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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 334 KB, 550x639, 1719208112210444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
79082816 No.79082816 [Reply] [Original]

More Megane Monday

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

ASMR Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Nise Menhera Twitter:https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter:https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead):https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead):https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon™

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>79000065

>> No.79083351

So is she gay or not?

>> No.79083474

I love this smile
What a cutie

>> No.79083582


>> No.79083725

she isnt asexual she is merely not very sexual most of the time

>> No.79084116


>> No.79084172
File: 756 KB, 4096x2564, promising.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does it matter if she's gay? she's not gonna fuck you and you already promised anyway so you'd best lock in. or else

>> No.79084291
File: 446 KB, 511x549, 1684203671521123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's my fute bagel

>> No.79084752

>shes not gonna fuck you
in your case this statement is true atleast, tuffnar

>> No.79084900
File: 3.65 MB, 498x348, winkyface.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79085259
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>> No.79085597
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I love my wife

>> No.79085786

>Why does it matter if your wife is gay or straight?
This is the state that husbands are now at.

>> No.79086215

These threads are pretty much for mods to farm reasonable ban content from rat racers/reincarnated shoggers, antis to shitpost endlessly, tourists to ask ask stupid questions, oldfags to spread le misinformation so they can attempt the nth+1 time to groom shondo unsuccessfully and newfags to be told to do reps. Let it die already

>> No.79086243

the state is called enlightenment, and it's only the real husbands who have achieved it

>> No.79086873


>> No.79086896
File: 673 KB, 899x899, 1718084313775955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my wife, she's a beaut

>> No.79087390

no. if you don't like it leave.

>> No.79087541
File: 261 KB, 552x452, 1699554699754524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never reply to me again

>> No.79087560

>farm reasonable ban content from rat racers/reincarnated shoggers
if this were true then there would be a lot more banned people

>> No.79087715

Plenty of evidence there's no intention to ban rat racers as well

>> No.79087725

watch streams

>> No.79087809

Delayed reaction, made you scratch your heads for a while huh

>> No.79088524

I have other things to do than stare at this thread all day, like think about how to proceed in the (sanctioned) rat race that Shondo is running for her IRL husband that is definitely a real thing.

>> No.79088837

lmao, yeah you guys have so many better things to do, I totally believe that considering the sheer volume of trash in this thread at any given day of any given minute I look in but when I say something remotely true it goes quiet

>> No.79088912


>> No.79089104

asexual with men
extremely sexual with women
basically your average 3rd wave feminist sjw

>> No.79089730
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>> No.79090034
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Fantastic post, keep it up

>> No.79090081

she isnt asexual with men all the time though
she is also very inconsistent
she says no lip kisses but then kisses us on the lips
she says no headpats but then wants headpats
she says no public display of affection and then publicly displays affection

>> No.79090317

Why did you change your posting style?

>> No.79090444

everyone already knows that about threads though. minus the mods using it for bans idk how you think that

>> No.79090620

gay gold digging bitch

>> No.79090809
File: 907 KB, 803x673, stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May I ask where or what exactly I changed in your imagined version of my post style
I don't know how everyone but me overlooked the twitch irc chatlog posted with mod commands normal users can't use ages ago when they banned someone

>> No.79091126

qrd on the chatlog?

>> No.79091877


>> No.79092093

A good while ago a guy was banned and naturally a handful of people jumped over here to throw a hissyfit over it because there was no explanation. Someone posted a log which looked like the irc end of twitch chat, including a command at the end. I thought it was weird so I looked at the twitch irc commands on their site and it looked like a mod only thing. You're going to have to go back months to find it in the archives, but if you were the one that got got, you should have an idea of when it was. It looked like mod to me and I'd think you're retarded if you don't think it's not one of their duties to keep an eye on /here/ with how everyone behaves, openly or not

>> No.79092253
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>> No.79092299

i never said anything about them not lurking i just mean whatever happens here clearly doesn't impact their ban decisions

>> No.79092389

shes not going to fuck you lil bro

>> No.79092508

Okay mister!

