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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 395 KB, 2364x2500, Mercio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
79262451 No.79262451 [Reply] [Original]

Mercio Saves the Day Edition

>Current and upcoming streams

>This week's full schedules

[Gen 1: Indulge]
>Azura Dulait - Fertility Goddess
>Icey Snowpaws - Feral Polar Bear
>Immy Bisou - Hex Maniac
>Mercy Modiste - Dorky Yandere
>Shibi Cottonbum - Your Ever-Demanding Mistress
>Stronny Cuttles - Hypnotic Cuttlefish

>VAllure Links

>Unarchived/Deleted VOD Archive

[FAQ for Tourists]
>What is VAllure?
The first EN A(dult)Vtuber Corpo.
Yes, this is the whorpo and they are focusing on adult audio like ASMR or JOI.
>Where will the content be?
YouTube - Kino SFW streams. Expect some spice and kayfabe but nothing TOS-breaking. Expect 3 streams per week at minimum.
Patreon - Lewd audios. $5/month per talent, 4 audios per month. Sub to whoever you like.
Fansly - Up to discretion of the girls. Content will be free. Will come later.
>Is there a Discord Server?
Yes, Notification only. No interaction with any of the girls. Check VAllure Links.
No, they won't be joining any fan servers.
>Most importantly, are any of the talents in a relationship?
Yes, all of them, with me.

>VAllure Friends!
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
Yume+ and other small corpos: >>>/vt//corpo/
More of Azura and Shibi's friends: >>>/vt/choc/

Previous thread >>79236537

>> No.79262483

love immy

>> No.79262505
File: 3.77 MB, 720x1058, 1705440344701751.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79262535

Forgot the subject, gomen

>> No.79262543

Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!

>> No.79262552

the subject...

>> No.79262564
File: 409 KB, 220x220, 1691880925299074.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bakers are tardy retardy today hehe

>> No.79262599
File: 41 KB, 149x144, 111874668487877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Strontistic wife and her daughters!

>> No.79262652

>who would just go on the internet and lie?
me, i lied

>> No.79262691
File: 686 KB, 1400x1382, 1704833374802167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't bake
>still bitching

>> No.79262706
File: 1.42 MB, 1920x1080, immynoose[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fps7mf7.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79262713

Lesson learned I won't put cunny in the title next time
>t. Previous OP

>> No.79262748

Isnt this like the second thread thats been murdered? What the fuck?

>> No.79262842

I'm posting on /vag/ while in the gym.

>> No.79262923

Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!

>> No.79262944

I love and miss Immy so much...

>> No.79263075

Who tf let the mercyposter cook https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QU1VP8bYGx0

>> No.79263107

Why do you talk like that

>> No.79263148
File: 383 KB, 777x768, 1719422177220305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I barely even know her

>> No.79263154
File: 1.04 MB, 1414x1170, Mummeh's Prayer [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F6yjeku.opus].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our mummeh in VAllure, horny be her name. Her kingdom cum, her will be done, on YouTube as it is on Patreon. Give us this day our daily nut, and forgive us our cringe, as we forgive those who cringe at us. And lead us not into celibacy, but instead deliver us into temptation.


>> No.79263183


>> No.79263434
File: 712 KB, 1080x1350, 1716489318992204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is what ancient hebrews meant when they told us not to worship false idols...

>> No.79263493
File: 400 KB, 431x512, 1704307876582871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attempt to pull up twitter
>tap on address bar
>type "S T R O"
>realize im trying go directly to Stronnys twitter account
Fuck this woman lives rent free in my head

>> No.79263540

i miss my little sister

>> No.79263557

Nah that's molach and baphomet, down over at >>>/x/ or >>>/pol/

>> No.79263673

>when your 2 hours of streaming time are almost up but a boss fight starts
can this bitch be any more transparent that she doesnt like streaming for any longer than necessary?

>> No.79263755
File: 174 KB, 1080x312, 1719424759534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Immy's darkest hole.

>> No.79263771

I think she just doesn't like the game at this point. She has done 4-5 hour DJ streams

>> No.79263893
File: 211 KB, 649x647, IMG_2207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immy kinda cute
Immy kinda wife
Immy kinda looks
Like the love of my life!

>> No.79263998

Lets see who is getting fanbase mogged

>> No.79264033

I just tried maple syrup for the first time in my life
Please don't tell Immy, but I kinda hate it

>> No.79264110

>tourist can't even spell her name right

>> No.79264115

mummeh shit!

