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79159584 No.79159584 [Reply] [Original]

Elira sealed nijiENs fate that day

>> No.79159795
File: 1.04 MB, 1500x1273, nijiKWABOTY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well congratulations, whore of babylon, you got yourself KWABbed!

>> No.79162154

I wish they put it on Vox's channel instead. That faggot had the most to say, anyway.

>> No.79163012

>Literally the exact same event that forewarned NijiKR eventual merge

>> No.79163115

That that is the most watched video in her channel will never stop being funny

>> No.79164059

That fate was already sealed when Pomu decided to graduate

>> No.79164229

The domino fall started when Yugo "graduated".

>> No.79164582


>> No.79164681

Nah, her graduation had zero repercussions whatsoever in comparison to what happened afterwards.
The best way to pinpoint where everything went to shit is when Zaion got stealth suspended and then terminated.

>> No.79164944

It was when Nina left.

>> No.79165142

Nah, it was what happened to Selen. Everything prior to that was an error that could be recovered from, but once Pomu left and Selen's termination happened, that really sent them into terminal decline.

The black screen stream really accelerated the decline, but they'd have started to implode even without it.

>> No.79165307

All wrong. The wheels were set in motion when Ethyria debuted, and firmly established the clique. Luxiem's debut, and the shameless favouritism that followed is when a disaster of some form was unavoidable.

>> No.79165763

Yes and no. What happened Feb 5 could have been recovered from: I remember that week everyone was blaming Niji management for not supporting and harassing Selen because of her ambitious goals.
All that was needed to recover was the Black Screen stream to instead be a wholesome compilation of all of Selen's "friends" in NijiEN sending messages of support,love and apologies if any (maybe even to the tune of Last cup of coffee) and for Riku's stream to be exactly the same but with a couple of sentences on how much he loved Selen's dedication and wished her all the best in her future endeavors and we would have been in a completely different timeline.

>> No.79166306

When are they going out of business? I want to see that so bad

>> No.79166311

Not only is that STILL up, they haven't disabled the comments?

>> No.79167315

next rrat is a july 1st merger of nijien

>> No.79167471

They should already, but they might keep it alive as a zombie to "own the haters", who knows. They have several more graduations coming though.

>> No.79167606

It's dramatically hilarious how they could have recovered from all the shit that happened, albeit slowly, if they didn't do this fucking black stream

Now it all escalated so much that they cancel whole ass concerts because of how poorly they sold/to avoid being once again the laughing stock of the whole industry

The three stooges doomed their whole branch and if there's a shred of common sense left within them, should get the fuck away from here asap and start working at their nearest wallmart

>> No.79167808

Anycolor as a whole likely has a couple of years left in it.

The rumor is that Niji EN might be merged out after July 1, not sure I believe it. Even if it is merged, most likely some of the ENs will continue streaming, since they have no place else to go. However, the majority of Livers will probably depart. My guess is almost all the girls in particular except Elira/Enna/Millie/Reimu will leave.

>> No.79168175

Nope Yugo was unironically the canary in the coal mine it always felt weird and the way it was treated felt like there was a big problem.
Zaion's termination was the real red flag.
Nina was when I was like Oh Fuck something is very very wrong this shil is treading water.
Everything after was life boats escaping while the ride or dies insist nothing is wrong.

>> No.79168222

not the jp branch is still going strong and has cornered the fujo market
EN branch tho il be surprised if its still not dead by the end of the year

>> No.79168415

I'm glad they're in a much better place now. Reading that Rentry article about their breakdown on stream hurt my heart.

>> No.79168441

This stream alone confirms all suspicions and makes things unambiguous. They are completely detached in their own little groupchat and convinced they're right about everything.

>> No.79168447
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I think they'd have fired Elira by now, if she was behind the black screen. Giving a witch to burn would have pleased the crowd and gained Niji some popularity points. I'm sure Riku cares more about his bottom dollar, than the wellbeing of the livers.
They can't put the blame on her without opening themselves to a pretty damaging libel suit.
Not saying she's innocent, but it was obviously something the whole company was involved with.

>> No.79169152

I expect the bully trio to remain at Nijisanji as long as Anycolor continues to operate, barring firing. There's literally no place else for them to go.

>> No.79169434
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It's difficult to pinpoint which yab was their last chance to pull the emergency brake and prevent the death of the branch, or at a minimum prevent things from getting this bad this quickly. Obviously the Selen situation made it clear that they had already passed the point of no return, but it's tough to pinpoint which yab was the beginning of the end. Picrel.

>> No.79169640

Why won’t they just take it down? Obviously people won’t forget, but why would you want that forever in your #1 most popular videos list? It just stains your reputation for any new viewers

>> No.79169689

It was likely the first AX concert cancellation. That's what got Mysta to quit finally, nearly got Shu to quit, and killed a lot of morale and faith in the company, both from the fans and its organs.
Shit was still awful behind the scenes, but it would've lasted a few more years if they hadn't. I'm perfectly glad with that though because I was waiting for Selen to leave since early or mid 2022...

>> No.79169714


>> No.79169819

We can go back further beyond. It was when Ethyria did their debuts.

>> No.79169954

Too much of a risk. It's easy for Elira to say "they made me do it" if she was terminated, and people would rather side with a person who was let go than the corporation. The best play with Elira is to let her leave of her own accord, and have her sign a lengthy and detailed NDA regarding the inner workings of NijiEN the past year.

>> No.79170063

Arrogance and a refusal to admit they were wrong.

>> No.79170153
File: 247 KB, 949x1242, ffec8a0760bd3557964b1699e93942ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Elira to quit and try to "set thing right", just to see the reaction of this board.

>> No.79170207

No idea what the fuck nijisanji was thinking with this one. First they say, completely unprompted btw, that there was internal talent driven bullying and then they have some of the talents people were most likely to suspect of being the bullies shittalk selen live. Either there was massive internal miscomunication on how to handle it or they are incredibly retarded. Probably both.

>> No.79170279

Outdated screenshot, it's at 1.3M now. Also Elira lost 18k subs since then

>> No.79170297

Thats an old screencap btw
The black streams it's at 1.3M views, and elira at 540k subs

>> No.79170314

Elira redemption arc would be kinda kino desu but human psychology doesnt really work that way.

>> No.79170546

>the Black Screen stream to instead be a wholesome compilation of all of Selen's "friends" in NijiEN sending messages of support,love and apologies
God, imagine how different things would be if they had done this. It's crazy how doing the right thing is such a foreign concept to nijisanji EN.

>> No.79170561

Why did Elira do it?

>> No.79170640
File: 77 KB, 933x594, Elira - reasonable rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79170766

It was most likely a mixture of ego, unability to admit wrongdoing, corporate mandated set up of plausible deniability in case of lawsuit and general jap corporate culture retardation of muh companies' honor above literally everything.

>> No.79170885

unironically this. what a way to ruin something more or less decent

>> No.79170956

Well I'll be damned, this actually is so accurate it's scary.

>> No.79171027

I will never understand japanese vtuber agencies general refusal to properly organize their english branches. This is not just a niji issue, holo EN has had problems with managers and chains of command since its very inception. Is it japan's general lack of knowledge of anything foreign and english? Is it that they just refuse to actually give some modicum of power and independence to their overseas branches so everything has to be mediated by managers picked from God knows where and who have no experience with the vtuber market?

>> No.79171307
File: 488 KB, 720x1135, Screenshot_20240625-142120_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nearly got Shu to quit
Think he'll go through with it this time?

>> No.79171314

A blackstream?

>> No.79171442

Absolutely, he's /out/.

