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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78999337 No.78999337 [Reply] [Original]

What's going through her head right now?

>> No.78999718
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>> No.78999747

>Sheesh let's get some shota dick
>Golly, I love BL

>> No.78999872

I wonder if she was delusional enough to think she'd be able to keep her viewerbase after her psychotic shit with Selen.

>> No.79000179
File: 575 KB, 648x949, Screenshot_20240614-134822_copy_648x949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live Elira reaction

>> No.79000284

>Damn, I wanna romance Amada

>> No.79000398

>Maybe I should look for another job

>> No.79000415

Most of that views are people from /here/ watching in case drama happens.

>> No.79000486
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>> No.79000610


>> No.79000638
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>I miss Shinji
>Can I fuck Amada?

>> No.79000959

Elira's rpg streams never had views, look for the xenoblades, they had between 800 to 1000

>> No.79001021

aiiiiieeee sisters dont look

>> No.79001095

>i wish i have better rigger

>> No.79001340

this looks like the people you see in hairdresser magazine advertisements in the 90s-2000s

>> No.79001344

>we will soon be equals finana.
>It will be like we're ccv sisters!

>> No.79001546

Looking how much ambition and talent Doki bleeds, I can totally see why her and the clique had a hateboner for Selen.

>> No.79001966

A bullet hopefully

>> No.79002032

>My artist mama abandoned me for the person I smeared

>> No.79002175

>thank god i still have 664 retards

>> No.79002419

>jokes on them I've always been a shitter
stupendous argument my friend

>> No.79002573

she doesn't give 2 shits about whatever else is going on. She gets invested in these rpgs like crazy

>> No.79003644
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>> No.79005843

Selen won

>> No.79005895
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>> No.79006487

I'm surprised there's 600 people watching a persona 3 stream TBW

>> No.79007575

Hi Elira, hope you have a bad day reading through all these comments :)

>> No.79007916

Still sobbing over the Door death scene

>> No.79007971

Bullets hopefully

>> No.79008577

Not quite abandoned if she's still drawing Elira of her own accord as recently as this month

>> No.79008894

All the same, it's definitely going to make the working relationship awkward at best

>> No.79009000

Why can't girls just get along, stfu, and take the money.

>> No.79009075

Anycolor will never hire them again

>> No.79009144
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What's going on in this thread?

>> No.79009249

Who captured NijiEN's audience? Where did they go?

>> No.79009310

Holy shit, she went Super Doki God Super Doki (SDGSD)

>> No.79009416

let's start calling it super blooki for short

>> No.79009557

Oh noooooooooo

>> No.79009602

Playing P3 is just a bad idea, no one wants to watch boring tartarus climbing, even when playing the fucking game it's tedious.

>> No.79009936

Elira's mama probably sides with Elira, but Doki probably gave her an amount of money she can't refuse. She gets paid, Doki gets to feed the narrative.

>> No.79010257
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yeah Selen is like the Godfather or someshit right, all in your mind...

>> No.79010269

Elira is frantically trying to think of a last ditch way to take down Dokibird and convince Riku cancel her upcoming "Graduation" via being tied to a cinderblock and thrown into the sea of Japan.

>> No.79010283

>Kamame hates Doki, but she pays me better than Nijisanji ever would
What does that say about Nijishit?

>> No.79010367


>> No.79010516

Ma'am, this is an intervention. You need to quit huffing the copium, it's killing you.

>> No.79010563

>An indie pays better than an actual bilionaire corpo
That’s…that’s actually worse than “mama likes Doki”. Objectively. Nijisis out of copes I see.

>> No.79011123

I can't. Selen was perfectly happy to spend her time and money on projects that supported the whole branch, literally all they had to do was exploit her hard work and coast to success but they couldn't even manage that.

>> No.79011260

>Lost both her best friend and mama to Doki

I'd say we may see another break soon.

>> No.79012027

>Kamame retweets #whereisselen
>Still sides with Elira despite doing notSelen's new model
As always, Nijicope causes profound mental retardation

>> No.79012723

>omg look at this dumb bitch waste all her money on events for us lets treat her like shit
can there be anyone dumber than the clique

>> No.79012862

she literally just announced a 2 week break like yesterday or something

>> No.79012900

>paying artists

>> No.79013224

I think that's cuz she's going with finana to Japan.

>> No.79013989

I'm surprised it's that high all things considering.

>> No.79017366

Door-kun dying probably

>> No.79019903

Someone post the Elira live cuck cam

>> No.79020252

>career imploding
>everyone hates you online
>art mama abandoned you
>genmate abandoned you
>and worst of all you have to spend two weeks on an island with Finana
I am convinced that Elira actually already died and is in hell and we are all just a construct of whatever force is responsible for torturing her

>> No.79020428

>everybody hates you online
Most people are apathetic or have low level contempt for her. Hate is not I would describe it. It implies they actually think about her at all. She's not even that.

>> No.79020573

It would mean not being in the centre of the success, and those narcissists couldn't abide by that.

>> No.79020634

>2 finanas
shes prob seething in discord right now seeing doki’s new costume at 60fps and prob the best rigged live2d model in the planet

>> No.79020760

>sisters acting like thats not absolutely pityful ccv especially for a big corpo

>> No.79021210

She follows Kamame on twitter and quite frequently responds to their tweets so I wouldn't be surprised if she has notifications on for Kamame's tweets. If so she'll have been sent a notification of Kamame tweeting the new Doki model.

