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79372439 No.79372439 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>79366208

>> No.79372557
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


>> No.79373007

Why Gura coom baiting so much lately?? Is the Vshojo rats actually real, like wtf thats too much coom baiting girl....

>> No.79373183
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>> No.79373215

Who's ready for Roara to mog Gura today?

>> No.79373224

Post slime Fauna.

>> No.79373243

A win for Gura is a win for Hololive.

>> No.79373274

She saw her falling numbers

>> No.79373302


>> No.79373304

A win for Roara is a win for Hololive.

>> No.79373318

All of EN mogs Gura. I think only Ina can't be at her

>> No.79373323

Why the fuck are the threads so fucking shit today?

>> No.79373328
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>Buys Vshojo
>Deletes ironmouse

>> No.79373327
File: 419 KB, 1302x834, rombus luigi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys enjoying Rombu's stream?

>> No.79373347
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Been busy in the last 2days, qrd on the happenings?

>> No.79373352

A win for Hololive is a win for Hololive.

>> No.79373357
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>> No.79373360


>> No.79373366
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>> No.79373412

Niji cancelled 3 concerts, they are doomposting on their RM, potential mergers soon, and phase might get a graduation soon.

>> No.79373414

For reference Gura got 16k on her last Luigi's Mansion stream. This was during Peak Gura era when she got a 120k Karaoke and 194k Catshark.

>> No.79373417
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>6k after 4 stream

>> No.79373425
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>> No.79373426
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>> No.79373445

You didn't post enough lewds.

>> No.79373448

Because of Lelouch

>> No.79373466

It's a bad timeslot.

>> No.79373468
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>Gura talking about getting clapped by her Chumbies

>> No.79373470
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>> No.79373480

Gura It's no longer entertaining

>> No.79373515

Gigi's laugh is pretty addictive

>> No.79373521

Awww, are you upset that Gura's gonna lose cripple gold today? That's cute.

>> No.79373528

>dino gura chuuba

>> No.79373533


>> No.79373546
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Huh, Ina and Ame were way more resilient to the Gura slurp than Gigi

>> No.79373551

why the fuck are chumbuds so sexually charged? Where they always like this?

>> No.79373560

it’s over… but still don’t know why there are literal faggots doomposting about GG all night

>> No.79373566
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She's been watching too much Fuwawa

>> No.79373568

just like your dad. that's why your mom left with her nigger bf

>> No.79373578
File: 160 KB, 800x1050, Rean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire Trails saga is on sale on Steam, you can buy the full package with a bigger discount and support Nihom Falcom so they can keep releasing games.

>> No.79373587
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Have a sniff

>> No.79373594


>> No.79373602

More girls should play yakuza, i dont care if its a debuff its pure kino

>> No.79373614

>shitposter number #71 thinks HIS shitpost among the other 70 ongoing shitposts is the one someone cares about

>> No.79373622

>events that were 7 months apart

>> No.79373626

No anon, didn't you hear? An OLDER Luigi's Mansion is actually a buff game. Especially during a different timeslot than her usual.

>> No.79373653

Is that really impressive to you? They had an equal amount of time to establish their fanbase as Gura

>> No.79373657


>> No.79373658

bro is mindbroken…

>> No.79373672
File: 888 KB, 1322x731, Screenshot 2024-06-27 180259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijiEN merge is right around the corner. The Niji's have started removing NijiEN from their group lists. It used to be right here above clippers. ID and the others did the same right before merge. It's literally over for them.

>> No.79373673
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>> No.79373674

You cared enough to reply, which made me happy. Just shows I was right. Don't be so sad, chumbino. We can't win 'em all.

>> No.79373680
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And I do mean Rombus.

>> No.79373685

the big question is why gura is this early

>> No.79373691

are you angry chumbpedo?

>> No.79373695

I love her. I want to make love to her. I want to feel her in my arms while I shoot my liquid love into her womb and produce a child from our union.

>> No.79373697

Does niji win the month?

>> No.79373713
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Yuck. The JRPG equivalent of the seasonal isekai anime adaptations.

>> No.79373715

You don't even threadread.

>> No.79373719

I bet you're biting your fucking nails that Gura mogged that recently super raided Kobo stream so you lost a new angle in your Kobo vs Gura spam, ennacuck

>> No.79373728

i have no horse in this race i'm just making fun of your sense of self importance. here have another (You), on the house.

>> No.79373735

The gigi cock was too big for him...

>> No.79373744

Did anyone else do it outside of Rosemi?

>> No.79373743

Was it a PL leak?

>> No.79373753


>> No.79373757

Discord raid >>79373685

>> No.79373758
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>> No.79373759

>established girls have fewer novelty viewers than new girls
you don't say

>> No.79373761
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Dare I say, new queen of HoloEN?

>> No.79373762

correct I just saw gura's frame

>> No.79373765
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The concert getting cancelled riled them up.

>> No.79373777

Maria also did, I didn't check anyone else. I'll look

>> No.79373782

why do you talk like a twitter tranny

>> No.79373783

What caused the sisters to seethe this time?

>> No.79373787

Could still tie but doubtful. botSanji has been too botty lately.

>> No.79373796
File: 150 KB, 1152x2048, Gura throne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the slime Fauna she was talking about


>> No.79373825

As someone with similar ish recruiting background (though nowhere as prestigious as hololive) when you're recruiting for a group, you'relooking just as much at group dynamic. Hololive cannot afford a nijisanji drama situation, especially right now. Teamwork and ability to work as a team, anti-drama attitude (see her habit of turning every antagonistic reaction to "you love me don't you?"), diversity from other talents, compatibility with existing line-up. Further, she clearly has an interest in voice acting as evidenced by her current stream. She already had the stamp of approval and even recommendation it seems from her prior corp. Avoidance of drama is likely their hugest thing right now. She's a "yuro friendly" cunny type, and not only that but hololive is probably looking for their "selen/fillian" type to round out the roster. She's another mmo type player, which also rounds their mmo team to chase that dynamic occasionally - and that while *also* being low/no drama is a huge rarity factor.

>People complaining that debut girls weren't beating Gura's earlier stream
>People now going on about one of the debut girls getting good numbers compared to Gura
Please, you are so cringe it is painful

>> No.79373831


>> No.79373838

Today's stream link?

>> No.79373854

why is this image always croped? the top halff was totally sold

>> No.79373875


>> No.79373877
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>> No.79373879

In the end, Ame ended first

>> No.79373887

>Anikara is planning to build a new studio
what kinda scam is riku tryana pull this time for his investor? where is he going to get the money for the studio?

