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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79192857 No.79192857 [Reply] [Original]

>no longer feasible
What wasn't feasible?

>> No.79192970

Keeping up the pretense that they were popular.

>> No.79193203

NijiEN didn't do as good as expected.

>> No.79193363

>What wasn't feasible?
Retaining talents long enough to actually accomplish something

>> No.79193530

Having the concert tickets pay for the event.

>> No.79193609

Their computers and sound systems contracted COVID. Sorry bros.

>> No.79193704

NijiEN is no longer feasible. The impact of that decision on Anycolor financial results will be negligible.

>> No.79193844

Kim Jung Un decided to aim his rockets at the booth, that's why they decided to cancel the concert for everyone's safety

They'll still keep the booth open though, it makes perfect sense

>> No.79193856

They didn't say this exactly, but the Q4 report pretty much confirmed this sentiment.

>> No.79193997

sisters are coping with saying fagoons were going to shoot up the concert lol

>> No.79194120

Negligible setback

>> No.79194884

ticket sales

>> No.79194897

Refund their airplane tickets and hotels too kek

>> No.79195041

Cost of renting the venue is A.
Income from ticket sales is B.
Cancellation fee for the venue is C.
If (A-B) > C, running the event is no longer feasible.

>> No.79195070

>this vs the sold out tickets within 1 hour after getting announced by holo
kinda grim

>> No.79195090

Any sort of good will I imagine. They can't pay for these events anymore for EN because no one will give EN a chance. Not that they deserve it. The audience that stayed are bitchy fujo sisters that don't watch streams and lash out at anyone who says the company fucked up rather than just blame Doki. They've gotten so miserable they've started cursing out NotPomu in /NijiEN/ and she graduated normally.

>> No.79196016

Same shit happened to NijiID and KR before they were absorbed to the main branch

>> No.79196023

It's such a hard contrast if I was a niji investor I would be furious how they fucked this up.

>> No.79196169

Covid huh? Hm alright

>> No.79196183

But Nijisanji is still raking in more dough than Hololive, so in reality they don't give a fuck. They all probably voted to axe EN by next quarter.

>> No.79196417

What wasn't feasible?
deez nuts

>> No.79196688

Not really?
Their revenue is similar, it's just that Cover has less profit than Anycolor

>> No.79196918

i'm going to be as charitable as humanely possible and say it's possible that a bunch of tickets really were dragoons who were going there to record webms for /here/ while heckling the screen. Which, while an utterly fagtacular thing to do to even the shittiest of corpos, isn't outside the realm of possibility. Those seats in the back were always kinda sus.

>> No.79197017

Also, Hololive has more growth potential while Niji is stagnating after every single foreign branch ended up failing.

>> No.79197131

holozhang and ame graduation deflection thread

>> No.79197256
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really nigga?

>> No.79197409

And then you just realise that if they just did terminate doki but without all the petiness and with just a minuscule bit of humbleness that AX concert would likely have at least filled half the places easely. But no they did have to do that black stream.

>> No.79197701

>What wasn't feasible?
Paying their talents 2%
We will now shift to paying our talents 1%

>> No.79197966

To be fair, it was a massive trainwreck in the making, getting tickets to those concerts is like buying tickets to a monster truck rally, you don't need to be a dragoon to want to scratch that curiosity
And if they did, so what? That's their problem when the facility's security decides to throw them out, it isn't exactly the wild west where they'll throw tomatoes everywhere

>> No.79198018

Worse than that. All merch is cancelled therefore 0% kek

>> No.79198307

Needing to get security to come and remove people who are interrupting a show is already going too far. Unironically because... We live in a society.

>> No.79198322

There's usually staff on site to throw out hecklers/bad actors.

>> No.79199647

it turns out buying bot to buy tickets isn't profitable

>> No.79199808

My unmaking concert bot is working as intended

>> No.79200249

Translation: the empty crowd and subsequent photos would be more embarrassing than the concert would be enjoyable.

