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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 113 KB, 640x640, 727473743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
79180924 No.79180924 [Reply] [Original]

Her fanbase is fucking insufferable.

>> No.79180964
File: 3.29 MB, 1920x1080, Nijisanji threads[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F68ivmi.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79181142

All this manufactured outrage got me feeling crazy bro. Boutta crash out fr

>> No.79181224

She's actively sucking homocock all day on twitter

>> No.79181377


>> No.79181424

>The catalogue made me

>> No.79181552

I'll admit I was predisposed to dislike her with how much she interacted with the homos, but her fanbase seals the deal. It's all ex-niji "SLAY QWEEEN" sjw tourists. I was willing to give her a chance otherwise

>> No.79181603

Can you seriously not tell what is or is not a falseflag

>> No.79181613

Just filter her name? Problem solved.

>> No.79181671

Based on what? She has pretty much the normal holofan fanbase if you exclude the unikeks

>> No.79181713

Nah even her thread is all unironically like that, I checked it out too.

>> No.79181745

i know this is 4chan and we're supposed to be absurd in every regard possible because hahalackofselfcontrolisfunny, but dude

can y'all chill out on the holostar hate? some of them are legit talented individuals, you have to admit THAT MUCH. Like did you watch Gavi's last stream in GTA where he played the rol of "gavin bet'tol" the frenchman who's actually from albuquerque? bro, comedic GOLD.

you haters need to take a fucking vacation, for real,. I've never seen such an unjustified group of whiny faggots, fuck you bitches just LOVE to complain

>> No.79181751
File: 285 KB, 586x498, 113535251522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what she sounds like, never going to either. I'll skip anything she is apart of and if she somehow manages to cling to Hololive long enough to appear in a Holofes (assuming she doesn't try a culture takeover and get kickout out before this) I'll mute and tab out of her entire segment and effectively retcon her from the Hololive I enjoy

>> No.79181793

>3 streams
I know it's a bait thread but jesus, apply yourself

>> No.79181812

Nijification is not normal.
>reddit spacing
>unironically likes homos
My exact point, her fans are all like this.

>> No.79181866

>Her fanbase

>> No.79181893

No it isn't

>> No.79181897

I swear to god if she invades Subaru's danganronpa streams I'm gonna throw a tantrum

>> No.79181905

No one cares about or knows your homo. I have been enjoying ERB threads for a while, and i dont remember a single holostar being insulted by name (except jurard, because he IS cringe. Admit it)

>> No.79181914

>The catalog made me
Well, tha is a falseflagg if I ever seen one.
>Her fanbase
What fucking fanbase? she just debuted you retarded monkey, most of it is bait to mess with unicorns, unicorns seething or sisters shitposting.

>> No.79181925

Don’t know don’t care. Have an original thought for once virgin

>> No.79181953

Don't you have a concert to get ready fo-oh, wait!

>> No.79182019

Unicorns aren't nijis retard bot

>> No.79182025

I liked Jurard a lot an Wrestletube I have to admit he did a great job, haven't seen anything else from him to be honest.

>> No.79182059

Yess qweeeen slay these chud incels! Get fucked op

>> No.79182097

Seething female detected, wash your stanky ass pussy whore.

>> No.79182133

this level of mental retardation needs to be catalogued in medical journals.

>> No.79182151

*subhuman noises follow by once again making comments about reddit spacing*

ofc, what did I expect

can you describe to me the EXACT format of this reddit spacing, or are you just being a week, whiny faggot that can't argue his points and so he brings up reddit spacing a s a fallback in order to rally support for him using other people because you're such a weak, illiterate faggot that can't speak above a 3rd level of english?

get fukt, subhuman garbage, they should take away your internet privileges, i'm tired of dealing with you smooth-brains bastardizing the fuck out of the gift of human speech

>> No.79182221

>reddit spacing
Lurk moar tourist, you'll get bored of her like every other FOTM

>> No.79182230
File: 343 KB, 2048x1669, 1676683309940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She may be an unwatchable homobeggar but I like her because she makes Crats seethe

>> No.79182267


>> No.79182319

boy, i've been using 4chan since before "i want to be the pretty girl", YOU LEAVE, faggot

>> No.79182410

>claims to be an old fag
>reddit spacing
You're definitely some sort of rag retard.

