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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 826 KB, 4096x4096, 1711919471975564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
79375430 No.79375430 [Reply] [Original]

pingu love edition

Schedule up!

>Next Stream
thumbnail soon

>Last Stream

>Last Karaoke Stream



#Bloodflame #BloodflameArt

Previous thread: >>79266800

>Don't feed the seagulls
>Luv me some liz
>God save the Queen

>> No.79375498
File: 113 KB, 747x1024, Liz63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hag Love!

>> No.79375685
File: 927 KB, 1516x2745, _elizabeth__frank sinatra__the way you look tonight_[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F43adji.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79376009

she was chatting a lot in Gigi's stream for a bit

>> No.79376193

She's super chatty with everyone it feels like, she never leaves just one message

>> No.79376211
File: 84 KB, 700x700, 1719312588514369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my oshi is so nice

>> No.79377439


>> No.79377695

Yesterday's collab being so early really made it feel like tuesday was the last time I saw her

>> No.79378131
File: 181 KB, 344x449, 1719527179582924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I'm doing a thing that may be great or may be the worst thing ever.

Took a bike ride earlier and came up with a solid plot for a dickgirl on femboy story and realized Liz would be a fantastic feature character. Feel free to love or gate this idea as you see fit. I'm writing it regardless.

>> No.79378156

yes my little crumpet, now bite down on the gag

>> No.79378290


>> No.79378481

Noot Noot

>> No.79378574
File: 1.03 MB, 1205x675, penguin-knights-v0-5aoymiihg66b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79378939

so are we penguins or lions?

>> No.79379266

Don't know about you guys but I'm her throne

>> No.79379538


>> No.79379672
File: 922 KB, 2845x4096, a56d01b72cebf2d79c7433d3623964e03e1156a9c5b8f3d4488d9ce58d2099c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm her foot stool

>> No.79379731

My tongue is the feather she uses to tickle her butthole when she's bored.

>> No.79381372
File: 3.11 MB, 3000x4000, f7174665904ef2b09bb86ade42563919afc51bbf113ffcf3d35a237c9e14685d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79382402
File: 1.34 MB, 1216x682, 1713372090534884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really making sure every region hears her karaokes.

>> No.79382499

1AM? Oh good. By then I should be done with this silly story.

>> No.79382505

based i have something to listen to tonight

>> No.79382515

Me on the left

>> No.79384440
File: 1.44 MB, 250x300, hotel-dusk-smiles.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elizabeth's cover of Unlucky

>> No.79386972
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Good morning Rosarian-tachi

>> No.79387162
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>> No.79387333 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 1049x500, 65464987987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we love Nijisanji here

>> No.79387518

Crazy. I only harass niji kidneys and pancreases. Occasionally I'll shit talk a niji pituitary gland.

>> No.79387872
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that is all

>> No.79387917
File: 676 KB, 678x900, 1719459375519426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm indifferent here. I don't care about them but I don't mind Liz interacting with them either.

>> No.79388029
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>> No.79388119

What happened to /erb/?

>> No.79388168

fuck off cuck

>> No.79388222
File: 200 KB, 956x1444, 1719503443371999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CAM ON! /innit/ is a way better name.

>> No.79388286

Baker threw a melty because his shitty split name was up for debate. Xhe has control issues. I'm down for moving over if we get enough of a consensus, /erb/ is much better

>> No.79388423

Don't care either way, I do prefer /erb/ though

>> No.79388508

erb on the catalog seems to be universally used for hate/shitpost threads.

>> No.79388560

Honestly, we should change to Liz

>> No.79388566

both are fine but i kinda wanna move to spite the baker being a shitter kek

>> No.79388697

I miss erb

>> No.79388706

I actually like innit

>> No.79388747

ye /Liz/ is the best option imo, innit is really shit tbdesu

>> No.79388905

Seconding liz, should've had it from the start. the first few days of innit being anti threads really should have let us know the 'baker' had ulterior motives...

>> No.79388994

>9:23 AM in Jakarta

>> No.79389092

>baker melting down again, at 9am in Jakarta
way to out yourself rumao. gonna start spamming doxx again?

>> No.79389116

It's just based on her literal first tweet you retard, and I stopped baking after the first 3 threads. You have had many chances to change it too, but you haven't.