>> No.79092662

>people get banned and then unbanned
>"I can't talk about what it was about"
Surely it wasn't here then, no sirree

>> No.79092881

both outcast and xive are /here/

>> No.79092905

But she loves it when shoggers seek any given opportunity to stick their nose into an issue and be antagonistic.

>> No.79092992
File: 1.49 MB, 1695x955, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is the dumbest motherfucker i have ever seen

>> No.79093225
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>> No.79093325


>> No.79093337

if people were going to get banned for here shit half of the regulars would be gone

>> No.79093548

Can't make the point any more clearer than it's been made, if you decide to stay in this honeypot it's on you. Find better things to do and let the thread rot
I'm sure you wish

>> No.79093602

You sure that wasn't chatterino?

>> No.79094274
File: 1.11 MB, 2560x1440, Untitled325_20240624115103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New creatura dropped

>> No.79094381


>> No.79094944

least schizo shogger

>> No.79095111

im going to fuck her lil bro

>> No.79095174

we know, tuffnarr

>> No.79095342

If you schizo "Mods are here" theory had any weight to it then the only reasonable explanation for why like 10+ shoggers aren't banned would be that Shondo didn't care about what was going on here and so it wouldn't even make a difference. Your rrat defeats itself.

>> No.79095499

not if FT shows feet to somnium first

>> No.79095524

xive posted a screenshot of his browser with a 4chan tab open
how much more evidence do you need

>> No.79095670

>xive was on one of the most popular websites in the world therefore he is actively monitoring /shon/ in order to find things to ban people over
Take your prescribed medicine.

>> No.79095712

ok xive

>> No.79095872

>to find things to ban people over
They don't need to come /here/ to find things, shogger.

>> No.79095957

The argument was over them explicitly doing that though.

>> No.79095966

By that logic I feel bad for shondo overall. She's got schizo users and schizo mods perma /here/ and she has to walk back or half-address their antics constantly. If all of you could stop being a bunch of fucking lunatics maybe the rest of us could have a nice time

>> No.79096079

shondo is /here/ aswell

>> No.79096243
File: 38 KB, 542x543, 1713682418768974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave the jannies alone
we do and will have a nice time

>> No.79096283

she's dishonest liar, the things she says are never true, she is 100% here

>> No.79096362

she never explicitly told us that she isnt here thus she's not a liar

>> No.79096438

she did, multiple times
but she is lying as always, she's /here/

>> No.79096663
File: 1.07 MB, 832x906, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xive, moderate this

>> No.79097528

literally never happened

>> No.79097551

What is it scheming?

>> No.79097691
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1710580914732328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79098484

Shondo is very cute and I enjoy watching her streams

>> No.79098658

i HATE my BITCH wife she should hit the go live button RIGHT NOW grrrrrrrrrrr
im tuffnarr btw

>> No.79098780


>> No.79099013

b tw*

>> No.79099368
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>> No.79099388
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>> No.79099631
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>> No.79100051
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>> No.79100276
File: 180 KB, 577x474, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79100585

omg same, I hope she is doing alright today

>> No.79100723
File: 376 KB, 615x685, 1715990793301586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing would be hotter than this, imagine the noises she would make, then she asks for round two after her goop unspills itself

>> No.79100854
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>> No.79102160
File: 1.94 MB, 1159x1588, 1716356176567498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine the noises she would make
i'd really like for her to reconsider a ryona voice pack. and i don't mean it in a 'i'm going to get so harding listening to it' type of way, but a 'i want to know what sounds she'd make' kind of way

>> No.79102465

i think it would suck

>> No.79102542

you suck

>> No.79102702

i suck nose powder out of the shunny

>> No.79102929

yeah, i understand it's not for everyone, but with someone who has a voice like hers, i at least think it would make for something pretty interesting

>> No.79103367
File: 1.03 MB, 960x1553, 1706647141021104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79103599

