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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 12 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-Anime_Expo_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
79158162 No.79158162 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.79158417

The cope is that AC all of a sudden cares about the well-being of livers.

>> No.79158583
File: 1.40 MB, 1170x1694, A5042FD4-BCD4-4949-B998-BCF887A6AFF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fingers crossed that the live stream will be the same

>> No.79158757

They will star falseflagging and schizo posting about it like they did with OffKai, only that this time they can't falseflag as phasekeks

>> No.79158760

They are giving this shit out for free by the way. We will see how it will turn out

>> No.79159156

I think it's literally just a Youtube stream with no audience

>> No.79159278

better than expected probably, I mean there are already sisters celebrating because now it's FREE

>> No.79159287
File: 367 KB, 447x697, 1718510922244397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyways what yall cosplaying at AX? If any peeps here are going?

>> No.79159479

Did you forget about the faggots on Twitter threatening to attack Niji fans?

>> No.79159607

They're still doing the booth though

>> No.79159900

>Did you forget about the falseflagging sisters on Twitter threatening to attack Niji fans?
anon you really need to work on your typos, fixed it for you

>> No.79160128

>Everything that makes my side look bad is fake
Crazy typo you made there

>> No.79160611

So all this time Nijisanji and their fans are still on board with that character assassination thingy huh?

>> No.79160770

How is a booth comparable to an entire venue containing Niji fans?

>> No.79160908

How many threatened lives does it need for ANYCOLOR to acknowledge that it's a threat to their assigned staffs and fans?

>> No.79161080
File: 133 KB, 720x279, 1719336441748476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did acknowledge it was a threat so they pulled the concert. Why don't you answer my question?

>> No.79161323

That is the cope.

>> No.79161364

Aha so they don't care about the booth and the safety of all the staffs who works in it

>> No.79161365

you don't understand, poor nijisisters were gonna get allahu ackbar'd

>> No.79161430

That is literally what Niji said they cancelled it for. Continuing to act like it's because of money is the cope. Otherwise it wouldn't be free

>> No.79161496

Watch as the free stream gets cancelled too

>> No.79161688

>all I have to do is post some comments on twitter about wanting to beat niji fans and anycolor will cancel everything

>> No.79161698

I will blow up Japan if Scarle is not released from her contract and given full ownership of her name, model, YT channel and other social media accounts.

>> No.79161876

>a nijifan
cute falseflag tweet

>> No.79162071

Keep on pretending like a guy selling Niji merch wasn't harassed and punched at a convention

>> No.79162783

There are nijisisters in hololive. Just saying.

>> No.79163100

I wish they actually come because I will be there in front of the nijisanji booth carrying around a giant dokibird banner lol

>> No.79163270

im doing it again too

>> No.79163349


>> No.79163369

I fucking dare you to go at a nijisanji en panel or meet and greet waving that banner or wearing a dokibird shirt

>> No.79163562

its over, the fish man will subvert from the inside

>> No.79163568

Get a bodycam and record reactions, we need to return to the old 4chan ways of actually disrupting events IRL for keks.

>> No.79163572

I love how you fags somehow keep escalating the incident from laughing at niji booth to shoving and now to punching.
By next year you'd say that a nijifan was obliterated by a dirty bomb that was made by niji antis

>> No.79163679

How about we bet on it sister?
Or are you too cowardly to accept a friendly betting and ribbing?

>> No.79163756

>one guy's tweet got the concert canceled
Lelouch I kneel

>> No.79163788

>entire venue containing Niji fans

>> No.79163847

sister I got a cock en balls here mate. nah im daring him to do it because Its gonna be funny as fuck you dingo

>> No.79163928


>> No.79163937

From March, no less

>> No.79164040

you need to go pay attention in school kid you can barely understand english

>> No.79164179

Do you know how much it costs to rent that theater for 3 days sister? They canceled to save money, you retarded monkey, they are saving them selves of paying for the venue and staff, it's a common practice when ticket sales are lower than 50% in a big venue, you lose too much money.
Stream it, gain some adsense and a superchat or two, slap a sponsor if you can find one and cut the losses. If there was a real threat they would cancel the booth not a concert IN OTHER building 5 minutes walk away from the con.
It would be funny if nijisanji got ONE GUYED on twitter, but it's not.

>> No.79164198
File: 340 KB, 1144x2130, KEoJCUNeoX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not gonna say I toldja so but...

>> No.79164224

No, it was probably the multiple threats and that Niji merch seller getting punched at a convention

>> No.79164322

>Niji said it so it must be true
Actual retard.

>> No.79164420

How fucking weak is nijisanji holy shit.
Doki was and still is being threatened by loony nijifags and she doesn't let that scare her.

>> No.79164462

If it was about money, where's the paywall on the concert like the AR live? Are you pretending like a booth inside the convention is the same as a building dedicated to hosting a Niji concert?

