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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.91 MB, 1068x1930, FR-EAwWUYAUzLpw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
79303709 No.79303709 [Reply] [Original]

Amelia Watson appreciation thread
This thread's for Ame, an adorable, dorky, wonderful detective!
Last thread: >>79290528

>> No.79303737
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Elden Lord Bowson will return soon: https://youtu.be/J64XZrfQ-vY
A greater foe appears to challenge Ame though, and it's her ISP. :AmePray: and hold fast, gators.
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://youtu.be/fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur

>> No.79303785
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>> No.79303844
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>> No.79303867


>> No.79303878
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>> No.79303940


>> No.79303975

just got back from the store with snacks ready for an all nighter

>> No.79304000
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>> No.79304059
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feels good to be a duvetbro

>> No.79304085

I'll just copy from the other anon on last thread
VOD for friendmate and other latemates: https://gofile.io/d/xEg2PR

>> No.79304123
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1080, creamyfart [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4n6des.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79304473
File: 715 KB, 498x690, FBK AMEEEEEEE [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjh4szi.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79304814
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>> No.79305435
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>> No.79305578
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Disappointed her internet shit the bed but holy fuck it was nice to see her so chatty afterward. Goslings ate good tonight. Hope she's just as energetic in the upcoming stream for you Anon's staying up to watch.

>> No.79306235

To that guy trying to besmirch Aunty Watson, fuck you

>> No.79306418

>replying to bait from an old thread
maybe i should be a shitposter, it seems so fucking easy with retards like this

>> No.79306489
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>> No.79306583

Addicted to the shindig

>> No.79307210
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>> No.79308158

Ame is gonna be really evil and wake ups and stream at like 3am for me.

>> No.79309542

are teamates the biggest cucks in EN right now

>> No.79309627

Sorry you got cucked out of a concert

>> No.79309839


>> No.79309909


>> No.79309947


>> No.79310123


>> No.79310172


>> No.79310357
File: 167 KB, 357x253, 1707965097739853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the sigma

>> No.79310794
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We are all happy about our Wife Ame, we are holding on at 20 people and we reach below 18 we are of illegal age and can't marry Ame

>> No.79310968


>> No.79311520

good night gators. I don't know how long it will take so I'll sleep now and catch the VOD of needed

>> No.79311718 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.79311870


>> No.79312085

Crush it

>> No.79312287

take a bite

>> No.79312371

Mediocre phone-scribbling Amecord woman

>> No.79312736
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>> No.79312753


>> No.79313530
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Which one of you are still watching??? >:(
Just give up and let me be the last teamate already...

>> No.79313597
File: 35 KB, 744x354, 1690629999987410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I AM the last teamate now

>> No.79313971

What happened? The vod is up now

>> No.79313998

Youtube or manager shut it down i guess?

>> No.79314039

YT ends the stream after disconnecting for a certain amount of time probably

>> No.79314401

Looks like it might explain why the viewer count drops over time even if it doesn't match up with active participants

It's basically a timer.

>> No.79314407

And now she won’t play in the morning because the stream ended. Not that she was even going to anyway.

>> No.79314488
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>> No.79315113


>> No.79315272


>> No.79315296
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Bowlsed and Breadpilled

>> No.79315395

Eggs based.

>> No.79316685

Non teamate here but ame appreciator
Why do these things keep happening to her?

>> No.79316735

Her grandma was cursed and in turn cursed the whole bloodline.

>> No.79316802

Gypsy curses are fucking cracked

>> No.79317221

She is either a magnet for problems or she is not smart enough to deal with all the problems.

>> No.79318024


>> No.79318028
File: 61 KB, 464x572, 1712021647200723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White trash family, general bad living situation, living around the southwest coast probably in the more suburban cheaper areas, very often too stubborn for her own good which can make her plans work out poorly.

If there's one thing that's hindered this whole experience, it's her own deeply caring but incredibly stubborn nature. Of course, I love that about her, but it doesn't help in a situation where she should probably be a bit more flexible with fixes and harsher on her family.

>> No.79318130

I don’t think this is Ame

>> No.79318341
File: 32 KB, 568x345, 1710906315429715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in my Ame folder, how could it not be Ame?