>> No.79172337

Debates about inevitability and points of no return can be an endless parlor game for armchair historians. As is true with WW2, so it is true here.

What we can say is that February was A key inflection point, but that the roots of the problem also go deeper back to Zaion or further.

>> No.79172441

Japanese are little people who are always being looked over by Big Brother America. So when the roles are reversed they don't know how to behave other than arrogantly

>> No.79173157


>> No.79173501

>This is not just a niji issue, holo EN has had problems with managers and chains of command since its very inception.

I can at least speak to what happened to Cover since I am a Holofan and have been so for a long time.

When Cover was founded in 2016, I believe it was originally a tech company intended to sell some equipment Yagoo had developed (this is why Holoearth is a thing; tech is basically what Yagoo likes and knows). So they had basically no clue what they were doing when they morphed into a big-name vTuber agency. This is why they found themselves facing issues like when Mio's channel was nearly permabanned or the Coco-Taiwan disaster.

In response to these yabs, Cover professionalized their management and brought in people with idol industry experience. EN lagged behind in the professionalization because of Myth - when Myth came onto the scene their growth and income was crazy and they assumed Omega, who was the branch manager at the time, knew what he was doing. Eventually, they figured out Omega was actually clueless and even harmful, but not until he'd ruined Council and caused Gura to go into semi-retirement. Dimitri Jap finally stabilized the branch when they brought him in in 2023.

And Hololive is a "good" actor. A lot of the smaller talent agencies which appeared on the scene have been cash grabs of various kind with little interest in long term growth. Good small agencies like Phase are pretty rare. The majority seem to be like WACTOR.

tl;dr vTubing is a relatively new industry, and most of the companies/agencies are extremely small and inexperienced, and even well-meaning people are going to stumble in situations like that.

>> No.79173872

The fact that they acknowledged Selen's complaints about harassment from her fellow livers no less and they treated it like it was just an excuse for minor rules violations is what sealed their fate. It's the one thing that if they swept under the rug might have made the situation salvageable, considering Dokibird didn't want to escalate. The moment they mentioned that it pretty much gave Dokibird implicit permission to spill the beans and confirm she was harassed and to irreparably damage the brand and disabuse the notion that Sayu was just a lying menhera.
At that point they could have either said nothing and take the L, or attempt to damage control by, let's say, announcing an internal investigation about the harassment allegations, and in the end using a couple of managers as scapegoats as the cause of everything shitty that happened and announce that they have been super fired. But no they doubled down now the situation is completely unsalvageable, to the point it might even affect the main Niji brand.

>> No.79174354

What's up with Omega? I keep seeing the name and the albino anime girl avatar but I never figured out what's real and what's just schizo rrats.

>> No.79174446

>they figured out Omega was actually clueless and even harmful, but not until he'd ruined Council and caused Gura to go into semi-retirement
Wait, I know Omega unceremoniously disappeared but I didnt know it was this bad. Is there evidence for this or is it all rrats?

>> No.79174603

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>elira's #1 clique simp that follows her everywhere
hearty kek

>> No.79174619

Model was cute and an unfortunate waste. I just know that they've been quietly shelved, allegedly due to poor management of EN.

>> No.79174648

All we truly know is that the talents hated him.

>> No.79174765

How do we know this? Is it just speculation or there are receipts like with Niji?

>> No.79174823

This. Phase also stumbled during its first year. Pippa still tells stories about how mismanaged it was before fishman stopped doing the managing himself and finally brought in Muumi.
The only difference is that the good corpos learn from their missteps and improve. because they do actually care about their talents. NijiEN didn't get hated immediately; in fact, most people sided with them against Zaion when that happened because they had goodwill back then. They were just so publicly incompetent for so long that they spent all of their goodwill and had none to temper their never-ending yab train.

>> No.79175114

>Is it that they just refuse to actually give some modicum of power and independence to their overseas branches so everything has to be mediated by managers picked from God knows where and who have no experience with the vtuber market?
Yes. They don't trust EN branch to do the job properly and have to manually accept everything. They don't care if it stifles the growth of EN branch, they just want to avoid possible trouble.
Excepted they hired part-time students who don't do their job and EN basically had no management and things went to shit anyway.

>> No.79175295
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Terminating Zaion and smearing shit all over her for months was the moment when people started noticing something is wrong.

>> No.79176342

japanese management culture in general is an extremely poor fit for vtubing. it's true that their strange copyright laws are a major impediment to the company obtaining a license to stream a certain game, but it's really only a small part of the picture. in these japanese agencies, even when there is no licensing question at all, there is still a self-destructive obsession with "permission" for all kinds of minor routine things. the talents often have access only to a first-level "manager" who lacks the authority to make any permission decisions, and is in reality nothing more than a clerical assistant. the purported positioning of talents as "independent" contractors leaves them with very little independence.

japan had a tremendous first-mover advantage in vtubing, but if they cannot find ways to overcome the barriers they have set up in front of themselves, they will continue to piss away that advantage, and their relevance in vtubing for any language other than japanese will slowly erode until they have no choice but to retreat completely into the japanese domestic market.

>> No.79177257

Elira didn't do anything you braindead faggot. Corpo used her channel to soften the blow (in their minds) because she was yab free and well liked by fans. They thought they could give her and Vox a script and sweep the shit under the rug and move on. Elira takes the fall for no reason, it's bullshit.

>> No.79177260

like, unironically who?

>> No.79177359

yeah, they could lose Selen, but not Pomu, and certainly not both of them.

>> No.79177651

It's funny how no matter what is being said about Elora, Vox and Hex will always end up as complete assholes (they are ngl)

>> No.79177683

>he talents often have access only to a first-level "manager"
Maybe the new talents but surely titans like Pekora, Miko and Subaru have more sway in the company than that. The Rushia case might support your thesis since she was their top earner by a mile and they still dropped her but her case is an outright breach of contract and not something as menial as not needing management permission for day to day activities.
>japan had a tremendous first-mover advantage in vtubing
Japan will continue being the top market in vtubing so long as the coomer/otaku culture that feeds vtubing stays strong. The sad reality is that vtubing and parasocialism are bedfellows and Japan and skorea seem to be the world leaders in lonely men with free money.

>> No.79177748

The person who announced a live 3D concert tour with stops in HK with Doki as a special guest, Tapiei and Tokyo not even two days before AC cancelled theirs.

>> No.79177826

Vox has to be one of the biggest scumbags in vtubing outside of literal predators.

>> No.79177977

>Told to be a human shield
>Do it and lose any sliver of a spine you once had
Regardless of her intention, she comes out of this as a pure retard.

>> No.79178302

>Told by management to jump off a bridge
>Does it anyway like a retard

When exactly does that make her better anyway
She's either an evil retarded bitch that doomed her own branch, or a spineless retard that doomed her own branch

Literally no alternatives

>> No.79178325

It's especulation, the girls just were pretty unhappy with management and when he left they got better.
At least that's the rrat, but he left a long time ago but Gura still went on her really fucking long hiatuses.

>> No.79178404
File: 124 KB, 1200x900, The More You Know About Skinsuits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yugo is a he.
Unnämed is a they.

>> No.79178544

Her only choices where 1.Comply and hope that audience takes your side, precedent said that this might pay off; sayu, or 2. Refuse and either be internally blacklisted or outright fired, both are career suicide as Elira. With hindsight, 2. might have been the best option but only if her audience follows her/she makes ties with Doki and rides the martyr popularity wave/outright miracle happens. Of course, the best possible outcome would have been for her to join Doki and Mint as the big fallout winners but there might have been bad blood there and thats way too many gambles. Ultimately she went with the "safest" option but all her options were shit.

