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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79051266 No.79051266 [Reply] [Original]

Ephemira was a good hire edition

Live Concert:

Song Covers Playlist:


▼ Talents ==========================
>Generation EONIA
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Generation novamore
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Generation Hanamizuki
【Kaya Nishikino 錦野楓夜】

【Ran Tsukiha 月蝶蘭】

【Yuno Hanaki 華鬼結望】

>Generation Ephemira
【Hiyori Mokami 桃神日和】

【Kohaku Yumekui 夢喰己白】

【Lethe Bonapuchi レッテボナプチ】

【Meimi Majokko 魔女っ子めいみ】

【Navina Nova ナビナ・ノバ】

【Tomoe Carmine トモエ・カーマイン】

▼kawaii Friends
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
Pixelink >>>/vt//pxl/
Athy - https://twitter.com/owlthy
Reina's pet crustacean Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami

Previous Thread: >>78990448

>> No.79051430

Nene kisses are crap anyway, only people that have never had other asmr kisses thought they were good

>> No.79051468

for once it's nene the one who got cucked

>> No.79051477

I don't get it, there are chuubas doing way lewder stuff than Nene.

>> No.79051497

women can't get cucked

>> No.79051561
File: 446 KB, 602x794, 1718219346316094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gaya was a mystakek

>> No.79051595

when is this thing actually happening or was it cancelled?

>> No.79051700

>she talked with two guys
oh no no no cloudtomos already getting cucked

>> No.79051753

>no more Nene kisses
>maybe on Twitch
>probably no more kisses from the other girls either
This one is painful bros.

>> No.79051836

she got cucked by youtube but hoop kings in japan will cheer her up

>> No.79051847
File: 19 KB, 128x128, nene hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nene spent a bunch of time before the trip recording
>some of that was ASMR
How much of that would you bet contains kissing? Worst case it gets binned forever. Next worse is her having to chainsaw edit it.

>> No.79051897

fuck off youtube

>> No.79051900

Nene kisses are more amazing than other asmr kisses and it is not even close!
only faggy dick gobbling niggas would be put off by the sweet sounds of a womans lips blowing kisses your way

>> No.79052017

you have to ho out of your way to find these, its posted on some random who website

>> No.79052113
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unironically a good thing, that ASMR was a crutch for talentless hacks who didn't want to commit because of muh morals, either go all out coomershit off youtube or get actually good with proper ASMR

>> No.79052142

Same shit Hololive went through when youtube decided to nuke their asmr. Either content will have to change or move platforms to continue it, I just don't know if twitch is any better because they also hand out random bans.

>> No.79052154
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I love agency vtuber (virtual YouTuber) Ms. Lua Asuka of Production kawaii Generation 2 (novamore)


Latest covers:



>> No.79052226
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>> No.79052286

>kisses are too much for jewtube now
the internet used to be great, what the fuck happened

>> No.79052398

I reported every nene kiss asmr btw

>> No.79052507

>what the fuck happened
((advertisers)) happened

>> No.79052551

this is just a ploy to move her kissing ASMR behind a paywall while blaming youtube, join patreon bucko

>> No.79052688
File: 221 KB, 529x529, pain 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she only does them when I'm working

>> No.79052936

The problem with Twitch is that their vods are trash and their discoverability of them is even worse. ASMR and its virality are Nene's and therefore kawaii's bread and butter. Koha's ASMR is also building momentum. It would be tragic if something happened to her.

>> No.79053365
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The other problem is the audience who comes looking for Nene ASMR regularly and recommended it is on youtube. She doesn't 4view anywhere else and herding them to another place will only have miniscule returns.
Nene's ASMR is already extremely safe and seiso as they go, I wonder how much of that audience she risks losing by toning that down even more.
As possible as it is that she will be completely fine carrying on as normal, because youtube is so automated without any real people knowing or caring about the decisions and their enforcement is entirely arbitrary, I don't want the sword of Damocles hanging over her by just saying fruit it and do it anyway because it happens. 300K and bigger channels have been wiped out overnight with no recourse. Reduced to atoms. And that would crush Nene.
Shit sucks.

