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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79160184 No.79160184 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN YouTube channels:












Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:

Our Minecraft server:

Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>79147179

>> No.79160213
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sex with my cute wife

>> No.79160238

I fucking hate Petra so much it's unreal.

>> No.79160248

how do we respond

>> No.79160253

I came here to laugh at you

>> No.79160268

This General is Grimdark

>> No.79160294
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cocksleeve material

>> No.79160342
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>> No.79160363
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I posted this

>> No.79160379

We must redirect discussion towards EN4, the prime target is ERB

>> No.79160380

rosemi deserves better than this
please get her into vshojo matara
save our funny rose lady like you saved minto-chan

>> No.79160396

ok rose lalonde

>> No.79160400

I came here to came to you

>> No.79160399

Rosemi has no talent or personality.

>> No.79160415
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>> No.79160420

I will continue a stupid argument into the next thread and no one can stop me
>why is the booth at AX staying up then?
Not as much of a risk as leaving open a full venue of Nijisanji fans
>in fact if there were legitimate threats to the event AX themselves would've made some kind of statement or cancelled the convention.
AX isn’t anycolor and they don’t have the same planning team or make the same decisions

>> No.79160460
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I want to cum on Kotoka's tummy and tits...

>> No.79160487

>diving nijigta tag because i feel empty after it ended
>just saw the news
i'll just... continue diving the tags...

>> No.79160515
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I love this Rose like you wouldn't believe!

>> No.79160527
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There's always something...

>> No.79160534

Vshojo doesn't even have shit called live concert, it's just some mmd shit quality

>> No.79160571

>group meetups
WTF? We've already established that AX will be patrolled by kill teams of siegepilled skullmasked Nijisanji antis ready to inflict murderous violence on any fan they see. Is she trying to get people killed?

>> No.79160646
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>> No.79160687
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>The concert I was going to watch illegal restreams of is gonna be free anyway


>> No.79160686
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Why are you acting passive aggressive as if real threats didn’t happen?

>> No.79160690

Yes, people are out to kill you for being a Nijisanji fan. You aren't crazy.

>> No.79160703

>AX isn’t anycolor and they don’t have the same planning team or make the same decisions
AX hold cons in America every year I think they have a better idea of tangible threats than a company full of execs who have never been to America. This is starting to sound more and more like a cope. Just admit the event didn't sell enough, insisting it was due to "violence" will do more damage to the company long-term if fans can't even feel safe showing their support in public due to these unfounded rumors.

>> No.79160704

I want sonny to play indika and have no idea on what the fuck is going on and the commentary he would say during the gameplay

>> No.79160762

So what was the finana password? the 3 letters

>> No.79160791


>> No.79160809

>unfounded rumors.

>> No.79160813


>> No.79160820

maybe i'm just a poorfag but i'm really happy i don't have to watch it on restream takos shitty college wifi (no hate to her)

>> No.79160822

i actually am feeling like grimdark rose and jack noir is every faggot responsible for this

>> No.79160826

Fans don't have to take those seriously, but the organizers are forced to, this is why schools get evacuated even if the chances of the bomb threat being a prank call

>> No.79160828

Are niji fans more oppressed than LGBT?

>> No.79160866

restream tako doesn't have to struggle with her campus wifi and braindead anons don't have to struggle with the password, win-win

>> No.79160887 [SPOILER] 
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>recent developments have made it clear that creating the optimal environment for an unforgettable experience for our fans and our Livers is no longer feasible.

These are the recent developments

>> No.79160900

Yes Anon, this one tweet by a literal nobody is a totally real thing and not a keyboard warrior seeking attention. Uh huh.

>> No.79160936

>nijien and ChroNoiR concert cancelled on yuri day
It's like pottery for Niji's crimes against himejoshi. The spirit of Crossick lives on

>> No.79160939

Gee, after the amount of harrasment you subhuman have done towards Niji Livers and fans, I wonder why people thought that way. Maybe try to come across as normal people so people wouldn't think the worst of you.

>> No.79160941

twitter posts arent "legitimate threats" and everyone knows it. the superbowl gets dozens of people "threatening" the event over their team losing every year and the event goes fine regardless.

>> No.79160951


>> No.79160979

We can see the new cope by sisters forming in real time.

>> No.79160980
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The Nijisanji experience, crushing one soul at a time!

>> No.79161006
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>Monkeys already forgetting about that niji merch seller that got harrased at a con
You're to blame for this, You dramafags, Doki, all of you.

>> No.79161028

Hey faggots, it will still be happening for free on youtube

>> No.79161040 [DELETED] 
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I'm just glad my oshis already left this sinking ship

>> No.79161059

Threats are never real until they happen and you have no clue how many they might have received if faggots like that guy have the gall to boast about it in public no matter how bullshit it is. Is this really hard to understand?

>> No.79161069

Now I feel foolish for thinking that Iluna would get their 3Ds this year

>> No.79161074

I'll be calling about bomb threats and random acts of violence to every single event about vtubers where nijien isn't involved, I hope you guys enjoy what you caused

>> No.79161097

Yea now they can sink on their own.
Doki spending thousands on all that junk for her costume, cant wait for her to go broke again.

>> No.79161116

All you had to do was buy a fucking ticket.

>> No.79161119

3 streams are a live right now anyone want to talk about them or?

>> No.79161129

as someone who enjoys conventions in california and keeps up with content creators i don't believe the threats thing that people are bringing up because not only at AX but at many cons, are guests and influencers who have openly violent antis and they still get booked and they still experience a normal con, even if they're shitty people, so i don't get how a few tweets would get an entire concert shut down when AX is for the most part incredibly safe aside from pickpocketers coof and heatstroke. like it's not some georgia con right next to the county jail or something no one is fucking open carrying on the streets of LA because it's illegal and i'm annoyed at reading takes from non-americans ITT who think everything is a movie, by the way i am not an anti i love nijisanji but please be fucking realistic here and stop saying that fans have a genuine reason to be scared of violence.

>> No.79161138

This is truly desperate cope. Im positive you can’t actually believe this.

>> No.79161146

They didn't just get harassed some guy came up and punched them in the face

>> No.79161166

That's right. Lelouch himself will be at AX using the power of Geass to turn nijifans into mincemeat.