>> No.79373893

She misses her chumbuds and she's horny for their chum
She's also always extremely yabai during these ghost games. Way to tell me you don't watch her streams.

>> No.79373913

Me the green

>> No.79373917

Nigga, do I type like Ennacuck? I don't even know what kobo stream you're talking about. I just like seeing you be so angry over something so pointless.

>> No.79373925

>ID and the others did the same right before merge
is that actually true?

>> No.79373936

You mean 11k?

>> No.79373962

That's the "miosha" nijikek blending in. also a vtai tourist. Plz andastando.

>> No.79373973

xsoleile haven't.
We looked them up earlier because of the clips watching thing.

>> No.79373975
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>rosemi removed nijien livers from her youtube channel

>> No.79373981

If she does then good, the hire and the EU expansion were a win.
New girls need ALL the #s so Gura doesn't have an entire branch on her back.
She never wanted to be #1. She just is.

>> No.79373983

But...she's still going?
14k doryaa and whatnot btw

>> No.79374023

>not even 15k

>> No.79374056


>> No.79374066

>I just like seeing you be so angry over something so pointless.
You're the angry one here ennacuck. People correcting you aren't frothing at the mouth while you're the calm and collected cucumber, how old are you?

>> No.79374073


>> No.79374079
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>> No.79374085

Technically Finana and Sonny dont have "NijiEN" in that slot. I don't know if that is new or old

>> No.79374086
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>> No.79374101

wjat te fick is gg saying...

>> No.79374113

chumbuds are saplings?

>> No.79374125

>ame raided GG

>> No.79374127
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>> No.79374154

You know Gura must have turned down dozens of minor sponsorships over the past few years, why'd she take this one?

>> No.79374155

She raided Gigi

>> No.79374175

You haven't seen the chat overlap charts? Plus how can you be a sapling and not love Gura. It's literally mandatory.

>> No.79374182

Ok, there are some that haven't like Elira and Vox. The rest of Luxiem only have Luxiem now. Meloco and Kotoha only have xloli for some reason. Rosemi and Maria are the only ones verified to have had a NijiEN section till now though.

>> No.79374187
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>> No.79374197

Thank you for this masterpiece. As soon as I saw the image I knew it would be perfect.

>> No.79374208
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>> No.79374216

I completely forgot about this.

>> No.79374218


>> No.79374236

and the sea is salty

>> No.79374243

EDF is fun and, more importantly, very stupid. She also probably saw Ayame, FBK and Mio get it and knew it was a safe sponsor

>> No.79374261

Im tired of kiara always getting into these promos

>> No.79374289

>Luxiem now.
I think it was like that since Youtube changed how linked channels are displayed years ago.

>> No.79374303

Gura is doing skippa skippa...

>> No.79374310


>> No.79374320

Enna if you want people to be upset you know what would really make us upset. If Gigi surpassed Gura. Man that'd make us so mad and doomer.
Thankfully that'll never happen, no one could get that many people to watch her that quickly.

>> No.79374329

>smaller debut buff
>13k last stream
>16k last drawing stream WITH Elizabeth 1st time collab
>Gura going for 15-16k easily, she hasn't even reached her own slot yet or eaten funnels
How's she gonna do that?

>> No.79374331

I already ordered it on steam.

>> No.79374336

Kakapo is a woman.

>> No.79374352

GG did a good job tanking 3/5 of Myth, including Gura.

>> No.79374369

She's a saviorfag

>> No.79374377
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>> No.79374398


>> No.79374408
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>Other vtubers paid tens of thousands to hire producers to make their songs
>producers begging and paid gura to sing their songs
Sasuga Queen of Vtubers!

>> No.79374416

Something tells me that if you like Ina you probably aren't as much into Gigi. And if you're into Gigi you probably like Gura also.

>> No.79374438
File: 181 KB, 400x400, 1639274336809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is where we at

>> No.79374450

Fauna is Gura approved.

>> No.79374457
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>> No.79374468

everyone is just pity raiding GG

>> No.79374478

Ame is a gremlin. Gremlins together strong.

>> No.79374492

where did you get the "producer paid gura" part?

>> No.79374493


>> No.79374519
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>> No.79374538
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I'm just a Chumbie.

>> No.79374547

Do we know if we can get ayafubumi?(i only really want mio)

>> No.79374564
File: 201 KB, 1040x225, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious what kind of deal Debuffs Wasabi has with hololive?

He's been butchering these girls' song numbers. Look what he did to Chloe. Even marine couldn't escape, she got 1.6 mil in 4 months.

>> No.79374597

I don't think GG would do amazing in a better timeslot. The only thing that sticks out to me is her bantz with CC and a catchy design and color pattern underused in EN. Everything else is underwhelming.

How would you change CC predebut to produce numbers? Change design to alternate appeal? Have her drop the chipmunk intonation? Completely different hire?

>> No.79374602

A little bothered by the way those toes bend

>> No.79374608

gura told me this morning

>> No.79374617

Bets on how fast Gigi bleeds this raid too

>> No.79374625
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>Cope copium

>> No.79374648

Logic? Man is trying to use the holos to drump up views and mindchair for these songs, hence his "its on both our channels!" deal. If cover paid him for it, he wouldn't have them on his channel.

>> No.79374655
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>> No.79374677

probably sub 7k in 20 minutes

>> No.79374681


>> No.79374680

How come chumbuds post so many angry emojis

>> No.79374684

so nothing? got it.

>> No.79374690

It doesn't help that Twitter sisters are now raiding the site because they blame the famous "4chan hoard" as if more than 40 people post on this accursed hellsite or leave our houses to go to an overrated california expo.

>> No.79374718

How the fuck jutard sisters endure 111 chats from this red woman

>> No.79374731

iron it

>> No.79374738
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>> No.79374744

His musical "gimmick" got old fast desu. it has no reply value

>> No.79374742

Because it looks like the red ghost

>> No.79374756

Every GG solo game stream has had at least a minimum of 2 raids right?

>> No.79374763

Post IT

>> No.79374779

gigi is just cruising through games i've seen other holos struggle with.

>> No.79374790

Gura needs correction

>> No.79374792

they pity her…

>> No.79374804

There isn't anything worse about her versus say, Nerissa, Shiori, Bae.
Sometimes you just gotta accept HoloEN scouting is 40% "the voice fits the model", 40% "they had big numbers before!" and 20% luck

>> No.79374812


>> No.79374829

asian buff

>> No.79374833
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>> No.79374844
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There's an overlap.

>> No.79374856
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Who raided Gigi?