>> No.79179215

Nobody cares about Zaion Piprup

>> No.79179865

Yugo is a girl. Pretending otherwise isn't healthy.

>> No.79179926

I don't want to be an asshole to Yugo.

>> No.79179979

That's fair, Yugo/U-san is a good person.

>> No.79180268

In the end it doesn't matter. Technically, anycolor's plan worked and elira became their shield... for a while at least. All they did with that was kill any hope people had that those 3 idiots + enna/millie weren't part of the problem.

>> No.79180278

Management won't remove it, and they won't allow Elira to remove it. If they remove the video, it means admitting that they fucked up in allowing/forcing Elira to make the video in the first place. And they would sooner burn the EN branch and the whole company to the ground than admit they made a mistake.
Unless Youtube themselves remove the video, it will remain up on her channel for the remainder of her time in Nijisanji; and, depending on the circumstances of her eventual departure from the company, it may remain up afterwards in perpetuity.

>> No.79180381
File: 63 KB, 580x643, No Longer Feasible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Longer Feasible
Its Over

>> No.79180701

That black screen is a permanent mark of shame on Nijisanji, even if Elira is the one wearing it (she is fucked for having it on her channel - useful idiot status).

>> No.79180953

It's kinda crazy if you look at the situation in hindsight. It wasn't really one unrecoverable misstep that did it, and there were still so many points in time where they could have salvaged the situation. Just off the top of my head
>they could have just given Selen the go ahead and release Last Cup of Coffee
>Millie could have not been a bitch and rub the whole debacle in Selen's face which just escalated the issue (not really important in the grand scheme of things but still petty af)
>they could have just allowed Selen to graduate ala Yugo
>They could have not released that hit piece against Selen
>And finally, they could have not done the black screen and given the talents plausible deniability with everything that happened, which would have made everyone focus their ire on management (something that you can still recover from by firing a bunch of scapegoats) instead of all of them.
I honestly can't wait for the inevitable Internet historian vid about this debacle.

>> No.79181028

Good middle ground, believable, got used by bigger fish for their convenience, now she is a used condom and she knows it too

>> No.79181150

she's fine, she just needs a dose of reality
though she's still larping in other places

>> No.79181232

>they could have just given Selen the go ahead and release Last Cup of Coffee
>they could have just allowed Selen to graduate ala Yugo
either of these two alone would have allowed NijiEN to weather it all with much more grace, making much of what Selen had to say fall on deaf ears, letting things move on with no major hits, they were on a downward trend, but what happened sped it up and created a mortal wound in the hull of the sinking ship

>> No.79181498

Nah, you're just a retarded culture warrior who's as cancerous as the Sisters.

>> No.79181749

This. If Pomu was still in the branch the day the Selen fiasco happened, maybe /vt/ wouldn’t be as harsh on Niji as it was.

>> No.79181870

NTA and I also don't think the JP branch is going anywhere either, but they've definitely gotten significantly weaker this past year compared to previous years. Setting aside the recent nijiGTA arc which most evidences point to being botted, NijiJP has reclined significantly. Most (Not all mind you) of their event numbers are down, including Koshien. Kuzuha outside of tourneys and NijiGTA has declined overall in terms of avg CCV. Some of the old guards and main event organizers have graduated or are on indefinite hiatus. And worse of all, majority of Nijisanji's main metrics are being funneled to 7-10 people while their midcard is deteriorating fast. Again, I'm not saying that they're going to close shop or anything like that, but a case can be made that the position for the #2 vtuber company has a bit more wiggle room now.

>> No.79181994

>Pomu is still in Niji when it happens
>Black Screen is on Pomu's channel
>Pomu is the opening speaker
Would have gone peachy.

>> No.79182188

Join the 42%, SJW.

>> No.79182301
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>He's one of those right wing grifters that got told to fuck off after it was clear you just wanted to /pol/ify vtubing.

>> No.79182414

What? You're spewing some incoherent schizo bullshit that has nothing to do with what was posted in this thread.

>> No.79182572

So exactly what you're doing because you can't accept Yugo is a male due to your NPC programming.
What is it with right wing grifters and projecting?

>> No.79182608

Yeah, the vibe in the week between the termination and the black screen stream was "support the livers, not the company"- that Niji management did Selen dirty but the other talents were innocent and shouldn't suffer for it. The black screen stream was the real point of no return.

>> No.79182782

Currently sitting on 540k btw. The west is lost for Anycolor.

>> No.79182807

Stop derailing the thread

>> No.79182834

>political ideologues need to project their own contradictory obsessions on to the other political tribe to normalize their own irrational behavior
This is sadly just the game they need to play to make themselves seem sane in the in-group, projection is a natural followup to such a code of conduct

>> No.79182966

>basic ability to recognize male vs female
>NPC programming
Utterly mindbroken. As usual, leftist retards are utterly incapable of not projecting their issue and keep failing to insult opposing side.
I entertained you long enough, fuck off back to /pol/ with your garbage.

>> No.79182975

Good point, it flicked the public sentiment squarely against them and what their play was

>> No.79183049

I dont even know who Yugo is

>> No.79183092

I'd say Zaion's
I'd expect a mentally unstable hag to be petty, that's on par.
However, Anycolor, a multimillion international corporation, being petty and unprofessional wasn't a good sign. That was the first real red flag, as the other anon said.

>> No.79183292


>> No.79183345

Nta and I like U-san, and I try to use neutral pronouns (because actually U-san claims to be gender neutral, not a man) if I'm interacting on twitter or in chat, but I frequently say "she" /here/ because I'm sorry but it's still a mental illness. Correcting someone who says "she" or "her" is as much derailing a thread as someone responding with >her whenever Zen is mentioned.

>> No.79183353
File: 157 KB, 750x1500, __yugo_asuma_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_takerunamito__7e6175eec9f04b5ac6203a8feb0dce83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/tard deludes himself into thinking this model is female.
Nice consciousnesses of guilt and projection over the face you can't get over your NPC programming.
No wonder /pol/tards like yourself and the Sisters are the exact same group. You need to follow your own advice.

>> No.79183392

Heck, they could have salvaged things after the black screen stream as well.
>Shift the blame away from Elira and Vox by scapegoating some managers/interns.
>Fire those interns, promise to do better
>Make an apology to Selen, extend an olive branch, and bury the hatchet.
>Maybe Riku does some performative marketing, shows how "incensed" he is at EN management and does a "internal audit" or something
This would have taken no effort and no risk at all. They don't even need to actually do anything substantial, just make some empty promises and bury the hatchet for PR purposes. Which they couldn't do even now.

>> No.79183437

But a bullying happened and a couple of nijikr were kicked out from niji by the bully.
Eerily similar to what happened now with nijiEN.

>> No.79183467

Selen could've salvaged and prolonged it till her contract expires

>> No.79183693

>I like U-san
>I just hate their identity
Sounds to me you don't really like them that much anon

>> No.79183738

>I'll be nice to to their face, but shittalk them behind their back.
How to tell everyone you're a sister without saying it.

>> No.79183770

>fishman stopped doing the managing himself and finally brought in Muumi.
What is the logic for the CEO to manage his talents? Like literally alone? Yagoo also had this with stars but i know he wasn't alone on that one

>> No.79183781

HOW have they not fired her yet? Was the video that destroyed the branch not her idea?

>> No.79183841

The voice is female you cretin. The moment she opened her mouth everybody knew she's a girl. She even said it herself. Watch streams you retarded faggot.

