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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79248852 No.79248852 [Reply] [Original]

vtubing made me realize women are just fucking crazy

>> No.79249218

also most viewers

>> No.79249312

no, they made me realize they are weird cute dorks

>> No.79249565

>hate women
>find hololive in 2019
>love women
>*time passes*
>*notices they're all liars at the end of the day*
>hate women even more

>> No.79249691

Fauna isn’t a liar

>> No.79250339


>> No.79250374

everyone is fucking crazy. except me.

>> No.79250402

Fauna is the only one in Hololive that doesn't lie. Maybe Cece too. Fuck the rest of the whores though. I've moved onto Kawaii and Reina.

>> No.79250491

you don't have a mother or a sister?

>> No.79250669

Yeah we are crazy. I blame the monthly hormone cycle.

>> No.79250768

Hololive women are the only ones you can fully trust.

>> No.79250776
File: 3.47 MB, 1920x1080, Meds[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5z6tny.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck the rest of the whores though
Are you one of these autistic faggots who incorrectly conflates someone "trying" or "wanting" to do something with a "promise" to do that something? Or do you just fixate on trivial "lies" out of unthinking dogma and so don't care if there was any actual deception or not?

>> No.79251040
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>> No.79251206

And don't forget stupid and low IQ as fuck. Always hated women but then I realized they were never the threat. The real threat to humanity are the Simps that enable all this awful shit.

>> No.79251219


>> No.79251257

>trivial "lies"
Lies are lies, simple as that. White lies are pure cope

>> No.79251279

Only the GFE friendly ones like Fauna and Cece. The rest can't be trusted.
What the fuck are you on about beggar

>> No.79251317

>1 away from exactly 1 finana
Thanks, I hate it

>> No.79251345

A lie is a lie. When it becomes constant than it becomes more malicious than it ever could. Just fucking stream and don't collab with males. It's that fucking easy. How come only 2 of Hololive does it?

>> No.79251384

I am crazy for Fauna, the only thing that makes me genuinely smile is hearing her dorky voice, and every time she ends I feel so fucking empty. I hate to feel like this.

>> No.79251411

hahahaha oh you

>> No.79251475

LMAO simps like you are the real problem with the world.

>> No.79251517

t. Nijinigger

>> No.79251544

yeah nijisisters are fucking insane

>> No.79251549

Nope. I used to oshi Gura but I dropped her 2 years ago. Fuck Nijisanji.

>> No.79251593

And Unitysimps aren't any worse?

>> No.79251681
File: 2.02 MB, 690x836, civ2Pathetic[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Femdp24.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's a "yes".
In the form of an actual lie, funnily enough. All lies are not, in fact, created equal. Denying the simple, objective reality of white lies and clinging to platitudes like "lies are lies" or any variant thereof is disingenuous, delusional cope from children who put feelings over facts.
What part of that post indicated to you that I am a beggar, beggar?

>> No.79251692

reading this maybe men deserve to get lied to

>> No.79251783
File: 26 KB, 119x151, 1705014146163329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post tits

>> No.79251816
File: 1.13 MB, 2480x3508, __natsuiro_matsuri_and_natsuiro_matsuri_hololive_drawn_by_starkamisan__fd63a0fddd9a886c4827f46a18d30baf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but some of them in a good way

>> No.79251820

Indeed. Some could argue we're living in a post tits society.

>> No.79251888

Post your hairy pussy

>> No.79251943

>lies aren't lies
Then why they're called lies?

>> No.79252032
File: 70 KB, 804x765, 1668708649309689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the finana is herself

>> No.79252357

this is unironically true. holo has never had to cancel a concert because of crazy fans. they're just far more professional than anyone else.

>> No.79252430

Especially women /here/ or "women"

>> No.79252469

Ironic that semantics-lawyering autists like yourself are who genuinely honest people rightly recognize as being among the most deceptive, dishonest and untrustworthy individuals of all

>> No.79252486

Then what are they retard? You're a beggar by proxy because you posted pic-related that collabed with homos years ago after denying she ever would.