>> No.79182443
File: 207 KB, 768x1024, 509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"i want to be the pretty girl"

>> No.79182491

>i want to be the pretty girl
>i want to be the little girl

>> No.79182541

>You're definitely some sort of rag retard.
do you even understand english? do I need to speak in ooga booga sounds for you to understand what i'm trying to tel you?

>> No.79182554

this level of mental basedness needs to be catalogued in medical journals.

>> No.79182598

Btfo kek
GTFO fag, kys. Is there anything more pathetic than pretending to be an old fag

>> No.79182705

>I was going to give the fanbase a chance but because they don't hate her they are insufferable
Where is that doki psychosis image?
I need it

>> No.79182720

Doesn’t deny a word I said. Dumbass no women use this site.

>> No.79182833
File: 363 KB, 559x734, 1718916780497269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no woman uses this site
how new are you

>> No.79182839

>Dumbass no women use this site
there's one right here >>79181745

>> No.79182953
File: 16 KB, 465x181, Screenshot 2024-06-25 163130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*speaks in cabbage*
ok fag, this is obviously approaching the point of diminishing return. believe whatever you want to believe you, you failed abortion

>> No.79183034

>still pretending to be an old fag
Lol, lmao even

>> No.79183098

sure is great huh? you got all these opposing sides permanently at odds which each other and this usually doesn't happen until way later when the vtuber in question does something to piss off a side. I don't like her voice or singing and I don't like this constant shitflinging so I'm pretty much checked out from any JUSTICE related content cause she's a part of it and will definitely bring more drama in the future.

>> No.79183102
File: 11 KB, 403x104, Screenshot 2024-06-25 163300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a dick, shithead

>> No.79183194

>still pretending to be an old fag
yeah, you

>> No.79183216
File: 165 KB, 550x1024, in shambles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79183224

Regardless of you being a tranny, that tiny little chick dick will never make you a man

>> No.79183243

The only person more pathetic than someone trying to gain authority by claiming to be old is the one arguing with them.

>> No.79183285

That litteraly ALL you could fucking find? gross. Cringe in the BAD way.
At least thank i was runing out of battery to hate on the homo, i mean i don't watch don't care all blocked on every possible platforms so i have zero material untill i randomly find a retard like you to remember how disgusting they are. Also don't worry it's not limited to your homo GTA RP is cringe by essence, in the bad way once again. And yes it also count for the whore who join that shit and I was very disapointed in several hololive members.

>> No.79183297

The biggest cope for anons on this board is the thinking that their shitflinging turds back and forth with femanon when really it’s just dudes all the way down

>> No.79183320

I'm sorry, are biological men always going to be men or are they not?
Which is it?

>> No.79183331

don't you have a Pomeranian you need to go cornhole? go and do that instead of shitting up the place with your stupidity

>> No.79183379

Jealousy isn’t a good look chuddie

>> No.79183387

Read the sentence again and come back to me in a week when you finally understand it shebeast

>> No.79183425

you are literally too dumb for words. holy shit, we need to bring back eugenics, like FOR REAL

>> No.79183470

>reddit spacing
Don't just "go back", kill yourself.

>> No.79183499

You type like a female.

>> No.79183527

you first, giga faggot

>> No.79183538

sister your concert...

>> No.79183550

>no argument
Sounds like you're the whiny faggots

>> No.79183575

Both them and you are insufferable.

>> No.79183592

I read it fine the first time.
Maybe you have issues communicating.

>> No.79183603

what does that even mean? explain to me how i type like a female

>> No.79183653

>She doesn't know
Go back.

>> No.79183711

do you speak english?

>> No.79183728

>I don't like her because of /vt/
>her fanbase i've never interacted with either
totally organic , she's winning btw so thanks guvna

>> No.79183749

a true idol patriot

>> No.79183788
File: 345 KB, 464x846, 1706129368902114.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based heimin

>> No.79183799
File: 94 KB, 1021x1024, 1715460862199306m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowhere to go back to kek

>> No.79183889

Only based post in this entire thread, just ignore the whore until she goes away

>> No.79183904

I told them with the Kiara and Gura threads too, they are just giving them free PR. Why are haters so stupid? Is the obsession just drugging them out of understanding the consequences of their actions? A cautionary tale for the ages...