>> No.79164625

>Building dedicated to hosting niji concert
Sister, it's fucking Peacock Theatre

>> No.79164766

errr il use my phone or a go pro or something then post it on /vt/ il just run around with a dokibird banner im not gonna fuck with anyone or anything If I annoy a few nijisisters il try to record their reactions lol

>> No.79164871

tbf doesn't lelouch have like mind control powers?
what do sisters have?
I know which one I would pick to make serious threats

>> No.79164981


>> No.79165002

he lost his geass

>> No.79165075

To be a filthy devil's advocate, I'd assume that costs like these were locked in long before, because there's an inherent sunk cost and opportunity cost with someone booking a venue months in advance only to pull out less than 2 weeks before the act. I doubt Niji got a full refund on the cost of booking the venue itself, given that the space probably won't find another act to host in that now-open time within the <2 weeks left.
Above conjecture is based entirely on the fact that Niji hasn't moved their booth from where it is, right next to HYTE, since that was also probably pre-planned months in advance in anticipation to shill the collab cases. Still funny regardless.

>> No.79165090
File: 174 KB, 706x278, 1719336441748476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One faggot who received no likes or retweets. If it was about safety they'd have cancelled the booths across the way from Hyte and Doki's birthday celebration. Stop coping - even some sisters on twitter are accepting it's because of low ticket sales.

>> No.79165276

nijifans deserve to get attacked for acting like subhuman trash

>> No.79165293

People "speaking in hushed voices" near the stall and one woman asking why she was selling Niji merch is not harassment. That artist also shared around the BPD rentry before this, so even those minor interactions might not have happened.

>> No.79165305

There was a safety concern, did you forget about goku and vegeta?

>> No.79165317

At a loss here, is this some gender bent Leon Kennedy?

>> No.79165339

>Faggot doesn't know the difference between having a booth that is a part of the convention and having a concert with it's own venue
If it was about the money, why is it free?

>> No.79165378

>harassed and punched at a convention
This is a complete lie.

>> No.79165382

the dude has an anime profile pic hes prob a pale skin 100 pound 5’4 small lanky nerd with an overbite why were they so afraid of this guy

>> No.79165422

The payment usually isn't made until weeks or months after the event when renting venues. If they lose the safe deposit, is less than losing the full amount of rent.

>> No.79165466

NTA you're arguing with.
Convention and venue security exist, retard.

It's a lot harder actually to manage security at their booth, where btw they're gonna get mogged by HYTE the entire time.
It's about the money in that they would be spending extra for the building at this point and they can cut that cost. An aside, cancelling the booth would net them 0 savings other than travel, which is also already booked. Meaning booth cancellations get them no savings whereas concert does.
They already are trying to damage control monetarily by offering perks to those who bought concert tickets.
Offering paid to the youtube concert now would be a bad move and net them even more embarassment. They'll offer that later if they do.
If they were worried about a bunch of nijifans in one room and their safety, they'd also cancel their panels, which DON'T have professional venue security, just a single security guard near the entrance, if that.

Tl;dr they're only cancelling the thing that actually costs them money, and they're cancelling it at the exact day of a likely get-out clause with the venue.

>> No.79165506


>> No.79165509

The average NijiEN fan is weaker than that

>> No.79165551

>That is literally what Niji said they cancelled it for.
No, they weasel-worded the explanation so that the dumbest people alive could hallucinate that "threats" were an issue while also maintaining plausible deniability that they never claimed as much if they get pushed on it. Events from other companies in the past that have been canceled, postponed, or altered due to real actionable threats have no problem directly saying "We are doing this due to safety concerns." It's not even uncommon for them to elaborate on how they are cooperating with law enforcement to investigate.
"Recent developments" that "made the optimal experience no longer feasible" is intentionally being vague about what specific factors caused the cancellation. There is zero reason to do this unless the actual reasons are humiliating. If Anycolor had even a crumb of suspicion that actionable threats against the venue existed, they would be aggressively using that as an excuse to save face.

>> No.79165563

are you talking about that “mae_gixx” account larping as a nijisanji fan? thats just fucking millie’s alt larping starting shit to sway public opinion in favor of them but it backfired

>> No.79165564


>> No.79165586


>> No.79165624

Never forget the 10 gorillion nijisisters massacred on February 5th

>> No.79165684

man people are evolving backwards

>> No.79165689

Because it's still cheaper than paying the full booking price AND the staffs?
Also, the booth IS riskier retard, there's so much foot traffic in AX that theoretically any threat could come and go virtually undetected.
At least in the theater you have a fucking gate AND a checkpoint.

>> No.79165687

Most of people who go to concerts like that aren't neckbeard basement dwellers and fat blue haired sisters who live on twitter and /here/. Are the normal fans or people who don't give a shit about drama but enjoy the talents. I hate Nijisanji, but I would never harm or even say nothing bat to a niji fan on a con or a concert, let people be.

