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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.70 MB, 2605x3684, 1689559386238132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
79302082 No.79302082 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>79296519

>> No.79302110


>> No.79302155
File: 285 KB, 429x1300, Screenshot_20240627-095827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You little shits

>> No.79302165
File: 486 KB, 1352x2048, 1708655863276097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


>> No.79302185


>> No.79302205
File: 159 KB, 1168x594, 65856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79302212

Feels good to be a Hololive CHAD

>> No.79302238

Come on, someone ask about the homos

>> No.79302261


That's nice and all, but any mention on why homostars are such failures?

>> No.79302267
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Recent clip numbers

>> No.79302276
File: 1.26 MB, 600x251, 00923u8924785 - Copy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79302277

So, does this mean that since they've never made a comment like this for the homos that they're performing according to expectations

>> No.79302286

Because of this, Migo has to ask us 35Fags to subscribe to this shitty project group

>> No.79302299
File: 19 KB, 586x307, 1719453147436303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what did we learn from the last thread anons?

>> No.79302311
File: 202 KB, 593x592, 1714020678392813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the spectral steed is frightened and cannot be summoned

>> No.79302319
File: 37 KB, 578x239, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok faith restored

>> No.79302332

New York, Nevada, Virginia, Wyoming and California

>> No.79302338

my gemwife is being racist towards raora

>> No.79302346

How do you save them?

>> No.79302343

your soundpost filename is fucked

>> No.79302347

Do they not say anything about the 3VIEW SHITTER FAGGOTS for 5+ years? Or is that too embarrassing?

>> No.79302350

Hahaha served you right, no one wants niji lite.

>> No.79302357
File: 170 KB, 676x417, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it looks like Reflops didn't actually do as well as they expected

Which shitpost aside, baffles me. They sabotaged these women to hell and back, what exactly were they expecting?

>> No.79302361
File: 49 KB, 628x291, 1706523559034918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting since it's important
Nothing new BTW, shareholders just asking questions about how YAGOO is gonna prevent another Mel.

>> No.79302368

Comparing Gigi to Bae struggling to hit 3k is just disrespectful at this point

>> No.79302382


>> No.79302393

You need to wait for the shareholders to ask. You fucking retards, Yagoo is answering questions from them and one of the shareholders decided to shit on Regloss but not the homos, that's all there is to it.

>> No.79302394

haha i trust them, chinks doesn't leak anything ever lmao

>> No.79302398

If you have no expectations of success then technically anything is good

>> No.79302405

Some of you are actually retarded and dont know how to read a tweet. They were literally asking a question and Yagoo responded to it (in terms to regloss)...............

>> No.79302408
File: 34 KB, 590x292, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fags better have good opsec

>> No.79302410

it's branch identity being racist toward Italians

>> No.79302412

>endlessly running collabs with Taiwan
>running a new one right now
>makes China blink because they miss Aqua

>> No.79302418
File: 241 KB, 850x1160, 1703091085016991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flat > cowtits

>> No.79302421
File: 358 KB, 1297x798, 1705684814789351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>86,209: Hoshikawa (Nijisanji)
>58,707: Miko (Hololive)
>40,611: Ex Albio (Nijisanji)
>39,649: Fuwamoco (Hololive)
>27,393: Elizabeth (Hololive)
>22,772: Lunlun (Nijisanji)
>21,828: Chiroru (Indie)
>20,481: Murin (Hololive)
>20,267: Gura (Hololive)
>19,586: Okayu (Hololive)
>19,364: Pekora (Hololive)
>18,675: Roboco-san (Hololive)
>16,673: Panthera (Hololive)
>14,858: Aqua (Hololive)
>14,594: Meloco (Nijisanji)
>14,555: Furen (Nijisanji)
>13,529: Lize (Nijisanji)
>11,953: Ame (Hololive)
>11,907: Hajime (Hololive)
>11,587: Kanata (Hololive)
>11,483: Botan (Hololive)
>11,337: Kiara (Hololive)
>10,912: Rou (Nijisanji)
>10,293: Fauna (Hololive)
>10,184: Polka (Hololive)
>10,123: Koyori (Hololive)

>> No.79302435

>Regarding measures against slander, malicious aggregator sites are still increasing. If necessary, we will issue counter-press (?) to cover up and expose the names of those who have been named.
4chan your next!

>> No.79302444

Potential? What potential?

>> No.79302443

They mentioned Regloss failures

>> No.79302445

So basically they're excusing the fact information was leaked because they want back on b2 so bad. This can only end well

>> No.79302454


>> No.79302457

the rrats becomes reality again

>> No.79302460

>Debuting singer gen with no singers and a male might've been a bad idea

>> No.79302461

just don't make it look like shit, lower graphic fidelity doesn't mean the animations and effects need to look terrible...

>> No.79302487

He won't admit it's the homo part.

>> No.79302499

Become a producer so you can steer Dev_Is in the right direction

>> No.79302504
File: 25 KB, 572x168, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more fujosisters in the staff
it's over isn't it

>> No.79302506

Anon, Gigi debuted THREE DAYS AGO. She's at her fucking STRONGEST right now. And she was struggling to reach 5K until she got raided. It's fucking dreadful

>> No.79302510

We really should wait until the minutes are posted and read them translated by an actual professional

>> No.79302512

>openly shitting on regloss
>when homos exist

>> No.79302530
File: 31 KB, 764x295, 1692350570117200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will recruit more female talents in the future

>> No.79302539

>more women talent

>> No.79302540
File: 178 KB, 850x1361, f4414fa9ce95905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiorin starting

>> No.79302543

One China Policy will be followed.

>> No.79302549

Your safe as long as you dont break containment

>> No.79302555

im behind 7 proxies

>> No.79302561

Anon, if something like Dev_Is is announced to be doing poorly they won't get destroyed, they'd at worst get folded into Holo. If the homos get outed they'd get incinerated on the spot.

>> No.79302568

Who will watch Phase if they jail all the malicious aggregators?

>> No.79302574

did cover actually manage to hide the homos from investors? why are they grilling regloss first.

>> No.79302580

If you actually read the Japanese he's saying that the supposed "leaks" from bilibili are false

>> No.79302581
File: 422 KB, 1853x2037, 1704777973006828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>06/26 TALLY:
39,649: FuwaMoco (Hololive) | Five Nights at Freddy's
27,393: Elizabeth (Hololive) | Unarchived Karaoke
20,267: Gura (Hololive) | Dark Souls
20,085: Gigi (Hololive) | A Way Out w/ Cecilia
16,673: Raora (Hololive) | Chat and Art w/ Elizabeth
14,594: Meloco (Nijisanji) | NijiGTA
11,953: Amelia (Hololive) | Unarchived Karaoke
11,337: Kiara (Hololive) | UEFA 2024 Austria vs Netherlands Watchalong
10,293: Fauna (Hololive) | Nintendo Switch Sports
8,444: FuwaMoco (Hololive) | FuwaMoco Morning
7,128: Bijou (Hololive) | Elden Ring
6,707: Nerissa (Hololive) | Oldschool Runescape

1) Gura (Hololive) - 33,959 - New Stuff
2) Gura (Hololive) - 33,837 - Dark Souls: Remastered Race w/ Fauna
3) Bijou (Hololive) - 22,753 - Granblue Fantasy: Relink Collab w/ Ina, Kiara, Zeta
4) Mumei (Hololive) - 20,124 - Offcollab w/ Baelz
5) Gura (Hololive) - 24,282 - Fix Boxing featuring Hatsune Miku
6) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 16,203 - Don't Scream
7) Gura (Hololive) - 26,585 - Don't Scream
8) Hololive EN (Hololive) - 36,376 - HoloENquiz + Concert Announcement
9) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 32,344 - FuwaMoco Minecraft, Fuwawa Side
10) Gura (Hololive) - 26,699 - Mario Party w/ Amelia
11) Mumei (Hololive) - 13,561 - Overwatch 2 w/ Gura, Amelia
12) Gura (Hololive) - 20,134 - Waltz of the Wizard
13) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 21,901 - Donkey Kong Country 2
14) Mumei (Hololive) - 15,362 - Buckshot Roulette
15) Kiara (Hololive) - 26,358 - Myth 1Block Minecraft
16) Gura (Hololive) - 34,128 - Unarchived Karaoke + Announcement
17) Kronii (Hololive) - 21,677 - Party Animals Collab w/ Promise
18) Mori (Hololive) - 17,564 - 2.0 Model
19) Ina (Hololive) - 9,917 - Elden Ring
20) Baelz (Hololive) - 7,698 - HoloEarth w/ IRyS, Ollie
21) Gura (Hololive) - 71,301 - 3D Birthday Live
22) Elizabeth (Hololive) - 122,509 - Debut
23) Cecilia (Hololive) - 113,176 - Debut
24) Dokibird (Indie) - 35,225 - New Skinsuit Reveal
25) Bijou (Hololive) - 22,279 - Elden Ring
26) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 39,649 - Five Nights at Freddy's

25x: Hololive
1x: Indie

8x: Gura
4x: FuwaMoco
3x: Mumei
2x: Bijou
1x: Baelz, Cecilia, Dokibird, Elizabeth, Hololive EN, Ina, Kiara, Kronii, Mori

>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)
44p: Gura
26p: FuwaMoco
23p: Bijou
18p: Mumei
14p: Elizabeth
13p: IRyS
11p: Fauna, Kiara
10p: Kronii
9p: Ina
8p: Mori
7p: Baelz, Meloco
6p: Hololive EN, Raora
5p: Cecilia, Dokibird
4p: Nerissa
3p: Gigi
1p: Bettel, Mint, Shinri, Shiori

>> No.79302585

They cant do shit outside of Japan. At most they will copystrike stuff and put more pressure on website but literally cant do shit to shit eating pag pags posting on their phone how Gura reclined

>> No.79302589

He's talking about the staff, anon.

>> No.79302595

>I'm not cheating this is gaming ruffians!

>> No.79302600

>needing opsec when your family pays and has 70% of the police force in their pocket
lel one of the advantages of being rich in a 3rd world shithole which is why anycolor cant do shit

>> No.79302604


>> No.79302607
File: 255 KB, 814x626, Screenshot_20240626_210329_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I wonder if this anon is still around

>> No.79302616 [DELETED] 

Yes, she made enough to feed her child until next year

>> No.79302632

Kanade is pretty good you know...

>> No.79302642

>le diversity
This only works when your new product doesn't harm your current product.

>> No.79302640

Was gonna post it but I thought it was drivel and not really worth posting. Genuinely the fuck are these JOP DEIfags on about, Cover's start performers are female, a decent proportion of managers are female. This is like the most inane question to ask of Cover. I don't usually kvetch about this kind of shit but asking this of Cover is unironically retarded.

>> No.79302641

Homo BTFO!!

>> No.79302652

This can be solved by having "mobile" and "pc" settings.

>> No.79302654

This. Same with the expansion policy thing, the shareholders were the ones bringing up other companies, not Tanigo. The level of comprehension in this thread right now is ESL SEA-tier.

>> No.79302662

>will fight god with you but is too much of a bitch around a yellow ball of light

>> No.79302663
File: 217 KB, 449x425, 1719453710929423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So YAGOO climbed Mt. Fuji and knelt before the great sages of Japan hidden in the clouds.
"Great Sages of Japan, what do I do to be successful? How do I expand our entertainment empire around the world?"
The sages heard YAGOO's earnest question and descended with a simple answer.
"To entertain, one must be happy within like the great Buddha. Keep those in your charge happy and they will make others happy."
Then a gong sounded in the far off distance, and YAGOO knew what he must do.

