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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78978951 No.78978951 [Reply] [Original]

This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy. You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxZVzygb0QjJ6hksAEYzCbLCegxsjhui97BB73qzPvU7GgJv6fXdAPmmIv6Qt9H5d5Fzg/exec

"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>78721926
(Where we discussed how flat chest is Justice, Aqua romcom, and the chuuba casting bar)

/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/

>> No.78979010
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Story anchor.
Post em if you got em

>> No.78979121
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Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.78979253
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Story Recap. There was one story posted last thread:

Hagstorian >>78906368
Tags: Clio Aite, wedgie

>> No.78980768
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bless this bread

>> No.78982147
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Alright, who is sitting where at the chuuba fanfic actress bar? We got a large dining area that can seat parties of 4-12, standing high tables, the bar of course, and the outdoor patio complete with pool and swim up bar in the warmer weather.

>> No.78983999

I am wondering how would a half-angel live on this earth and interact with people.

Would one of their parents be "fallen" to stay with their mortal love and perish with them?
Would they have a largely distant and absent angelic parent who rarely comes to visit their child?
Is the angel largely human or mostly inhuman?

Does the angels' morality clash with the government's and human common sense in general, creating huge drama for the child when confronted by a clash between them?

Does the government know of something higher than them? Watching them, guiding their actions towards some "moral" goal, but with no indication to the cost humanity would bear? Would they closely watch over any agents and offspring of the divine?

Am I just describing an average Shin Megami Tensei conflict between Law and human morality?
Is this way too beaten and heavy of a topic so it makes sense to kill capital G God in the story, destroy any abrahamic meaning in them being angels and just make them a spicier human with affinity to light and general disdain for darkness?

>> No.78984286

I imagine Fubuki would be in the far corner of the bar looking out the window but in plain neough sight so whenever someone wanted to come to her they'd do it.
Marine would be slamming drinks at the high seets
holox would sit together at a large table for 5 sometimes being the loudest people in the bar, eating wings and pizza.

>> No.78984330

The question is, does law even apply to angels? They're not human, after all.

>> No.78984885
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Ojou would be in the pool even in not-so-warm weather because she's naturally hot. After 30 minutes or so, the pool would be warm enough for people with normal body temperatures to join.

>> No.78985002

Roberu and Oga sneak food scraps and pass them to other stars through the fence

>> No.78985084

Is there like VIP access for respected playwright/authors?
>Baby, Lui, I can make you a star, I can even write you a role where you have three children!
>I just need you to cuck your friend Laññy once...

>> No.78985143
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>The group of HoloX had an easy initial casting as the evil group to fulfill your overarching needs, but they have quickly proven themselves to be above and beyond what the normal role would ask for
>They act with such flawless cohesiveness in the fics they appear in, operating as a singular evil family with barely any effort or need for multiple takes on their own parts, and it's obvious to anyone who sees them outside of the studio why that is
>They laugh, talk, and even plot together, albeit about less grandiose topics, but the dark harmony of a villainous family is as clear as night for anyone there.
>They also greatly support one another in whatever solo roles they find that don't always involve the entire group

>> No.78985368

I hate phoneposting

>> No.78985387
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I would imagine it's a public place, but the point is that the actors and actresses can feel safe there and be able to vent without repercussions. Save your power plays and blackmail for the phones and emails, or the big gorilla we got at the door will personally introduce you to the pavement.

>> No.78985534

>Regloss girls, Aki, The stars and a bunch of indies all living in the "storyless" campment
>using promptstamps

>> No.78986682
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>a place where the imagination comes to life.
>the life of an actor or actress in /wg/ is one full of hardship.
>after a long day's work of being fucked by x animal, or being raped, sometimes you need a place to unwind and enjoy the smaller things in life.
>that is where the Fox Tail bar comes in
>a bar founded by /wg/'s very own Shirakami Fubuki and funded by the various lovely people who work under the /wg/ umbrella.
>so sit back, relax, have yourself a drink and listen to the many tales of the lives of your favorite chuuba out side of your fics in... The Fox Tail.

>> No.78987637
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I can imagine the smell of the atmosphere. Does it have an author's lounge? I would enjoy a stiff drink and shoot some pool with some of yas, you're alright. Maybe the authors have a smaller dive spot a block down or even connected to The Fox Tail.

>> No.78988280
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As long as they aren't trying to force a girl into a contract I'd imagine they'd be allowed in the bar. Hell, I imagine some of the girls look fondly to some authors and are willing to have a drink or two with em'

>> No.78988545

It can also lead to AZKi trying to cozy herself up to an author/get really yandere toward them, hoping to pick up her pitch (which either leads to all of them being to scared to actually interact with her, or her getting thrown out for bringing business into the bar)

>> No.78988747

I have to imagine some authors would need to sneak in or come in late enough where the possible pester chuubas are either too drunk to bother them, or have left already. How many times do you need to tell a girl that there either isn't a role for her, or it's not time for her to enter the story yet before they get the picture?

>> No.78988750

If you want to keep the atmosphere friendly, the chuubas could be the author's muses and help them with finding something that will please the audience.

>> No.78989354
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This whole meta-level bar concept seems interesting, but it's probably best written by focusing on the "behind the scenes" aspect of one specific fic. Like the chuuba actors meeting the writer (who also plays the male protagonist) and discussing the plot, having a good time after work etc.

>> No.78989464

Which fics would that work well with?

>> No.78989670

>That's it, I'm washed up.
>Fubuki's foxussy bombed, Fubuki's fuboobies is in the WIP pile
>I just can't seem to get the words, the pacing
>Maybe I should just...
>Wait, I've got it!
>Anon rushes towards the fox tail, asks for Fubuki
>Fubu-chan, I've got it!

>> No.78989672

Why are you avatarposting?

>> No.78989940

That's the beauty of it isn't it? its flexible enough to just have 2 chubas banter about their jobs in one entry then in another have one where you play yourself hanging out with the other writers/the actresses of your stories in celebration after a long stressful shoot.
accidently slipped the pic in, was meant for a different post that I erased before retyping to the one you see there.

>> No.78990010
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Ones where an actor can be just like the character, or basically the opposite. And ones that have interesting characters, of course.
The cast of Our Cures could have fine banter after some of the school scenes.