>> No.79264120

it's basically sugar

>> No.79264364

Like any Syrup

>> No.79264376
File: 1.69 MB, 1280x1280, 1696988040703255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finally catching up on the Mario RPG stream. God, Mercy is so fucking adorable, holy shit

>> No.79264457
File: 111 KB, 1024x754, IMG_0859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am trash. The only thing I am good for is to be pressed under Madam Shibi’s heel. Madam Shibi is the best mistress I could ever ask for. I hereby pledge to serve her every whim for the rest of my life. I love Madam Shibi!

>> No.79264542

Should I actually watch mercy's vods? I'll never catch her live but I like harvester and killer7. Is she funny or good. Never even heard her voice before.

>> No.79264617


>> No.79264638

man i dont know. why dont you give her a watch and see if you like her?

>> No.79264650

Kouhai, I leave my windows unlocked.

>> No.79264686


>> No.79264720

why is stronny's mic so low

>> No.79264736

Amen, praise be

>> No.79264751

Did you get the real stuff or the corn syrup with flavoring?

>> No.79264863


>> No.79264878

I find her cute and funny

>> No.79264936

You can tell mummeh feels so much better. I'm glad.

>> No.79264961
File: 166 KB, 1178x1635, 1719145479078844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should give her a try! She's objectively the cutest, so you can find out whether your opinion of her is correct or not!

>> No.79265032
File: 620 KB, 3840x2160, 20240619_132520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys why is my wife so amazing? I love every thing about her.

>> No.79265047

Please understand, it was an emergency bake
I thought someone was going to bake but he lied

>> No.79265115
File: 77 KB, 225x262, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im mainly interested in this part in particular

>> No.79265118
File: 191 KB, 669x617, 1690648343984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shibi, if you're reading this, I want you to know that I value you for more than your sex appeal. Your crazy vocal range makes me laugh all the time. It's honestly insane how much you can transform it. Especially that valley girl accent, it's a real knee-slapper. Ooh, ooh, I have an idea: what if you used that voice for all of a stream haha, It'd be primo content haha. you know, as a joke. I'd be so hard—I mean laughing so hard madam. lol. Hilarious.

>> No.79265123

yo mercy posters there's a reason you're my favourites.

>> No.79265140

Did you feel she was extra bratty today? Bitchy even, at the start. Or was that just me.

>> No.79265196

Not sure... My country is pretty strict about putting shit on labels and this says it is actually maple syrup, but it doesn't taste anything like people are describing it. Very sweet and a bit bitter

>> No.79265210

> Suck my clit

>> No.79265212

that's for dadas eyes only.

>> No.79265282

she was fine to me, maybe a bit more bratty but that's just because she was eepy.

>> No.79265284

The people that keep posting strawpoll links are up to something. Nobody uses that shit unless you want ips or something.

>> No.79265355

they can have my ip I already doxxed myself before twice

>> No.79265388

i tried to ai clone icey's voice but the software can't get icey's accent right

>> No.79265419

I personally don't see a single good reason why anyone would answer those polls. At worst they are trying to dox you, at best they are trying to stir shit.

>> No.79265429

She's been trying to get her footing and struggled a bit with comparing herself to the others but she mentioned during the mario rpg stream that she's going to focus on being the best version of herself and not worry about living up to any expectations that the other girls have set.
I think she's really good at getting mileage out of her model and has a good sense of comedic timing that she can intertwine with it.

>> No.79265439

she said so herself

>> No.79265440

Yeah her voices are really funny too. I like that shibi does something like that to make the stream a bit silly

>> No.79265447

Watch her, she's a cute dork.

>> No.79265452


>> No.79265486

I've never clicked on any of them. I don't get it either

>> No.79265567

Not a leaf, but there are different kinds of maple syrup.
Lighter syrup is generally lighter in flavor.
Darker will be more robust.

>> No.79265614

ive already been doxxed too so it almost doesnt matter at this point unless you want to send someone to my house to kill me or something. pls dont do that.

>> No.79265641

Yeah, it literally says
>dark robust taste
on the bottle

>> No.79265699

how's your mental health today, /vag/ ?

>> No.79265700

So where do you live?

>> No.79265718

I'm going to send someone to your house to rape you, Immy.
That someone will be me

>> No.79265732
File: 28 KB, 128x128, 1708312673591156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all for Mercy just being herself. But I hope she also does more asmr streams, while being her best self with better mic settings.

>> No.79265757

three times now I guess

>> No.79265788

If they send someone to kill me can they make it a man I can't fight a woman to the death it's bad optics

>> No.79265797

I will kill you
luv u anon

>> No.79265915

Option number 2, we make a reply chain with reaction pics of our girls and see who gets to the higher number

>> No.79265947

Mine is probably the best it's been all week, icey's stream lowered my health slightly but it's so good right now that doesn't matter. Also fuck you for taking an interest and caring.