>> No.79389185

sex with elizabeth

>> No.79389273
File: 72 KB, 878x1024, Liz78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79389347

Liz for me too, innit is really bad

>> No.79389654
File: 113 KB, 1170x720, 1719345134889691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79389827

I've baked twice and I just get a kick out of the stupid britishism. If not innit then it had better be some other term that only gets used on that side of the pond. No one just names their thread after the streamer. That's not creative at all.

>> No.79390277
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>> No.79390633
File: 921 KB, 900x900, 1700686928461503.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surfing into innit

>> No.79391140

What about something else she says a lot? Not sure if /bops/ would sound too dumb.

>> No.79391199

Liz > erb > innit

>> No.79391287

just put it to a poll already

>> No.79391523

This "renaming the thread" thing doesn't feel very organic somehow.

>> No.79391717

Numberfags have been sperging out about her again

>> No.79391787
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>> No.79392044
File: 72 KB, 500x500, GQdJ22uaIAMfuTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always trust your gut

>> No.79392124
File: 64 KB, 600x338, 1693974724293735.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute Liz!

>> No.79392969


>> No.79393041

Do you suppose they're trying to break up the general by sowing discontent? If so I'm doubling down in /innit/.

>> No.79394307


>> No.79394400


>> No.79394597 [DELETED] 


>> No.79395807


>> No.79396014

....i want Lizzie to knit me an oversized sweater...

>> No.79396036

I do find that ERB is used shorthand by a lot of shitposters. Kinda like how shitters use irys instead of IRyS.

>> No.79396199
File: 105 KB, 463x648, 20240628_000643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute liz drawn by Ina

>> No.79396277

She should sing her gen song every karaoke

>> No.79397108

Wallace and Gromit watchalong with Liz

>> No.79397531

That's a Christmas thing

>> No.79397733

So I assume everyone here like Holostars?

>> No.79397764


>> No.79397803


>> No.79397832


>> No.79398058

I like liz

>> No.79398595

Rebroadcasted wife soon!

>> No.79398813
File: 190 KB, 1455x1200, GQv2FLVaMAAKazR.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv me liz
luv me justice
simple as

>> No.79398922
File: 193 KB, 573x486, GRBV7eybgAA90zL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My other oshis are Ina, Ollie, Polka, and Shinri.

>> No.79398970
File: 85 KB, 840x813, 1691461333765045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79398993

Morning voice Liz...

>> No.79399084

I'll save it, but coffee is shit.

>> No.79399102

How many chats has she appeared in?

>> No.79399215

Why the hell not skip this bit? Is youtube somehow incapable?

>> No.79399325
File: 157 KB, 850x1063, 1719026690299000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is so much a man so much he can say
You remain my
to me you're like a grown addiction that I can't deny won't you tell me if that's healthy baby
but did you know that when it snow my eyes become and the light that you shine can't be seen,
I compare you to a kiss from a ROSE on the grave

>> No.79399450

Why is erb only streaming rebroadcasts? How many unarchived karaokes has she had since the valo stream?

>> No.79399551

She's done two total unarchived and has restreamed each of them once

>> No.79399612

Considering her timezone it's not a bad idea, plus the other girls aren't do unachieved as much thus there's no need.

>> No.79399694

Stream this evening. At least she shows up for them which is nice to see, to see her, nice

>> No.79399725

She apparently planned on spending a lot of time in her senpais' chats. DESU that's a good move for someone in their first week. Getting herself out there and introducing herself to all manner of fanbases might just be what's buffing her subs count.

>> No.79399752

How does her singing stack up to the rest of ENs and then Holo in general?

>> No.79399798

God damn man, I'm in love with this voice

>> No.79399824

singing stream is her only stream lmao

>> No.79399828

Reminder she loves astel

>> No.79399831

I put her at #3 EN. Not sure where she is overall, but comfortably top ten at the least.

>> No.79399878

Unit collab, Valo and drawing with roaring panties.

>> No.79399932
File: 1.38 MB, 1275x1650, 1719501941673267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else looked real quick and thought she loved anal?

>> No.79400585

So I'm a dummy and I can't remember the name of her kingdom. I know it's not just the Bloodflame kingdom. Where she at?

>> No.79400631

Great Exardia. Or Great Exodia as Raora calls it lol

>> No.79400676

>randomly click on her restream
>that fucking voice
Holy fuck

>> No.79400756

just wait until she does Mariah Carey in a couple songs

>> No.79400899

Ah yes, thank you very much.

