79449965

I dont want to watch them do the equivalent of camgirling with a subscription counter on their screen

>> No.79450068

The man who was too based for this shit board.

>> No.79450162

He's right, their childrens morning show act has gotten stale

>> No.79450176

ENvtubing is unironically dying.

>> No.79450205

It smells like rotten snatch in here. Is this what the AX concert hall smelled like until yesterday?

>> No.79450215

why didnt they hit it in a month like gura?

>> No.79450248

Absolute retard.
Yagoo said the reason why HoloEN is successful because they still carry over the JP experience to some degree. Overseafans want the same experience and not like how many companies pander towards westoid values.
If you want to watch that shit go to Twitch, not Hololive.

>> No.79450298

And they've read a ton of twitter posts about them, some of them from their paypigs, that they probably see as having negative connotation because they are in a bad headspace, so it just keeps going.
They probably got some mental damage from reading all the SC from months and months ago with people talking excitedly about them being back right after they were forced to take that break. How would you feel if you wanted to be there for your fans, were forced not to be, then read message after message saying "Oh my gosh I'm so excited you're back! My weeks are gonna be so much better!'?

>> No.79450391

Theyre not Kaela and theyre not Koyori, they fell on their face and now they're paying the price because they're mentally weak and can't handle feedback from their own fans that's not them sucking their dick
The JP streams promise probably broke them

>> No.79450400
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>listening the runt

>> No.79450409

funny how that happens. You're skyrocketing to the moon and you full stop to sperg out and betray your rapidly growing audience, to go pander to an entirely new audience that already has a million bitches just like you. Why did things slow down???

>> No.79450442

I wanna suck their dicks...

>> No.79450468

1 JP fan is worth like 3 EN fans so I can see why they did what they did

>> No.79450477

EN market is in a downturn, everyone is suffering but hololive is suffering less because the box is too strong

>> No.79450478

There's only so many times I can find bau bau and hoeh funny. Until they developed their 1 dimensional personalities a little more I'm bored of them

>> No.79450515


>> No.79450544

The japs dont see them as Japanese streamers, they see them a gimmick to call cute once then they go watch an actual Japanese person

>> No.79450564

Mutt logic

>> No.79450583
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he was the biggest fwmc schizo at the time and he was right

>> No.79450620

Uh oh looks like the manchildren last samurais

>> No.79450619

It was never a realistic goal. Everyone is playing hindsight armchair manager now but they would have never reached that no matter what they did differently.

>> No.79450622

Yen keeps losing and NA has way more disposable income to spend on supas and merch. They wanted to pander to JP because they are massive weebs, that's all.

>> No.79450634

Yeah, be a whore like Iron Lung and Veibae. ENs are whores, so act like one!

>> No.79450666

based and true. fellow ex-ruffian that was majorly disillusioned by them after trusting them more than any other chuubas. they were the last ones I thought would ever stab us in the back

>> No.79450676

They will never be japanese, they will never be accepted by japanese society, they will be back home living in their parents spare room in years time

>> No.79450715

Wouldn't it be paid concert stuff? I wonder what percentage of members/avid watchers buy tickets to online/offline stuff. I'd imagine those that don't buy them will eventually move on.

>> No.79450732

The move really changed things

>> No.79450737

They were accelerating at record pace until they took a month off to move to Japan. Their schedule has never fully recovered and they get tired and have to cancel streams more often. A shame they couldn't keep it going like Koyori.

>> No.79450747

>they were the last ones I thought would ever stab us in the back
more accurate would be saying they are stupid and clumsy and accidentally stabbed us

>> No.79450748

ASMR status?

that might save them

>> No.79450779
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>> No.79450788

Koyori actually has a social life outside of work, she streams like a 9 to 5 and then actually goes and does shit like a normal person. She's just incredibly consistent and experienced

>> No.79450806

That holostars stunt, really unprofessional, it would not have hurt their bottom dollar to give equal praise for everyone during a stream made promote an event.

>> No.79450829

Japan move was poorly timed since it led straight into the planning and work for Advent 3D. If they postponed the move for after July they would have had a chance. Outside of that they haven't really changed, but I fucking hate these vertical streams and wish they would stop doing them.

>> No.79450864

You mean you don't love staring at a sub counter that never moves? It's peak content

>> No.79450901

Crazy part is, most fans were pumped the entire time and eagerly awaiting their return. The first week or two were fine, then they had the battle plan stream. It fucked up the fans and it fucked up FuwaMoco

>> No.79450908

That's actually what has kept them relevant, filthy beggar.

>> No.79450916
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>> No.79450921

Subs farming is the new meta unless you are Fauna and don't give a fuck.

>> No.79450944

In the end, was the Japan arc really that detrimental to the sub count or was it just false flagging?

>> No.79450948

holy fuck they do have a sub counter

jfc what are they thinking?

>> No.79450963

Nobody in promise or above cares, bijou doesn't care either because she just loves video games
Nerissa and the dogs are number cancer

>> No.79450972

How do you think not streaming for two months would affect the sub count?

>> No.79451009

I seem to remember Ruffians going "wow their schedules are packed. It's so based that they care about us and are showing how lazy the rest of EN is". Funny how that works out huh?

>> No.79451056

Does it even really do anything at the end of the day? You would think they would be against numberfagging and gatekeep their current fanbase as much as possible. They get way more viewers playing FNAF or Minecraft normally than any vertical stream

>> No.79451128

For the same reason we've had fuwawa week and not mococo week.
Mocogrifter needs to graduate NOW.