>> No.79165769 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.68 MB, 1280x720, mouse lmao.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WARNING: Graphic footage of nijisanji fans being attacked

>> No.79165921

>It's a lot harder actually to manage security at their booth
No, it isn't, you lying faggot. Security crawls everywhere around booths. They're giving shit to people who bought tickets to give them something as compensation for their money. They could have easily said that the concert would be only online and locked behind a paywall and no one would complain. Pretend you know more than the company

Tldr: You're a retard

>> No.79166030
File: 3.19 MB, 1280x720, 1714195242405.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WARNING: Graphic footage
Another angle of the attack

>> No.79166073

>Security crawls everywhere around booths
Have you ever been to AX sister?

>> No.79166176

Clearly you haven't been to any convention, faggot. Or even seen footage of one.

>> No.79166223

It has more to do with traffic management and prevention retard.
It's easier to guard a single checkpoint like in theatre than a whole fucking alley, a busy alley no less.

>> No.79166314

Proof or it didn't happen

>> No.79166331

Ah, so you're just a pajeet sister that couldn't afford to go to con let alone AX then.
Carry on.

>> No.79166333

Keep on pretending like a guy selling Niji merch wasn't taken at gunpoint, beaten to a bloody pulp and then had his home robbed

>> No.79166341

Have you seen any zombie movie?
In a zombie attack, you want to be in a mall
You don't want to be trapped in a auditorium

>> No.79166410


>> No.79166426

And what about the fucking entrance? It's a lot easier to fucking keep on an eye on a booth to make sure retards don't throw punches then doing it for the inside and outside of a building

>> No.79166453

poor nijifriends are being oppressed, now they can truly bond with palestinian people as they harass someone for eating in mcdonalds or some shit.

>> No.79166513

Are the Niji fans the zombies in this scenario?

>> No.79166561

I'm sorry I thought you're worrying about nijifans safety?
You know how hard it is to keep an eye on the whole hall compared to a single theater right?

>> No.79166658
File: 775 KB, 2480x1861, 1658338057392027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh this is gold lmao

>> No.79166734

Event planner anon here.
There are three main costs to a venue.
Reservation/booking cost, building/facilities cost (yes this is different, this is the cost of supplying power, turning the lights on, etc.), and staffing.
Reservation/booking is a "due on x months advance/booking time" sort of thing depending on who the venue is working with. While you would think that this is the major cost, not really in a place like la live which is already likely soft-reserved by AX to begin with.
Retards not from the area don't realize that LA Live is RIGHT NEXT to AX, who uses the nearby hotels for programming also.
Building/staff costs are usually locked in between 1 week and 14 days from the event, varying depending on weekends, holidays, etc.
This coincides exactly with when their announcement is currently happening.
This cost can also often be in the tens of thousands. Especially for a large theatre like peacock.
Likely I'd say around $30,000 for an event like this.
In addition to this, they have AV rentals such as LED screens. While these are usually locked in cost wise by a month before, they likely could get a deal to wait until two weeks because of connections with AX, who already has a large order with their AV company, who's still trying to kiss up to them. Similarly, staff costs would also be locked in at this point and billed no later, and those staffing costs can be double the cost of the actual LED screens.
Ticket sales were sub 700 I believe I saw another anon cite (source they made it the fuck up for all I know but still)
They lose whether they cancel the event or don't. But cancelling it now means they save at least $50,000 dollars, and not cancelling means the trolls that do get into the venue get unfortunate pictures to troll with.
TL;DR no, this is exactly the time they'd cancel the event if yesterday their bills were due for ~$60,000 dollars

>> No.79166812

>Goal post shifts from the alley to the entire convention hall
It's a fucking flow chart, it's easier to keep track of the convention with it's security than an entirely separate building

>> No.79166969

Is this a Juni cosplay?

>> No.79167064

Retardchama, no they don't.
They have about 50 guards for a room the size of football fields, all of which are known for being retarded and useless.
LITERALLY THE SAME COMPANY BTW that hired a guard that harassed one of their maids at the maid cafe and had to be confronted by registration staff, who subsequently got fired for "stirring the pot" at the end of the convention.
They have a couple convention staff who can only observe and report and will get fired the moment they put their hands on someone.

Peacock has actual professional security that is paid almost twice as much.

You do not know what you're talking about.

>> No.79167125

What, no.
No it is not you retard.
You're talking as if Peacock doesn't have their own security team.
Again, it's easier to guard a single checkpoint than a booth in Kentia hall if you're worried about nijifans' safety.
But if you're worried about nijiSTAFF safety than you have a point.

>> No.79167287

proof when?