BTW, writing general has gone on a tangent in which what's that? One of the characters in literally every story was actually Liz in disguise, often to the chagrin of others? That's preposterous. Some of the idea are downright hilarious. Check it out.

>> No.79400942

I'm glad she's so cute and bouncy.

>> No.79401062

Shit, meant to say to be sure to see the Polka one. In fact, let me just crosspost it... >>79392885

>> No.79401073
File: 432 KB, 2160x2880, 1719130073630928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to put my face in there man

>> No.79401157

Oh fuck this is already so good

>> No.79401260

The JPbros are having fun in the broadcast

>> No.79401543

Fine by me, actually. Your face in her boobs, mine in her rear.

>> No.79401814

There's a surprising amount of JP nikis watching her 3 AM JST streams

>> No.79401988

Haven't watched since her debut (missed the unarchived karaoke and Valo can eat a dick), so catching up on the rebroadcast.
>Dizzee Rascal
Aw shit, alright. Inspired choice, I fucks with this.
>that fucking Coldplay song
...aaaaannnnd muted.
Why is always that fucking song.

>> No.79402638

>Nightwish on the table

HOLY FUCKING SHIT i will member if she does

>> No.79402707
File: 1.47 MB, 600x600, 4d52a95229.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Mane-san is working hard to get that Nighwish perms, since kinda annoyed we got robbed of kino.

>> No.79403277
File: 112 KB, 694x1024, 1719253788157696m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need someone to sedate me, I'm actually going fucking halu for her.

>> No.79404006
File: 137 KB, 1230x1000, 81R544+5u7L._AC_UY1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the seventh inning, lads!

>> No.79405148
File: 153 KB, 1000x1000, __elizabeth_rose_bloodflame_and_gigi_murin_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_jamwes__88297c3269fe8b6381f0f83e7e38609a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did every thread I'm lurking suddenly go silent at once?

>> No.79405361

Dead hours

>> No.79405491

A-chan leaving Holo, also nothing much to talk about since its a reboardcast.

>> No.79405733

Rebroadcast is approaching the end, so she'll be showing back up soon.

>> No.79405943


>> No.79406256

Ello Ello

>> No.79406416

What time in EST is that content warning collab?

>> No.79406509

EDT is 5 hours behind BST so 14:00 PM (I think)

>> No.79406550

2PM, fellow EDTbro.

>> No.79406599

And in the future just add 3 to PDT. Easiest math available.

>> No.79406808

I'm actually not in EDT but I only need to subtract by one

>> No.79407060

So why didn't you ask for mountain time? My head is full of fuck.

>> No.79407328
File: 173 KB, 1080x1350, GRIUbopa8AAxQ6S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wild Liz spotted in the rrats chat.

>> No.79408381

I wish I could care, but (don't) fuck the rat.

>> No.79408813

I thought she said the time EDT but didn't catch what time tbqh

>> No.79408927

You're not just reading her schedule? Huh... odd.

>> No.79409145

Just check it?


>> No.79409259

A thumb? Already? I am blown away!
(But seriously, that wasn't there last time I checked.)

>> No.79409313

Wait a second... why is the second full gen collab on the same channel that hosted the first? Shouldn't they be sharing these or does it just not matter yet with no supas?

>> No.79409368

Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame is the leader of Justice.

(To be honest I doubt it matters whose channel it's on)

>> No.79409522

They all have their own waiting room.

>> No.79410258

No, /innit/ is best.

>> No.79410471

kys pagpagbaker, you've been at this for hours. youre not fooling anyone

>> No.79410512

#1 in EN, don't know about overall.

>> No.79410574

Not an argument.

>> No.79411424
File: 123 KB, 591x739, 16166416464646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close friend?

>> No.79411843

having a schizo like you obsessed with your shit split name is a net negative for us, you should stop power tripping and fuck off after your melty

>> No.79411931

Did...you just admit to samefagging to give another vote to innit? That's desperate, you're not mentally sound, baker...

>> No.79411957

Yeah, me

>> No.79412013

Well I think it should be /ERB/

>> No.79412056
File: 548 KB, 640x640, 313050046a7b680b0382f4f60eaa67f2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I obsessed? I don't want to change it, I don't think about it, unlike you seething here. She's British, it's a funny name. /liz/ is fucking lame, get the fuck off with that.
No, I'm not the baker, but whatever.
Your cringe won't be a thing, Kiara.