>> No.79053491

did her channel get a strike? if not then it was probably just automated

>> No.79053634
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She can "tone it down" to Kanna levels and people won't even notice the difference. I think her problem was more on the thumbnail side since she always tried to coombait like the dumb whore she is (harsh but true).

>> No.79053746

I agree, there are tons of channels doing kiss ASMR so it was likely a combination of her model and thumbnails that the youtube AI didn't like

>> No.79053756

they timestamped kissing sounds. With the new AI summarizing everything they (mis)understand the contents of videos.

>> No.79053799

Well she has to tone it down then, Mariya from v4 has the same problem with youtube nuking shit.

>> No.79053826
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>> No.79053836

thumbnails and her whore model with them tits out, nene is a whore was never a meme

>> No.79053894
File: 847 KB, 720x707, 589_How Bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you never know you're in the good times until they are over.

>> No.79053947

>Performer wants to do something
>Audience wants to listen
>"Keeping the audience away from stuff the creator wants to make is a good thing actually"
Kill yourself

>> No.79054007

Isla-sama is close to reaching 50k

>> No.79054020

Mariya and the V4M whores actually have to tone it down because they were actually coombaiting in audio, Nene was just stupid and got flagged for the THUMBNAIL + MODEL combo.

>> No.79054074

kohacks is safe, she doesn't coombait in thumbnails and her model is as seiso as they come

>> No.79054173

you will never be shirgler

>> No.79054355

She has been for months. Why did her and Charzu stall out again so hard? How is the content over there?

>> No.79054487

based friend poster

>> No.79054527

In Charzu's case she just wasn't able to ride the ad boost, for Isla I don't know.

>> No.79054595

that's what's so sad. no chance of development of intimacy, no gradual escalation. she may get more confortable with herself and us over time but there's now no way to express that safely. it's a tragedy.

>> No.79054637

the fact of the matter is, Youtube doesn't owe you or Nene SHIT, youtube doesn't even cut even so that's why they're pushing advertiser friendly garbage.
If Nene doesn't like then they should just use an alternative but here's the important part, make sure your fans are loyal enough to follow you (good luck heh)

>> No.79054651

Shee is the ONLY one who made use of the ad boost, the others saw their rise in subs and were satisfied

>> No.79054739

Yea its really sad to see Charzu and Nami back to where they were. Shee deserves all the hard work she is putting in to keep the momentum going.

>> No.79054778

Unironically because she refuses to collab, collabs help get in the algo too because you tag other vtubers channels in your livestream.
Charzu doesn't care though as long as she eventually gets to 50k, it's why she's not my kamioshi anymore, she's just ever going to do this vtuber shit part time and it shows by her track record, why would I commit to that?

>> No.79054998

There are some members that only do this as a part time thing and it shows.

>> No.79055129
File: 116 KB, 901x929, hmph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me? But Shee did use it the best. She is days away from a playbutton and that's amazing.

>> No.79055153

Shee's game taste and variety helps her a lot tbqh
Yuno's been grinding it out too until recently but she streams tranny friendly games and debuff content so it's not just about putting in ungodly hours of content.
I can't blame management for the girls decision, I'm pretty sure management always kneels to the girls in the end as long as it doesn't involve spending money, I guess it's either let the girls stream what they want or they'll graduate because no talent freedom.

>> No.79055274
File: 165 KB, 564x444, 1701750693112406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe nigga, parasocials OUT

>> No.79055343

why are you even here

>> No.79055391

pretty sure that's everyone in gen 1 and gen 2 excluding Shee but I can't say for certain if she does want to go full time.
I still have hopes for hmz and ephemira, we need more girls with eagerness to make something of themselves, sadly our gen1 and gen2 are already in a later phase of their careers where they're happy where they are.