>> No.79265984
File: 99 KB, 684x849, 1693680739534020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in your closet with a bomb strapped to my chest.

>> No.79266033
File: 189 KB, 349x407, 2092856732658976432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mercyposters would win by default because they have and use the most reaction pics

>> No.79266060

Questionable. antidepressants finally started working so my emotions are all over the place, but depression is still kicking my ass so I have been ripping my hair our about how I'm literally useless and I don't deserve to be loved by my oshi

>> No.79266102

eleven labs is pretty good

>> No.79266122

I bought IEMs just so I can lie on my side while listening to ASMR.

>> No.79266197

We do this constantly. We did it yesterday.
Depending on the time zone. Icey, limmy and stronny normally tie or if stronny is streaming then she wins
Next is mercy
Then shibi
No bleeting hearts come here.
But who the fuck cares.

>> No.79266198
File: 2 KB, 32x32, 1719423077288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second that. Senpai know how to screencap her expressions really well

>> No.79266289

Anon what is that image for ants you've posted. Why is icey so small

>> No.79266300

Mercyposters are also winning in the dox department so...

>> No.79266330
File: 267 KB, 439x439, 1719426960495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79266347

i will awaken stronny to her motherly duties and give her at least 40 sons

>> No.79266383

>No bleeting hearts come here.
Is there any specific reason for this that I missed? It's kinda sad to have an entire fanbase basically absent...

>> No.79266434
File: 101 KB, 237x213, 1701244652672755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79266433

she's a cub

>> No.79266482
File: 2.47 MB, 1024x538, The End of /vag/[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Foha1fu.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's mercy modiste

>> No.79266494

I guess ojii-sans really like them on the small side...

>> No.79266533

Finally, Small Picture Humiliation

>> No.79266575
File: 15 KB, 85x87, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me btw

>> No.79266591

Thank you for thinking about my limited bandwidth when posting this image, ojisan, very thoughtful of you.

>> No.79266618

hell yeah I do

>> No.79266696

I think Azura doesn't have many dedicated fans here but fans of other talents will watch her streams if she's doing something. No one seems to hate her she's just not as popular as the others

>> No.79266834

Thanks for coming through anon
Holy fucking shit that was hot....

>> No.79266835
File: 42 KB, 192x172, bleatingheart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here but I mostly lurk. Not really interested in the twitter stuff posted here and I dont have too much to say about what Azura posts so I juts pop in to livepost a bit then leave till the next stream day. Same with Stronny

>> No.79266895

I suppose she doesn't attract people that come to this place? She doesn't demand exclusivity so that removes unicorns and dedicated people like mercy posters. Stronny doesn't either but she's got the biggest prior fanbases that was already here. I don't know really.
I wanna make mixed race babies with her but I pretty much never watch her because timezones.

>> No.79266907

Im literally right here >>79266575

>> No.79267000

Say the line

>> No.79267030

so how's the book pinpals

>> No.79267102

Might be the fact I haven't jacked off in a while, but pretty hot

>> No.79267104

I find her a bit hard to watch. Her biggest plus should be her voice but she's either giggling, singing or silent. I'd probably watch her more if she was more of a yapper.

>> No.79267171

Go on then. What's happening in the book now?

>> No.79267236
File: 199 KB, 1501x1170, no kouhai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no kouhai for 8 hours...

>> No.79267267

No problem, bro

>> No.79267358

as we all know, icey has certain favorites that she always likes and replies to.
does stronny have anyone like that? i dont want to invest mental energy into her if she already has guys that she flirts with behind the scenes

>> No.79267362

nta but the princess is taking some air outside of the carriage

>> No.79267410
File: 18 KB, 96x96, 1715588745618547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad her fans are just saner than the rest of us and haven't been driven away from here

>> No.79267432

feeling low, need immy

>> No.79267439

Yep I'm her favorite so you might as well just leave now, sorry bye

>> No.79267460

Not a pinpal but I'll give it a listen at work tomorrow. I like getting insight on what women find hot.

>> No.79267525
File: 57 KB, 515x557, 1719090781251947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already swept the cage floor twice and it's still not time yet...

>> No.79267564
File: 18 KB, 700x89, 1719427947415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that she mentions pooping her pants did Stronny get her constipation sorted out?

>> No.79267745

God that's so hot.

>> No.79267757

yeah didn't want this known yet but she's actually my fiancé and we are getting married in July.

>> No.79267766

She did. The 5 day old bread was evacuated after the Among Us collab

>> No.79267897

Anon did you read the whole thing?

>> No.79267899

not enough rape scenes to hold my interest

>> No.79267900

Yeah honestly it's probably better for her in the long run not having a huge portion of her fans being /here/.