>> No.79302667

>No Holokeks, this new REFLOPS gen is not for you
>It's for the VAUNTED Niji and VSPO female audience
>We are gonna make so much money now that we tap into the real non niche vtuber market unlike you main branch otaku panderers
>w-wait where are our subs

>> No.79302670

New A-chans let's GOOOOO

>> No.79302679


>> No.79302680

Quick! We need 10 more streams explaining what Dev_IS is and its purpose

>> No.79302682

Gigi is doing it in a worse time slot overlapped by a genmate who also had debut buff. No one else in Promise is streaming right now

>> No.79302693

If they did that they'd take out a lot of homobeggar dramafags like that horse slut

>> No.79302702

yeah im sure that will go over well
a company doxxing people

>> No.79302709
File: 297 KB, 1000x1123, 1707902220682329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79302734


>> No.79302744

not surprising since most of the incompetent managers were male
>kroniis old manager
>nenes old manager
>mel's old manager

>> No.79302745

>they'd get incinerated on the spot.
I fucking wish. Total Homo Death.

>> No.79302746

Sure anon, the chinese dude who wanted Holo back in Bilibili didnt know a single HoloEN but was excited to grab Matsuri....... Come the fuck on we have the bilibili clip of Gura killing their server when she popped up in screen for their COVER>

>> No.79302757
File: 227 KB, 1281x1910, 1707554537164245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1) 98,463: Hololive (Hololive) 3D LIVE 1st generation Princess Party [24]
>2) 76,031: Ryushen (Nijisanji) Niji Smash Tournament [49]
>3) 54,294: Aqua (Hololive) AkuPeko SF6 [21]
>4) 41,250: Reid (Neo-Porte) Mahjong [27]
>5) 88,122: Miko (Hololive) Holo Middle School quiz [20]
>6) 97,110: Watame (Hololive) 3DLIVE Bday [23]
>7) 39,382: Flare (Hololive) Shiranui Kensetsu collab + announcement [16]
>8) 39,580: Miko (Hololive) Soul Calibur VI [25]
>9) 42,257: Pekora (Hololive) Super Mario 64 [27]
>10) 36,449: Tsukasa Tenkai (Indie) Mahjong [21]
>11) 71,096: Lui (Hololive) 3D LIVE Bday [21]
>12) 46,401: Suzuka Utako (Nijisanji) Graduation [25]
>13) 72,453: Hoshikawa (Nijisanji) NijiGTA briefing [20]
>14) 27,759: Pekora (Hololive) MonHun World [16]
>15) 57,333: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) NijiGTA [29]
>16) 83,363: Aqua (Hololive) New outfit reveal [32]
>17) 84,011: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) NijiGTA [26]
>18) 116,960: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) NijiGTA [25]
>19) 98,124: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) NijiGTA [20]
>20) 87,414: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) NijiGTA [25]
>21) 95,871: Nozomi (Nijisanji) 3D reveal [23]
>22) 122,509: Elizabeth (Hololive) Debut stream [33]
>23) 113,176: Cecilia Immergreen (Hololive) Debut stream [35]
>24) 114,112: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) NijiGTA
>25) 43,902: Kanae (Nijisanji) NijiGTA
>26) 86,209: Hoshikawa (Nijisanji) NijiGTA

12x: Hololive
12x: Nijisanji
1x: Neo-Porte
1x: Indie

6x: Kuzuha
2x: Miko, Pekora, Aqua, Hoshikawa
1x: Hololive, Ryushen, Reid, Watame, Flare, Tsukasa, Lui, Suzuka Utako, Nozomi, Elizabeth, Cecilia, Kanae

>> No.79302750
File: 77 KB, 705x342, 1690565148653113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79302753

But that's a lie. Matsuri and Kobo being in the bilibili concert was leaked months ago.

>> No.79302755

Part of it is, which means everything that wasn't "yes some talents will stream on bilibili" was chink schizo headcanon.

>> No.79302761

Nigga the level of POST READABILITY is through the floor, too
Fucking robo translations with no context

>> No.79302767

good, more accessibility for third worlder chinks and pagpag

>> No.79302775
File: 33 KB, 586x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No data leakage yet

>> No.79302777

Homos are so irrelevant investors don't even bother to mention them?

>> No.79302778

Investors gave up asking about homos after last time when yagoo told them
>we're a woman company, niji is the male company, stfu

>> No.79302784

Yeah it needs to be on mobile devices. Should probably release it for the Meta Quest as well.

>> No.79302789

Gigi was having a solid decline in viewers even while it was just biboo streaming. Gigi's DOA

>> No.79302797

Is something happening to Idol? Read some catalog threads about it being in trouble but nobody gives context

>> No.79302837


>> No.79302861
File: 297 KB, 850x910, 1716582518144691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Regloss struggling to grow
How do you guys think the regloss girls feel when they see that statement?

>> No.79302867
File: 314 KB, 2048x1652, 1711572249325081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1) 48,696: Miko (Hololive) Captain Tsubasa RISE OF NEW CHAMPIONS
>2) 54,240: Miko (Hololive) Captain Tsubasa RISE OF NEW CHAMPIONS
>3) 44,181: Pekora (Hololive) AkuPeko SF6
>4) 41,037: Pekora (Hololive) HoloAmongus
>5) 41,927: Marine (Hololive) Platform 8
>6) 37,889: Miko (Hololive) Minecraft not Holoserver w/ Fubu-san, Suisei
>7) 34,181: Aqua (Hololive) Utawaku
>8) 36,376: Hololive English (Hololive) holoENquiz + BIG NEWS
>9) 37,023: Aqua (Hololive) Undertale #5
>10) 35,745: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Nijisanji Mahjong tournament rule explanation
>11) 41,923: Suisei (Hololive) PlateUp!
>12) 40,808: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) SF6
>13) 35,822: Aqua (Hololive) AkuAzu GeoGuessr
>14) 24,622: Miko (Hololive) FubuMikosan PANICORE
>15) 55,733: Pekora (Hololive) AkuPeko Cuphead race
>16) 79,815: Hoshikawa (Nijisanji) NijiGTA news
>17) 70,565: Hoshikawa (Nijisanji) NijiGTA news
>18) 102,841: Iroha (Hololive) 3D LIVE Bday
>19) 86,545: Hoshikawa (Nijisanji) NijiGTA news
>20) 85,627: Hoshikawa (Nijisanji) NijiGTA news
>21) 94,007: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) NijiGTA
>22) 120,914: Gigi (Hololive) Debut stream
>23) 110,744: Raora Panthera (Hololive) Debut stream
>24) 83,045: Aqua (Hololive) Chained Together w/Pekora, Marine, Towa
>25) 33,513: Miko (Hololive) Among Us
>26) 58,707: Miko (Hololive) Chained Together w/Subaru

19x: Hololive
7x: Nijisanji

6x: Miko
4x: Hoshikawa, Aqua
3x: Pekora
2x: Kuzuha
1x: Marine, Hololive English, Nijisanji, Suisei, Iroha, Gigi, Raora

>> No.79302874

It's nijisanji homo accessory with mediocre talents, singer group gen my ass.

>> No.79302887


>> No.79302889

See >>79234968

>> No.79302895

This is something many game devs don't understand. Spending hundreds of millions on "realistic" graphics is cool and all that, but good visual design even if it isn't extremely detailed and polished animations are WAY better than being able to see your character's pores

>> No.79302896
File: 35 KB, 586x320, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6th fes to expand

>> No.79302901

Yeah, but the chink talking about Cover's future plans was fake.

>> No.79302909

My company also has an actual contract with google server data for security contract. Brave should do it in the first place than using random google form

>> No.79302918

>March 5 2022
Uki was already a thing but did Finana's trap debacle already happened at that point or was that a few months later? In any way how fucking delusional you must be to keep pushing the "holotranny" angle when you have one of the biggest alphabet soup cunts in your agency?

>> No.79302919

Wait I need context. Did Brave blame Google for the leak and not their own retardation?

>> No.79302922
File: 499 KB, 2472x3200, GQzKzJJbMAAuwSS.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're watching Shiori btw

>> No.79302932

No, my good smile collabs will be going to the shitter…

>> No.79302937

Happy, because they know fagoo loves failures

>> No.79302939

Now I trully believe the reflops-starsjp collab was forced by the shitty management

>> No.79302952
File: 21 KB, 602x183, 1708243031520494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough capacity for fes, they might stop doing the retarded shit with the multiple stages and take advantage of the fact that THEIR PERFORMERS ARE FUCKING VIRTUAL

>> No.79302954


>> No.79302955

2 of their talents are apparently planning a way out already
roca and that clown girl

>> No.79302958

Cut the homos then we have more space.

>> No.79302962

Like they were handicapped for no fucking reason so probably bad

>> No.79302965
File: 311 KB, 1569x2529, 1692552154574268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1) 43,812: Salome (Nijisanji) 3D LIVE
>2) 48,206: Pekora (Hololive) The Second World
>3) 41,679: Miko (Hololive) Platform 8
>4) 31,317: Aqua (Hololive) HoloAmongus
>5) 37,078: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) SF6
>6) 27,231: Aqua (Hololive) Platform 8
>7) 26,585: Gura (Hololive) DON'T SCREAM
>8) 34,576: Riri (Nijisanji) idk
>9) 32,384: Fuwamoco (Hololive) FWMC MINECRAFT JOURNEY FUWAWA POV
>10) 27,880: Pekora (Hololive) Mario64
>11) 34,679: Aqua (Hololive) SF6
>12) 34,349: Miko (Hololive) Captain Tsubasa RISE OF NEW CHAMPIONS
>13) 33,556: Marine (Hololive) Utawaku
>14) 20,426: AZKi (Hololive) Utawaku
>15) 31,175: Lauren (Nijisanji) NijiGTA
>16) 70,597: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) NijiGTA
>17) 34,445: Lauren (Nijisanji) NijiGTA
>18) 86,574: Hoshikawa (Nijisanji) NijiGTA news
>19) 30,580: Miko (Hololive) NARUTO
>20) 40,344: ROF-MAO (Nijisanji) Clubhouse 51
>21) 71,301: Gura (Hololive) 3D BIRTHDAY LIVE
>22) 93,461: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) NijiGTA
>23) 101,982: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) NijiGTA
>24) 69,088: Hoshikawa (Nijisanji) NijiGTA news
>25) 28,367: Subaru (Hololive) Mario Maker 2
>26) 40,611: Ex Albio (Nijisanji) NijiGTA

12x: Nijisanji
14x: Hololive

4x: Kuzuha
3x: Aqua, Miko
2x: Pekora, Lauren, Gura, Hoshikawa
1x: Salome, Riri, Fuwamoco, Marine, AZKi, ROF-MAO, Subaru, Ex Albio

>> No.79302980

As an example TF2 still looks amazing despite being almost twenty years old now all because they had a consistent art direction instead of trying to chase photorealism

>> No.79302987
File: 18 KB, 1245x137, 1719401296924803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They cancelled the program in secret.

>> No.79302992

lowers their morale
still boggles my mind why they couldn't expand what they built, instead its a completely different management and direction

>> No.79302993

I'm watching my gemwife get easily lost in a new area, I'll catch shiori later

>> No.79302997
File: 287 KB, 1007x553, 0ae9eea81d89c58045cf8bac9ef61b55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Marine.

>> No.79303007

please explain Kobo's bilibili streams and hololive's participation at the bilibili event then?

>> No.79303015

Not many people can say that

>> No.79303021
File: 39 KB, 586x428, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People thought Regloss was to be a KPOP group. No home coming for Kanade

>> No.79303024

Where did you get the last part from?

>> No.79303030

Mad they're stuck in Pseudo Hololive, managed by retards chasing audiences that don't fucking exist and are just bots Niji/VSPO buys

>> No.79303032

It's gonna be a tight race to the finish. 3 golds for either big corpo secures the month.