>> No.79374857

She is pretty good in games so far. I hope she has the Minecraft tism

>> No.79374863
File: 511 KB, 1153x717, 1697906927275172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't already picked up Mori's new album you can get a signed card with your copy if you order within the next 39 hours

>> No.79374879

How many vtubers have songs with their name in them?
And why don't they sing them at Karaoke?
>Cecilia Immergreen
>Shishigami Leona
>Maria Marionette

>> No.79374880


>> No.79374883


>> No.79374882

>chumbuds are saplings?
Nah, I'm a chumbud who's grown to like Green. The Gura blessing is strong.

>> No.79374889


>> No.79374892

Kiara is everywhere right now. Wondering how she could do locally with sponsorships in EU/Austria if her football watchalongs gain some traction.

>> No.79374903


>> No.79374905

>this game controls like a medieval horse
You can't just say that.

>> No.79374914

Probably for the kino NDF reference potential.

>> No.79374917
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>> No.79374916
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>still 2K on Nerrisa looping broadcast

>> No.79374936

I left because I don't think I could handle Gigi voice, somehow there is a voice worse than Kiara. Idk, I do like Roara voice but this is not it.

>> No.79374941

Her games with Biboo are going to be legendary if that they ever do

>> No.79374955

Kiara ghost

>> No.79374957

But I don't like the song.

>> No.79374960

This nigga in here numberfagging with playboard

>> No.79374965


>> No.79374988

Based Rissa making you seethe

>> No.79375004
File: 1.05 MB, 3921x3737, 1719522785856121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone bored replace this with skippa

>> No.79375000

>Nerissa 720k subs
jesas what the fuck, is she catching up to FWMC? The shameless short spam is so strong

>> No.79375005
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>> No.79375010


>> No.79375035
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>> No.79375046
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>> No.79375065


>> No.79375066

The raids made me curious about Advent
Days to receive their first raid (excluding debut and monetization relay)
1 day, received 5 raids to her normal streams in the first week
6 days, only one raid
14 days to her first raid
2 days, only one raid debut week

>> No.79375079

gib sauce pls

>> No.79375083

Real question is >>79374617 That said.
Gigi should play that more to her advantage. Also, if she's can't commit to the kusogaki cunny act which Biboo could she should just drop it.

>> No.79375087


>> No.79375091

FWMC fell off hard after plans to prepare for idol shit, they don’t even fucking stream regularly anymore just vert streams

>> No.79375098
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>> No.79375126
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>> No.79375150
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>> No.79375166

honestly Gigi should just drop the cunny act, maybe then I wouldn’t be filtered

>> No.79375170
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>> No.79375187
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>> No.79375194

there must have been someone that stood out more than gamer Bae though. I'm not saying that she's a carbon copy but to a casual hololive audience that's all they see.

>> No.79375213

>Gigi should play that more to her advantage
It's been less than a week so I'm not worried about that. Remember everyone thought Moom was a terrible streamer the first few weeks.

>> No.79375232

So nerissa is just...perma looping this?

>> No.79375247

I hate that Bibou of all people can somehow make me mildly into toes.

>> No.79375265

[Terrible news] Gura is a games journalist

>> No.79375271

>aren't I a game journalist because I talk about games

>> No.79375278

Isn't that this girl?

>> No.79375303

music helps when it does numbers, even the ones back from debut period

>> No.79375309

Subaru has the most sexo design.

>> No.79375310
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>> No.79375314
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Sawtooth graph my beloved

>> No.79375321

She bad at Luigi Mansion 2?

>> No.79375322

please level your saucefinding

It took me a bit to remember where I got it from


>> No.79375355

>You got Covid in 2024?

>> No.79375356

I believe in the dogs. They just got a lot more sponsorships and opportunities that they didn't have before. Give em time and it'll be okay.
Besides, they still commit to the FWMC mornings as much as they can. I can't go for a wednesday without my Mococo pup talk.

>> No.79375364

>You got 2024 covid?

>> No.79375369


>> No.79375376

Read the sticky

>> No.79375381

>Gigi should play that more to her advantage.
Gaming by itself isn't a BUFF unless you're top tier pro level. She would still need to be entertaining, which she isn't.

>> No.79375395


>> No.79375400
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>> No.79375416
File: 2.02 MB, 3000x1013, Just3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79375420

Demonetized stream, joeover

>> No.79375421
File: 263 KB, 720x404, 170123457648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you got 2024 COVID?
>how'd you do that?

>> No.79375440

She’s really tsundere about feet and dirty stuff lately, like that edge together line from yesterday.

>> No.79375444

The Red whore on Homo chat again

>> No.79375450

Her whole life is deranged cunny gremlin. You might as well ask her to just be someone else entirely.
She unironically plays a lalafell scholar in ffxiv and a cancerous healer in maplestory.

>> No.79375456


>> No.79375477

>which she isn't.
She is for me (●'◡'●)

>> No.79375483

Maybe 1v1/competitive collabs? I can see that being a good series. Is she any good at shooters?

>> No.79375485

Wasn't she literally in Japan?
She knows they never got properly vaccinated there.

>> No.79375487

Why did she wink?

>> No.79375494

God Luigui mansion 2 has so many redundant yapping in the game.

>> No.79375501

I hope that they’ll eventually get their stuff together without becoming burnt out.
I also rooting for them and will wait until they make a comeback

>> No.79375505

I agree, But I feel the problem is the model. She just doesn't fit the model no how hard she tries. My post got deleted, but people should already know who she was back at v4mirai. Gigi was a downgrade from that model

>> No.79375521
File: 223 KB, 800x800, 1696299379256558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread is fine right now
>Go check /hlgg/
>Shiori shitpost out of nowhere

>> No.79375523


>> No.79375532
File: 167 KB, 1024x813, 1719471581268321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79375540
File: 1.35 MB, 1601x1061, 1682748251128484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancient numberfag data

>> No.79375543

That's part of why it's the worst one

>> No.79375546

Well I'm glad for you, you special snowflake. I'm talking about the general audience at large, though.

>> No.79375558

>decides to bring it here for no reason

>> No.79375565
File: 1.46 MB, 720x576, 1719284513371517.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skippa skippa

>> No.79375562
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1080, Gura turn and wink 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79375594

her indie model was extremely fitting. in fact i was kinda shocked to hear she went for a small corpo because the anime girl persona didn't seem like something she'd go for, let alone hololive.