>> No.79451138

I thought the content was kindergarten level, not their mental.

>> No.79451173

>when she's closer to 1 mil subs than Fauna

>> No.79451174

Unironically he is correct

>> No.79451202

1M gets Cover to fulfill one wish for the talent, so that's one tangible reason to numberfag. Don't know if there's more.

>> No.79451205

yea get rid of the cute popular one. great move

>> No.79451212

Havnt watched hololive for a while, but werent they super popular just a short while ago?
EN4 is alreasdy out too
I read whats in this thread, but this seems a little too quick to me

>> No.79451271

Bae does a lot of verticals. Probably the most total out of EN but spread since December 2023 when it first became a thing.
Like 1/4 of Mumei streams in 2024 were unarchived vertical karaokes.
IRyS and Kronii did some of them.
Bijou did some, her recent supas reading was vertical + karaoke. Shiori actually not sure.

>> No.79451313

I wish I could give you chunks of that fucking Battle Plan stream. They spent the first hour casually talking over stuff, then Moco-chan got teary eyed and you could hear her holding back crying and both of them said this
>We're gonna be doing some more JP streaming for Golden Week
>And after that, we won't really have much time to stream
>But we really want JP fans to get to know us too, you know?
>And we really want to hit our 1 million goal before the first anniversary.
>You might not like what's coming and we understand if you wanna leave
>But know we'll be here waiting for you if you ever come back
To be fair, they did clarify a little bit during the SC reading portion of the stream, but a bunch of people turned it off right then and there, some big paypigs included. They had like 110 comments the day after the stream, and after looking through them I found about 20 that were extremely hesitantly neutral about the stream or downright mad about it, and I'm not talking 1-monthers either, these were day-one subs.

>> No.79451326

Stop being mean to FWMC for no reason. Imagine them reading this thread right now crying because they think you all hate them

>> No.79451356
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>> No.79451484

It's not mean to talk about why they wouldn't ever hit an unreachable goal for them. They should have listened to their senpai, the people who've been in the gane much longer than they have, and taken a little more time for self-care.

>> No.79451493

Stop, I'm already hard

>> No.79451517

Don't worry, I only hate Mococo.

>> No.79451531

She's so based.

>> No.79451559

Don't worry, I only hate Fuwawa

>> No.79451606

Good, I fucking hate both of them

>> No.79451626

They aren't burnt out retard. They're just too busy.

>> No.79451639

They're still super popular. This is just schizos and numberfaggots having a lemonparty.

>> No.79451640

they were insanely popular, the fastest growing talent by far in EN, if not all of hololive. thats whats so perplexing. they threw it away for literally no reason, just to be weebs

>> No.79451723

No, they're genuinely stupid, emotional, and very menhera. They bit off far more than they could chew and it all collapsed and ate away more than a quarter of the year for them.
t. Ruffian

>> No.79451857

>they threw it away for literally no reason, just to be weebs
Mix of wanting to have your cake and eat it too plus acting like dogs seeing a squirrel.

>> No.79451875

Their English karaoke they did was genuinely one of the funnest Hololive streams ever. They should have done more of that

>> No.79451906

>1M gets Cover to fulfill one wish for the talent
>"Fuwawa-san, I don't think we're legally allowed to surgically join you together."
>"There's a saying you may have heard. 'Bitches get stitches.' And we intend to collect. Bau. Bau."

>> No.79451909

>fuwamoco hate
what happened to nijisanji this time? fuwamoco are cute, and don't talk to homos. That's enough to make them one of the best EN holos

>> No.79451913

>fwmc schizo was a robosa

>> No.79451942

>just to be weebs
they saw a chance to get their _real_ dream to come true and that requires them to live in japan and it is not hololive related

>> No.79452036

>don't talk to homos.
I'm sure they're friendly to them on discord, which I have no problem with as one of their fans

>> No.79452132
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Teletubbies with Tits

>> No.79452134

oh I know, but there was no rush. milk the stupid EN fans for a year or two first, make your money. Dont just slam on the brakes

>> No.79452309

Nijiniggers ruined this board
>anything happens?
>it's nijiniggers/phasecuckolds!!!
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.79452407

I still haven't watched that stream.
I was out with my family when it aired and when I came back home the threads were... something. Made me scared to actually watch it, sounded like something I wouldn't enjoy at all.

There's zero chance they could have done it if they stayed. They were clearly stagnating. Move to Japan was the only way to reach 1M subs. However it proved to be far more troublesome than expected - like the fact they couldn't stream there for a long time, it took too long to move to a proper apartment, health issues...
Not necessarily related to subs because I subbed them the moment I learned who they are and still am a day1 member but if I were to share what affected me the most... Cancelled streams are the worst part for me personally. There were multiple streams I was looking forward to but they kept getting cancelled or postponed and I just grew tired of it. I haven't watched them much in recent months now that I think about it, aside from collabs with JP senpai.
State of /baubau/ also had its effect. When threads are dogshit (heh) it cuts into my motivation of watching the streams, if I don't really have a place where I can talk about them. It's already tough keeping up with FuwaMoco when I'm an europoor and they only stream at 3 in the night.

>> No.79452423

Fuwawa you started the thread, don't be upset because people are giving you honest answers.

>> No.79452551

killed their momentum with the japan move

>> No.79452706 [DELETED] 

Nijiniggers ruined this board
>anything happens?
>it's nijiniggers/phasecuckolds!!!
It's all so tiresome.
>battle plan

>> No.79452734

Busy being burnt out

>> No.79452789

>homo homo homo
Why do you think about dick constantly?