>> No.79184084

>trying to call me a nijisister.

bro this discussion started from me defending a branch of HOLOLIVE


>> No.79184099

>Thread after thread after thread about her interactions with the homos, shitting up the board with low effort bait
And her fans are somehow the insufferable ones

>> No.79184103

tfw, Bloodflame is a better idol than this homosexual hag

>> No.79184144

What is it with u bottom of the barrel no prospect having trash always asking for arguments like this some kinda discussion? Need the social engagement or something? We both know ur gonna default to some corny buzzword slinging regardless

>> No.79184152

>talks to people in /vt/ catalogue threads
>expects intelligent conversation

>> No.79184207

Homos arent holos retard, outted yourself dipshit
>Reddit spacing

>> No.79184221

it's fucking stellar hypocrisy, 10/10 keks, their fathers should've pulled out

>> No.79184290

i at least expect people to be CONSISTENT. this is beyond retardation level, anon

>> No.79184351

They pretty much handed Mori's music deal to her on a silver platter because of their spam, but oh well. I'd like for them to keep helping ERB it totally btfo of their dumbass narrative their trying to push.

death by their own hand is funnier to watch.

>> No.79184359

>random capitalized words for emphasis
Definitely female. Post tits

>> No.79184361

im only here to tell unicorns and sisters to kill themselves because i enjoy it
when im watching holo i talk to non retards in a more civil space
this place is for posting low quality crap and stirr up drama

>> No.79184367


aight, you're trolling at this point. imma just believe you're trolling. yeh, you're trolling

>> No.79184373

fair enough, that is understandable, but a high bar for this place !

>> No.79184495

based, I like your style anon, someone has to be honest with them

>> No.79184504

>defending a branch of hololive
lol, this cant be unironic

>> No.79184516

>doesn't realize that they are insulting their own sex but inferring that only females speak with a high verbal intelligence.

fuck man, y'all are making me wanna go trans just from embarrassment

>> No.79184534

Believe what you want, just go back retard

>> No.79184611


>> No.79184615

branch of cover*, whatthefuckever SAME FUCKIN DIFFERENCE

>> No.79184621


>> No.79184634

The amount of seethe Lizzie's generating from the mentally ill is extraordinary. What a red hot player.

>> No.79184642
File: 26 KB, 464x535, 1705915984758727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, woman, doesn't matter, just do it.

>> No.79184644

You already type like a woman, so i think it will be an easy transition. Just need to lose some weight and you will be a woman.

>> No.79184651

>Homo beggars fanbase is shit

>> No.79184695

ok i went back, now wat

>> No.79184703

Post tits or GTFO sis

>> No.79184749

Nu uh, you know the difference sweety, dont play no games with me. Mmmhmm, them is some niji words

>> No.79184752

You're the ones spamming threads about her on cooldown because she talked to a homo on twitter. The only one insufferable is you and your ilk. You pulled the same shit with Shiori and literally nothing came out of it.

>> No.79184797

Get a length of rope and a stool. You can figure it out from there

>> No.79184806

>>79184621 sucks >>79184642 's dong while getting their salad tossed by >>79184644

true story, contact me for pics

>> No.79184868

>Same as shiori
Except Liz actually sucks homocock and shiorin did nothing

>> No.79184882

instructions too complicated, get your dick stuck in a fan

>> No.79184898

if you really wanna piss them post a pic of her in a thread that has not relation to her and just sit and enjoy

>> No.79184983
File: 27 KB, 128x128, 1719112341424374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shiorin did nothing
you sure anon?

>> No.79185060

It just makes me think she is going have real staying power. Kiara-schizo is still floating around, and Mori still allegedly hates being in Hololive and is leaving tomorrow. Same as it ever was.

>> No.79185067

Absolutely. A single thank you is not the same as simping constantly for the on twitter retard.

>> No.79185265

lol this is so highschool twitter girl. I love it. But also i feel bad, you are probably not that fat.

>> No.79185273
File: 6 KB, 180x279, vesper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh so the problem is not being a cuck but being a cuck and everyone knowing about it, got it got it
>pic unrelated

>> No.79185362

nah lol

>> No.79185375

I don't listen to Heimin

>> No.79185453

What even is your argument, shiori hasn't done shit retard, or else you would post proof. Kys vague poster

>> No.79185565
File: 334 KB, 773x793, 1714821781190299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sisters seething
>concerts cancelled
>justice thriving

>> No.79185563
File: 72 KB, 501x498, 8v05el.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79185686

I actually do look like that. Except bald.

