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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79387197 No.79387197 [Reply] [Original]

You guys should love Lumi. She’s just like /vt/.

>> No.79388198

I don't understand why people still watch Hololive. With how positively Phase is received here, shouldn't they be the ones getting better numbers?

>> No.79388277

She's good. Probably my favorite non-holo.

>> No.79388693

This board has like 1000 active users at best

>> No.79388751

do not trust

>> No.79388926
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>> No.79389005

how many layers of irony

>> No.79392057

She's good. Probably my favorite non-holo.

>> No.79392151

t. Xal

>> No.79392344
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Are phasekeks even trying at this point

>> No.79392351

Fuck her larynx until she just can't anymore.

>> No.79392979
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Love the Lemon
Sex the Lemon

>> No.79396234

>yellow veibae

>> No.79396335

Bait used to be believable.

At this point i should tally how many anons fall for it. So far it's one (and it's a ruffian, go figure, sometimes with how consistent it is you'd start to think its a samefag)

>> No.79398325

My wife

>> No.79398870

>open Lumi stream
>jack off to the model
I am her most sincere fan. Haven't even subbed to her.

>> No.79400787

Her voice is cute

>> No.79401125

It would be easier to cum if you listen to her moans and squeaks

>> No.79404609

>She’s just like /vt/.

>> No.79404768
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i love bad bitches

>> No.79404916
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>> No.79405249

She made a Janny does it for Free joke to Maxor and his eyes glazed over with no comprehension

>> No.79405800

I wonder if she visits /a/.

>> No.79406302

Lumi is one of the biggest pickmes I've ever seen. Her entire personality can be summed up as "please give me male validation"

>> No.79406367

based. This is how Lumi is meant to be watched.

>> No.79408145

Based, more women should do that

>> No.79409941


>> No.79410453

I don't think I've really watched enough of her to give her a fair shot, but she definitely gives me the vibe that she's trying way too hard to suck up to me like >>79406302 said. I wanna watch someone be genuine in their autism and degeneracy, even if I don't agree with it 100%.

>> No.79410551
File: 442 KB, 711x1024, lumigao7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79410586



>> No.79410718
File: 1.66 MB, 1280x720, Lumi racism [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhgilgu.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I actually think Lumi is not being a pick me and is racist.

>> No.79411055

I love Lumi, but she reminds me of my mom. I just get strange pull tp her but lewding her feels wrong.

>> No.79411126

Phasefags are allowed to exist, but don't think for a second that you are welcome.

>> No.79411264

Dollar store vei

>> No.79411550

Nta but yeah, her unhingedness is genuine, that's why I have a soft spot for her. It's just that her interest in strategy games seems to come more from a place of wanting attention and being a tryhard instead of genuine autism. That's not necessarily a bad thing but It's not really what I'm interested in.

>> No.79411876
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, lumi replies to femanon [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fu6mb56.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79412035
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I like this skeleton talent

>> No.79414215


>> No.79414282

Nice bait but you’re not a phasefag, i like both of them

>> No.79414705

I like her but why is her whole gimmick having chat call her stupid nonstop, is it a fetish thing

>> No.79414743

No, I hate that faggot. Mods should fuck off, be quiet and stay in their line.
But Lumi is legitimately funny and knows her audience well. She's only gotten better over time. She'll never be the biggest vtuber since she filters her audience hard, but for the people she's pandering to, she's perfect.

>> No.79414857

Lumi is a whore who has backstabbed thousands of people.

The majority of hololive 'fans' are clipwatching failpenises from facebook and reddit who come here to 'feel cool' for liking Popular Thing (TM). If Lumi the whore suddenly blew up in the algorithm, all the failpinoys would suddenly worship her dick as the new popular thing because none of them are actually vtuber fans, they're big number fans. This is why the girl and the content doesn't matter in the slightest, or the lack of streams hololive is often plagued by despite having 19 EN girls.

>> No.79414926

>filters hard
>panders to the lowest common denominator of dumb fucking tard who spouts shit like "hehe my dorky hag stacy gf" because he just strings randomly positive-sounding adjectives together without thought

>> No.79414930

I love evil women.

>> No.79415011

you love being cucked ok

>> No.79415055

>being a cuck is... le bad

>> No.79415202

They're hot as fuck.