Completely off-topic: have you guys seen that "Ame and Friends Fanzine" that Bungle has been shilling? I haven't looked any deeper at it but I'm morbidly curious how it's gonna turn out.

>> No.79318599
File: 239 KB, 665x700, 1691188837836823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the CEO of "omg so GENDER" is shilling it, I don't think I want to know what's inside.

>> No.79318687

There's apparently going to be a PDF version available later so I'm waiting for that.

>> No.79318776

Not sure yet

>> No.79319011

lol, so much for starting earlier

>> No.79319036

If it has sesbian lex pics then I'll check it out. If it's all just muh pronouns shit, into the trash it goes.

>> No.79319600

It’s not even midnight pst yet

>> No.79319815

looking forward to seeing ame do this, jeez.

>> No.79320139

can a deadbeat explain this to me

>> No.79320154 [DELETED] 
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>> No.79320231
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>> No.79320232

Weird Cat is basically Mori's Smol Ame.

>> No.79320374

Teakmiz my beloved.

>> No.79321688 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.79321712

jwu, did something weird happen with the elden ring stream?

>> No.79321742

American ISPs happened.

>> No.79321811 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.79321879

Ame's amazing luck with ISPs happened again. She's thinking about streaming early to make up for it and allegedly it will be an endurance, but we'll see.

>> No.79322206
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>> No.79323177

that sucks, i'll have to catch the VOD when i have time
holy fuck thank you, so much cute ame

>> No.79324095
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>> No.79325281


>> No.79325306

Staff hate
Now I bet she does nothing.

>> No.79325705

Kys schizo

>> No.79326021

Yeah no shit they ended it, she left it running for 5+ hours and whoever looked at it probably thought she overslept or forgot to turn it off.

>> No.79326083

no u

>> No.79326120

did she wake up at 2 am wtf

>> No.79326319

She went to sleep at like 8pm.

>> No.79326370

>30 min since the tweet and still nothing
I'm just going to assume she'll play the game at some point around AMT today instead of starting a stream now since the VOD ended and she no longer feels obligated to continue it.

>> No.79326417

She's probably still waking up

>> No.79326640

The tweet about continuing tomorrow is after she pinned the chat about continuing after she woke up. So I always assume that instead of Ame doing ER in JP hours.
This is the girl who didn't unpin the message about Passpartout 2 for two years. I think she forgot about the pinned chat very quickly. She's on the phone too & can't see pinned chats.

>> No.79326742
File: 426 KB, 2000x2000, 1699540936490483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame should play Chained Together with Chama.

>> No.79326832

I hope she keeps the kyut~ thumbnail

>> No.79326834

I would suggest playing with Myth, but alas I believe it only supports 4 people...

>> No.79326880

The tweet was made 3 minutes after the pinned message. And every after she tweeted she was still typing in chat about how she planned on playing it after she woke up.

>> No.79326921
File: 505 KB, 1138x716, 1712691961411352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame should play with her family then. Gura, Mumei, Chama, & Ame.

>> No.79327403
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>> No.79327597

Is Ame team tea or team water?

>> No.79327712
File: 331 KB, 1003x2000, 1690954925347853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's team my semen.

>> No.79327861

He was right though.

>> No.79327893

Go spam more bait threads

>> No.79328027

Did you enjoy waiting 10 hours for a stream that she decided not to do after all?

>> No.79328073

Did your mother enjoy carrying you around for 9 months just to end up like this?

>> No.79328103
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I wait for Ame every day. It's called having an oshi, something you schizo won't understand.

>> No.79328141

Hopefully she won't take another 2 weeks off without saying anything like she did when she had trouble streaming CS2 the first time.

>> No.79328219

Le sigh

>> No.79328341
File: 13 KB, 240x174, -qulh9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The setbacks that happened today is actually pretty awesome though, why are schizos thinking "teamates" are upset?
I am not upset at all, I loved the live chat and how ame talked about:
> henry
> how manly bubba is and he is 5 years old
> wellington being a bitch
> mikki praised by watson family but think mikki is stinky
> she had work to do
And lotssss of other stuff, and the engagement in twitter was insane we all talked about it! Even if there was an elden ring dlc stream it would probably have less discussion than the live stream chat I just experienced!
So that is why I love Ame! Today was a great day, no matter what you say!

