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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.79193000
File: 440 KB, 1920x1080, 1687137708485633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife so much!!

>> No.79193007 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 259x242, 1635726346731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79193018

Sex with a fembud.

>> No.79193052
File: 892 KB, 2258x2693, FfedMMVX0AAyztV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura cute Gura cute!

>> No.79193054
File: 838 KB, 292x284, IMAGINEtheSMELL[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fvcf95r.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79193104
File: 247 KB, 2000x2000, 1660947621415631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79193188
File: 495 KB, 2000x2000, MEGADATU333_20240322-081626_1771088535417667917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goomba soonba

>> No.79193329
File: 96 KB, 1199x1076, 1679355524834744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wife soon!

>> No.79193671
File: 226 KB, 1080x1350, omen omen curse curse [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhsb38a.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79193778

My wife soon!

>> No.79193836
File: 3.70 MB, 234x343, Gurandma.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Gurandma soon!

>> No.79194443
File: 3.34 MB, 1898x3290, FcVifW-aAAA-gGk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute shark soon!

>> No.79194597
File: 811 KB, 648x921, Beat you{sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F0h7p1n.m4a}.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura's tummy says she's nervous about getting her butt kicked all stream.

>> No.79194639

but does she get nervous about her butt getting spanked and poked by me?

>> No.79194668
File: 443 KB, 854x480, so excited to get comfy [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5h47qv.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bye bye thread I want to pay full attention to Gura see you.

>> No.79194683

Gura ugly Gura ugly!

>> No.79194774
File: 217 KB, 1500x2000, Gura 085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79194816
File: 949 KB, 2000x2000, 1713655310214623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, because you're not me, her husband, I should be the only one spanking her butt.

>> No.79194872
File: 82 KB, 759x1012, 1701774961928983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura hot Gura hot!

>> No.79194900

Gura is busy pooping, she will start the stream approximately 3 minutes late.

>> No.79195245


>> No.79195357

her butthole is clenched so tight right now

>> No.79195535

Making me think back to my days babysitting but just like that she will relax eventually and we will all have a great time

>> No.79195555
File: 105 KB, 375x333, 1687813836926854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79195562

goom time

>> No.79195584


>> No.79195595

what the fuck

>> No.79195603

Stream starting, chumbies!

>> No.79195665


>> No.79195694

hope you had a good shit gura

>> No.79195720

that lil goofball chotto matte song is gone forever isnt it

>> No.79195759

Hopefully Gura got some tips on builds so she doesnt rely on chat as much as Fauna did

>> No.79195797

3 minute mention...

>> No.79195810

when wlil she clean her desk

>> No.79195828

They was right. Is real.

>> No.79195903


>> No.79195919

She was late even though she was watching 5 minutes early. Time got out of her hand. Gura watched Fauna.

>> No.79195999

Ame forgotten, Fauna is her new best friend

>> No.79196106

You can have multiple friends ya know especially when you are popular like Gura

>> No.79196109

>Needing perms to play a game everybody and their mother can stream whenever they want
What the fuck is japan

>> No.79196120

Ame is her actual girlfriend, Fauna is her mommy

>> No.79196150

Gandalf, the wizard from Zelda

>> No.79196152

Gandalf is Zelda?

>> No.79196157

this is known that gura loves lurking in fauna's streams and vice versa
works great for me as they are two of my favorites

>> No.79196166

she will get indiana jones'd a second time having completely forgotten about it

>> No.79196185

She played it because Fauna played and they still have perms. She's just gonna do what Fauna did and start a new game. Getting Gandalf confused with Zelda again.

>> No.79196197

She isn't going to remember a thing about playing this before

>> No.79196203

>muffled Kiara crying in the background

>> No.79196304

Oingo Boingo?

>> No.79196310


>> No.79196311

Is she gonna make a new character every time she plays Dark Souls? She's not gonna make any progress at this rate.

>> No.79196331

she sounds absolutely fried today so I guess we're gonna get to watch her get bullied

>> No.79196358

My fake LotR fan wife...

>> No.79196402


>> No.79196423

The last time it was just a one time race with fauna, they werent planning on finishing the game

>> No.79196440

Japan has lots of problems but this isn’t one of them. Companies need permission from other companies.

>> No.79196441

30 min char creation lets gooooo

>> No.79196445

Can you get an afro in this game? Every game should have giant afros as an option

>> No.79196458

I'm a chambababbooey

>> No.79196464

another chumbababooey sound post

>> No.79196474

another chumbababooies for the pile

>> No.79196486
File: 243 KB, 2048x1966, 1711784609793978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79196499
File: 444 KB, 695x628, Chumbies National Anthem [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F264exn.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79196562

>deep voice
my fellow bros, I am SO in

>> No.79196570
File: 175 KB, 512x512, 1717969314132431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a headache from the heat...

>> No.79196601

Lotr dwarves

>> No.79196654
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, chumbabies[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fx4zojl.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a chumbabooey?