>> No.79375602

If that’s the case then she’s probably not for me. Hope her the best though, just not my cup of tea

>> No.79375604

>Maybe 1v1/competitive collabs?
Fuck no. Did you see the Aoe2 shitposting? EN shouldn't do anything competitive

>> No.79375610
File: 126 KB, 1027x206, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just posting this for the Greenfags

>> No.79375614

I will never understand those pants on the girls...but I will find them hot

>> No.79375613


>> No.79375622

No need to be mad anon-kun(づ ̄3 ̄)づ~

>> No.79375640

I don't want to read your story mr. nintendo man I want to capture fun ghosts and solve puzzles in various inventive rooms

>> No.79375651

At least spell her name right if you're gonna bait with holo v. holo

>> No.79375652

I'm in both threads so it's not hard to see that the shitpost is bouncing between the two

>> No.79375655

ʕ ● ᴥ ●ʔ woah cute anon

>> No.79375668

We're not going to help you defend Shiori's shit voice

>> No.79375682

Why was Suisei so shit?

>> No.79375699

Not that I have a dog in this race I also dislike ERB but don't much care. But how rent free does she live in your head, man?

>> No.79375706
File: 1.71 MB, 1540x2173, kino desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79375708
File: 50 KB, 463x453, 1712533412441342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old flare

>> No.79375716
File: 1.89 MB, 1796x2052, konkon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here anon

>> No.79375725

better air circulation

>> No.79375735


>> No.79375758

>4.48 million subs barely beating a 200k cutie
Don't know anon, relatively speaking Gura is a huge failure number wise.

>> No.79375779

thrown into side branch that wouldn't let her interact even with her branchmate let alone the other holos.

>> No.79375782

That's just because Kiara is a worthless bitch who can't handle banter nor losing.
Just exclude her from EN events.

>> No.79375794
File: 467 KB, 688x921, 1691731571133071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post said nothing about voice
Welcome back schizo

>> No.79375793

How would frequent collabs with Biboo affect Gigi numbers?

>> No.79375803

How will Pekora ever recover

>> No.79375805

Their drive to do well could eventually result in a great idea that brings in new numbers. If they REALLY want ###s they could angle for new demographics, but only thing I can think of would have their videos wrapped up in YouTube Kids red tape lol

>> No.79375808

Why the fuck did they have so many holos already so early on? Jesus look at that roster, it's like EN+ID combined

>> No.79375819
File: 89 KB, 1500x1200, 1690780072949593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we should all be more like this anon

>> No.79375848


>> No.79375858


>> No.79375871

Just so you know your green Yuro won't be getting any better a week or two from now when the novelty's off

>> No.79375874
File: 388 KB, 1774x843, tripple tie2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79375880

Stop edging that 15k Neal

>> No.79375902

Not fat enough

>> No.79375909
File: 1.99 MB, 1459x810, 1700281678458806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got it

>> No.79375921

>sub 16k shark

>> No.79375925

dudes at work or public transport just listening.

>> No.79375930


>> No.79375962

Depends on the relationship. Kaela being close to Kronii and Biboo has done well for her numbers.

>> No.79375967

Ina Ina Ina...

>> No.79375996

>vertical karaoke rebroadcast
Nerissa found the ultimate cheat

>> No.79375999


>> No.79376000

That's the point. She doesn't.

>> No.79376025
File: 147 KB, 1134x299, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't beat Toko www

>> No.79376028
File: 1.12 MB, 768x1152, 1girl_solo_sakura_miko_usada_pekora_houshou_marine_rabbit_ears_twintails_orange_eyes_heterochromia_green_eyes_long_hair_maid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The complete Vtuber.

>> No.79376038
File: 155 KB, 1440x1440, 166345634563873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79376078

(°□°)︵ɐǝpi ɹnoʎ

>> No.79376076
File: 354 KB, 531x619, 1691976513133921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the actual fuck, seriously

>> No.79376086
File: 220 KB, 500x600, yagoo-go-back [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzmejg4.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79376092

Man my toko statue got cancelled im salty

>> No.79376097

Just preface it with "It's her lore"/whatever. Kiara is a supreme saltlord, GG's ego seems much lighter.

>> No.79376102

it's funny how many shorts tourists think it's live

>> No.79376114

>Why the fuck did they have so many holos already so early on

>> No.79376129
File: 305 KB, 1378x2039, Aqu-Sui-Pekora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part 2

>> No.79376134

Takokeks is that real?

>> No.79376133


>> No.79376148

15k dorya...

>> No.79376156

Stroking my cock to this image

>> No.79376165

>not even 16k

>> No.79376169

man, toko fell off

>> No.79376172

The only reason the AOE collab was so entertaining was because of Kiara.

>> No.79376174

why is it always mori lol

>> No.79376184

If you can't handle Kiara you should be excluded from this thread

>> No.79376185

Anon, you have this explicitly saved to your computer, and presumably edited this photo to remove someone. That's the definition of rent free. Memoryholing only works if someone's already gone, and even then all it does is cause the barbara streisand effect.

>> No.79376203

The dorya isn't very exciting when it's sub 30k, not to mention sub 20k.

>> No.79376205


>> No.79376210
File: 38 KB, 472x263, gg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"how do you plan to compete with Gwar Gura?"

>> No.79376228

Boomer, please understand

>> No.79376240


>> No.79376244

Regloss pekora

>> No.79376272

that did not work dammit
how do u do it anon

>> No.79376279
File: 334 KB, 900x900, raven-cawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raven intelligence at work!

>> No.79376293

Don't think she intended to, Anon. She's probably bummed she'll have to catch the vod.

>> No.79376295

Look sister, we all saw you begging vox to choke you with his dick, you don't get to pretend you're the chaste ones.

>> No.79376304

chatgpt + online text flipper

>> No.79376341

what am I looking at here t. boomer

>> No.79376351

Gura is suppressing herself from crying.

>> No.79376366

Goob 15k

>> No.79376365
File: 101 KB, 720x598, 1038832951117506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79376388

Not that guy, do you not know what copy-paste is anon? Google kaomoji
Newfags these days...

>> No.79376392
File: 152 KB, 456x380, 1719490866835681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry wrong image

>> No.79376396
File: 236 KB, 462x488, ezgif-4-2da12eca6a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79376423

Why is the V4Mirai subhuman still seething on cooldown about GG?

>> No.79376438

>Gura is lonely

>> No.79376440

I could save her

>> No.79376446


>> No.79376451

Reminds me of Mococo.

>> No.79376463
File: 34 KB, 883x181, dream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is your dream too Anon?

>> No.79376462

Fauna call Gura, she's crying

>> No.79376473

You can hang out with your kouhais, Gura.

>> No.79376475

You cannot convince me Shiori isn't dating her manager

>> No.79376480

>getting depressed again
the hiatus will resume soon

>> No.79376500

The GG seethe actually quieted down a bit here, and in turn it ramped up in /hlgg/

>> No.79376501

NijiEN is the one praying for their own gura competitor though sister.