>> No.79452885

It wasn't.

>> No.79453017

why did that comment make you mad enough to reply?

>> No.79453123

why did you post it twice?
anyway no, (you) ruined the board, deflecting to niji was at least a brief respite from constant schizo anti garbage

>> No.79453182

The reason for vertical streams are purely to get new viewers as a plan to hit their 1M. I unsubbed out of spite.

>> No.79453211

3D debuts are available for all to watch.

>> No.79453326

>I unsubbed out of spite.

>> No.79453365

my kuroba fucked me over and I didn't notice it until I sent it, and yes they did, it wasn't like that at all when I got here for the first time during Vesper drama and his first suspension. Now nijiniggers are rent free in everyone's head.

>> No.79453421

Qrd? What happened? They said they wanted to stream more in JP and backtracked?

>> No.79453491

Well that’s just flatout wrong

>> No.79453495

The move led to a lot of missed streams and burnout simultaneously. It was too early.

>> No.79453517
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>3D debuts are available for all to watch.
Not necessarily.

>> No.79453565

Who cares about subs if they don’t translate to viewers? The entire point of subscribers is that they’ll come back and watch you. If your subs don’t actually tune in, they are worthless

>> No.79453613

Isn't it based on songs and stuff? Russian?

>> No.79453645

>3d debut
Holy grim…

>> No.79453689

Why would you even admit that? Anyway the board was already ruined when you got here.

>> No.79453756

this, they do have JP fans but I don't think they can get the JP audience to 100.0% embrace them as identical to a JP holo standard. much like being a foreigner means they won't ever 100% see you as one of their own.

the thing is there's not much that can be done about that and as long as they respect you as an actual person able to talk to them like a peer, that's what matters. it's not even a xenophobia thing to them so much as a cultural thing to them, the very idea a foreign-born person can come over and just become japanese is not logical to them. the US is big on this idea so we just assume other cultures/countries will intuitively get it but it's not taught there like it is here.

>> No.79453799
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>Imagine them reading this thread right now crying because they think you all hate them

>> No.79453809

Vertical streams really fucking suck, revanced can't keep them on the background nor do picture-in-picture with them, fucking annoying.

>> No.79453831

Realistically all you had to say was
>don't stream for 2 months
and that's pretty much the end of it. Though even if you included that time and they would've gotten to 1mil with it, they still made amazing pace and are highly dedicated high-profile bilingual vtubers. They've got nothing but growth ahead of them.

>> No.79453857

Fuwamoco barely even beat Bae on normal streams nowadays. I don't even say that to denigrate them, Bae just outperforms her shitter reputation.

>> No.79453889

Stop moving the goalpost.

>> No.79453995

They perform great on JP FOTM horror games, but that's mostly it.

>> No.79454007

Was getting a bit empty lately without another riveting bait threads. Will never understand the amount of seethe these two get because they kept to their kayfabe and *check notes* ignore the homos? They really did become the sisters and beggars biggest enemies over the year without doing much kek.

>> No.79454025
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>using "not streaming" as a reason for less subs
>in the post-Gura dimension

>> No.79454046

>why would you even admit that
It's an anonymous site, anon, next I'm gonna pretend I'm a nijinigger shitting up the thread, it doesn't matter. I don't even bother with vtubers now, outside of some holo songs and 3D stuff, usually all Marines. I haven't visited /vt/ in months, but saw the debut and got pulled in again, because this board is too addictive and entertaining.

>> No.79454078

Have you tried newpipe?
Revanced cannot presuambly because it act just like the shitty ass fuck yt official app which is aids and will not allow background play in shorts even if you've paid for premium.
I believe newpipe doesn't suffer from this problem because it's entirely different in layout.
I think. Not tried it yet, mind.

>> No.79454103

They cause jealousy and cute aggression in the sisters, then they samefag replies to screenshots of their own posts.

>> No.79454200

Didn't even think about it because every time I tried watching a livestream on newpipe it would stop buffering randomly, or get really jittery.
So never occurred me to try to open a shorts live on that, thanks for suggestion.

>> No.79454246

She had millions, plural, before she vanished.

>> No.79454262

Okay. I stand by my claim that (You) ruined the board.

>> No.79454297

And she got millions more during her disappearing act.

>> No.79454368
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You flatter me, anon, I merely adapted to the conditions of this board.

>> No.79454485

also, bonus they already do ASMR

>> No.79454541

>ESing the L

>> No.79454555

not only was it too early it also was during shinseikatsu when the housing market is a battlefield.

>> No.79454565

I don't want to think about dick constantly and you keep brining it up.

>> No.79454723

Stay in school, retard-chama

>> No.79454753

genuine NTR experience

>> No.79454940

I think the problem is that the things they use vertical for make no sense, they are playing normal games on vertical just for the sake of numberbegging

>> No.79455028

>they need to go on another break close to the likes of the move until September,
No way they're going on a break for the whole summer.

>> No.79455144

Almost every vertical has sub counter, tourist-chama. It must be company mandated.

>> No.79455145

I don't know how vanced works/ed, but iirc newpipe works like yt-dlp. I don't have trouble with livestreams on it, not really. Might be a regional thing though, as I have issues with EU streams but not anywhere else on browser/PC.
I only use newpipe for clips or vods when I want to watch something but not give the thing I'm watching any views because, as far as I'm aware, newpipe's views just like yt-dlp's aren't counted by yt's metrics.