>> No.79196669

Chumbabooey compilation when?

>> No.79196676

I dont think streamer companies like OTK or Offline TV need permissions for their streamers to stream their games. And even if they do, japanese companies seem to have an insane level of bureaucacy to get perms.

>> No.79196707


>> No.79196723

I guarantee I’m the reason super chats are turned off. She didn’t wanna take a chance of me leaking stuff highlighted. Not gonna stop it from happening. You have had and still have plenty of opportunities to work with me. I’m sure he will be reading this.

>> No.79196746

How many white hair chubba in holo? (Graduated also count)
A. 3
B. 4
C. 4.5
D. 5.5

>> No.79196751

She really should have just kept playing the previous save

>> No.79196765

how new are you guys, be honest

>> No.79196784
File: 17 KB, 128x125, 1713527575374831.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79196805
File: 119 KB, 512x512, 1681269494538038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ye, I'm crying, shidding and pissing because I'm happy to see my mommy again!

>> No.79196821


>> No.79196835

japan has zero fair use laws, even showing a logo of a product without permissions can get you sued.

>> No.79196870

Gura trying to counter someone saying she's a fake Hobbit fan by naming all the dwarves. Gura doesn't know it either. Gura wants to be top heavy.

>> No.79196887
File: 1.04 MB, 1372x949, 1709861237796622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Gura I will finger your butthole!

>> No.79196906

Gura wants me to finger her butthole

>> No.79196915

Pointing out how retarded Japan is makes you new?

>> No.79196931

Really she’s starting with an ass jokes now and dick jokes. She is going out our way to announce it on stream. She thinks that she’s untouchable. she keeps giving me more proof to use in court against her.

>> No.79196938
File: 25 KB, 1019x480, 1640138480036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79196950


>> No.79197012

Gura said the audio mixing is dookey. Gura... the perms. "I'll show you something to get upset about." What could she mean by this?

>> No.79197015


>> No.79197029

One would think getting perms should be easy for big streamers in giant ass companies and not the pain in the ass every holomember says it is.

>> No.79197078

You’re sounding like the schizo now. Oingo boingo are dwarves

>> No.79197146


>> No.79197152 [DELETED] 

It's so over for gura. I'm finally gonna leak it all sorry chumfucks. Its happening now so listen up I'm telling you know what she has been keeping secret this while time you all can sit in your ignorance all you want but it's so over for you. Gura killed bloop and fucked his corpse. Sorry chum, but that's the truth and you need to know it.

>> No.79197158

No, Oin and Gloin are dwarves.

>> No.79197171

>clean shaven
Damn, I'm gonna have to shave my pubes for her aren't I

>> No.79197178

It can be both. Gura loves Dwarves and little girls

>> No.79197185

Cute giggle

>> No.79197224

You look cute, mind if I fuck your butt again later?

>> No.79197241

>Gura thinks a receding hairline is cute
I'm so in, bros

>> No.79197254

Gura chooses receding hairline because it's the shape of a heart. Vegeta bros are in...

>> No.79197265

isnt that just vergil

>> No.79197279

>your face is the center of the heart
How drunk is she?

>> No.79197309

Oh yeah she likes em hairy.

>> No.79197348

lmao her reaction

>> No.79197359

yeh galo sengan

>> No.79197417

>Calling the masc-fem slider hormones
Gura trans ally confirmed

>> No.79197429

Been sober for over 9000 years>>79197309

>> No.79197446

do you not find humor in pretending Goombert is Luthor?
I'm just playing into "she knows" cause it's funny

>> No.79197494

Sharks are reptiles

>> No.79197519

How did she know we had a beauty mark on our left shoulder of our chiseled David Hasselhoff body?

>> No.79197633

Oin and bombur, but my point is she was trying to name dwarves. She even used some of snow whites

>> No.79197639 [DELETED] 

Unlike others I will leak you can try countering by leaking stuff yourself but we know you’re not gonna do that. You’re not even gonna tell your side of the story you’re gonna sit here bitching complaining cussing whatever it is making you look just as guilty as the first time. or you guys will spam a bunch of pictures or make offended comments and go along removing comments as you see fit. You can not stop what I upload on mega and other pages. What I will post and hide in zip and rar files mixed in with some of our karaoke strains. I will make sure every bit of this information is splattered all over the place to the point it can’t be removed.

>> No.79197673

Gura is my blue eyed white dragon

>> No.79197710

I feel like mumers would be the one who was into yugioh

>> No.79197713

Madolche is peak Yugioh and the game wasent good in the era after they came out

>> No.79197765

Then do it, faggot.

>> No.79197772

gura is making a neanderthal

>> No.79197779

Monarchs are best yu gi oh deck and pendulum summoning ruined the game

>> No.79197791

Your girl yap too much reeeeeee

>> No.79197810
File: 114 KB, 1120x480, Ants[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frv60ib.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79197814

Gura will be our Blue-eyed White Shark. Can't see enemies because she can't even see over her own nose. Guy looking like crow man with that nose.