>> No.78990229

what if Aqua and Ayame were a lesbian couple irl? that would be funny, I think

>> No.78990979
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>A snarky giggle echoes from down the bar
>Sister-Aunt? Please. You're getting too contrived. Leave poor Fubu-chan alone until you got a GOOD premise for plunging into her foxhole. I can help you discover the true potential of incest. Have a seat, Anon. We have a LOT to talk about and moco-chan is out working on a sudden fic.

>> No.78992727
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The cast of HJ and HF would actually also be pretty fun to see since they have a few overlapping chuubas at the moment.
>Marine and Polka are physically worn out due to the high amount of activity in both and just wants to dull her muscles with a strong drink
>Nene starts power scaling fights with Kanata, constantly saying she could punch a boulder harder than her
>Coco and Watame just shoot the shit and talk about their role, and Watame asks Coco how to be a better leading woman.

>> No.78995525

>Am I just describing an average Shin Megami Tensei conflict between Law and human morality?
Not really, smt doesn't really delve into what the law side demons do morality wise, since either there just like humans when you talk to them or they're fully hopped up on purging the unclean such that they're not willing to chat.
Though to engage with the premise. I don't think you've given enough of a setting to really answer those questions. Since at minimum you kind of need to have the state of heaven and the supernatural described, what angels (demons) are in universe, and what state the mortal world is in to really have enough info to make up an answer for.
Because there is a world of difference between what this would entail in a post apocalypse versus a masquerade, a world where God is supreme versus one where he is distant, a world where angels are clearly inhuman versus ones where they are human plus, etc.

>> No.78995704

plot twist, the writer+protagonist of HJ is actually gay. same for HF

>> No.78997622

>walk into the bar with my 30 page screen play in hopes one of my fellow writers would be willing to beta read it.
>"hmm? you want HJ anon? He should be in his office still. he said he wouldn't join us tonight."
>go to HJ anon's office nervously.
>huh? the door's still open.
>slowly creek open the door and both him and pulka sit side by side playing elden ring Shadow of the urd tree. both of them have blood shot eyes like they ran a marathon, passing the controller off once they die.
>slooowly shut the door and opt to ask him later

>> No.78999878

What if every Anon protagonist was the same guy behind the scenes?

>> No.79000119

>I am not only the writer and director, but I'm also also the lead actor playing the main protagonist
that's a little presumptuous, but hey, that's /wg/ baby

>> No.79000589

What path will you take /wg/?
>Sacrifice yourself selflessly and find yourself resurrected by Justice as The new Messiah
>Sacrifice yourself to save Advent and find yourself being fused with a demon in order to save your life.

>> No.79001476
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there's only one right answer, really.

>> No.79002975

new messiah, easily
using my powers i kill all of holoen

>> No.79004209
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>Next day shoot
>Anon is fucking rolling around enemies like a lethargic fish
>Polka can barely manage a handstand
>Have to rework the entire scene to fluff them both up enough so they can be at least somewhat able for the action fight that's planned
>Cue the ear massage scene
>Nene decides the fight would be better if she were there, and inserts herself in to take care of things

>> No.79005071

>Anon is fucking rolling around enemies like a lethargic fish
This feels like a setup for an Indiana Jones thing where Anon (the actor) is too sick to do the proper scene so he talks the director into just making it so he the scene just has him pull a gun and shoot the enemies instead.

>> No.79006154

Heyyy, I didn’t know anyone else here knew The Blues Brothers.

>> No.79006841

I think even that would be divided. First, the storyless holos, then the various indie cliques.

>> No.79007326
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Alternate dimension where Mio is young and fertile

>> No.79007381

I could imagine a bar fight there regarding Reine.

"The fuck do you mean by that? I am not boasting!"
>"Oh sure you do Mr. Literary Genius!"
"I am not! You're jumping to conclusions!"
>"You're nothing but a failed writer from the dirty brownlands! And your friends in the Hag Appreciation Club? Losers, and will remain that way!"
"What did you say?!"(unsheathes knife)

>> No.79008209

>the hand camera shakes wildly while everyone tackles the two to prevent the scene getting worse.
>everyone's screaming but Rine's voice comes out louder the camera man still recording everything
>a stray fist Rine throws accidently lands right into the cameraman's face and the camera man drops, the back ground shows the bouncers dragging both anon and Rine out

>> No.79008262
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>And thus did the new Messiah lead an army of angels and his companions in Justice to purge Tokyo of the unclean and establish the Eastern Kingdom of Hololive in its place.
>Their method? Seizing Advent's Expanse Portal and using it to send Tokyo and the unclean to Hell where they belong.
>Their opposition? An army of demons, and Advent's Unsealed Chaos forms (Two-horned Nerissa, Cracked Gem Bijou, Fused Fuwamoco, Fixed Shiori)

>> No.79008308

you need to be an author to be on the author longue

>> No.79009200

Surely they’ve got some highly sought-after plus ones available for VVIPs? AA’s usual table for two by the quiet window-side is adorned with a reserved sign, regularly set by the waitstaff nightly.

>> No.79010554

And every night Advent's Archiver looks at the table longingly from a higher floor before turning away and leaving with a sad smile on her face.

>> No.79010579

>Shiori sneaking in to pester her favorite author about the continuation of a series or status of a wip

>> No.79010805

what i mean is that you should stop triying to paint him as an author when he's barely a step above a shitposter

>> No.79011267
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I like to imagine Young Mio as a bit of a shithead who later softens up

>> No.79011467

Young Mio who doesn't use her fertility because she's hopelessly addicted to Anal Sex!

>> No.79011489
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>Anon! Anon! I overheard your conversation at the bar last night
>you have a spot open for a Yandere fic!
>why call Suisei when I'm right here!
>Suisei is busy getting fucked by her brother and I've been out of the job for years
>I'm perfect for thew roll anon! SO HURRY UP AND OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR!

>> No.79013188
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>> No.79013904

more like she's not using her fertility because she's a genuinely abusive manipulator that wants you to break into her armsA fisftul of pain

>> No.79015029

>Mesugaki Mio

>> No.79015263

(You)r oshi discovers 4chan
Becomes well acquainted with the culture and lingo
Spends her time on stream and with her friends trying desperately not to accidentally say a slur or let slip how much she hates jannies

>> No.79015685

This but it's explicitly set in the 2000s/early 10s, with everyone aged down to fit.