>> No.79161168

so someone please explain to me why the concert is free if money was the issue

>> No.79161180

Those retards have notifications on for the account of a company they hate, you think it's beyond them to be sending dms and other shit about how they plan to shot nijifans because of their fat menhera? They literally can't let go of it

>> No.79161190

I'm sure this noodle-armed kid who is so invested into Vtubers is totally going to do something irl when it's not just text on a screen sweetie, you're so right.

>> No.79161192

I think she wasn’t going to stream anyway due to financial reasons

>> No.79161253

Reading comprehension?

>> No.79161270

This is not a credible threat

>> No.79161282

the RE8 DLC is kinda boring...

>> No.79161299

>Blonde selen
Did she really left?

>> No.79161309

Save face

>> No.79161319

We’d be lucky to get noctyx debuts this year

>> No.79161326

>0 replies, 0 retweets, 0 likes, literal 2digit views

>> No.79161329
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If there's bomb threat they would cancel entire AX events not just niji concert
Stop coping sister
nijien just doesn't have market in US

>> No.79161332

Every major vtuber event gets little weirdo schizo tweets from underaged retards in SEA. Is Nijisanji just going to cancel everything going forward?

>> No.79161391

You faggots really can’t read huh

>> No.79161395

Imagine releasing illustrations featuring 80% men on Yuri Day and not expecting karma.

>> No.79161397

Yeah and then someone gets knifed at the con and it's a new PR nightmare about how the evil anycolor let the event go on knowing about the threats

>> No.79161436

finally someone else gets it, as a fellow commiefornian it's absolutely laughable that SEA anons think everyone just openly carries guns here or that random twitter posts will lead to violence. I get that they're sad over the event being canceled but using mass shootings as an excuse is just kinda gross. does that mean every single AX attendee is now under risk of being killed because the event isn't canceled? it's such a harmful rrat from shortsighted people who just want to defend the company at any cost.

>> No.79161440

I'm assuming that "creating an optimal environment" implies a venue that's not 80% empty. Jumping from this to safety concerns is a pretty funny cope though.

>> No.79161446

I deal with literally crazies who think that there's people out to get them. Spoiler: they're still around, no one has even tried.

If you get bored, look up gangstalking. Now that's a rabbit hole. You can automatically ignore anyone who ever says that they are the victim of it.

>> No.79161451

Because it would look even worse if they decided to cancel the thing entirely. It'd be like AR Live all over again.

>> No.79161471

twisty in chat, fuuchan telling her this mansion reminds him of the denauth one

>> No.79161478

They didn’t cancel the booth at the actual con. They cancelled the off-property concert. Wait do you guys even know how this concert was supposed to work

>> No.79161480

cute ojou

>> No.79161502

i wonder if they booked a smaller hall could fix it

>> No.79161506

twisty apex stream please

>> No.79161518
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Chronoir is yuri though

>> No.79161525
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>> No.79161588

gay ass...

>> No.79161598

I worry that this is going to give antis a reason to try to cancel future niji events by just posting threats online

>> No.79161623

Kawaii productions had a concert last year in a small venue that was pretty intimate. Might be about the right size honestly if they ever want to try again

>> No.79161639

The funny thing is you’re the one jumping to conclusions when the obvious is spelled out for you

>> No.79161659
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>> No.79161671

well anons are bringing up gangstalking and knifing attacks like it's the UK now so i am just assuming they're schizophrenic and i cannot wait for this entire board to be repeating things like "NIJIFAGS THINK THEY'LL BE SHOT" for the forseeable future all because non americans don't know how the world works. i really try to reign in my SEA hate especially since jannies keep warning me for it but holy FUCK you are some stupid motherfuckers

>> No.79161727

They didn’t cancel it because of threats. They cancelled it because it was going to be, for all intents and purposes, empty. A gigantic concert hall with a few hundred people grouped up in the very front.

>> No.79161732
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This is heartbreaking

>> No.79161744

Anon under this logic you could cancel every event in na with a phone... things dont work like that.

>> No.79161837

did you read my post? i don't believe it was cancelled due to threats as it's nonsensical

>> No.79161839
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>> No.79161869

cope harder sister
maybe the next concert won't be cancelled kek

>> No.79161921

Pink woman will save her.

>> No.79161960

ough anon my beloved i hope she's okay

>> No.79161995

it’s literally 1984 to be a Ninjisanji fan

>> No.79162002

enner rubbing off on fuuchan kek

>> No.79162031

>believing the 'safety concerns' copout when the nijien booth is still in front of doki's

>> No.79162081

One thing that worries me for future (proper) concerts is that they might not sell enough then either because fans will be hesitant to buy tickets when the previous concert was cancelled.

>> No.79162098 [DELETED] 
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>> No.79162104

i miss my oshi but time to be productive

>> No.79162122

Someone please take footage of the epic gang war that’s totally fr fr going to happen

>> No.79162131

"The obvious" is literally piss poor ticket sales. The thing concerts get cancelled for all the time, ask Jennifer Lopez. It just wasn't happening, I'm not sure why you need this to be an act of injustice so bad. This branch has been rotting for some time now, when is the acceptance stage finally going to start for you?

>> No.79162136

I don't think even the people spamming about threats believe it themselves. They just want any excuse to blame "antis" instead of acknowledging there's a genuine lack of interest in Nijisanji. Especially after years of pandering to China and SEA it's unsurprising that the company lost most of its North American audience. Even in the comments of the cancellation tweet you're mostly seeing complaints from people who bought flights all the way from Taiwan or Hong Kong to see the event. Very few actual Americans care about Niji despite Phase, Idol, Holo, VShojo, and tons of indies all thriving in the west. It's very much a Niji-exclusive problem.

>> No.79162198

Yeah venue would be cheaper too

>> No.79162217

Out of everyone, Rosemi deserves the least.

>> No.79162221

>doesn't even try to deny it

>> No.79162233

You think there will be future concerts? I'm sorry anon...

>> No.79162258

A valid concern when they pull this bullshit a week before

>> No.79162273

This is all speculation but a lot of venues and businesses have a clause in the contract that they sell "X" amount of tickets by "Y" date. Or "you can only cancel the show before this date and get a refund but lose deposit." So that's the most likely reason.
As for the show being free on youtube, they might have other obligations with advertisers and sponsors to fulfill.
Some people forget Twitter and 4chan aren't real life and these "threats" are made up people in heads.