>> No.79412124

How is innit funny? You can't be old enough to post here

>> No.79412155

>no issue with /innit/ during yurohours
>sudden push for /erb/ during seahours
I see you

>> No.79412189

>not obsessed
gonna have another melty you schizo faggot?

>> No.79412223

Why are your insults such a bore? Try again.

>> No.79412241

pagpagchama, it's midday here. you shouldn't self report without checking what eu time is kek

>> No.79412283

I notice you neglected to mention why innit was funny. Is that a concession already?

>> No.79412580

Liz and erb are both better than innit, and don't anti Kiara faggot

>> No.79412800
File: 658 KB, 4096x1743, @OrangeSagoCream-1804196270023807098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again put it to a poll and shut the fuck up. Or just make the new thread with the subject name you want. You have had many chances to do this. You can still do this. You could've done this when you started complaining. You haven't though.
It's been /innit/ because that's what bakers named it and nobody else bothered to make threads. I feel like you people are complaining for the fun of it.
And again I will reiterate, it's /innit/ because that was literally her first tweet to tell the world she is British. It is something unique to her in hololive and it's not something boring like her names initials or a nickname.

>> No.79412826

>midday is prime time
>not even noon yet
We know you hate your own kind but comon now. You aren't fooling anybody.

>> No.79412872

it's 'come on', paggy. look how defensive you got at being exposed RUMAO

>> No.79412949

Who the fuck is paggy?

>> No.79412979

>not even noon
Where the fuck do you live? It's half 12. did you fail to take into account we're in summer time when you googled the time zone? That's funny

>> No.79412984

Meidos probably deleted his bait thread, he is frustrated pleas anderstando

>> No.79413087
File: 346 KB, 4000x3000, GRAsBG9b0AAVqJ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, rosarians, we are going to be penguins it's going to happen ...

>> No.79413223

>not obsessed
>not the baker btw
>heres another wall of seethe proving I'm not a child on a power trip
let it go, you're a net negative to the split. your obsession is mental illness, fuck off

>> No.79413249

God, you're such a schizo.

>> No.79413294

ironic, power tripping /here/ is a clear sign of how sick you are

>> No.79413584

I'm not the same guy you're talking to
These are the only threads I've baked. Afterwards I let others do it.
You are a fucking moron. I said hours ago to poll it. >>79391287
You haven't. I can tell you don't actually care about this. Your only purpose here is to shit up the thread. I don't care what the thread name is. Neither do you or you would've done something about it already. I just come here to post pictures of liz and talk about the stream when she's live.
The fact that you're so obsessed over it leads me to believe you were responsible for the first 2 threads and you're mad the name hasn't continued.
Since you're so buttfuck lazy to do so, I've made a poal.
Vote and shut the fuck up already you retard.

>> No.79414074

/innit/ is kind of shit but it's the only thread that comes up if you search the catalog fyi

>> No.79414230


>> No.79414242

Anyways check this out

>> No.79414297
File: 2.46 MB, 1792x1024, Rosarians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about having rose as a fanbase mascot?

>> No.79414369

schizo-chama, you overdid it, you've flipped your phone into airplane mode so much there are now more votes than we've had posts in the last 6 hours.
that dude was right with you being obsessed holy shit, this is real mental illness

>> No.79414440

I think we gonna turn into knights or penguins.

>> No.79414484

penguin knights

>> No.79414556

how about penguin knights with a rose theme

>> No.79414561

>votes suddenly stop after this is pointed out
what an obsessed schizo, maybe you should leave >>79413584

>> No.79414883

>50 votes
>likely only 5-10 people here max
nigga are you brain damaged?
what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.79414932
File: 6 KB, 502x93, ERB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara, stop, it's over ...

>> No.79415051
File: 297 KB, 800x1400, @HolyKoshi-1804444413038584115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79415085

now that we've established the baker is an absolute mindbroken obsessed child, shall we go /liz/ or /erb/? i prefer liz personally

>> No.79415187

>Austrian hating the brit
It's ww2 all over again...

>> No.79415211

Either or, at this point I just want to change to piss off the schizo having a melty with innit, that poal is insanity to look at

>> No.79415250

She implied she might play ER with a bloodflame build. Do you think she'll summon? Would you prefer she does or doesn't? I kind of do since my main build is arcane and aesthetically matches.