>> No.79197835

Vshojo fag?

>> No.79197836

>singing skill
i reject all these things the peasants usually push as Gura's top characteristics. I love her for her WIT. She's actually funny, which is so rare in women its more like a genetic mutation.

>> No.79197859

This is boring already.

>> No.79197868

Then they nerfed pendulum only for the new shit to be more broken than pendulum ever was

>> No.79197874

yugioh has always been fucking retarded because it doesn't have a mana system and doesn't have a season system so its just full of retarded power creep. all the yugioh joy is based on the nostalgia for the anime and playing casual with friends with complete trash in 2003

>> No.79197878


>> No.79197884

Gura's unwashed lemon flavor tail

>> No.79197938

This is everything I expected.

>> No.79197957

>retarded power creep
That describes mtg these days

>> No.79197975

Modern Yu gi oh is basically two games of solitaire being played simultaneously until one player just randomly wins.

>> No.79198004

You fucked the ass faggot. Taking a dick unwanted does not make you gay but the guy doing the fucking. It will be leaked stop threatening I will do it in my time when I have all the files ready to go it has to be done right to have the maximum effect. She is done so are you. You know the level of stuff I have.

>> No.79198031

i love character creation with gura

>> No.79198033

I played from the days of vanilla beatdown until the Pendulum era and XYZ was peak Yugioh. They finally balanced interesting card design with option s and balance then threw it all out of the fucking window for insane power creep to force people to buy ther next set to remain competitive

>> No.79198035

>chat metafagging

>> No.79198046
File: 210 KB, 512x512, 1686016773976155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79198054

Incorrect fusion, synchro, and xyz were good but far from broken.

>> No.79198114

Gotta get the best start for goombus

>> No.79198170

I feel like Im off my chat game lately...

>> No.79198190

Only gays are weak enough to get their asses fucked, you must have wanted it if you let it happen.

>> No.79198192

Dragon maids make my dick hard so they were the best for me
Demon queen and the twin demon cunny too

>> No.79198196

probably, I haven't played mtg in a while but at least they rotate seasons to get the retarded shit out in theory

>> No.79198197

So, how long until chat ruins the stream by backsteating so much they stress her out?

>> No.79198230

John Darksouls

>> No.79198246

There she goes saying my real name\ a bunch again, she really loves me most!

>> No.79198309

Vegeta character creator got lemon lips from tasting Gura's tail? Gura would rather be mind controller over pyromancer so enemies would kill themselves. Decided on FishLord name since Johnny Dark Souls couldn't fit.

>> No.79198325

ok Fish Lord...

>> No.79198354

Middle of XYZ man when you could pklay E-Heros Synchros XYZ or any combo of those play 10 completely different kinds of decks at any time and games would actually have surpising counters instead of ending on turn 1 because you didnt have Ash Blossum

>> No.79198360

Another schizo and other "muh give me time to leak."

>> No.79198363

The problems with Yu gi oh are its base mechanics, the fact that monsters can attack the moment they are summoned and lower attack monsters being useless against higher attack ones unless they have good effects completely disencourages interaction and pushes every deck to be some form of combo.

>> No.79198381

fishlord finna dab on the hollows

>> No.79198388


>> No.79198394


>> No.79198427
File: 220 KB, 512x512, 1678554931148371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the last YuGiOh I liked was GX

>> No.79198433

>rotate seasons to get the retarded shit out
They do rotate out retarded shit, to make room for new retarded shit.

>> No.79198437
File: 858 KB, 3508x3508, __gawr_gura_watson_amelia_gawr_gura_and_watson_amelia_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kuroeart__0f54401100c4e252486b76cdf77f7e92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is holding her piss again.

>> No.79198451


>> No.79198464
File: 3.20 MB, 480x320, let her pee.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79198471

Heh, what if instead of Gawr Gura she was called Gawr GOONra. And instead of steaming all day she GOON'd all day?

>> No.79198492

DS1 still manages to have the best lore out of every fromsoft game

>> No.79198591

Thats just Bao

>> No.79198609

cute yawn

>> No.79198617

It does not because you just ignored spells and traps which you could focus around cards without effects or weak monsters. Decks with almost no monsters used to be a thing to

>> No.79198618 [DELETED] 

it was manipulation. I still got things out of it from her not exactly what was promised, but it does not equal to the level of the shit that I had to go through. You know there’s something wrong with her what she did and how she went about it even you should be able to clearly say that I can only assume you’re with her because of the money? I’m not the only person she has done similar things to you’re not with her 24 seven and I can promise you you don’t know where she’s been. no I was a victim and what happened should not have happened. You’re a victim and don’t even know yourself. I was trying to work this out, but she has a way of manipulating people and you’re no exception. if you even so much is considered what happened to me being fucked up then you should know it as no scale of something she has done. The one person she thought that would not talk that knew i’m referring to and if you mention it to her, she’s going to know what I mean told me about it and provided some proof, but there is no way that I can leak what I have on that part without me actually going to jail for it so I may actually have to use a VPN or something along the lines of that but trust me when I say that that sick bitch is done for.