>> No.79328387
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Based we love our Wife

>> No.79328409

She mentioned wanting to play moe ER this week but also mentioned perms for only yesterday so idk what’s going on there
If not she mentioned ultrakill too

>> No.79328420

schizos dont know the real reason we watch ame is for her silly talking and not her gaming skill. in fact i like ames gameplay because of her sheer lack of skill sometimes.

>> No.79328426

Nigga if you stayed up after the stream got closed, that's on you. At that point it was safe to sleep thanks to ER's wacky perms situation.

>> No.79328442


>> No.79328467
File: 387 KB, 931x1110, Amechat3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame thinks of smol ame even in real life

>> No.79328513

>real life
Yeah smol ame exists in real life yoi know?

>> No.79328641
File: 470 KB, 1007x1024, 1700120159612507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part is how she genuinely believes mushrooms will take over the world.

>> No.79328659

wait I don't remember her mentioning that the perms were just for yesterday. did she really?

>> No.79328682

fuck you this is silly I don't exist in real life.

>> No.79328775

I might have misread it she might just be complaining in general there.

>> No.79328801

The perms thing just lined up with what Kronii said, looks like the game perms lasts for a day so we are looking at the fact most holomembers reserve perms days or months ahead multiple times (like Bijou)

>> No.79328880
File: 6 KB, 275x183, 1701610361926875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One tetra.
Leave it to Ame to see a fish that is famous for their schooling behavior & get just one of it.

>> No.79328897

oh I'm aware of the discussion over the perms being for specific days but I was wondering when she said she just had them for yesterday

>> No.79328941

She also mentioned wanting to play other days this week so I assume she got perms for those days too.
But touching by the fact she was upset about the frame going down maybe not tonight and ultrakill instead

>> No.79328942

So like... she knows she can rat the kiwi skin like an apple right? Knowing I could do that jacked up my kiwi consumption rate.
Not that unreasonable of a guess

>> No.79329008

Four fucking years and she still cancels streams because of her fucking internet. How the fuck is this bitch this retarded and unprofessional?

>> No.79329020

ER perms is just some bullshit she keeps saying, no one else in EN or JP has an issue with streaming the game whenever they want. But keep believing it just because Ame said it and you don't watch anyone else to realize she's wrong.

>> No.79329044

Wait you guys don't get why she is upset? Because it's like reducing stream days with Elden Ring DLC, hmm how do I put this in an analogy.

Imagine you had reserved 5 apples, but one apple got stolen, you still have 4 more but you are still upset, makes sense because you lost/wasted an apple.

>> No.79329141

But Kronii also complained about ER perms, are you saying Kronii and Ame are both lying you schizo?

>> No.79329283

I don't give a shit what Kronii says because I believe the girls who actually stream the game.

>> No.79329302

watch streams lying nigger

>> No.79329348

Says the person who didn't actually watch the other members

>> No.79329401

I was agreeing with you

>> No.79329456

I watch biboo
She says she needs to spam perms requests everyday because of how obnoxious from software perms are

>> No.79329470

But Kronii did stream the game, dipshit

>> No.79329485

>girls who actually streamed the game
Ame streamed it, why are you so retarded to contradict yourself. Next words your retarded ass is gonna say is "I said girls!"

>> No.79329530
File: 2.25 MB, 640x640, 1704698170771021.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, the catalog thread died with no interest (again), that explains why he beg for (you) here.

>> No.79329564

DAMN I SAID GIRLS, THESE NAMES YOU MENTIONED AREN'T WOMEN (not op, just wanted to pose as them XD)

>> No.79329636

She streamed it when it first came out and did like 1 boss, she was never going to stream the DLC.

So why can't Ame do that? Again this seems like an Ame issue and not a Cover issue.

>> No.79329712

You should really take a few minutes to think about how you watch the catalog all day long to see if there's some Ame bait thread up. Do you even do anything else while waiting for her to show up to a stream she might do?