>> No.79021510

She has probably turned off her brain at this point and is most likely somewhat medicated. So not much is going on in her head at this point other than her the usual persona shenanigans.

>> No.79021623

>Elira's mama probably sides with Elira
Elira's mama quite possibly doesn't even know a single thing surrounding the termination at all. Did you forget that there's a language barrier, and that most of the info was specifically contained in Japan on places like 2ch where you'd have to actively look for it?

>> No.79021977

She knows enough to join the #WhereisSelen Campaign, so she probably tries to be out of the drama, while trying to love her children (vtubers) equally. Explains why she drew Elira few days ago iirc, while simultaneously working on doki's new model.

Now if Niji suddenly blacklist their mama, then Niji is doing niji things. being fucking retarded

>> No.79022490

That would mean no more outfits. They arent THAT stupid.

>> No.79022554

Graduation I think?

>> No.79022896

wait i vaguely remembering that their new outfits for both Selen and Elira was not actually done by Kamamesigogo. But an "Auntie" according to Selen...

Nah they are not that retarded... right?

>> No.79024259

That was mostly because kamame was busy working on 2views and v4mirai's selen clone. Their career really took off after Elira/Selen debuted.

>> No.79026303

probably a hundred shareholder cocks a day

>> No.79026408

The point is they have done an outfit without the original mama, i dont think niji will be retarded enough to do a blacklist, but who knows

>> No.79026676
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I commend them in their suffering for their, and our pursuit of lulz

>> No.79026825

This, I enjoyed her xenoblade and pokemon stuff. But dropped her and the rest of Nijisanji after the black screen. Although if the rrat about her shunting every merch deal towards herself is true, my contempt would turn into disdain.

>> No.79026834

Why are they still keeping NijiEN around? I bet the talents could do better if they shed the cursed name and went indie.

>> No.79028157

>She's not even that
Pretty much this, getting hate means people are still drawing their attention to you, a view is a view, no matter the context. that's why som many washed up popstars do the most retarded shit to get some minutes of fame back.
Audience apathy is the entertainer's worst enemy, no one cares so no one shows up. that's why I said that nijiEN should've doubled down on the heel turn. Sure, you get hate but you still get views. Instead, we got to a point that one of their organs turned into a ccv metric and having 3 of them is already considered a success on nijiEn's standards.

>> No.79029903

if your work colleague is doing a great job by creating new projects and ideas and putting effort on things, but you cant be bothered to do such things, you create a situation where higher ups could expect frfom you what they are doing
so you resort to sabotage, repression and bullying
its quite normal on workplaces, especially when the person putting extra effort is newer or bellow your position

>> No.79032262

fippy bippy

>> No.79035615


>> No.79037343

ilmao this, sisters are fucking deranged

>> No.79038066

>"Niji isn't that stupid/retarded"
Wanna bet?

>> No.79041379

Still not that bad right? RIGHT?!

>> No.79043399

A bullet soon, probably

>> No.79043498


>> No.79043673

To the ex-Nijis, Phase and other smaller corpos.

>> No.79043723

what the fuck that sounds adorable

>> No.79043755 [DELETED] 

>we infiltrated hololive, heh

>> No.79044243

A bullet. About 7 hours ago.

>> No.79046590

He's doing better.

>> No.79049132

Or she's just true neutral and doesn't give a fuck about this drama one way or another and loves both her daughters.

>> No.79049373

> She

>> No.79052306

Yep. Tbh, for a salaried work, it's bad etiquette to work extra, but in this case, success depends entirely on your audience, so having an unfair / incompetent managerial system is breeding ground for cliques and crabbing.

>> No.79052625

Why would an artist give a shit

>> No.79052685

Is Elira proof that inaction is sometimes worse than malicious intent?

>> No.79052935

It's their new cope please understand

>> No.79053101

No because her current predicament was because of her initial action.
Had she done nothing at all she'd be fine. It's proof that you can't set your PR car on fire and walk away afterwards, once you start you have to commit.

>> No.79053391

She did do nothing at all, she clarified not to take the bait and everyone freaked the fuck out and decided to use her as a proxy for hating all of NijiEN.

>> No.79053450

She did do something though. Before the blackstream there were suspicions about which organ was involved in the bullying but most (at least /here/) suggested Enna or Millie. There had always been rrats about Elira and the nepohiring and the over-representation in merch releases but never in regards to harassing Selen. The GURrat only came into existence as a result of anons trying to understand the motivation for Elira to take part in it.

As has been said before by many others, if the blackstream hadn't happened then NijiEN would be in a much better position at this point - they would still have lost some support but nowhere near the complete collapse that has happened. Doing nothing would have been the best option and might have saved them.

>> No.79053462

Black screen is doing something

>> No.79053616
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She isn't capable of thought, neither are the members of her branch. They willingly took a million dollars and set it on fire because they hated doki.

In elira's case in particular she called Mint her friend to her face and then laughed about denying her merch with her real friends.