>> No.79303041

/hlg/'s insane cope that the ENs/IDs are going to be kicked out of HoloFes has been foiled.

>> No.79303042

You can literally look at the Japanese tweet and piece together how the sentence actually goes tho. There literally a question mark in the ReGloss tweet.

>> No.79303046

Sure but they're eliding the fact there were actual leaks from bilibili, as opposed to the Justice stuff which was minor by comparison

>> No.79303054
File: 258 KB, 1585x2048, 1702218506980809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JUNE 2024 holoID
>1) 2,458: Kaela (Offkai Post-talk)
>2) 13,541: Kobo (Honor of Kings) [4]
>3) 2,632: Moona (Talking Session)
>4) 4,889: Moona (Minecraft)
>5) 3,035: Zeta (Stardew Valley)
>6) 2,074: Zeta (SUSHI Race)
>7) 5,356: Kaela (Miko Sniper)
>9) 8,816: Kaela (PlateUp!)
>10) 7,599: Kaela (Minecraft)
>11) 4,289: Zeta (Snowed In)
>12) 5,013: Kobo (Five Nights at Freddy's)
>13) 7,898: Kobo (Minecraft) [3]
>14) NONE
>15) 2,161: Anya (Mbembe Radio)
>16) 6,888: Kaela (DON'T SCREAM)
>17) 3,163: Kobo (Free Talk)
>18) 5,727: Kaela (Bacon - The Game)
>19) 7,254: Zeta (DON'T SCREAM)
>20) 6,360: Kobo (Honor of Kings)
>21) 5,834: Kaela (Honor of Kings)
>24) 3,394: Moona (HoloEarth)
>25) 7,679: Ollie (Minecraft)

7x: Kaela
5x: Kobo
4x: Zeta, Ollie
3x: Moona
1x: Anya, NONE
*NONE = No streams

*[brackets] indicate number of streams over 5k for the day. Omitted brackets means only 1
**numbers taken from vrabi w/ filter off

>> No.79303059

Holofes in Tokyo Dome next!

>> No.79303069

Lmao what the fuck is this question

>> No.79303068

He's talking about the Fes, you fucking retard.

>> No.79303072


>> No.79303076
File: 20 KB, 585x342, 1719453363824144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Cover's oqm words to boot

>> No.79303087

You know the leaks from bilibili are more than that right?

>> No.79303093
File: 421 KB, 1080x1350, 1719452778242574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will buy and wear the fwmc shirt if the color scheme makes it looks like you support trans rights?

>> No.79303097

I knew it! those fucking clippers are subsudized to promote them
And I highly suspect its them who mandate those fuckers to keep clipping homobegging

>> No.79303098

Sounds more of a hit toward re gloss sales managers than to the girls.

>> No.79303102

HoloKR akoryaaa

>> No.79303112

Let's be honest, even if she was Gura level, she wouldn't be able to carry her 4 semi-ERB genmates

>> No.79303116

raden killed her fanbase when she decided to collab with Niji clown

>> No.79303130

Cover fell for the meme of trying to get the normalfag audience and created a whole branch around it.

>> No.79303132
File: 51 KB, 457x704, 1718551064997025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god

>> No.79303142

It's what happens when investors are influenced by 5ch rrats

>> No.79303149

>Q: 5th fes capacity insufficient, aren't you considering doing it at multiple venues
>A: we increased the capacity from 15000 to 56000 between 4th and 5th fes, we'll take appropriate measures moving forward

>> No.79303160

They will do everything except admit that forcing homo interactions damaged their brand

>> No.79303167

I hope xe enjoyed the war

>> No.79303178
File: 178 KB, 871x1160, GFZHA7SaYAAj09A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty dumb.

>> No.79303180

That's not good. Every single company I've seen increase their count of women in charge of things goes bad. It's fine if they take orders, but it's like the higher they go the more braincells they lose, not to mention the amount of fights they get into with the other women.

>> No.79303193

Yes, let's told our talents to naked dogeza to homo on X was such a good idea.

>> No.79303205

wdym? the multiple venues part?
>We should consider holding it at multiple venues at the same time.

>> No.79303234

A pet project of someone in management

>> No.79303247
File: 194 KB, 1414x1981, 1699952683009355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shit on unicorns
I'll be honest, I'm happy this is happening to them (Ririka and that mask bitch).

>> No.79303248

Oh my fucking god. To anyone was defending ReGloss marketing. You were fucking wrong. ReGloss marketing was absolute shit

>> No.79303249

I will just buy the clothing, and than burn it in the trash

>> No.79303253

On a somewhat related note, nekomikuri got his Niji clips struck after he talked about the anime expo concert cancellation being a result of low sales.

>> No.79303255

why aren't these faggots grilling yagoo on the homo failures

>> No.79303265

Kek sometimes I feel like /hlg/ doesn't understand they're not fans of nijisanji. Giga tribal thread, hates any side branch, only cares about like 2-3 top talents in JP anyway

>> No.79303268

hololive has the opposite effect where males are the incompetent ones

>> No.79303272

Ah I should've checked if it was part of the answer

>> No.79303286

wow are you telling me shareholders are retarded
no way

>> No.79303291

Containment breaker anon

>> No.79303299

They don't know about Google…

>> No.79303296

If they took rainbow from me then I can take pastel colors away from them

>> No.79303301

Anon it was publicly announced

>> No.79303311

He does his best to hide they exist. It's currently working in their favor that no one even thinks about them.

>> No.79303317

>try to pander to normies
>turns out otaku are still the only ones interested in watching anime girls play games for several hours

>> No.79303325

questions are submitted beforehand, you think they would let the poor faggots be shamed in front of everyone? regloss being shit on it's ok though.

>> No.79303326

The guy tweeting doesn't put question marks all the time and this thread is retarded enough to treat the question as part of the answer. Setting aside the inaccuracy of the MTL in the first place, just look at how many retards are going on about "YAGOO DENIED CHINKS LEAKED ANYTHING AT ALL"

>> No.79303334

For the love of all fuck learn english

>> No.79303336

She was such a cunt over it, and correct me if I'm wrong, but she never collabed with males again afterwards right? Like wtf was going through her head, she took at lot of shit, killed her numbers for nothing??? at least Ririka homocollabed for a little longer before she course corrected

>> No.79303357

They already did last time, see >>79302778
Questioning reflops' lack of growth is an actual new avenue of discussion. They were supposed to perform unlike homos

>> No.79303360


>> No.79303369

No I'm talking about the singer thing, Kanade is a pretty good singer

>> No.79303368

That wasn't in my translation so I missed it when your somehow added it in

>> No.79303373

I mean, kinda true, it's not that Google Forms was hacked that caused the Brave leak, it's that the Brave Management made a mistake in setting up their Google Forms which caused unauthorized users to gain access to Edit mode.

>> No.79303390

holostars don't exist during QnA

>> No.79303393
File: 27 KB, 605x233, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will my oshi be able to get paid in shares? That would be a huge buff to their net income

>> No.79303394

Or maybe Marine truly likes Ao?

>> No.79303406

nekomikuri or oboretai? since i dont see neko talking about it

>> No.79303430

kek the branch identity is so weak to the point they dont know what it is anymore

>> No.79303456

I would still consider those fairly low level positions. I'm talking shot callers, not the Holos gophers. My worry would be them getting on the level of Omega. Apparently the current "Omega" of Homo EN is that gorilla woman who probably suggested the stripper poles for instance.

>> No.79303463

Gura CEO of cover en

>> No.79303473

>Gura is getting a seat
My knees...

>> No.79303475
File: 825 KB, 1080x607, Chloe shrug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even tho the question is stupid as fuck and the shareholder is retarded............... its a good thing they are blasting them for how they Marketed ReGloss cus that shit was a mess. Literally was no reason to make Devis if it was gonna be the same shit
Bullshit, fucking HoloX already does all that shit they are coping with

>> No.79303476

They seem to be running out of money, they haven't paid clippers (yes they pay clippers) in a while and a bunch of their talents are streaming on their PLs

>> No.79303496

Employees, anon, girls are contractors

>> No.79303504

She showed weakness to JPnijisisters and they went feral

>> No.79303511

>pandering to normalfags with a rakugo/art geek, a drooling Korean, a gamer gyaru, a retarded ikemen mangaka and a literal fucking baby
Oh wow, I wonder why it didn't fucking work.

>> No.79303515
File: 172 KB, 526x606, pekorich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79303517
File: 374 KB, 1080x1350, 20240626_211033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the organizer group full of sisters? How do they manage to get NijiEN and homos but no HoloEN?

>> No.79303529

when will the taiwan goob and fwmc swimsuit visual drop

>> No.79303532

talent aren't employees

>> No.79303537
File: 57 KB, 463x454, 1702113415437170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, Pekora will buy 51% of Cover and fire Yagoo.

>> No.79303557

Why can't they hire song writers as talents, no matter how great they sing it doesn't really feel special when they didn't make it themselves much less if every aspect of production was made by other people except the singing part.

>> No.79303562

A-chan still pushed the shit with Nodoka

>> No.79303574

I didn't even know the homos existed for my first year and a half. It's possible most investors don't know it exists or assume they are doing well. After all, no sane company would keep them around if they weren't pulling their own weight.

>> No.79303580

In about two hours

>> No.79303592

Unironic Gura mention from Flayon and Jurard

Jurard said he doesn't think Atlantis is real
Flayon accused him of denying Gura's existence

>> No.79303607

regloss probably had a marketing budget, that's why shareholders are asking. it's about money not your Idol shenanigans.

>> No.79303614

you do realize that the current shot caller of hololive is a girl right? A-chan?
the positions they are talking about are gopher positions since if youve noticed there has been a number of managers exiting

>> No.79303617

Anime Impulse is THE sister con anon

>> No.79303626

Unironically a good idea to rise stock price

>> No.79303635

>Holofags shitpost about NijiEN merging with main branch (won't happen)
>Reflop will get folded into main Holo branch

>> No.79303641

Incorrect but that's a cute shark.

>> No.79303639


>> No.79303643

The first line is the shareholder's question shitting on regloss, not cover's statement.

>> No.79303647

what a surprise, only the devoted otaku crowd can consoom all the streams throw endless money at their oshi consistently

>> No.79303648

Why do you watch homos?

>> No.79303654

And they wasted time with multiple questions about compliance training and a guy who thought Regloss should be streaming in Korean?

>> No.79303663

Yeah it's down to the people running the con
Notably, Anime Boston's head organizer always asks for specifically Hololive members, ideally from EN, ID and JP (which is why they've had those combined Karaoke sessions the last two years)

>> No.79303670

Yes. Anime Impulse are for sisters.

>> No.79303668

Regloss management are fucking retarded i hope they got fired soon

>> No.79303672

By that logic they shouldn't be grilling regloss.

>> No.79303674

Oh, you are right, any posibility it happens anyway?

>> No.79303689

why are you watching homos

>> No.79303713

in hololives case they actually are since they receive a base salary and why niji does not

>> No.79303715

I mean yeah, they got giga emboldened by ERB. It only takes one tiny change for people to start doing what they would never dare before

>> No.79303722
File: 1.52 MB, 3000x3000, 1710538448572132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we fix ReGloss?

>> No.79303718


>> No.79303721

ERB has emboldened them

>> No.79303726

Pekora, Suisei, and Gura

>> No.79303729

>watching homos

>> No.79303740

Honest question why are you watching that?