>> No.79455502

watch in firefox

>> No.79455567

The thing that gets me are the vertical streams, that shit exposed them as bigger numberfags that I ever thought. Vertical streams are annoying to watch on both mobile and desktop, and the subs you get from them are tourists that will kill your algo momentum in the long-run, and yet FWMC spams them to no end

>> No.79455577

It's because almost all vertical streams are to farm subs.

>> No.79455631

>the subs you get from them are tourists that will kill your algo momentum
'Splain how. I can't see how that could happen.

>> No.79455664
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>> No.79455718

Getting to HoloJP through HoloEN is pretty smart if the direct approach didnd't work. Good for them.

>> No.79456009

Even the Hololive brand has its limits.

>> No.79456013

Switching to jp killed their momentum

>> No.79456176

The debut itself didn't get a lot of viewers (what was it, 13K? I don't recall). Because of the troubles.
3D Debuts usually do well on VOD views since even people who couldn't catch it live will want to see them. Hell, even people who rarely watch will probably be interested in checking it out.
And then... copyright.

>> No.79456412

Is the stream gone or was it members only?

>> No.79456600

members only.
The actual contents were a complete nothingburger "we're going to be busy soon with behind the scenes stuff and do a lot of japanese streams for golden week" but they're retarded and blew it up to the extent that I wonder why the hell a manager or mod didn't stop them sooner.

>> No.79457095

Imagine being the fastest growing channel of your gen.
Completely mogging the previous generation in growth speed.
And still going menhera because it's not enough.

>> No.79457251
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It may have been circumstantially driven, but Gura got the milly in 40 days, narrowly clearing both Korone and Fubuki to claim first among Hololive. To put things in perspective, she got to 4 million over two years ago and has gained less than half a million in the time since, ala the times she spent not streaming. At this point, it doesn't even matter because her mere image convinces people to buy 100 dollar hoodies, 100 dollar "backpacks", and still brings home the bank when she does stream. At this point, Gura’s status is both a sword of Damocles she would probably prefer to be free of, but also confers upon her the authority to do, or not do, as she pleases, a benefit she can and does actively invoke.
If the twins thought that they could get to at least a million within a year, then their estimations would put them ahead of all of Councilrys and nearly on par with lockdown/first-in-market boosted Myth (note that all of them got there within the first year of debut). Koyori can be considered a close parallel on the JP side who had the same goal, but it took her almost until the second anniversary of her debut; curiously, Laplus, who debuted as part of the same wave, got there two months faster despite having no declared goal and the various JP side “yabs”. When it comes to time spent streaming, Koyori certainly places among the top ranks on the JP side, and in hololive as a whole, and in spite of her constant content stream, she was unable to make the year mark, which goes to show how much more difficult it is to get to 1 million quickly in the saturated era. Of note is that despite the difficulty getting there quickly, the fact of having the hololive name attached is almost a guarantee that one *will* get to a million subs if they commit to the grind and aren’t an absolute lower card, which FWMC certainly are not.
They may have believed that their gimmick gave them an unutilized in that could get them there, but they should have tempered their expectations when they didn’t immediately Gura or Salome their way to a million and instead paced themselves for the long run without burning themselves out immediately in the way that they did, exacerbated by their move and their idiotic JP statement. Could they have done it in this way? Possibly, but improbable. Can they do it now? Extremely improbable; their last milestone climb from 700 to 800 took them over a hundred days, and their growth curve has only been getting flatter despite the attempt to inject a new JP audience. Recall that they debuted on the last day of July of last year, which is to say that they have a month and some change to climb 125k, which is to say that their rate of growth would have to triple.
They probably know this as well. If I were them, I would punt the idea (though not openly) of getting there and instead enjoy the tradeoff for being an actual weaboo. It was their dream, after all.

>> No.79457253

The divide by 2 posts got to them.

>> No.79457260
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The previous posts were schedules and apologies for canceling streams. Also, comments are locked now.

>> No.79457270

I agree with this, and not just for FWMC. No project is worth weeks of no streams. Most of them, only a fraction of the audience will ever see them.

>> No.79457478


>> No.79457696

>disrespecting their senpai
>thinking they're too good to take her advice
Huh, I thought fwmc were true japanese in their hearts? We're they typical arrogant white cunts who think they know everything after all??

>> No.79459912

Bae is Chinese. There is nothing more Japanese than disrespecting her and then denying all wrongdoing.

>> No.79461594
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I just liked watching the Doggy of the Day more than anything. I liked watching fans post their dogs. The rest of FWMC morning got dull with the misunderstandings stuff getting more played out and the entire natto shit just getting tired.

I ended up just unsubbing because Ruffians are more insane and tribalistic than IRySfags if you say one thing you dislike about any of the streams. Wish em the best, but seeing the streams devolve into numberfagging makes me feel a bit more justified in my decision.

Post dogs.

>> No.79461602

The way /baubau/ turned from saying Bae was in no position to give any advice to two veterans of the industry, to them bringing up how much better Bae handled her move to Japan compared to how FWMC did it almost every single day during the house moving drought, was just a hilarious life lesson.
Experience alone isn't enough to stop your chuba from making some retarded decisions.
The rrat of them getting a racist real estate agent because they're white was pretty funny too.