>> No.79376504

gracias (っ˘ω˘ς )

>> No.79376507

The v4mirai fans are watching Gigi's stream, anon. All 200 of them.
Try again.

>> No.79376538

Mumei good.

>> No.79376561
File: 96 KB, 1074x612, 1717744131452162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just sad at this point.

>> No.79376565
File: 1.15 MB, 850x1329, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, why not

>> No.79376573

>I spoke to Mumei recently
>Mumei good

>> No.79376602

[Moom news]
Moom good

>> No.79376603


>> No.79376609
File: 1.66 MB, 1080x1440, Rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79376618

>loop karaoke for 24 hours in short format
is that easy ?

>> No.79376640
File: 1.71 MB, 3921x3737, 1703779374708089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nah, I'd skippa

>> No.79376683

kys shiteleen

>> No.79376691

Stop ghosting Biboo then, Gura. She's still in love with you even though you broke her heart.

>> No.79376695

Stop making shit up /lig/fag

>> No.79376706

hi, manager here. please tell down this post

>> No.79376711

Chumbuds wtf are you doing? how could you let this happen

>> No.79376731


>> No.79376736
File: 101 KB, 1013x408, 1648731997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not bad for 1 month ?

>> No.79376755

In another universe where they're both not shy retards they're already on their way to the bowling alley

>> No.79376780

Phase teaching men how to take care of themselves

>> No.79376818

This isn't Idol corp, retard.
Also her manager is probably disgusted at her lack of showering.

>> No.79376839


>> No.79376846

Didn't kronii did that like a week ago?

>> No.79376850

only 15k?

>> No.79376851

Do not open. PagPag connect inside.

>> No.79376869
File: 1.15 MB, 1280x752, 1719036225025938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe anon simply don't want to have her picture on his pc. Like me!

>> No.79376872
File: 174 KB, 624x571, nya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori takes a shower every day and sometimes even twice a day

>> No.79376873

Mel used to have brown hair and wear glasses?

>> No.79376885
File: 47 KB, 464x454, 1638135582205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I raughed.

>> No.79376884

It's Friday, she usually gets 8-10k for these streams.
Better than yesterday, when she was at just 5.5k while overlapping the squirrel.

>> No.79376904
File: 59 KB, 896x576, adrgsubs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79376917


>> No.79376918

If only they lived in the same city like the JPs do.

>> No.79376934

Did the guy have a birthday or is being a man in manjisanji really that much of a buff?

>> No.79376939

Oh xhe got absolutely ratio'd in in the replies lol. Not a good idea to go for the groomer.

>> No.79376940

why does phase have the most dogshit stream ideas

>> No.79376951

>Teaching men hygeine

>> No.79376975

huh idk why i thought biboo would be a lot higher

>> No.79376984
File: 8 KB, 518x193, koroneschizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for replying to a post from 24 hours ago, it has to be done.
No, it wasn't, I had 24 hours left on a "racism" ban. Why are you posting the same message twice in under 1 minute btw? In both numbers and global, you spam both? Were the posts that you're calling my posts, your own posts? All this time, you're a serial ban-evading phone-using SEAkek? Imagine using global and having the audacity to criticise me.
You should have noticed that no one was posting hag bush if you're so good at recognising my posts (you're really not btw, the trauma from our argument last year and 3 months ago must have included a multitude of posters)
Koroneschizo, as in me, has never shit on Korone. It is an ironic title I created for myself about you being a faggot that can't handle being incorrect. You were seething when I was shitting on Aruran. That's not shitting on the girls, you're the one that has done that with both Fauna and Gura.
Be less of a homobegging retard and consider the fact that Cover almost certainly has jannies on this board and that they know my IP, surely using such information to flag the worst posters, yet chose to bring 4 of my JP favourites 10 miles from my location regardless.
I am not the type of poster you pretend I am. I'm just a guy that accepted the title of unicorn early 2021. I've always been a sankisei and GAMERS obsessed numberfag, that's all I am.
Like seriously, it's been 1 and a quarter years since that thread where you were seething on cooldown happened. Where is your own journey of self-improvement as an idolfag? You need to seek help about it, talk to a professional. There were many posters in that thread, it wasn't just me and you. Just because I wouldn't have been sanctimonious enough to try and defend such content, doesn't mean I ever took part in shitting on her.
If you give a shit about Korone, be glad that I wasn't doing what you were doing and seething all over the board about unicorns and magic Scotsmen because by not being overly supportive and by avoiding streams for a while, now Korone is sticking to making content that is appropriate for her and the audience.
And obviously you can tell from the image that >>79164309 wasn't me you were replying to either, you obsessed freak. You're the one that needs a job.
Also, >>78599564 I have never wished death on anyone, why are you even saying such bizarre things in an attempt to get my attention? Lying repeatedly is narcissistic, which you have ironically tried to levy at me.
Get therapy, take meds and actually watch streams in the meantime. You're a fucking retard for not understanding that calling myself Koroneschizo is ironic btw.
Try and at the very fucking least, not use my self-appointed titles or my name on other threads, it's an anonymous board, only I know who I am unless I tell you in a post and even then, that's just that post whoever replies afterwards is again, anonymous. Especially when you don't even understand the poster you're obsessed with, retard.
Lastly, don't think I didn't notice your creep ass during SEA hours today shitting on both Fauna and Aki; larping as a Raora fan. Holo v holo? Why are you homobeggars like this >>79329461

>> No.79377010


>> No.79377019
File: 362 KB, 1583x1053, Just ICE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79377022

Wait a second
>That voice
Cuckconnect is actually real.

>> No.79377032

I mean she was.

>> No.79377035
File: 32 KB, 1765x62, beg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79377039
File: 76 KB, 512x512, 1690412371513169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79377042

clique buff

>> No.79377050

As if I would read all that, bitch

>> No.79377051

cute model, would fug.

>> No.79377070

>Hololive cannot afford a nijisanji drama situation
>being low/no drama is a huge rarity factor

>hires a genuine unabashed Starmin who has clearly made it her intent to ruffle feathers and upset the status quo in the same gen


>> No.79377068

Not seething, just ...confused at the youth of today.

>> No.79377079

did they ever say who their oshi was
looking at some of their replies they kept talking about having an oshi without actually saying who it was, weird

>> No.79377080

Regloss' sub growth has been high since Cover gave them that 3D milestone goal as a shot in the arm

>> No.79377085
File: 3.32 MB, 246x424, file.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skippa skippa

>> No.79377102


>> No.79377109

I do actually wish Fauna would call Gura. It's not really my place, maybe there's some reason why, but have her over for a week or two silly kirin. You can't tell me she wouldn't say yes, she adores Fauna.