>> No.79200500

Concerts, possibly. It must've throttled them badly to see the tickets simply not selling
They already have seen the decline in views, but this must be a slap in the fact that says "the remaining fans are NOT die hard spenders, not even for events"

>> No.79200653

Parse that statement:
>creating the optimal environment is not feasible
>they are only just now realizing this

And it's funny because they would have been 100% justified in terminating her for encouraging IP infringement, notwithstanding why she asked people to reup the MV in the first place. And on top of that, right before the black screen, most of the talents were beginning to regain some of the subs they lost due to the termination; if the black screen didn't happen, or if they had done it as Hololive would have done it (i.e. just saying "Selen was fired for promoting digital piracy on main, we're sorry her career had to end this way, please continue to support the remaining Livers (sic) within Nijisanji EN" and nothing else), they'd be in the midst of a slow but steady recovery, or at worst would "only" be stagnating.

Alas, someone in the home office decided that face-saving is a zero-sum game, and decided that the only way to "properly" save the company's reputation was to try to damage Doki's reputation.

>the empty crowd and subsequent photos would be more embarrassing to Anycolor than the concert would be enjoyable for the talents and fans.
Fixed for increased accuracy.

>> No.79200713


>> No.79201024

This would not be the case if the company was willing to retain any goodwill from it's customers and attempting to retain them.
Anycolor clearly does not.

>> No.79201234

Niji has the same revenue as cover even though they have like 3 times the talent.
All of their increased profit comes from paying their 3x talent and management 9 times less than cover.

>> No.79201515

and those webms they will posts aren't going to get nijisisters physically harmed or killed. i didn't see anything major happened outside of niji's meet and greet incompetence during the empty singapoor concert
sisters act like holo and dokifags going to stab them in open and set up a bomb in concert, every week they are getting more similar to how kpoop fangirls behave
>Verification not required.

>> No.79203376

>they would have been 100% justified in terminating her for encouraging IP infringement,
Stopped reading there

>> No.79204161

that's so weird, i dont think anyone planning a concert has ever encountered anything like this before . did you received a confirmation/OK sign from manesan before announcing that the concert is not feasible?

>> No.79204388

Is Production Kawaii doing a concert this year?

>> No.79204456


>> No.79204502


>> No.79204971

I wonder if Millie regrets that tweet

>> No.79206954

Nijisanji's western expansion

>> No.79207194

>encouraging IP infringement
Of their own IP that they decided at the last second to rugpull to harass her. It's not like she opened their asshole up to legal liability or something actually bad.

>> No.79208102

no no, it's literally not copyright or trademark infringement. in the talent contract, they explicitly assert total ownership of her channel. so, uploading a video with images of anycolor characters in it just means anycolor is publishing content that anycolor owns, along with music that anycolor had properly licensed from a third party.

anycolor inc. cannot infringe upon a copyright or trademark owned by anycolor inc. the most they can pin on her is violating corporate policies.

>> No.79208154

They were probably going to lose money on the concert since they didn't sell enough seats

>> No.79208289

nah is becuz of muh safety reasons

>> No.79208366

Oh how quaint, holobrony!
Doki in her infinite wisdom, decided to use assets without the necessary permissions. The intellectual property belongs to Nijisanji and NOT Doki. She, in her infinite fucking wisdom, failed to secure the necessary permissions to use THEIR intellectual property.
But wait, there’s more! Doki, undeterred by her previous mistakes, has decided to repeat her actions. Her new model is a blatant infringement which directly copies the art style of the Selen model.
And yet Nijisanji has chosen not to pursue legal action. They could sue her into oblivion. But they haven’t. They’ve chosen to be gracious, to show mercy where none is deserved. Now, isn’t that something?
Perhaps you should consider the facts at hand. It’s all rather simple when you think about it, isn’t it?

>> No.79208433

>It's because of muh ticket sales
>This is why they're giving out the concert for free instead of making a second AR live
Make it make sense

>> No.79208502

trying way too hard, BVTM.

>> No.79208520
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maybe they finally learnt their lesson that any further action from them=total niji death

>> No.79208673


>> No.79209030

They only sold about 15-18% of the tickets, that doesn't even cover the rental fees of the stadium.
So they're going to eat the loss and cancel the whole thing, probably with very obtuse and nearly unusable refund rules so they can at least not have to spend too much out of pocket for the cancellation costs.

>> No.79209384

They don't pay their livers, and if they can swing it, they will cook the books and use the liver's to pay off their own taxes.
See: Michi's story about her "old job" scamming her out of two years of unpaid taxes.

>> No.79209545

>cancelled under 2 weeks before the event when it was obviously not going to fill up after the first week of sales
I guess they were hoping people are going to be committed enouigh to show up at the booth

>> No.79209879

was this the same concert that was being spammed about seats not being sold?