>> No.79056021

You wanna understand why Elira hates Doki/Selen and her actions? Fine

>be Ryuusei Nova from hanamori
>keep sperging about how much you hate tomatoes
>another indie vtuber called Dokibird catches wind of this, watches streams about tomatoes, says "This is so me, I'm a tomato!" jokingly just out of spite
>get mad as shit with said Dokibird
>time passes, both of you graduate as indies and get called to the same company to be vtuber SISTERS of all things
>try to keep your cool and wait for the perfect chance to get back at "tomato bitch"
>selen shock happens
>You are here

Yes, Elira is that petty, on top of being a manipulative bitch

>> No.79056419

Meanwhile, siding with Doki is already giving Mint a lot of opportunities to get deals: Got her partnership with GSups(yeah we know cafeine bad, easy cash grab from weebs, cry her a river) just last week, Hyte is hinting at also working with her on PC maybe (seems more likely she will appear with Doki at AX) she also has announced a JP company looking to work with her as well, and who knows what else she might have planned.

>> No.79056563
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>a 4 year long grudge held purely over tomatoes

>> No.79056569

Receipts btw



Also search for Ryuusei Nova "dislikes"

>> No.79056610

What a cunt, got any more instances of her being petty outside of this?

>> No.79057117

I'll chose to believe this because it's funny

>> No.79057201


>> No.79057233

Anyone have that clip where she says she is a petty bitch that will double-cross you when given the chance? I think it got privated or deleted from YouTube.

>> No.79057263

This is what I'll tell people what happened from now on.

>> No.79057340

If she said that, what a horrendously stupid thing to put on the internet. I'm so happy most terrible people are stupid this world would have been long gone if they weren't

>> No.79057428

As a dragoon, I don't think it's really fair to take away Mint's accomplishments and attribute them to Doki. GSups works with most medium to large indies, and I can't see the JP company taking interest in working with her having anything to do with Doki. I'm thrilled they're interacting again but they've both managed to be successful independently of each other.

>> No.79057445
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Adding a bit more, in this tweet: https://x.com/dokibird/status/1335280558432083968 Nova actually replied to Doki (you can't see Nova's tweets because she nuked her profile of course, but if you save a boomark of this you can see who Doki is replying to see >picrel) about how cute her keyboard is, they knew each other even before they both joined nijisanji, so this rrat it growing stronger kek

>> No.79057524

A bullet, God willing.

>> No.79057599
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Do you think if she graduated and came out with her own sob story, that she'd get support from people?

>> No.79057668

To be completely fair (and as much as I now hate her) she said something along the lines of "I'm a petty bitch. I'll do things just to make you suffer" in response to a few chatters spamming for her to fast travel in whatever game she was playing (I can't remember what it was).

>> No.79057814

I wanna spam the tomato emoji on her chat and social media profiles now, thanks anon

>> No.79057872
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>Why are they still keeping NijiEN around?
not for long

>> No.79057925

Man imagine if Elira used her management powers for good and leaned into the dragon sister kayfabe and enabled selen's projects more. Now shes a 2 finana streamer.

>> No.79057937

If corpo made her have the announcement stream on her channel shemight consider suing or something upon exit. Holy shit that single stream absolutely demolished her career for no fucking reason. Did nijisanji even gain anything from it?

>> No.79057944
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who is the pillar of nijiEN now?
like, the one with the most ccv?

>> No.79057964

Only if she apologizes and Doki forgives her, tho even then I'm not sure what the public would do

>> No.79058124

The Luxiem homos probably. If you mean by girls, Rosemi is the only one who reaches above 1k CCV.

>> No.79058126


>> No.79058231

She would have no case since the corpo could just whip back with "you were not supposed to look at those confidential documents in the first place", which is factually illegal aside from happenstance of the stream tanking her reputation. Niji only loss as a result of it, since it painted a narrative opposite of the apology Riku made only a few hours later and it likely forced doki to take further legal action.

>> No.79058611

I get that corpos cant ever apologize/recognize culpability publicly due to potential lawsuits, so long as there is any modicum of plausible deniability, but surely it would have been a much much better PR approach for them to be sympathetic to Selen after the fact and maybe try to rebuild the relation even if its beyond contract. That would have given niji so much goodwill from the community.

>> No.79058684

what was elira's average before the blackstream?

>> No.79058686

>Did nijisanji even gain anything from it?
A scapegoat. Not saying Elira is innocent, but that black screen stream was a move to sacrifice her reputation for the company.
Riku can afford to lose a few talents, but he can't afford to lose the brand's image. Not that it woked anyway, mentioning niji on the west is usually followed by black corpo topics and drama.

>> No.79058785

She was easily 2-3k viewers on a massive debuff jrpg like xenoweeb chronicles. Not sure how the fuck she ever did it.

>> No.79058883

>massive debuff jrpg like xenoweeb chronicles
Popular weeb game is a debuff for vtuber? Arent most of the viewers weebs themselves?

>> No.79058913

Well in Riku's statement he (or whoever wrote the script) emphasised that Selen was integral to the success of NijiEN, and apologised for the wording used in communications with English fans. Not really an apology to Doki and probably just usual corpo meaningless words, but it was at least an attempt to smooth things over. The problem was it came shortly after the blackstream so by that point they'd already infuriated everyone.