>> No.79329775
File: 51 KB, 510x530, 1687953066928135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't but thanks for confirming it's true.

>> No.79329795

>d-don't remind me how much of a failure I am onegai

>> No.79329863

>So why can't Ame do that?
she can and from what she was talking about she did. what's the problem here?

>> No.79329872

What does kwab mean

>> No.79329875

>moving goalposts

>> No.79329972
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>> No.79329983

kumming while ame breastfeeds (me)

>> No.79330007
File: 3 KB, 125x118, 1694614497504656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even page 10 yet.

>> No.79330042

2 hours and still no frame or even a tweet confirmed she won't be streaming like she said she would. Classic Ame.

>> No.79330107

>no replies to anyone after getting owned

>> No.79330140

Kumming when Ame breastfeeding (me)

>> No.79330207

Kumming while Ame buttfuck (me).

>> No.79330231

Remember that time she said she would stream, everyone waited all night for a frame, then she tweeted a few emotes on twitter, people asked where the stream was, and then the next day she decided to do Watson Weekend with early frames at the beginning of the week, which only lasted 2 weeks?

>> No.79330278

>desperately trying to change the topic after getting owned
oh you're genuinely upset about this. kwab

>> No.79330425

I made this post

>> No.79330505

Remember that time she said she would stream, and even ended with "see you guys tomorrow", and then never showed up, and then when chat asked what happened yesterday, she didn't even give an answer?

Remember that time she disappeared for 2 weeks to the point people had to bother Kiara about it, only for her to just play games for 2 weeks before returning for a sponsored stream, and then said she wouldn't do it again. And then proceeded to take 1-2 week breaks for the next 2 months anyway?

Did you enjoy waiting every day for her then too?

>> No.79330572

>reading those paragraphs filled with piss and shit from malding

>> No.79330711


>> No.79331608

That last teamate?


>> No.79331662
File: 149 KB, 2000x2000, GRDlyClbAAACyAm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame is in the water gang

>> No.79331998

Would she choose water over tea though?

>> No.79332408

She would choose me instead

>> No.79332458

Ame loves water, actually the first Ame streamed I watch is actually the months where she consistently reminded chat to hydrate themselves. It was some kusoge horror game. But then she stopped doing hydration check :(((
I'm fine just a little sad, don't mind me, it's just some childish thing

>> No.79332550

Hydration checks still happen every now and again.

...Although I'm terrified at the idea since she drinks her own bathwater now.

>> No.79332594

Yeah true but I think more of her earthquake paranoias now instead of the bathwater

>> No.79332654

This and also her paranoia toward mushroommen. Mushroom-men don't exist.

>> No.79332724 [SPOILER] 
File: 925 KB, 720x724, mushroom ame[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzc0nev.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure?

>> No.79332732

But Shroom bugs exist

>> No.79332782

Spores-covered fingers typed this.

>> No.79332903


>> No.79332998
File: 1.61 MB, 360x202, 1718605303462887.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame should play Dark Souls 1

>> No.79333049

She would but she can't, Amesame people are gonna eat this up as Ame doing what Gura does. Even though we know this Dark Souls shit is Gura and Fauna

>> No.79333069

She should play Dark Souls 2 and only 2.

>> No.79333115

I tried playing it again on Switch, only to be reminded at how badly they fucked up the sound compression.

Not even in like a soundfag way. Like even a child could notice it was being run through a can.

>> No.79333314

Chat is that real?

>> No.79333369


>> No.79333611

I feel old just seeing this

>> No.79333646

sounds like mushroom-men propaganda. you're not a mushroom-men are you?

>> No.79334682

yeah they really fucked the sound compression on it. it doesn't help that the other versions of the remaster have shitty textures on some objects
I remember when we had that games for windows live shit

>> No.79335311


>> No.79335335


>> No.79335336

I'm so glad she decided to stream after all.

>> No.79335398
File: 178 KB, 1046x1046, 1707277257589985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got the big one

>> No.79335458


>> No.79335500

Bowson looks badass with the big doot ngl.