>> No.79162311

I did… I’m dumb, what I meant to say is that yes they are not that retarded to cancel a concert over that reason, because antis will then feel empowered to cancel any other future events
I do believe that management is thin skinned enough to cancel a concert due to low sales, giving the concert out for free would look better in the end
They probably are keeping chornoir’s concert so they can sell it in a Japan concert later where tickets will definitely sell better

>> No.79162316

Should have done the concert in Shanghai

>> No.79162319

All management had to do was upload Pomu's already-existing 3D model to her phone for Home3D...

>> No.79162327

ping me when the thread is useable again

>> No.79162328

If it was about the money, why is the concert free now? You gonna keep on avoiding the question?

>> No.79162346

Spoiler this goatse tier trash please.

>> No.79162351

i just want to know how far in advance this was cancelled i feel like someone like shu would have been livid but he's been pretty mellow and the girls were open about flying to japan? like are they okay now?

>> No.79162354

cute ojou-sama... i want you two to collab already

>> No.79162370
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Yes? Enna wasn't in ax concert, she will be in other bigger concert

>> No.79162399

>advertisers and sponsors
Don't think they had any to begin with

>> No.79162402
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>> No.79162423

Ok but how the fuck would that punish her for daring to asking for minor changes and fixes
Think please, anon

>> No.79162431

blaming all of (you) for flaking and not buying a ticket. you are all weaker than me

>> No.79162432

>As for the show being free on youtube, they might have other obligations with advertisers and sponsors to fulfill.
There's no advertisers or sponsors though.
They're just releasing it for free because the livers would kill themselves if they had another AR Live and threw away months of work recording it with nothing to show for it. They want people to see their hard work even if it won't generate any money.

>> No.79162455

they aren't keeping chronoir's concert it just straight up isn't happening. not for free or anything

>> No.79162471

>in other bigger concert
>bigger than a chronoir concert

>> No.79162474

I just don’t get how cancelling 3 venues and angering fans who paid for flight tickets while losing thousands of profits in the process just because a physical venue didn’t sell as much as expected is “saving face” and given their explanation and the very real possibility people did make threats I don’t see what is so crazy about coming to that conclusion.

>> No.79162535
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Cope and seethe faggot

>> No.79162546

probably like when they knew weeks in advance that selen wouldn't be at anime LA or whatever and let dragoons buy tickets anyway because they don't give a shit

>> No.79162563

I’m betting on them releasing it later in Japan
We’ll see

>> No.79162585

>and given their explanation and the very real possibility people did make threats
but then why is the nijien booth still in AX AND still in front of the hyte/doki booth

>> No.79162601

RE8 DLC is so fucking bad

>> No.79162679

Because it cant be moved you dummy, that shits done months in advance.

>> No.79162681

wait what happened D:? i thought the AX concert with the top 1 niji chronoir will revive nijiEN?

>> No.79162700

if i had the money to fly to the west coast i'd save up a bit longer and fly to japan instead

>> No.79162705

There are a lot of con-goers in her fanbase. If she was still around, they would have sold more tickets and maybe wouldn't have had to cancel the venue. All management had to do was click a few buttons...

>> No.79162709

Those concerts were empty anon. Photos and footage everywhere on line or Kuzuha performing to a crowd much smaller than a main-hall panel with random VAs from some shitty anime will be getting.

>> No.79162721

they're gonna keep moving the goalpost in circles like last thread, if it's not about money it's about investors, if it's not about investors it's about "saving face", etc. etc.
there is no conversation to be had with bots

>> No.79162753

anon. wonder wander already happened in japan to a venue of 10k+
i have the concert downloaded on my computer.

>> No.79162759

>covid (pestilence)
>violence (war)
Who will be the horseman to cancel the next concert?

>> No.79162771

all they had to do was ban cameras and not show the crowd from the live stream feed if "saving face" was the main issue. we could already see the ticket sale data. it's probably the first part of what this anon said >>79162273

>> No.79162777

It’d look bad on their financial report…

>> No.79162781

>wake up
>3D cancelled
Oh that su-
>still happening but now free online
Wait what so like the Ethyria live thing?

>> No.79162782

Those venues are REALLY expensive, they probably didn't get a full refund but even partial is enough to offset the loss in refunds. Anyway they don't care what EN fans think.

>> No.79162794
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>> No.79162799

Because Millie told fans to have meetups at AX to watch the concert together.

>> No.79162811

they couldve cancelled it just like how they cancelled the concert in such a big venue

>> No.79162815

As another anon pointed out, typically with live event venues you have to promise you'll sell a certain amount of tickets or the event gets canceled. The company had their hands tied because ticket sales just didn't meet the threshold.

The idea that they canceled a concert over "violent threats" came entirely from this thread. No one has acknowledged anything like that, it's not a "conclusion" it's just a cope from people who don't want to admit lack of sales killed the event. You sound fucking insane to anyone with a brain please take your meds sis.

>> No.79162836


that's so weird, I think any one who holds concerts have never encountered anything like this before did you received a confirmation/OK sign to manesan before holding this concert?

>> No.79162843

The booth costs a few thousand bucks for the space in rent to ax. They aren't required to actually put anything in the space. If they thought there were credible threats it'd be cheaper to leave it empty.

>> No.79162898
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molesting vantacrow bringer! my oshi is finally awake to finish the rest of ffxiv's content before the patch, come ball

>> No.79162899

It might still be live

>> No.79162908

Oh then it makes sense that they are cancelled if it’s just a rerun
I was gonna argue that they wouldn’t waste the recording

>> No.79162913

yeah! i'll miss anons picking apart their small brains trying to figure out restream tako's passwords

>> No.79162934

because EN fans are poisoned now because instead of supporting their oshi when everything went to shit they just left and started some retarded political my side your side war and endlessly harass the livers and there's nothing anyone can do about it since this isn't japan with a lack of free speech to fine antis so we're just going to have to deal with things never being the same

>> No.79162947

So just cancel the flights and get a refund?

>> No.79162949

The last time I went to a Niji con in California it was like 50% Pomudachis. They really were the lifeblood of the branch.