>> No.79167292

damn I just found out about nijisanji cancelling the concert whats the real reason behind it? is it just lack of ticket sales? im not up 2 date with the drama

>> No.79167500

Retarded faggots, they'd have to guard the front of the building and the inside too. Where all the Niji fans would be conglomerating compared to a single fucking alley that anyone can look over

>> No.79167642
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Yes, very clearly. Even some NijiJP fans have realised this - but most of the EN fans are coping that it's because of "threats" (one recently created account on twitter with no likes or retweets) even though they still have the booths across from Hyte and Doki's birthday.

>> No.79167776

Only to people who bought tickets, no? At least the guy who was going to take pics of the empty venue can share shitposts of the stream.

>> No.79167985
File: 240 KB, 960x640, image_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and they do that. Guards like that exist.
And not many would be needed for the <700 fans in that concert hall.
Booth security is generally not a thing.
If they care, they would have to hire their own booth security. AX does not provide booth security. "looking down an alley" tells me you've never been to AX. These aren't empty alleyways.
Take a moment to learn about the actual venue before making a fool of yourself in a bait thread.
https://www.animeherald.com/2018/07/13/crowds-and-spectacle-walking-the-halls-at-anime-expo-2018/ This is from SIX YEARS AGO when the convention was SMALLER

>> No.79167990

Peacock theater is smaller than Kentia hall retard, and even smaller compared to AX venue in genral if nijifans safety is their concern.
Also, why would you put guards IN the theatre?
This is in LA, there's no open carry there and you have a checkpoint at the entrance, you know, like every fucking theater in the world?

>> No.79168092

Oh, absolutely, the only reason that AX did this is because Niji couldn’t bring in enough revenue to make using the concert hall for those timeslots profitable.
Things that didn’t happen, but should have.

>> No.79168241

NTA but they do have guards inside anyhow to break up fights for any concert. It's a moot point from a retarded sister that's either never stepped outside or doesn't have even the slightest bit of situational awareness to recognize venue security when they're not in a brightly colored shirt.

>> No.79168419

Is there actually any more instances of someone making threats other than that one lelouche guy on twitter?

>> No.79168458

Anon, these are not punk concert...
I think you could count in one hand the time fight broke out in fucking anime concert

>> No.79168604

Not the point. They're there. So the theatre is objectively a more secure location.
Last time I went there they didn't even allow larger bags, props, or cameras - something that IS allowed in AX itself.

>> No.79168691

nah its just sisters coping these women really cant accept reality as usual

>> No.79168814

Right, so you agree that theatre is the safer place of the two?

>> No.79169013

Yeah I'm not that sister whinging about this shit I'm this one
This shit wasn't for safety, it was for money and avoiding further embarassment.

>> No.79169117

I'm retarded >>79167985
I mean this one

>> No.79169385

This is literally a nobody user and a self admitted "alt account" which was being made shortly before this was tweeted.

Who are you trying to convince here sister?

>> No.79169418

>Also, why would you put guards IN the theatre?
The safety argument for cancellation is definitely BS, but there were actually (real, not rent-a-cop) police inside the theater during the packed love live concerts a few years ago.

>> No.79169534

There you have it.

>> No.79170480

Sister, just admit that it was because they couldn't sell any tickets. You look even more embarrassingly clownish than usual imagining up nonexistent death threats.

Like, you look so cartoonishly stupid I'm not entirely convinced it's not antis peddling false threat claims to make you look bad.

>> No.79170553

anyone actually going to ax willing to chase me around running with a dokibird banner? and maybe wear an elira wig? il provide the wig of course lol

>> No.79170906

Nijisanji doesn't need the Anime Expo, in fact, I can assure you they are finding other much better places free of Nijiantis.

>> No.79171064

sisters need a little more time so they can reach a consensus that its dokis fault

>> No.79171122

Sakana is busy trying to cure Pippa

>> No.79171157

Who is this PL girl cosplaying as?

>> No.79171512

Damn, they are still bringing a little bit of cash back

>> No.79171611

For the amount of times that K from BR2049 is posted here, anons sure have a hard time recognizing the cosplay.

>> No.79171858

Much obliged anon. It's nice to have someone who actually knows something show up for once, instead of just retards sperging out.

>> No.79171935

I'd say what mine is but it'd out me as /here/ immediately. Just know that it's really funny

>> No.79172298

i was going to choose some low effort characters since I don't have the time or skills to make anything actually complicated, but I dropped the idea

>> No.79172473

All it takes is right clicking and searching with google images, anon

>> No.79172731
File: 91 KB, 1280x960, 1699641317606756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was going to the concerts to try and score some nijisister sex, if this cancellation is why i don't have sex that weekend, I demand AnyColor lets me fuck one of the girls as repayment

>> No.79173124

If it was a safety issue, they wouldn't still have their booth at AX
Use your atrophied brain for once, sister

>> No.79173309

>friend passes you the booz
Do you accept?