>and i don't mean it in a 'i'm going to get so harding listening to it' type of way, but a 'i want to know what sounds she'd make' kind of way
same. i said hot but the sexual aspect to it is probably the least thing i enjoy about it, but i'd be lying if i said it wasn't there
i don't think we're ever getting a ryona voice pack, the fallout would be too much trouble for her, and she might not be comfortable with having that put out into the public in the first place, even if she releases it in sekrit kind of way there's a good chance it gets blown up
with her voice it would be, more than that i think it could be intimate and romantic

>> No.79104106

I think it'd be her grunting and coughing and moaning in supposed pain

>> No.79104188

you act as if she wouldn't spend hours preparing a script and practicing it

>> No.79104613
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Just spent 6-7 hours fishing and progressing in a game only to wipe without getting to finish the build(i am slightly(very) angry)
If i were to live with shondo I'd be beating her to calm down, but since I'm not I'll just go to bed angry
How's you day been going?

>> No.79105943
File: 33 KB, 112x112, 1718751953969072.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im having coconut ice acream

>> No.79106538

i want to eat coconut macaroons

>> No.79106987

so she and/or ft are /here/ 100%
but which posts are theirs? :syadouThink:

>> No.79107167

ft I want to rape your sister

>> No.79107250

>lil bro
you know she has that complex

>> No.79107292

which one?

>> No.79107318

i dont think it would suck because it wouldnt be for me i just think it would suck because it would be badly recorded and inauthentic

>> No.79107346

dewd you sick fuck, shondo obviously

>> No.79107400

the oldest critter because she has big boobs

>> No.79108037

If shondo wanted to actually improve shonciety, she would go through her mod's monitored list and start banning the problems she has accumulated.
Until she manages to finally do this, we will always face the same issues as before.

>> No.79109967

if shondo wanted to improve shonciety she should destroy it and then move in with me

>> No.79111216
File: 2.48 MB, 1771x2508, e034d612db775f90fc67319c1acee58a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79111983

Honestly i prefer the way he draws shons over pettan but that's just a style preference.

>> No.79113021

its quiet... too quiet...

>> No.79114972


Once upon a time in a small, picturesque town, there lived a little girl named Fallenshadow. She was known for her warm smile and kind heart, but behind her gentle demeanor, she carried the heavy burden of an abusive marriage. Her husband, once a charming man, had become controlling and cruel over the years. The joy and laughter that once filled their home had been replaced by fear and sadness.

Fallenshadow had always dreamt of a life filled with love and respect, but as time went on, those dreams seemed to fade. One rainy afternoon, after a particularly harsh argument, Fallenshadow found herself standing in the kitchen, looking out the window at the falling rain. The raindrops on the glass mirrored the tears streaming down her face. She knew in her heart that she deserved better, but leaving felt like an insurmountable challenge.

That evening, as her husband left for a business trip, Fallenshadow made a decision. She gathered her courage and packed a small bag with essentials and sentimental items that held memories of happier times. She left a brief note for him, explaining that she needed to find herself and seek a life free from fear and pain. She didn't know where the road would take her, but she was determined to reclaim her life.

Fallenshadow ran barefoot through the night, feeling a mix of fear and exhilaration. As dawn broke, she found herself in a serene countryside, the sun rising over the hills and painting the sky with hues of orange and pink. She pulled over at a quaint bed and breakfast, where she was welcomed by a kind-hearted woman. She, sensing Fallenshadow's distress, offered her a room and a warm meal without asking too many questions.

Over the next few days, Fallenshadow and she developed a deep bond. She had once been in a similar situation and understood the pain Fallenshadow was going through. She became a source of strength and guidance, helping Fallenshadow navigate the steps she needed to take to build a new life. With her encouragement, Fallenshadow found a job at a local bakery, where she rediscovered her passion for baking. The small town embraced her, and she began to feel a sense of belonging and safety that she hadn't felt in years.