>> No.79335503

Ame should stream at this time more often

>> No.79335538


>> No.79335553

>>79335503 (me)

>> No.79335557

Enjoy while it lasts Yuromate

>> No.79335595
File: 79 KB, 600x900, 1711626757711646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It w'll be a blast, mate. Cheerio.

>> No.79335611


>> No.79335736

Damnit I'll miss like the first 50 minutes....

>> No.79335858
File: 41 KB, 949x197, mmee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's talking about me

>> No.79335975

Okay I don't need to sleep frick it

>> No.79336173


>> No.79336391


>> No.79336592

>hours before I get off work :'(

>> No.79336656

>Farmed the doot
>Early frame
>Early time
She must have felt like shit once her ISP told her it would be hours. This is like when she lost the Elytra and quit Minecraft forever, then started up a new stream after an hour or two to find a new one.

>> No.79336895

3pm is fine, i guess

>> No.79337047
File: 27 KB, 181x171, 1719496930977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you look at that. More Elden Ring today just like she said
So cool...

>> No.79338055

I'm fine either way.

...I say that, but livestreams can be a crap shoot at times on mobile. The One Block stuff was fine, but the ER stream was a nightmare, so when the stream stopped, I just thought my phone was being shit again

>> No.79339347

Ame no... What about you ausmates? It'll be 5am ;_;

>> No.79339385

Phones have way better compatibility with wifi, so I never doubt my phone, but I doubt a laptop

>> No.79339746
File: 829 KB, 1280x720, jayteamations_1806270049797251378.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79341005

I don't have wifi at work...

>> No.79341148

Okay I need a Soulsfag to explain:
-Is the big doot a new weapon in the DLC?
-If not, was it worse than the regular doot before the regular doot got nerfed?

>> No.79341451

Base game weapon
Mid size doot was nerfed. Don't remember much about Big Doot

>> No.79341690

>-Is the big doot a new weapon in the DLC?
it's from the base game. it drops from the enemy ame was farming yesterday
>-If not, was it worse than the regular doot before the regular doot got nerfed?
from what I get the ash of war always did good damage but was very slow. since they buffed it to do more damage and nerfed the bubble shower doot (the middle one) and saw a funny video on youtube she decided to get the biggest one

>> No.79341965
File: 10 KB, 528x592, 20240623_060802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember if you ever need to filter something out just reply to me "AMEWAY"

>> No.79342106


>> No.79342140


>> No.79342232


>> No.79342633
File: 695 KB, 1483x1080, keepgambling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based gambler never gave up

>> No.79342737

is this one of you guys? >>79341529 i saw a post on a past thread that looks similar to that. >>79297543

>> No.79342867
File: 1.14 MB, 1160x2326, Yang Ji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the Ameschizo. He's been shitting up this thread for years

>> No.79343182

Wait, he posts on Youtube too?

Does anybody have that Youtube chat web app that saves what chats people have left? I'm morbidly curious to see where he's participated.

>> No.79343600

It's a burnout account. He made it for the sole purpose of reposting his shit from here into her youtube comments so I doubt you'll find him commenting in other places
Also that web app you mention doesn't work anymore I'm pretty sure and you needed a password to use it anyways

>> No.79343691

Ame? more like Rain
gottem lmao

>> No.79343968
File: 107 KB, 1024x793, 1719430460343036m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Ame does the St Trina quest. I accidentally found the Cerulean Coast by taking a little detour, so it's kinda doable for her without getting spoiled.

>> No.79344162

Not now flare.

>> No.79344944

So what bosses didn't she get besides dungeater?
Did she kill the 2nd astel?

>> No.79345712
File: 52 KB, 232x213, 1719506358822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember

>> No.79347625

Ame today

>> No.79348726

if people are going to direct Ame, they should do it using the lingo used in messages in Elden Ring. Seek east, therefore, grace ahead

>> No.79348955

Remember when Ame killed the duo crucible knights in the most obtuse way possible?

>> No.79349138

Big Chest Ahead. Try Finger But Hole. First Off, Crouching and then Let There Be Dung. Fort, Night. If Only I had A Giant, But Hole. Edge, Lord. Lover, O Lover, Time for Pickle.