>> No.79377113

Twitter dunking on Mori for virtue signaling with water

>> No.79377127

>Face soap
>Moisturizing cream
>Apply mineral sunscreen if you go out
>Face soap at night
>Moisturizing cream before going to bed
All you need.

>> No.79377137
File: 1022 KB, 2371x4096, GREo3oMaYAA5o0t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a catto

>> No.79377149
File: 273 KB, 480x480, 1719230425842307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>11 hrs to go

>> No.79377158
File: 1.27 MB, 519x1259, 1540094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79377162

I'm surprised the flips haven't tried to leech off this yet.

>> No.79377169
File: 121 KB, 595x540, Wamy big Smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao i just look at the comments on that and these Black dudes sucking him off and him being so proud of "ratio'ing" Mori AHAHAHAHAHA god damn thats the most pathetic thing ive seen a fucking while holy shit.

>> No.79377168
File: 2.85 MB, 960x540, 1703132346588441.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79377176

>gigi the raid baby

>> No.79377181

they're not that close anon
that's just the reality

>> No.79377202

Can't compete with Niji EN sub changes

>> No.79377204

If I'm remembering right, the dude in the tweet makes tiktok videos that are "how x expects us to react" making fun of people who say those things. The video that was posted appears to be "how people who only drink water expect us to react" essentially making fun of Mori.

>> No.79377227

>mineral sunscreen if you go out
this keeps staining my light/white shirts. i use this french sounding one

>> No.79377238

I guess so but that's my point. She wasn't terrible after she found her footing.

>> No.79377266


>> No.79377275
File: 3.71 MB, 456x456, 1699229100813038.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read this

>> No.79377318

Mumei needs to do it, Fauna is too shy.

>> No.79377317

Please understand they'll never be successful as they're doomed to their ghettos forever

>> No.79377325
File: 327 KB, 612x910, 17523456798.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79377339

You are applying to much retard, you just need a extra thin layer for the cream to reflect the UV rays off your skin.

>> No.79377357

Tower is worse

>> No.79377369

Holy shit, why can't gura avoid the knight a fucking single time

>> No.79377370
File: 2.10 MB, 648x678, me when i skippa [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fnn7jdt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no sound

>> No.79377402

I take a bath once a day, shave once a week, brush my teeth after eating. Anything beyond that is unnecessary and probably stealth shilling for beauty products.

>> No.79377405

This guy was just blatantly hired as a member of Elira's clique. Immediately got collabs with top Luxiem members and the whole gang, while his 2 genmates were forgotten in the dustbin.

>> No.79377424
File: 35 KB, 455x417, 1697020910941857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do women really? Only thing I do is sunscreen, and only sometimes If I remember to.

>> No.79377435
File: 794 KB, 1374x584, MiComet mesmerize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50 million get
(a few hours ago)
>And still no Holo duo cover

>> No.79377442

>i use this french sounding one
cerave? Follow >>79377339

>> No.79377447
File: 114 KB, 220x212, get-some-help-michael-jordan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagining that the retard is still reading the thread if they're a homobegger rather than them raiding and running and writing a novel in response

>> No.79377509
File: 215 KB, 491x480, 1690254942567400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well /#/? do you rike Raora?

>> No.79377516

You guys put an amazing amount of effort into hating

>> No.79377523

>Do women really?
I am a hairy man in my late 20s anon...

>> No.79377525

I hope you get banned for this.
didn't read

>> No.79377536
File: 504 KB, 1839x2933, GQ_LmLabAAAfsz4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gomen, have an Aqua lewd as compensation for my post

>> No.79377569
File: 71 KB, 910x422, 1693983455917826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sucking sounds*

>> No.79377572

its called la roche posay
my girl told me 2 lines on 2 finger

>> No.79377585

I'll take my 13 in 1 head and face and body and pubes and shoulders shampoo + conditioner and be fine, thank you very much

>> No.79377595

Yes, my favorite of the gen

>> No.79377597

Get a job Scott

>> No.79377612
File: 1.50 MB, 320x320, 1725494984.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura thinks I'm cute

>> No.79377616

They're all coca cola drinkers and not creative enough to come up with a retort.

>> No.79377631

Retarded. If you're outside long enough to start burning burning then go inside until tomorrow. Get a tan.

>> No.79377644

Why's Gura so flirty with chat today?

>> No.79377648

I love her

>> No.79377658

Don't you hide behind Raora. Explain what went wrong with ERB and Gigi

>> No.79377667
File: 553 KB, 1920x1620, 1696701896217759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I like it Hazukichi

>> No.79377673

What if I'm extra hairy and a "thin layer" just can't happen?

>> No.79377679
File: 1.31 MB, 2854x4096, 174906283649140015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79377675

I think the person who scouted CC and RR should also have scouted GG and ERB.

>> No.79377683
File: 526 KB, 1354x3163, 1719499973566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79377686

I'm not sending you SCs Fauna, I have nothing good to say in chat

>> No.79377694

I want suisei to cover this instead with micomet art

>> No.79377701

Fauna would just rape her. In all honesty though, both are super shy even though they have a lot of adoration for each other. I don't get it though, aren't Gura and Ame super close?

>> No.79377704
File: 607 KB, 1657x1556, GQ9Wf9aaMAAPmxO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love all Justice but the scarlet rot
>every group pictures had to included her
Thankfully we have some anons here helped removing the rot.

>> No.79377710

Shit man. I would have rather seen CC go up against Gura. That would have been more fun to compare than.... this. Whatever this is.

>> No.79377711

>Never shit on korone
That's a lie, I still remember your meltdown over Korone

>> No.79377718

Are you sure you are not a brown South East Asian monkey?

>> No.79377748

She's filling lonely and in need of a MAN in her life (me)

>> No.79377766

Lol first Justice 4view comfirmed

>> No.79377765

You hired ERB. You are on probation now.

>> No.79377773

Still inclining.
Where's that "won't hit 20k" anon? I need to grudgepost them.

>> No.79377774

She's lonely.

>> No.79377775
File: 56 KB, 215x200, 1698954301339116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura's flirting with me

>> No.79377776

>went wrong with ERB
Nothing is wrong with Erb, the higher ups love her.
Will build a music brand off her.
She's the star.

>> No.79377779

We know that

>> No.79377816

Again, that did not happen. Everything is archived.

>> No.79377818


>> No.79377837

She's lonely and chumbies are her lovers.