>> No.79415291

Luna/Shiori did it
Kaela did it

>> No.79415348

So a penguin knight is ok then

>> No.79415377
File: 250 KB, 886x1024, @nakiridayo_-1804506880972030325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard can't fathom the fact that lurkers exist
You can do whatever you want with the thread. Like I said I'm not the baker and as long as there is a place to post Liz, I don't care about the name.

>> No.79415381

She is new to souls, so summons. Souls purist might get pissy about it but they can fuck off.

>> No.79415446

The only games she frequently plays are FPSes, she should definitely summon.

>> No.79415468

She probably needs a better PC(?) first. Her stream was dropping frames with Valo of all things

>> No.79415487

>so many lurkers that it's more than the posts per min on all of /vt/
you fucked up schizo, at least admit to your shame, we can all see it

>> No.79415494

>still replying
Are you new or something. They are trying to piss you off and it's working.

>> No.79415546

stop replying to bait buddy

>> No.79415598

>don't care
>spams 50 votes on his phone
you're not fooling us, i hope you're at least fooling yourself. obsessed.

>> No.79415653

She can play however she wants. I just want her to play a real game that isn't Valo.

>> No.79415668

Why do you keep constantly sperging out about this every thread if you 'don't care'? Insane take
I know the other retards are trying to bait you but you're just as much of a cunt as them tbdesu

>> No.79415701

I'd like her swing a giant sword around

>> No.79415942
File: 369 KB, 555x743, schizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a similar poal, in /hlgg/, during a stream 20 minutes ago.
Are you saying there are more lurkers here than posters in global? Or can you come clean and admit you're a mentally ill troon now?

>> No.79416032

okay the baker is actually a schizo kek

>> No.79416125

That's pretty damning...

>> No.79416205

Why Kiara? I don't see anything wrong with her.

>> No.79416331

told you this obsessed faggot needs to fuck off, thanks for proving it
actual net negative to the split

>> No.79416440 [DELETED] 

pagpagchama your defence?

>> No.79416448
File: 2.87 MB, 1792x1024, penguin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just claimed ownership of ERB, is all.

>> No.79416513

thats me right there

>> No.79416573

LOL what is wrong with this retard

>> No.79416811


>> No.79416894

Innit>Liz, ERB just isn't cute (sorry Wawa)

>> No.79417057

Liz > ERB > innit
ERB at least has some comedy potential. innit is just shit

>> No.79417195

>innit is just shit

>> No.79417249

>failing to grasp national flavor

>> No.79417416
File: 1.65 MB, 856x480, GRJuur7boAAx1qa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess we're a penguin

>> No.79417599

I'm cool with that.

Guess I should really start that naughty subfolder now before it becomes an issue.

>> No.79418451


>> No.79418510

Hey Rosarians, please teach Liz JP chat etiquette. She was commenting a lot and even responded to other EOP comments by name during Astel's important sponsorship stream which he was marketing towards JOP. It comes off as rude even if she didn't mean harm.

>> No.79418656
File: 102 KB, 550x800, mawaru-penguin-drum-princess-of-the-crystal-figma-action-figure-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we mawaru penguindrum now

>> No.79418808

I like it !

>> No.79418868

If this is actually an issue it should have been taken care of by staff if not the streamer(s) in question by now.

>> No.79418917

>Know about social etiquette more than her manager.
you can't fool anyone here faggots
you probably don't even work kek

>> No.79419707

I'm not her mother.

>> No.79420181

Top design, cute

>> No.79421309
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>> No.79421411

Oh shi! I'm something of a fan of cheerleaders.

>> No.79421828

Anon I...

>> No.79422315

Huh? Aren't you?
Like, I legit am, my nom de plume is Cheerleader_fan.

>> No.79423004

This is my first time chiming in to the thread name debate, but I don’t know why some people want to change it to /erb/ or /liz/. Almost every holoEN split on /vt/ opts for a naming convention that’s different than the chuuba’s name. I think it’s good to have a separate namesake for 2 reasons: 1) whatever degenerate shit we post here isn’t directly associated with Liz’s name, and 2) it makes it much easier to search for this thread in the catalog.

>> No.79423176

People like you are just complaining because you live in a non-European culture. Try to learn it instead. Liz is completely flavourless

>> No.79423496

I think it's one retard. Thanks Hiro for removing the IP count.