>> No.79162952

Imagine the online concert getting less than 10-15k views kek

>> No.79162976

The "concert" is free now because why the fuck not? Provide at least some consolation for the poor fucks who are still left watching NijiEN and farm at least a little bit of goodwill, god knows they need it.

>> No.79162985

Ah okay, point taken. It would be a waste since they did produce it and all.
Seems kind of like a slap in the face to the people who bought tickets and booked flights and hotels. Hope they can get their refund for the tickets at least, but they're probably up the river without a paddle for their other expenses.

>> No.79163000

You think the deposit for the concert hall is cheaper?

>> No.79163015

They don't want to see empty seats
It will hurt nijisanji's reputation
They want to save face

>> No.79163104

But I thought it was because of the money. Why are they suddenly being generous? Can you not keep a consistent argument?

>> No.79163105

somehow they were fine canceling their appearance at offkai though?

>> No.79163117

>The idea that they canceled a concert over "violent threats" came entirely from this thread.
it comes from the official statement actually
>Recent developments have made it clear that creating the optimal environment is no longer feasible

>> No.79163153

Millie is retarded

>> No.79163165
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>meanwhile, in the timeline where the concert is not cancelled

>> No.79163168

i still don't know if everyone in japan right now is hearing this information for the first time or not because why would finana go and speak about her flight in a positive way if this was cancelled a while ago and only publicly announced

>> No.79163173

That was Offkai

>> No.79163176

>Why are they suddenly being generous?
Because they don't want another AR Live 1.0 situation.

>> No.79163220

and you'd believe anycolor when they blamed the AR cancellation on covid kek

>> No.79163240

This is why people call you schizo btw. You see a complete non-statement like that and immediately jump to "VIOLENT THREATS" as the only possible conclusion with zero basis in reality. That's not proof of fucking anything unless you're a schizophrenic filling in the blanks in your head like the fucks on /pol/.

>> No.79163248

I still don't understand if this concert was gonna have new performances or not to be honest, neither kanae nor kuzuha really mentioned much about it on stream after it got announced.

>> No.79163256
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You guys miss her now?
Know how important she is to nijien now?

>> No.79163260

Finana is borderline mentally handicapped and anything she says should be ignored.

>> No.79163280

they didn't cancel, offkai did

like clockwork

>> No.79163296

Then how come they didn't just put the concert behind a paywall to make a second AR live?

>> No.79163298

if you're not american don't have an opinion please thanks

>> No.79163333

angrily shaking my fist at the people in chat who told him to play this

>> No.79163355

its not that deep sister, AX is anycolor BIG GAMBLE for this dead branch nijiEN, they literally bring chronoir to carry EN and they FAILED so fuckng hard. what they gonna do about it? cancel the concert, the seats wasnt even reaching 50%, ofc its canceled, not because some bogeyman inside your head.
IF there is actual threat to nijifans then you should ask why ppl want to get you? what kind of "crime" you commit before?

>> No.79163363

It doesn’t work like that irl neet-anon

>> No.79163373

Careful those goalposts are heavy. Don't hurt yourself moving them.

>> No.79163386

Truth hurt I see

>> No.79163426

This isn't related but I still don't understand how Yashiro of all people is opening for Nornis kek but the girls chose him for a reason I guess

>> No.79163430

what does that have to do with anything i'm just using an example of someone who was pretty open about what she's up to, not a single other liver who's in the concerts alluded to it being cancelled or being sad, if it was cancelled before they went to japan then wouldn't they be upset or are we going to get a wave of menhera breakdowns and no streams afterwards

>> No.79163437
File: 413 KB, 800x800, 1696632909226517.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's my kamioshi I don't miss her I'm glad she's free.

>they didn't cancel, offkai did
No, Niji canceled according to both Niji's twitter and the Offkai staff. Why would Offkai kick Niji out of the event? That makes no fucking sense they invited everyone even tiny 2view indies were participating.

>> No.79163478

They are doing that to compensate fans
They saw how badly fans and livers reacted to arlive cancellation

>> No.79163484

Niji was also ax's gamble. It was supposed to be the big answer to hololive selling out last year. ax has zero big concerts now.

>> No.79163497


>> No.79163528

Talk about streams. NOW.

>> No.79163544

>he doesn't know that yashiro is an idol now ever since fantasia

>> No.79163553


>> No.79163590

would be funny if they announced a dokibird concert a week before the event.

>> No.79163622

Ax ticket is like $90 and no refund

>> No.79163627

Didn’t an anon say Millie said it wasn’t a decision made over night

>> No.79163634
File: 170 KB, 647x647, 1717724451145615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79163639

Nobody cares anymore
The cancelation ruined everyone's mood

>> No.79163649
File: 2.49 MB, 720x1280, Ringo Mogire Beam![sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5qdwee.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonny LOVE
Feesh LOVE
Wosemi LOVE
Shubert LOVE
Stream Cendrillon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7HZcCgMx3w
Stream Break Free https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YnDtV6Yejo
Stream Ringo Mogire Beam
Stream Infinity

>> No.79163683

the DLC for RE8 sucks ass

>> No.79163696 [DELETED] 

What's stopping me, a mentally ill individual, from just spamming violent threats on twitter with my bots until they cancel their next concerts?

>> No.79163716

This is probably true, but it’s kind of too late for minor goodwill gestures like this. I don’t think Nijisanji realizes how damaged they are in the west. You can’t bring back in fans who think that their oshi was wronged, and new fans are definitely going to avoid it if they pay attention to internet drama.

>> No.79163718

so why is no one acting like it was and just happily going on the trip

>> No.79163724
File: 529 KB, 512x712, 00030-3482885644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly if no other information is released I'm forced to believe that the event was cancelled due to the AI overlords giving Rosemi really big boobs that were so heavy she couldn't do the choreography

>> No.79163733
File: 4 KB, 395x33, Screenshot Capture - 2024-06-25 - 13-59-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Offkai released their statement first following False's tweet about niji was blackmailing con goers.
Yea I did, her member posts says it.

>> No.79163777

In my opinion that does not constitute a threat to public safety

>> No.79163785
File: 408 KB, 1920x1080, GQ2ou3maAAA_-hg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rou finished 8 people from the nijiGTA police station today

>> No.79163789

??? Literally what is going on with you. If you can't fill a venue to even 20% that shit is likely to be cancelled and there's not much that can be done about that. Why the fantasy scenarios about some twitter nobodies bombing a whopping 32 fujos needs to be entertained is a question only you can answer.