>> No.79377846

She's flirting with me retard

>> No.79377880

Don't even bother with him. He's a parody of what unicorns really are.

>> No.79377883

Oh hey, has there been an update on the two dead homos yet? How are they doing? I'd expect Magni to be seething over the new red Holo by now.

>> No.79377891

Yeah but that doesn't excuse your mind boggling fuck up that is ERB

>> No.79377893

Justic acrylic stands update?

>> No.79377907
File: 269 KB, 500x500, 1690775456833269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surely Day 1 member right?

>> No.79377920

>Get in the vacuum
Weirdly erotic.

>> No.79377938

A LATAM monkey thanks, probably still whiter than you Abdullah from Berlin, or maybe Pedro from Miami?

>> No.79377958

Well they better, because that's all she's really got going for her. She's pretty shit at gaming, and all her homocollabing means she's not going to do the ASMR shtick. MAYBE she might do voiceacting, but I dont see Hololive announcing a big EN-based anime anytime soon.

>> No.79377968
File: 2.42 MB, 2331x1505, 1540095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Douzo touristchama

>> No.79377973
File: 389 KB, 2048x1401, 1719218094605180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even closes she's a whore, i just dont care enough to edit her out of drawings and shit like that

>> No.79377994

>seething because I shat on Aruran before he was leeching and insulting the girls

>> No.79378000
File: 243 KB, 500x500, 1688378269886303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Raora to sit on my face and milk my cock while purring at me in her hag Italian accent

>> No.79378044

Yes, already bought her voice packs, dropping 100 memberships and a couple of akasupas on the monetization stream.

>> No.79378042

This game having a pseudo Apex graph everytime she goes back to E Gadd was not in my predictions

>> No.79378049

>he wants brih'ish ASMR from the screamer

>> No.79378051

Are you forgetting she was going to moan in her birthday chat up until the point that mane chan used her account to scream NO?
I'd write a shitpost about her course correcting to GFE unicorns but the autists on this board and nijisisters would take me seriously.

>> No.79378078

please degrade my small wittle penis with your italian hag voice MAMMA

>> No.79378106


>> No.79378114

>15.5k stream 1 minute in on a debuff gmae
holy shit Gura is invincible

>> No.79378113
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>> No.79378122
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>> No.79378130
File: 499 KB, 702x432, unknown (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79378150

You're hairy, you have innate protection.
Also just shave retard?

>> No.79378174

>15k waiting room

>> No.79378183

Look pal, I don't know or care what some Z-List Holostar does, no one would be seething over it either way because the Holostars are either viewed with indignance or scorn, GSH faggot

>> No.79378184
File: 523 KB, 551x827, 1719185754506956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder how many lonely men has she groomed into mommyfags

>> No.79378206

>La creatura
Yeah, latinX are winning lately. Gura has been speaking so much Spanish.

>> No.79378208

Based for shitting on Mori, cringer for everything else about this

>> No.79378211

>la creatura
uh oh burgerbros

>> No.79378216

Like all good vtubers, she is secretly planning on marrying a fan and is starting the process of flirting and then the eventual battle royale will begin to determine a winner.

>> No.79378222

You're literally seething while everyone else is watching streams

>> No.79378223

>I should be hidden away and studied
Yeah, by me. I have the perfect instrument.

>> No.79378238
File: 157 KB, 680x680, 17192345564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm moist

>> No.79378261
File: 837 KB, 900x900, 1719476637966291.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whys CC's art tag filled with /pol/shit?

>> No.79378262

Don't worry, that's her next target.

>> No.79378271

that guy's moris are too good

>> No.79378278



>> No.79378286
File: 2.85 MB, 1280x720, gura close hot sex.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79378295

Gura's really losing her edge huh?

>> No.79378304
File: 29 KB, 561x143, ns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad news coming?

>> No.79378326

what did you expect shes german

>> No.79378329


>> No.79378333

She literally been saying that for like 2 yrs ........
>inb4 she got a LatinX boyfriend!!
yeah, me (im pretty sure she lives in Florida so her going out will make her hear spanish more)

>> No.79378353

at least two of my friends. One of which was already an ina fan.

>> No.79378352


>> No.79378354


>> No.79378357

What a lazy whore jesas

>> No.79378358

I'm watching my oshi's archive from yesterday you utter faggot. Maybe stop acting like a petulant child and do the same as anyone else would after a long day of work.

>> No.79378379

jesus christ she does only have karaokes

>> No.79378381


>> No.79378386

Wow, weird. I wonder if their managers got tipped off that karaoke rebroadcasts are a really really good idea or something. I've never seen anything like that.

>> No.79378394
File: 282 KB, 559x570, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no shame

>> No.79378412

the fps counter always gets me

>> No.79378421
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>> No.79378425
File: 101 KB, 422x309, 1718229577727555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to jaypee branch

>> No.79378432

just farming subs

>> No.79378441

Carrot and stick cycle. This is the peak of the carrot. Once new debuts wear off and concert tickets are bought she'll go awol again.

>> No.79378445


>> No.79378452

You can't be fucking serious. Her and Nerissa are acting like Luxiem tier numberniggers.

>> No.79378460
File: 837 KB, 1761x1504, vMXWT60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79378463

It's been coming for a while now.

>> No.79378466

It'll get WORSE?

>> No.79378472


>> No.79378478

What seems to work is doing a rebroadcast in the opposite timezone. So one for asia, one for america

>> No.79378482

Bots mistaking immergination with immigration?

>> No.79378483

Wait, what? She's already doing rebroadcasts? She just debuted and she's only done like three karaokes...

>> No.79378491

1st July lmao

>> No.79378492

Nazis literally CANNOT stop themselves from naziposting, anon. Have you ever been to /b/?
Did you not see what happened with kiara once they got over her being a stacy?

>> No.79378490
File: 240 KB, 571x482, 1688217206969900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still replying
>trying to argue
>not seething

>> No.79378497


>> No.79378510

she's mocking hololive...

>> No.79378514


>> No.79378526


>> No.79378527


>> No.79378530

Second rebroadcast on week one. Streaming too hard on debut, I guess.

>> No.79378535
File: 129 KB, 338x322, 1697119575994156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's today. Gun Uni is today. Run while you still can.

>> No.79378542

Just play valo again instead of this shit. 2 rebroadcasts during debut week is beyond lazy

>> No.79378557

>Sub farming to own da unicorns and prove homocollabing works
lol, mane chan come on

>> No.79378559

True, she's diluting her brand.
At least wait a week for a rebroadcast.

>> No.79378560


>> No.79378565


>> No.79378568

She's not even getting much from these

>> No.79378572

>Bad news coming?
Hasn't stopped for almost two years now.