>> No.79423745
File: 3.58 MB, 1080x1920, af7f183793ba84b8288d12edb1afc86a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way... I wrote a thing last night:
Content warning: your oshi has a penis, it's massive
I hope at least a few of you fags enjoy.

>> No.79423812

It is one retard instigating. Pretty obvious if you look at the post times. Literally posting on cooldown

>> No.79424211

either /vt/ is gayer than i thought or you reread your fic many times

>> No.79424300
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The truth is probably somewhere in the middle

>> No.79424457

Posted it to /wg/ a couple few hours ago, but I've probably changed/refreshed the page five or so times.

>> No.79424535
File: 8 KB, 278x181, 7atwjo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the bikini yellow with white polka dots?

>> No.79424543

Eh, I also think innit is shit and would rather swap. It's just a really bad split name

>> No.79424638

Why though? What’s bad about it?

>> No.79424659

Itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polkadot bikini, silly.

>> No.79424889

>/vt/ is bisexual
this makes sense unfortuntely

>> No.79424954

But is the song about a polka dot bikini that's yellow... or a bikini with yellow polka dots?

>> No.79425054

I'm British so its something shitty chavs say. It's really not a good moniker for Liz.

>> No.79425083

Lizz on the main channel


>> No.79425116

You arite mush? It's not that bad

>> No.79425142

Way to out yourself as not European

>> No.79425194

i love my wives Liz and Nodoka

>> No.79425249

Nuff said.

>> No.79425338

>Disable live chat replay

>> No.79425453

She literally says it.

>> No.79425517

Way to out yourself as SEA. I can tell I'm the only Brit here as otherwise I'd have had people agree; nobody outside of literal Essex chavs say this shit (unless ironically like Liz)

>> No.79425805
File: 18 KB, 325x325, Aragorn är här.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Näe jag är bara här för att testa vem som är Britt och inte

>> No.79425897

I hope you aren't suggesting threads like /vag/, /wool/, /ope/ or /uoh/ aren't leaning on the irony at least a little bit.

>> No.79425961
File: 150 KB, 1000x1471, MV5BNzRhZjBlNTgtMTE4YS00MTQzLTkyMTYtOTY0YWRjNjhmMWVhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc4NTExMTk@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why it's funny though.

Every poster here should be required to watch Little Britain.

>> No.79426020

Literally no idea about random 2 view threads, but /ope/ is one of the worse named splits and has suffered with shit since day 1 as a result. In fact we could easily go the same way, seeing how easily a couple of schizo's earlier took over.

>> No.79426126

just got a chicken slice from greggs lads

>> No.79426242

Weak, bacon and cheese wraps better have been sold out

>> No.79426280

>/baubau/ doesn't exist
>/gem/ doesn't exist
>/wawa/ doesn't exist
>/wah/ doesn't exist

>> No.79426417

>but /ope/ is one of the worse named splits and has suffered with shit since day 1 as a result
Autistic logic, and also not even true.

>> No.79426441

What the fuck are you talking about?
those split names are kino, they're not just "first dumb chav thing said on twitter", they're iconic parts of the person. /innit/ isn't even comparable

>> No.79426602

Wot, Liz said innit more than once on different streams. It's definitely not just something she first said on twitter

>> No.79426702

...she said it pre-debut on twitter? Am I speaking with a tourist here or a fucking anti?

>> No.79426775

ignore me, reading comprehension doko
Yeah, it's not really her 'thing' though is it? I'm sure we can come up with something more suitable

>> No.79426780


>> No.79426854

It's settled, innit.

>> No.79426940

What's stopping you...?
I'm only talking about it because there's literally no other conversation and it keeps the thread alive, and someone asked why I thought innit was shit. I get it probably isn't anything 'off' if you're not from the UK, but it's just too chavvy for the queen imo.

>> No.79427063

Call it /rose/ since Wosemi or NijiEN is dead heh

>> No.79427108
File: 691 KB, 1488x2098, d4359d19c4e0a57ad656b14cf836c5bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What this guy said.
So... how 'bout them boobers? Delicious!

>> No.79427119

When she says it it's not chavvy though. It comes across as a bit cute if anything. An impressive feat.

>> No.79427196
File: 847 KB, 2896x4096, f29939baf56d07e1270e1a62d9b13bb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right adorable, innit?

>> No.79427459

NTA /gem/ is an awful name dude. Same with /rrat/. Naming a split based purely on the fact that Biboo has gems in her design and Bae is a rat is incredibly uninspiring. I disagree with him on /wah/ and /baubau/ though, the best split names are the ones that are named after a catchphrase or onomatopoeia.

