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79200263 No.79200263 [Reply] [Original]

>It's ok when Ollie does it

>> No.79200455

There's nothing wrong with this. Ollie has been like this for a long time and I don't see any widespread complaining about this from unicorns. Go watch a non-homocollaber if you're triggered about this.

>> No.79200602
File: 60 KB, 996x1024, IMG_8510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79200648

Nobody cares about Ollie.

>> No.79200659


>> No.79200680
File: 1.04 MB, 640x480, Pump and Dump Ollie [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fr39k7f.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're lovers so it's okay

>> No.79200695


>> No.79200699

Ollie was always a whore. People moved on already. Stop dragging her name in the catalog.

>> No.79200736

People gave up on Oliie ages ago

>> No.79200837

it's ollie, who cares

>> No.79200851

She's been doing this for years.

>> No.79200967

My favorite Ollie karaoke in her 2022 birthday karaoke totsu

>> No.79201032
File: 296 KB, 1080x1130, Screenshot_20240625_215518_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they insist with this forced and unfunny humor? We're truly becoming Niji

>> No.79201261

Zeta x Axel: Tsundere lovers
Kobo x Regis: Yosuga no Sora
Ollie x Jurard: Straight up lovers with a child

>> No.79201291
File: 370 KB, 1280x720, IMG_8611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79201349

>2 years ago
I'm not clicking that shit

>> No.79203631

but ollie is Indonesian, and therefore barely even human, so of course she is held to different standards

>> No.79203693

she's literally been fingered during a stream we already know she's a ho

>> No.79204074

SEA birthrates shall rise

>> No.79204951

is it the finger but whole stream

>> No.79205347

nope. just her singing a duet with a flip indie

>> No.79205873


>> No.79205924

more like bred and fed

>> No.79206022

Ollie got fingered live on stream so who care about her anymore

>> No.79208228

I hate Ollie so much I swear, don't get me wrong Jurard is also annoying but why does she have to make this stupid sexpest humor?

>> No.79210568

Nobody gives a shit about Ollie, not even the homobeggars. She's filth to everyone.

>> No.79211863

>Sisters the red woman menace scare isn't working

>> No.79212036

Yes, Ollie never pretended otherwise
She already had her spirit broken with the whole "HoloPro unity' thing ages ago so she's harmless

>> No.79212078

That's because no one gives a damn about Ollie. Besides, she's probably been fucking at least a few of the homos for years.

>> No.79213152

Wait a minute....first it was the blue women....now its red women...
>Blue + Red = Purple

>> No.79217459

You all wanted this with the whole TOTAL NIJIDEATH shit. Where else will those fans go?

>> No.79217580

to hell

>> No.79217860
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Keep seething, incels

>> No.79218889
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>> No.79221497

What happened to her and Connor?
Did he really just pump and dump her?

>> No.79223085

Are you hyped?

>> No.79224342

It's ok when ID does it

>> No.79224579

Indonesian women are to us the same as the Japs viewed Korean women during their conquest of the area: comfort women. Nothing more. Nobody would actually care about a lower quality woman on an emotional level. They're just their for carnal needs and to be tossed out afterwards. Why should I care if she collabs with a man?

>> No.79225054

It's fine when anyone does it, but I got no interest in that type of content or the people who make it.

>> No.79226809

great yagoo image but this is a facebook tier meme

>> No.79227019

Extra retarded because we have this Yagoo meme thanks to Bae, the one who organized a watchalong for their debuts.

>> No.79230361

it's okay when Hololive does it.

>> No.79230806

Who in cover thought hiring Jurard is a good idea? Im not even against male collab

>> No.79230870

I thought she has some class, but she went with the pinoy

>> No.79230960

No one cares about this 3rd world pagpag trash

>> No.79230978

as long as it's won't spread to my oshi, i don't really care. if she is your oshi than consider drop her then.

>> No.79231020

don't forget to watch it sister, cause don't think much people other that (you) will bother.

>> No.79231029

gee I wonder >>79200967

>> No.79231069


>> No.79231574

41% themselves? No really, they don't belong to the Vtuber fandom, just like homo sister, ollie last few fan and people like ERB.

>> No.79231611

No it isn't and I don't watch or support her. And the same thing goes for Elizabeth, simple as.

>> No.79231872

Ollie is Ollie

>> No.79231919

>Zeta x Axel: Tsundere lovers
Prehistoric irrelevant shit, fag wasn't even invited to her 3D showcase.

>> No.79231990

He basically admitted at one point that Ollie gave him insider help on passing the interviews. That and Cover was probably desperate for anyone if they were willing to hire someone with a PL like his.

>> No.79231999

Formerly cuck's

>> No.79232057

He actually had one video that reached 1 million views

>> No.79232282

I gave Ollie way too many chances. And every single time she kicked me in the balls. But the dinosaur faggot just increased the bullshit to previously unseen levels. Never again...

>> No.79232363

First, Jurard is her nepohire.
Second, it's fucking Ollie. She's been like that since day one. For fuck's sake, you're not just purityfagging HoloID, but Ollie of all people.

>> No.79232470

This but unironically.

>> No.79232591
File: 245 KB, 1792x1008, 45443b0d7457c117d0251f86223cc85f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kobokek deflection thread

>> No.79232680

>wink wink
but why though

>> No.79232715
File: 165 KB, 550x1024, in shambles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79232743

do you have a higher resolution for this image? It's a good art.

>> No.79234148

Let me guess: his PL has grooming accusations just like Vox?

>> No.79234174

Ollie was married off to a 56 year old when she was 12, she needs something

>> No.79234212

no. just a shitposter doing mostly content creation, and only started livestreaming in 2021. also a good voice actor, even imitated the voices of some Luxiem members

>> No.79234531

Just some clickbait video thumbnails with censored lewd art of Gura and Pekora, to my knowledge. Wouldn't be surprised if he did have some sexpest rumors though

>> No.79234694

truly living in easy mode

>> No.79235827

>a 56 year old
Yeah, me.

>> No.79235920

Oji-anon, you are doing an awful job of wrangling your slave. She keeps going into HoloPro and jumping onto the first dick she sees

>> No.79235948

I'm old and can barely walk, give me a break

>> No.79235993

it can be read like she gave an advice like tons of clip where holo talent give advice for audition but yea it's vague so you are free to speculate.

>> No.79236017

It's not okay. Non-binnie finnie man should be isolate, graduated and generally made to feel horrible.

>> No.79236042

ollie is the only holo nobody defends when she gets shitted on on splits

>> No.79236750

Jurard is the only homo I actually wish bodily harm upon.

>> No.79237569

unironically, yes

>> No.79237967

It is because it's ID

>> No.79238217

i only care about Kaela

>> No.79239409

Connor stopped interacting with holos in general
He's even stepped back a bit from Ironmouse

>> No.79239496

you're afraid of the homo flip? bruh come on now...
captch: G4MRS

>> No.79241371

This but also Reine

>> No.79242253

Hey Jurard

>> No.79242792

Ollie schooled him on how to get through audition process with her insider know-how and that fag even bragged about it semi-openly no idea why none of them was punished.

Perhaps he noticed IM is leeching more of his audience than what he actually managed to get from it, in general shippers don't give a fuck about solo content Vtuber fans would rather watch Vtubers etc.

>> No.79243297


>> No.79243410

I wish. He probably earns a lot more than me.

>> No.79244017

Ollie is an idol.