>> No.79173616
File: 86 KB, 898x705, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google images stopped working anon

>> No.79174110

I'm disappointed, not retarded

>> No.79174714

Well the more that others learn how events work, the less I have to worry about things continuing to grow when I age out. And maybe a bit less drama for me when I fuck up. :v

>> No.79175000
File: 354 KB, 360x1298, spoonfeed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're probably searching the thumbnail

>> No.79175233

No, I'm using traditional google image search which no longer works (but is still present in 4chan extensions). What you're using is completely different functionality.

>> No.79175368

That was your mistake. I said to right click.

>> No.79175757

Yeah, I was stubborn. I hate google constantly destroying what worked well in the past. New image search is a lot worse.

>> No.79176109

You talked like a jew, nijewsister is appropriate for you.

>> No.79178658

yandex is just giving the alcohol

>> No.79180579

This didn't even kinda happen.
No Niji-fan has any documented assault in a country where law exists. If they did, it would have been reported publicly in a reputable source.
The fact is that at least 80% of NijiEN fans are either Chinese, Southeast Asian, or the offspring of one of those two demographics living in Canada. The fact that the chief complaint is "I had to buy really expensive plane tickets to LA" when the most expensive tickets are going to run you in the $250 range (chump change for anybody that's planning to go to fucking LA, let alone for a convention) shows that most of these people are probably foreigners, not domestic US fans.

>> No.79181458

>the most expensive tickets are going to run you in the $250 range
no fucking way a transpacific flight in the middle of summer to LA is that cheap

>> No.79181582

he's talking about the supposed NA audience anon...

>> No.79181668

ooooo me dum, sorry

>> No.79181796

Nah, that's US domestic flights from the east coast to LA.
But the point remains that if $250 is a big deal to your budget, you weren't taking the convention seriously anyway.
Conventions in LA are not for poor people.

>> No.79181800

There's no way you Nijitards genuinely believe anyone is convinced by your nonsense, right?

>> No.79182695

Just burning away the very little goodwill left.

>> No.79183057

I'm going as Hitoshi-San from Nyan Neko Sugar Girls again. Not in the mood for something different.

>> No.79183112

Has any of the organs publicly addressed the cancellation is any way or form?

>> No.79183287

>Niji merch seller getting punched at a convention
When the fuck did that even happen? That shit would have been everywhere on here if it did

>> No.79183313

But sisters told me that this is not how concerts work, all tickets are sold the last day. Nijisanji messed up!!! i wanted to see a recording of my lord!!!!!! what do now?!?!?!

>> No.79183496

It was all a fucking lie made up from one of the sisters twitter accounts MAE or some shit I don't have the interest on looking for it, and it didn't had anything about assault, she said she was harassed (probably someone was laughing at her, it was way way way too soon after the black screen and massive meltdown)

>> No.79183629

You mean that artist who said they were "harassed" but it was just people walking by and talking about the giga yab?

>> No.79183639

Twisty has in a YT community post, I saw someone post a screenshot in another thread but I can't find it now. Supposedly Millie has in a members post (and seemed to suggest that the organs knew about it a while ago) but that anon has provided no proof so I'm sceptical about that one.

>> No.79183962
File: 26 KB, 206x214, 1666406341046617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have the cap or the @ so if I'm wrong I'm wrong, but my recollection was that the "harassment" constituted a sister selling niji merch, and then when someone was perusing said merch, two other people noticed and walked up, asking if they were aware of le black screen stream, which made both the buyer and seller "uncomfortable".

>> No.79184203

oF COURSE... THAT'S IT!!! The concert being canceled due to low sales is not only an embarrassment for NijiEN but Nijisanji as a whole, it means that top tier units like Chronoir are just dead in the water outside of japan and investors might pull out big time, so they got some faggots to threaten violence and say ''OH NO THEY ARE GONNA KILLS, NO CONCERT!!!!'' So they end up looking good and have an excuse as to why they pulled out.... sneaky bastards.

>> No.79184260

>Supposedly Millie has in a members post (and seemed to suggest that the organs knew about it a while ago)
Someone needs to bite the bullet and find it. Cause if that's true that makes the announcement WORSE because people could have had more time to cancel their tickets and have a higher chance of getting refunds

>> No.79184288

>and seemed to suggest that the organs knew about it a while ago
And they just now decided to announce it? Jesus Christ

>> No.79184420

If they cancelled the booth too, that would make sense, but having a big presence at the con, but cancelling their private event in another separated building, it's megaretarded.

>> No.79184489

Well like I say the anon offered no proof so it might just be bullshit.

>> No.79184509

Right, I've seen the Twisty one. Regarding Millie, I'll believe when I see it, especially since some of them allegedly stated on stream even recently that they were praticing dancing for the live.