Fallenshadow also started attending a support group for survivors of abuse, where she met other women who had faced similar struggles. Together, they shared their stories, offered support, and celebrated each other's victories, no matter how small. These women became Fallenshadow's new family, and their strength and resilience inspired her to keep moving forward.

Months passed, and Fallenshadow's life transformed in ways she had never imagined. She rented a cozy cottage, filled it with plants and artwork, and built a shed for her cat Otis, who brought endless joy and companionship. She also reconnected with her passion for painting, turning her little cottage into a haven of creativity and peace.

One sunny afternoon, while roaming through a field of wildflowers alongside Otis, Fallenshadow realized how far she had come. The girl who had once lived in fear was now thriving, surrounded by love and support. She had found her voice and reclaimed her life, proving to herself that she was stronger than she had ever known.

Fallenshadow's journey wasn't easy, and there were still moments of doubt and fear, but she faced them with newfound courage and resilience. She had built a life of her own, one filled with hope, love, and endless possibilities. And as she stood in that field, with her new wife by her side and the sun warming her face, Fallenshadow knew that she had finally found the peace and happiness she had always deserved.

>> No.79115072

>chatGPT wall of text
>AI slop
What bliss you must have being so incapable of making or writing anything on your own.

>> No.79116132

To be honest, even if I learned how to make things, most of the time I would get tired of looking at the same picture or story for hours while drawing or writing it. Giving the AI directions and letting it surprise you is more exciting. I am also not narcissistic enough to want to be recognized as an "artist".

>> No.79116439
File: 3.94 MB, 480x426, eepyshon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight shoggas

>> No.79116580

ni ni shiggie

>> No.79117122 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.54 MB, 1919x930, 1689573427654592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79117230

I mogg xive

>> No.79117965

I'm sorry, but only poor people have toilets that look like that.

>> No.79118037

doesnt look like a programmer socked queer desu

>> No.79118186

I guess? I rent the place

>> No.79118317

Why's this thread gayer than usual

>> No.79118409

because bratty

>> No.79118467


>> No.79118548
File: 145 KB, 1920x1080, 1713005343521515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79118551


>> No.79118595

What I don't understand is why so many people pride themselves on being limited in the people they are sexually attracted to. Imagine not even being able to participate in a full blown orgy because looking at someone else's dick makes you feel insecure.

>> No.79118643

Imagine being a gay faggot

>> No.79118723


>> No.79118870

but i'm not /here/

>> No.79118922

imagine participating in an orgy

>> No.79118979

Whore shit
Kill yourself

>> No.79119022

Yeah, at that point you might as well rent the diseased hole of a professional.

>> No.79119594

im nise

>> No.79121320
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>> No.79123215
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>> No.79124405

syadouLove syadouLove syadouLove

>> No.79126253
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>> No.79127173
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>> No.79127868

weird thread

>> No.79128773
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>> No.79130328

If she is going to stick to doing things she considers fun, then there is no reason to shy away from the ryona voice pack anymore

>> No.79130716

>grunting and slapping yourself in the middle of the night to entertain old men is fun

>> No.79131033

stop kinkshaming her

>> No.79132315
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>> No.79132396

What's the lore behind the crab?

>> No.79133037


>> No.79133222

I'd win

>> No.79133521
File: 1.69 MB, 280x373, 1710580988776941.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm anxious about what the updates and announcement will be, what is she going to go do?
I wish i could be that accompanying guardian angel for her

>> No.79135472


>> No.79135719

A compilation of forsen reacting to shondo clips would just be a compilation of shondo clips, mf does not react
Would still watch it

>> No.79138308
File: 135 KB, 734x673, 1718985371359887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79138418

a hand full of hair and back shots

>> No.79138466
File: 647 KB, 838x773, 0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her

>> No.79138846

I'm really happy I got to talk to her in offline chat these past couple of days! Made me really happy! I love her!

>> No.79141495

glad for you shogga, nice wife

>> No.79144372
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>> No.79144738
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>nice wife
the best wife

>> No.79148744


>> No.79148939

Gary, you can redeem yourself. Tweet that you're going to Dokomi and show up there with a big sign saying you're looking for Shondo. You'll scare her away from the other shoggers and she'll never want to go to a public event ever again.