>> No.79349233

Smol Ame please...

>> No.79349508
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>> No.79349656

You don't have the right

>> No.79349837

I mean, is he wrong

>> No.79349931


>> No.79350278

Stream in a hour.


>> No.79350702
File: 2.41 MB, 1348x2056, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79350848
File: 142 KB, 1382x868, 1688271422233043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ikz hope she has a good time

>> No.79351169

>o, you don't have the right
>4 times in a row
I saw so many people spamming those in front of doors that you can't actually use

>> No.79351276


>> No.79352158
File: 121 KB, 787x984, E1c8D-FUUAASGgV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ILOVE AME so much! I was so happy with the chat she was having after the stream went down, it was very sweet. This next stream is gonna start while I'm still at work so I might have to be VOD gang. Hope ya"ll have fun!

>> No.79353047


>> No.79353063

thank you wild friend!

>> No.79353529
File: 28 KB, 366x66, Screenshot at Jun 27 14-57-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79353581

There's a new one people have been using.

"I want to go Home, then Edge."

>> No.79353591

Remind me of how it went

>> No.79353747


>> No.79353762

>Ame at 3pm
Is it 2020 again?

>> No.79353779


>> No.79354197

damn thats a big doot

>> No.79354196

actually its 2023, im pretty sure she streamed a couple games around this time last year

>> No.79354207

more EN members need to stream during EN times. I'm kinda sick of the rest of them streaming only at night time when I'm about to sleep becuase I got work in the morning or they would stream after 12am.
Most of them moved to japan and only streaming when I'm sleeping.

>> No.79354298


>> No.79354387
File: 1.82 MB, 500x500, 1690145685595842.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79354551

Rodrika is an ame

>> No.79354653

I suppose she did during the Japan arc and I remember she did an early Minecraft stream on Mother’s Day because I couldn’t watch for obvious reasons.

>> No.79354663
File: 649 KB, 658x672, 1713156060489464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79354718

Has Ame beaten regular Elden Ring?

>> No.79354725 [DELETED] 

"""Brother Watson""" totally didn't farm her the big door.

>> No.79354756


>> No.79354833


>> No.79354840

No. Ame didn't beat Elden Ring
Bowson did, the one and only

>> No.79354892

just like minecraft!

>> No.79355034

cum now - Leda 2024

>> No.79355193

So what's the dlc about? another transexual villain?

>> No.79355200

How did they fit a whole world underground?

>> No.79355309

no but a gay one

>> No.79355321

its about miquella being a creepy fucking rapist mind controller who uses people for his own goals

>> No.79355374

she is in for a rude surprise as far as doot interrupts go, but now that I think about it it might rip wickerman apart

>> No.79355478

>eee kyut~

>> No.79355698

will need a soundpost of that "hello"

>> No.79355707

damn she is good

>> No.79355839

> "this is too easyyyyy"
> dies in the next 10 seconds

>> No.79355863

>Doot its too easyyyy
>*proceeds to get rekted*

>> No.79355890

cute whiny ame

>> No.79355932

cute ame
cute giggles

>> No.79356010

>that's bsuh!~
>he's cheatinguh~

>> No.79356056

> i wanted to be honorable
after making boss lose like 85% of his health with cheeze bubbles.

>> No.79356101

If she think this is fast, she is gonna have a very bad time.

>> No.79356181

How is Ame so good at this game?

>> No.79356269

she is goated wit da sauce

>> No.79356305

damn, she stylin on nerds

>> No.79356748

So what's the DLC actually about lore-wise?

>> No.79356804

Jar man

>> No.79356853

Mr. Bean has stolen the Chaos Emeralds and you have to recruit the three John Elden Rings and a normal stoneware cooking pot to stop him.

>> No.79356919

CUTE hic

>> No.79357085

miquella bad

>> No.79357098

>Going straight to Dancing Lion's castle
This is going to be a disaster.