>> No.79303742

>Every single company I've seen increase their count of women in charge of things goes bad.
Kyoani and Nintendo are two Japanese creative companies both of which pride themselves of hiring more female staff than the industry standard, and they're both top of their game in their respective industries, if this was a generic western company I'd give you the point, but it is at least a little different in Japan, plus given than all their actually successful and worthwhile talents are women, it's probably more comfortable to them to work among other women

>> No.79303744

Last I heard, their spic branch isn’t working out too well to the point where three of them have started speaking more English

>> No.79303750

That would be an unironic upgrade for ReGloss.

>> No.79303752

Doubtful and I would hope not (stock compensation is evil and causes horrible problems vis a vis incentives)

>> No.79303768

I suppose that's true, but group covers and songs need all of them to sing well. You know shit is grim when shunkan heartbeat is their only good song and is overshadowed by their senpais cover of it

>> No.79303791
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>> No.79303794

The damage is already done.

>> No.79303810
File: 94 KB, 360x300, 1702967181298248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People blaming Regloss management
Yeah, they're the biggest culprits, but let's not pretend some of the girls didn't cause damage too. I'm not an asshole so I won't mention Ririka is the one that did big damage.

>> No.79303811

Make Kanade japanese.

>> No.79303814

>muh what a retard
Can you blame him though? Nobody knows what the branch is supposed to be

>> No.79303813

No. She keeps it to herself. Her actions won't affect anyone else. She's just a naive hag who likes everyone. You guys don't understand.

>> No.79303816

No, ReGloss marketing was indeed a complete mess, very confusing and probably left vague on purpose so they could walk back on it and merge them into the main branch without too much issue.

>> No.79303818

Why? legit question

>> No.79303826

the 1st line is Shareholders shitting on regloss management and the 2nd is Yagoo's Coping. Pls people stop being as fucking retarded as ReGloss management.........

>> No.79303829

Get rid of DEV_IS as a separate brand and integrate them into hololive. Forbid all male collabs.

>> No.79303838

That order came from the top
And you think replacing A-chan with a male chuuba would go well?
you are one dumb anon

>> No.79303846

Gura Fake Type 200k
Is it slow? I mean, it's still 10x the original views

>> No.79303847

Merge with JP, there's no other option

>> No.79303854

Make Kanade smarter

>> No.79303858

Now I feel bad for those 2…

>> No.79303860

Feminize Ao
Release their stage live 2ds

Ban homo collabs

>> No.79303865

Also it takes time for a new ip to grow, shareholders rushing things won't help.

>> No.79303868
File: 79 KB, 576x426, 1717162441511969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YAGOO this is some bullshit and you and I both know it. This is only gonna fly with the retards who know nothing about the company.

>> No.79303870

Honestly, I thought they were just pivoting regular holo gens into performance units. At least that's the impression HoloX, Advent and Justice gave so far. Hell, even Myth and Promise got their own gen branding now.

>> No.79303885

people will start watching them
this time for sure

>> No.79303887

Ao and Jimmy should marry me.

>> No.79303886

Anon please, the senpai cover has giga shit deep-fried mixing

>> No.79303889

Kyoani and Nintendo are creatively bankrupt.

>> No.79303896

Redesign them all and redebut them as JP7

>> No.79303902

They should have an employee stock purchase plan at best since the price is already public and they can allocate their pay accordingly.
It's not a start-up situation though where you're given 1000s of shares in the hopes of them someday being worth anything, at this point I'd just take the cash the shares represent and buy as I see fit.

>> No.79303916

I fucked up the reply...

>> No.79303917

>pretending this thread isn't also a giga tribal thread that hates JP talents like Regloss/gen 5/Aki etc

>> No.79303922

It also happens when one talent look like a metrosexual kpoper

>> No.79303924

give them those outfits would be a good start

>> No.79303928

YAGOO really threw Regloss under the bus just to avoid questions about homos

>> No.79303951

No more questions, owari

>> No.79303955

Merge with the main branch, also while we are talking about merges, feel free to merge holoid with HoloEN.

>> No.79303957

Actual potential yab
Someone named "uruha_rushia" joined Jurard and Flayon's game
Jurard screamed, "RUSHIA COME BAAAACK"

>> No.79303961

I will make some nice book covers out of their skin if you bring them to me.

>> No.79303967

Merge with JP. Give Ao a model overhaul that doesn't look like garbage (there's plenty of ways to make a prince girl that isn't THAT).

>> No.79303984
File: 948 KB, 1920x1080, 1712701233074080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot take: Dev_Is is the actual problem, not ReGloss.

>> No.79303982

As opossed to it also being an upgrade for NijiEN? :)
Keep moving the goalpost

>> No.79303995

yeah regloss didn't do as well as they expected

>> No.79304017

What a retard

>> No.79304026

When you're paid in cash, your incentives are simple: Keep the company alive so that they keep paying you cash.
When you're paid in stock options, your incentives grow complex. Keeping the company alive will give you profit, but what if you want more money NOW? Why not push for some ambitious, maybe stupid ideas to drive up prices of shares? That way your paycheck goes up instantly.
Share compensation promotes promising things you can't deliver to drive up share prices, then leaving before the share price can drop.

>> No.79304027
File: 302 KB, 1007x458, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79304031

I don't get this. Context?

>> No.79304038

its kind of frustrating regloss getting shit on but not the homos
they are the real leeches and failures

>> No.79304037

its literally confirmed that DEV_IS has an entirely different management structure in the meeting anon, it can't be another HoloX because its run by an entirely different team and exclusive producers

>> No.79304042

why flips so retarded?

>> No.79304046

Noel has spoken fondly of Rushia post-yab, it means nothing.

>> No.79304051
File: 269 KB, 992x249, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is slow, but this guy's songs seem to be genuine debuffs.
Here's Marine, running hot for 2+ years with songs and without the "character in MV looks nothing like holo singing" debuff, and her performance in 3 months.

>> No.79304054

Ao is a problem too

>> No.79304055

I really, really want to fuck jimmy

>> No.79304061

This but unironically. She didn't brought up homos in the Justice collab or the Raora collab. She seems to respect other's boundaries.

>> No.79304063

Make Kanade and Hajime into an official pairing and force Ririka into doing more ASMR.

>> No.79304062

What about if EN branch had a female director to replace jap

>> No.79304065


>> No.79304069

>This is only gonna fly with the retards who know nothing about the company.
so majority of the investors then

>> No.79304068

It's just their usual faggot routine to stir drama to get clicks, you can talk about Rushia/Mel without issues

>> No.79304079

Can they not sell at a discount for employees?

>> No.79304082
File: 22 KB, 588x250, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79304088

he really is just depressed nousagi if he got into hololive huh
I hope whoever decided to hire him dies in a housefire

>> No.79304101

so gura leaving would only cause a 5% loss in profit for cover

>> No.79304098

Damn, dude just dreamt up an entirely different post in the span of like 3 minutes

>> No.79304104

im gonna raugh so hard when they dont get these custom 3Ds for their 3D

>> No.79304105

regloss would still be one of the lowest performing JP gens even if they had perfect marketing and had been JP7. they were hired to improve via the idol journey not be strong from the start

>> No.79304114

It would be an upgrade for NijiEN talents but that would mark the end of their corpo outside of Japan.

>> No.79304113

What's the question he's responding to? Did the investors ask about the boys and decided to talk about ReGloss instead?

>> No.79304112

Original - 9 months - 5,5M
Cover - 3 months - 2.6M

>> No.79304122

Niji liver and intern currently reading this thread to spy on Yagoo's meeting

>> No.79304128

Nijisanji strikes clippers who do not toe the party line

>> No.79304137


>> No.79304139

Never actually said her name and basically said how she was forced to remove the plushy, clearly there are rules in place about it.

>> No.79304147
File: 915 KB, 300x300, 1673148447281243.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these mentions about "Talent Compliance" on the answers.
is Yagoo seriously seeing Hololive talents as slaves that needs to be whipped?

>> No.79304150

They should have had 3D since the beginning..... Fuck Cover

>> No.79304151

Idk, Chloe's faketype is only around 340k after 4 months and Marine's is around 1.6M after 3 months. Both are relative stinkers on their channels do maybe it's fast in comparison?

>> No.79304157
File: 233 KB, 1384x2048, 4588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yagoo prefer to say failure of management than saying there's no room to grow for more JP talent to not scare investors.
Regloss had a marketing budget and were shilled in every JP stream. The reality is they hit a wall with the box

>> No.79304165

Only if they sell from their controlling shares which would not be ideal

>> No.79304172

Marine is trying so hard to save Ao only for the lass to jump into Pizza pops arms right after...................

>> No.79304181

I mean, depends on the talent. Losing such iconic talents as Pekora or Suisei would be a huge blow, but then I'm sure they are not nearly as retarded as Rushia or Mel were and won't leak NDA shit.

>> No.79304185

>Saying that when the Peacowl exists
You're a bold one

>> No.79304191

ERB loves them, she finally owned the unichuds
why aren't people watching them?

>> No.79304192

I'm surprised it's even getting that much, it's a very weird song release, feels almost like she was sponsored to sing it. Will take a long long time to hit 1M.

>> No.79304195

Compliance with NDAs and shit you retard

>> No.79304199

>This was Ao's idol outfit
It's too late...

>> No.79304206

>Talents leaving is negligible

>> No.79304204

This but unironically.

>> No.79304213

Who was in charge of setting up the debut week schedules? Even if it was not staff the girls at least had to sit together and compare their timeslots. Someone had to have realized Gigi would be overlapped by at least Cece if not also ERB.
Did just nobody say anything? Was Gigi completely fine knowing that she was going to get overlapped? This is debut week, most people are going to be watching the streams to figure out who they like best - if you get overlapped the loss isn't just going to be for "that" stream, that's 5k+ people who might've become regular fans if they were there from the start. What is this stupid ass arrangement?

>> No.79304215

>They should have had 3D since the beginning.
YES Im glad Im not the only one that thought that

>> No.79304226

The obvious ones would be
>Incorporate them into their main branch, they already lost their chance of being Gen 7, so they either join as a non numbered Gen like GAMERS or fuck it, fold them into Gen 0, not like that one ever meant anything.
>Fire all their managers and staff, all of them, or at least heavily demote or relocate them it's clear no on has any idea of what to do.
>Second costumes for everyone, skip the Kimono, give them another casual costume, and push for Ao and Kanade to use it as their main cosutme.

>> No.79304234

Easy. Recruit Suisei as Dev_is gen 2

>> No.79304241

>Nijisanji strikes clippers who do not toe the party line
I mean werent those clips during the time when he was in the niji clipping/promotion program?
retard only had himself to blame

>> No.79304245
File: 282 KB, 501x443, 1706300211900052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard does retarded thing
>more news at 11
This would be interesting had the faggot not done similarly retarded shit over time. I can only pray at this point it'll catch up to him but I don't have much faith. Mentioning Rushia is likely not grounds for anything though, but it is most definitely a faux pas for anyone outside of the girls that were close to her to do so.

>> No.79304250

Nothing on the leeches? Really?

>> No.79304251

Their marketing screams music unit, god their marketing team are full of retards.

>> No.79304266

>Talent asked about stock acquisition for talents
>Tanigo answered with some cryptic shit about employees
Not happening

>> No.79304290
File: 463 KB, 656x630, 1713252093319813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holobronies will defend this

>> No.79304295

>Random gen5

>> No.79304310

Nah the marketing was spot on for what they originally intended - a separate branch that will be niji-lite and a pipeline to homoshilling, with a kickstarter boost from the hololive brand/viewers. Then it immediately flopped and they backtracked to trying to get them more involved with the main branch to salvage it.

>> No.79304319

>having any authority outside indonesia especially after the elections

>> No.79304320

women are never good in charge of things
its not a joke its biology
see harvard university

>> No.79304324

nintendo has been worse and worse over the years in terms of competency

>> No.79304327

Advent have been starting in a one hour stagger since debut and the one that streams the longest starts first and overlaps all of them, quit crying.