>> No.79059003

Not JRPGs. I used to watch her JRPG streams because I like that kind of thing, but the vast majority of people seem to find them boring to watch.

>> No.79059011

Yeah, you know who could have thought that? HR and management. Guess what departments were Anycolor cutting corners in.

>> No.79059066

I can answer this with a question: Why would you watch someone play a RPG you've already played, is planning to play in the future or is currently playing?

>> No.79059076

>>and worst of all you have to spend two weeks on an island with Finana
Truly the worst fate that a human can

>> No.79059115

Depending on month and game, competing for #1 female with Selen, Pomu and Enna. They were clear top4 of Niji EN girls, all being able to attract more than 4k viewers on good streams and significantly more with buffs.

>> No.79059132

This and also JRPGs don't offer that much of a dynamic content as, say, battle royales, party or FPS games

>> No.79059280

>Why would you watch someone play a RPG you've already played, is planning to play in the future or is currently playing?
Not sure with jrpgs since I despise them but I have watched bg3 streams and the most popular game being streamed right now is Elden Ring, an rpg.
And regardless of that, rpgs seem like the kind of thing that is rewatchable since the build variety means that the streamer is probably playing in a different way from what you played.

>> No.79059366

>I'm missing two

>> No.79059393

JRPG are full of text, they aren't as interesting to watch. What's more, no corpo vtuber would ever skip through text because it would be disrespectful to the game. They tend to read out all lines (well, what else can they do? they
can't go on tangents in the middle of plot relevant dialogue) which makes whole process even more longer. But we aren't at worst part yet - because they're so text/plot oriented and because they're so long, they tend to end up as entire series of 5, 10, 20 streams and if you miss one it feels wrong to jump to new one. JRPGs are poison, one of the strongest debuffs for vtubers.

>> No.79059528

In Baldur you can do so much stuff in so many different ways that watching someone's playthrough is almost guaranteed to give you plenty of new experiences even if you beat the game twice already. Elden Ring is exploration/combat focused.
RPG isn't a problem. JRPG is.

>> No.79059601

This one

>> No.79059869

>I'm not sure what the public would do
She'll get people who'd be interested in a "redemption story" to swing by. The vtuber community loves its WWE storylines more than the felshtuber community. Some people might even stay.
She might get some of her old fans, emotions have cooled down a little and that'd give them a reason
Some will come by to check what this chick is all about. Might retain some of those people.
I'd assume it'd be a fairly modest redebut, with ~10k people mostly coming from the hype of the apology with a potential of turning her into a 1.5k~2.5k indie.
She might get "blacklisted" by some vtubers, but if Camila can have a relatively unobstrcut career I think that'd fade away after awhile.
Outside of dedicated schizos her haters have moved on, I don't think she'll get any new haters and I don't think she'll reawaken any new drama.
But I don't think she has the courage to quit her job and apologize. Would be cool if she did.

>> No.79060103

>you've already played or is currently playing
Because it's fun seeing their reaction to moments you like. Usually they play it at a much slower pace.
Also the battles are just opportunities for zatsus.

>> No.79060108

This bit of the narrative doesn't make sense to me. She literally went to fucking ANTARCTICA with Mint.

>> No.79060145
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POGman wuca easily, he is objectively the highest views gained niji en liver for 2024 as of today.

>> No.79060207

Last I checked Luca and Vox are bordering 3 view as well, only Shoe and Mike get 2k

>> No.79060242

If she were to leave and attempt to rebrand, she'd better have some damn good explanations for the most watched video on Elira's channel. Anything less that complete transparency and accountability will have her raked over the coals.

>> No.79060726

I just find it interesting that basically everyone that worked with Doki in the past are still siding with her to this day. Her artists, merch, and even JP people in the industry are still working with her. Nobody seems to care about Niji's corporate connections.

It just seems rare and surreal when the indie who was wronged ends up in a far better state than an entire company, Doki's basically in a state that people who got fucked over by a contract dreams of.

>> No.79061044

Not only this, but the fact that she employed 37 people just for the production of a skinsuit reveal stream also makes Nijisanji's allegations of her not paying artists on her stay at the company crumble down.

>> No.79061056

I think she can get away with stupid shit like "It was in my contract so I thought I had to do it" or "We were provided incomplete information and told stuff that were not true" or something like that. As long as the apology is good enough, it'd fly. Especially if Doki accepts it.
This wouldn't have happened if Nijisanji's reputation wasn't in the trash already. Especially after that Pomu clip started making the rounds and artists disclosed Niji wasn't paying on time. People weren't even willing to give AC the benefit of the doubt when the Selen situation went down.

>> No.79061126

The invisible man appears as quick as the wind and disappears just as fast almost like he was never there.

>> No.79061141

riku is still richer than doki and mid fattone combined, and nijisanji made profits from 2023 to 2024. meanwhile, doki is hemorrhaging views and spending quite alot of cash on cosmetics that are yet to be proven beneficial for her in the long run.

>> No.79061223
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>> No.79061259
File: 2.01 MB, 1280x720, shut the fuck up[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fceiqc8.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79061342
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>> No.79061435

Should really say hundreds of millions.

>> No.79061460

Not zoomed in enough.