>> No.79183966

Even if it's her idea she would just turn on them with some anycolor forced me shit and everyone would turn on anycolor even harder.

>> No.79183978

I can't speak for the community at large, but personally no. The moment the black screen goes up, on her volunteered channel no less, Elira became dead to me as a content creator. And given that she is still, continuously, every day bleeding subs, I doubt I'm alone.
There were a lot of fuckups compounded over a relatively short time, but that singular instance was the complete failure point. There is no higher up boogeyman making things hell for innocent streamers. There is only rot.

>> No.79184022

Yugo was a character that was male. Simple as.

>> No.79184067

I don't hate U-san's identity and acknowledging it's a mental illness isn't "shittalking" them. I'm sorry that you're unable to understand this. Saying it's a mental illness doesn't mean I expect U-san to go through some kind of conversation therapy bullshit or anything like that - because the only actual way to treat gender dysphoria is to allow the person to live in the gender (or lack thereof) they feel comfortable in.

This isn't some right wing ideology - until about 15 years ago it was the progressive way of thinking.

>> No.79184096
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>> No.79184159

Pandora's box, is that you

>> No.79184240

He knew jack shit about the industry back then and had no idea he needed a manager that badly. Probably thought that he could just give his talents their setups, negotiate sponsorships, and that would be it.
He has since learned and Phase is thriving for it.

>> No.79184299

>until about 15 years ago it was the progressive way of thinking
The fuck are you talking about, the first western gender reassigment surgery happened back in the 60s and people referred to her as woman.
You know what, you do you.
As for me, I'll just keep on supporting my oshis wholeheartedly.

>> No.79184309

Yeah, and Goku's voiced by a woman in japan. I guess we should all start calling Goku a girl, too.
You're never going to fuck he/she/it anyways, so who gives a crap?

>> No.79184411

>I don't hate U-san
>I'll just constantly shittalk and demean them behind their back.
I want you to start messaging them and their chat about how you really feel because you think they're mentally ill and see how that goes.

>> No.79184442

Retard. That's not a good comparison. We were talking about what happened to real person, we just referred to her with most common role.

>> No.79184545

Nijiniggers and woketards really struggle with differentiating between reality and fiction huh?

>> No.79184591

Because, in usual JP corpo style, she was probably used as a shield to take most of the backlash on selen's termination. But, turns out the west isn't grorious nippon and the backlash so much that it hit both Elira and NijiEN's image in general.
If Anycolor fire her, then she can play the victim and say nothing is her fault and they made her do everything. Making EN's situation even more dire (yes, it can still get worse).

>> No.79184605

He actually kept following Elira, watching her streams and tweeting about her after the black screen. He has been winding down on doing Elira clips for awhile before then and was on his way out of clipping anyway, because he finished college and now had better job prospect.
You can see it on his twitter, the whole thing just coincided with him moving away from vtubers.

>> No.79184676

Literally all Nijisanji had to do was take Selen up on her offer on leaving amicably.
Had she had a soft graduation, even with no graduation stream, everyone in NijiEN would still be having most of their numbers.

>> No.79184740

The most convincing theory I read was that February was basically a series of the most brain dead miscommunications in PR history.

Basically Doki makes a document that's basically stream of consciousness at the recommendation of her Lawyer.

Said Lawyer sends the document to ACs Lawyers because they refuse to respond.

AC panics mistakenly assuming Doki plans on releasing said document and rushes to terminate her and refute the claims in said document.

They don't realize until Dokis statement after the Black Stream that she never had any intention of releasing it. Realizing they've just done the PR equivalent of shooting off their own foot their only choice is to go radio silent about Dokibird.

>> No.79184811

It really would have saved them so much trouble

>> No.79184959

Yeah better stop calling Gura a shark because she's not one irl

>> No.79184976

Comms rrat is retarded and so are you for believing it.
It's made up by an ignorant tourist who didn't even know about Zaion. It focuses on Selen's situation in 2023 Dec - 2024 Feb only and completely ignores everything that led to it - because, again, the author is a worthless retard who didn't do any research about shit he's talking about.

Drama tourists pls go and stay go.

>> No.79184999

But that comparison hits the bullseye because your world view revolves around only the actor mattering. You can't just go 'that doesn't count' when someone directly points out the absurdity of your statement.

>> No.79185013

>you have to accept mental illness
The absolute state of this generation

>> No.79185092

Don't ask don't tell was literally Bush's policy, zoomer-kun.

>> No.79185129
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Wrong, all of this started the moment Nijiniggers harrassed Aloe out of hololive and into seclusion for months.
it is divine punishment.
it started accelerating once one of their organs was the one at fault for Mel's death.
the death of 2 holos is on their hands and divine punishment will not be light.

>> No.79185154

It's still classed in the DSM-5 as a mental illness. There are plenty of trans individuals who accept that it's a mental disorder whilst fighting for their rights and recognition. Accepting it's a mental illness =/= invalidating how that person feels. Again, this wasn't considered an issue until fairly recently. I'm sorry but you're not all that much different from the /pol/tards, just the other side of the coin.

>> No.79185223

I want to try whatever drug you are in, anon. Seems to hit fucking hard.

>> No.79185238


>> No.79185245

>Amerimutts infested the world with their bullshit
Like pottery

>> No.79185288

Karma is a bitch Kurosanji-keks

>> No.79185341

She’s living in Japan, they would be able to ruin her in court if they didn’t make her do it and she said that, because of Japan’s insane laws

>> No.79185465
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its true, she was mainly harrassed because she talked about one of the graduated nijis and how niji bullied her (ironic)
iirc Kotoka was the one people were pinpointing as a culprit but its been stated it wasnt her, however, nothing is confirmed and there has to be someone at fault for Mel's death, i refuse to believe otherwise

>> No.79185765

Japan doesn't condone blackmail retard, the fuck are you talking about?
Compared to US, Japan labor law is downright merciful even.

>> No.79185778

yeah if they were able to bully pomu and selen that badly i cant imagine what was happening behind the scenes to this poor bitch
was anything ever said about that situation or will it stay hidden forever, like doki's would have if she hadn't spoken up

>> No.79185930

U-san already put that behind them and honestly good for them.

>> No.79186016

Nope. Yugo probably signed one of those silencing contracts, so he can't divulge what happened. And other livers likely only knew bits and pieces at best.
Heck, even Selen didn't say very much. If it wasn't for Nijisanji shooting themselves in the foot twice it might still be mostly hidden.

>> No.79186205

Non-disparagement clause isn't be all end all clause anon.

>> No.79186355

Three stooges? Wasn't it a duo?

>> No.79186425

Not to fan the flames, but misgendering them was just asking for a derailment.

>> No.79186509

Invisible man...

>> No.79186903
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>> No.79186981

What they did to my green triangle cannot be forgiven and will not be forgotten. Total Niji Death is the only ethical solution

>> No.79186984
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>> No.79186995

I thought Aloe left because her psycho step-dad

>> No.79186997

In a theoretical "VTuber Rewind 2024" type of thing this would probably be the most significant event to happen this year without a doubt, and to think it happened in fucking February, the 2nd month of the entire year is insane. I don't think one of Niji's biggest talents getting fired, Anycolor losing millions or tens of millions of dollars as a result and of course the onslaught of public outcry over this can toppled in the second half of the year but I guess we'll see.

>> No.79187077

>i don't think what i did was harassment
>this was an actual quote

>> No.79187133

The most we know is that Yugo was being yelled at by their manager for poor streaming numbers, which got leaked on their stream IIRC.

>> No.79187179

Now who's this manager again?