>> No.79427487


>> No.79427739

Yeah, true. I just fucking hate chavs lol and would rather us not be associated with it. But whatever, I guess we don't have enough Brits here and it's a personal issue, I thought there'd be more of us

>> No.79427912

can someone explain chavs to non-brits?

>> No.79428303

Like bydlo in Russia, or trailer trash in America, innit.

>> No.79428516

They live on housing estates
They're 'ard
Even the police don't want to mess with them
They've probably got a big dog
They may even have a donkey moored in their garden

>> No.79428917

low class scum living off benefits and just causing violence/mayhem.
bit like trailer trash is the closest comparison? or bogans in Aus

>> No.79429816
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>> No.79430232
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>> No.79430891
File: 65 KB, 600x338, 588df44d3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how many scared Liz noise are we gonna get this stream?

>> No.79430945

Hopefully enough to make a few soundposts, and if not, then I will settle for some confusion instead

>> No.79430969

better be a lot. i want to make some soundposts later. other anons should join in

>> No.79432917

1 hour


>> No.79434475


>> No.79434476

rossarians... your oshi...

>> No.79434614

Good god, pit crew is eating too well. How could there possibly be more pit shots than ass? You can at least stick your dick in an ass.

>> No.79434947

What did I miss?

>> No.79435153

its good that it happens now so she can learn to not be baited that easily

>> No.79435165


>> No.79435235

Nothing, she just had a woman moment on twitter. Check her replies

>> No.79435255

Liz just got one guyed by a troll on twitter

>> No.79435406

>one guyed

>> No.79435469

When you get trolled by a single Spanish speaker have you been Juan guyed?

>> No.79435543

I don't think it was a troll though, those guys were seriously seething she didn't use senpai.

>> No.79435754
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, GRK_xoCbcAE51TA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough about twitter and get in here Rosarians

>> No.79435830

>I don't think it was a troll though
I mean their outrage might be genuine but let's not normalize mental illness here.

>> No.79436091

>first week
>already 5 minutes late

>> No.79436183

I think this might be a trend, lol. Bless her.

>> No.79436258

She forgot to go live. Already did her intro in the other's streams.

>> No.79436381

What makes you like her the most? For me its how obsessed she is with Holostars. I hope they have sex on stream soon

>> No.79436407

not trying to sound like an anti since i know there is a lot of liz antis on 4chan, but i tuned into the collab and instantly hear a fucking "bottle of water" bit and turned off.

Does she do this "innit wo'o bo'ol" shit constantly all stream or was that just bad luck?

>inb4 well she is british
and so am i.

>> No.79436507

she should've used senpai for Sora, that's a fact. But yeah that was an obvious troll and she's stupid for responding
Not much, she's just playing it up a bit for a joke like Raora is with Italian thing

>> No.79437098

Gonna have to go elsewhere after it's over to see the beginning? This silly pon Brit.

She does remind us to hydrate on a fairly constant basis, though.

>> No.79437265
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>> No.79437271

>likes water
All it takes is a single mistake for some water to slip between her boobs...

>> No.79437338

You didn't really miss anything, just the normal intros followed by the rest of them telling ERB she forgot to start streaming.

>> No.79437446

Well, she does create a thirst in me I cannot ignore.

>> No.79437588

Is her pon too strong for manesan to overcome?

>> No.79437792

I guess I'll be watching GiGi's stream after this. I want to know if they said anything now

>> No.79437841

Nah, Mori did way worst than this.

>> No.79437901

It seems so

>> No.79437993

"Come on Liz, ya dumb cunt. How hard can streaming even be? IRyS and Luna both do it."

>> No.79438202

Just watch both streams at the same time.

>> No.79438206

How do we get her to delete the tweet? Responding to that guy is just wrong.

>> No.79438223

En curse pleas anderstando. You should watch Korones debut stream if you wanna see REAL scuff

>> No.79438281

Just tuned in. What happened?

>> No.79438336

deleting it would be worse, she should mute/block the guy, never bring it up again, and always remember to call her senpais senpai

>> No.79438343

PC went bang

>> No.79438377

The EN curse just struck Liz

>> No.79438453

That's her manager's problem not yours

>> No.79438454

All part of the bit, bros

>> No.79438501
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We let it go and stop worrying about such a nothing beef wellington ensemble with cheese.