>> No.79150166

Looks like that anon was right.


>> No.79150239

lol where did he post this?

>> No.79150305

right about what? this wasnt a secret
i think its more important to know whether she will be there in person singing or just be on a screen

>> No.79150468

Kek look how curved the side of the mirror is, it's photoshoped to hell

>> No.79150554

youre laughing now but wait til you see his moves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2R4oL5vsnU

>> No.79150564

lol irl

>> No.79150682

Yet you people denied it all day yesterday?

>> No.79150747

idk what the other retards were saying but nina was talking about doing a concert for weeks

>> No.79151002

i cant im on a trip right now

>> No.79151090

im warning you gary, stay away from shondo

>> No.79151195

im not on that same trip dont worry

>> No.79151337
File: 484 KB, 1854x1908, 1692140601797862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can confirm. gary isn't with us

>> No.79151393

Some ligger that Nina went there irl last year and was confronted by a stalker. No way she would drag Shondo around a place she knew was unsafe, right?

>> No.79151436

it's ok, shondo is bringing her guardian angel

>> No.79151466

>>79151393 (me)
>Some ligger said that
fuck can't type

>> No.79151472

dont worry im going with them
thats me

>> No.79151551

Fallen Shadow please come back I miss you so much Fallen Shadow

>> No.79152135
File: 1.83 MB, 1024x1024, love [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjze5e9.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79152338

you tried

>> No.79152559

tried what?

>> No.79152601

>i think its more important to know whether she will be there in person singing or just be on a screen

>> No.79152716 [DELETED] 

she could still be there backstage
someone else just said that she got confronted by a stalker at dokomi last year so she will 100% be there
and that makes me think that shondo is going there to meet her aswell? idk
i dont like it but atleast FT is going with her

>> No.79152752

>someone else just said that she got confronted by a stalker at dokomi last year so she will 100% be there
Proof? Receipts?

>> No.79153131 [DELETED] 

ok yeah i looked at the archive and couldnt really find anything so the stalker thing is probably bullshit
could still be there in person

>> No.79153196

We aren't supposed to talk about this, so please stop.

>> No.79153310
File: 419 KB, 2000x2000, 1695242435308731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they do it on purpose

>> No.79153559 [DELETED] 

talk about what? dokomi is sold out
even if they are there in person you wouldnt be able to meet them anymore unless you bought tickets in advance

>> No.79153814

shondo does otis do this for you

>> No.79154150


>> No.79154326

It's okay Khaal, she'll announce that she sold out to big bug powder and from now on will stream less and less.

>> No.79154452
File: 1.56 MB, 1476x2184, 77dc13ece33b561daabaf95c53638909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her alot! I hope she has fun with what she is doing! I await her return :)

>> No.79154538
File: 86 KB, 850x1112, 49b7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife

>> No.79154837
File: 120 KB, 980x1080, 1712007383250672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything new besides that one xitter announcement? i usually nod my head to her yapping on stream about vtubers but im not reading pages of vtuber gossip on Dicksword
fuck that

>> No.79155231

base g

>> No.79155462

>magyosen has been permanently banned

>> No.79155925

some artist that's getting cancelled on twitter

>> No.79155940
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>> No.79156016

what did he draw? must be something good

>> No.79156037

>magyosen has been pestering girls, probably got fwofie to comm him, and now will go full schizo doxxing every woman he didn't get nudes from
Based department?

>> No.79156071

can xive stop being so fucking cringe? just ban the guy and move on. what's with the moralfagging lol

>> No.79156436

>open twitlonger
>first item is that the author has a DM of someone telling him that they heard from from an unnamed person that the guy spit on stuff he sold
God what an aweful start. This makes me already not trust anything in this cancelation.

>> No.79156549

You don't get it, someone on twitter said it so it must be true. Xive is never wrong.