>> No.79055532
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because their increase was basically botting subs using ads like Reina to get them close to their 50k outfit, only Shee was able to ride the ad boost because she streams like a full time vtuber

>> No.79055659

hmz is fucking dead and a mistake, ephemira was saved by the pxl minecraft server because they would be sucking homo cock on stream by now if not for it

>> No.79055669

Shee is insane, she streams more than Nene consistently and she's not even part time. god that's some dedication

>> No.79055795

shut the fuck up kain heh

>> No.79055882
File: 19 KB, 441x159, growth suzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just to squash rrats and get newfags up to speed, as I understand it what happened in December was Charzu trying out a new ad campaign youtube offered where instead of a traditional ad spot you paid to get your video injected into the recommendations bar alongside other videos people are watching. And this was wildly successful and spread to just about everyone else in the company doing it and seeing serious incline.
I don't think kawaii botted because they're penny pinching japs and because of the ad format. People were clicking on those. New greys appeared in chat.

>> No.79055912

It also helps that she plays a variety of games and not just stuck on the same thing. She does have her favorite genre which is those horror games but her page isn't filled with them.

>> No.79056001

get a hobby

>> No.79056010

/pkg/ cannot fathom that shee could still be running ads while the others aren't.

>> No.79056026

I still don't understand why they stopped doing it when it was successful. This cheap ass company should be footing the bill for this also seeing as they only care about numbers going up.

>> No.79056149

Shiki is no longer a friend, she just posted her feet on twitter.

>> No.79056249

It's possible the wind has simply changed and they don't work so well any more
We can see the ads they run

>> No.79056303

You got ads money my guy? Most of them barely get any donos anyway and half of that goes to the management, if they were buying ads they'd be losing money. Imagine having a job that has a negative wage, they'd be better off working as jannies

>> No.79056431

That only shows ads that appear in videos not the recommenced tab.

>> No.79056506
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>> No.79056626

then you should see shee's december ads there but you don't. again, she could still be running ads. the promotion ads don't appear to be in those listings either.

>> No.79056851
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If the sub increase doesn't translate to sustained growth and/or ccv increase there isn't much difference, at least functionally, between botting subs and using ads. Kawaii wasn't using bots but the result is the same for channels who didn't capitalize: bump in subs and nothing else.

I said this way back when it was happening, management simply "botted" their subs to get them close to their sub milestone outfit. The most blatant example was Nami who got a bump but went back to stalling soon after, coincidentally her new outfit entered development hell around the same time, so she doesn't need 50k to come anytime soon. Shee consistent streaming combined with whatever ad campaign they were using gave her a real bump that is still going to this day.

>> No.79057025

Shut the fuck up hater

>> No.79057081

I am in love with my wife Tomoe

>> No.79057116

nami's new outfit is points. she hasn't started her 50k outfit prep.

>> No.79057154

>hmz astroturfing discord pl frens
sad, go back astroturfing ephemira it's less pathetic

>> No.79057304

>Shee's game taste and variety helps her a lot tbqh
playing kusoge minecraft FOTM or whatever slop is poplular to get numbers is not a meme
the new girls know this but the oldies dont or wont

>> No.79057406

Also playing shit at the right time helps a lot. Fallout tv show comes out is the perfect time to start playing the game just because people will be taking a look at the games too. Shee actually pays attention to current trends.

>> No.79057447

Even if we don't count Nami I said that they were just going to drop Charzu, Isla, Reina (and Shee) close to wherever they needed them to be for milestone rewards and then their growth would stop again, and that's exactly what happened. I just didn't count on Shee being a madman and actually making use of that short promotion window.

>> No.79057568

Tomoe fucks BBCs

>> No.79057650

Instead of paying for clippers they should be putting that money into running ads instead.

>> No.79057722

She should post her GOAT throat on twitter.

>> No.79057863

Is it safe to call Shee a numberfag? I want to think of her as just a happy lil gal that loves pawtners too much.

>> No.79057991

Every single streamer are numberfags. Anyone that says they don't care about numbers are lying.

>> No.79058102

>Anyone that says they don't care about numbers are lying
Or grossly negligent at their job, or a hobbyist.

>> No.79058211

When is she going to stream silent hill?

>> No.79058317

grim for kohakeks

>> No.79058339

I can see her playing Silent Hill 2 when it releases.

>> No.79058359
File: 3.64 MB, 980x1008, kohaSad.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never know what will happen. Koha does kisses. Only a few though, nothing like Nene's kiss barrages. But maybe not anymore. She has a Twitch account that she doesn't use and doesn't have a Patreon.