>> No.79252488

But there are no women on the internet. I’m safe /here/ because of this.

>> No.79252557

I'm a man of my word, and I expect everyone in my life to be true to it too.
Sorry Hololive is nothing full of lies outside the true to GFE types. Find other VTubers but most of them are lying whores anyways.

>> No.79252578

Green women are the worst

>> No.79252583

It has more to do with the kinds of women that get into vTubing. A lot of them seem to have mental issues of varying kinds. Actually, come to think, this is an issue in the entertainment history in general.

It's also why the most successful vTuber agencies seem to have therapists or managers who double as therapists on staff.

>> No.79252637

Autism is a hell of a drug

>> No.79252674
File: 1.14 MB, 1198x842, 1719114361632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still seething at the colour of GFE, tranny?

>> No.79252719

*industry, not history, what the hell was I typing?

>> No.79252741

Then be a simp who loves being lied to. You will die alone because of your naivete.

>> No.79252752

good women do not become vtubers

>> No.79252845

Sure, sure, and then I’ll have some chips or something.

>> No.79252854
File: 267 KB, 489x554, 1717804074635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wife exists

>> No.79252879

It made me realize that everyone's willing to be weird when behind an anonymous avatar. In that way vtubers are more similar to me than people I meet IRL.

>> No.79253046

that's my daughter

>> No.79253347
File: 343 KB, 887x713, 1712197787104694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a "man of your word", and NOT a man of the truth. You're a peddler of technicalities, half-truths and misdirection, as was ironically proven in this very post you just made by your use of an expression that is typically understood to mean "someone who is honest", to mask the fact that you're really admitting to being someone who is not. Gleefully and sanctimoniously wearing the figurative liar's smile on your face through the whole confession, because you thought anons wouldn't be mentally adroit enough to see through you.
Just like a lawyer. A profession which, by your false, warped and self-deluded understanding of the concept, is the most honest and truthful of all. The light of truth is not present in the hearts of anyone who thinks this way, and I feel feel truly, deeply sorry for both you and any "loved" ones of yours who have to put up with your manipulation and hypocrisy on a daily basis.

>> No.79253591
File: 529 KB, 632x954, 1713397521194807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sincerely hope you discover what it means to actually love the truth once you've finally grown out of this phase, anon.

>> No.79253812


>> No.79253888

post hairy tits

>> No.79253979

Better than constantly lie to people, go ahead, you're correct by lying. People really like lies(it's sarcasm, I need to point it out because you're a retard)

>> No.79253996


>> No.79254339
File: 109 KB, 1405x533, TRUEandHONEST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doubles down on the technicality cope when called out
>In broken English
This you?

>> No.79254506

selection bias
the ones who choose to become 2d anime girls for men online (often not even because of the money) are fucking crazy

>> No.79254639
File: 420 KB, 800x1000, 46192A82-3631-4454-8769-5A812CC297AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so dumb?
Crazy women get jobs in vtubing, to entertain crazy men.

>> No.79254730

I never said that being 100% honest attracts women, in fact it makes them go away, but that's a good thing. If a woman fears the truth she is just a whore with secrets and don't deserve a man's attention

>> No.79255002

>poor grasp of what honesty is
As always manipulators try to change the meaning of things. Being honest is being honest, simple as that, anything else is mental gymnastics

>> No.79255320

Say one moment where it's good to lie. Lies only benefit the one lying

>> No.79255399

Except for the fact that one former holo was exchanging messages with her top superchatters and even meeting up with them. Right, trust every holo, sure…

>> No.79255552

>As always manipulators try to change the meaning of things. Being honest is being honest, simple as that, anything else is mental gymnastics
My point exactly. And clinging to technicalities and semantics - like you do - is dishonest, manipulative mental gymnastics. That's what lawyers get paid for.
The only one defending lies and lying here is you, you autismo lawyer-LARPing faggot.
But I'll humor you. Off the top of my head: telling a bride that she looks beautiful on her wedding day even if she doesn't?
Wow, that was easy

>> No.79255803

women are neurotic yes

>> No.79255865

Pre yab numbers?

