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79267740 No.79267740 [Reply] [Original]

Dokibird is my favorite corporate Vtuber

>> No.79267874

>04/20/2023 incorporation
while she was still active as selen?????

>> No.79268016

lmao this bitch is so pathetic it's unreal

>> No.79268042

Is it surprising that she's been planning on leaving for a while? It's been clear for a long while she wasn't exactly happy there.

Preparing to hit the ground running transferring to an indie is smart.

>> No.79268161
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>> No.79268220

That's when she was incorporated right?
Means she applied a few months before that.
Don't know how fast Canada moves.

>> No.79268366

From what I've been told 2023 was just registration for a business permit.

Full incorporation was in 2024

>> No.79268646


>> No.79268746

After all of that bullying, who does not want to leave? Unless you want to end up like a frog in a pot of boiling water.

>> No.79268766

yes, and it coincides at the first cancelled AR live, and for that, a lot of people applied for graduation

>> No.79268886

this gonna be sister's ammo for this week ig

>> No.79268963

oh this is confirm by vox too right? he said she want to graduate once before but chicken out last minute.

>> No.79268965

Zaion was terminated on March 10 of that year, so this happened just a month after that. And Pomu was supposed to have put in for graduation around this time too.

The increased abuse of Doki around this time makes a lot more sense now. My guess is things were really getting bad internally at the branch around the time Zaion was terminated, even if the termination wasn't a direct factor in them leaving. It's frankly unconsciable that Selen and Pomu were kept trapped in the company for almost ten months and while being shat on the entire time.

It seems like the view of Livers who leave the company as "traitors" deserving of harassment and blacklisting came straight from the top and filtered down to the Sisters.

>> No.79268999

Honestly? Let them.

Anyone trying to spin this as a negative very clearly doesn't understand what's been posted haha

>> No.79269135

Let's be real the infamous MV was basically a graduation message

>> No.79269269

Dokibird Production Inc is such a funny name, but I was hoping she'd go with ManCorp for her managers.

>> No.79269478

I don’t think she was in contact with mr man at the time of application

>> No.79269735
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Yeah, I know that, but it's still funny to think about. Also probably best to name your company in a way that'd be recognizable, and ManCorp with no context would absolutely not be

>> No.79269737

yeah, just remember all the the post they made for """covid""""
pomu and selen were basically kept hostage since they were too big to leave, unfortunately for selen got the worst treatment that led to the entire mess;
I think that there were TOO MANY graduation requests (DUE to the AR cancellation) from a fresh branch (keep in mind, not a merged branch like ID or KR) that somehow alarmed the jp higher ups and basically kept them on a tighter leash for all the rest of the year

>> No.79269790

>Zaion was terminated on March 10 of that year, so this happened just a month after that. And Pomu was supposed to have put in for graduation around this time too.
It's also around the time when Selen did that recording of Vox admitting to favoritism. Everyone backstabbing Zaion probably made her realize that she needed a backup plan, just in case.

>> No.79269961

Wait untill the sisters learn that you have to register as a business if you are at least a medium sized content creator to not get fucked in the ass by taxes

>> No.79269966

4D chess, you all lost

>> No.79270027

the only good corp mint should join. Fuck vshitshow i hope she dosnt end in that cesspool of a company.

>> No.79270055


it's that easy

>> No.79270111

420? based

>> No.79270122

but why?

>> No.79270162

Told you niggers and you called me a liar.

>> No.79270275

ummmm sweaty
she loves the cockroach

>> No.79270375

im not sure if thats the gotcha they think it is. for me it only further proves anycolors incompetence and selens foresight for her future despite getting fucked over at every step by her employer.

>> No.79270395
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>still buying the bullying crap
Do you also believe she tried to kill herself twice? She won't show her receipts because it would make her look ridiculous.