>> No.79156732

OK I made it to the 2nd item before having to post again
>he is infamous for doxing clients, making racist toys, selling unreleased toys, hating Americans and being childish

This is great, I'm 3 pages in and so far there's 1 line about doxing and the rest is just someone seething.

OK I'll stop posting about it now

>> No.79156833

inb4 Shondo's mods received a ban list from another barbie

>> No.79156991

no one has been banned in any of the barbies chats yet

>> No.79157032

lol fr? holy shit Shondo's mods are literally part of the twitter cancel culture

>> No.79157847

if this guy was 'doxxing' people (??) and that was so bad why do they doxx him publicly with links to his insta and face etc

>> No.79158153

something something reaping and sowing

>> No.79158253

>whats up with the egg thing anyway
he is mocking you to your face, the name is a reference to how he is farming shondos eggs on this business trip

>> No.79158478

We know that. No one cares about E's life, we only care about Shondo.

>> No.79158569


>> No.79158668

me and the jannies are friends now, we even talk quite often, your rrats have no power

>> No.79158824

>we even talk quite often
clearly you're not friends if you don't know

>> No.79158836

Yes we know that everyone in the discord plays pretend with one another.

>> No.79158982

i mean privately

>> No.79158997

>get banned
>panic and schizopost about how the mods are out to get you and you're gonna blow the lid on the conspiracy
>reverse course and apologize
>start to dicksuck the mods when your ban expires
tale as old as time

>> No.79159126

DM me that faggot

>> No.79159195

why would i need to do that when i can just post here and you are compelled to respond like every other terminally /here/ shogger

>> No.79159283

pussy ah bitch

>> No.79159367

you don't understand or know what actually happened

>> No.79159809

This happens with every banned shogger. It's why I derek, the behavior is so funny to observe.

>> No.79160291

i wont ever suck off the mods even though they ban me

>> No.79160329


>> No.79160475

People unfortunately live by "an eye for an eye"

>> No.79160592

based gary

>> No.79160593

define dicksucking because it isn’f occasionally having a conversation

>> No.79160950

You guys are missing nina crying on stream about soya

>> No.79161003

soya died nina cried

>> No.79161062

what now? I called it when Shondo was having an existential crisis over her friend changing jobs, these women are fucking dumb

>> No.79161256

We get it. You don't care about anything

>> No.79161269

she probably didnt tell them at the time that she was going to be in, so they reacted how they did along with olivia

>> No.79161388

I don't care about banal things like people changing jobs

>> No.79161394
File: 647 KB, 849x1200, 94710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love and trust my wife

>> No.79161432

Making your friends cry is such a woman moment between all the Barbies. And we had to deal with shondo having a fucking meltdown over it?
What even went on in their discussions? I get keeping going corpo a secret but the Barbies were acting like she got cancer. I hate women for this exact reason.

>> No.79161477

The barbies said they only found out about it with the anouncement trailer like the rest of us and it was only confirmed for them with the debut. She told them nothing.

>> No.79161489

they just wanted to dunk on someone they don't like over a situation they can't fully understand, if it wasn't dicksucking it would be "you refuse to learn" or "you just want to start fights"

>> No.79161510

how does this invalidate what I said? if Soya went from being an indie vtuber to flipping burgers for a living that would've still been a change of jobs

>> No.79161515

so close, yet so far

>> No.79161599

>you could never understand why i had to sperg out on twitter threatening to post screenshots and then realized i was a moron and apologized and started to fellate the mods

>> No.79161618

shoggas if i was going corpo i would tell you instead of keeping you in the dark

>> No.79161679

Almost like this means more to people than some shitty normal job

>> No.79161697

Thanks Shonshon. I won't if you do.