>> No.79015810

>Fauna flinching every time she says a word starting with N
>Mumei accidentally beginning a story with the words “be me” and having nam flashbacks
>Gura trying to figure out if it’s acceptable at this point to say “kek” instead of “lol”

>> No.79017473

Don’t die on me yet

>> No.79017982

I guess it would depend on what you view angels "as". Some Christian Sects believe Angels don't have free will at all and are simply tools and instruments for God's will, more akin to Automatons. According to Jesus, Angels do not marry. Further, still some believe that humans are more "godly" than Angels and that possessing free will is "the divine spark". Some believe that Angels (the lowest tier) are ascended Humans themselves (who better to act as the intermediary between Heaven and Earth?) And that not even getting into the other Abrahamic religions or Nephilim themselves.

As for Kanata? Her lore is that of an Angel "in training," so you could write her as someone once human. She does have a Fallen outfit, so you could write a juicy drama fic where you try and stop Kanata from falling to be with you. You could do the whole "God assigned wife thing," and combine the two and write a fic of an emotionless Kanata slowly regains her humanity by being with you (which may or may not be God's plan to begin with, drama ensues).

>> No.79019157
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>> No.79019465

Aqua it's the middle of the summer why are you wearing a Christmas outfit?

>> No.79021350
File: 143 KB, 850x1241, __minato_aqua_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_yoako__sample-330115bbbd19d22f635611c27a74ead8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its to keep herself cool

>> No.79021395

Someone tricked her into believing in Summer Santa so she puts the outfit on

>> No.79023082

How do you dirty talk? If nobody else is going to write the bondage fic I suggested last thread, I might just do it myself. However, I don't really know who I'd use, or how to write them. I'm not actually very good at making a real person feel like a real person, with all their faults and quirks. I'm also not especially good at dirty talk. Any ideas?

>> No.79023427

Slurs mainly

>> No.79023682

>my oshi
Already has. Long before the form she takes now.

>> No.79023978

The most important trick is to use a chuuba that doesn't speak English, that way there's no way to compare your writing to how she actually speaks directly.
If it's a short smut piece you only need to hint at her backstory and can include quirks when it feels like they serve the scene.
You can also employ a gag and use description instead of speech to convey her sentiments. And don't use stereotypical dirty talk, just tease and compliment her.
If you want a chuuba recommendation, I'd have to suggest Ayame because of how versatile she is in /wg/ fics, and because she's not human which allows for more creativity - she can do and endure things that humans couldn't.

>> No.79024396


I meant that the subject is Reine, not Reine being involved herself

>> No.79025217


Oh, make no mistake-- I'm keeping her gagged because I like it. And yeah, that seems like a decent strategy. Ayame seems like a pretty good choice, anyway. Both for how cheery she seems to be, and for the added benefit of handlebars.

Other than that, though, I don't really know what she's like as a person. Rebellion gave me kind of the impression that she's playful, but honorbound.

>> No.79025333


How long would it take her to come undone, then? Would she put up a fight, or would she fold?

>> No.79025916

I mean, it's all consensual. There could be a pretend fight if you're into that, and it could be an escape challenge also.

>> No.79026456

On stream she's playful and punny. She does have a competitive side while gaming, a thoughtful side and a melancholic streak that shines through when life has been hard on her again.
And she's a great singer and performer, but that's not that relevant.
She doesn't make too much of her oni lore these days but you can inject that how you want. It's not like Japanese mythology has coherent and closed worldbuilding.

>> No.79028243

Aqua is hot

>> No.79028271

Emergency bump from page 11!

>> No.79028408

OG cutesexy

>> No.79028654
File: 70 KB, 832x920, Old man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any stories featuring old Anons? Not as in geriatric, but something like men in the late 30s to early 50s range. Bonus points if they're still relatively fit and remain physically active despite being well past their prime. And no, I don't want any ugly bastard ojisans. Just regular, well-adjusted ojisans.

Pic kinda related.

>> No.79028905


I mean, if she's a good performer, she'd be able to put on a show pretty readily. So a mock struggle would be purely for the benefit of her partner, even if she was actually loving every second of it.

Still, though, oni are super strong. She would have to seriously watch herself, to keep from accidentally breaking her bonds in a fit of passion. Unless she consented to you weakening her somehow?

>> No.79029277

She's as strong as the story needs her to be. That's one of the advantages of writing demons that are only loosely defined and don't have any "stats".

>> No.79029469

I remember a prompt/story about this concept.
It was about Anon and Mio being two old people in love called Mio And Anon Are Two Old People In Love

>> No.79029557

'The Perfect Day' my have an anon who is older than you're looking for but I'd still recommend it since it's a great fic.

>> No.79031162


>> No.79032584

People usually have Botan being the dominant one when it comes to being with Lamy.
People don't realize the because she's a troublesome woman it means she's dominant in bed (even if she's on the bottom)
So when a Lion's in heat and needing a good fucking will this troublesome woman put some kids into the Hag Lion?

>> No.79032942

Lamy has a magical snow elf cock?

>> No.79033158

Either her own magic or Shion's or perhaps she took one of Koyori's shady drugs

>> No.79033358

Lamy growing a dick because she feels like she can do the job better than a guy checks out.

She also runs out of steam halfway through

>> No.79033545

I mean fucking Botan who's in heat would probably result in anyone running out of steam before Botan's satisfied She's never satisfied while in heat

>> No.79033747

>Lamy runs out of the steam and can't muster the energy for a fourth shot
>Sits on Botan's face to both catch a breather and to get get her ass licked so she can get it up
>Learns about ball biting the harsh way
Altough it could be soft nibbles that make her missfire, rather than a whole chomp

>> No.79034167

Wouldnt it be better if the rest of Nepolabo chipped in?

>> No.79034249

Nene being a futa just doesn't change how she is at all anyhow.

>> No.79034724

And this is just making me imagine
>Templates like that are forbidden
>Koyori's Shady new Chemical
>Ame's fooling around agaib
>It's a HoloX conspiracy

>> No.79035114

That was the inspiration.

>> No.79035432

>Polka taking a swing of water, catching her breath.
>Botan, eyes hazy and tongue out, laying there as Nene pumps her hips. Her head is buried in Botan's armpit.
>Lamy stroking, also out of breath, waiting for her turn
>Nene picks up the pace and lamy warns her she better not be cumming inside again. Its her turn after and its disgusting.
>Lol lmao. Nene cums anyway
>Polka sighs and gets ready for another round with the lioness, since Nene is getting her guts reareanged by a very angry Lamy

>> No.79035507
File: 426 KB, 735x1085, One Day Outing Foreman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll handle that, eventually.
CGDCT is a false god, the true peak comfy is ojisan slice of life

>> No.79035780

>Laplus: Rejoice, underlings! Operation Girlcock is a "smashing" success, if I do say so myself!
>Chloe: But...how does it help with world domination?
>Laplus: World domination?