>> No.79438512

Should just reply to all the trolls now, then just own up to it and pretend it was on purpose

>> No.79438591

>Turned off the L2D's
Potato PC

>> No.79438682

More and more like IRyS every day...

>> No.79438778

Agreed, admitting to her mistakes is actually based, its who she responded to that was the issue, so just mute/block and move on is the best way to go about it..

>> No.79438845


>> No.79438885

That’s what mori did and it didn’t go well. This has the potential to follow mori’s timeline once she gets superchats enabled and falls for a bait donation. Her manager needs to act now.

>> No.79438903

Is anybody else weirded out by her calling it a flashlight instead of a torch?

>> No.79438969

I think Lizzy is autistic enough to pull it off

>> No.79438971

Brits quite often interchange American and British terms. That happens, it's probably not a bit.

>> No.79439007

Someone else called it a flashlight yeah? Maybe just following suit

>> No.79439088

Globalized Brit. Many such cases

>> No.79439128

She responded to one and now everyone on /vt/ knows what she said and apologized for it. So whatever.

>> No.79439140

Just unexpected. She's solidified her brititude. I am not questioning.

>> No.79439220

Do you have proper flame torches in this game?

>> No.79439318

If they explore deep enough do you think they'll find where the devs left the textures?

>> No.79439329

I’m honestly a bit disappointed she doesn’t talk the way bri’ish fauna does. I wanted that so bad

>> No.79439428

Like a cockney?

>> No.79439440

We brits consume so much American media that a few Americanisms are bound to slip through from time to time. However, I draw the line at referring to Petrol as Gas.

>> No.79439447

She just stood there and LAUGHED

>> No.79439472

that laugh....shes so cute...

>> No.79439479
File: 453 KB, 2048x1096, GRAWjp5bEAA5TI4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that laugh
I'm falling in love, bros...

>> No.79439529

Cursed run is cursed, lol.

>> No.79439641

The power level on that cackle... oh man.

>> No.79439747

Her apology was to Sora, i doubt she will response to "Connors condom money", i could be wrong, but its really up to manager and the other girls to talk to her.

>> No.79439841

Why do the green and yellow woman bicker so much

>> No.79439880

>write the word properly
>it marks it as wrong

>> No.79439888


>> No.79439936


>> No.79439947

So very soothing, thank you.

>> No.79440068

I have no idea. My knowledge of brits is probably even less than fauna and I just assumed they all talked like that and drank tea with crumpets

>> No.79440197

Don't forget that the only professions are chimney sweep and world destroying servant of the empire.

>> No.79440469

Well I have an unhealthy obsession with Victorian maids thanks to emma so that’s about the extent of my knowledge. Tbh I’m not even sure what the difference between london and britain are.

>> No.79440487

Her crew are dipshits. This is worse than your average lethal company. And I mean that in the most endearing way possible, of course.

>> No.79440584

>Wow ERB is very loud

>> No.79440632

I like everyone :D

>> No.79440674

Laughter is genuine and overpowering.

>> No.79440686

Collective IQ Power Ranking

>> No.79440745

They do collab well.

>> No.79440773

Wait you mean you dont have knightmare frames? Code geass lied to me.

>> No.79440781

I hope she doesn't read the comments copping it and read too much into it

>> No.79440888

Cece might be the only alarm clock that can btfo my sleep paralysis demon

>> No.79440889

I don't know what that is, but it sounds like it falls under the umbrella of world destroying servant of the empire.

>> No.79441068

I would be enjoying the stream 200% more if they were playing Lethal Company.

>> No.79441126

love her laugh, its soulful

>> No.79441136
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>> No.79441239

Is that some British slang?

>> No.79441334

>Tell me something your mother doesn't know
Well, /liz/?

>> No.79441353

>GiGi handing Liz a pamphlet
Good god, she's a Mormon.

>> No.79441592

I'm in regular communication with a bunch of anonymous homosexuals on an online imageboard.

>> No.79441704

I quit my job to write for a living, innit.

>> No.79441742

Slags n fags, what is the deal?

>> No.79441762
File: 885 KB, 1143x1057, 1719334197256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread soon?

>> No.79441857

I'm on my shitbag netbook. All 900Mhz of raw power aren't baking a damn thing.

>> No.79442331

Perhaps Liz will bake after she's snapped all the spaghetti.