>> No.79209883


>> No.79210086
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>> No.79210236

You're something alright.
>Doki in her infinite wisdom, decided to use assets without the necessary permissions.
She worked for that company. That company that greenlit her music video. Which means they gave her permission. Only to remove it *after* it was posted.
>Her new model is a blatant infringement which directly copies the art style of the Selen model.
Her new model looks nothing like Selen, the hair color is different, she doesn't have head wings, her neck is shorter, her eye color is different, her clothes are different, she doesn't have a pet dragon and she doesn't have a dragon's arm.
>And yet Nijisanji has chosen not to pursue legal action. They could sue her into oblivion.
Nijisanji cannot copyright an artist's art style. So they legally cannot pursue copyright infringement claims against doki

TL;DR: You're a fucking useless member of the NGF, turn in your badge and Vox body pillow.

>> No.79210350

>>79210236 (me)
NDF, I got a little sloppy there.

>> No.79210572

The financials in order to properly staff and operate the event at the venue.

Based on the ticket sales, they'd land at MAYBE $10k in sales compared to the ~$30k at minimum venue and staffing fees that a concert like this would require, doubly so with AX's outsourcing of event staffing.

The answers would either be to
>A) Eat the $20k in losses (which, lol Anycolor)
>B) Underfund and understaff to an extreme degree, resulting in a subpar or even dysfunctional experience
>C) Cancel the event before the venue's lock-in date when it becomes clear options A and B would be worse alternatives

This is how an event like this no longer becomes feasible to run.

>> No.79210687

They have not sold the streaming tickets yet though, couldn't they reduce the loss by doing that?

>> No.79210743

they can still sell streaming tickets without a physical concert event.

>> No.79210797

It's clear that streaming will not be able to make up for the rest.

>> No.79210867

man, without selen and pomu, nijien really is just falling apart huh?

>> No.79210969

$20k of streaming tickets for an event that couldn't even reach 20% of in-person capacity?

The streaming tickets would've MAYBE covered the losses they already have to eat through ticket fees, promotional costs and as a result of the cancellation, but now they'll only have to eat those and not the tens of thousands they likely would have lost from moving forward with the in-person concert.

>> No.79211109
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Nijisanji lost in the court of public opinion
For an entertainment company, that's all that matters

>> No.79211171

How many Finana's would they need to recover the damage at this point?

>> No.79211192

So >>78390413 is more likely true.

>> No.79211205

The stream event is going to be free on their Youtube account.
They really can't sell tickets after this fuckup.

>> No.79211368

So is negligiblesanji just going to stop doing stuff with the EN branch?

>> No.79211513

They already flew the organs out to Japan and lost whatever upfront fee they paid to the venue. At least they can recuperate something through superchats.

>> No.79211547

Once they begin making preparations to fold EN into the JP branch... yes.

>> No.79211721
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>no longer feasible
Doesn't make Riku and the investors enough money so they hate it, they want pure profit hard to get your 98% from venues that are mostly empty and probably cost more than they're getting back in ticket sells

>> No.79211915

Yes, they practically announced in the Q4 that they aren't going to support EN "as much."
which means not at all, since they barely supported them anyway.

>> No.79212104

Underrated post, just like current day Luxiem.

>> No.79212860

We don't have any of the numbers. We don't know what the cost of staff/concert deposit/misc. costs were. Whatever they were, Niji felt like just canceling the concert and losing the deposit was the better choice than going through with the concert. I don't really see NijiEN getting anymore big events besides 3D or surviving until next year.

>> No.79212927

I see them moving the EN events/concerts to SEA instead

>> No.79212980

fuck no pls no i don't want them here

>> No.79213058

we don't want you here either, but that never stopped you.

>> No.79213439


>> No.79213546

What’s that saying again? No one hates Filipinos more than Filipinos themselves

>> No.79213693

someone needs to make a account on twitter named Billie and reply with this everytime Niji has a fuckup

>> No.79214175

Losing the Pomies is perhaps what is affecting them the most for these events.
Pomies love going to all possible events, they organized themselves and were the ones who ended up motivating other fandoms to go to the events.
They may have been the most weird fandom but they brought the atmosphere to the events.

>> No.79214662
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She spent more on a skin reveal than NijiEN spent on their entire branch and sisters hate her for it.