>> No.79198687

Gura sad she can't rizz the lady now that she's been seen all dead and gross looking.

>> No.79198694

carriers of the sharksign

>> No.79198733
File: 124 KB, 542x567, 1714565771462340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you stop toying with the mentally ill? its not nice

>> No.79198770

Yeah, that is another design weakness. Only one normal summon per turn but unlimited spells means that overpowered summoning methods have to be introduced to combat the absolute OPness of spell cards.

>> No.79198796

On account of it’s story being more obvious because Sekiro, Bloodborne and Elden Ring all beat it.

>> No.79198798

Gura screaming "Feminine hands." gura thinks her character looks like they came back from pre-school.

>> No.79198806

Mostly agree, but I do like the lore surrounding Godwyn the Golden in Elden Ring.

>> No.79198809

My preschool wife... T o T

>> No.79198830

I’m not gonna keep repeating myself. It has to be done . it cannot be dropped scattered everywhere it has to be effective to be effective.

>> No.79198857
File: 344 KB, 2556x1364, Fansa 3D Live[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fcb570m.m4a].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife

>> No.79198868

Why must we go through the early part of the game again when Gura isn't even gotta do a part 2? At least we coulda gotten some Capra demon or something if she continued.

>> No.79198998

To make all people who are here only because of the game itself rightfully suffer.

>> No.79198999

Post the weegi mansion soundpost.

>> No.79199026

In 4 years she had like several mentions of bathroom breaks. In the past six months, she has greatly increased these mentions, what happened?

>> No.79199028

You’ve never played yugioh

>> No.79199052

where as yugioh doesn't rotate so they need to power creep to get people to buy new cards so now yugioh is just 2 dudes playing solitary with blue counter spell handtraps

>> No.79199120

Old age makes you need to pee more often.

>> No.79199135

she's pissmaxxing

>> No.79199160

Gura pissed herself...

>> No.79199158

she caters to my pee fetish and wants me to know every time she goes

>> No.79199171

Gura forgot her own character name. Gura misses bottom half of big butt boss.

>> No.79199182
File: 67 KB, 172x164, Tiny Shark Dance[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fi8nyej.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79199188

>I don't have to go anymore

>> No.79199193

Colitis or Crohn's disease.

>> No.79199195

>I don't need to go any more

>> No.79199214

she stopped wearing diapers

>> No.79199238
File: 206 KB, 1452x2048, 1712337155767389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura pissed in her diaper I will change her!

>> No.79199294

she peed in my mouth.

>> No.79199297

Can you take your homoerotic fanfic somewhere else? We're watching Gura.

>> No.79199331

She already streamed into my mouth, I'm straped under her. Your welcome guys.

>> No.79199361
File: 203 KB, 320x320, 1683000312980139.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your oshi worships my oshi

>> No.79199381


>> No.79199401

Crank Dat soulja boy

>> No.79199435

I am shocked she remembered that

>> No.79199449

Was that an EVA meme I missed?

>> No.79199457

That's not how it works, nobody who actually has shit ever waits. So go larp elsewhere.

>> No.79199465

Gura. You and your dad stole my pringles. You know what you did. I will leak the proof. I am pringleless because of you. You mocked me on stream when you brought up the pringles factory. You knew what you were doing. Your dad slapped my ass and I dropped my pringles and you took them and ate them in front of me. They're after me because I know the truth, but you're going to regret stealing my pringles.
And now you mock me by making me in the dark souls character creator.
The world will know what you did to my pringles.

>> No.79199474

guarantee she has never seen evangelion
neither have I, I just know the song is based and boomers used to meme it a ton in 2002 on newgrounds

>> No.79199504
File: 337 KB, 1836x2038, 20240618_030824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It goes both ways

>> No.79199519

how big is guras buffet plate

>> No.79199539

Soulja boy came out in 2007, zoombud...

>> No.79199624

Even though she knew to go through door in previous playthrough to get past boss, Gura forgot that the shield was ahead of her to equip. Hitting the wall a lot with the sword already. That arrow went straight into her mouth or chin.

>> No.79199648

Is she going to have enough stats to use weapons? I don't think she's going to like the magic system.

>> No.79199679

That’s proof she seen it. She’s making jokes about me masturbating now I can’t make this up. She really thinks nothing is going to come of this any further. Crank that soja boy. Fuck you both. And as I type she keeps doing it.

>> No.79199689

Gura would like to know how to use her wizard balls

>> No.79199724
File: 103 KB, 480x473, 1685247357239345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't fucking believe it, he was telling the truth. It's so over.