>> No.79415615

There is no chance it's that low. This board gets 70k posts/day, (more recently but that's probably because of Justice debuts), that would mean the average user is posting 70 times/day. It's probably more like 5-10, with a few basement dwellers making hundreds and tons of people making only one or two. That would mean 7k-14k actual posters, and of course some people don't visit and/or post every single day. Plus you have to factor in that there's usually at least a 1/20 poster/lurker ratio on internet discussion boards, so for every actual poster there's many more that actually lurk.
tl;dr, I'd estimate there's a floor of 100k people who visit this board with some regularity.

>> No.79415732

>is it a fetish thing
her entire on-stream persona is built around letting obnoxious STEM faggots live out their daddy fantasies where their discord kitten makes retarded fake squealing noises and strokes their ego 24/7 while pretending to care about nerd shit. it's all she does and the whole thing is poorly veiled behind a few layers of irony where she pretends that she isn't intentionally doing extremely cringe fetish roleplay in order to farm simp bucks from midwit computer science majors

>> No.79416122

KEK, this hits too close to home. Personally I wish she would tone down the discord kitten thing a bit, but her audience clearly enjoys it.
To be honest, lumigumis are one of the weirdest and most closeted fanbases in existence. They all clearly worship her but but need to larp like they don't care about her 24/7. It's definitely off-putting.
All that aside though, I still think she's very entertaining. I just can't participate in the larp, it's too transparent.

>> No.79416155

I fucking hate /vt/ though

>> No.79417255

I would like to watch her more but every time I watch her I feel disgusted when she calls her viewers chyaaaaat instead of gumis. Such a small nitpick but it ruins the whole thing for me.

>> No.79417332

Lumi has no soul, so whenever she thinks about what her personality should be, she just picks "whatever the chat would like" every time.

>> No.79417845

When my oshi and my side bitch were both on a break I watched Lumi for a while, it was around the time she was playing BG3
I liked her, she’s pretty nice with her chat despite /vt/ calling her a mean bitch, but I didn’t stick around
She’s also a great singer, her casual karaoke while gaming streams are very comfy

>> No.79418225

>thanks mr skeletal arms
>expects us to believe she's a big booby tiddy monster
>loves to flaunt her model's fat honkers
Immersion ruined

>> No.79418401

lemon love

>> No.79420052

That's just a twitch thing.

>> No.79420129

STICC mode girls make the best vtubers for some reason. Shondo, Lumi, Fauna, Gura, etc.

>> No.79420745

>she's just like /vt/
Every person who uses /vt/ hates /vt/, so why describe her as such?

>> No.79421085

So you can save her?

>> No.79422165


>> No.79422354

I wanted to like her, but then she started letting chat backseat her decisions in Fallout New Vegas and ruin her playthrough because woman brain got bored.
Was a big hit for me tbdesu, I was enjoying her stream up until then.

>> No.79422983

She wanted to side with Caesar’s legion but chat forced her to go with NCR. Tragic.

>> No.79423243

>chat forced her to go with NCR
absolutely fucking disgusting
her mods should have banned all of them on the spot

>> No.79423685

She didn’t go NCR. She went with Yes Man. Nuked both The Legion and the NCR in Lonesome Road. Her chat wanted her to go Legion but she wanted to be a Wild Card.
Why do you fags even say shit if you don’t watch streams?
The only time chat really backseat was when she asked for what side quests she should prioritize.
Hell she fucking blew up all the Securitrons under the fort even when chat was screaming at her.

>> No.79424360

>Why do you fags even say shit if you don’t watch streams?
To lure in fags like (you). The best way to get the right answer on the internet is to post the wrong answer.

>> No.79424419

Based, more women should do that.

>> No.79424562

That's a nice cope, but you don't care about the actual answers to a stream you're not watching. You weren't trying to find out the truth, you just got caught up in a lie.

>> No.79425537

The Legion doesn't really have much going for it beyond being edgelords so I approve.

>> No.79425811

ok socrates

>> No.79427310


>> No.79427606

Caesar himself says some smart-guy stuff but if you examine his ideas at an analytic level they're pretty half-baked. And the rest of the Legion are all just mindless psychopaths with no ideas at all, it's clear that once Caesar's tumor kills him they're just going to start a civil war and blow up everything he's accomplished. I get the teenage boy appeal of raping women and killing people but beyond that there's nothing there.

>> No.79428129

pickme ass hat

>> No.79429022

He’s bringing back the Roman Empire.

>> No.79429132

I watch Low effects clips of her. She seems fun, though I gotta actual try catching one of her streams.

>> No.79429284
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This board is the 4th most popular board on the site.