>> No.79268089

It was kinda nice seeing Immy in iceys chat even if they did perhaps set that up. She was funny and just like any other chatter. Mimosa needs to rope though.

>> No.79268098

Immy my chest hurts when I'm wuthout you

>> No.79268107

Icey wheres the porn
Wheres the dick sucking asmr
>oh but youtube, oh fansly in july

>> No.79268163
File: 35 KB, 1280x1870, mercylingerie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my innocent and shy yandere wife, Mercy Modiste.

>> No.79268172

Fuck off. Mimosa makes Icey laugh and that's all that should matter. Don't get penis envy from a female anon.

>> No.79268239

You should rope, we love Mimosa in these parts

>> No.79268362
File: 81 KB, 1256x707, 27683425634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the smell.

>> No.79268391

>not threadshitting the entire day like a pinpal

>> No.79268523

Mimosa love
Yume+ love

>> No.79268529

Randomly hit with the realisation that this isn't going to last forever and now I'm sad as fuck.
All happy as fuck and then this

>> No.79268553

could be better. overanalyzing everything and feeling like I'm not good enough for her

>> No.79268581

We're here for a good time, not a long time.

>> No.79268591

Mimosa will out-hornypost you, but you can at least try to compete

>> No.79268639
File: 126 KB, 350x350, mercyFacepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah we're all gonna die anon, we are but a blip in an uncaring universe
stop moping about it dumbdumb

>> No.79268688

did you post your hand?

>> No.79268706

I don't know how many more times I can say goodbye.

>> No.79268786

Stronny's planned obsolescence mindset sucks

>> No.79269140

honestly I'll be shocked if we can even make it to 6 months without a nuclear yab

>> No.79269202

don't worry everything will be okay

>> No.79269353

who do anons think will yab first

>> No.79269387


>> No.79269405

Thanks anon.

>> No.79269546

How are the other pinpals reading that book? I don't really read, so I don't have the resources to aquire it nor something like kindle unlimited to read it.

>> No.79269577
File: 7 KB, 371x68, 1693480751294390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this

>> No.79269598

it's because she has throat problems and still has to record shit for patreon and has other streams this week too.
that's why her throat is fucked up.

>> No.79269669


>> No.79269693

he means that the average chat of a vtuber and this one in particular is crazy

>> No.79269970

I woke up late and missed almost 90 minutes of mummeh

>> No.79270024

sorry anon I told her to end if her throat began to hurt before the stream started and she said she would.

>> No.79270142

Isn't that basically a warm up for you people

>> No.79270163

I woke up 30 minutes late, and haven't chatted yet due to shame.
or have I?

>> No.79270242

Ok but has Stronny ever explicitly confirmed that she is going to leave us? Everything I have heard has implied that she just intends to change the style of content that she is doing.

>> No.79270354

well the person inside is never going to leave, she might move on to a new project though. but she hasnt confirmed or denied anything

>> No.79270430

I wasn't thinking about her when I said it so idk

>> No.79270536
File: 110 KB, 907x926, 1713197966518205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

icey are you watching the czechia game or waht

>> No.79270577

I think she's looking at it more from a business point of view. Most vtuber channels start to flag after 2-3 years, and if that happens she'll probably look to reinventing herself and moving on to something else.

So, it's up to us to make sure that doesn't happen.

>> No.79270732

She has been going with the "good time not a long time" for like 3 different personas. I choose to believe the sudden heart attack prophecy

>> No.79270746

what are you, her shareholder? lmao if vallure drops off i'll happily support her new endeavors

>> No.79270780
File: 169 KB, 1600x1200, 134564634522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even so, it's 2-3 years before we even need to concern ourselves with that
it hasnt even been one single month yet

>> No.79270802

yeah she said she's retiring in about 2 weeks

>> No.79270809

With how much she loves her reeflings I'm expecting her to make a Stronny AI so that everyone can have a personalized Stronny 24/7.

>> No.79270914

Her current view is 3 gens which will take 3 years and then no more gens.
We asked her and it was her plan to just leave after 3 years and her 3 year thing she's already admitted has been incorrect since you know. She's still doing great. But she might change things up maybe or stay.
She said at one point that if we wanted her to stay with us she'd stay streaming with us until she's an old grandma. But also things like she wanted to open a real ASMR shop one day in the distant future.
She was very clear that once gen3 is out she is DONE with chuuba gens.

I don't want her to go ever, I can't imagine a life without her. One year was bad enough, I couldn't handle complete separation for good.

>> No.79270951

It's like a fire, you can't burn forever. But you can certainly kindle it with everything you can find.