>> No.79163794
File: 412 KB, 640x640, 2306988.326a03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79163864

this is going to sound really selfish of me but i'm a little glad it got cancelled physically so maybe staff will reconsider making shu luca sonny uki into a subunit because i hate that group combination.....

>> No.79163890

Just blasted a watery gamer wad between Rosemi's fat fucking buds bros

>> No.79163896

why wouldn't they be unhappy? the concert isn't cancelled

>> No.79163917

Beats me I mean it’s still really sad but at least it’s not COMPLETELY canceled and they can still show their efforts and maybe it’ll still even be live even if not in front of a physical audience

>> No.79163957

It's not a prerecorded and will still be a live performance from the studio

>> No.79163971

but its not live anymore and they were hyped about it being the first live performance

>> No.79163988

This general is so sad

>> No.79163993

There aren't going to be any future events. Maybe some con karaokes at best.

>> No.79163995

whats wrong with it?

>> No.79164009

Any Briskadets awake right now?

>> No.79164072

Honestly they could’ve postponed it to a smaller venue in the future but the fact that tickets didn’t sell well in America’s biggest convention likely killed their hopes for any future 3D concerts
Remember this is the same retarded management that cancelled arlive, they don’t know how to plan anything

>> No.79164079

fi they're even awake, they're masturbating to sonny ntr right now

>> No.79164084

I’m American

>> No.79164097

Are you going to continue to ignore that the concert is free meaning it's clearly not about the money? Or that someone actually got assaulted for selling Niji merch?

>> No.79164109

i just don't like it

>> No.79164121

This. It's easy to call them nothing burgers because antis are just all talk no action, right? But all it takes is just one crazy enough to do it. Places and people have been shot at for less, it all sounds like a joke, but it's better to err on the side of caution here.

>> No.79164159

maybe they're sad for one night but the excitement for a concert should still be there. i don't know why you want them to be depressed

>> No.79164166
File: 273 KB, 1866x1200, 932847982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh cool! I forgot about it because I'm not going to any cons for a while so I'm glad everyone gets to see it in the end. Sucks the main thing is cancelled though since we're gonan be raided for a bit but I think watching it live even though password guessing is really funny to watch too will make it worth it in the end.

>> No.79164165

Yeah they're gonna confiscate everyone's phones at the door. Totally realistic scenario.

>> No.79164172

She can’t sing or dance

>> No.79164181
File: 491 KB, 632x654, 1718744332728506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same brother, i'm so glad she has huge tits now

>> No.79164196

whats up i want to kill myself

>> No.79164252


>> No.79164254

The seller wasn’t harassed, they overheard dramafag whispers and blew it out of proportion because they, too, were a dramafag. You would know that if you actually read the post yourself instead of hearing it second-hand from your fellow sisters.
And let’s not overlook the very real possibility that the whole thing was a staged psyop.

>> No.79164262

And yet will STILL sell better kek

>> No.79164280

anons suddenly acting like nothing bad happens in america and nobody has ever attacked a concert has to be the funniest fucking outcome of this

>> No.79164287

i still believe on the fact that sonny will reveal his outfit on august

>> No.79164297
File: 152 KB, 1200x1200, 1690473177852506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this wouldn't have happened if you girls made better attempts to get along with the vtuber community.

could've tried throwing some pomudachis a bone once in a while and they wouldn't have left. could've dated some maleanons or at least responded to their discord dm's for your oshi's sake, at least then you'd have more allies. Niji fans have isolated themselves into a corner and it's your own fault for not wanting to be my gf.

>> No.79164299

i don't WANT them to be depressed i was just worried about the possibility of them being depressed okay so thank you for reassuring me and making it make sense because i'm about to go menhera

>> No.79164310

merge is coming

>> No.79164334

It is still a live? Why would you say it's not a live

>> No.79164349

what subunit would you prefer then

>> No.79164356

Debby didn’t even react to the news..

>> No.79164368

I know he was in Fantasia and still does voice training regularly iirc. I like his singing voice he is just not the guy I think of when I hear opening act. Happy for him though can't wait to see his endearingly awkward stage presence

>> No.79164387

i would rather date a phasefag than a pomie

>> No.79164396

Threats so real they will continue to host the booth with no warning btw
Definitely not because the tickets did not sell enough

>> No.79164404

as in there's no one going to be in the crowd it's just internet numbers now instead of getting to see fans hyped for your performance

>> No.79164423

t. phasecuck

>> No.79164497

yeah i feel bad for the anons who paid for the con itself, i hope they can have fun meeting up and attending panels anyways. i'm not mad about saving some cash on the online ticket though

>> No.79164511

what happened to your discord gf rain or rein or whatever? did she ghost your fatass too? dry texting headass no game headass rizzless pomudachi?

>> No.79164513

Not giving it out for free will hurt them more financially, they are paying for their fans’ trust

>> No.79164544

Wanna Eiffel tower her and high five up top?

>> No.79164549

I want to ask quilldren but does ike eat mac and cheese? i feel like he would like to eat them or at least sushi

>> No.79164560

Demoralizing vtubers who aren't just grifters is all Nijisanji knows how to do.

>> No.79164565

literally anything, nijiau would be a thousand times better

>> No.79164568

she's busy thinking about sonny chibi

>> No.79164607

God I fucking wish we had that kind of power over Kurosanji

>> No.79164649
File: 137 KB, 496x524, 1699911783366837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my discord gf hates Niji more than I do and it makes me kinda sad that I can't talk about the few livers I like with her because she's a very loyal dragoon.

>> No.79164648

Not to mention Millie encouraging NijiEN fans at AX to have meetups to watch the concert together.

>> No.79164679

if only

>> No.79164704

News for you: There hasn't been a single concert from any company in the world outside Japan that is actually a "live concert." All were prerecorded and they also only saw the number when performed it

>> No.79164708

To that anon who asked if there are any briskadets awake, what do you want...

>> No.79164718

Your gf sounds based as fuck

>> No.79164719

so why do you want to cheat on her?