>> No.79214740

bros I don't know anything about "Nijisanki" but as a hololive watching casual CHAD I can inform you all that for marketing purposes nobody who speaks english will ever know or care what the fuck a "Nijijuku" is because its weird unmarketable and difficult to say and based on the name alone will be a complete failure

>> No.79214861
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I came here to post this, I'm so glad somebody already did it because it was the first fucking thing I thought KEK

>> No.79215104
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Too many empty seats. They didn't want to have people recording the venue and embarrassing Nijisanji like this

>> No.79215508

>cancel because they’ll lose some money
Black company… not thinking of the well being of their liver who were excited for the concert. Guess at the end of the day, money still trumps in riku’s eye

>> No.79215805

Techincally speaking, rampant rule breakings such as taking pictures / videos during the concert can also be considered security breach. The concert will be unforgettable but in a very different way and they don't want that.

>> No.79215930
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2/8. A (You) for your troubles

>> No.79216133

Dookiebird and her legion of holobronies is literally harassing them out of the venue

"b-b-but I was bullied" What a fucking liar

>> No.79216225
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>> No.79216317

I mean….who in the West is going to go to a live event for vtubers? Vtuber fans in the West are mostly young people who have very little money with which to spend on Youtube-based consumption which they have to travel to.

I get that the vtube companies want to break into the EN market but I’m not sure the fundamentals are there for it.

>> No.79216853

They crippled their own market with one big scandal too many

>> No.79217914

>Dookiebird and her legion of holobronies
Doki streams with fleshtubers, I don't watch her. But Mint is really good when I want an indie.
t. CDCGT enjoying stream watching holofag

>> No.79219326


>> No.79219475

The thing I don't understand here is why did they even try to drag chronoir aka a top jp unit into something risky and poorly planned like this? Why not just give them a regular concert in Japan where they're actually popular? What was the plan here?

>> No.79219904

testing whether there is any JP watcher outside Japan

>> No.79222389


>> No.79222865

Doki the traitor and her extremist fans are a threat to those who support EN livers and many were fearing attending. Until her extremist fanbase can be contained everyone is in danger.

>> No.79223967

even singapoor concert flopped and scuffed as fuck, seriously doubt they managed to break even
does vietnam have any good place to do virtual concerts? its pretty much the only sea region that counts as niji territory

>> No.79225369


>> No.79225599

Why are you spamming every thread with this retarded shit faggot?

>> No.79225730

ahh yes, of course the terrorist ploy! but that didn't happen in singapore , try harder sister

>> No.79225741

Sarin gas would probably be overpowered by the smell of the nijisisters anyway

>> No.79225772

selen and pomu were the cream of the crop. nijisanji is nothing without them.

>> No.79225801

It's hilarious seeing holokeks trying to twist Niji giving us a free concert as something bad lmao.

>> No.79225847

>Good place to hold concert.
> Color fiesta (every they have incompetence drama i won't suprised if liver got doxxed)


>> No.79225954



>> No.79226012

>>79225847 (me)

Nevermind i'm being a dumbass that event happened already, it been a long while since I last follow the local weeb stuff (except last big drama when a bunch of cosplayer put pe do caption on their tiktok vid for trend)

>> No.79226041

Their expectations to fill the venue was no longer feasible.

>> No.79226640

>Her new model is a blatant infringement which directly copies the art style of the Selen model.
I don't believe anyone's actually stupid enough to think this. You get no (You).

>> No.79227224

You're using the wrong unit, your question is like asking for the length of the US-Canada border in inches. They'd need at least seventeen Pekoras... today.
And then seventeen more tomorrow, and then another seventeen each day between now and the shareholders meeting.

>> No.79227403

Competing with Phase Connect/vshojo

>> No.79227755

This reminds me of those journo faggots who were trying to convince everyone 2019 Joker would surely cause mass shootings.

>> No.79228809

>constantly post about how everything the company does, no matter how many people they fuck over, is ok because they make money
>Get fucked over by the company saving its money with no care for you
It's like pottery

>> No.79229269

You're like just like Niji, missing a forest in the trees. Niji was justified in terminating her for a contract violation, that's all they had to say. Her contract did not allow for what she did. There was never a need to pin some specific detailed accusation on her in an attempt to character assassinate. All that would do is give people something to discuss. "IP infringement" is retarded as fuck also, and would set up a minefield for the future.