>> No.79271083
File: 3 KB, 305x94, jaja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love when randoms get dropped into crazy streams and they have no idea what is going on


>> No.79271085

Light up the night, brother

>> No.79271089
File: 257 KB, 1400x880, 1690728102382498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look bros, I didn't expect my wife to create an entire vtuber agency but here we are honestly I didn't even think she would stream ever again after how defeated she sounded. No need to worry about what the future will hold. Enjoy it right now and cross those bridges when you get there.

>> No.79271179

This is what I'm afraid about. Stronny is the light of my life and my heart would be broken if she left.

>> No.79271181

good post mr gosling

>> No.79271205

I'll drink to that

>> No.79271212

>once gen3 is out she is DONE with chuuba gens
she should hand over the reins to someone motivated and wise enough to be her successor in that case

>> No.79271275

Mimosa LOVE.
Rope yourself, 2 week vacationcuck.

>> No.79271334

the fuck is an ASMR shop

>> No.79271458

I would guess they do the ASMR to your actual ears

>> No.79271474

She talked about how it goes against her morals and doesn't want to pump out gen after gen.
That one year apart already broke my heart but she treats the pieces very gently.
Don't know, maybe they sell the shit required to do ASMR like mics and tingle sound maker tools or like a massage parlor but with ASMR for rest and relaxation.
Or both?

>> No.79271484

Need VAllure to last until we can have the Ojisan Train

>> No.79271530

>For every girl who can love a villain, so long as he’s handsome, hung, and good at groveling
Literally the first line of the book
It was never even a competition, the groomers have already won before this even started...
Thanks for the link, anon

>> No.79271535

Exactly, nothin' lasts forever. Good or bad.

>> No.79271539 [SPOILER] 
File: 873 KB, 1008x903, you gotta do your vag reps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And we all know who that is.

>> No.79271617
File: 108 KB, 350x350, mercyComfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a little roadside store in the countryside opposite a bed-and-breakfast run by a chipper middle-aged couple. they have a table set up like a massage parlor, and stronny whispers directly into your ears for 3 hours about her plans to break up the middle-aged couple's marriage

>> No.79271684

if i go to an asmr shop can i pick the ethnicity of the woman doing the asmr, and the language she will use to talk to me? i want a korean woman doing soft spoken korean asmr (i dont understand korean)

>> No.79271710

>Reeflings have now joined Snowbearies and Pinpals in the perpetually worried schizo club.

Grooming tactics workig fine I see.

>> No.79271774

>She talked about how it goes against her morals and doesn't want to pump out gen after gen.
That is patently stupid though. At least she has another three years to realize this.

>> No.79271794

>Worried schizo club
>Reeflings have Joined
Does he know? I don't think he knows.

>> No.79271804
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>break up the middle-aged couples marriage

>> No.79271831

tell me you're a tourist without saying you're a tourist

>> No.79271866
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>> No.79271888
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>> No.79271899
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I wanna mate with Icey

>> No.79271913

>He lacks critical information

>> No.79271941
File: 2.09 MB, 1523x1303, me after thay silly little 1 year incident.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have now

>> No.79271971

...Stronny our daughter dont need to be dressin' like that. Especially around us like this...

>> No.79271983
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how's it going gang

>> No.79272006
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Anon they founded this club, we merely moved into it

>> No.79272143
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>> No.79272228
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>> No.79272243

Patiently waiting for Mercy's parents to leave for enough time that let's her schlick to her heart's content

>> No.79272284

I'm Immy's big brother and her boyfriend.

>> No.79272350

>I'm Immy's big brother
you are dead

>> No.79272405

Bait used to be believable senpai

>> No.79272481

So why did you bite

>> No.79272537
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wtf me too!

>> No.79272539

nta, kinda glad I didn't cuz I have small hands...

>> No.79272588
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i am manifesting her ruining her pussy before death mark stream but then being too nervous to upload the audio

>> No.79272595

gets them every time

>> No.79272639

Do any of your whores have antis yet?

>> No.79272707

why must they hurt me like this

>> No.79272713

have you heard about iceys inner circle

>> No.79272715

Yes, Icey does

>> No.79272759

yeah i anti all of them

>> No.79272765

Are the Fansly streams confirmed for July or theyre just Adult V-Tweeters?

>> No.79272820

tbf they never describe the man's penis length in the text itself so "hung" can mean whatever you want
you're hung anon!

>> No.79272829

And we spend the whole stream trying to convince her until she puts it up during the ending screen and screams before cutting off the stream

>> No.79272877

hello, I'm mercys kouhai
I'm in the cage, please help
there are too many scissors

>> No.79272912
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>> No.79272920

tell me more about this inner circle and how do I get my dick into it?