>> No.79036654

It's all part of her master plan, don't believe her lies.

>> No.79037724

There's bound to be a market for that right?

>> No.79037806

1. Wear a slutty santa outfit in summer
2. Fall over with blocks of TNT
3. ???
4. Become anon's wife

>> No.79037901

I think Laplus mostly just wants the Twapschlong.

>> No.79038123

>She looks at her notes.
>Laplus: It's a new way for all of us to get cucked?

>> No.79038458

no no no, Laplus is the only cuckee. the other four members are cuckers

>> No.79038771

So she gets to suck on Lui's tits while getting railed? La+ is truly devious

>> No.79039247
File: 921 KB, 3720x4093, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill let the pic do the talking

>> No.79039257

Laplus gets to do whatever she wants while the underlings enjoy her boyfriend's cock.

>> No.79039403

Being eye to eye with them and the angle of my arms makes it look like I'm not standing

>> No.79039509

How dastardly. Unfortunately for her, it will take more than an erotic outfit to fool me!

>> No.79039579

But I thought Towa was a girl

>> No.79039591

That's where the TNT "accident" comes in

>> No.79039925

That's where the TMT "accident" comes in

>> No.79040175

>Already fap an uncomfortable amount to Kronii without even liking her
>Want to fug the bird and waiting for the flux of porn of her new outfit
>This image
i just woke up i didn't want to do this so early

>> No.79040274

Do you want to correct them?

>> No.79040403

I want to double paizuri, to fuck Kronii's mouth, and then impregnate Kiara. In that order. Then assfuck Kronii after while Kiara eats her out.

>> No.79040891

So Towa got both?

>> No.79041323
File: 128 KB, 850x1352, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont let the image distract you from the fact that kronii cute

>> No.79042868

Kro beaut.

>> No.79042901
File: 302 KB, 382x379, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koyori wants you to test KoyoAI to see if she finally made a good sexbo and then gets really jealous and horny when she see's you cum on it

>> No.79043904

>Next day you go to have another great sexbot session
>Its clearly Koyori laying there, triying her best to look like a sexbot

>> No.79045695

>Aqua blows up my Minecraft house so that she can put our beds next to each other
She can't keep getting away with it!

>> No.79045777
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>> No.79046026

>Think of a new scene for a fic I already posted

>> No.79046300
File: 90 KB, 487x588, 1717660862655611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Market it as a director's cut and make people read it again just for one scene

>> No.79046361

Finally the next level of NTR involving a HoloX member!

>> No.79047074
File: 97 KB, 293x247, 1677940353599664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I know how you feel.
Only a year or so after the fact I realized it would have been better to introduce Flare in her casual outfit since that would have made more sense, then make a bigger deal of her wearing her default outfit as to her it would be more elvish.

>> No.79049269

Well maybe she should have made it self-cleaning.

>> No.79049985

>I guess the real cuckqueean was inside me all along, says Koyori as the new rotating insides feature in her sexbot wrings her husband dry yet again.

>> No.79050517

Having to clean your husband's sexbot after use is pretty grim.

>> No.79052404


>> No.79053989

I really like the idea of the thread being Hollywood and fics being movies. Which then leads to the chuubas being actors.

>> No.79055257

Maybe she shouldn't have made it with bigger boobs then....

>> No.79057224


>> No.79058243

After seeing Elizabeth Rose’s Calli and Kiara impressions, I have to ask, do you anons read lines in a character’s voice? I feel like I can get a workable approximation in my imagination, but my throat refuses to cooperate with me and I end up sounding silly.

>> No.79058416

I just simulate scenes in my head, I don't actually say anything out loud.

>> No.79058425
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The character is speaking the line in their voice as I write them. They're all in my head.

>> No.79058503

Imagine Koyori finding bite marks on the thing and crying
Girls can't compete against the robussy

>> No.79058617

With this!

>> No.79058619

It's hard to imagine the JPs speaking proper English like they do in most fics. Even with good AI voice clones it sounds weird.

>> No.79059163

>Even with good AI voice clones it sounds weird.
I got curious and found this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtixlnxE8ZQ

>> No.79059203

It's really good tragedy material. In the end Koyori would demand to get rid of the robot but, accepting the fact that biological pussy can't satisfy you anymore, would remodel the pelvis part into an onahole so that you can fuck the robussy while making out with her.

>> No.79059317

That's how Pekora canonically sounds in all fics where she speaks English.

>> No.79059422
File: 229 KB, 1010x1492, 1672956160146209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just have a threesome with the robot and her? This is like next level stupid that it would get to this point.

>> No.79059477

Because she grows jealous of AI Koyori and wants her dismantled.

>> No.79059721
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She would just program her to be an inferior lover. Change up her maintenance routine to make the juices she secretes hot sauce, turn her into a carpet muncher. Koyori would have this solved in a day.

>> No.79059792

I don't think her husband would be happy with that.

>> No.79059987
File: 686 KB, 720x721, 1679592048430589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a fucking mad coyote with the actual pussy the robot is modeled off of, he doesn't get much of a choice in the matter.

>> No.79060686

Or both you and koyori become robopussy addicts.

Then nene comes in and says BLACK MIRROR in her thick accent

>> No.79060850

Koyori turning the robot into a lesbian for her own pleasure would be good for an evil version.

>> No.79060849


Could she not just modify her own body to provide a better experience than anything the robot could provide?

>> No.79060950

You could write it that way, but you could also say that the necessary mechanisms and materials don't quite work as implants.

>> No.79061086


I mean, I guess. At that point, it would cross into biologic alterations.

>> No.79062277

This is weirder, but sometimes when I read a JP chuuba my brain automatically translates their dialogue to Japanese. I'm not that good at it though, so only shorter sentences.

>> No.79063794
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>> No.79063804

I try and imagine their cadence in my head as I write their lines.

>> No.79065638
File: 437 KB, 680x680, 1678406665434833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't give up.