>> No.79061476
File: 66 KB, 812x249, finana ruining pomu's trip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That trip was planned in Hanamori days already. It's not something you decide over the weekend. We also know Pomu is a doormat... Even if they had a falling out or at least their relationship weakened, I could still easily see Pomu taking Elira along.

>> No.79061480

You'd better believe that Niji would include an NDA under the separation agreement. She's gonna be barred from saying shit about the company until at least after a year.

>> No.79061678

He barely streams since Raziel doc / Selen Shock and half of his streams are below 2k.

>> No.79061951

>mid fattone
at least get your fucking insults right my precious mint is the complete opposite of fat

>> No.79062056

Not funny.

>> No.79062765

This shit reads like the plot of oppenheimer

>> No.79063812

Also makes the greed allegations incredibly laughable

>> No.79064585

I still wonder what the opportunity was that Pomu wasn't able to get, just for closure
That's common sense, we don't live in a fairy tale world where the rich guy becomes a bum after a failed evil act. Doki doing good for herself is about making a statement if anything.
Being an oldfag, I pretty much gotten used to Anycolor fucking over Niji for half a decade now.

>> No.79065008

>I still wonder what the opportunity was that Pomu wasn't able to get, just for closure
100% an idol-related activity. We may never know if it was a collab with Niji no Conquistador (the irony) like someone speculates, but I'm fully convinced it was something along these lines.

>> No.79065031

Imagine simping for a nepobaby

>> No.79065411

Damn people weren’t joking when they say sisters’ oshi is riku and the company. Here’s a (you) for at least being honest on who your oshi is

>> No.79065546

>still wonder what the opportunity was that Pomu wasn't able to get, just for closure
Most likely what >>79065008 said. One of the people close to Riku part owns an idol group so there have been rrats that it wasn't allowed because Pomu wanted to work with a rival to that group.

>> No.79067735

I also have greatest of funs when i imagine my oshi who works at 2nd biggest vtuber corpo earning less than minimum wage while eating pag pags while their boss is buying a new yatcht every day.

>> No.79068456

Riku should make an X account where he posts his new cars, yachts, planes and homes.

>> No.79070436

>2 finanas

>> No.79070606

i habeeb it

>> No.79070894

Even with receipts, this shit is almost unbelievable.

>> No.79072010

Basically this, I don't have enough time to play every JRPG I want, but vtubers do, so I end up not watching them whenever they play something I want to.

>> No.79072103
File: 81 KB, 929x1045, elirasubs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"H-hah... any day now the subs will stop draining..."

>> No.79072768

So by next week we know if the rrat is true

>> No.79072789

Sometimes the truth is like this: unbelievable
And we've been through so much unbelievable shit ever since the Selen Shock happened, from self-reporting on the harassment to hiding how bad EN numbers really are from investors, that maybe this rrat is likely to be true

>> No.79072963

Nobody really knows but she said it was a once in a lifetime thing, meaning that it's something she couldn't even get as a potential indie. People theorize it was an MGS collab, but realistically there is absolutely no possible way we could have known.

>> No.79073113
File: 39 KB, 564x752, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op thinks elira can think

>> No.79075713

Mint was gonna do us all a favor and push Elira off the boat but she got cold feet at the last moment.

>> No.79075841

>People theorize it was an MGS collab
People say that just because she's a fan of MGS, but the theory makes no fucking sense. Mori was clearly the first choice, Sony Universal connections and all, and there's absolutely no way that Konami would contact her directly instead of approaching Anycolor first.

>> No.79079422


>> No.79081725


>> No.79084714

Yeah I imagine she probably is calling herself that.

>> No.79087559

I dropped Holo EN for NijiEN on Lazulight debut.

I dropped NijiEN late 2022 when it became unbearable.

For 2023 I watched mostly a smattering of small corpos and Phase Connect until Selen and Pomu came back in 2024, now I watch them mostly, because the reason I stopped watching them wasn’t anything they did but rather their unbearable co-workers.

>> No.79087815

She's at 2 finanas now and she still insists on making her model look like an old granny. Women are fucked in the head.

>> No.79087864

>dont sexualize me you parasocial FUCK

>> No.79087899

550k soon famelira(apparently that's the name) bros!

>> No.79088022
File: 218 KB, 507x364, 1712273813338551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watched Mint before Niji EN was a thing.
Watched Pomu after her debut and others of her co-workers occasionally when she was around.
Now I watch Mint. I sometimes branch out to Pixel Link and I also enjoy Cecilia.
The last Niji EN stream I ever watched was Pomu's graduation.

>> No.79088732

Anycolor pays artists?

>> No.79089916

If this is true (it isn't, but I believe it anyway) it makes all of Doki's tomatoposting even more based in retrospect.

>> No.79090164

To be wonest?

>> No.79090198
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>> No.79090509


>> No.79091762

That was Doki

>> No.79093568

More likely to be Mocca, at least that's been my suspicion since that resurfaced a few months ago. She eventually left vtubing after being dog-piled by Nova and Lyrica, just because of minor twitter drama.