>> No.79272992

I'm a huge Icey anti. I spend most of my day pretending to be an ojisan

>> No.79273016
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Yeah, me

>> No.79273064
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>mercys kouhai

>> No.79273084

thanks bro...

>> No.79273145

Its a joke about false flag

>> No.79273196

she's cheating on her senpais?

>> No.79273304

She rode oniichan for 40 minutes straight... I'm sorry, anon

>> No.79273339

Sorry for the blogpost after talking to my therapist about semi-related topics im taking a step back from /here/ and Immy. Its just not good for my mental and physical health. I enjoyed a lot of my time with you guys and Immy but i now understand just how much i need to take care of myself first. I hope y'all can avoid becoming like me and find happiness in your lives. Also, do you think i should tell Immy about this?

>> No.79273390

This shibi stream is already looking great

>> No.79273418

This post reeks of old EIEN faggotry

>> No.79273450

Immy don't hover over the spoiler

>> No.79273545

Stronny mentioned roughly what she's thinking of on one of her 12 hour streams. I'll paraphrase what I remember. Basically it's kind of like a mix between an arcade, salon, theater, concert and massage parlor. Basically everyone is given really expensive headsets and comfy chairs while a rotating cast of ASMR "dj's" do their jam, as massage experts also do their thing collaboratively. The way she would monetize is that you could upgrade to "private" booths for extra "attention" or simply additional time in 30 minute intervals. Honestly it's a fucking goldmine if you ask me.

>> No.79273612

If by that you mean constantly thinking about your oshi and losing sleep over missing out on interactions with her then yeah

>> No.79273628

therapy is kinda gay

>> No.79273682

>Honestly it's a fucking goldmine if you ask me.
depends. at the moment asmr is still somewhat niche, so this would work in big cities, but i definitely could not see this working in more rural areas.
city slicker chads win again while rural cucks like me lose out.

>> No.79273719
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>> No.79273763
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Take care and good luck with your endeavors!

>> No.79273876

You too! I'll never not enjoy seeing Mercyposts

>> No.79273900


>> No.79273993

you should ignore your therapist they don't understand parasocialism, just take your meds

>> No.79274174
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just let me cope in peace

>> No.79274274

there's a lot of air quotes there, what does that entail?

>> No.79274299

what is even the point when stronny's too tight to take my cock..

>> No.79274316

>do you think i should tell Immy about this?

>> No.79274330

Let my sister answer maros, I want to anonymously beg her to soothe my brainworms

>> No.79274343

Almost a whole hour of my little sister riding my dick. I swear she’s gonna be the death me

>> No.79274381
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>> No.79274419

honestly just open a brothel, you'd get the same clientele and make more money

>> No.79274464

Ive never mentioned 4chan or vtubers to him. We talked about what my parents failed to give me and ways for me to give those things to myself Attention, Comfort, and Respect and i just realized how much i had been ignoring my needs

>> No.79274563
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for the fellow Shibony Darkness Dementiabum Raven Way enjoyers

>> No.79274568

I didn't think so either just wanted to know what others thought

>> No.79274598

It's not about the money, its about sending a message

>> No.79274660

I am the most mentally stable pinpal, and yet it only makes Immy love me less...pain...

>> No.79274687

>his farmtown doesn't have a local ASMR massage parlor dj

>> No.79274688

but i want to put it in her PUSSY

>> No.79274703
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>do you think i should tell Immy about this?
i don't we should burden chubas with our own problems but thats just me
good luck bro godspeed

>> No.79274706

She's so cute and creative

>> No.79274736

>sending a massage

>> No.79274760
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You could always pretend to be mentally unstable.

>> No.79274781

Shibi you gotta stop being so sex

>> No.79274857

I don't think that's possible for her

>> No.79274881

[Shibi news]

>> No.79274899

How is this sex? I feel like I'm reading cringe stories and laughing my ass of with my bro

>> No.79274926

I was thinking similar to this. be careful and take care of yourself okay?
thats kinda why i didnt want to thanks you too

>> No.79274956

why is stronny racist against green people?

>> No.79275102

I thought the whole point of therapists was to lay everything out on the table so they can get a bigger picture on your problems and help you.
Either way hope it goes well

>> No.79275261

I'm taking about the costume moreso than what she's doing

>> No.79275332

She'd see right through me, like Colin Farrell's psycho gf in The Lobster. I'll just watch and love her from afar...

>> No.79275425

icey fake laughs a lot more than stronny. in fact stronny really doesnt laugh all that much

>> No.79275439

the blind one?

>> No.79275486

No, the first one that kills his brother/dog.