>> No.79462111

Nope. Gura has never had a sub counter in her vertical streams. It's not mandatory
Stupid dogfag. How do you listen to their fake voices? lol it's so cringe

>> No.79462134

It's annoying. I don't hate vertical streams for most games, but them spamming them plus also dropping visual novels, a genre that's shit for mumbers but they personally love and something that has been a huge factor in who they are, really makes me dislike the numbers grind.
Then they have the balls to say multiple times to us "It's about the journey!". Your actions show me it's about the number, not about everything it takes to get there.

>> No.79462202

I'm just tired that any small constructive criticism in /baubau/ gets you accused of being an anti. It's actually crazy.

>> No.79462221

Watching them crash and burn is the most satisfying feeling in the world

>> No.79462567

all 500 of them

>> No.79462608

You should tell that to fuwamoco

>> No.79462723

>crash and burn
nice one, sister. They'll be fine.
Unlike your concert.

>> No.79463046

then why isn't she on b2?

>> No.79463199
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>> No.79463417

She speaks in Chinese dialect from Malaysia/Indonesia area

>> No.79463613

can't wait to see them seethe after all that hard work behind the scenes has translated to advent3D and 3Ddebut plus the breaking dimensions concert, oh did i say concert? lol

>> No.79463677

>screencapping your own posts
>posting them in multiple threads
>samefag replying to your own posts calling yourself "based"
This is really, really pathetic.

>> No.79464012

I see a lot of very detailed reasons in this thread for the situation they are in right now, I am sure many of them are 100% true.
But for me, I unmembered them and only watch them occasionally for one reason. I simply got over their content.
>bau bau when anythign they dont like happens or is said
>fuwawa giggling at everything
>bau bau
I dont know... I really liked them at first, and I like kayfabe and all that. I mean I watch 90% JP and I thought they were "like the JP girls" at first, but their "characters"and the "personalities" they are using have become one dimensional to me. I dont need them to drop the kayfabe, I just need them to be a little more real and open. They seem to monotonous and repetative right now.

>> No.79464116

>number matter

>> No.79464207

You do realize I must defeat you for this, right?

>> No.79464214

The irregular streaming and 2 month break probably hurt them more than "baby talk" and "JP-lite" schizo theory retards here have. Some of it was unavoidable like one of them getting sick but the move to JP was clearly not well thought out. Not really a fan or hater and I hope the JP move eventually works out in their favor though.

>> No.79464366

Gura is just a fucking Siren, she just gains a following by being herself, talking and existing which is odd but cool.

>> No.79464674

Hmm... True.

>> No.79464745

It probably will. This is just their lowest point yet and will probably be their lowest point in their entire career, barring some really menhara shit. It's causing a chunk of Ruffian to get all antsy.

>> No.79464771

They are cute, but have no wit.

>> No.79464966

Nothing against the girls for wanting to be as successful and popular as possible, but the blatant numberfagging just really turns me off, especially having a sub counter always on screen when they aren't nearing a milestone. Doesn't help that vertical streams are pure cancer to watch

>> No.79465235

I miss VN streams
they never should have gone hololive, now they're stuck making numbers content

>> No.79465322

I initially thought they were very creative, especially when they had that Friday 13th stream which was fucking kino. But really, nothing interesting followed it. I'm starting to believe even that wasn't their idea.

>> No.79466107

Blatant numberfagging by the holo chuuba themselves is such a turn off for me too. Well that and their japanese streams to gain more audience within a short amount of time despite having alot of EN audience already. Giving too much attention to ccv and subcount detracts from overall enjoyment for the audience side.

>> No.79466213

They are probably financially and obviously mentally doing better at Cover but compared to back then...at what cost?

>> No.79466298

This is pretty much me. I like kayfabe here and there and playing pretend as much as the next guy, but there needs to be an off-ramp. I'm a lot more interested in the person behind the character and their stories rather than the character.
>Baelz lore: Avatar of chaos who presides over the uncanny in reality
>Baelz IRL: Chuuni Aussie rock-climber who's really hard at work to be an idol
>Nerissa lore: Thousand-year-old song demon who escaped from lockup
>Nerissa IRL: Minnesota ranch girl with a big family she drags on-stream sometimes
>Fuwamoco lore: Hyperactive demon dogs who get excited and bark at everyone
>Fuwamoco IRL: Hyperactive Canadian women who get excited and bark at everyone
I like seeing two sides of the coin, makes the streams more grounded and interesting to watch.

>> No.79466332

But they DID play visual novels. They made the conscious decision to stop playing the ones they were because they want to hit 1m asap. It's probably the biggest reason for me being upset recently about their content. Take all the breaks you need because you're busy, but killing off something that is uniquely you in the EN sphere because you want to hit 1m asap is sad.

>> No.79466338

Meanwhile for council/promise their kayfabe are already ingrained to whatever they do even while being more open. Odd isn't it especially how they're the most lore heavy gen.

>> No.79466500

Amusing, if accurate, assessment.

>> No.79466908

I miss Sakura Wars. Those were my favorite streams.

>> No.79466955

They really need to find a way to bring more of themselves into the character and just be more real and comfortable. I think you both have good points. They can incorporate their actual personalities into the lore/kayfabe but they aren't right now.
Having said that, there is also the opposite end of the spectrum, where vtubers dont even try to pretend they are an anime girl and just are e-girls/twitch thots with an avatar which also isnt good either.
But a great vtuber, which I know Fuwamoco wants to be should be able to achieve a balance.
A little more negative of a view than I was going for but honestly I can see what you mean.