>> No.79199760

there were evangelion and FF7 memes on the early internet because eva is a 90s anime

>> No.79199764


>> No.79199772

You are retarded

>> No.79199779
File: 115 KB, 1280x1127, 1649887872464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine if the game clicks for her and she starts to love fromsoft games
the amount of souls kino we could feast on from our little shark...

>> No.79199789

Gura doesn't know how to handle wizard balls without instruction. She fell for the boulder again.

>> No.79199795

I kneel

>> No.79199810

lost arked Twice

>> No.79199823
File: 245 KB, 1664x2432, 119791952_p19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new lord of cinder

>> No.79199831

I do have it has to be done correctly. If I do it now it’s not gonna have the effect that it needs to. But I’m going to be talking to a lawyer tomorrow besides her birthday stream we have this stream where she keeps referring to it. She keeps taking her own deeper. She’s not as smart as she thinks she is.

>> No.79199837

Ah... my reading comprehension...

>> No.79199881


>> No.79199911
File: 2.03 MB, 1280x1707, 1719115379652832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79199944

She used to hold it in and just end stream when it got too bad. But now she's more open to admitting it, but still holds it in anyway.

>> No.79200055

She's been scratching her asshole lately so she's just been letting it out at all times

>> No.79200063

someone draw pyromancer gumba
its meta because she is a water creature

>> No.79200101

Knight just disappeas to stalk Gura? Makes sense. She finally equipped pyromancer hand.

>> No.79200199 [DELETED] 

She’s on streamed to me. She seen me and Chad asking her to stop and now she’s doing it even more. She hasn’t even banned me because she wants to see what I’m saying. Something should be kept between others. I don’t know how they can see me in my room, but believe me that I’m having somebody thoroughly check and if anyone is connected to anything over the Internet, even if it was for a short time, they will be able to see the IP in the location of it. I’m getting something done about this. I was a good sport about it for a while. I went out of my way to try to be accepted by both of you. You know the end I would have done absolutely anything and clearly well you know. It’s not normal behavior and you know it.

>> No.79200323

He might have just sucked at it

>> No.79200368

> she is on stream taunting me. She has seen me asking her to stop

>> No.79200373

Won't magic make the whole game too easy? It's super busted in this game.

>> No.79200374
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>> No.79200392

She actually beat boss in first try.

>> No.79200399


>> No.79200409


>> No.79200419

How does it work? Does she need ammo?

>> No.79200447


>> No.79200472

You get charges based on relevant stats IIRC.

>> No.79200481

weegee mention
i hope she streams it when it releases at midnight

>> No.79200486

Twelve hour Gooba stream!

>> No.79200499

I believe you need scrolls which you get at the shrine.

>> No.79200508

set amount of cast for each attuned spell
needs levels for more slots
replenish on rest or death only

>> No.79200549

>birthdays is over
>myth colab is over
>nothing to anounce
>nothing to promote
>still streaming
>still motivated
Guys I think we are actually back...

>> No.79200560

my vore curious wife

>> No.79200580

I think your spells recharge when you rest at a bonfire

>> No.79200589

Spells come with spell charges which recharge when resting on bonfires.

>> No.79200594

Like DnD I guess?

>> No.79200600

12 hour Luigi stream would be nice. She so wants to vacuum ghosts. Gura still wants Bowser's Inside Story. Baby Gura didn't understand it? Bowser didn't mean to eat Mario and Luigi, it just happened. Just accidental vore.

>> No.79200612

she is talking about mario vore again, didn't she talk about this before? why is she so into vore?

>> No.79200633

She has to pee again!

>> No.79200641


>> No.79200666

she's a shark

>> No.79200675

>new loli just debuted
not out of the woods yet kiddo

>> No.79200707

this fucking shark is doing denial pissplay with her own chat...

>> No.79200712

Tell me about Gura, why does she refuse the toilet?

>> No.79200721

>pee your pants on stream or no balls

>> No.79200738

bitch's taller than ame

>> No.79200776

Gigi is a hebe
and what does she have to do with Gura?

>> No.79200785

>no balls

>> No.79200788

Gura will join with Gigi and Biboo and form the EN Kusogaki trio!

>> No.79200796

there are no levels for one, so it's less in depth I'd say

>> No.79200825

I'm surprised gura got anything useful out of the chat there

>> No.79200826

people won't change the channel if they think she is going to pee her pants because they don't want to miss her pissing herself on stream, again

>> No.79200834

heh...imagine if gura wet herself in her chair live on stream in front of all of us...

>> No.79200849

Ame would literally be a loli if she didn't have fucking d-cups.

>> No.79200887

some women feel good with a full bladder

>> No.79200915

she just made a pissing face

>> No.79200922

Magic does stupid damage and turns the game into a shooter. You don't really learn to play and loot and weapons besides rings doesn't mean anything to you because you can't use any of it because you don't have the stats.
It's really boring. You just kill everything from a distance. Chat is kinda dumb for wanting her to go magic. She was getting pretty good at rolling and parrying during the race.

>> No.79200925

Who knows, but she's mentioned it a lot.