>> No.79185734
File: 31 KB, 433x483, 1719007896700701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know you are a cuck anon, the sooner you accept it the better, allow yourself to heal

>> No.79185792

my imaginary vagina is so MOIST right now anon, take me now you goblin man

>> No.79185855

>no proof
I accept your concession.

>> No.79186143

I am gay, sorry.

>> No.79186219

Can you post why? No you can't because jannies are sweeping for her 24/7

>> No.79186230

can i see your pits

>> No.79186317

Good thing she's a tranny

>> No.79186324

Monsieur Gavin Bett'ol. French movie director from Albuquerque who wrote the famous Rise of the Planet of the Snakes yes? Hoho~ quite the connoisseur
>*Eats baguette*

>> No.79186338

>still the biggest member of her gen and quickly becoming top 3 of all EN.
She's proof that unicorns are not longer a needed audience and that normies can carry this hobby. If this bothers you just leave this fandom, you clearly don't matter.

>> No.79186351

if i had a nickel for every time i've seen this exact scenario play out on 4chan, i' have enough to buy a plane ticket and bludgeon you to death in person

maybe next time, anon

>> No.79186431
File: 240 KB, 1283x1341, 94558152-CA15-4A05-9E56-2C68B4E57A94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79186437

>Normies can carry the hobby
Grudgeposting this in six months when she's a three view. Vtubers will always be niche and the mainstream audience is fickle and moves on quickly.

>> No.79186511
File: 31 KB, 512x429, 8D552C4E-9164-4E75-931E-E90B7691224B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79186565

>accusing someone of being tranny
>supports lesbianism
I fucking hate LGBT but holy shit not everything is gay shit head

>> No.79186708

Why wait six months when you can see her mogging her "gfe" genmates and the cgdct holos right now lol?

>> No.79186712

Nah you're the gayest thing in this thread.

>> No.79186810

Debut period is not representative of future performance. I'll wait till the tourists like you filter away.

>> No.79186962

No fucking way, including the highschool girl bit?

>> No.79187004

Is this the actual live2d model? Looks like shit ngl

>> No.79187022

every single bit, anon.

>> No.79187294

Did your dad beat you into submission to know what that means? Because it sure sounds like it.

>> No.79187314

>T. Elizabeth
>Or a sister who unironically flew to LA and welp...

>> No.79187319

Both homolovers and homohaters are insufferable. I hope they all get put in a gulag so we can stop these stupid interholo civil wars started by the exact same people every single time. Rehabilitation through hard labor, if they survive.

>> No.79187433

Based beyond belief

>> No.79187502

Faggots throwing around tranny a lot sure knows they went through a phase of knowing how it felt when they were one.
Change my fucking mind turds.

>> No.79187685

If you despise her, I think you've gone too far with this. I recommend you block her channel from showing up on youtube and just skip the collabs she partakes in. Use your energy to love your oshi, not to despise some red woman.

>> No.79187957
File: 661 KB, 1680x1270, GGoPW-2aUAAJNX4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is okay if you watch female vtubers.
It is okay if you watch male vtubers.
If you're gonna be a bitch about it because a man is talking to a woman, then kill yourself.
Calling other people "cuck" is just a projection for your schizo fantasy knowing that you failed to satisfy your oshi even in your dreams.
That is all.

>> No.79188100

You mean her antis, they are insufferalbe.

>> No.79188370

Homolovers are fine. You're free to love whatever vtuber you want. It's Homobeggars that are the problem.

>> No.79188865

she and her kind are literally enemies of everyone good
the woke cult needs to be eradicated

>> No.79188953

why are all homobeggers like this?

>> No.79189045

Lots of words to justify being a cuck

>> No.79189189

Shiori literally talked about Bettel on last night's stream.

>> No.79189492

Calm your chuunibyou

>> No.79189511

Honestly this, if Red wants to collab with them, I am cool with it, I won't watch collabs because I am no fans of them. I will only hate her if she drags any girl who feels uncomfortable with it.

>> No.79189918

I don't get it, I have only mostly seen posts of her being hated. Does her fanbase hate her--?

>> No.79191339

>better than this homosexual hag
Nothing tops a homosexual hag

>> No.79191958

holy fucking based, i kneel heimin

>> No.79192120

you write like a banned vtuber memes discord server member

>> No.79192209

Didn't work out in your dreams did it?