>> No.79161788

almost but not quite... it means more to women who are mentally preteens

>> No.79161794

* I won't watch you if you do

>> No.79161813

yes, unironically, because i'm not going to tell you and you wouldn't care anyway because apparently learning from mistakes is also bad

>> No.79161832


>> No.79161864

being overly reductive doesn't serve your point since there is a world of difference between withholding information and quitting out of the blue vs quitting in a reasonable time frame with an explanation as to why you're quitting and what you're doing

>> No.79161897
File: 161 KB, 312x248, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to focus on Nina with the cuteness on her desk currently.

>> No.79162004

there's no difference, if the Barbies are 'muh friends' like Shondo claims they should all have each other's numbers and text each other regularly. who the fuck cares about a job?

>> No.79162105

how long does she have to be on hiatus before we stop this general?

>> No.79162108

>there's no difference

>> No.79162160

>Speculation that shondo is visiting Nina
>Nina puts shondo on her desk out of all the days to do so

>> No.79162161

she's coming back soon™...

>> No.79162209

I think you are just incapable of understanding that vtubing and collaborating means more to them than some normal job would mean to you.

>> No.79162274

>there's no difference
Yeah kinda like if I hit your mom with my car and she dies theres no difference between me doing in on purpose vs doing it by accident, shes dead either way and both things are the same

>> No.79162315

and they're incapable of understanding that an actual friendship can survive years without contact

>> No.79162410
File: 183 KB, 396x337, ugX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her

>> No.79162421

this general can stop being made after i win

>> No.79162424

>people that watch vtubers and post on 4chan 24/7 lecturing others on how friendships work

>> No.79162554
File: 673 KB, 817x744, 1688058501593023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's coming back soon after the trip stoopid head if it didn't stop in April when she had zero communication with anyone it's not stopping anytime soon.

>> No.79162573
File: 163 KB, 1145x1200, 1710187001262740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guardian angel here
i figured you guys might like this picture we took today in the air bnb

>> No.79162665

Thanks, Inis. Do share.

>> No.79162675

real friendship lives in the world of the mind; 3DPD "friendships" are mere imitations of it.

you will never be free from this world until you realize this.

>> No.79162791

enough about Shondo

>> No.79162871

Thanks Xive, I'm watching from the chair.

>> No.79162936

there are things your brain does in a physical relationship that it won't do in a non-physical one, but you're also still right

>> No.79163167

are you of african descent or are you wearing one of these?

>> No.79163285

if a single one of them forgot and let any sign of her joining holo slip, she would lose everything.
Although she could have at least warned them, in a much nicer way than making everyone cry and shondo have a meltdown

>> No.79163294

did you think the british broadcasting channel anon was joking?

>> No.79163434

shes still essentially dead so in reality she lost everything and gained a fat stack of money

>> No.79163595

souns like a good deal >.>

>> No.79163711

hi shondo you gold digging whore send nudes for a big donash

>> No.79163870

you will keep donating for waht youre already getting

>> No.79163940

yeah i will :)

>> No.79164192

So nothing? You bitch.

>> No.79166939
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>> No.79167563

another day another failure

>> No.79168678

another day i dont wake up with a puddle of shondrool on my chest

>> No.79168962

>waking up
>sitting at the edge of the bed
>shondo still asleep
>brushing her hair aside and giving her forehead a kiss before getting up and going to work

>> No.79169138
File: 2.64 MB, 498x284, nadenade.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79169321

>waking up
>sitting at the edge of the bed
>shondo still asleep
>give her a wet willie

>> No.79169485

evil monstah

>> No.79169757

>Waking up
>Sitting at the side of the bed
>Shondo still asleep
>Don't do anything because she is in a different house because she wants nothing to do with manchild incels IRL

>> No.79169888

>waking up
>hand caressing your face
>shirt is wet with drool
>shondo on your chest staring into your soul
>gives a slight awkward gremlin giggle when she sees you're awake
this one is the best because it evokes the most emotion, knowing ywn
good story anon

>> No.79169914

>waking up
>sitting at the edge of the bed
>shondo still asleep
>flying elbow drop her

>> No.79170037

>wake up
>drool on chest
>its just my own

>> No.79170385

>wake up
>sitting at the edge of the bed
>shondo still asleep
>smile because i won irl

>> No.79170440

>wake up
>shondo still asleep
>make breakfast for shondo
>wake her up and watch her eat it

>> No.79170457
File: 382 KB, 800x499, 1713556108256244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waking up
>smell smoke
>on fire
>turns out Shondo set the whole house on fire because I called Oli cute once.