>> No.79200941

god damn the hololive height chart is so fucked
especially when you realize the tallest one is only 5 foot 8

>> No.79200968

She has some weird thing about going afk. So she's just going to hold it until it's unbearable, which will probably be in an hour or two going by the fact she's mentioned it like 3 times already and can't ignore it.

>> No.79200978
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>> No.79200983

Pyro mixes perfectly fine with weapons you fucking casual.

>> No.79201018

Are japs afraid of amazon mommies?

>> No.79201079

to japs 5'8" is an amazon mommy

>> No.79201089

That's taller than any woman should be.

>> No.79201099

CAn we put this to rest already? even the slowest person can see that she's unchallengeable, her fans watch ony her and wont go away no matter who debuts or how long she goes away, she can put out whatever content and still get 20k CCV, and I'm pretty sure she caught on to this fact already too.

>> No.79201101

Pyro is a good build for beginners but someone will have to clue her in on how to upgrade it and how to get access to the trainers

>> No.79201111

I think Ame is just short, remember originally she was like over 1.60 on release and suddenly they shaved like 10 cm out of her.

>> No.79201141

I signed in just so I can write in chat
>pee your pants or no balls
if she mentions piss again

>> No.79201217

So has needed less help than Fauna so far, thats a good sign.

>> No.79201230

cute goomber noises

>> No.79201285

I was talking about sorcerer. Chat wanted her to go sorcerer and just cast homing arrow the whole game or something. Pyro is still very easy, but you're right. At least it's a little closer to normal play.

>> No.79201348

my apologies, chumbie.

>> No.79201383

Int with moonlight sword is the most fun build of the game

>> No.79201398

you're a big pissguy

>> No.79201415

Gooby just wants to be a wizard like Gandalf or Shion. Im sure she will still have fun

>> No.79201428

Like a third of her read chat messages have come from the same person this stream

>> No.79201446

based gura forgetting the right way

>> No.79201470


>> No.79201482

Her first death was to skeletons. She still can't aim at all.

>> No.79201488

Pyro+strenght with claymore and she might manage to be more overpowered than Fauna was.

>> No.79201502

Still no parrying and Gura was incredibly good at parry timing during the race for a first timer. She was using her rhythm game timing ability and it was super impressive.

>> No.79201517

she probably spent an hour googling broken builds for this
pathetic shark girl

>> No.79201566

yes, we know she prioritizes jason

>> No.79201603

yeah she definetely looks like she knows what she's doing ammarite

>> No.79201618

It's way way worse than normal tonight

>> No.79201661

Gura with the punishment time. Gura sounding like Peter Griffin. Fighting a little sloppier than whens he was speedrunning with Fauna.

>> No.79201694

why does fuwamoco have 29k viewers when gura only has 19k?

>> No.79201705

>Being smart

>> No.79201718

>no parrying
where do you retards get this shit? You can put a shield in the second left hand slot and parry all you want.

>> No.79201751

Ruffians are botting their autist dogs, what's new?

>> No.79201810

Advent gets botted constantly.

>> No.79201846

fnaf buff

>> No.79201867

fuck off

>> No.79201894

Not ruffians but yes they get botted all the time, Nerissa talked about it once.

>> No.79201935

Gura finds shortcut and now is complaining about the garbage she found at the end of it.

>> No.79202003

Where is the lie?

>> No.79202034

She has to have played it off stream or before and must have faked the first stream

>> No.79202041

No problem, friend.
Pyro will still be great if she wants to keep playing. It's been a while so I forget which big weapons she won't have the stats for if she keeps raising int instead, but hopefully chat helps her with levels.

>> No.79202043

I see the sisters are using the Holo vs Holo scheme again

>> No.79202065

>Nerissa talked about it once.
wait really? timestamp?

>> No.79202115

What other game Gura? What other game?

>> No.79202129

she's just like me

>> No.79202142

I mean with fire hand

>> No.79202143

wdym fuck off? Its true and you can see it clearly from the ccv graph. You fuck off.

>> No.79202149

It was a member stream and jailbirds posted about it on global months ago.

>> No.79202173

Its almost like she played it when she raced Fauna

>> No.79202176

Playing a different game has made her unlearn how to play this game. She needs to unlearn that game to get back into Dark Souls. She was playing Monster Hunter before.

>> No.79202181

Monster Hunter dumbud.

>> No.79202191

monter hunta

>> No.79202222

cant wait to see her full playthrough of this, right fellas

>> No.79202282

I would be surprised if she even gets to the depths

>> No.79202330

Who bots them?

>> No.79202337

Gambling that Rissa doesnt have much crossover with Gura fans huh?

>> No.79202382

Digits confirm we shall have noob KINO

>> No.79202410

It's not ruffians, newfag. It's someone from numbers that keep trying to fuck with holo CCV because that thread doesn't like his oshi, Ironmouse. There's some evidence that it decreases their algorithm placement. They're being bullied.