>> No.79270431

U duh she paid for the new rig. Once that loan is paid back she will join Doki or leave that shit company

>> No.79270496

wtf I'm pro Nijisanji again

>> No.79270676

Niji themselves admited to getting receipts on the black screen stream, it was there that was revealed that it happened twice, kinda retarded to start an argument that you don't know shit about, but I know that facts aren't shared in the discord you came from

>> No.79270689

they had to wait a huge fucking time between request and actual graduation

>> No.79270764

Then your misunderstanding what's been posted

All this proves is that Doki had the good sense to set herself up to hit the gas the moment she was able to once she left Niji.

>> No.79270812
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this shit is fucking stale at this point, dookiebird won. maybe 5 years from now it'll come to light that she was in fact in the wrong but niji will be long dead by then

>> No.79271077
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>Niji themselves admited to getting receipts on the black screen stream
No actually they said, that Selen's accusations are bullshit. I didn't say, that there are no receipts, I am just saying, they are bullshit. We all know, how bad Selen could handle banter.

>> No.79271138

I feel like people have been too much in the corpo mindset that you forget that there's a fair number of content creators that have this or an LLC, while I don't exactly know the reason other than to push projects such as her last debut or have said people in payroll, or probably something Canada related. It's not that odd for people that want to be secure about their money in productions to do this.

Kudos to Doki tho, it means she's well protected now

>> No.79271215

you are actually retarded

>> No.79271316

The nijisister's next defense is gonna be
"Why would Doki do the attempts if she had all this planned out already. CLEARLY she's a lying manipulating bitch"

>> No.79271341

More like she knew nijiEN would start shit and she planned for it.
4D chess and they did the scummy shit exactly as predicted

>> No.79271372

>using pomu to shit on selen after they collabed after graduation

>> No.79271380
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>> No.79271417

I would reply to you seriously but you already showed the level of retardation I'm dealing with

>> No.79271444

yeah, after all the shit we've seen it's actually pretty easy to imagine
"oh, she wants to leave, huh? fuck this bitch"
cue harassment

>> No.79271567

She had helped from Lelouch. It was planned all along.

>> No.79271690

Holy Nijiseethe...

>> No.79271727

>put in a graduation request in December of 2023
>tried to an hero December of 2023
>sisters think this is a smoking gun
Yes. She was planning to leave for a while.

The problem you dumbasses always fail to take into account is. Why did Nijisanji fuck up so badly after they terminated her? Nijisanji three the gasoline on a small fire and then tried to put it out by throwing even more gasoline on it.

>> No.79271731

I'm shocked that despite such a toxic workspace, Selen found the strength to keep going and get little projects like the Detective Pomu game off the ground to celebrate their themed outfits.
Then again, with how much of a workhorse she has proven herself to be with her bounty hunter skin reveal, I guess that's just how deeply ingrained this mindset of "getting shit done" is with her.

>> No.79271828

Japanese honoru demanded it.

>> No.79271948

and getting shit done is just incompatible with how anycolor operates

>> No.79271997

Lube it up, sister. The ride is never gonna end. Keep swallowing and prepare for more anus widening in the future.

>> No.79272012

>you know remember the offcollab with nearly all the girls during that time period where selen was intensely uncomfortable and they kept poking and prodding her until she started crying and everyone laughed it off

>> No.79272251
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That's why she's been so busy. She's CEO now

>> No.79272466

So what really started the end of NijiEN was Millie's 4chan stream, since the AR Concert was cancelled in retaliation for it.

>> No.79272530

>Incorporation date 2023
Interesting. That flies in the face of all what I believed.

>> No.79272587

kek, it's all Millie's fault.

>> No.79272601


>> No.79272618

Yes. Most people suspected this was going to be her final project and a graduation farewell, and it now seems almost a certainty that management (whether it was Eliria or some faceless drone in Japan) torpedoed it out of spite, and then used the resulting meltdown as an excuse to punish and blacklist her for daring to graduate.

Honestly, whoever was running the branch seems to have been a psychotic manipulator, because the black screen stream (outrageous harassment and bullying in an attempt to cause a public meltdown) followed the exact same playbook as what happened with the MV.