>> No.79304334

Guy (who also clips occasionally) rebuts JP nijinig claiming the concert was cancelled due to threats (citation: Lelouche)
Nijinig find his YouTube channel and start mass reporting his clips to get them taken down

>> No.79304338
File: 1.15 MB, 3186x4096, IMG_3406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Council and Project Hope was bungled to hell by management but was salvageable because the talent was good. Regloss doesn’t have anything worth salvaging.

>> No.79304336

Nijisanji is being petty again

>> No.79304356

You will get some clips with the comments saying stuff like "Gura would Collab with Jurard if it wasn't for the unicorns"

>> No.79304359

Literally the only successful console maker in the industry

>> No.79304361

Leave hajime and kanade out of this both of them are good girls

>> No.79304363

I get Ao but what's wrong with Kanade's outfit?

>> No.79304371

will affect her acg ccv?

>> No.79304373

Gura fans (EST chumbuds) didn't watched the premier

>> No.79304379

If she's good and based I don't see the issue, it's not like there's a lack of good to great female management in Hololive. The Shiraken Project manager (previous NoeFlare management) is a fucking beast, one of Marine's previous managers was a woman and almost solely responsible for Marine not graduating during her depression days

>> No.79304380

Yeah and it also shows that nijis I officially backs the narrative that the nijiax concert was cancelled because of roving gangs of armed dragoons

>> No.79304381

Kanade is salvageable

>> No.79304383

I was gonna say, "Ame obliterating her average for no reason"
But realistically she won't have enough streams to qualify

>> No.79304394

Lmao, let's put all the creative process in producer's hands.

>> No.79304396

Well, not even the loss of Suisei would affect Hololive as a whole that much... if there wasn't some drama that Cover was responsible for when she left.

>> No.79304411

Biboo that is NOT a tree

>> No.79304414

dayumn, well any song in gura's channel will get at least 2M eventually

>> No.79304424


>> No.79304422
File: 1.63 MB, 1909x1072, 1713303647402805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Men are smarter than women"
-Gawr Gura

>> No.79304428
File: 209 KB, 789x639, GMeyL7VacAAlio2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally ammo i can use whenever holokeks use the "the loss is negligible" cope again.

>> No.79304429

imagine if any of them had to deal with what councilrys did. cover should count their lucky stars they got away with only losing sana

>> No.79304433

well that's explain your mom failure on rising you

>> No.79304436


>> No.79304434

*electronic toy manufacturer

>> No.79304444
File: 379 KB, 750x420, 1691084807033520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basically said how she was forced to remove the plushy
That's a very odd interpretation of what she said when it's clearly not enforced at all.

>> No.79304459

hajime, kanade

>> No.79304464
File: 29 KB, 820x128, 1700408799080422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's gonna take 6 years to pass the original at its current growth. The cover might look like it grew faster but it has shittier legs.

>> No.79304467

What % are the homos?

>> No.79304476

Noel has tenure, plus she at least actually fucking knew the girl and was among the group affected the hardest by her termination

>> No.79304477


>> No.79304481
File: 1.11 MB, 1080x612, Goobs 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ao does shit tons of homocollabs.
Make her stop
>Hajime was doing good and then she told gachikos to fuck off
Make her do some GFE streams
>Ririka got drunk and shitted on Unicorns, people still too cautious to go back of cus what she said
Idk desu, she is already trying to do GFE again but its not working...........
>Raden is an art whore and already shit on fans trying to tell her to no collab with homos and nijis
Make her do GFE, its literally that simple with raden.
>Kanade is a retard who cant get subs
..................... ugh....................... ugh......... Get her a ship with a popular member?

>> No.79304487

Yeah... ERB homoshilling is doing great

>> No.79304492
File: 1.11 MB, 842x1397, 1706828133932036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad we're all starting to realize that cover is a black company and we shouldn't be blindly sucking their cock 24/7

>> No.79304504

They (Cover) provides the managers. In his eyes the talents are expendable.

>> No.79304522

Yeah, it's imploding. They sold the company to brave and the girls are bailing.

>> No.79304524

So with the revalation about Dev_is a 100% different group
We will not see them perform in the next Holofest2025 right?

>> No.79304526

to be fair, not much was lost when rushia was fired, and she was the top SC earner

>> No.79304528

mainly cuz women struggle to understand impartiality.

>> No.79304530

tourist dramavermin getting all his info from dn uh

>> No.79304539

Ao is fucking dead in the water, there's no saving her. If constant shilling by the first army for months straight didn't help her, nothing will.

>> No.79304543


>> No.79304548

Song is meh, Gura didn't shill it at all, and she's not even in the MV. Also, it got leaked.

>> No.79304547

Lock Kanade in a room with Aqua for a week and see what happens

>> No.79304554

Sorry, flips. Rushia is busy courting the Spanish.

>> No.79304556

It's not niji you tards, even Anykara isn't retarded enough to do that. It's the fucking にじニガ
One of the oldest clippers around, did a lot of niji clips and is infamous for that
>I'll get holofags to watch nijiclips muahahaha
discord screencap. The fag is/was(?) employed by Anykara as an official translator/clipper BTW. The rest of the story is in the screencap.

>> No.79304559

>Kanade is a retard who cant get subs
nips are just racist you don't have to sugarcoat it

>> No.79304560

This thread both overestimate and underestimate how much a talent contribute to the company. Reminder each in top 20 is only a measly 1-2% contribution to the company, despite that 1% is bigger contribution than the rest of the company

>> No.79304562
File: 21 KB, 148x78, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can stand the vertical stream
I can stand the blatant numberfaggotry
But I cannot fucking stand this shit popping in and out of my fucking peripheral vision. Fuck off

>> No.79304571

Well, your points make sense, I get paid mostly in shares so EU taxes went from jewing almost 50% of my salary out of me to barely 20% but the company I work for is so big that my impact is basically non-existent and I can't influence how it runs or the decision making of the company, but in a company like Cover it'd be dangerous the things only one girl could do. I wasn't thinking about the bigger picture

>> No.79304577

Explains your ESL ass quite perfectly too, lmao.

>> No.79304584

Pre or post mfmf yab?

>> No.79304595

So a Holo stream has to die to reach the same level of true viewership as Niji

>> No.79304600

Ax concert getting cancelled is honestly karma for niji since it was found out that nijinigs were the ones that sent threats to that vspo event last year

>> No.79304602

no one here has blindly sucked Cover off for like three years running are you retarded
What am I saying you post Mumei of course you're retarded (non-derogatory)

>> No.79304605

oh look, more drama clip bait from this retard
what a surprise

>> No.79304609

Azki performed in holofes1 and 2, I don't see why they have to separate regloss.

>> No.79304611

Cover and dodging questions about the homos, name a more ironic combination.

>> No.79304623

It depends on why the talent leaves. Cover thrives on community goodwill. If Gura left due to complaints about management during Omega's era or even now, Cover could kiss goodbye to every market outside of Japan

>> No.79304642
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>> No.79304646

I represent Apple, nvidia and Valve actually.

>> No.79304645

>Get her a ship with a popular member?

yeah.. mine

>> No.79304658

And they keep hiring the guy LMAO

>> No.79304657

She just looks too fucking generic, there's no identity or anything notable about hers, it's not bad but even if the concept was "band anime girl" there's so much more that could be done.

>> No.79304660

This is true, honestly. Can you think of anyone that would make cover tank just by leaving for non malicious reason ?

>> No.79304664

Kanade is literally getting shipped with Kanata to save her ccv and subs. But there is not much hope when they are considered the group not good enough to be holoJP proper.

>> No.79304667

Anycolor fired most of their clippers a year or two ago which included him iirc

>> No.79304675

>hajime told gachi to fuck off
holy shit when?

>> No.79304678

The real risk is a domino effect.

>> No.79304684

So nijisanji

>> No.79304687

Yeah that's gonna be a big difference so that makes sense.
Imagine if say, Pekora was paid in stock. The things that woman would say to make money...

>> No.79304690

good to know you agree

>> No.79304701

While everything you said does make sense, I doubt the average Holo talent is really going to be thinking about min-maxxing their earnings like that. Most women don't think that far ahead nor do they have that level of financial ambition.
They're perfectly content with being paid an already ridiculously high salary (has to be at least mid six figures by now?) on top of their supa and merch earnings just by playing games and doing what they like.

>> No.79304703

And they underestimate the amount of damage losing goodwill through graduation could cause

>> No.79304709
File: 684 KB, 2154x1522, Day4 Yellow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 3 numbers (top15 vrabi). Added colors go EN gens. Blue-only to follow.
- Only use as a proxy, only people who chat are collected here.
- Raora streaming so early means that her data isn't comparable with the rest of Justice.
- I don't believe Raora or Ceci were raided (? only looking at graphs), GG was raided by both Ceci and Fauna
>Day1 Yellow: >>78999379
>Day2 Yellow: >>79109806
>Day3 Yellow: >>79211862
>Day1 Blue: >>78999497
>Day2 Blue: >>79109907
>Day3 Blue: >>79211939
>Some notes
- Not much chirping from me, but do pay attention to the number of unique chatters before comparing percentages. "Numeric" is just an estimate, but comparing the estimated numbers gives better context.

>> No.79304714

He'll genuinely catch some real antis over that given all the shit surrounding her these days. They'll think he's excusing it. Tell the Japs and some of them'll see red.

>> No.79304716


>> No.79304718

you guys know 5% is still a lot right? this is for 1 single talent.

>> No.79304722

Regloss aren't hololive

>> No.79304730

Anon, do you believe a feminine outfit or IRysS 2.0 level update, would save Ao?

>> No.79304733

He's a hack, all his shit sounds the same. He had a few hits and then people caught on.

>> No.79304741

>Kanade Center

>> No.79304747

God, I miss that trial so much.
It was so fucking fun to report on, man

>> No.79304752

Funny that sounds just like what a seething nijinigger would say

>> No.79304757

It still baffles me how much Kanade got ignored when she's the most CDGCT so far. Meanwhile Ao got her cock sucked everyday by tons of first armies

>> No.79304767

Even with the ritual poster Kanade can't make it? wew

>> No.79304772

Don't forgot the one from irys that ghosting her for weeks.

>> No.79304770

>Hajime told gachis to fuck off
Really? When was this?

>> No.79304783

You posted this in /baubau/ already. I’ll give you a free (you) out of pity

>> No.79304785

90% of the board are cover brand loyalists, are you retarded?

>> No.79304793

she just said that she would preffer if no one falls in love with her...

>> No.79304797
File: 710 KB, 2154x1530, Day4 Blue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 4 numbers*, rip~

>> No.79304810

No more updates?

>> No.79304818

And so was Innonaka, your point?

>> No.79304823

Yes and that's how it should be, seethe about it

>> No.79304826

It will probably be the branches idol costume.

>> No.79304864

>multiple venues
thats shit and unreal

>> No.79304871

Oh I'm sorry did your small corpo narrative fail to take hold?

>> No.79304885

Councilrys got it so fucking easy compared to Myth. Myth had to litteraly build the branch themselves. Fucking hell, they had to make their own debut PV

>> No.79304894

It does seem like the overlap is primarily down to shared hours for the #1, or at least similar timezones

>> No.79304895

Not when Ao is attached to the hip with pizzafag, she alienated the core Holo audience already.

>> No.79304900

They gave-up after the last one. He doesn't want to talk about it and the investors got the message.

>> No.79304911

>She sings good
>She will break the wall
Is there really nothing else to talk about Eliz?