>> No.79202427

Bag on character makes it looked caked up. Gura finally knows how to kindle bonfire.

>> No.79202438

Has Gura become a real boy?

>> No.79202493

a retards attempt to troll /#/

>> No.79202555

I thought it was just to invalidate the gold rankings by having the winner be obviously botted. Im surprised the numberniggers havent figured out how to eliminate the outliers yet.

>> No.79202559

Some fag from the numbers thread but mostly when Fauna/Irys/Gura overlap.

>> No.79202583

The company. Even I know that. I have recorded proof of it. Being talked about.

>> No.79202661

She watched Fauna beat the Gargoyles now they'll be in a stream by stream race instead of the collab like last time

>> No.79202703

Gura really wasting her flasks. She can't tell distance of her attacks.

>> No.79202728
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>> No.79202727

They probably dont want to otherwise a LOT of Niji gets eliminated and then theres nothign to talk about anymore. Hell the death of NijiEN caused the thread to shrink a lot too

>> No.79202757


>> No.79202869

Gura is blind shark. She didn't see the axe even though she went past it. And she fell for the flaming barrel again.

>> No.79202884

probably on principle because if they make a rule to not allow botted streams the botter wins since he can invalidate whoever he wants to

>> No.79203020

Gura gets cheap shotted by enemy. Gura also forgot to take out arrow guys for boss battle. 2 flask for boss and 5 fireballs.

>> No.79203047

That's why I liked the raspberry tally, where the winner is the lowest score above 300. It's a little mean but it had better diversity than any other count since it could have liggers and smallcorps in it too.
you literally just delete the junk rows out of the data and accept the rest of it as normal. I use an excel plugin at work to do it, im sure the database wizards have a function they can use too.

>> No.79203053

We should probably find and kill him then

>> No.79203078
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gura has already streamed for almost half a decade

>> No.79203132

I really hope not. That will mean she'll have spoiled the surprise of the second one showing up. That would blow ass.

>> No.79203178

Fireball is OP

>> No.79203200

Gura burning Taurus demons groin. She first tried it again.

>> No.79203208


>> No.79203227

what the fuck SHE IS GOATED

>> No.79203231

i'm not saying they can't figure it out but that, say, if pekora was going to win and the botter doesn't want that all he needs to do is bot her to invalidate her

>> No.79203230

Wtf she's a pro.

>> No.79203252

Goddamn sharky did it in one try

>> No.79203274

She's still on just one death right?

>> No.79203307

Told you magic kinda makes this too easy

>> No.79203363

Good, the more fun she has the better

>> No.79203369

good, then she'll like the game

>> No.79203387

Ive always seen memes for this guy and apparently people love him

>> No.79203594

for yourethra

>> No.79203615

Elden ring and sekiro made me realize how ez dark/demonsouls was
Especially when every boss has a phase 2 and every attack is either a 5 hit combo or a huge ass aoe

>> No.79203626

Ennacuck please, this is ridiculous. No one is unaware of you

>> No.79203642

Jolly cooperation with Sun bro. She actually dodge the dragon's fire breath.

>> No.79203669

Weird but endearing character that is the first real help you get, I think that's the main reason

>> No.79203746

Ah cool...thats a death flag isnt it?

>> No.79203757

The easier it is the more likely for Gura to play more. And don't worry the babiest of modes still has her as an underdog so you get your souls fix of watching a retard overcome impossible odds either wya

>> No.79203759

Except she said her favorite parts were the bosses. She's just going to plow through them now, i think. I Hope she still enjoys it, but none of it will probably be memorable for her now that she has cheats.

>> No.79203807

Thanks, I got curious

>> No.79203811

you're putting too much faith in her

>> No.79203819

Thanks for your input faunaschizo

>> No.79203857

Gura almost got one guyed by chat

>> No.79203911

Almost spent a level on int lol.

>> No.79203940

Gura dumb. She didn't know you could scroll through explanation of stats. She was just laughing at game saying this is your name.

>> No.79203962

I never played this but will she get more magic?

>> No.79203966

if you let him die, yeah, but you can save him and you get to summon him vs the last boss if you do

>> No.79203993

I don't know, anon. She breezed through both bosses and it wasn't because she's a lot better. The struggle is gone and it feels a lot different from the kino from the race stream.
I guess we'll see.

>> No.79204017

every character in DS is dead, dying, hollow or will be by the end
it's a meme at this point that Fromsoft characters can't get good endings

>> No.79204040

>She's just going to plow through them now, i think
Not really. Vagina Dragon is too beefy to be killed via fireball spam, Capra Demon pushes your shit in and won't let you do it, Iron Golem is pretty fire resistant. And that's not even discussing later game stuff like Ornstein&Smough

>> No.79204059


>> No.79204076


>> No.79204080


>> No.79204106

And Gura rolls off to her death in panic. So 2 deaths so far?

>> No.79204123

will gura be able to salvage a faketype song?