>> No.79467132

Oh shit, they played Sakura Wars?
I'll have to watch that one.

>> No.79467353

If you insist

You will never be Japanese. You have a thick foreigner accent, you have the wrong phenotype, you have the wrong facial structure. You are a canadian woman twisted by anime and shitty pop music into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish weebery behind closed doors.

Japanese men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed Japanese men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even wapanese who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a Japanese man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your maple syrup.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your manesan will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your canadian birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a canadian is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably white.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.79467637
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>a skeleton that is unmistakably white
aren't all bones white?

>> No.79467646
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>> No.79467754

I always wonder what people mean when you say twitch thot/e-girl. Is there an example in EN who you'd say doesn't do enough with her character?

>> No.79467775

do they even sing niche songs during karaoke still

>> No.79467847

Wasn't talking about HoloEN specifically regarding that issue, just vtubers in general.

>> No.79467870

most of them

>> No.79467871

What went wrong with that member stream? I skipped it since the first battle plan stream kinda was boring.

>> No.79467980

I'm just earnestly curious what that means and where people draw the line.
Kill yourself fag.

>> No.79468291
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I did a writeup here >>79451313
People will claim that the majority were upset because they bought into 'they're abandoning EN!' stuff here, but almost every single neutral or negative post wasn't about Golden Week itself, but what it meant for the future of FuwaMoco streams past that point. To add a little, they talked about cutting down streams and increasing solo JP streams on top of collabs with coworkers, and most of those commenters I was talking about were fine with collabs, because that was one of the reasons for the move. Here's an example of one.

>> No.79468447

I'm still subbed but I reduced my member from tier 3 to 1 and have never really been watching them as much as I used to.

>> No.79468699

It's how they farm subs from normalfags.
Small corpos do it all the time and for every 500 subs maybe one or two people actually stick around and become part of the community in some capacity.
Stream quality takes a fucking nosedive for everyone involved but if you got the numbers brainrot it helps

>> No.79468772
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Another one for reference. This guy is their consistent, pretty accurate time-stamper for all of their streams.

>> No.79468926

onigiri is a twitch thot that used v-tubers as a stepping stone towards flesh content. at least her recent collab had nerissa groping her own boobs

>> No.79469065

>for every 500 subs maybe one or two people actually stick around
That's optimistic. Shorts audience might be even more disconnected than that.

>> No.79469155

Yeah I might have missed a 0 in there, you're right.
But I have seen them gain community members that aren't cringe and actually stick around, so it happens, even if rarely.

>> No.79470088
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>Sana - Did astrology, which is extremely hit or miss depending on the audience regarding the topic of "space". Lore never really came up again, insufficient stream data prior to retirement to reach any conclusions. Second hardest lore to benefit from in the abstract, but could (have) be(en) a hyper-specific niche.
>Fauna - Vegan pacifist. Easiest lore to benefit from, like farming inspiration in dnd.
>Kronii - Didn't specifically take advantage of her lore, other than the specific entanglement with Civilization. Had no choice but to diverge from lore, instead relying on the facade of confidence and narcissism before resting on being a girlfailure. Second hardest lore to benefit from.
>Mumei - Most strongly taken advantage of with her literal tism. For better or worse, management shot down the history streams before they happened, which could make for interesting content, but likely would have not been sustainable for her specifically. Mid difficulty lore depending on the approach, but easy to reference minimally to maintain kayfabe.
>Bae - Picrel. Was significantly more higher pitched and energetic, which is usually not sustainable for vtubers. Most versatile lore due to the ambiguity of "chaos", but hard to take advantage of as a corporate vtuber.

FWMC lore is being "demon guard dogs", which to the normal person can only be reasonably interpreted as dogs, and they used that aspect for loyalty, as seen in their debut stream. Going back to the DnD example, it was their version of having an oath, and they strongly reaped the benefits of that parasocialism/unicornism; when they shifted course to try to get to 1m, varying levels of ruffians and schizos considered that a "violation" of the "oath", which is not necessarily a yab, but has not exactly helped with their western audience. As for the divergence from their lore and be more direct, that's harder for them, as idol stuff is extremely niche and visual novels make for poor watching content like jrpgs.

>> No.79472016

They thought JP fans care about gaijens enough to boost them to 1 million during golden week
JP fans just watched their JP oshi
They got more subs in a single vertical suika game stream than all of golden week
FWMC basically spat on their EN fans after the 2 month break with the battleplan members stream and kicked their ribs with the JP members asmr on a different channel
They're very stupid and I hope after summer of advent they can FINALLY go back to being consistent instead of dedicating all their time to a shortcut that won't pay off

>> No.79472413
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>> No.79473453

Busy with 3D, you massive retard. Why do you think ALL of advent had to go to japan?

>> No.79473646

Do you want me to post the other members of Advents streams and stream times the last month?

>> No.79473659

They probably read a lot worse on Twitter

>> No.79473831

Sure buddy, but the rest of Advent isn't moving to japan, they are visiting Japan, and Fuwamoco was literally tour guiding them around, so that also takes time.
But yeah, I'm sure a retard that doesn't watch streams would know better.

>> No.79474021

Also, I would love to see a comparison between Bae and Fuwamoco.
Surely Bae has much more streams since she "chilled out" and didn't burn out, right?

>> No.79474022

Oh yeah, they just live there, have a home there, and have a setup that is much easier to work with and access than going to the studio and book a timeslot.