>> No.79184543

do they still have their booth next to doki's or was it just the concert that's been cancelled?

>> No.79184573

They probably held off to try and squeeze as much money as they could.from the fans.

>> No.79184645

A concert hall with security measures in place(security guards, metal detector screenings, no bookbags, etc) . What the fuck are you expecting tk happen exactly? The only attack niji is worried about is someone filming an almost empty hall and plastering it everywhere.

>> No.79184747

Both still there

>> No.79185098

I don't condone this behavior but it is unironically based. Subhuman nijiscum do not have a place in vtubing

>> No.79185573
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>> No.79185697

they can't because they'll clash with the chinese gacha mafia running that shit.
They will blame it on Dokibird, her fans and thos despicable holofags!

>> No.79185752

Damn it feels good to be a despicable holo fag

>> No.79185794

millie is a snake so im willing to believe that she knew

>> No.79185878

People told me that the tweet was about her dog dying, have I been lied to?

>> No.79186255

Didn't Elira post about her being in a bad mental space on that same day?

>> No.79186427

The Clique strikes again

>> No.79186560

she was really really really sad about millies dog

>> No.79186643

Anon, they thought Chronoir was comparable to suisei, Pekora or marine in the west....of course they are megaretarded

>> No.79187310

I got you anon here is the post of the filipino girl who makes niji fan merch.

>> No.79188396

Anon is retarded and doesn't know the differences between the days:
https://x.com/EliraPendora/status/1801032770849820763 12 of June
https://x.com/MillieParfait/status/1804151686807621894#m 21 of June

>> No.79188759

you're all retarded
they probably found out when they said the were taking a 2 week break
just like luxium did when "covid" canceled the original ar live

>> No.79189004

Not Twisty though.
Funny how The Clique knew about this beforehand.

>> No.79189235

Who's taking a two week break? Fro what I can see Elira is still streaming and besides a collab Millie hasn't streamed in a month. are you mixing vtubers or what?

>> No.79191332


>> No.79191497

One problem. If the stream is going to be free, it'll likely be on youtube. If it'll be on youtube, the number monkeys can compare it to doki's birthday that same weekend.

SO! Who's ready for them to try one last overlap? I expect the stream time to be moved to Thursday, July 4th at 5 PM PST.

>> No.79191669

It was even better. They were talking to themselves in passing. During a packed, noisy convention hall.
She got offended by whispers in a private conversation that she was somehow able to hear despite how loud conventions are.

>> No.79192015

If they put it on youtube they can view bot it to hell and pretend it was a success

>> No.79192116

I have no idea what the fuck happened to that tag but I can only assume I went full retard when attempting to tag >>79191497

>> No.79194094
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>Start free stream of the event
>its pre recorded
>Vox:"Wow look at that audience, so many people"

its gonna be absolute Kino

>> No.79194249
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>> No.79194792

They are afraid of ratt leaking photos of empty hall.

>> No.79194922

Vtuber fans are in no shape to attack anyone, niji propaganda is hilarious

>> No.79195000

are there any sisters left?

>> No.79195291

This is easily the best post on this entire board today, if not all week.

>> No.79196699

Yes, just SEA ones who don't spend money.

>> No.79197762

I'm surprised that you don't see how this cosplay photo doesn't look like K at all.
The funny part is that simply putting a tape over the nose would make this cosplay multiples times more recognizable.

>> No.79198266

I hope there is a restream because I know I am know going to give them a view even if it's free

>> No.79198679


>> No.79200619
File: 15 KB, 984x496, 1719335299663028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karma is a bitch

>> No.79201721

they don't, cons are useless. besides this is all that I e fucking anons fault, that admitted to repeatedly buying and refunding all the good tickets, not letting real fans have a chance

>> No.79201761



>> No.79202284

Bruh come to ANYC and BD for Holosis sex.

>> No.79202365

>the best year of my life
lmao. sisters are built for instant loss.

>> No.79202666
File: 3.14 MB, 1792x1024, 1710337676554588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad?

>> No.79202679

every time
they must be masochists they take L after L and keep coming back for more

>> No.79202782
File: 131 KB, 713x1200, 807D91BE-3670-4F7C-8B63-CF9FAC5380D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, I unironically have a bunch of old condoms I need to use up. If you're gonna get laid at BD need some, I got you.

>> No.79204378

Nijisanji ax(Ed)

>> No.79205267

thats too far, LMAOOOOOOOOO

>> No.79205534

no one will ever go to a vtuber concert again after those yumes got memed with vtuber concert eye reveal

>> No.79206157
File: 88 KB, 480x480, mint_ICANT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO good one. Have a (You).