>> No.79275515

thanks pinpal please kill yourself

>> No.79275590
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been a long time since i've seen the lobster

>> No.79275606

once you pay attention to it, it becomes really noticable that stronny's laughs are rarer but also more genuine

>> No.79275613

I thought about telling him but, me being way to /here/ and schizo about Immy is a recent development barely 1 whole week so i didnt think i should mention it but if i don't get better i will. And thanks man.

>> No.79275744

>fake laugh

>> No.79275800
File: 94 KB, 272x417, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I bought this for Azu, do you think she'd give us another pic of her legs?

>> No.79275945

Anon that's clearly one of the lowest effort attempts to shit things up, it doesn't even deserve an indirect.

>> No.79275957

Is Shibi reading viewer submitted fanfics? This seems too retarded to be written unironically...

>> No.79275991

Does /vag/ have an ethnic voice?

>> No.79276109

I hope so. That's pure sex, just imagining it on her is exciting me.

>> No.79276178

My Immortal is well known for being one of the worst fanfics ever written. It's pre 2010 if I remember correctly

>> No.79276181


>> No.79276195

No the only generation with accents is holoJustice.

>> No.79276233

Definitely, she already took pictures of herself with the other two apparels bought on her throne

>> No.79276336

what was the rule about males in erotic art again?
are faceless men allowed?

>> No.79276367

it's obviously ironic

>> No.79276396

yea no OC's just mannequins

>> No.79276459

do faceless men or generic animu protagonists or mascot men, OC shit will get ignored

>> No.79276484
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Fingers crossed lads
Anything to see those chocolate thighs again...

>> No.79276521


>> No.79276544

don't let your goth dreams be memes

>> No.79276580

inb4 she never re-opens them and I have to share my 21 day tribute collage publicly. Granted my corruption trending to the point where I’d genuinely consider that. My body and soul aches for mummeh

>> No.79276611

detective conan criminals only

>> No.79276626

for me, it's muscular men/fat ugly bastards wearing fanbase masks

>> No.79276703

If he has the hentai protagonist hair it should be fine

>> No.79276718

good luck anon

>> No.79276774

cool but try not to be upset if she doesn't

>> No.79276798

A humanized version of their mascot would work.

>> No.79276897

I'm not sure I'll ever be ready to share my femboy voice tribute in a miniskirt I made for my sister...

>> No.79276932

>Shibi is into Geralt (both versions)
Non-femboys we're still in

>> No.79276934

I'll be upset, but not at her. More just sad, but I'm prepared for that outcome

>> No.79277039

Please use reeflings for Stronny, easier to self insert. Same for other girls and their fans

>> No.79277125

Graynames btfo

>> No.79277176

gray names stay losing

>> No.79277250

I love how we hear her "PLEASE LET ME PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE" voice when Stronny is stressed out
dunno why i like it since i should be the one begging her

>> No.79277307

I love mommeh

>> No.79277379

You should have

>> No.79277407


>> No.79277501


>> No.79277517

Do you reply to every tweet?

>> No.79277520

I can't tell if this means she wants to be the big hand or the small one

>> No.79277590
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>> No.79277596

No, I only reply when I'm there in the first few minutes and I can think of something clever to say. Or when I want my little sister to feel better

>> No.79277720

>Hasshaku-sama Azura
>my tiny shota hands
I've missed out...I won't make that same mistake twice next time

>> No.79277734

the only tweet I've replied to was a request for a reply. I don't want to be one of those people that have to respond to every tweet because it feels obnoxious to me.

>> No.79277796

yes I do

>> No.79277858

Only if I have something I think is worth saying or she'll want to hear. 60-70% of the time.

>> No.79277916

im beating my meat to mechassault roleplay

>> No.79277950

would she even be able to tell if there was nothing in the picture for scale?

>> No.79277980


>> No.79277998

use your tiny penis for scale

>> No.79278121

no but I reply to every post /here/

>> No.79278128

I want to but it's already difficult enough for me to type in chat.

>> No.79278130

I started drinking and the bad thoughts went away.
But am I retarded and naive for thinking icey is a really sweet girl that deserves happiness? I think the same about Immy but obviously I don't really watch her at all she just seems kind.

>> No.79278141
File: 2.08 MB, 2560x1440, 1719269848528893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think Shibi would find it hot if I started wearing panties?

>> No.79278185

Put one of your cigarettes between your index and middle for scale

>> No.79278248
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>> No.79278262

you're not retarded at all, icey is a very kind and sweet girl who really does deserve happiness, and I've not watched the rest much at all but they all deserve a good life.

>> No.79278283

I don't, physically can't really. Just reply to the ones that I have a good response for or really want to reply to.