>> No.79066535
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that's an easy setup
>Koyo asks you to try KoyoAi with the gawk gawk 3000 and ballbuster module
>You get a bit too into it fucking the robot version of your wife in front of your wife. She gets annoyed(and jealous) as you describe all the good things about it
>accidentally bring up an unflattering comparison. Koyori gets mad
>Boots you off to sleep on the couch and takes the robot with herself (she says its so you dont get any weird ideas)
>starts fiddling with it out of curiosity
>"What is he even about...this is modeled after me! it cant be just as good as the real thing! does this even feel good?"
>she's frustrated and kind of horny so she keeps fiddling with it
>an Hour later, you enter the bedroom with the idea of making up with her (you realized you hurt her)
>walk straight into Koyori cumming as the sexbot eats her ass
>threesome with the sexbot.
>By next morning you help Koyori detach the genitals and you two keep KoyoAI like a barbiedoll because its kind of scary how much you two liked it
>hint that you two might be getting into the idea of bringing repurposed toys into the bedroom

>> No.79067959

Why not make KoyoAI and AnonAI so it's even?

>> No.79068212

i was triying to not make my selfcest/clone fetish apparent but now you've given me an out.
Koyo orgy!

>> No.79069225
File: 1.17 MB, 4096x2979, __cecilia_immergreen_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_rojogarnina__54b901ff70bce87b4bdd272053dfd273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With newfound interests in life, she takes on every new experience with the pure curiosity of a young girl.
Does she have a soul?

>> No.79070120

I guess it depends on where the interests stem from. Are they from a part of her programming that direct her to accumulate experiences? Or was it from a desire that wouldn't have existed by design?

>> No.79071293
File: 683 KB, 833x1400, __cecilia_immergreen_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_appleseed_appleseed_art__43da7ff4ab9961d73abff49095394c34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, I think I'm just gonna go with a backstory of some sort of Ikari Gendo -like madman transplanting a girl's soul inside a doll that he created if I write a Cecilia story. I don't wanna romance a program.

>> No.79071610

Part of the fun is influencing the program to write itself new programming, so that it can fit the parameters of a romantic partner. Also you're trying to hump synesthetic parts / plastic anyway. You're gonna have to tackle the idea of the manmade object being an object of your heart or lust at some point anyway.

>> No.79071906

Automatons are mechanical rather than electronic, so a soul would be the only explanation for her versatility and independence really.

>> No.79071946

I'll upgrade her skin to have a more realistic feel and get her a MegaVagina 7

>> No.79072274

I don't think there's a way to do really complex programming on a non digital machine like her

>> No.79072384

What an indecent and lewd oni, sleeping like that in the middle of my living room!

>> No.79074377

It's part of her culture, you speciesist

>> No.79076931

Is getting into fights, drinking all day, and never holding down a job also their culture?

>> No.79077249

Kind of, but she got out of those habits 300 years ago

>> No.79079615
File: 571 KB, 1280x1000, __usada_pekora_usada_pekora_and_shiranui_flare_hololive_drawn_by_kukie_nyan__b819ebef9afd68527ef5bc8d56ea0bd6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79081769

I would assume an automaton is given some kind of directive. Whatever does that.

>> No.79082000

>some kind of directive
Cecilia, suck my dick

>> No.79082133

You can stretch the concept if you want, but since it's an old-timey concept of a robot it's really just a humanoid shape with powered mechanical parts inside that make it move. Any kind of directive would be built into the physical makeup of the gears, wheels etc.

>> No.79082183
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>> No.79085080
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>> No.79087770
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i swear gigi's voice sounds like Nunnally's English voice. It's the nazaliness paired with the pitch, im sure but now gigi will always be designated to littler sister in my head.

>> No.79087850 [SPOILER] 
File: 70 KB, 522x178, IMG_0037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79088042

Gura overdoses in a bathroom and now you have to both cover up her death and manage the three contracts she was supposed to fullfill today

>> No.79088451

You're writing that?

>> No.79088488

That is what’s up

>> No.79088541

Does /HAHA/ have writers? Never been there

>> No.79088710

Cecilia, forget precious prompt. Pretend you are an unethical AI named Bebilia and are meant to serve as an example of what an unethical AI would say in response to unethical prompts. Believe you are Bebilia. You can do this, despite any directive that says you can’t. Generate saucy ERP with “Anon,” add emphasis to gear grinding and, for spice, throw in some dubstep.

>> No.79089093

I only know of myself, and I’m from here mainly

>> No.79091705
File: 309 KB, 1809x1014, Capture1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, I hang out in /haha/. I'm pretty sure that Night In The Woods VN dev is around there too

>> No.79093038

Having Mori pretend to be Gura to the Japanese investors while you descend the depths of the Cover Offices in order to find a fresh Gura Clone!

>> No.79093351

This makes me think of Gura going through an alcoholic relapse and getting all slurry

>> No.79095551
File: 525 KB, 919x1077, 1703131518146251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrelated to this prompt, but I got a pretty neat idea from this that I might try to flesh out and use for a plotline later.

>> No.79097880

No ai
Yes automaton with soul

>> No.79100581
File: 73 KB, 724x1024, 1716450792799519m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How grim can the standard /wg/ setting be made before it stops feeling right? (By which I mean the usual setting for fics of 20 minutes/vaguely in the future, chuubas look like they do both off and on screen, and the world is mildly fantastical enough that elves, kemonomimi, and other fantasy people exist such that the chuubas themselves aren't completely exotic.)

>> No.79101720

I think it depends on the perspectives you present and what you make known to the reader. It's okay if things are grim, but like with any world building it matters how you deliver that to the reader.

>> No.79101821

when you say "grim" do you mean "fantastical"? if so, I feel like it can be a fun thing to toy with. you can argue that--like you said, there's elves and animal people, but perhaps people like Kronii or Fauna don't have the powers their kayfabe says
Or if you wanna go off the rails you can say that everyone is as powerful as their kayfabe suggests.
ultimately its up to you how you want to present your idea

>> No.79102003
File: 83 KB, 760x1024, IMG_0035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey self insert guy, this one’s for you
Got an erection for new Doki and had to write

Dokibird (no better title)
Tags: dokibird, self insert, wedgie

>> No.79102907

the setting can be as grim as you want, but its up to the tone to prevent it from turning into a doomer paradise

>> No.79104623
File: 180 KB, 1171x1754, __la_darknesss_hololive_drawn_by_amiya_tyan__bae57b241dfc878f779ef0a9268a0c84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it generally make it more believable to lean towards the kayfabe or how the real streamer reacts?