>> No.79058490

for a horror genre enthusiast it's shocking to me that Shee still hasn't streamed it yet

>> No.79058504

her kisses are for aster and e-sports e-celebs, sorry bucko

>> No.79058578

Maybe its harder to get perms for the older games.

>> No.79058791

why is aster always brought up when people talk about koha? am i missing some inside joke

>> No.79058874

ignore it. the faggot was in koha's chat 1 (one) time and tried to invite her to play LoL and she ignore him, end of story.

>> No.79058929

yes new girls do this well to especialy hiyo and kohaku they are on new trends day 1 tomoe to also jumoed in on popular horror games quick
wish the old gals would try but understandable why they arent all in

>> No.79059085
File: 38 KB, 355x330, 1714631650687965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aster showed up in chat because the Ephemira league gang (nijisisters) used the term HOPCON. Mentioning Aster is just bantz but one time she delayed her ASMR stream so much that it coincided to Aster ending his stream and a new shitpost was born.

>> No.79059096

Some potential good to come of this is Nene having to dig deep and develop more triggers and put those RP skills to use again. Patreon ASMR tier could have more value and we could see the boat get pushed out there.
The biggest loss is that kissing was her response to donos during ASMR which means, at worst, they won't be peppered in the vods anymore and less income for Nene and kawaii. I know I've personally been hit with chus and been motivated to open my wallet for more.

>> No.79059453

ironic because she played with vox in pl, not aster

>> No.79059817

She never PLAYED with Vox you thread shitting retard thread reader. She was on a stream where Vox dropped by and played and she wasnt even in the same timeslot as him.
It is insane how many thread readers spin rrats out of their asses.

>> No.79059905

kawaii friend tomoe btw

>> No.79060016

i will never understand asmr coomer shit
just watch porn, retard.

>> No.79060239

nene should make promotion streams like the jap asmr girls do where it is regular no coombait but preview lewd streams on patreon then patreon stream links to onlyfans stream where they shove dildos up there ass
nenes would be more pg of course

>> No.79060252

People unironically think that ASMR was invented for coomers and GFE fags. They cant fathom that someone would just do shit like "engine repair ASMR" or "medical check up ASMR".

This gives Nami da tingles.

>> No.79060303

Tomoe's being weird again...

>> No.79060477

Next Charzu ASMR will have to be on Pomf...

>> No.79060638
File: 13 KB, 1600x1000, Konami-Logo-1998[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've all forgotten something significant

>> No.79060656

shut the fuck up chewy heh

>> No.79060696

Oh yeah they are fags with perms.

>> No.79060769

she was evil toaster apex discord kitten, same difference

>> No.79060815

>evil toaster apex discord kitten
the fuck does that mean

>> No.79060985

>evil toaster
competitive fps streamer/vtuber
>discord kitten
she was on stream with him for hours

>> No.79061293

You are really reaching for this one and you know it.
Literally using this logic
>Well...they both walked through the same street in the same city 2 years apart, so it's like they had SEX!

>> No.79061521

I feel bad for Tomoe for living in the EU, i heard they can't afford AC. :(

>> No.79061679


>> No.79061954

I literally have 2. Scandis and Brits were known to not have AC's before because they didnt really need them but now they are getting them en masse too because summers are scorching hot.
Cheap AC is like 250-300 Euros. Everyone can get it.

>> No.79062090

shut the fuck up zipcuck

>> No.79062160

shut the fuck up megiddo

>> No.79062195

What's the lore on her hitting micarm and why are they begging for it?

>> No.79062238

Nothing, just chat running with a joke way too long

>> No.79062288

Why are you even bringing up sex? Koha was a homolover in the past, that's it. Move on, pretty much everyone was.

>> No.79062817

I am in love with Isla-sama

>> No.79062969

Shee is my ideal woman.

>> No.79063038

Getting permission to install them in apartments is the main problem. At best you can put an external unit on a balcony, but then you have to get refrigerant lines across multiple rooms.