>> No.79206289

Are you genuinely retarded? Any faggot could sneak in and cause issues which is why there would need to be security in the venue. The fucking size of the venue doesn't matter, the fact that a bunch of Nijisanji fans would be gathered in one place while faggots on Twitter were making threats to start shit is proof they cancelled because of safety

>> No.79206423

Goku and Vegeta are the real victims here. Where will they fight now?

>> No.79206797

the bottle of vodka brings up more results than that cosplay, anon.

>> No.79209595


>> No.79211924
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Merge ahead

>> No.79216665

damn man

>> No.79217348
File: 591 KB, 600x906, 1696809539181681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sides

>> No.79217466

>That is literally what Niji said they cancelled it for.
No it's not. Fuck off from here and learn English

>> No.79221520

They are going to need to find a new location for their battle

>> No.79223256
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verification not required

>> No.79223322

>no video proof

>> No.79223490

bravo riku

>> No.79224178

If they cared about safety they would ban the traitor (and anyone displaying her image) immediately. Ban that computer booth if they won't act. This is serious as people have been threatened!

>> No.79226304
File: 33 KB, 736x433, 1719379661050248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The narrative is now that dokifags were threatening to kill nijifags

>> No.79226764

i hate maegi so much it's unreal

>> No.79227049

I'm just here to read all the people who've never been to AX or LA in general claim that the venue that hosted the fucking Grammys is somehow less secure than the LACC's basement.

>> No.79227385

the concert is outside convention hall

>> No.79227412

oh no, a twitter post. RUUUN

>> No.79227549

they deserve better after all of that 4-5 weeks of waiting

>> No.79227874

Yes, in the venue that regularly hosts award shows with actual celebrities, but is still somehow more ""unsafe"" than a 10x20 booth.

>> No.79227916
File: 67 KB, 844x468, 1715649346509626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hilarious you guys threatened the Stars but Ofkai still happened and you got destroyed (figuratively) there too

>> No.79227962

Sis . . .

>> No.79229703

these NDF fags could have larped in as volunteers just to sabotage phaseconnects booth at offkai

>> No.79231967

Now that's what we call karma

>> No.79232075

Holy fuck this is good
If someone manages to make a meme graphic of this joke I will spam it on xitter

>> No.79233727
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>> No.79233847
File: 249 KB, 1088x1775, @cutemaidenjoyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that woman so much it's unreal. Constantly harassing Sayu and Doki, being the main booster of that dogshit BPD rentry the doxxsisters made, god she's such a disgusting negative for society.

>> No.79234560

Hey retard sis, which of these two is easier to guard; nijisanji booth in Kentia hall or 1 (one) theatre?

>> No.79234657

I'm thankful to god every day for not making me one of the pagpag land inhabitant but sometime I wished I was a flip so that I could sock this bitch square in the mouth.
Fucking Millle bootlicker

>> No.79234845

Do you know what exactly Peacock theatre is sister?
Fucking OBAMA will hold a charity event in that same theatre this weekend.

>> No.79236002
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>I saw the tweet threatening harm with my own eyes

>> No.79236148

The singular booth, you retard. Do you think it'd be easier guarding a fucking building than a stand?

>> No.79236250

>Singular booth
The booth is located in the middle of fucking KENTIA HALL retard.
You know, where there will be hundred of thousands people coming and going.

>> No.79236466

I'm sorry, what?
Do you think niji antis were gonna storm the theatre or something?

>> No.79236710

Holy shit an army of hololive fans are going to naruto run storm the theatre...!

>> No.79236782

It didn’t happen, but it would have in a just world.

>> No.79236873


>> No.79237007

Re:Act got hit with TWO bomb threats this fucking year and they have no problem saying so in their official statements.
Nijisisters are delusional bunch

>> No.79237028
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fucking hell anon, kek.

>> No.79237562


>> No.79237961

Yeah, easily monitored people in a confined space

>> No.79238144

> I can assure you they are finding other much better places free of Nijiantis
Bottom of Tokyo Bay would be one. The Yakuza highly recommends

>> No.79238171

They may not even have a booth next week.

>> No.79238175

Please, listen to this man. Not to the obvious sister defending kurosanji because "the concert is now freeeeeeee".

>> No.79238202

It's easier to monitor 300 or so people in Peacock theatre with a single point of entry than thousands of people in a busy hall sister.
Were I a bad actor intends to harass or harm nijifans it'd be easier to do so in AX own venue because I could get away more easily by blending in with people.
I would have infinitely harder time to do so in a theatre, not to mention that in order to gain access in the first place I need to fork extra 50 bucks or so on top of AX admission ticket.

>> No.79238207

No, you fucking idiot. Do you think Niji antis are gonna swarm the booth? Common sense, it's fucking easier to guard a stand than an entire building

>> No.79238324

The whole cope is that you, sisters, are feeling threatened and Anycolor saw there were credible threat to YOUR safety.
The booth is in the middle of busy hall, how the fuck could you guarantee fans safety there retard?
AX has had multiple pickpockets and harassment claims in the past already.