>> No.79378582

Oh shut the fuck up Ruffian, they're just as bad so I'm not sure why you're excluding them.

>> No.79378590

Who's Ennacuck going to bot in response? Take your bets?
Maybe he'll finally bot a niji, like twisty.

>> No.79378595
File: 897 KB, 1638x2048, 1718343503721745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79378596 [DELETED] 

Whew, did everyone get their Breaking Dimensions tickets? I managed to nab one.

>> No.79378608

they're not nazis, just nazi fanboys.

>> No.79378610


>> No.79378623

You're the one who initiated the conversation retard. You're totally not mad after that wall of text you wrote kek

>> No.79378645

Mein anon...this is her 2nd rebroadcast

>> No.79378648

This is her second rebroadcast, even.

>> No.79378673

I think Gura's been absorbing whining habits from Fauna.

>> No.79378707


>> No.79378713

Why would he be seething?

>> No.79378726
File: 315 KB, 2048x2046, 1717725848215182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the 2nd rebroadcast. She didn't even stream today. On debut week.

>> No.79378753

Her and Nerissa competing for who can fuck up their average CCV the most with rebroadcast spam.
...is what I'd like to say if I didn't know several people already linking me this as if I give a shit.

>> No.79378757
File: 438 KB, 616x540, rebroadcast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's spamming karaoke like tomorrow, i like it.

>> No.79378767


>> No.79378770

Alright, would an actual Niji JP merge be the funniest thing to ever happen on /#/? Guess it depends on how many ENs get fired/leave

>> No.79378787
File: 125 KB, 753x365, 1694690059025187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some more Grim pics anons, this one I saved that that one anon made just isn't GRIM enough for this shit.

>> No.79378790

Nerissa hasn't done a rebroadcast in like 5 months before today

>> No.79378796

In what world is anything FWMC did as bad as rebroadcast spam not even a full week in

>> No.79378814
File: 1.11 MB, 158x158, 1709589057805549.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I did not. Are you ogey? Is your "hard working job" not actually all that hard? Normal men are in a good mood after a hard days labour.

>> No.79378832
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>> No.79378840
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>> No.79378846

Nothing will ever top M&V "graduation"/firing. Those were some amazing threads.

>> No.79378861

meds, anon. No one talks like that unless they're seething. "petulant child" is sooooo twitter coded btw.

>> No.79378864

>Fauna invented whining
Gura's done that before Fauna was even a thing.

>> No.79378868

I also like it. It means she is killing the karaoke buff even faster.

>> No.79378880
File: 33 KB, 371x308, fbk its over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79378885
File: 25 KB, 536x284, 1706619148641039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are too hard on her. She's already had to stream more than an hour and already had collabs. Let her rest.

>> No.79378897

He seems the type to seethe because he felt like he "didn't get enough support" so her debuting and trying to be "supportive" (while getting utterly mulched for it) would probably set him off. That's the feeling I got from his past rants at least.

>> No.79378900

No. I want a the nijiEN concert cancellation to remain a yearly tradition.

>> No.79378910

You're the one who wrote an essay seething at people for disagreeing with you kek
I don't want people like you representing the Hololive fanbase, just go back to Varium

>> No.79378912

So now that the merge is all but confirmed, what is going to be Niji sister's cope about why it is a good thing? Per usual they will forget that it was never going to happen and go straight into defending it.

>> No.79378920

>Fauna v Gura
Literally kill yourself

>> No.79378945

Should change ERB vtuber title to vtwitter cause she loves tweeting more than streaming.

>> No.79378949

Was she just talking about AVtubers?

>> No.79378954

Gura is making fun of her rhombus rigging again...

>> No.79378981

kek you're the faggot that keeps bringing me up across the board like a schizo

>> No.79378988

Awww mad you got called out and samefagged to cope? KWAB

>> No.79378991

She announced this on RR's collab stream yesterday.

>> No.79378993

I hope he just kills himself desu

>> No.79379009

That actually sounds smart, which tells me that's not what's happening.

>> No.79379010

I think she realized after that Valo stream that she's fucked without karaoke

>> No.79379012

Sheesh one whole hour? She'd better take a few days off. Maybe rebroadcast that same karaoke a few more times next week as well.

>> No.79379016

More than the brand, it removes FOMO like it did for every other holo who does it
It sets up the whole 'oh I don't really feel like karaoke today, but I guess there'll be a rebroadcast anyway' issue

>> No.79379024
File: 468 KB, 3134x4096, 1690355780896959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make incorrect satement
>Get angry when corrected
And I'm going to keep doing it.

>> No.79379026

I'm trying to find a really funny post from 1 year ago but I don't remember the words

>> No.79379035

she has fc2 open on her second monitor 24/7

>> No.79379036

My hands btw

>> No.79379043
File: 40 KB, 400x400, 1692209914425909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura shitting on her model kek

>> No.79379047

The merge could potentially top that depending on how bad things actually are. At the very least it will last way longer.

>> No.79379062

Poor girl she should take the whole week off after that hard work

>> No.79379076

Gura wants a 2.0 like Mori's, and not something drastic like Fubuki's or IRyS' model changes.

>> No.79379126

Gura is worried about 3.0 because she wants to keep her current look.

>> No.79379128

The tail must grow

>> No.79379134

No. Just cringing at your twitter-coded shitflinging competition of a conversation like you have something to prove...we're all anon here...you can stop any time. No one knows who you are.

>> No.79379144

Gura would hate you for shitting on Fauna

>> No.79379147
File: 2.70 MB, 1280x720, shark alert[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fatr6td.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79379149

Big fat hefty plump meaty tail..

>> No.79379153
File: 6 KB, 224x225, 12756654978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting on cooldown
>not mad btw

>> No.79379156

i think
they should give her an entire year so she can recharge, hell. dont even let her stream at all, she deserves it

>> No.79379163

>Gura making fun of boobie 2.0 upgrades
>Gura wants to grow her tail 3 sizes

>> No.79379165


>> No.79379193

Gura's 3 sizes

>> No.79379195
File: 155 KB, 512x512, 1717439129928301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura getting a Foob-style remake would be a disaster.

>> No.79379220

>Myth was all good hires
>Council had one terrible hire (Sana) and one bad hire (Kronii)
>Advent was all good hires
>Justice has one terrible hire (ERB) and missing one hire
It's always the even-numbered gens.

>> No.79379238
File: 1.76 MB, 360x396, 1662040655913068.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything but that

>> No.79379249
File: 450 KB, 696x673, 1709116341572239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Later rather than sooner