>> No.79304923

Kanade, Raden and Hajime are all honestly pretty great. They just had horrible direction and even worse management. If someone in charge of them actually cared about them as people with jobs and wasn't just using them to prove a point it could have gone way better. Like I get not liking them, but at the same time you can't tell me that they're worse than HoloX, like seriously worse than Iroha and Lui?
Ao and Ririka are pretty shit tho, but even shitters can carve out a niche if they work hard at it Flare is proof, but of course because INNOVATION AND CHALLANGES, they forced Ririka into a VCR server and killed everything she had going on

>> No.79304929

Kinda bad to shill to people that is not your intended audience in the first place.

>> No.79304930

Kanade should simply be transferred to holoEN

>> No.79304936

Antatachi i was planning a kino 3d concert but the studio is always full of faggots

>> No.79304959

Building the branch by themselves was a better experience than having it mismanaged to hell and back with no power to do anything one way or the other about it

>> No.79304967

her only worth on this board is homos shitposts

>> No.79304969

QRD? I just came in and I didnt see that part

>> No.79304970


>> No.79304973

People with actual talent in music creation are more unlikely to join because they would be able to get deals with actual music labels for their work.

>> No.79304976
File: 139 KB, 463x453, 1649390816690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They thought interacting with those holostarsjp fags won't have consequences huh, welp do not debut dev_is 2 yagoo san

>> No.79304982
File: 116 KB, 1024x768, 1717132458996500m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79304990

>Ceci lowest blue
wait she got tourists

>> No.79304995

this is such a retarded take you must not have been around at the time

>> No.79305012

My dumb wife…

>> No.79305015

I actually think she would do better in EN, she'd probably get shilled more too

>> No.79305022

>they forced Ririka into a VCR server and killed everything she had going on
Provide proof that she was (((forced))), or else it's cope.

>> No.79305027

Basically a gigayab in the eyes of /vt/, she's done for.

>> No.79305040

really unfair of mococo to pick a game she knows her sister will suck at just to punish her.
also, they made around 1k+ subs so far

>> No.79305046

That was a fucking disaster, retarded management who doesn't know the goals and audiences of it branch they chasing

>> No.79305047
File: 39 KB, 564x564, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this guy really is just retarded? Did they onboard him like at all on how to not shoot himself in the foot?

>> No.79305055

Not until the collab ban is over, then all hell will surely break loose.

>> No.79305059

100% Kobo is next

>> No.79305074

You're waaaaay underestimating the amount of people who can sing or make music and not being able to make it big on their own.

>> No.79305090

Ririka was doing so well too, hopefully she can bounce back

>> No.79305092

she literally shit on unicorns and reclined

>> No.79305102

>Meanwhile Ao got her cock sucked everyday by tons of first armies
She was clearly heavily pushed by management, group leader and all that jazz, and then got lucky that Marine got very infatuated with her, because being honest, irl Ao is hot and Marine is pretty gay, and none of the other girls Marine tries to make advances with reciprocated. Noel has been making fun of her for it for 5 years

>> No.79305105

>They thought interacting with those holostarsjp fags won't have consequences
Who the fuck told them this???
Thats is a blatant bullshit idea

>> No.79305116

This is why you can't have a genuine discussion on the shortfalls of cover here, because whenever you do niggers like this guy will use it as an opening to push their anti Holo narratives

>> No.79305117

I don't think he cares because he knows what position the boys have (aka anything to not fire them so long as he doesn't LITERALLY break NDA)

>> No.79305128

You don't even need Gura. All you need is someone who has proven to put a lot of effort into HoloEN to complain about it, like Ame. Shit will actually gut any growth for their branch indefinitely.

>> No.79305134

anon they need buyers for the replicas

>> No.79305140

Don't act like she doesn't have any agency of her own. She thought she could get away with it and would get connections with e-celebs but got stuck with the homos and she pissed off some of her fans with her drunk ramblings. She's basically playing catch-up with her pre-VCR self ever since.

>> No.79305143

For starters Noel was actually fucking friends with Rushia, that red retard may as well start saying I MISS ALOE or some retarded clipnigger tier shit

>> No.79305147

IRyS was forced to permanently damage her throat and ended up developing the start of a vocal chord nodule due to how hard they were working her

And then her manager/producer just abandoned her and stopped responding when she couldn't keep it up

>> No.79305146

He's talking about the last meeting, he avoided the question and said something like "Nijisanji is popular with women and we are popular with men".

>> No.79305159

>group leader and all that jazz
But that's Hajime.

>> No.79305170

>replies literally proving your right

>> No.79305171

>Ao and Ririka are pretty shit tho, but even shitters can carve out a niche if they work hard at it Flare is proof
Flare is CGDCT, not whatever the fuck those two are.

>> No.79305174
File: 131 KB, 328x299, 1706637395619125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did it flop?

>> No.79305182

It ended

>> No.79305187

I mean I have those conversations well enough, I just ignore the faggots who reply to me and only talk to the normal people

>> No.79305190

Neither was Azki, they're probably going to have different idol costumes just like how Azki had a black dress

>> No.79305195
File: 432 KB, 570x529, 45645645123234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will now move to pink though

>> No.79305196

Her reasoning was
>To expand her audience
No one unironically says this to their audience. It's too corporate. She was forced by management.

>> No.79305202

Only IRyS had issue comparable to Myth. Council had it so much better than Myth at debut. The fact that they managed to make do so much with how much adversity they add is a testament to Myth. Council just deal with management worse overall

>> No.79305212

he's friends with ollie what did you espect?

>> No.79305215

this pagpag might unironically visit okbh

>> No.79305216

>Kanade, Raden and Hajime
Bro no one's even heard of anyone except Ao and Raden

>> No.79305226

>Q: What about shareholder benefits?
>A: There are a significant amount of minors, so there won't be shareholder benefits.

>> No.79305229

Quick! We need IP diversity!
>debuted the same fucking thing but with different label
Great job!

>> No.79305232

some japanese male streamer got canceled at twitter because he owns rushia merch. don't underestimate how effective bullying by nijiniggers are.

>> No.79305234

Just show off Kobo to some Hollywood execs and we're golden, that's what Cover USA is for

>> No.79305236

I find it surprising none of you talk about how Cover is actually very very aware of Anykara cancelling their concert yesterday and promise they won’t do that

>> No.79305237

Raden fucked up with her male niji collab

>> No.79305241

10k+ yesterday, 14k+ (combined) today
They’ve had good numbers for unraided under overlap

>> No.79305253

Mori really wants something, but I can't figure out what

>> No.79305258

Mococo is actually gaming

>> No.79305269

Nothing is going to happen to him, stop crying

>> No.79305274

Wrong, Flare is lesbian bait

>> No.79305275

lol, lmao even. Council got their subs nuked 3 times by Susan, while myth got handed the easiest sub incline in the history of vtubing.

>> No.79305278

They keep hiring retarded fujo sisters as managers, of course that's gonna happen.

>> No.79305283
File: 324 KB, 870x866, GRCl92-XEAE5TYR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79305286

Being a brand loyalist doesn't mean I have 0 gripes with management. We are not phaseniggers.

>> No.79305291

American companies do it all the time. They just have to spin the controversy as a morally acceptable action. Most people will not care about it after a week at most.

>> No.79305298

My oshi is in hololive. I do not like hololive, I like my oshi

>> No.79305304

>well if Suisei and Towa can interact with them without any issues, a new branch who sets their boundaries on debut should too!

>> No.79305319
File: 114 KB, 264x787, 1691956531186822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did management force her to shit on unicorns too?

>> No.79305323
File: 108 KB, 303x234, 2024-06-26 233618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This channel icon LMAO
The joke makes itself

>> No.79305329

it means too many minor shareholders for a feasible benefit that they want anon

>> No.79305336
File: 77 KB, 1345x454, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's real
I uh
I don't understand that actually, what

>> No.79305338

>combined cope

>> No.79305339

Pink is next

>> No.79305346

Regloss no banchou, todoroki hajimya...

>> No.79305373

DeepL says something about having many teenage fans. What does it have to do about shareholder benefits?

>> No.79305381

And out of 5 of them Ao still got the last place at Amongus yesterday, and Kanade was 3rd.

>> No.79305392

>too many minor shareholders

>> No.79305411

>Girl is hot in real life
>Give her that weird grandpa sport coat outfit
They should've just debuted ReGloss in those white outfits from their promos, Ao looked so much better.

>> No.79305424

What are the usual benefits, cocaine and hookers?

>> No.79305426

AZKi doesn't market herself as a music holo, she just plays 'comfy' games then releases a cover on the side. She should emulate Suisei and stir up the emotions of her fans to watch/shill her music by presenting herself as someone who genuinely wants a music career.

Or maybe she just makes music for fun now which explains her behavior.

>> No.79305427

TL just tripped up hard on the "minor shareholders" thing, then?

>> No.79305441

I didn't see that, but also anon, they're competitors, if they weren't aware of what each other did they'd be reatrded.

>> No.79305449


>> No.79305452

Probably because majority of public shareholders are HoloFAGS

>> No.79305476


>> No.79305477

Cover just needs to stop with these "What if hololive....but not hololive" ideas, they day they actually go "Holy shit we are hololive the best vtuber group in the world" they will double their popularity

>> No.79305480

people with small shares and not shota and loli shareholders anon

>> No.79305492

Yagoo confirming that we're getting a new HoloCN branch
Eat shit Taiwan kek

>> No.79305495

Told you my baby is growing

>> No.79305499

Vsinger curse, same as IRyS.

>> No.79305502

Sora debuff, she is homo collaber

>> No.79305504

Does Azki even need good music numbers? She is fine just streaming now

>> No.79305510

Did I stutter?

>> No.79305519

That's low, aren't those 2 the divas of Hololive?

>> No.79305524

It's a holo anti make a joke retards

>> No.79305529

obviously it means they can't offer free weekly fellatios from holos to shareholders since there are teenage fans

>> No.79305531

This is why nousagis are the most retarded fanbase

>> No.79305551

Azki's music has almost never done well.

>> No.79305563

That's a fig leaf excuse Holo antis use to push their narratives, barely a step up from the "I don't anti the chuuba, I anti the fanbase" excuse

>> No.79305566

what I'm wondering is if they bring in a new HoloCN generation will they call it CN 3 or just call it CN 1 and pretend the before times didn't happen?

>> No.79305573
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>> No.79305575

>Kobo before Miko or Marine
sit down chink cocksucker

>> No.79305584

It means fuck off if you want to groom the talents

>> No.79305591

Kanade, Raden, and Hajime would be shitters by EN branch standards, let alone the JP branch. Stop overrating mediocrity.

>> No.79305592

its another irys walking the dog scenario

>> No.79305596

>Fauna so threatened by Justice and Cecilia that she's whoring herself out with 3D streams
Isn't this a bit too pathetic?

>> No.79305612

Well if she wants to have a music career, yes. But who knows what she's thinking.

>> No.79305613

I exist so unfortunately you are wrong

>> No.79305625

>Carried HoloEN in The Omega Era
>Carried HoloEN in The Golden Era of Luxiem

>> No.79305626

Imagine, Fuwawa but not Mococo…

>> No.79305644
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>> No.79305645

>Just show off Kobo to some Hollywood execs
So you want cover to literally prostitute kobo to Hollywood execs?
Did you know nothing about Hollywood execs??? Those fucking Pedophiles???

>> No.79305648
File: 217 KB, 400x400, 1719256251175771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess this is the fake leaks yagoo was talking about
chinks just invent mountains of bullshit with bits of truth in it

>> No.79305652

+1%!!!! We need 50 more holos to shill them at this rate!!!