>> No.79256196

You're saying this on a board where a substantial portion of the posters act like psychotically jealous boyfriends to girls they've never actually met.
Everyone is fucking crazy. Welcome to Earth.

>> No.79256517

Another simp that will die alone from naivete.
Don't use my oshi to shitpost, beggar

>> No.79256590

Just be fucking honest. Stream. Don't collab with males. IT'S THAT FUCKING SIMPLE BUT ONLY 2 OF HOLOLIVE OUT OF FUCKING 60 CAN DO THIS

>> No.79256673

All you have to do is just be honest, which few if any VTubers or women can do. Stop dancing around the problem here. All lies will send you to hell. End of discussion.

>> No.79257073
File: 3.70 MB, 800x800, tomatoMeds[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fblwycl.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

>> No.79257291

It made me notice even more that smart women don't exist. I really began to understand why stem and every other important technical job is filled with men.

>> No.79258270

Gura is literally a liar why do chumbuds just fail to understand this lol

>> No.79260695

I thought chinese women were hot until I saw how subhuman these nijiniggers have been acting and posting

>> No.79260817

So are men for throwing thousands at women they dont even know what they look like. Its fat girls catfishing with their voice all over again.

>> No.79260924

Fortunately men arent so date them instead

>> No.79261714

the internet always shows the truly unhinged side of people, specifically because you can enjoy the anonymity

>> No.79261849

My divorce made me realize that.
VTubers made me enjoy women again.

>> No.79262640

/vt/ made me realize men are even crazier

>> No.79262789

yeah, for me

>> No.79264252

Being territorial is part of human DNA, nothing wrong with that desu. If you don't feel possessive/territorial it's because testosterone is lacking in your blood

>> No.79264332

*human male

>> No.79265333

>I've moved onto Kawaii and Reina.
He doesn't know.

>> No.79268361

Then you would hate other fans too

>> No.79268548

crazy cute you mean?

>> No.79268572

No, that's just not true.
Men are retarded sure, not crazier than women.
Doxxing here is considered abhorrent, women doxxing in shit like BTS fandoms for saying one singer isn't the sexiest man alive, is considered the norm.

>> No.79270932

I was crazy once

>> No.79277930 [DELETED] 


>> No.79277967

it took vtubing for you to realize this????

>> No.79280772

everyone is crazy

>> No.79281050

It's not important that people lie, the important thing is the reason or motive behind the lie.

If vtubers want to lie to me to entertain me, great. If vtubers want to lie to scam me, not great.

>> No.79281060

>women are just fucking crazy
You mean greedy lying sacks of shit

>> No.79281139

Yep, and that's why I'm going to isolate myself until I die, so the only crazy I have to deal with is my own.

>> No.79282291

If you think kpop fandoms are bad now over doxxshit you weren’t there when they were sending 2nd gen groups schizo letters with their period blood or female idols getting stabbed 61 times for giving their fans vague responses, both genders are equally retarded when it comes to being lonely losers strung around by their feelings by corpos selling them fake love

>> No.79285391

nta but some of them are

>> No.79287099

>strung around by their feelings by corpos selling them fake love
If only there were a way to get them to pay for real scorn. I'd be the richest man on the planet.

>> No.79288504

I dunno vtubers made me stop hating women. Hell I even talk to them now, and they are okay I guess.

>> No.79289302

vtubing made me realize women are really, really stupid and will shoot themselves in the foot at every opportunity possible.

>> No.79291216

Vtubing makes me realize that women are dumb and/or crazy.
But now, I also love dumb women and crazy women

>> No.79291654

could there be some selection bias at play?

>> No.79293605

>Also my favorite movies are Jackass

>> No.79294599

don't you have some popular vtuber to be calling a pickme?