>> No.79187413

Would elira eat poop if management told her to? Lmaoooooooo. If i superchat her to kys, would she follow through because of obligations? Such a braindead take, acting like she did not do it out of malice after celebrating that she finally won in kicking selen out.

>> No.79187518

As I said before, tell U-san and their fans that they have a mental illness and see how that pans out for you.
But you're clearly to much of coward to say it their face, so you're stuck with your twisted virtue signaling here.

Yeah, it feels like Yugo signed a cease fire agreement with Nijisanji where neither party would disparage the other, which is why while he was terminated, everyone only had good things to say about him.
And yeah, if Elira's Clique didn't royally shit the bed and just let Selen walk away, the worst parts of what was suspected about NijiEN would have never been confirmed.

>> No.79187622

I mean, Yugo fucking lawyered up.
We know how much of a pussy niji legal team really is.

>> No.79187653

nta, and i don't believe the comm rrat but there seems to be a true part to it, namely anycolor lawyers being hilariously incompetent, legit the law equivalent of the teens doing management for them
I think a good lawyer would get a stroke when he would see half the shit niji signed off or ignored

>> No.79187718

if you're quoting vox, then the correct quotation is "In my opinion, it was not a form of harassment."

>> No.79187925
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>*Crinkling plastic noises*

>> No.79188958

you have acknowledged that the best known treatment for gender dysphoria is to let that person live as their desired gender.
even if it is a mental illness you're using that fact to justify specifically doing something you yourself have acknowledged would hurt them, and would fly in the face of the medically accepted treatment. you do not care about this person at all, or their issues and you have no compassion.

in short: shut up, retard

>> No.79189076

I genuinely don't think it can be expressed how HORRIBLY that entire situation was handled.

I can't think of anything as poorly handled as that was. Maybe the 2008 housing market collapse?!

But really, such a shitshow. And it's effects will linger for as long as Anycolor lives which is even worse.
Just nuking yourself with radioactive mismanagement

>> No.79189135

It's not completely clear what happened, but Omega is generally believed to have been the original branch manager for EN. I'm speaking mostly from memory, but the EN talents started to express a lot of unhappiness in mid/late 2022 about how things were going in the branch, though they didn't offer a lot of details. Omega also went dark around this time and then Dimitri Jap seems to have been hired and started work sometime in early 2023. Shortly after Jap appeared, the complaints stopped and Hololive's CCV began to improve.

We don't really know exactly what happened, but this is why it's generally presumed Omega was the branch manager and then got the boot.

>> No.79189279

did you somehow miss the whole harrasment and her suspension into graduation? shit was huge back then.

>> No.79189313

I have substantial doubts about this. There is a reason she was named in Doki's complaint.

>> No.79190482

There could be plausible deniability (or cope) that they were named as witnesses rather than instigators if they wanted to go that route, but the whole black stream, elira's "oh nyo she's doxxing us pls don't attack her stay civil but she fucking stinks :((" and how Millie and Enna act in general erase that possibility in my eyes.

>> No.79190924

The clique was inevitable since they got Elira in, anyone else in her position with leadership skills would have probably stopped the highschool mindset from setting in and maybe counter-bullied or just serious talk the now well known petty motherfuckers just enough to tell them to not get retarded or else they ain't getting anything sponsor-wise.
Meanwhile, they did the opposite and apparently the closest they flew to the sun, the more rewards they were given. No wonder they crashed and burned so hard.

>> No.79191136

I err on the side of believing that they only did the black screen stream because they were told to with the implicit threat of suspension/termination if they refused, but even if that's the case refusing to do it and daring them to punish them was so obviously the correct move morally, for their own long-term career prospects in this industry, and for the branch as a whole that they kind of deserve to be treated like they're just backstabbing snakes who did the whole thing of their own volition.

>> No.79191354

They were all done since Selen's first attempt.
That was just the tip of the iceberg of how bad NijiEN's environment was getting.
Had they actually continued with little to no fallout or no public attempt revelation, they would have all eventually driver someone legitimately insane or getting someone murdered somehow.
This was a relief, if any of th above mentioned happened, Nijisanji could have accidentally crashed the whole VTubing scene, reminder, the relatively small debacle of NijiEN went barely mainstream and it's killing Nijisanji and fucked over Cover Corp's stock for a while too. A larger confirmed fuck-up or crime would have probably dragged everyone's reputation to the ground.

>> No.79191364

Are you stupid?
The harassment allegations never would have came out if they let Selen leave when she wanted.

>> No.79191562

I still remember that one tweet
>"For his role as a demon, Vox Akuma prepared himself years ahead by acting like a literal monster IRL to people"

>> No.79191673

If she's forced to graduate, she should probably just try to behind-the-scenes settle things with Doki and then go full wrestling heel with her, changing her supernova design to a black hole inspired one, also because there's another more well known star Vtuber (Kaneko Lumi).

>> No.79191898

Pomu's graduation and the public'd members stream where she talked about getting fucked over by management added a lot of fuel to the fire that would be started by Selen's termination, yeah. Though I'd say it was a ultimately drop in the bucket compared to how much the black screen stream made things worse.

>> No.79191902

How many organs do you anons thinks will dip after the recent concert cancellation?, this is like the AR situation but on crack. There's actually no hope left for the branch unless they unironically kill it, wait a year or two and then relaunch it with a different name Nijinternational or something like that.
Or course, this means Ewiwa, Vox and that other guy have to either be left go or get absorbed into the main branch to clean the slate of once EN as much as possible.

>> No.79191923

If I had to pick 1 event that put the last nail in the coffin for Niji EN, it was the announcement of Pomu's graduation. Pomu and Selen put Niji EN on the map, Mysta was their top male and they already lost him, the Yugo and Zaion situations were shady at best... it was clear that something is up with Selen and Pomu basically confirmed that Niji EN is at a dead end.
Pomu was their heart and soul, the first one to debut, they're nothing without her and even less without Selen and Mysta.
Niji struck gold with Pomu and Selen in particular and they just threw it all away.

>> No.79192168

>Yes. They don't trust EN branch to do the job properly and have to manually accept everything
This, not even due to lack of trust to EN branches per se but rather it being part of their management style, it's more of a problem of Japan in general than one company

>japanese management culture in general is an extremely poor fit for vtubing
make that every sector that requires fast / flexible decision making
Toyota's foray into f1 was a colossal fuckup despite their massive budget, years without a win and often dunked on by teams with half their money for the same reasons.
They expected the team (in Europe) to ask the Japan HQ for permission for almost everything, losing a full workday in the process in a sport with only a handfull days between races, often requiring the team principal to fly over for some miniscule shit, among other issues

>> No.79192187

It's not surprising, they recently lost some of their old guard JP members because the company is so goddamn awful they decided that it was not worth the trouble, also NotGundou constantly talks thrash about their mysterious previous employer and points out how being indie has been considerably better on her life. Turns out all of those warnings about going solo was just Niji gaslighting at work trying to stop them from realizing they were being fucked over.

>> No.79192217

>A larger confirmed fuck-up or crime would have probably dragged everyone's reputation to the ground.
Can you imagine dragging a screen with an anime girl to a senate hearing?

>> No.79192278

I vaguely recall people showing off some quotes from Kiara on the matter, but my memory is too hazy to recount the specifics. I just know that Kiara in particular apparently was rather unsubtle about not liking Omega.

>> No.79192322

Bare minimum 4. Kunai and Vivi are so fucking out that they aren't even subtle anymore. I can't see da wose staying either after all the selen shit. Hex is definitely leaving due to how he's been trying to funnel people to his PL, too.