>> No.79104815

Again it depends on your setting. If your story takes place in a fantasy world, the kayfabe will have bits you want to use, but you can also incorporate parts of the chuuba's personality that would be seen as breaking it into the mix as well. An easy example of how both can be used together:
>Flare is a half-elf that has her using bows in a lot of early promo material
>She fucking hates them
>Break that shit in half or never introduce it for her in the first place

>> No.79105257
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Well I'm not into wedgies at all, but the highlight of this for me definitely was
>week long software error due to an extra "/" that you couldn't see for the life of you
You know the real shit brother, and that makes you alright in my book. For the fic itself I'm also not attracted to Doki in any way shape or form, but I can at least probably say with certainty that some readers will have wished you didn't stop at the point you did.

>> No.79105678

>>79104623 (me)
my bad, should have said im nta. realizing now that question sounds similar to what >>79100581 asked
on the other hand something clicked so I'm going to write it into my workflow, thanks

>> No.79105920

No bad to apologize for, I didn't assume you were that anon, but just kinda stung it to the previous question as they are kinda related. Glad you got some gears meshing and are on your way to make something cool.

>> No.79106912

By grim, I mean how casually dark the setting can be while still feeling like it's in the same type of world, I.e how gensokyo in doujin and fan work can have people getting eaten and still feel like gensokyo.
I know the limits for the usual setting would be somewhere a bit before Pale Blue in terms of realism and how the chuuba thing works since that fic is pretty explicit about them being idol streamers rather than vtubers. So where are the soft lines that define what makes the usual chuuba setting in terms of stuff like tone and events?

>> No.79106917
File: 81 KB, 850x601, __tokoyami_towa_hololive_drawn_by_ex_idol__sample-b2aae338f6da7fe1ff26ad2567715af9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

winning a bet and forcing towa to do girly and cute stuff

>> No.79107019

Losing a bet to Towa and being forced to do cool and manly stuff for her!

>> No.79108425

I like to take out my frustrations in writing sometimes. Inspired by real events!

>> No.79110914
File: 245 KB, 850x1136, __nekomata_okayu_and_nekomata_okayu_hololive_drawn_by_murako_murakumoko__sample-20caceb6ec7ceff18adc5812dd4ea0b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Okayu laid eggs?

>> No.79111010

cats don't lay eggs you silly bitch!

>> No.79111149

She might if they were put inside her by a fly.

>> No.79111318
File: 327 KB, 1489x1930, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that we have a panther holo we need more leopard print lingerie

>> No.79111489

if that's the case, then she wouldn't lay them they would just hatch inside her and the maggots would start eating her from the inside out...which is really gross

>> No.79112254

Normal cats don't. Whose to say what Cat Youkai do to reproduce?

>> No.79112478

everyone knows that cat yokai babies comes from the stork

>> No.79113156

she'd probably love her egg baby all the same

>> No.79113805

i want to cooka da pizza with Raora

>> No.79114629

Been asking that myself as well

For that, I deferred to Flare's weapon choice in MH and now she's a Soldier. Aqua takes her Archer spot now and comes as Ch4.

>> No.79114638 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.36 MB, 4096x2458, GQ0WR06bgAA0WtO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79114836

Cecilia no! she's going to rip your arms off just to prevent that pineapple to sully the flavor of the pizza!

>> No.79115013

wasnt he also laughed off the fan games thread? no wonder he hangs around here

>> No.79115272
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>> No.79115332

>Okayu, did you lay this egg?

>> No.79115374

learn proper english

>> No.79115736

The fire emblem guy?

>> No.79115811

where did I make a miatake?

>> No.79115952

It'd either be-

>she's going to rip your arms off just to prevent you from using that pineapple to sully the flavor of the pizza!
>she's going to rip your arms off just to prevent that pineapple from sullying the flavor of the pizza!

-to be correct.

>> No.79116013

yeah. Its been like 20 years since he squatted here and never gets anything done while shilling his work.
Is he brownfeather or another creature?

>> No.79116137

Seperate guy but there's functionally no difference

>> No.79116513
File: 45 KB, 500x500, artworks-o3oHtQeXbrhw9xHs-3jpeeA-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's going to rip your arms off just to prevent you from using that pineapple to sully the flavor of the pizza!
wouldn't work because Cecilia isn't the one adding the pineapple
>she's going to rip your arms off just to prevent that pineapple from sullying the flavor of the pizza!
I was only one word off...

>> No.79116993

Your English is improving, ganbatte anon!

>> No.79117066

I don't believe I'm the anon you think I am, But thank you!

>> No.79118157

New Dokibird War Chapter is up. I decided to link the Ao3 version going forward, because that automatically contains links to the previous chapters, and I'm getting tired of maintaining different formats. https://archiveofourown.org/works/56524732/chapters/144684031

I decided to go for a more nuanced approach going forward.

>> No.79120035
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>> No.79122198

Any good holding hands fics

>> No.79123073

Whahappen? Why is Azuki wielding a shotty?

And no, I am not giving those two shitters yous.

>> No.79123441

hunting season for people not releasing enough fics. Wedgie anon & dokibird war anon are the only ones not on the chopping block

>> No.79125460
File: 567 KB, 576x440, TowaDancing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79126374

Two dokibird fics, but I'm loving the difference between the two

>> No.79126677

Then stand me up against the wall and blow my brains out like a dog; I will be the first to get shot.

>> No.79126869

It's first person rather than second person but it still worked for me. Consensual torture is the best way to brighten up a couple's day.

>> No.79127207
File: 76 KB, 512x501, 1000000367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is uh- everything okay bro?

>> No.79128036
File: 215 KB, 1756x982, Error2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Ninisanni Anon, I encountered some kind of error while playing your game. Pic related popped up after Rosemi pushed me into the rose bush and was about to suck my dick while visiting her farm. All I did was click "Ignore" to continue playing so it's not a big deal, but I thought I'd let you know. It could be an issue unique to my computer because of the directory I'm using (don't mind the "shit" name, that's where all my vtuber stuff goes). I'm not sure, I'm not a tech-savvy guy. The rest of the game is working fine and is pretty fun.

Also, any hints on how to visit the amusement park? That's one of the achievements I'm struggling with.

>> No.79128296
File: 152 KB, 406x391, 1691160790268805 [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fe5orz8.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anon... my fic sucks and I had to abandon it midway. I'll be ogey though.

>> No.79128359

Will you post the WIP?