>> No.79474030

Lmao kill yourself. FWMC don't collab with homos, unlike the rat whore

>> No.79474127

Sister you never watched them in the first place

>> No.79474192

bae is not an idol, she literally collabs with men

>> No.79474216

Wrong. You have never been to /baubau/.
Bae is just salty that she hasn't reached 1 million yet, and won't do it before Advent.

>> No.79474278

>Literal minute after minute reply
Holy fucking seethe. What the fuck is wrong with you bud.

>> No.79474333

They hate him because he spoke the truth

>> No.79474621

You don't know what that term means underage-chama

>> No.79474697

In a month time frame:
FWMC: 26 streams (29 if you count double POVs)
Nerissa: 17 streams
Shiori: 16 streams
Bijou: 21 streams (although Bijou's does long streams, but that's literally her selling point)
Baelz: 12 streams
Bae is just lazy.

>> No.79474938

How many of those are FWMC Morning? You know, that thing that's 35 minutes on average with very little actual content? You're a fucking retard.

>> No.79475229

>1min apart
i like the dogs and your holo vs holo crap is just retarded.
your smile will not be protected

>> No.79475231

God, you are so baitable. Come here.

>> No.79475294
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you now remember when bae acted like a cuhrazy rat and had a completely different voice when council debuted

>> No.79475333

Cope harder sis

>> No.79475350

I just love it someone does this, and only 1 of the replies are mine.

>> No.79475351
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If they didn't rush moving to Japan maybe all things would have been well.

Would have had time to get an actually place to stay and stream is the major point.

>> No.79475384

lol, lmao even

>> No.79475392

Post your membership you totally real Hololive fan

>> No.79475463
File: 3.12 MB, 600x600, 1716143159453336.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna know how to get to 1m?
Kiss each other on stream, the amount of shit that would happen afterwards would make every single drama channel talk about them, would make Holo history and it is something they probably already have done
If management complains just say it won't happen again
No fuzz, just do it

>> No.79475491

>bau bau are white
lmao, no. I speak for all people of European stock, they are no longer white when mixed with other races. You can have them.

>> No.79475519
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Don't go to work for 2 months some how expect to be promoted

>> No.79475615

>European is a single race now
How very convenient.

>> No.79475749

It wasn't detrimental. They got a lot subs from JP viewers who got interested in the short term, and in the long term, it will allow them better opportunities at doing stuff in the 3D studio, and off-collab with their JP senpais.
A nijisis is trying to cope by trying to do some revisionism, saying that cock-gobbling rat was somehow right.
And when proved wrong, she is now saying that we are the ones pitching holo vs holo.

>> No.79475848
File: 79 KB, 1169x515, bonerorsomethingidkfilename.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not always

>> No.79475874

God damn, you just won't shut the fuck up about Bae, in here and in /baubau/. You're a fucking psycho.

>> No.79476020

>Calling others nijisis
>Acting like a textbook nijisis
You are no better than the nijisister you are arguing against

>> No.79476191

Of course he's a psycho, he's in /baubau/

>> No.79476211

Depends on how you define the sub count. Youtube's algorithm is finnicky for the most menial of reasons, but one of the known growth killers is taking any break, so well known that any streamer or content creator is afraid of taking any sort of break. They won't get to their million in a year goal, but I can hardly see any downsides to them being in Japan. If you are talking specifically about the block of time they spent getting to and immediately following their move to Japan, then it most certainly was detrimental in that they weren't growing their channel or producing adjacent content.

>> No.79476220

Watch your mouth Ruffian, just because I respect your oshis doesn't mean I will allow your transgressions against my rat, open your mouth some more and I will make you regret everything.

>> No.79476589
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Fauna's 3D showcase was also unavailable with the exact same message due to SME, but Rosemi's actually got back quicker.

>> No.79476638

it's true though. i was ready to find another stream to watch but then she started talking about cereal of all fucking things and i stayed for the entire tangent.

>> No.79477384

Worse is I can't fucking tell if he's the retarded brat or the twins vs [insert EN] schizo because they're both online 24/7 and live in /baubau/ like trolls under a bridge.

>> No.79479655

They fucked up

>> No.79480581

Why do you expect people to hit that milestone in a single year?
>vc: ANTA
Anta baka!?

>> No.79481106

it's what they deserve for betraying the ruffians

>> No.79481294

I can't be the one who see's their behavior as genuine NTR experience right? They even said shit like "this time doesn't count the real one will be with you" as if they aren't both extreme pornsick weebs who are well aware of NTR tropes.

>> No.79481493

Oh? Was she also in the middle of a company-ruining termination scandal where their dodgy reasoning had to do with "perms," which magically didn't protect Rosemi from it despite going through all the due processes?

>> No.79481771

You are talking like that is supposed to be easy or expected.

>> No.79481864
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>> No.79481960
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>this thread is still up
So what actually happened to Nijisanji this time?

>> No.79481968

>They even said shit like "this time doesn't count the real one will be with you"
Sorry, I'm going to use a zoomer term, but this was the only time I got the ick from them.

>> No.79482390

when did they say that?

>> No.79482781

They canceled two stream--No, wait that was the dog girls.

>> No.79482884

when they were talking about their first ASMR

>> No.79482935

Yep, this is me. After a year, their characters haven't really progressed any. If anyone tried to interview them you wouldn't get any interesting info from them. "Hoeh? We're demon guard dogs! Bau Bau!" There's zero depth.

>> No.79483033

I like the dogs but every interaction with their actual fanbase has been negative for me. Starting to wonder if I'm not the only one .