>> No.79172409
File: 2.66 MB, 498x399, wiggle peak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79172417

Very depressed today
Can you guys cheer me up

>> No.79172496
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>> No.79172844
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>> No.79172918

I was expecting to be told to kms so thanks

>> No.79172931
File: 357 KB, 712x708, IMG_20240512_034136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'tis but one hurdle in the face of eternity, be strong shogga, love you(platonically, but still love you nonetheless)

>> No.79173165
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>> No.79173656

>wake up
>Ash and dust
>Brow wiped
>Rust sweated
>Chemicals breathed in
>Deep breath
>Resident Evil 4 Leon death noise

>> No.79173760
File: 305 KB, 786x782, GQXkpdgWMAA_ouG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second day in a row she's not online. She must be on the trip already. I hope she updates soon.

>> No.79174731
File: 971 KB, 1280x720, 1693548995668350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know what your problem is but it will always help to try to be patient and kind with yourself, so try to always keep that in mind too, shogga

>> No.79174772

shoggers shitting themselves in 5

>> No.79174850

of course the first person she says I love you to in weeks would be Nina

>> No.79174872
File: 1.72 MB, 2134x2067, wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she appeared after this post

>> No.79175255
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>> No.79175359
File: 54 KB, 294x173, 1697854418560420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife!

>> No.79175575

Quick! Everyone vy for her attention!

>> No.79175726

she's vying for mine. i've been there all day.

>> No.79176377

my 37 hours straight of staring at the discord user list pays off yet again!

>> No.79177272

Gotta love when people snipe her greeting and deflates her mood to talk to us.

>> No.79177792

thanks, I try

>> No.79177841

I'm doing my best too

>> No.79177855

INSANECAT Go on your fucking trip already woman I want you back asap

>> No.79178069


>> No.79178465

shondo don't disappear i'm sorry... uuuuuuu

>> No.79179638
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>> No.79180080

Nina's a fake bitch

>> No.79180179


>> No.79180328

what a coincidence, so is Shondo

>> No.79180357

moriko, what are you doing in /shon/?

>> No.79180921
File: 523 KB, 729x772, 1692621739420135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insulting Nina is an easy way to get on wifey's shit list.

>> No.79181035

Anonymous might as well reincarnate now

>> No.79181130


>> No.79181402
File: 677 KB, 1432x2048, 1718378881115458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes i need to remind myself of how cute and soft her little hands are

>> No.79181688

You'll never touch them, incel.

>> No.79181829

tweets are getting too blatant that its just a /here/ fag. you should start parodying khaal or abcs

>> No.79181933

It was always blatant.

>> No.79181963

stop posting about yourself

>> No.79182000
File: 3.94 MB, 410x342, headpat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so cute!
stinky femcel

>> No.79182640

I love my beautiful wife!

>> No.79183465
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>> No.79183786

She doesnt care about me, maybe i should livestream my sewerslide she wont care enough to watch it anyway because people only watch vtubers
>to smile because of cute amine women

>> No.79183888

she realized she overshared while drunk
next update will be after the trip

>> No.79183894

these suicide baits are so lame get new material

>> No.79183963

no she's still busy workingon shit and super anxious about the trip so she's going nonverbal
otherwise she wouldve been sexpesting nina the whole stream

>> No.79183990
File: 3 KB, 224x234, 1704247725642578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she has to get drunk just to gain the courage share more with us
this marriage is falling apart.

>> No.79184232

its called venting retard, its not fucking bait, i just want to be happy but im not thats it and when she posts things which make me angry with her i need to complain about it

>> No.79184256
File: 148 KB, 1018x1080, 1712016545370399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last for I love my wife.