>> No.79357175

it'll be fine until lion itself

>> No.79357341

that gator was right

>> No.79357385


>> No.79357402

Ame is too good for this game

>> No.79358023

That was a cool dodge

>> No.79358338
File: 2.10 MB, 1800x1200, product_eldenring_alexander_plush_photo5_907be17a-8375-4921-a799-58ffd7f81d07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think ame should buy this

>> No.79358353

this much damage with only one skibidi shard is silly, doot strong

>> No.79358598

is the doot maxxed?

>> No.79358653


>> No.79358767
File: 632 KB, 791x1077, 1696273060618083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame's ER streams are always so entertaining. Such a weird way of playing these games, God bless her brain

>> No.79359055

I want to smell Ame’s gas

>> No.79359058

we love smelling gasoline

>> No.79359174
File: 64 KB, 608x392, 1719178635030334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and me both.

>> No.79359186


>> No.79359202

Gasoline smells good

>> No.79359259

I hope she remembers the other doots too

>> No.79359556

the mdeium doot was nerfed unfortunately. some people said it's actually bad now

>> No.79359594

CUTE hic
>scuse me~

>> No.79359682
File: 188 KB, 464x656, pull up the wiki[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fulpr7i.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79359772


>> No.79359896

Wait that weapon is actually good?

>> No.79360030

Is Ame good at soulsborne games?

>> No.79360048
File: 221 KB, 616x382, toot ah~ [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fth7o1b.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79360053

Oh really? Is it that bad?

>> No.79360076

Yeah, the bubble does massive damage and the weapon itself does pretty good stagger damage.

>> No.79360087

all three doots always did pretty good damage but this one was much slower than the others. now the DLC buffed this one and nerfed the mid sized one

>> No.79360103

here, I'll put it in spoilers
Miquella went to the land of shadows in order to become a god so he can claim the elden ring for himself. In order to do this, hes going the Mahayana bodhisattva route, abandoning all of his worldly being to bring ultimate love to everyone forever. He tosses away not only his body, but other concepts of himself like love.

>> No.79360273

cute weeeeee

>> No.79360294
File: 84 KB, 1920x1080, 1695531015611428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.79360448

super spoilers
He also has like persuasion powers and mohg was actually kinda the victim and later on uses mohgs corpse to reform radahn to be his consort

>> No.79360520

Good enough to beat Elden Ring. But the DLC will be tough, tho the skibidi fragments buff would definitely make it better for Ame's experience.

>> No.79360541

CUTE hic

>> No.79360605

And also turns out all this is because he and Radahn made a promise to marry each other when they were kids and Radahn forgot/broke the promise. The reason Malenia fought him in the trailer and released the rot was simply to kill Radahn and send his soul to the Shadowlands

>> No.79360725

We still dont even know if Radahn actually promised that, just that its what Miquella wanted.

>> No.79360785

He promised, I was there

>> No.79360806

kys miquella

>> No.79360869

he kinda did in a way

>> No.79360907


>> No.79360934

Bowsen you idiot lmao

>> No.79360989
File: 675 KB, 565x744, 1695812686407869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not Miquella, this is me

>> No.79361153

wtf she is a marshmallow now

>> No.79361404


>> No.79361583

what if the bubble actually staggers it

>> No.79361643

She died immediately haha

>> No.79361663

damn dudes... fat fuck bowson is kinda doing things for me...

>> No.79361867

it will be kino

>> No.79361929

>she doesn't have +12 flask

>> No.79362095

she also doesnt have max flasks

>> No.79362244

When I fought this guy I didn't notice that much, but the camera and moveset are super wonky...

>> No.79362384

Oh ffs, don't be like other girls and just summon Bowson, Ame.

>> No.79362413


>> No.79362431

When you don't lock on, half his attacks become simply walking around him. It's only the frontal lunge attack that's bullshit because it comes out so fast and he just follows up with side swipes and slams while you're on the floor.

>> No.79362799

She does so little damage...

>> No.79363569

She ain't winning the chink dragon this stream.

>> No.79364110

She's gonna have a hard time unless she tryhards a bit more

>> No.79364298

if she gets more scadushe fragments she will win fine

>> No.79364941

I hope she goes and finds the great katana, it would probably be an upgrade from the katana shes using

>> No.79365097

cute hic