>> No.79164728

Sure why not most people do

>> No.79164727

Your digits.

>> No.79164729
File: 369 KB, 1080x1248, 1719339039498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better not be a briskadet because I will murder you if you are.

>> No.79164739

I don't know why they didn't just hand out tickets to attendees on the DL. I believe AX staff can do that. Make them like prizes in a giveaway or something. Full concert, maybe sell some merch, better than just cancelling it

>> No.79164745

they couldn't even give us new material in the epilogue... this DLC sucks

>> No.79164746

did he go to eep early today

>> No.79164806

>t. faggot who knows nothing

>> No.79164823

she's a dragoon and she's not a lesbian?????

>> No.79164834

If anything them making the stream replacement free probably means they couldn't fulfill a contractual obligation to fill the venue to a certain amount. It's a literal apology. And nobody got assaulted for selling merch. The little bitch literally started crying because he overheard gossip lol

>> No.79164850

Give me one then?

>> No.79164864

Literally all you had to do was fire Enna. That's all.

>> No.79164886

im not really a quilldren but i dont think ike likes any kind of sauce in his food so i probably would not see him eat mac&cheese

>> No.79164910

twisty membership post hai hai hai
just some well wishes, but it's appreciated

>> No.79164914


>> No.79164923

Retarded anon doesn't even know his own company

>> No.79164937

this wouldntve happened if anycolor did something about the rabid luxiem fans that harressed nina, yugo and mysta out of the company

>> No.79164952

All of the ones that the livers clearly stated to have heard the audience?

>> No.79164982

but his spicy buldak? his carbonara?

>> No.79164983

If you just give it to randos, pretend you sold out, and then half of them don't show because they're tired or wanted to do something else or just took the tickets with no intent to actually go, how do you deal with that? Also you give one to a shitposter or dramafag and suddenly you have people breaking that on twitter.

>> No.79164987
File: 18 KB, 251x276, 1719339162414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is making my brain hort I'll just go read some manga or whatever

>> No.79164990

>It's about the money. They're desperate for money
>Which is why they're giving it out for free

>> No.79164997

it's not uki or shu i have a problem with, i just think there are other existing groups in nijien that fit my ideal for subunit

>> No.79165038

Fire Elira and Millie as well.

>> No.79165051
File: 2.99 MB, 270x480, Oh diamonds - NIJIBites[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8gj7yp.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79165056

Reading comprehension?

>outside japan

>> No.79165107

I just ate two chicken soup packets am I going to die of fatness

>> No.79165110

Also a lot of people seem to be misunderstanding ax con is not the same place as the concert.

>> No.79165121

i completely forgot about that, this is why im not really a quilldren....but then that means he would totally eat mac&cheese

>> No.79165137


>> No.79165149
File: 217 KB, 2048x1388, IMG_2687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true... its a cute concept to have cute maria in a group with 3 cool aussies
pb&j arent official just yet so heres to hoping nijiau beats them to it after iluna 3D

>> No.79165168

From experience when they've done this at ax they get few takers. People who were actually interested would have already gotten tickets.

>> No.79165171

back when the branch still had soul....................

>> No.79165178

might want some water to spice it up a bit

>> No.79165199

Weird D:
If there was a bomb threat, why did they only cancel the concert, but other AX events went on as usual?

>> No.79165204

how does the pentomo do this I feel so bloated

>> No.79165206

i'm not a quild either kek i just like that he made hakka eat it

>> No.79165207
File: 361 KB, 883x882, 1689966480692777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just saying maybe Niji would be better off if you made more attempts to date male fans. I'm not saying you have to date me but if you cultivate this closed off atmosphere of not wanting anything to do with other vtuber fans then that's what you're gonna get.

She is a lesbian it's a very onesided relationship but I've accepted this is my life now. Having a lesbian discord gf is kinda nice though you can share porn and hentai with eachother and coom to the same vtubers.

>> No.79165264

Like who, apart from from nijiau

>> No.79165275

I feel sorry for you Pomie.

>> No.79165278

nta but i think subunits are great when they're unexpected. like niji encounter, or maybe rofmao

>> No.79165289

Anycolor made the decision without speaking to ax probably
They are Japanese salarymen who knows nothing about America cons

>> No.79165306

Forgot about Reimu who's also a piece of shit

>> No.79165312

laughing at you made me feel better, thanks pomie

>> No.79165314

They’re going to be in Japan in the studio though? And originally they were going to use their remote tech to broadcast it in the Peacock venue. Why wouldn’t it be live

>> No.79165331


>> No.79165352

Women are not lesbian. Those don't exist.
If she's calling herself a lesbian it's because she's not attracted to you, which might be because of your squirrly goofy cringy posts that come across like a little child, dries her pussy up

>> No.79165393

anon that's not a discord gf, that's a friend

>> No.79165418

Come watch karaoke


>> No.79165479

This wouldn’t have happened if Myanon didn’t lose his virginity in Japan

>> No.79165480

Anon... Please... You speak with such conviction but know nothing

>> No.79165483
File: 366 KB, 463x475, Screenshot 2024-06-22 191923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not a gf. I know you look like pic related on the inside

>> No.79165486 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.51 MB, 688x692, Pomu kiss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're cute!

>> No.79165488

Getting rid of any of them would be incredibly stupid. You might as well just get rid of every female lover at that point, since it’s obvious that their fans will leave with them just like everyone else that left. If anything, I can’t see things ever improving if they don’t make amends with the ones already gone.

>> No.79165499

>pomie sacrifices his dignity to make anons happy

>> No.79165517

Did I say it isn't live? I just told these retards that before this one, there hasn't been any other "live concert" outside Japan that was actually "live."

>> No.79165523


>> No.79165533
File: 99 KB, 300x300, JM1DYtn6Dsjm8wTVn4SYAw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for cheering me up over how hilariously pathetic you are holy shit i cannot imagine talking to a lesbian and calling that a one-sided relationship you can't even provide a penis to change her mind you're just text on a screen, a useless toy that generates porn links for her, when she finds her butch goon gf she will drop you like a hot potato and you'll become a point of derision where they'll giggle and go "remember that loser who kept trying to hit me up on discord?