>> No.79483052

Because they're boring

>> No.79483247

did they seriously ntr their viewers?
holy grim

>> No.79483402

ERB flop and no-concertsanji deflection

>> No.79483530

>everything posted on this board is real
Hey its me Miload, post tits

>> No.79483544
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no I don't I suppressed those memories fuck you

>> No.79483593

They aren't Gawr Gura (PBUH).

>> No.79483628

It is objectively real, how you take what they said is up to you, retard. They did say that

>> No.79483665

Moving to Japan. They stopped streaming. I have no idea when they stream anymore. They don't play retro games anymore either. When is Snake Eater? Maybe I'll tune in for that. They really got to shut off the shitty fake scan lines their framemeister has. Those look like complete ass.

>> No.79483708

>Source: I made it up
keep trying sis no one believes you

>> No.79484525

NTA but they did throw Nodoka under the proverbial bus in a community post or their own prechat, I genuinely can't remember. It was honestly gross as fuck and I don't know how any Ruffian could be OK with that.

>> No.79484658

Asmr when?

>> No.79484996

nobody likes Nodoka so it's okay
it's not like it was A-Chan

>> No.79485583

>I can't remember
>but it definitely happened
ok sis this is just getting sad at this point

>> No.79485655


>> No.79485729

It's been a year already? Times really do fly.

>> No.79485929


>> No.79485959

It's literally just one Baefag spamming his shit and trying to leech. /baubau/ calls him out on his shill shit too.

>> No.79486059


>> No.79486140

Have a (You). This is the reality of the vtuber industry. Honestly I’m impressed how well they’ve done sub wise, they blew past Fauna and will pass Bae soon. Kobo popped off because she’s the ID Gura. Nobody since Kobo and Myth has popped off as fast as FWMC. But they’re first and foremost idols and weebs, and vtubers second. Even if they hadn’t moved to JP I think their trajectory would be similar. You can kayfabe for a long time but when there’s no evolution the fans are going to get bored.

>> No.79486251

This is common knowledge from a month or two ago, newfaggots.

>> No.79486359

JP arc

>> No.79486378

I stopped watching them, because their streaming times were ass and didn't improve after moving. Also, their other fans, be it on X, YT, or /baubau/ are extremely possessive and obnoxious manchildren. And of course all the mentally ill PLfags, who think they are better than others. It was actually no pleasure interacting with those fuckers. Good riddance.

>> No.79486455

JP move was the big one

>> No.79486664


>> No.79486825

I was right, it was their prechat. Eat up retard: https://hololyzer.net/youtube/realtime/supana/creLh1oxGQM.html

>> No.79486936

Gura literally said for her audition she tried a bunch of different things but didn’t like it, so she told herself “just be yourself” and she got in. Granted, her clout probably would have gotten her in anyways, but she is the antithesis to FWMC. She barely “does” a voice. She barely censors herself besides swearing. Honestly most of the EN girls are pretty open and appear genuine. So FWMC comes in with their kayfabe and shocks everyone…and now they’re trapped with it. I suppose you could say they Sabotaged…themselves…

>> No.79487277

Literally nothing on there shows them throwing Nodoka under the bus but nice try sister

>> No.79487581

I hate fake bitches like these like you wouldn't believe. Holy fuck are they insufferable.

>> No.79487690
File: 12 KB, 1086x54, firefox_Ok2IpEwTNP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this mean to you?

>> No.79487701

It's amusing reading this thread of complaints from totally "real" Ruffians who oshihenned and comparing it to the reality that over half of the tweets in the breaking dimension tag are from Ruffians. It seems like they've done everything right and cultivating an extremely dedicated fanbase that tangibly supports them. Some people who see Holos as pseudo twitch streamers and want them to be more "real" (i.e more like Twitch culture like Baelz) are getting filtered and I can't see that as anything other than a good thing

>> No.79488212

If you are hating on our girls, you aren't a real fuzzian, our girls are perfect and can do no wrong. Stop being a hater and an incel!

>> No.79488379

A quarter of the posts of people complaining about things are people who say they're sticking around and hoping it gets better.

>> No.79488551

I'm going to write them off as shitposters until we see any actual evidence of this affecting them. It will be never, and they'll continue to be the most strongly supported members of EN.

>> No.79488734

Okay anon you made a great point about Kayfabe vs Counter-Kayfabe culture, even though you ham-fisted Bae in there because the faggots in this thread kept bringing her up and gaslit you into doing it. The Kayfabe definitely is a great selling point in cultivating a fandom instead of a detriment like some people /here/ think it is. However
>the reality that over half of the tweets in the breaking dimension tag are from Ruffians
Why the fuck did you feel the need to inject that statement to prove your point? Because even if it's true (not), what kind of numberfag brainrot infected you that made you sit on twitter and look through the tag, which is a terrible tag btw because AIfags flooded it, and not just looking at the tweets but confirming that the majority were all Ruffians. You could have just played it simple and just use the number of tweets under FWMC's own tweet asking if you got the tickets and it would be undeniable.

>> No.79488987

Because it shows engagement from invested fans. This place can be astroturfed by as many sisters pretending to be dissatisfied ruffians as they like but actual evidence shows they still have extremely strong support among their core fans. And of course most of the casuals who don't come here still watch and don't give a shit about any of these supposed complaints.

Also I don't like Bae at all and would never watch her because she's everything I hate about EN vtubing rolled up into one package, I didn't get gaslit about anything