Scarle might stay since she he has a pretty isolated fanbase. I can see Aia going either way. Hopefully both of them are out, too.

The wildcards are the men. Luca absolutely deserves to be fired for his countless NDA breaches, and Vox is a complete mess. Shu likely won't leave unless Elira does, so they can't fire her without losing their strongest remaining boy. Alban seems to be MIA on a break, and Fulgur/Vanta have been doing their best to keep their heads down.

>> No.79192357

Sufficient stupidity is indistinguishable from deliberate malice.

>> No.79192443
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People saw the writing on the wall even way back then

>> No.79192517

Post yfw you were never a nijinigger

>> No.79192521

i don't follow motorsports, but that is a fascinating example of exactly the same problem.

>> No.79192536

retardbro read what that post was replying to.

>> No.79192625

Yeah, treating the black screen stream as an act of rogue managers forcing the talents to smear a former talent to try and cover their own asses or something like that was their last chance at redemption and they weren't even smart or decent enough to do that. Truly a garbage company that deserves to burn.

>> No.79192779

>There are no big yabs but there will be a big yab someday i bet
woah it's nostradamus

>> No.79192923

Unironically yes, because nostradamus was a hack

>> No.79192942

>nijis big yab will come from fanbase infighting rather than an outside force

>> No.79193085

U-san mentioned this recently in a Twitter space. Basically, Yugo had a lot of antis who kept sending Anycolor false reports about him. So instead of working on music, he had to spend his time proving his innocence to Anycolor every time a false report came up. This eventually drove him out of the company.

>> No.79193177

It's less infighting and more that the biggest Niji antis are former fans (Dragoons and Wisps), that made up the vast majority of their Western fanbase.

>> No.79193843

Well yeah. After all we saw they hire lawyers same way as managers - part time students at minimum wage which is below $8/hr.

>> No.79193969

What was the cause of this? I remember seeing that site that's basically a home for JP sisters thst ranks vtubers and U-san near the bottom. What did U-san do (in their eyes) to result in constant harassment?

>> No.79194434

dragoons and wisps were already the biggest antis even before they were fired/quit anon

>> No.79194446

>Anycolor losing millions or tens of millions of dollars as a result
anon you're grossly underestimating the losses from this entire fiasco
>stock buyback rd 1 - approx $20mil usd any positive effects were wiped out by the Selen Shokku
>stock buyback rd 2 - approx $50mil usd- 1/2 their cash on hand was spent to stabilise share price
>mass loss of marketshare overseas
>mass loss of revenue overseas
>loss of sponsorship revenue
>marketing, underperforming concerts/cancellation costs of concerts
I would not be surprised if this entire saga ends up costing Anycolor $100mil upwards

>> No.79194454

The whole reason why dragoons and wisps turned on Nijisanji is because their oshis were internally persecuted within Nijisanji.

>> No.79194464
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I am glad she rejected Moona's offer. You could just learn some indogs phrases and stream in English like Kaela does.

>> No.79194661

>thinking I want to learn how to speak any indog on any level
I like Ela a lot but I would never want to study that language instead of Japanese. There's nothing in SEA that I want anything from.

>> No.79195168

I think it was because they reacted poorly to an Earthquake and didn't take it seriously enough? That's the only yab I can remember.

>> No.79195206

I'm not sure what their main reason is, honestly. I saw some sisters who were angry that a female got to be in an all-male gen so it could be that, I also saw some saying he didn't act japanese enough or something

>> No.79195391

started from an earthquake yab

>> No.79195407
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I think you read that post wrong, anonchama. He's suggesting that Millle could've gotten a comfy gig in HoloID if she learned some basic Indonesian, not that YOU should learn it. Unless...?

>> No.79195543
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WAIT WHAT HAPPENED D: that's so weird, I think any Anime Expo concert have never encountered anything like this before ToT did you received a confirmation/OK sign to manesan before getting canned?

>> No.79195881
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Sucks to be elira right now

>> No.79196557

kek Ike really did make it out of that stream like a bandit. If only his content was worth watching

>> No.79196880

It’s monetized.
Gotta bring in the cash ya know?

>> No.79196987

Should've been a reverse trap.

>> No.79197164

>reacted poorly to an Earthquake and didn't take it seriously enough
That actually didn't happen, the opposite did. Yugo immediately started tweeting safety measures and even streamed to calm people down. During the stream, someone in the chat informed him that there were casualties, and Yugo dared to respond with "sou desu ka". He already had antis before that, so they took his not crying and breaking down as him not taking it seriously.

>> No.79197548

Counter programming their CEO's apology with a vindictive hitpiece doesn't seem like something the whole company was on board with

>> No.79197605

>direct evidence
You can easily find clips that show Kiara's thinly veiled contempt for Omega, and she implies she's not the only one who feels that. I don't like a lot about Kiara but do appreciate her brutal German honesty.
>indirect evidence
Mumei and Bae quietly removed their Omega lore from their youtube profiles. Arguably, they improved the most in Council when they stopped leaning so heavily into their debut personalities.
The most damning evidence is that NONE of HoloEN have anything positive to say about Omega, despite him being so prominent in the Council debuts. Contrast that with how almost every talent has good experiences with Yagoo, A-chan, or Nodoka.

>> No.79197892

It was for a while, but I don't know if it still is: I think they turned monetization off a couple of days after when people started to notice and make a fuss about it, but I could be remembering wrong.

>> No.79198219

You can send supas in VODs?

>> No.79198255

No. The psycho step dad was one of the thing that led her to jump off a building, crash through a tree, survive, and become so done with everything as she laid there thinking “I can’t even kill myself right” that she couldn’t even bother thinking about a second attempt and just moved on with life

>> No.79198545

Ad revenue probably

>> No.79198635

I was thinking about ad revenue, but now that I think about it I have in fact seen comments in YT videos with donations attached, so it probably there is an equivalent of superchats for VODs/videos.
I doubt that anyone would have donated to the black stream though, if I have to be completely honest.

>> No.79199017

>can't die properly
>fuck it might as well live
Absolute based logic i'm so happy she survived, she deserves headpats and hugs for all shes been through

>> No.79200940

Well, yeah, because they're still holding Pomu hostage.

>> No.79201938 [DELETED] 

I doubt it. Some anti's still hate her for her "All out war" comment.

>> No.79202713
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Didn't she wanted to be the daisenapi and actively undermined Pomu until she had enough and graduated? Well there you have it you fucking whore, you get what you fucking deserve.

>> No.79202841


>> No.79203224

So when's the great NijiEN fold?
Wasn't interested in it too much but obviously caught glimpses of what happened and anons screaming 'it's over' but from what I see they're still streaming and not graduating? Admittedly, I don't keep close attention to what's happening to them.

>> No.79204193

>Toyota's foray into f1
Any recommended book and documentaries on this?

>> No.79205662

I was probably responsible for 90% of
>smug_Selen.jpg pee pee poo poo do holobronies REALLY? copeseethe
On the catalog, making holofags chimp out. My side was whatever Selen’s side was. Simple as. These faggots at Niji management thought wrong and misread who it was that dragoons and pomies were actually supporting.

>> No.79205787

its not too late to apologize to doki.

>> No.79205900
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Like that would have ever happened.

>> No.79206626

should be soon, probably the next contract cycle if not sooner. A bunch of their bigger nijien dudes like Shu were crying in membership posts back when the AR live was cancelled, so I highly, highly doubt they'll stick around now that it's happened again.