>> No.79192690


>> No.79192727

Gonna be real for a sec: What's exactly wrong with making your post as legible as possible with clear spacing to make it easier to read? I'm genuinely confused.

>> No.79192934


massive fucking blank space you fucking faggot
It’s not my fault that you’re dyslexic and get lost between words

>> No.79193113

Start by chilling erb homolust faggot.

>> No.79193348

ah hell man someone get this guy a fucking lightstick jesus christ this hurts inside

>> No.79193717

i will now watch your oshi

>> No.79193757

Seeing her views was bad, seeing her fanbase follow her to holo was worse
who knows, maybe she gets rehabilitated by hoLOLIve and she sheds the scum, but there's no point holding out hope for that happening
nijisisters jumping ship because it's in flames is cool and all, but TND includes the fucking attitude, they need rehab more than anybody otherwise they'll just fuck up whatever they move to

>> No.79194502

no habla espanol, speak english, you fags

>> No.79194648

Same for me but with FuwaMoco.

>> No.79194751

>speak english, you fags
that was english, you fag

>> No.79194865

Okay, I am going to put this into perspective for you, unicorns.
Do you rather:
>Cover has enough homo-friendly talents in Holo that they can use when they need to promote HoloPro as a whole
>Cover doesn't have them and drag unicorn-friendly talents to it and shit like what happened with FWMC repeats?
Clearly my third option would be Cover abandons Homos completely, but that isn't happening specially with NijiEN dying, they have the highest chance more than ever.

>> No.79194928

Elizabeth hasn't done anything every single schitzo anti in this thread has claimed she's done or will do.
I find it amazing that liking a couple posts on twitter can make a bunch of beta males so fucking angry they dedicate an entire week to seething at a woman who's literally done nothing wrong except engage with her co-workers.

>> No.79195216

You can see it in her split starting here

>> No.79195267

Same. I still have no idea what she sounds like I prefer it this way, the less I know about her, the easier it is to ignore her.

>> No.79195657

Reddit spacing predates reddit. Complaining about reddit spacing is peak newfag behavior.

>> No.79195779

They had to purge some sex pests not that long ago, and you expect people to already be willing to give it a go again?
That aside, having them be accessories ala blue twins might work, but that's a slow process to work out

>> No.79196162

reddit spacing predates the internet so some of us are several generations apart from the little shits complaining about it being a reddit thing that there's no way for them to even know
dunning-kreuger fucking /here/ of all places

>> No.79196606

Cover has the widest path right now for more success, I honestly think people should believe them ensuring everyone is safe and professional, at least within the company. They cannot really help it if they find someone outside, though.

>> No.79196996

no it wasn't, you fag

>> No.79197869

>redit spacing
impeccable bait anon I salute you

>> No.79198560

nigger i said SPEAK ENGLISH

>> No.79199767

Liz won. Not even chumbuds can ignore it anymore.

>> No.79201665

>letting the catalog convince you of anything
>thinking her fanbase is in the catalog

>> No.79202514

mental illness

>> No.79202749


>> No.79203235

>jobbing to the catalogue

>> No.79203572

How does Kanata feel about Suisei and Sora having collabed with men? does she consider them not idols

>> No.79203603

no, i don't speak mental illness

>> No.79203735

cope and sneed catalogreader

>> No.79204389

that would be pretty odd considering kanata has uploaded shorts singing/dancing suisei's latest songs. also contrary to retarded sister's beliefs holos don't hate each other because of their content choices, in fact they respect them. suisei complied with kanata's wishes not to interact with males by removing one of the male musicians from her previous radio show when she was invited to it.

>> No.79205028

Never use Kanata for your falseflags again, you worm.

>> No.79205178

I'm sure this time they'll stick around and show more support than the regular twitter likes

>> No.79205292

i fucking hate kanata so much
disgusting tone deaf lesbian

>> No.79205476

She achieved more in life with a hearing condition and eating literal grass as a child than you ever could completely healthy

>> No.79205758

The fuck is this thread? Its like that one chipanzee outrage video at Cincinnati zoo. The fuck

>> No.79209150

what do chips and zees have to do with anything?

>> No.79209850

people can have different ideals and still respect one another

>> No.79210994

>The catalog, filled with her antis, is clearly the same as her fanbase
What is this faggotry?

>> No.79216342


>> No.79216573

...minor spelling mistake. Its over..