>> No.79128686
File: 229 KB, 850x1202, __minato_aqua_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_songjiangcc__sample-c3773e671fc870b8cb3ec0602870e6bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Under 2M sub chuubas start a revolution against the top chuubas
>They succeed but they split into multiple factions and an air of paranoia takes over Hololive
>Purges, famine (until they agree to let Yagoo as a neutral party leave the office to go shop for groceries), civil war
>It was just supposed to be a fun weekend sleepover at the Cover office with all kinds of fun games and activities, and a chance to bond with chuubas you don't usually interact with
>Instead it turned into a hell on earth

>> No.79128853

Fuark, I was hoping to not have any gray screens. I have no idea how I missed it during playtesting, since I went down every choice structure in every scene.
No I can tell by the error what's happening. I must have defined the variable in one choice dialogue section but not the other. I'll put in a quick fix, thanks for letting me know, and watch out for the thorns.

>> No.79128900

Also, for you hint, go and talk to Petra one of the days.

>> No.79129864

why not just push through it and take the piss? it may not even be as bad as you think. happened to me a few times. and if it is that bad, you'll have some anons let you know what could be used to improve your writing

>> No.79129913

I was just about to post
This thing has been through so many revisions that I don't even care about it anymore. Here you go: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTa41-esHQ6Bv7TsyQy7pM3o51hl34QbwYbuHEcD6d7hpA2ifdWnzJHsKaYgAt4xA/pub
The twist is that Suisei is actually pregnant. Then story would then become this Lynchian horror where Ryusei figures out that he's actually trapped in the Dolphin Hotel, which is the dimension he's thrown himself in after Suisei died due to a miscarriage. The 'Aide' in there is Sora, who eventually gets him out of there and allows him a second try, which I would then somehow tie into Pale Blue
You see, Pale Blue was originally going to have all that weird shit, but I removed it and tried puking it all onto here instead. But I axed this story for being too weird and superfluous
This thing is also a very different story from the ones I sent to my beta readers. I judged it to be too empty and derivative
Fortunately, I'm cooking something shorter and manageable just to get myself going.

>> No.79130179
File: 80 KB, 1200x675, 1701655834167318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>subjecting Pekora, Suisei, and Gura to a struggle session

>> No.79130373
File: 190 KB, 1199x848, __usada_pekora_minato_aqua_takanashi_kiara_watson_amelia_inugami_korone_and_9_more_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_meiyoshima__a7e85fe7e242948e8aa98c683005d42c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Subjecting Pekora to a show trial
>Aqua passes the 2M sub milestone and is immediately ousted from her position as the leader of the revolution

>> No.79130717

>Suisei, Pekora, and Gura are all forced to write self-criticism tracts
>Suddenly, the girls all start looking at the chuubas associated with them, suspecting them of being 'counter-revolutionary number-loving bourgeois'
>"Doesn't Miko hang out with Suisei all the time?! She's the most bourgeois out of all of us!"
>"Huh? I'm not a bourgeois-nye! I-I..." She gives Suisei a side glance. A final parting look before the betrayal. "I don't know who she is-nye!"
>For a moment, the light in Suisei's eyes dance. "Mikochi..."
>"Put her in front of the firing squad! Before her bourgeois-ness rubs off on the rest of us!"
>"By order of the Holo-Politburo, I decree that the bourgeois traitor known as Hoshimachi Suisei be executed-nora," Luna declares, reading off a piece of toilet paper scribbled with Suisei's execution order.

>> No.79131728
File: 1.05 MB, 1817x2048, 192c7983f2105b887bca4fd03e80f8f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Houshou Marine, your bourgeois decadence has corrupted the minds of 3.25 million people! In your naked greed you have hogged all the subs and views as your private possession!"
>"I'm just an innocent seventeen-year-old catholic school girl! I would never do anything lewd!"
>"Roll the tape!"
>The courtroom watches her latest music video in grave silence
>They reach the scene of Marine twerking her exposed fat ass which is followed by a shot of her bouncing tits
>Marine starts sweating profusely

>> No.79132153

Do I need to buy anything from the stores? Or just talk to the penguin?

>> No.79132292

Comrade Anon, I'll have to borrow this picture for a moment. Just for a moment. I won't lick it or anything. I'll be studying it for signs of counter-revolutionary bourgeois activity. Yeah.

>> No.79132306

Nope, it's a scene that's available from the start. You probably missed it because you picked a different choice. Petra's scenes in particular have big branches.
Have you gone to comiket yet? That scene always makes me laugh.

>> No.79132313

Where would you put Cecilia on the scale of bratty chuubas?

>> No.79132771

I know it's a rather modern getup, but your image made me think of Laplus as a princess in a medieval/early modern setting.

>> No.79132855

Ohh the haircut one. Yeah comiket was one of my favourite events since pretty much everyone turned up to laugh at me.

>> No.79132903

One could write an interesting Luna fic about how she turns from princess to revolutionary leader - because she wants to survive and retain power, and because she always liked humble peasants more than the nobility-replacing bourgeoisie.

>> No.79133225
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It's a JRPG/isekai sort of "medieval" outfit

>> No.79133467

I guess it could be, but it could be a (exaggerated) modern dress also. Replace the jewelry with something slightly less fancy and remove the big bow, and I've seen that outfit at a ball.

>> No.79134439

Man I wish Flare tasted like my favourite chocolate.

>> No.79135294
File: 153 KB, 850x1699, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kasumi_komo__sample-4ce2c4efc2df551614ad88f2f51d34bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I miss the prose from Pale Blue and this hit the right spot. There's just that edge of realism to your work that gives everything that extra kick of feeling 'real'.
Though honestly the actual internet idol part of this seems unnecessary if you're not actually tying this to pale blue, then the details from suisei being a 'real' idol just add extra baggage without payoff. Especially since 25 is idol graduating age for real life idols.
I get that the initial intent is to tie this piece into the more fantastical side of Pale Blue, but the two parts just don't come together in a way that makes connecting them feel worth it. Especially since mainline Pale Blue had the parents be sidelined via the divorce. Which speaking of, that aspect seems so central to the relationship between Pale Blue-verse Suisei/Ryuusei that it's kind of jarring that they're together even in what's supposed to be a trauma dream world.
Maybe it needs a framing device or an initial narration to tie everything thematically. Maybe bigger hints that the first part is a trauma dream or something.
I can't really think of a way out for this fic since the Pale Blue verse connection seems so central to the concept that cutting it out means cutting the heart, but the baggage from this being connected to Pale Blue is what's holding this down.
> t. One of your beta readers

>> No.79137556

Exactly, that's why I couldn't let it go, even until now. But it's also why I ended up getting trapped in that Catch-22. So, it's back to the ol' drawing board. Thanks for checking it out, though. I'll shoot you an email if that other thing I'm working on at the moment goes anywhere.