>> No.79208040

>Yugo dared to respond with "sou desu ka".
Why is this a an issue with sisters? Or is it an issue with Japanese society as a whole? Is it not allowed for entertainers to say that sadly there are casualties?

>> No.79208506

>they took his not crying and breaking down as him not taking it seriously.
Yugo/U-san should move to the UK. I thought the Japanese and Brits were on the same wavelength but if a British celebrity just acknowledged deaths then that would be enough for fans. There's no need for emotion.

>> No.79208994

>Toyota's foray into f1
That's a good example actually. I remember one tidbit from their attempt at being a big team in F1: One day the team was at a joint test session and Toyota execs were in attendance. They noticed that the Toyota cars were braking earlier than the other cars when entering slow corners. The execs immediately assumed their drivers were simply not trying as hard as the other team's drivers, but the real reason was that their car had much less downforce and thus couldn't brake as late without locking the wheels (as the other anon alluded to, they had a lot of problems developing the car due to HQ's interference). This kind of arrogance even when not understanding the thing they were in charge of seems to be something Nijisanji also suffers from.

>> No.79209709

It's called Super Thanks.

>> No.79209852

She has significantly more caché than Elira, Vox and Ike ever did. Just look at how people celebrated her showing up on Doki's Wrestletuber streams. If she was doing the black stream instead of Elira it would have created significantly less negativity.

>> No.79210011

Unironically negligible. However, it did bring suspicion to Niji as a whole. Why would they graduate so soon, when Noctyx was doing well?

>> No.79210257

can always deep dive into youtube. On the bright side you can also search around for Brawn GP, former Honda F1 team that folded right before the '09 season because of the financial crisis but basically won a championship on their debut year and were disbanded right after (ackshually Mercedes, their engine supplier bought them out and renamed the team to Mercedes GP)

>> No.79210341

Reimu is trying to interact with chuubas outside of NijiEN as much as she can to build up good will. She's jumping ship ASAP.

>> No.79210439

I don't know. Elira had a squeaky clean image until the black screen stream.

>> No.79211226

There were always rumblings of Elira being a part of the "clique", though to be fair Vox was regarded as Selen's friend before that stream happened.
I don't think any talent would have escaped hosting the black screen unscathed.

>> No.79211272

You're retarded, there's no universe in which anyone doing the black stream wouldn't have been flamed into oblivion, because there's no universe in which a message like "yeah we bullied our biggest evangelist into suicide, but she didn't get approval for her Christmas video so she deserves it" would fly no matter whose mouth you put those words in.

>> No.79214402

The only thing that would change if pomu did it is that she'd be the shareholders onahole instead of elira.

>> No.79214576

>rice does more art of pomu getting tag team'd
wrong timeline darn

>> No.79215531

I can stil remember her crying, it was completely heartbreaking, we were listening to a girl crying her heart out because her dreams were crushed because of her company's utter incompetence and maliciousness.

>> No.79215959

Are they all still bleeding subs? I haven't seen an updated version in a while.

>> No.79216985

I'd believe this is pretty much the truth. Like she didn't fuck Selen on purpose but the incompetence and the hanamori bullies did the job so she gotta somehow carry the price

>> No.79217645
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>> No.79219185

>A Message from NIJISANJI EN

So, does she represent them? Did management (JP) give green light to that?

>> No.79219501

yes, she says so at the beginning of the video

>> No.79220545

A lot of people also point to the AR live cancellation as the beginning of the fall.
But it was the Zaion debacle where the perception of Nijisanji went from being "a poorly run company going under some rough moments" to "an actively malicious group that will ruin its own talents the moment they step out of line."

>> No.79221819

nobody cared about zaion, it started from selen

>> No.79222099

It definitely did not start from Selen. Maybe you could argue it started from Nina.

>> No.79224115
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Nijisisters are losing their shit

>> No.79224671

The last tank of copium is drying up.

>> No.79226811

Truly one of the strangest moves in vtubing history

>> No.79227810

I still remember when Pippa was in full "this ship seems to be sinking, might as well" mode at that time, probably her golden age but honestly, I really don't want her relive those days where she'd break down almost at least once a week. Sometimes, she'd lose it on stream because she couldn't handle the pressure well from the retarded niggerfaggot backseat managers on old /pcg/ and management being all but present to guide her. Muumi literally did save Phase Connect from the brink of collapse and I could only imagine the genuine respect and adoration they have on her.

>> No.79228061

That could never have happened. You don't understand nijisanjiEN culture.

The nijileaker spelled it out. They had struggle sessions where they would gang up on the problematic liver and air out their grievances and belittle them with faux "education".
They are a hive of neoliberal caricatures that are indistinguishable from Twitter lefties that kvetch about pronouns and Indigenous representation.

You newfags refuse to do the bare minimum of reps to find out what sort of impromptu group Hanamori was, and what Nova's Twitter post history consisted of.
The mere fact that their branded enemy dared to snap back was a major insult to them. They just had to retaliate.
The talents were running the branch. It was a "the inmates are running the asylum" sort of deal.

These people never learned to care about optics or consequences, because these types of people have the full backing of manufactured culture, media, and structured zeitgeist. They have lived their entire lives with a full license to destroy people "for the cause" while being met with applause and Twitter likes. This escalation shocked them, to say the least. They could have never predicted it. They thought they could just go about "canceling" the heretic with slander, termination bullet points, lists of infractions, and appeals to emotion (she doxed me!), like they'd done throughout their lives with resounding success.
Just look up Nova's and Lyrica's tweets from a couple of years ago. They've performed struggle sessions and smear campaigns on dozens (if not hundreds) of artists and random people on Twitter over "sexism" and "misogyny". The MO is not that different now.

I genuinely believe the black stream was something the EN branch independently decided, and they did not communicate with the JP main branch.
The nijileaker confirmed it was pre-recorded, so might have been sitting on it for a while, and decided to air it when Doki started her stream.

>> No.79229136

Very accurate. It's actually crazy how they are totally responsive to twitter opinions, even if it's only like 5 people.
They are a hive that exists in their own cloistered little server and is immune from any contrary thoughts, that's why they though the stream was a good idea

>> No.79229201

I always say this cause majority of sisters are so stupid:
Its fuckin OPPOSITE of what Riku did in his dogeza video.
I bet 100% Riku didnt fuckin know what they would say on the black screen

>> No.79229695

Preach anon. Some people here with their ridiculous and childish "they should have done..." Don't understand that there would never have been a "should" because for these kind of people they are never in the wrong and nobody has the right to voice an opposed opinion. They're the twitter mob.

>> No.79230231

I almost feel bad for them. But then I remember what they did to Sayu and Matara and I no longer feel bad.

>> No.79231912
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Yeah they might wanna see what their officers are saying

>> No.79233754

What the fuck is an officer? Do they really have some ranking system in their fangroup that dictates what they should do?

>> No.79233989

90% of nijisisters take their marching orders from a few loud nijiniggers that the rest of them proceed to signal boost

>> No.79234142

Why? What's the point of that lol?

>> No.79234250

negligible kek

>> No.79234802

Because the average nijisister is a mindless drone unable to function without someone telling them what to do

>> No.79234816

This yugo was really the canary in the coal mine that looking back it's a lot easier to see the pattern but at the time was just a "huh, that's weird wonder what happened there". It takes two events to start to form a pattern, Zaion was when it became obvious something was wrong but Yugo was the first data point.