>> No.79165545
File: 3.71 MB, 1920x1080, they're all terrible people[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fk4cppq.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79165548

Hey Pomu’s cute too

>> No.79165569
File: 290 KB, 1382x1900, 20240613_102629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah its unfortunate, hopefully the refund gives them a bit more spending money to use at the con instead.

>> No.79165576

Sorry but he's right. There is no rebound for NijiEN as long as Elira is still here. They need a new team

>> No.79165584

>women are not lesbian
how about you try that again, pedro?

>> No.79165587


>> No.79165589

That's why Pomu and Pomies were the soul of this branch and are irreplaceable.

>> No.79165593

Brazilian Pomie...
She's not your discord gf if she's a lesbian.

>> No.79165623

Why not go date a holofangirl then

>> No.79165640

WTF is happening on this thread?
What hour is this??
Did we get raided?

>> No.79165660

ugh ew get away from me you creep

>> No.79165700

It's a whole different venue...

>> No.79165717

No moderation, so this thread is endlessly raided.

>> No.79165724

Many men have my same experience, the so-called "lesbian" woman suddenly craves men when they meet someone masculine who's into them. Being "lesbian" is just a defense mechanism. Probably because of your "happy silly cutesy" posts, which are pussy repellant

>> No.79165732

AX concerts got cancelled, drama tourists. It'll fade when they get bored

>> No.79165751

I don't really like Hololive and Holo fans don't watch any other vtubers. A Holo fan that actually watches indies and small corpos would be alright.

>> No.79165757

pomie bullying hours

>> No.79165813

Nina, Pomu, Mika, Selen and Kyo were literally the biggest grifters in the branch??!

>> No.79165844

what did you feel typing that digital chu? do you feel a pit of despair knowing no one will ever love you?

>> No.79165857

Don't worry, they will still be there!

>> No.79165862

Reading comprehension

>> No.79165872

Holofags are married to the brand, these are the same people that still hold a candle for girls that graduated that did nothing of note.

>> No.79165873

have you ever tried dating someone that isn't a vtuber fan?

>> No.79165886

>says this while Hex is still an active liver

>> No.79165912

Who are you quoting? It's about nobody buying tickets. You know, like 99% of the reason any concert gets cancelled. Like, what are we even doing here. You don't actually believe this is because of anything external. People in here know the state this branch is in probably better than anyone.

>> No.79165913

Was that the Chronoir one? Then I was wrong, I should have said more specifically "any concert happened in NA"

>> No.79165916

wtf chris just swiped rose from mia

>> No.79165951

>In the branch

>> No.79165974

arigato, arigato

>> No.79165982

There's a /pol/ vax thread about to hit 200 posts.

>> No.79166029
File: 1.97 MB, 720x1280, Take it - NIJIBites[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5jp7no.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79166077

She's singing the sound of music


>> No.79166079

Go date a vshojo or indie fan girl then idk why come to our thread if you don’t like us

>> No.79166101

can you post the one where alberto looked like a chink

>> No.79166160

Terrible voice holy shit, you holofags have very low standard

>> No.79166179
File: 607 KB, 832x771, 1693759620201411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you date someone that doesn't share your interests? Maybe if they're a weeb or a gamer or something and just have a blindspot for vtubers, but I'd never just blindly pursue someone purely off physical attraction, there needs to be some kind of common ground to build a relationship on and my hobbies are pretty much vtubers, anime, and video games so I'm not sure how I'd find a gf that doesn't like those things.

>> No.79166201
File: 61 KB, 502x385, The D stands for DUNK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

......Did I fucking imagine Doppio being part of the basketball collab because of the edits

>> No.79166281

he is in it how many times do we have to say that the merch is in groups

>> No.79166297

You're very wordy. Stop being a fag

>> No.79166327

I did like you guys the problem is femanons don't like pomies.

>> No.79166337

Did those other concerts also have online tickets 10s of thousands of people were willing to pay for?

>> No.79166342

The pomie is clearly being a tsun

>> No.79166367

>pathetic retard that doesn't know when to move on
Every time

>> No.79166374
File: 561 KB, 512x712, 00043-1168171939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow it's all boobsemi's fault

>> No.79166391

Oh it’s the schizo pomie who wrote the green text for Shu and Luca
I remember that he always shitpost about males when he get rejected by femanons

>> No.79166406

you don't have a gf because she will never be sexually or romantically interested in you you're almost as bad as that pentomo whos gf abused him, actually maybe worse since she was straight

>> No.79166417

i mean someone that isn't obsessed with vtubers, there are women that enjoy anime and games without liking vtubers.
not to mention you don't need to share the same interests with a partner to be in a relationship with them, my fiance doesn't watch anime or vtubers and we've been together since highschool... it's restricting your options if you continue to only pursue people that like the same things as you

>> No.79166444

fuuchan you weren't impacted by the DLC because it sucks hairy nuts

>> No.79166454

Oh shit your right. Gomen

>> No.79166487

Fuck off

>> No.79166482


>> No.79166508


>> No.79166525

This is worse than the puppet.

>> No.79166529

She sounds great! You should clip Edelweiss and share that instead of the Wonderwall one which was really bad. Lower register songs really suit her

>> No.79166542
File: 974 KB, 646x634, StopTheRain[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fglmluc.mp4].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79166550

I want paizuri from Elira, Scarle, Aia, Kotoka, Meloco, Kunai, Victoria, and Klara

>> No.79166619

Funny how when Enna sings EN songs it's always shitty party music like Rhianna and shit

>> No.79166622

The DLC is complete garbage and leans WAY to much into magic territory.
I really hope the next RE game has nothing to do with Ethan and his worthless mold family.

>> No.79166641

Anon you’re right but stop replying to ennaschizo

>> No.79166674
File: 63 KB, 666x666, stansemi[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ft5ncx9.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79166681

Same, but also Feesh

>> No.79166684

I don't get why this pomie is so hung up on OUR femanons in particular

>> No.79166686

I have no choice, I must naked dogeza

>> No.79166826

supposedly they're going back to leon in the next one

>> No.79166880

i remember when femanons didn't even include pomudachis in their top favourite maleanon list

>> No.79166882

I don't get it, Enna would've been great if she just stuck to singing, same with Ike
It's really fucking boring having multiple utaite who refuse to sing

>> No.79166888
File: 536 KB, 711x644, 1708638700403567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really care about someone being attracted to me I just want to be attracted to her. Talking to her improves my mood, she laughs at my jokes, we watch anime and tv shows together in vc, and we share similar hobbies and interests and a sense of humor. Why do I need to have sex with her if we get along well? She's been a net improvement for me and I appreciate that even if she'll never love me in that way.