>> No.79094904

>nijisanji made profits from 2023 to 2024
No they didnt, you're just a fiscally illiterate mong who doesnt understand how much they lost on their stock buyback followed by massive drop

>> No.79095469

Niji's corporate connections amount to a stiff breeze outside of Japan, and nijisanji in particular overplayed their hand so much they turned into a perfect caricature of an evil company. Even fucking EA knows better than to come straight out and say "lol we drove our employees to suicide and she deserves it, please give us money", but somehow such a simple concept is beyond the reach of Riku and Elira

>> No.79098831

Millie you need to stop, your copium supplies are at critically low levels

>> No.79099493
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>Elira why would I feel hatred toward you? You are beneath me. All I feel for you is pity.

>> No.79104700

These threads are always filled with the same schizos

>> No.79105799
File: 525 KB, 1534x2048, __elira_pendora_and_selen_tatsuki_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_inuinui78576284__37b87fc5b0c0904865bb57ca50a4ccec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish they didn't use her channel instead of the NIjiEN channel. Such a bizarre move.

>> No.79107113

Anycolor just needed to say that they terminated Zaion due to multiple rules infractions but no, they just had to put out that goddamn bullet list, they did that to Zaion who never made passive-aggressive tweets or hints to management's fuck ups like Selen. That's the defining moment that Anycolor is on THAT level of pettiness.

>> No.79108403

It was written in the lore anon. It was destiny.

>> No.79109540

doki and mint were the main reasons people watched nijiEN in the first place, so I think they mainly just watch doki and mint now

>> No.79111027

There are only two ways to really make it entertaining
>Go full ham with voice acting in a none voice acted game which brings something unique and novel to it
>Have good tangents during the grinding to keep the stream interesting during the "boring" parts
A lot of zoomers would rather watch someone else play through a game like persona 3 than play it themselves after all. There's an audience for it but you have to actually be entertaining.

JRPGs are static, you might use one or two different party characters but for the most part it barely changes. Even with a highly customizable one like FF5 it's still fairly static.
WRPG like BG3 have so much customization and flexible plot by how you approach things it's a completely different stream experience, like that meme video of someone trying to beat the game only as a cat.

>> No.79111396

Perhaps could it be that... Elira was the most willing participant in putting Selen in the dirt?

>> No.79113441

Elira volunteered for it so blame her for being so willing to jump on the grenade for her company

>> No.79113802

Indies, Vshojo, and Small Corpos

>> No.79114457

I like how it looks like s/he has golden pubes to match her hair

>> No.79115134
File: 268 KB, 2048x2048, FYiLwEgaAAA3_is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea just how much I loved the big sis Elira and little kid Selen artworks, especially that one guy who did a buncha comics of them. I'm glad at least we know Elira was always a subhuman cunt but it sucks that so much kino in my folders is just untouchable trash now.

>> No.79117675

Nice rrat sister
>Verification not required.

>> No.79117687

In retrospect the whole sister lore was a massive red flag and it feels like everybody missed it.

>fans were all-in on it
>Selen was clearly OK with it
Literally all Elira needed to do was put in a tiny bit of effort, not even a FWMC tier larp just a bit of effort, and she couldn't even do that. From the very beginning she must have really, really disliked Selen.

>> No.79118062

Sometimes personalities just don't mesh, or actually conflict with one another. Nobody could have predicted Pomu developing such a rapport with Selen when it was Elira that kept doting on her from the start given that they were PL buddies.
I've seen this exact evolution of a relationship dynamic before in another corpo.

>> No.79118508

Mocca didn't interact with Nova in that instance, he was arguing with Lyrica.

>> No.79119514

>That trip was planned in Hanamori days already.
It wasn't.

>> No.79120190

There's a shocking amount of lewds of this dude.

>> No.79120854

>art mama abandoned you
huh? really? if she wants a new outfit she has to find a new artist?

>> No.79121600
File: 321 KB, 488x492, watame inspect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Interesting...
As far as I can tell from digging through the archives, that claim was first made by the supposed NijiEN insider from a few months ago (which is probably where the anon you're replying to got the idea). I personally assumed it must've been true too, since I don't recall seeing anyone dispute it during those threads.
Kind of a weird detail for someone to lie about, isn't it? I guess people just didn't think to ask for proof at the time because they were so eager to believe rrats.

>> No.79121696

Art mama drew elira not long ago. what they mean is niji will be petty and force her to get a new artist

>> No.79122055


>> No.79122375

A bullet, I hope

>> No.79122568

My cock
t. Anycolor shareholder

>> No.79122647

Kamame doesn't really seem to mind, honestly. She seems to support all the people using the models she draws. She seems super sweet and chill, as bizarre as this situation is. .

>> No.79125720

Black screen video ring a bell?

>> No.79125969

I've never watched nijis outside of clips of a handful of JPs
what was elira's CCV like back in her prime before she self-destructed?

>> No.79126632
File: 2.34 MB, 1008x1658, Screenshot_20240625-154622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was hovering at the 2-3k mark

>> No.79126681

i dont know nor do I care but god I wish it was a bullet.

>> No.79126839

you will not memory hole the black screen stream sister.
Eliras actions caused a coworker to attempt suicide and all she said was "i didnt feel like I was bullying her". This shows that she has no interest to reflect on her actions and take responsibility. And your actions, sister, to blame the victim because she has "BPD" or whatever doesnt make the situation better, because it just means that Elira bullied a mentally ill person into a suicide attempt instead of being considerate.