Really, the whole branch can't be closed down soon enough. Everyone involved with this shit deserves to be eating out of trash cans for the rest of the their lives.

>> No.79272685

This level of attention whoring is pathetic.

>> No.79272909

This confirms what we already knew. There's a fucking graduation queue a mile long.

>> No.79272926

that she didn't want graduate.
honestly i don't understand what power someone can have over you if they can't even fire you. you were gonna leave anyway.

>> No.79272988

Or perhaps she just tried to get deals going herself because the company she was a part of was incapable of doing that.
Just goes along smoothly with every opportunity this company has either missed or wasted with its EN branch.

>> No.79273011

Go back

>> No.79273136

have you ever worked a job in your life

>> No.79273164


>> No.79273251
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>> No.79273359

Nijisanji's contract makes it extremely difficult to actually just walk away from the company if they don't feel like allowing you to leave. Breaking the contract subjects you to various BS termination fees and potentially lawsuits as well. Doki was doing well enough and had enough support to lawyer up and force Anycolor to back off, but most of the Livers likely do not.

On top of the formal penalties for attempting to leave, there are also the informal penalties too. Sisters viciously cyberstalk and harass anyone who leaves the company as a "traitor," especially the female Livers. Blacklisting is also a problem, though Nijisanji's reputation has been damaged so badly they probably can't do that like they used to.

There is a reason no one has left the company since Doki despite many clearly wanting out.

>> No.79273387

Holy ESL

>> No.79273414
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>> No.79273520

>She didn't show receipts
>Her receipts are bullshit anyways

>> No.79273533

Well, the currently held belief was that she didn't want to go and was planning stuff in niji but the mv thing pushed her to the edge. Then she tried to leave in neutral terms but niji terminated her followed by black stream.

This shows that she had checked out way back in 2023. So that's how.

>> No.79273593

People trying to spin this as a negative are hilarious when in reality all it confirms is two things.

1) Things were bad enough back in April 2023 that she was planning an exit strategy

2) She was smart enough to plan things in advance

>> No.79273703
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i feel like some of my fellow dragoons would love if the plushie was real ...

>> No.79273770

>Niji so shit that people are getting ready to get the fuck out a year in advance

>> No.79273782

It is the dude is selling them

>> No.79273845

anon, these idiots are saying that their live got cancelled because of security concerns. i dont know how to even call them at this point because delusional feels like its not strong enough word to describe it.

>> No.79273897

>ruins everything
It's pottery, it rhymes.

>> No.79273906

Considering she has managers and assistants and people she regularly pays for to do stuff that's already beyond the limits of some freelancer, thus starting a company makes sense. Not to mention registering as a company comes with a bunch of benefits and taxes deductions. I know people who only trade stocks and they trade enough per month they could register as a company with only 1 employee and be able to buy computers and stuff and have all deducted by the end.

>> No.79273939

That was already known, but the problem is that the suicide attempt was not planned.

>> No.79273949

>stealing Fillian meme

>> No.79274041

either this unironically, or a power trip from JP management (?)
covid excuse is 100% bullshit

>> No.79274055

Let them. They'll make a fool out of themselves as usual, and their screeching won't give them back viewers and subscribers.
Also lately everytime they try something Karma punishes them swiftly.

>> No.79274166

I am sure that the fact that Pomu was denied the collaboration with MG was what sealed her fate there

everything else was circumstantial

>> No.79274215

I would also register a company if I were medium sized Youtuber.
It's also fully possible she had ideas to quit but maybe not the way it happened.

>> No.79274230


>> No.79274270

Damn Zaion leaving was the last straw for everyone sensible
Pomu and Selen instantly filed for graduation as soon as Zaion got stabbed in the back

>> No.79274370

sisters have 39 IQ, logic is not their strong suit

>> No.79274404

And this is why you don't trust right wing grifters

>> No.79274439

>Have an exit plan for a ship that was sinking even back then
>This is somehow pathetic, rather than responsible planning
I swear to God, Nijisisters must genuinely enjoy seeing their organs suffer. That's the only explanation for why you guys seethe so much whenever ex-Nijis show any form of success outside of Nijisanji.