>> No.79166922

I found YuQtie's twitter..

>> No.79166929

he is pussy repellent and turning off every woman he encounters, and thinks people will be infatuated with his "lol so goofy" personality. It's just pathetic.

>> No.79166941

He saw that Aussie pomie has successfully rizzed our femanons and want to do the same

>> No.79167012
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tfw ver has more game than this pomie

>> No.79167025

If you want a girlfriend you have to turn her on.
That means you have to stop acting like such a fucking fag. Just fucking stop already.

>> No.79167048

Spill the tea or give hint

>> No.79167089

idk why but aussie pomie is sweet and his patheticness is cute to me but this pomie just makes me sad

>> No.79167166

I genuinely really like Ethan, but yeah I don't really love the focus on setting up Rose

>> No.79167241

if not being a fucking fag was an option he wouldn't be a pomie

>> No.79167272

Aussie pomie is not even interested in dating femanons he just want to flirt and receive positive affirmation

>> No.79167281

post vocaroo and maybe a femanon will like your voice enough to talk to you

>> No.79167289

>pentomo whos gf abused him
Reminder he still hangs out with her

>> No.79167327

Post more.
More slutposting

>> No.79167347

miss oogi

>> No.79167391

ooga booga

>> No.79167418

aussie pomie has genuine interests and talks about them to us and has always been pleasant
mint pomie just sits in here and whines about tfw no gf and shits on everyone's oshis

>> No.79167460

No... it should've been me

>> No.79167489
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wife being silly again

>> No.79167535

As it's clear you don't watch Enna, but she said that she doesn't want to get serious, try hard when it comes to singing. She wants to sing for fun with no pressure. Becoming professional or mainstream is just about singing would stress her out, and it wouldn't be fun anymore.

>> No.79167548

I hope one of the livers can give a bit more context over the cancelation but I know dramafags won’t believe anything they say if it goes against their narrative

>> No.79167605

odds on there being a claude essay in membership?

>> No.79167623

he's just like me fr

>> No.79167662

Her singing is mediocre and untrained. That's why she burns out so fast, because she doesn't know how to control her voice.

>> No.79167729

Here's the only context you need: They didn't sell enough tickets.
There you go now you can move on with your life instead of looking for an "explanation" for something very obvious.

>> No.79167736


>> No.79167886

no vocaroo.... coward

>> No.79167903

In the VTuber sphere, "mediocre" means top-tier because everyone else sucks, if they don't suck, they wouldn't choose to become a vtuber

>> No.79167906

Proof next thread?

>> No.79168029

I wish Sonny would do another EN karaoke stream

>> No.79168074

I don't understand what you expect them to say. Each concert day sold like ~15% of tickets and it was already half capacity, with all the balcony spaces unavailable from the start. It was going to look ridiculous and not even make much money. Cancelling means they might get some portion of the rental fee back, not have to hire staff and security, etc.

>> No.79168080

The ticket website literally shows exactly how many tickets they sold. It was less than 15%.
The venue has a required threshold of tickets sold just like any other concert venue in America. Usually that threshold is 50%. There's nothing ambiguous here the venue canceled on them because they sold no fucking tickets bro.

>> No.79168091

>EN karaoke

>> No.79168099
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the consistency of my gens is garbage

>> No.79168125

We have at least 2 pro singers in the vtuber scene now. Beryl and ERB.
This is ERB's 3rd karaoke in 2 days, and her voice isn't burning out. Enna would be dead after the 5th song

>> No.79168183

i keep thinking ERB is epic rap battles

>> No.79168226

Good, love it.

>> No.79168299

>The venue has a required threshold of tickets sold just like any other concert venue in America. Usually that threshold is 50%.
I’m not even going to deny this but do you have an actual source for this? You’re not just repeating this because another anon speculated it are you

>> No.79168303

Hahahahaha, funny joke, post that streamable again so i can laugh at it again

>> No.79168311

wife apologizing for making us watch a twitch stream lol. i look forward to the collab tomorrow, it'll be fun to see him finally interact with underhill on stream.

>> No.79168327


>> No.79168341

This but i read it as ESRB instead

>> No.79168359
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Goku wouldn't fight Bejita in a crowded place

>> No.79168361

I still don't get what it means

>> No.79168418

>she said that she doesn't want to get serious, try hard when it comes to singing
It's literally her only talent, she doesn't want to get seriously because she is a coward and she's afraid of failure so she's in permanent "Well actually I never wanted to do this anyway and don't want to try" mode. It's like that with practically every utaite in this branch. Either they don't have perms for anything or they have some kind of mental problem/extreme perfectionism that results in them never using their abilities.

>> No.79168486


>> No.79168561

My wife delicious milkers.

>> No.79168577
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ryoma i know you're /here/ please do a guerilla truck sim

>> No.79168634

Why do they think that is a good short name to spread around lmao

>> No.79168641

you've never watched epic rap battles of history???

>> No.79168651

wew this could have been anything

>> No.79168721

Need Vox and Doppio to cover one of these

>> No.79168720

Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame, the new Holo girl, who's a professional voice actress and singer

>> No.79168736


>> No.79168775

How many tickets are left for anime impulse events?

>> No.79168789

Look there are a ton of western songs I hate and I usually prefer JP music but Sonny has pretty good taste in western music

>> No.79168821

my personal favorite

>> No.79168824


>> No.79168864


>> No.79168866

wife sperging out is so cute

>> No.79168921

Epic rap battle

>> No.79168932

>Sends 110+ messages in one Holostar's stream
>good enough at singing for the unicornfags to ignore it

Honestly, they're so easy.

>> No.79168942

ERB duo covers when
i want a cover of Rasputin vs Stalin

>> No.79169007

>ignore it
are you crazy? they're going crazy about it

>> No.79169101

baaaaabye wife you were extra adorable at the end there

>> No.79169118

I keep thinking ERP means Enterprise Resource Planning...

>> No.79169119

last post