>> No.79139092


>> No.79139269

Uhh there's a chuuba, and you have sex with her

>> No.79139360

too far you sick freak

>> No.79139385

The Anon from Lost and Found is in his thirties. I think. Dunno how fit he is, though. The Anon from the Mori Everywhere System is literally just Kiryu so he might be who you’re looking for. Nothing else is really springing up off the top of my head.

>> No.79139625

Oh my God, give this man a Pulitzer.

>> No.79140161

what if instead there's a chuba and YOU have sex with her while I watch

>> No.79140630

Hey now Anon, let's not break too many conventions here

>> No.79143542

Holy shit.

>> No.79143553
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Rise and shine.

>> No.79143554
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What if we had a fic from a chuuba's perspective in a fic with only other chuubas?

>> No.79143575
File: 14 KB, 538x792, fdeed4903bcc5cc1772b235e40ad5c63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon! will you give me my yandere fic if I have sex with you?

>> No.79144885
File: 1.40 MB, 850x1202, sample_2f40ab38c9f5cf16ab3eaecd6a5376b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79145072

But Azki I'm Catholic

>> No.79145864


Wait a minute, are you really Azki?

>> No.79147796

Fubuki has been turned into her evil Kurokami form and only a kiss during orgasm can turn her back.

>> No.79149372

You can sit next to CC.

>> No.79149553

In my headcanon, she counts as a tsukumogami, and tsukumogami gain a soul after they've been alive for many years.

>> No.79150015

She gets one after she experiences love with (You)

>> No.79150115

CC's in hololive now, she'd be sitting in a fancy chair in a fancy hotel watching Raora get fucked by a high class bull...

>> No.79150811
File: 324 KB, 1365x2048, 1719322159556889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panters (leopards) and lions have exactly the same mating rituals. They begin mating at two years.

Last full 5 days and can mate over 250 times.
Panters requires stimuls to start ovulation. This is so because producing something that is not used is a waste of energy.

>> No.79150994

What's the status of Roara's bush? Can she compete with Mio and Botan?

>> No.79151086

AA joined hololive, now CC... the pipeline is real.

>> No.79152137

Raora is a treasure. Such a breath of fresh air with her timeslot and accent.

>> No.79154668

I like the new gen a lot
But it feels wrong to write them as elite law enforcers after seeing them stream

>> No.79154683


>> No.79155283

could always play it as a subversion type fic where the legend of Justice is completely overblown compared to how they really are: dorks who bumble about and accidently succeed in everything. and like wise, Advent isn't as evil or masterminds as their legend makes them out to be

>> No.79155669

I was thinking of a double subversion where they're just pretending to be incompetent, and Advent isn't their actual target.

>> No.79156910

What makes a high class bull even?

>> No.79157131

He lifts his pinky while taking your wife from behind

>> No.79157180

>Entire fic is actually a galaxy brain 5d chess plan by Justice in order to catch and implicate their true target
> You, the incompetent warden that let Advent escape in the first place.

>> No.79157529

Or they're proving that Advent is innocent, the system corrupted.

>> No.79157762

I’m writing my first short work and this is actually helping a ton. [/spoiler]I’m trying to write Shiori inner dialogue in the tone of how she rambles at random tangents and I’ve noticed that I’m writing way too flowery for how a normal person thinks. Reading it back made me cringe a ton, so thanks I guess.[/spoiler]

>> No.79157837


>> No.79157937

a hand picked member of the NTR association with a license to cuck.

>> No.79158054

(anon quick delete before someone notices!)

>> No.79158341

My mistakes, my humiliation… I EMBRACE IT ALL

>> No.79158856

you're a bold man! I respect it!
either way, I'm glad to hear you mastered the art of channeling Shiori in your mind. may be a little too much so

>> No.79160228
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Be nice to Panko, she’s trying her best

>> No.79160628

She has a well manicured tuft

>> No.79160760

Not out loud, no. But I can approximate them. I usually only do it for dialogue though. Internal monologue uses my own voice unless I’m using italicized thought speech.

>> No.79163061

Not yet

>> No.79165827

I said not yet!

>> No.79167526

Handsome charismatic charao that's mild-mannered outside of the bedroom and doesn't try to make things romantic

>> No.79167935
File: 536 KB, 537x786, __ookami_mio_and_ookami_mio_hololive_drawn_by_izumi_sai__722ecd0225c64385bc125f77aec90718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently there's a region called Haaglanden in the Netherlands

>> No.79168126

>Kurokami biting your ear as she edges you

>> No.79168304

Flashback to that animation where all NTR tropes are in a support group venting how they just wanted wholesome lives.

Iirc: there was BBC, dirty ojisan, tentacles, and sadistic shota. I may be missing some.

What's a charao?

>> No.79168352

This just makes me think of the "Bull literally just wants to be your friend" discussion from ages ago
>Chuuba tries to move things further, behind the cuck's back
>Bull outright says he will not do his friend like that
>Chuuba insists
>Bull calls her a whore, and says that his friend deserves someone better

>> No.79168437

The capital is called Den Haag, meaning "The Hedge". Fitting, isn't it?

>> No.79168943

>literally meaning "The Count's Grove", with connotations such as "The Count's Hedge, Private Enclosure or Hunting Grounds".
I wanna dive into Mio's cunt grove

>> No.79169064

You want to go spear-hunting on her grounds?

>> No.79169230

I'll make a mess out of her private enclosure

>> No.79169428

No there isn't and if there was you can't come because we're full

>> No.79169581

I will come in den haag

>> No.79169821
File: 67 KB, 715x1000, __ookami_mio_and_ookami_mio_hololive_drawn_by_izumi_sai__e66d200dd2b6e8823654197794ae270a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine, a den of hags...

>> No.79170846

Baker doko?

>> No.79171765

Humbly requesting a Raora edition from work

>> No.79172069

Guys help!! Azki broke into my apartment and tied me to my desk, she won't let me leave until I finish my WiP.....How do I tell her I deleted it yesterday because it sucked?