>> No.79305653

It means there are too many people owning 0.001% shares that they can't give private holo blowjob sessions to everyone

>> No.79305654

we can loop this tomorrow
neither are streaming, not very fun

>> No.79305683
File: 336 KB, 1017x737, da bois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's your unity memes sisters

>> No.79305686

No yeah that's the idea anon you get me

>> No.79305692

the JP text reads teenagers anon (10+ age fans)

>> No.79305694
File: 2 KB, 125x125, pegomonkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah the statues where never linked to subscribers, it's just who brings in the most money

>> No.79305724

only thing I've heard of him is that apparently the Suisei thread fucking hates his songs

>> No.79305725

>its bad to protect your breadbasket
never worked a job huh anon?

>> No.79305752


>> No.79305762

Petition for every minor shareholder to give me their shares so I can go and request one free IRyS sloppy toppy session

>> No.79305773
File: 1.93 MB, 1920x1080, virgin killa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have faith in Ririka. I actually really like her attempts to pander to the EN side, which has a lot more effort than what most JPs do. As an ESL she's about as fluent as Raora. Ririka should use that to her advantage and do more eigo streams.

>> No.79305784

Is that the retard that got mindbroken few weeks ago?

>> No.79305797

I think at this point everyone is kinda tired of his electro-swing bullshit

>> No.79305798
File: 53 KB, 447x445, 1697917921467321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are a significant amount of minors

>> No.79305803

>HoloX already does all that shit
No they don't. Where are the monthly holox collabs? Where's the holox radio show?

>> No.79305809

Miko or Marine next, the blue one is over

>> No.79305814

its BS because if he was a real event coordinator/planner he knows that the deposits for events that overlap or are in conjuction with another big event requires a bigger non refundable downpayment

>> No.79305817

Kanade's in a strange spot because her music does well above company average, but she's still the subs runt despite consistent music performance usually being a subs buff. Like, I can't actually say she's doing anything wrong, her CCV's the best in her gen (I think?), her content selection is good, and it bears repeating her music's doing great. It's just her subs are bricked for some reason.

>> No.79305826

FYI guys don't actually do this to each other

>> No.79305836

Kek its the leddit mindbroken guy.

>> No.79305850

Retard it is reward for achievement, a trophy. All 3 of them achieved big achievement in their respective field and Cover acknowledged it

>> No.79305854

tl;dr, we hate the whore ririka, lyrica still has a chance

>> No.79305856

If she keeps doing those weird EN streams I won't watch her again

>> No.79305860
File: 145 KB, 896x896, 1697624748938141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolis are trading holo shares?

>> No.79305868


>> No.79305884


>> No.79305890
File: 167 KB, 720x353, nijijoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no
Pekora is just 5% at max
I guess its not too late to join the Winning side

>> No.79305894

anon think for a second
how the fuck would teenagers in japan buy shares when shit is restricted

>> No.79305904

Azki isn't a music holo these days, she's a coomer holo
Kinda like IRyS

>> No.79305914

She should do more EN gaming streams, her playing plappy playhouse was fun

>> No.79305931

ironically really funny cause he's a flip

>> No.79305935

You're probably right so another suisei statue?

>> No.79305945

They’ll starve if you don’t give them food.

>> No.79305946

oi oi oi

>> No.79305972


>> No.79305973

Uhm ..... Where the fuck is ShillRegloss ? Cover did it with ShillX then why not Regloss ?

>> No.79305985

>As an ESL she's about as fluent as Raora
No she fucking isn't

>> No.79305996

Nijibro…this is fucking pathetic…you are just spamming nonsense now

>> No.79305999

They could starve even if you did give them food, depending on the packaging

>> No.79306013

19 year olds can buy shares anon

>> No.79306016

She'll "accidentally" bend over again to show her ass just like last time. Well, everybody wins.

>> No.79306027

>stealing enna's identity

>> No.79306034

Yeah it's weird, her subgrowth should be better with how well her music does. I wonder if she actually has a decent Korean following looping her stuff.

>> No.79306038

>Using your bilingual talent give yourself a another clean slate
I never though about it that way.
Can she be more successful Haachama?

>> No.79306039

ohnononono, we are turning into nijiniggers

>> No.79306049
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>> No.79306062

Nijisanji doesn't believe in "down payments"

>> No.79306078

A lot of Suzy merch is micomet so Migo is 100% next

>> No.79306088

Regloss has had no lack of shilling. You can’t make a turd shine no matter how much you polish it.

>> No.79306092

how are Regloss sub count compared to Justice subs at the same timeframe? is it really a flop?

>> No.79306098

So... how much shares should I buy to get on the Promise blowjob sessions????

>> No.79306100

I have the Dogs and Raora, already, no thanks, even if you glue the horn back, it's not the same anymore

>> No.79306103
File: 17 KB, 583x338, 1719454651641351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready to learn chinese buddy

>> No.79306121

Ririka lacks proper direction content-wise. The Japs blame management for her early fuckup, they say management suggested she play up a sterotypical gyaru and do the anti-gachi bits. I'll believe it only because she seems retarded and trusts management too much.

>> No.79306123

Her chat is like 40% Korean.

>> No.79306120

So that's it?
Yagoo's just betraying Taiwan and forbidding any talent from saying Taiwan outloud again?

>> No.79306145

That only apply to original songs, covers barely bring any new viewers

>> No.79306147

It's unironically because she's Korean and Japanese are racist. That's literally it

>> No.79306177

They didn't. That would be grounds for a lawsuit by Google.

>> No.79306182

>she as fluent as Roara
nah fuck off retard not even fucking close. Roara at least understands it, its just she has a huge ESL accent. Ririka cant talk it and probably knows as many english words as i do Japanese.

>> No.79306193

Dissolve it. Allow Ririka to redebut in EN5 next year as a EN streamer since she gets twice as much CCV in her EN streams anyway. Tell her not to betray her unicorns this time. Allow Hajime and Kanade to redebut in JP7 with new models because they're actually quite good. Set up Raden in a A-chan/Nodoka like role, a staff mamber and ambassador with a vtuber model. Ao... idk.. she can be Marine's personal assistant or something.

>> No.79306200

so whatever happened with her stream position after full metal panic fumoffu?

>> No.79306206


>> No.79306204

I like that take. Lyrica is a lot more interesting


Agreed. She should play more EN games

You haven't been watching Raora then. Do your reps - Raora isn't that good in EN despite being in the branch. Her english is about as good as Ririka's, which is ironic.

>> No.79306211

The flop is dev_is. The branch. A better comparison would be dev_is and the homos

>> No.79306215
File: 317 KB, 651x583, 1718173390241311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should keep watching that desperate indog instead of shitposting here zhang

>> No.79306262

Anon, we're talking about management and definitively council/IRyS was the most fucked up by them.

>> No.79306265

She broke my horn

>> No.79306289

I see no difference in their English abilities besides one having a nip accent and the other having a spaghetti nigger accent

>> No.79306322

it is, because ERB debuted first and destroyed everybody's expectations for the other 3 so the JP box instantly ignored all of them

>> No.79306323

I know you'll probably say it's because the OG is so popular but lolikami got Gura a full 10k tick in a few days, covers absolutely can bring in lots of new growth.

>> No.79306326

>even if you glue the horn back, it's not the same anymore
Didn't the Japs say this? Kek

>> No.79306327

anon they already moved that from 20 to 18 recently

>> No.79306338

>How do you guys think the regloss girls feel when they see that statement?
Probably pissed that they weren't JP7.

>> No.79306344

>As an ESL she's about as fluent as Raora
Anon...no she isn't.

>> No.79306347
File: 355 KB, 1008x370, Screenshot_20240627-104932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which

>> No.79306353


>> No.79306366

So what if anything did Yagoo say about EN in the Q&A?

>> No.79306373

Ok now explain that to the sister who already flew from JP all the way to LA

>> No.79306376

That's what the japs in the anti thread on 5ch and sukikirai say.

>> No.79306380
File: 87 KB, 972x445, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much unity going on at xitter
they will incline soon

>> No.79306379
File: 425 KB, 513x685, Screenshot 2024-06-26 214750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How small is this expo? I never even heard of a Vtuber expo.

>> No.79306436

EN is also generally more accepting of Korean talents.

>> No.79306440

>hurr durr ririka actually good in english
Funniest shitposts ITT lol

>> No.79306453
File: 3.52 MB, 2894x4093, Tasos ass.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which is why i didnt have anything other than get a ship with someone with actual subs. Yes i know her covers do good enough and her CCV isnt as shit as the others. She brings decent CCV to collabs. Like everything is average to above average except her Subs.

>> No.79306451

Gura has the buff because every dramatuber even outside the Vtuber sphere are covering antis that hate the cover on twitter

>> No.79306455

You're drunk. Raora actually can form sentences and is less ESL than me.

>> No.79306474

Kek. Sure.

>> No.79306487

they wouldnt have gotten the venue without it unless ax was the one shouldering it and even then niji still had to pay ax if that was the case for cancelling

>> No.79306494
File: 269 KB, 720x479, pekochina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First army will never pander to chinks

>> No.79306498

If you watch her ASMR content while rubbing it it grows again, I heard. I'm no doctor though.

>> No.79306510

I actually believe it could work. Haachama doesn't seem to put as much effort into her eigo as Ririka does.

>> No.79306511

>Raora raid

>> No.79306518

Jimmy deserves it...

>> No.79306522
File: 6 KB, 264x133, 1691109553015123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current danbooru numbers.... chattino appears in more fanart than armis...

>> No.79306529

Didnt they sad they will slow down the debut?
This is contrarian

>> No.79306540
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>> No.79306550

I almost Dorya'd Biboo's 10k

>> No.79306551

Myth had to dealt with bad management just as much if not more than Council, though.
Myth just take less shit from management and they're used to working around them. So yeah, Council was more fucked up by them, but mostly because they let it happen.
Now, it isn't a knock against council, because as a talent your job isn't to fight your management, but that's the reality of things

>> No.79306588

>checks Kobo's graph
Wait who raided her the second time? Some indo fleshie? I know the first raid was from Raora

>> No.79306593

Kanatan my korn queen

>> No.79306604

Company expansion =/= more talent debuts

>> No.79306624

I mean ... Is he wrong?

>> No.79306631

I hope regloss girls don't egosa a lot, I can see this being demoralizing. Cover didn't shit on them at least but the investors could turn the mood sour.

>> No.79306656

oh okay I missread the post

>> No.79306702

British expo, Vshojo and phase will be there

>> No.79306727

I really think Raora is going to be the real star of justice in the future, is going to be Mumei vs Kronii again

>> No.79306735
File: 114 KB, 1576x2003, 20240624_202152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am more popular than a homo branch

>> No.79306737

They're already aware of it thanks to management's decision to lock their 3D behind 2.5M subs. If anything forcing them to make a public announcement like that was way more demoralizing and would've been what made the investors notice they weren't doing as well as they could be in the first place.

>> No.79306741

Those homos should be streaming exclusively on xitter.

>> No.79306742
File: 72 KB, 768x768, 1714890389857261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nekofami it's time to let go

>> No.79306753

its a decent size for a euro con though its probably secretly backed by brave

>> No.79306759


>> No.79306764

The only enjoyable thing I've heard from this guy is Watame's "What an amazing swing" song and even then it's half carried by the MV lol

>> No.79306765

The list

>> No.79306804

>nip women
>not egosa-ing a lot
it's over ror them...

>> No.79306809

Wait what the fuck? 2.5 million?

>> No.79306828

Controversial opinion, but this is retarded.
Fucking hell, REGLOSS should have debuted with 3D. If you want to make a gen of performers, a genuine band, you've to give them the means to perform.

>> No.79306830

They probably don't know homo exist

>> No.79306837

The list of girls I want to sit on my face?

>> No.79306836

Anon... they destroyed her post Holo career twice...

>> No.79306839

yeah one of her indo fleshie friends raided her so she could get the 10k prize

>> No.79306840

More profitable to be a streamer than a vsinger.