>> No.79274479

retard? how do you not know that it's the same plushie from the charity?
and you call yourself a dragoon?

>> No.79274481

Yet they treat her as shit.

>> No.79274575

Post her receipts. She didn't show them and everyone who saw them (black screen vid) said that she is in the wrong. Probably why she was so angry that Niji handed her precious letter she prepared with her lawyer to them.

>> No.79274673

Mint is literally the one that set up Sayu and Matara meeting up and sexing each other.

>> No.79274730


>> No.79274789

You nor I are entitled to the receipts. Only the lawyers, Doki and the company.

>> No.79274797
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It's this plushie if you wanna spend 275 borgurs

>> No.79274820

>force your employer to fire you by blatantly breaking rules
>fake a suicide attempt
>send them an inflammatory document and threaten to doxx your coworkers
>when they call you out use some fake girltears to manipulate vulnerable simps into thinking you're being unfairly slandered
>walk away with more subscribers than you had before, all facilitated by the assets you started working on a full year before you even took the first public step of your master plan
BPD is a superpower

>> No.79274877

Sisters are retarded. What do you expect?

>> No.79274882

this thread is somehow even dumber than usual, congratz.

>> No.79274890

>leftoid proyecting

>> No.79274953

You may find this unbelievable, but catering to dramafaggots on the Internet rarely provides constructive solutions.

>> No.79274999

sisters are left wing grifters, literally no difference.

>> No.79275023

you can't kill yourself with Advil and Panadol bro. It'll give you a stomachache but that's it.

>> No.79275073

Timelooping won't bring back the concert sister.

>> No.79275086

I love my entrepreneur bird wife and am so proud of what she has accomplished

>> No.79275088

It was a grift all along.

>> No.79275120

Registering as a "corporation", even if you're the only employee, is for tax purposes.

>> No.79275155

This is pretty normal for someone to form an LLC for their personal business. Idk canadian rules, but i'm not surprised more vtubers aren't self-incorporated.

>> No.79275339

I assume all vtubers in nijisanji would have a registered company if they are smart as they are all freelancers so I don't see what the problem is here?

>> No.79275375

Do you want to actually know what happened? Blame Mata and vshojo for not being an organisation that sucks the life out of people and that vtubers talk too each other. Also NijiEN fucked up promoting the clique once again at that time for no reason at all.

>> No.79275416
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>> No.79275462

>Not to mention registering as a company comes with a bunch of benefits and taxes deductions.
so she did that because she had to pay out of her own pocket for stuff anyway?

>> No.79275464

>everyone that quit says its toxic workplace
>most of the livers who are still active on pl complain about how toxic it is and how tired they are of it
>niji pr team says its not toxic
yeah i think its obviously not toxic since niji said so be reasonable guys and dont assume based on no evidence at all :D

>> No.79275506

Sisters think that shitposting about Doki can bring their dead branch back to life.

>> No.79275679 [SPOILER] 

I've hated sisters more this year than any other year and that's because they have no self control. They surpassed Phase BVTM as well with their constant doxx sister raids. Shitposting on Kronii was the worst one and we are only half way.

>> No.79275678

So I guess Mint will join her corp? Who else.

>> No.79275712

Taking it in ur ass seems to be ur superpower too

>> No.79275722


>> No.79275794 [DELETED] 
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It's pottery is a star wars meme.

>> No.79275830


>> No.79275899

>Sisters and /pol/tards are the same group
Not shocking at all.

>> No.79276182

The real question this thing raises is: how many talents have a LLC incorporated for tax purposes, and do they all have silly names?

>> No.79276222
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i didn't watch the full charity stream i was busy with work i just donated and went back to work :P

>> No.79276243

I'm sorry what.

>> No.79276324


>> No.79276326

Do you really believe all of what you wrote there?
I doubt it.