>> No.79126899
File: 162 KB, 850x1135, __elira_pendora_and_selen_tatsuki_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_inuinui78576284__sample-37b87fc5b0c0904865bb57ca50a4ccec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These? I'm pretty sure they deleted all of them. I'm having a hard time tracking down a bunch of old selen art.
God, they definitely didn't age well.

>> No.79126933

Nijisisters truly are so delusional that they are still trying to pull the "she has bpd so she deserves it" card three months after it's shown to not work

>> No.79127896
File: 115 KB, 1009x817, 1000006666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that they should have used lube

>> No.79128722

wow i have no idea when this was made by it's kind of painful to look at, having no investment in niji at all

>> No.79130142

You know, I wonder if she's lost weight. People lose appetite when depression and anxiety come together.

>> No.79131588
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>> No.79131619

that hurts my heart to look at. can't imagine what it would've been like to be a huge fan of that gen

>> No.79131916
File: 196 KB, 1323x1414, by_illustratoreri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you can see a lot of it back during the black stream. There were a lot of really, really venomous membership greens basically giving up on her immediately, with many of them coming from day 1 members and regular whales.
A few of them actually ended up moving to Doki afterwards.
I wasn't a whale myself by any means, but it absolutely hurt to have my final cope be crushed between the black stream, and then later with Enna's little plushie nonsense confirming that she did actually have pretty bad blood with selen/doki. (That kind of scathing, yet creative nonsense was entirely within her MO)

>> No.79132017


>> No.79132042

so all the clique stuff is true, huh. it's such a crazy way to self sabotage.

i've literally seen like 15 min of elira, but i can't help but feel bad for her whether she deserves the hate or not just because she at least comes off like a nice girl. evidently she isn't, but maybe this whole thing will make her a better person. theres worse fates in the world than becoming a 3view

>> No.79132074

Yeah, like being bullied into suicide

>> No.79132114

...yeah. i'm not gonna pretend it's not misplaced sympathy, it just is what it is

>> No.79132215

>Enna's little plushie nonsense
Wait, I don't remember this, despite keeping up with the Black Stream drama at the time, what's the QRD?

>> No.79132542
File: 370 KB, 624x904, 1715065380980171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got diego to dress up as her and beat up a bird plushie that had more than a passing resemblance to a dragoon while voicing over it.
This was her 3D announcement stream tweet.
Yeah, it could be a coincidence, but if you've watched her for any extended period of time, you'd know this is exactly the kind of shade she throws.

>> No.79132984


>> No.79133025

Jeez, a lot of the stuff with NijiEN could be excused as a bad coincidence, but there's a reason basic PR has you avoid/remove stuff that could be construed as being in poor taste.

>> No.79133088

I'm no longer surprised by the stupid shit Enna does. I just don't really care about it anymore. She's a shit person who doesn't deserve any attention, so I just don't waste any mental energy on her.

>> No.79133345
File: 56 KB, 616x527, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She blocked the people who criticized her - replies of blocked people get automatically pushed to the bottom and hidden.

>> No.79133371

Phase and Idol kinda absorbed the majority of the shitposters from NijiEN but their numbers are still stagnant. Otherwise over 95% of the audience which left went to indies or VShojo.

>> No.79133762

She did this shit after? Man.

>> No.79134079

>Make a thread about "those rrats" /here/ because I couldn't piece together what the fuck was happening with Selen
>Shitpost a bit saying bullcrap about Nijisanji once anons got it going theorizing about what's happening behind-the-scenes
>Go to sleep, wake up, forget about 4Chan for like half-a-day, return later
>Realize I lost control of the OP, there's like 3-5 rrat threads and everyone's making some wild guesses because they ran out of confirmed info
>Threads are literally appearing, dying, hitting bump limit or getting sniped fron reality in record time.
>Shitposts are becoming REAL In Real Time because of Nijisanji fucking up constantly and everyone going through a metric ton of threads, VODs and clips trying to piece together who's part of "The Clique™"
>GUrrat is born
>Join the fun because lies are becoming truth, encourage anons to keep looking for the truth and nothing else because I had no idea what the fuck is really happening
>The GURrat gets translated to JP by some rando in Twitter
>Nijisanji actually gets Perma-damaged somehow by pure unfiltered schizoposting somewhere in-between this madness and NijiEN stagnates all-together due to the clique rrat getting real strong and the black screen retweets + management tweets impersonating organs.
>Completely forget about all of that
I still don't know how to feel about that first thread I made, I do remember anon's saying "waiting Pomuly" because I stated that I thought I was gonna get banned for making a rrat thread about something related to a sudoku attempt of a once major Nijisanji VTuber.
However, I can say something with confidence
The fallout has been real fucking funny kek. I might need to consider not having regrets for real considering Kurosanji id actually sticking to their guns until it implodes.

>> No.79134397

>"Tomatoes?, they don't even DESERVE to EXIST"
>"I think I pissed someone off, I can't even remember who..."
My fucking sides

>> No.79135305

>Finally strike back after years of careful preparation
>It literally backfires and strikes you for years to come without any sort of planning involved

>> No.79135639

Kek good job anon. It was truly one of the best times for /vt/.

>> No.79135681

I wonder how it would have gone for Elira if Enna and millie didn't join.