>> No.79234847

The last time nijisisters tried thinking for themselves they wrote "Selen has bpd therefore she deserves it" into their manifest meant to convince people that nijisanji are the good guys, actually

>> No.79235772


>> No.79235861
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It's really unbelievable, I actually think without black screen, EN slowly recovers. Doki had pretty much made her final statement that didn't have much new information and seemed content to just drop it and move on. It gets memed now but Tazumi's apology was actually good and professional. It wasn't the total embarrassment doubledown shitfest everyone expected. It felt like it took the wind out of the shitposting sails for a couple hours because it was hard to say anything but take a victory lap over making the CEO dogeza. Then black screen happened streaming, over dokis first stream, and inflamed things to a level 10 times what they were before, gurrat broke containment to even the most casual of casuals and was being read by drama streamers and posted all over twitter, and it basically confirmed every allegation that was made to be true.

Whoever let le retard de vox akuma and the two stooges cook should never work again for not having the good sense to tell them to just sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

>> No.79236191

I would unironically forgive her immediately if she got out, apologized, and brought receipts about how she was forced to do it. A redemption arc would be kino and I don't want her to be the evil villain that she's been portrayed as.

>> No.79236222

You have it backwards, the black video came like 3h before Riku's apology.

>> No.79236440

Yes it came out hours before. However his point stands; if they had coordinated and NOT released the black flame video then there would have been a much better chance of this blowing over. Instead it became total Nijideath. Perhaps it was intentional.

>> No.79236558

This is what I thought was the obvious conclusion of the gurrat back when it was being cooked, but faggots turned it into Elira being a supervillain mastermind. I read a version of it back then where Elira was just a cucked wagie getting shafted by middle management retards with no actual power to improve her situation and in turn rolling shit downhill and that sounded pretty accurate to me.

>> No.79236766

Sorry I misremembered the timing. But my point being, it was a good video if released on its own, there wasn't much negative to really say about it other than posting memes of Riku's angry face. I remember everyone waiting for it expecting another shit show and it actually being professional and pretty hard to really shitpost about. I think with just the Riku video things would have slowly blown over as Doki got back to streaming. Streaming black screen over Doki's first real stream that people were excited for, her reacting to it live and then ending stream to call her lawyer was just such perfect movie tier drama that there's no way it was ever going to blow over after that, it was like perfectly designed to reignite the drama in the biggest way possible.

>> No.79237117

This is literally kpop mentality, tribalfaggotry and numberfagging taken to its extreme. I know a kpop fangirl who will like stream like 8 instances of her oshis album on Spotify simultaneously for days, just to pump the numbers. Instead of trying to actually grow their oshis popularity, they think if every individual fan false flag supports as much as 10 of the competion's theyve won somehow. It's actually schizo as fuck even compared to vtubers fans which is saying something.

>> No.79237348
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I guess they were right. Love won. As shown by the girl who did fuck all to her "enemies" and just loved her fans and community harder than they hated her.

>> No.79237894

They could've done the black screen stream but had they been the least bit diplomatic about it - ie it just didn't work out, what Selen wanted and what was feasible - wasn't compatible with the direction the company was headed and it's unfortunate that it had to come to this. No-one would've cared. Every wagie ie the superchatters/merch buyers/members understand shit happens in the office. Sometimes someone fucks up so bad they need to be shitcanned. But there's a right way and wrong way to do it. How the Holos handled the Rushia incident is so different. Doing the Niji vs Sayu/Yugo/Selen just stunned a lot of working professionals especially in the West.

>> No.79238771

There was no need, they don't need to pile on that's part of what makes it so unprofessional. What it should have been was a tweet along the lines of "unfortunately, we have decided to part ways with Selen Tatsuki due to irreconcilable differences, we thank the fans for their support and we thank her for her work over the years and are sorry to see her go."
Done, over. Do her like Magni and Vesper even, it'll be forever speculated about the exact reason but both parties were able to move on professionally. But they didn't do that, they made a hit piece document for no reason. They doubled down. At that point the reasons are already out and both sides of the story, the company has to just take the reputation hit when the public didn't see their side of the story and apologize if they want to try and do some damage control, which it looks like they were willing to do. But then the three stooges swoop in and triple down again. Even if it wasn't such a vindictive petty message, it's still kicking a dead horse and can only inflame things more and make them look even more unprofessional and uncoordinated if it was anything more than "we loved Selen we're really sorry to see her go but let's move forward together guys" like hololive does when someone gets terminated.

>> No.79239107

>love harder
How much is that in USD?

>> No.79239398

I'll tell you what it won't be worth - the 60-70mil they've blown on share buybacks in the last 12 months

>> No.79239546
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It honestly makes me wonder: if I had been in NijiEN when Selen got terminated, would I have tweeted my endorsement of the black screen stream as well? I want to believe I wouldn't have, but who knows, really

>> No.79239743

I think it probably depends on how financially stable you'd be if Nijisanji terminated you.

>> No.79239822

Yeah. The section "why should I believe the GURRAT?"

>> No.79239969

I mean it's pretty much guaranteed that their twitters are skin walked from the evidence at hand. I do kind of think in some cases - it's either you post it or we'll post it for you.

>> No.79240233

I know I literally wrote it
It seems like way too many people missed the memo and started to treat it like a conspiracy theory with Elira as a cartoon villain instead of what was supposed to be a realistic workplace dynamics theory to explain why she doesn't HAVE to be that to make such a stupid decision.

>> No.79240337
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>So instead of working on music, he had to spend his time proving his innocence to Anycolor every time a false report came up.
What the fuck

>> No.79240354

If skin walking isn't on the table, I wonder if they even knew what the content of the stream would be before posting or if they all just got @everyone-d on discord and told "hey Elira and Vox are gonna make a video addressing the drama to try and calm things down can you please retweet it?"

>> No.79240483

If Selen was my friend? No, I'd have stayed out of it and plan my graduation. If Selen was just a random coworker? I'd have probably played ball with management and then evaluated the best time to graduate from that backstabbing shithole.

>> No.79240581
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Just look at the ones who quoted the tweet. Hex was already saying the day before stupid shit like "the truth will set you free". They fucking knew.

That's also why Kyo and Scarle didn't do it. They knew how bad it was.

>> No.79240668

>Streamed 1 month ago
>therefore the screencap is also months old
>+1 catalog post, no contribution

>> No.79240674

meant for >>79240354

>> No.79240782

>the ones who quoted the tweet
>he still thinks it was the liver organs themselves

>> No.79240794
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>exactly the same problem.
yeah, there are even more paralles, like their dogmatic adherence to the "Toyota way", because it worked for them in their core business, nevermind it being a radically different field than racing, resulting in them focusing on having the most efficient factory instead of producing the fastest car
In the end they either learn to adapt or fail, even toyota noticed that it doesn't work but by then the financial crisis hit and it was too late

>Any recommended book and documentaries on this?
There's a shitload of them on youtube since basically everyone leaving toyota's f1 team had something to add about it, be it driver or tech staff
is a short write up of their f1 story

>This kind of arrogance even when not understanding the thing they were in charge of seems to be something Nijisanji also suffers from.
Might have to do with seniority based promotions causing a top heavy structure so when a new branch opens all those guys that are not up to par get shuffled over there, you cannot trust them with the core business afterall kek
Another funny story showing the lack of understanding was toyota firing Mike Gascoyne, the designer that gave them their most successful season so far (partly because he skirted the corpo meddling wherever he could), for the car underperforming after swiching tire suppliers, a decision signed off by the Japan HQ which he was vehemently against kek
>they even got beaten by their customer team afterwards but at least they gave us a legendary party during their f1 tenure

>> No.79240881

Of course it was them. Management told them what to say, and they did it. Just take a look at Hex's tweet and tell me that he was skin walked.