>> No.79204144

Did you forget she beat these bosses already? Sorry she's not doing a gutsbuild

>> No.79204146

Can she? Yes. Will she? Maybe if she plays more of the game.

>> No.79204212

After the first major boss hurdle she'll find an npc that can teach her more pyromancy. I'd be surprised if that happens today though.

>> No.79204230

Pyromancy only scales off upgrading the pyromancy flame.
But there is a vendor a few zones in who moves to Firelink that will sell pyromancies. So yes, if she sticks with the game past gargoyles and capra demon.

>> No.79204231

I think there are other busted pyromancy spells. I never ran it.

>> No.79204251

She's never playing this again, she already mentioned the perms are running out which is why Fauna tried it again yesterday.

>> No.79204256

Yeah i'm sure she's gonna totally breeze through Gargoyles

>> No.79204285

and while I type that I recall that there is a cryptic way to save solaire which kinda invalidates my point but it still stands a bit

>> No.79204313

no it's pretty badly mixed and the music overpowers her

>> No.79204321

There's basically 3 types of magic in this game, sorceries which use intelligence, miracles which use faith, and pyromancy, which you don't have to level a stat for and can just upgrade the flame like a weapon. That's why it's good and easy to use while still using other weapons. Yeah there are more pyromancies if she finds the right NPCs

>> No.79204324

Gura at least remembers the rats. She was scared of tough knight at top of tower.

>> No.79204349

>oh nyo~
meme magic israel

>> No.79204361

Thanks for the info ill check out how you get him through it alive after the stream

>> No.79204365

Chaos Storm is memey but it hits so fucking hard

>> No.79204367

nothing can fix electro swing

>> No.79204412


>> No.79204448

I like when old Gura comes out.

>> No.79204508

Dude, she two shotted asylum demon with fireballs up his urethra. It didn't have much to do with knowing the patterns, lol.

>> No.79204517

Gura never got past this part. She just made it to the boar. She is telling the undead to put their shield down but they’re not listening

>> No.79204546

nothing can save electroswing. it peaked with grave digger.

>> No.79204549

Have you guys begun spelling it correctly since the last time I checked one of these threads?

>> No.79204553

the squeals are what do it for me

>> No.79204601

would it be appropriate to blame mori for this?

>> No.79204628

Sekiro is kino but elden ring is a mess.

>> No.79204642

Watch streams.

>> No.79204649


>> No.79204671

I think so, this song is a result of her connections right?

>> No.79204684

Gura is trying to figure out how to kick but she couldn’t figure it out. She just died from the boar. She didn’t have a chance to stand up.

>> No.79204692

Gura wasted a lot of health. Now she knows how to kick shields at least. Pumba didn't care to wait for fireball. Death 3.

>> No.79204706

I want to see gura fight havel

>> No.79204721

Nothing wrong with actually doing damage. Most people who love the game were already using Drake Sword at this time.
Pyromancy falls off in a very similar way, but can get better later. It has a bell curve of damage progression.

>> No.79204814

Honest question have you finished this game? Your concerns about a good starter spell helping at the start are kinda retarded

>> No.79204846


>> No.79204885

reverse bell curve, rather

>> No.79204896

Gets pumba'd again. 4th death.

>> No.79204953

I have never played souls slop. Which one do you start with?

>> No.79205022


>> No.79205071

That's the neat part, you don't.

>> No.79205074

This or demon's souls

>> No.79205076

I would assume this one if you want to go in order but you should just play sekiro, it's the best

>> No.79205078

the first one, duh

>> No.79205109


>> No.79205138

She got hit by Pumba and gets hit by arrows after. Gura is having steel pig for dinner after this.

>> No.79205137

Playing the Elden Ring DLC and the tuning for the bosses is like
>7 hit combos that do wide sweeps that covers nearly 360 degrees
>fast, full-arena attacks that will catch you trying to make space or heal
>damage that will delete your lifebar in 2-3 hits
>the usual Fromsoft camera fuckery to the 11th dial
and while I'm still making progress, I'm starting to think we've lost our way moving on from DS as in Demon's Souls, not even Dark

>> No.79205165

Souls games? If you want the authentic progression, just start at Demon's Souls or Dark Souls.
If you want to actually start with a good game in this day and age, Elden Ring.
Sekiro, Dark Souls 3, and especially Bloodborne are honorable mentions.

>> No.79205246

It's all the fakeout attacks for me. and the unlimited stamina. If they are going to commit to a 8 chain attack they should have to pay for it just like I do.

>> No.79205326

She expertly dodge that pumba and made it to stairs. Almost back to where we were in first playthrough with Fauna.

>> No.79205332

>hasn't mentioned piss in a while
did she pee her pants?

>> No.79205401

she doesn't wear any, dumbud...

>> No.79205408

She announced pissing her diaper, did you miss it?

>> No.79205524

Bloodbornechads still out here

>> No.79205564

I am, I missed what ever you're talking about.