>> No.79136178
File: 474 KB, 688x723, 1719189711257431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no corpo vtuber would ever skip through text

>> No.79136219

>"I have twice the branch average ccw. I'm a winner. Also I'm #2 most subbed female in nijiEN, I am WINNING"

>> No.79136366

I'll now watch your pink chuuba.

>> No.79137811

Wait is that SERIOUSLY Doki's new character outfit? Because I honewstly thought it was a shitpost until I happened to see it for my own eyes on a YT thumbnail.

Massive downgrade if you ask me.

>> No.79137858

She's a fresh hire from twitch and you can see people alrea aren't liking it. Would be way worse with JRPG.

>> No.79137979
File: 94 KB, 273x245, 1712576363170636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the reason I stopped watching them wasn’t anything they did but rather their unbearable co-workers.
same here

>> No.79138048

Holy Streisand Effect. My benefit of a doubt went from 15% to 1.5%.

>> No.79138391

If the rrats are to be believed, elira absolutely despises doki because of a joke. I fully believe this was an opportunity at a takedown which then backfired and blew far more out of control that i reckon anyone at niji including elira and her goons could have thought.

>> No.79138489

what joke

>> No.79138587

I'm not a numberfiend, but I swear that seeing how the model reveal almost doubled Enna's 3D debut in almost every metrics brought me great joy.

>> No.79138660
File: 267 KB, 585x564, 18908034565412954727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could have been the beacon of EN tubers. Probably defeated vshojo.
But no.
Management issues? Low pay? Clique? Nothing matters anymore.
You could have been something greater than this.
But your actions speak louder than any of our delusions.
We might not know what really happened.
I just feel defeated to see you on this state.
Oh Elira who opened the NijiEN's Pandora's Box.

>> No.79139220

I watch Doki, Mint and now Phase Connect's Lia

>> No.79139235

literally created in this thread >>79056021 and now credulously repeated as gospel (there have been previous mentions of the tomato thing but this is the first I’ve seen with the causality, usually it’s read as a dig by elira at doki)
I fully expect to see this over and over and order again in the future, same as gurrat as described >>79134079. the night gurrat was posted almost every post afterwards treated it as a given, something everyone knew all along, rather than something that had just been made up like an hour ago

>> No.79139318

>Elira is an evil bitch and bullied Selen to the point of suicide
>Elira is a victim of Anycolor and she didn't want to make the Black Frame Stream
I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. From what we know thanks to Raziel's leaks, there's no real management in NijiEN and Elira had to step up early on to assume the role of shadow management, and it's easy to imagine how grateful Anycolor was with her for doing that, seeing the ridiculous amount of favoritism she always got compared to Pomu.

My guess is that she didn't have any real control about who got the merch and collabs opportunities, but the JP management actually listened to her when she spoke favorably about someone, because they trusted on her opinion.

I'm sure she wasn't oblivious about how much power she had in the branch, but she knew she was in a good spot and there wasn't any real reason to give up her position as the shadow manager, so she kept playing her part. She didn't have to do much anyway, just organize meetings and probably just act as a translator when the JP branch wanted to talk with some of the organs. Everyone was happy, they were getting a lot of money and the community loved Nijisanji.

And then everything changed. A few talents started going out together, drama happened, Vox and Reimu got the crazy chinese fans mad, Finana couldn't shut the fuck up, Aster harassed a few of the organs, Zaion was terminated, Selen kept complaining on twitter, Millie made the secret discord server stream, the AR was cancelled and some of the talents started realizing that their careers had hit a dead end and that Nijisanji wasn't interesting in investing on them.

Elira's easy management job suddenly turned into a nightmare. I imagine she tried to be useful and actually help at first, but she couldn't fix anything because she didn't have any real management powers and the JP branch didn't care about was happening, so she was completely useless and eventually just gave up. This was around the time when Enna leaked that JP management wasn't happy with their numbers, so most of the organs were particularly on edge and just wanted to look out for themselves, and that's the moment when the clique adopted her final form: a highschool clique.

The talents outside the hanamori clique were isolated, and every transgression against the company was treated like a personal attack to the group of the popular kids.

The Black Frame stream was just the result of Elira assuming like a retard an impossible job because it looked like easy money at first, and Niji JP being a sweatshop that couldn't care less about the talents.

Elira is an adult and she helds part of the responsibility of everything that happened, but framing her as the evil mastermind that bullied Selen and ruined Riku's "apology" is precisely what Anycolor wants. She is a selfish retard and should have quit the moment they asked her to backstab Selen, but Riku is the real villain here.

Vox and Hex are malicious cunts btw.

>> No.79139741

Yet the invisible man escapes with naught but a crinkled water bottle as evidence

>> No.79140617

What was his name again? Mike?

>> No.79140692

Michael I Hunnington.

>> No.79141127

Real talk like was probably the biggest stab in the back of the stooges

>> No.79141343

Anon 90% of malice was because of shitty management. This post is quite amusing to see. Did you forget it was that yasuuhiro guy who threatened sayu? The livers are mere pawns , even if their actions are inexcusable.

>> No.79141421

>The livers are mere pawns , even if their actions are inexcusable.
That's my point tho

>> No.79141575
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>> No.79143133

I wonder how Mocca is feeling rn. Mint probably doesn't remember her anymore.