>> No.79238349

>Single point of entry
You're a fucking idiot. Stop shifting the post to the entire convention when it's only a single booth. Were I an anti, instead of taking my chances at fucking with a Niji fan at a convention, I'd just go in front of the concert building and start shit there where they are only Niji fans. Or I would just sneak into the concert and start shit there too.

>> No.79238470
File: 38 KB, 849x349, Peacock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go in front of the concert building and start shit there where they are only Niji fans
And get absolutly wrecked by Peacock theatre security?
Peacock is not just some middle of the road theatre, retard sister.

>> No.79238528

>I would just sneak into the concert and start shit there too
And how would you get away with it retard?

>> No.79238663

>Uses the government as a show of competency
Do you not remember the failure of security in Capitol Hill? Fucking delusional. Do you honestly believe that security can filter out the Niji fans and the antis in front of the building to make sure no one will start punching people?

>> No.79238696

Are we really comparing AX to Jan 6th now?
Holy mother of copium.

>> No.79238738

Do YOU honestly believe that security can filter out the Niji fans and the antis in fucking hall to make sure no one will start punching people?

>> No.79239063

If they wanted Chronoir to be popular overseas they should have tried to push translated clips more of the two or something. There's been zero attempt at making them more appealing to the western audience.
Again it's just another failure of management to do any proper planning.

>> No.79239170

It's a lot easier to filter out people next to a booth than people inside and outside of a building

>> No.79239276

I'm sorry, what?
People are already getting filtered by theater building before, sister.
They're called ticketing gate and security checkpoint.
You can't even bring your own snack in the fucking theater ffs

>> No.79239315

Do you honestly think there will be fisticuffs? IT's a whole bunch of weebs who've never been in a fight. At most the sisters will get shittalked and have their feelings hurt. I'd actually gamble that the sisters would be goaded into throwing the 1st punch. Do you think anti's are going to a)pay for a ticket b) pay for the trip to get there c) risk criminal charges c) risk their careers just for Doki?
If you think AX is a security risk the Niji should never ever show up to any con outside of Japan ever again

>> No.79239410

Retard, I'm questioning the sisters' logic that the main reason for cancellation was
>security reason
while they're keeping their own merch booth open.
I personally don't believe there is a substantial evidence of threat, unless sisters really thought that laughing at them somehow counts as harassment.

>> No.79239453

Doesn't AX lose money for renting out Peacock Theater? Also, it sucks for any theater employee who was suppose to work that weekend lose income since they were likely to get paid more than usual since it's a holiday weekend.

>> No.79239471
File: 196 KB, 1800x1200, @RottenMiTsuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd only have believe a dragoon would be capable of that if Doki actually fucking killed herself.
Hell, if she actually roped, I'd say it's a 50/50 shot that one of them would've kyoani'd Anycolor. They should count their lucky stars that all they're losing is their money.

>> No.79239788

I'd say that Anycolor would've had to do the deal with the Peacock theatre themselves. It wouldn't be something AX does for them. AX would lose some cash as the concert is part of their event schedule and they'd probably get a cut of any gate receipts and concessions, say maybe 5%(speculation here) but 5% x 400 tickets is nothing. So other than marketing costs you'd expect Anycolor to be eating the majority of the losses as they're the ones pulling out. Shame Riku's, Vox and Elira's dads didn't pull out either 20+years ago as well

>> No.79240251


>> No.79241664

That's the inside, retard. And what the fuck would a security checkpoint do? Are people carrying fucking swords?

>> No.79241959

feels like you have not seen AX yet, I was there at AX 2019 and my god people are clumped together in the booths only the earthquake changed the whole thing in that day, the guards are useless in that high amount of traffic

>> No.79242074

For one, it's checking whether they have tickets or not.
I doubt any troll would just waste 80 bucks just to laugh at nijisisters' face

>> No.79242126

How the fuck do you filter people AROUND the niji booth anon?

>> No.79244306


>> No.79244691

How come Melonbread is selling Niji shit without any sort of harrassment for 2-3 cons since February, then?

>> No.79244943

So her dog's fine

>> No.79245008

You can't bot vod views.

>> No.79245042


>> No.79245106
File: 213 KB, 1080x1920, how to add views lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you can manipulate them easily.
Yes, sisters WILL spend their worthless time to do this. That's why
>muh vod views
is the dumbest goalpost moving they have done yet.

>> No.79245213

Depends on the branch really. NijiJP largely does fine? I think? So this is unlikely to affect them all that much.

NijiEN however is in a death spiral and I'd be shocked if the branch survives the year.

>> No.79245479
File: 12 KB, 300x210, 21_53_34_images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why punching people when you can use your GEASS ?