>> No.79306846
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>> No.79306848

>hanks to management's decision to lock their 3D behind 2.5M subs.
This was so fucking stupid. They're gonna get 3D anyways since they couldn't deal with the outcry if regloss didn't get 3D.

>> No.79306858

Based chattiniGODS

>> No.79306875

Is this like a meet and greet where you can play against her 1v1 for a round?

>> No.79306876

Its company expansion just like cover_usa
Its for merch not debuting new holocn

>> No.79306880

Far more interested in Cecilia. Raora is sex appeal and amazing art, but CC does things to me, man.

>> No.79306884
File: 972 KB, 2894x4093, 1712504866907040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok whatever, I accept your concession

>> No.79306891

i want a mococo solo channel

>> No.79306892

Maybe, but the anon should have calculated gross sales had tickets sold out and applied a cost margin rate. The $30k/day rate that the anon is using to estimate undersells the point they're trying to make. A certain site has Week 5 numbers and by then $93.4k worth of tickets had been sold.

>> No.79306898

>want anything to do with the dirty mainland chinks that ruined her career

>> No.79306914

Mori mentioned that she made more from streaming than her music very early in to her Holo life

>> No.79306925

I hope Gigi egosa herself a lot. I want her to realise that she was the runt of her previous company, and will continue being the runt. Nothing she does will change that

>> No.79306929

Bae's a medium on the small side, her boobs are not her debuff

>> No.79306937

It's unironically over for their mental health. They're already branded as failures by YAGOO.

>> No.79306938

>>79306764 (Me)
Also Gura never sings like she does on Karaokes in her recordings for some fucking reason and is always putting that dumb fucking uwu silly voice. The one song where she doesn't do that and sounds great is not even in her channel (Shinkiro)

>> No.79306943

I wonder how much autonomy regloss management has. This tactic being approved is so batshit crazy

>> No.79306946

They said that they won't be solely depending on new debuts to increase revenue, not that they'll slow down. For the love of God just read the fucking doc and stop believing in everything that's posted on this board.

>> No.79306952


>> No.79306964
File: 785 KB, 1920x1080, 1708747607674774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I'm sorry did I ruin your nijinigger psyops?

>> No.79306982

That’s shared between the five of them, which amounts to about 500k each. If they don’t reach it in time, they can save face by adding the branch main channel’s subs to get the 2.5M.

>> No.79307000

Faunaschizo adults are talking.

>> No.79307002

Holy hell there's a turbo schizo in the Hololive sub

>> No.79307029

Give her the Rio treatment

>> No.79307061

It's fine, JP and EN have made great developments in hiring people who can't even talk the language after which their branch is named, thanks to the innovations brought forwards by Rora and Hajime we can shove Yogiri with her shitty Japanese into Gen 7

>> No.79307065

I accept your concession

>> No.79307073

I wanna break management's thumbs sometimes. They bungle every situation and make internal goals public and throw all the work onto the girls whose careers they handicapped.

ReGLOSS under Omega would still have been better unironically since retarded lore and snazzy trailer would be way more effective. ReGLOSS' management has been so hands on they're mucking it up.

>> No.79307080

Fuck you holofag

>> No.79307081
File: 21 KB, 344x426, 1700888549354099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9 hours Kobo stream
lol, it bothered her when Kaela got another sponsored stream and call out from KoH dev

>> No.79307122
File: 1.41 MB, 748x1324, 051838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi #

>> No.79307131
File: 4 KB, 346x339, cookies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79307132

That's sad, no wonder she keeps sucking off them

>> No.79307140

It's probably what the retarded voice directors want. Full Color sounds fine

>> No.79307153

>500k subs each or no 3D
This has to be an internal target for some pencil dick suit. It's an absurd goal even if they hit it.

>> No.79307160

Are you actually ESL? Roara only has an accent, her English is fine

>> No.79307170

what happen this time?

>> No.79307179

Ah I love the smell of nijiseethe in the morning

>> No.79307193

>we believe that the dependency on a single talent is low
>5% max
>there are currently 90 hologirls
>5% of 90 is 4.5, let's round that off to 5
>gura, mori, pekora, suisei, marine

>> No.79307217

Anon the songs where she sings like that are the vast majority. Also Full Color doesn't have an MV/recorded release right?

>> No.79307230

Branch directors bonus is probably determined by sub growth of the girls since that metric is used for investors

>> No.79307229

They are getting 3D regardless of that, it's not blocked, retards

>> No.79307235

Japs want mascot shark
Producers want mascot shark
Simple as

>> No.79307239
File: 3.16 MB, 1682x1426, 1693164614248725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For 200k it took Raden 9 days (counting from debut), Hajime 20 days, the others 1 or even 2 months. Keep in mind they had relatively big sub culls early on.

>> No.79307242
File: 41 KB, 720x697, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not hololive

>> No.79307247

>Regloss underperform
Homobeggar and unity retard lose? No homo mentioned again what's up with that yagoo?

>> No.79307254


>> No.79307262

Raora is no worse than Kiara, EN has had accents since the beginning.

>> No.79307286

>Fuwawa ending
Moco raid baby

>> No.79307304

Mmm yes I want them all to suck my penis

>> No.79307316

That's not what I said, retardchama. I said they should have debuted with 3D.

>> No.79307323

There is no chance this is real.

>> No.79307324

Let's say that every 1M views can bring 10k new subs, then unless you're one of the top music holos the amount of subs you can get from music is practically miniscule

>> No.79307331

Why do they require this when homos don't?

>> No.79307333

Isnt what they are saying the opposite of Nijisanji since they are a top heavy company while Hololive is brading themselves as more evenly spaced

>> No.79307363

What does one call this fusion?

>> No.79307371

think she's just fine with being the map and song lady now

>> No.79307399

It's not locked. They will get it no matter the subs look like

>> No.79307404

Yagoo has already said the homos are negligible

>> No.79307417

An unironic schizo lost his mind, just open and you will see it

>> No.79307438

I know. It's still retarded for those two things to even be associated. 100k? Fine. 500k? Don't even bring it up.

>if we hit 2.5 million subs we will get 3D models with the promo art designs that everyone agrees was much better
would have made people excited.

>> No.79307457
File: 57 KB, 886x298, Sister.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why sisters are like that?

>> No.79307462

The dumbest vtuber in the industry

>> No.79307470
File: 1.95 MB, 1024x1536, 1707808474500027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm the only one that feels that regloss and justice are niji tier because of the lack of idol aspiration? they don't have the holo(idol) soul, it feels like new management and drawings on board with them in comparison to advent

>> No.79307471

Everyone knows they’re getting 3D whether or not they hit the goal. It’s just pure retardation to even imply they might not get it on managements behalf, especially when the bottom feeders that are the homos exist.

>> No.79307474

why don't gura cover normal popular mellow songs like Yuki no Hana or Lemon? i mean that nerizzler did

>> No.79307481


>> No.79307491

It doesn't but I can't see the recorded version differing from the Live version that much. And her voice sounding fine in Shinkiro is what makes me think it's a direction issue.

>> No.79307494

Are you joking about the Ina post?

>> No.79307514

Raden has the most sub by now, followed by Hajime and Ao

>> No.79307517
File: 322 KB, 1491x2239, ob56fxd2f09d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not seeing shit anon
This is cute tho

>> No.79307544
File: 182 KB, 807x742, don't buy merch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>79307457 (me)
>Want free VP

>> No.79307554
File: 508 KB, 1340x752, 29457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed that for you

>> No.79307555

Never underestimate management retardeness

>> No.79307570
File: 117 KB, 724x1024, Waooowa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retarded take

>> No.79307571


>> No.79307584

Anon, I never said otherwise. I even pointed out they have an easy way out if they don’t hit the mark.

>> No.79307586

Oh hey, Biboo finally got to 10k.

>> No.79307592

>oh lord Motoaki Tanigo forgive me from straying from your path
lmao you love to see it
the whole thing with this guy should be a cautionary tale for any clipper considering clipping niji

>> No.79307599

Maybe it's a genre issue. Too much of that legitimately low tier idol-y shit or something. Honestly don't care too much to analyze it, but I really wish she'd sing in the styles she sings live.

>> No.79307614
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>> No.79307615

She doesn't go through with them for some reason, like this Haairo to Ao cover she recorded was fucking glorious and I don't know why she didn't release it (or a more polished version of it)

>> No.79307654
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>he's still at it

>> No.79307670

Theres to many post lately and theres alot less homo there
Did they already given up?

>> No.79307682
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>> No.79307692

Must be a poorfag. Possibly a flip too.

>> No.79307711

I'll watch her if she gets the hololive logo tattooed over her womb.

>> No.79307712
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Every fucking time, that beggar -> anti pipeline also going strong eh

>> No.79307727

Too bad she often lies on stream (not in a funny way), which turn many honorable jp fan away

>> No.79307733

me at the bottom

>> No.79307736


>> No.79307749

People don't care about labels as much as you might think in case you wanted to know.

>> No.79307760

>Fauna getting mogged by Biboo with more overlap

>> No.79307763

Delicious waki

>> No.79307768
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helmite has become beggars worst enemy when dude is not even a unicorn lmao

>> No.79307769

Her new boobs look fake even by vtuber standards, is like she just has 2 oranges inside the dress

>> No.79307771

10k doryaaaaaa

>> No.79307791

Why is Council, by and large, so lacking in overlap with Justice?

>> No.79307808

We know it's not blocked but the announcement deliberately makes it appear that way to try and get more subs out of desperation. Regloss didn't even know about it until it was revealed on stream. Watch that stream again, then look at how Ririka is constantly saying she needs 500k to get her 3D.

>> No.79307823
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>> No.79307830

Dont fucking tell me its another pagpag?

>> No.79307832

FUCK don't remind me, I am still upset that she never went through with it

>> No.79307837


>> No.79307840


>> No.79307842

Why the fuck are we posting tweets from january

>> No.79307844

Oni hands typed this post.

>> No.79307861

Fauna is the only one who has been fucking streaming
Every like 3 days

>> No.79307863

Jesus Christ imagine if a holo went full real with these sisters for once
>Listen stop bothering me about these guys, we have nothing in common except being paid by the same company and having EN in the branch name. We don't interact. They are completely below me in relevance. Just go away.
If FWMC (in their perception) not saying anything specifically to Holostars did this mind damage to them..i can't even imagine.
What even mindbroke the sisters about this one moment? Usually they'll do 2000 mental gymnastics about how a holo not mentioning homos doesn't mean anything, they talk behind the scenes, blah blah why did they stop for this specific 30 seconds?

>> No.79307878

Marin likes toying around with kouhai for a while then dump them. Only Aquapeko is her true interest

>> No.79307891

holospy here : suisei suppresses any other holos that sings better than her

>> No.79307905
File: 187 KB, 441x441, 1710869690293525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good model but jesus man that voice is shit

>> No.79307929

imagine being so poor and beggar you can`t even afford digital voicepacks with no shipping costs

>> No.79307941

Was it ever debunked if she really almost joined Nijisanji?

>> No.79307948

Is this the "do you know who I am?" guy or something?

>> No.79307977

her voice is fine, youre just a loli-voice enjoyer

>> No.79307984
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>> No.79307985

Gigi and CC streams close to FST too.

>> No.79307996

That would be retarded and bring no benefit to them, though i agree it would be hilarious

>> No.79307997

Yes, she tweeted that it wasn't Niji.

>> No.79308009
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Anon... kobo invited irl event

>> No.79308020

From hate her voice to appreciate it. She manage to turn around my expectation. Good job Cover

>> No.79308021

You're a shitty holospy because everyone knows Gura suppresses herself by not giving a shit about her music content