>> No.79276334

this. there are some scumbags in nijisanji, but they pale in comparison to sisters, the rabid nijifanbase is the biggest subhuman trash i have ever seen in my entire life and ive seen a lot of scum.

>> No.79276372

Not the one kneeling to fags and big nosed men, sorry

>> No.79276462

The question is how do I apply for a job at Doki corp?
I heard that it is a black company but it must be just rumors, right?

>> No.79276466

>Apologizing for being a useful idiot of the zionists.
Yup, it's /pol/.

>> No.79276564

This is it. The final Nijisister cope.

>> No.79276640

Virtually everyone was speculating she was leaving for a long time. What kind of stupid argument is this?

>> No.79276694
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>> No.79276708

If you want to understand the working conditions at dokicorp watch her latest palworld stream from yesterday she goes fully in on the black company keyfabe.

>> No.79276734


>> No.79276746

I don't really like either group, but Phase fans are marginally better because they're actually trying to help their oshis, even if it's in a really shitty way. Sisters don't seem to really care and just want to burn the hobby down and hurt people for fun.

>> No.79276756

Doki was going to leave anyway, with or without the drama, just like Mint. She just didn't want to leave right then.

>> No.79276828

>not kneeling to zionist means I'm with them
Ok (((Goldstein)))

>> No.79276877

Receipts are for the lawyer cause you and I both know what would happen if she does post them.
Only ones interested in those are psycho dramawhores.

>> No.79276964


>> No.79276979

>/pol/tard even knows the name of his boss /here/

>> No.79277077

Hi, business anon here.
A vtuber creating a company under a personal name does not conflict with a corporate contract as long as it's used for Financial management, tax benefits, and project productions. It also helps personal assets. Nothing weird, you just don't hear about it because no one pays attention. As far as most anons here know, your vtuber might have their own company under a completely obscure name because it's not hard to submit for one. So yes, Doki is smart, it really does not have to do with terminations or graduations, it's just smart.

>> No.79277084

Follow the CEO's Twitter account, she often post job offerings there

>> No.79277231

The irony

>> No.79277258

well yeah, its pretty obvious when they shit on their own livers for eating cake at starbucks and stuff.

>> No.79277291


>> No.79277344

Can't you guys just flood this bait thread with pics and let hit the bump limit?

>> No.79277467

Watch this post getting ignored for the next hundreds of posts

>> No.79277481

You think reason and logic is going to stop tranny nijisisters from sperging out after fiding out that Doki is not dumb?

>> No.79277508


>> No.79277511

The thread isn’t bad.
The sisters don’t have a strong argument since vox himself confirmed that selen was planning to graduate since long ago.

>> No.79277526

We will probably never see the receipts unless Anycolor starts trying to smear her again, and after the black screen stream, they seem to have stopped.

It's possible that if the bully trio loses their jobs at Nijisanji, one or more may start trying to slime her in public again, which could potentially result in a document drop from her, but those would be the only circumstances I could see it happening.

>> No.79277617

desu its funnier to watch sisters write fanfics about how dragoons are some kind of navy seals planning sarin terrorist attacks on nijisanji concerts

>> No.79277802

I might have to repeat it a few times, or someone is free to (You) me if they want to roast a sister. I am just making sure to spread actual business knowledge here.

>> No.79277845
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I mean its the 7 stages of grief they just hard stuck on denial :D

>> No.79277863

Doing God's work, thank you anon.

>> No.79278042

Or...and I know you seafags don't have the brain capacity to think this but,
>Doki explained there were issues throughout all of 2023
So the only thing it says is, all she said was further confirmed by this.

>> No.79278054

>BPD is a superpower
Are you talking from experience? Because you are demonstrating it finely

>> No.79278295

Thank you, business anon.

>> No.79278589

A wasted effort to try and educate some idiotic anons here, but a commendable one, thank you business anon.

>> No.79280629

Starbucks is woke, can't support them

>> No.79281697

Knowing them, there's at least a dozen more that'll come