>> No.79278287

There's no need to degrade yourself brother

>> No.79278291

i mean yeah everyone deserves happiness, but it shouldnt come at the expense of others. icey is a manipulator and i think she should find a different source of happiness

>> No.79278311

She'd probably say it was. Idk if she'd actually think so. Whatever makes you happy though anon

>> No.79278316

Yeah seems like she has a thing for the harem being in women's clothes

>> No.79278427

Yeah, she's good at manipulating my penis. I swear to god she just has to breathe and my shit just starts twitching like crazy. I don't know what eastern witchery is being cast on me, but it can't be good for mental health.

>> No.79278434

yeah she manipulates her cunny on my cock

>> No.79278494

Everyone deserves happiness. And the pursuit of that only becomes a problem when it starts effecting others

>> No.79278539

>We Gray-Manes got just as much to be proud of as them Battle-Borns, but you won't see us with our noses in the air

>> No.79278582

Yes but you'll need to start waxing as well.

>> No.79278651


>> No.79278666

what happened?

>> No.79278739

Being kind is easy. It doesn't count for much.
Never mind that there's still selfish kindness and selfless kindness. No one on the internet is capable of delivering selfness kindness the way someone IRL can

>> No.79278834

Someone in chat said "i love you shibi" to what she responded "if you say that why is your name gray"

>> No.79278840

idk she is pretty selfless when she's sucking daddy's cock for hours on end every night.

>> No.79278841

It's pretty clear Madam likes emasculating men. The ideal harelot body is sculpted like a statue while also having a well trained asshole ready for the strap.

>> No.79278938

based based based holy shit based, I wish icey would do that to these random grays who type "dada wants to cum in you right now" in the middle of a fucking lara croft stream.

>> No.79278954


>> No.79278994

Sometimes I am glad that findom is legal.

>> No.79279001

That's good then. I just think she tries really hard to have a fun time and she clearly wants someone to share that with like her parents have done over the years. Ive said I loved chubas before in a kinda "oh sure I love you because that's you're thing, I'm meant to love you" but I think this is different, I think I really love this girl and want her to make it. Seeing her little childhood pictures and listening to her memories really tugged at my heart.
I hope she manifests a future where she grows old on a rural countryside farm house with someone she loves(preferably me)

>> No.79279138

that's sweet anon and I agree with you completely except she will marry me.

>> No.79279140

shes not going to fuck you even if you pay the 6 dollars for her membership.

>> No.79279202

$6 is table stakes, bud.

>> No.79279238

this is cringe and you should feel bad.

>> No.79279256

i liked the part in icey's dj stream when she said (paraphrasing) "if you can't keep up with me i'll find an ojisan who can"

>> No.79279333

yeah that ojisan, me

>> No.79279343

I liked the part where she said she was going to cum

>> No.79279433

Kinda hard to tell the difference with S dropping 300 gifted subs. Ruined the green name economy. We'll see next month though.

>> No.79279522

did you see today he sent her 800 dollars through streamelements. the guy is definitely loaded and icey is milking him for all he's got

>> No.79279546

God speaking of faggots who should kill themselves

>> No.79279640

But she never said that..

>> No.79279648

it's all stolen credit cards and shit, there's no way that dude has any money he's a muddweller

>> No.79279663

bread is in the oven

>> No.79279739

thanks mercy poster

>> No.79279768

You'd like to believe that, wouldn't you?

>> No.79279822

she never said what?

>> No.79279833

stop being dumb it's obvious

>> No.79279843

Nta but he did say hes taking out multiple loans

>> No.79279863

i like how bottom bitch this is written like

>> No.79279924

hmmm well we won't know that until Immy milks him out of house and home.

>> No.79279952

the youtube superchats and membership bombs are pretty secure because theyre going through youtube.
but streamelements is more insecure, streamers often stuggle with chargebacks

>> No.79279953

I didn't read past the 2nd line but you're right

>> No.79280000
File: 3.09 MB, 2560x1440, Sir Lady Knight Tobs, Baker of Bread, Displaying Freshly Baked Bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

freshly baked

>> No.79280003
File: 164 KB, 1178x1222, GOeVoX8W4AEt3Zc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's the high pitch she uses to make fun of harelots
the day she does it to one of my messages I will fap my nuts dry

>> No.79280039

Christ I hope she does that.

>> No.79280117

Thanks tobs baker!

>> No.79280162

thx tobs

>> No.79280192

wait it was tobs? thanks tobs baker

>> No.79280278

God icey and immy tag teaming him to drive him so far into debt thar he kills himself would be so fuckinh hot

>> No.79280359

Glad it's not just me thinking that.
If it's two of us then we're normal

>> No.79280409


>> No.79280412
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>> No.79281061

>harem started to drop names and donoenvy each other
Mercyposters... please... run while you can...