>> No.79063091

Tomoe's chat thinking generally blurry vision is astigmatism because she mentioned it a few times is aids, she's literally explained what it is yet people dont know

>> No.79063180
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>> No.79063184

shee should show us her feet

reina two

and charzu and lua and nene and nami and yuno and hiyori and isla and lethe and nan all the latinas should show us there feet

>> No.79063229

cute aster

>> No.79063364

thats what those commies get kek

>> No.79063399
File: 80 KB, 900x900, 1713880144730465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf tomoe has AIDS???

>> No.79063549

shut the FUCK up mysterydookie holy cancer spam

>> No.79063715

is someone archiving all of Tomoe's sneezes?

>> No.79063772

Timestampfags probably have them

>> No.79064355

uh oh melty

>> No.79064850

I will kiss you Tomoe

>> No.79065492

she met auri in blockgame

>> No.79066298

why does nami speak in a fake accent

>> No.79066739
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>> No.79066763 [DELETED] 

her new boyfriend likes it

>> No.79066824

I don't know but it's so fucking fake she should really drop it.

>> No.79066872

>she doesn't know

>> No.79067572

sarabi is hot. nala is ok i guess but sarabi is where it's at

>> No.79067909
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>> No.79068159


>> No.79068253

If it's not on CNN I'm not bothering

>> No.79068321

no one cares

>> No.79069697
File: 174 KB, 550x550, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I owe sex to Lua and i dont know how to get even.

>> No.79071106

Elira is always in her chat, this is nothing new

>> No.79071136
File: 369 KB, 653x540, islaheartbeats[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fq2l6pv.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79071335

you will never be shirgler

>> No.79071634

Twisty should join too

>> No.79071749

yes we love niji cumdumps here

>> No.79071855
File: 100 KB, 306x183, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just find out Bestie was in the vsmp server but she never logs in. that could have been Kaya's or Reina's spot. this sucks.

>> No.79072145 [DELETED] 

I msg my buddy and just write "Fruity kikes and silly niggaz" and he replies "I don't want to live in a world where that is not on a box of cereal."
top keks

>> No.79072240

she is a ran-through whore

>> No.79072251

youtube is still recommending me earlicking and kissing

>> No.79072295

She is our bestie.

>> No.79072299
File: 455 KB, 1302x668, kawaii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>June 24-30
Lethe Bonapuchi Subathon
>June 26-29
GamersOutreach VTuber Summer Slam 2024 Charity Event
Charlotte Suzu, Reina Sun, Ran Tsukiha, Hiyori Mokami, Navina Nova
Check their schedules!
>June 27
Navina Nova/Meimi Majokko/Ran Tsukiha - Final Fantasy 14 Fan Concert hosted by Obake PAM
>July 6
Tomoe Carmine Birthday
>July 20
Navina Nova Birthday
>July 19-21
>July 30
Reina Sun Birthday
3D Solo Live Concert

Family Feud Company Collab
EONIA Concert

Production kawaii recruiting clippers

>> No.79072386

She's been on vacation, shes playing on saturday

>> No.79072414


>> No.79073186

Because only Production kawaii subhuman schizo antis are derranged, obsessed, and desperate enough to mass flag streams.

>> No.79073252
File: 13 KB, 593x154, worried about hiyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hiyo had a cryptic post about work this morning and now reina is supportposting. concern levels growing.

>> No.79073309

longboardman domestic violence

>> No.79073363

Twisty sounds more like a Sava friend - the worst parts of Menace and Yuko put together.

>> No.79073419
File: 165 KB, 400x400, kawoo love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79073550

She should bond with Shee over canines.

>> No.79073592

She streams though

>> No.79073607

she fell down while longboarding

>> No.79073707

Hiyori always feels like her brain is going 5 different directions at once.
It's part of the reason she achieves so much is she bites off more than she can chew and then figures it out from there.
I think she's been stressed about the jump to full-time too and considering different options on how to go about it.

>> No.79073717

Reina's just proud Hiyo will go full time, these are happy moments bros.

>> No.79073759

shut the fuck up mysterytookie

>> No.79074206

shut it Meimi

>> No.79074237 [DELETED] 

her boyfriend doesn't want her to quit her job because they live in california

>> No.79074322

I hope he dumps her so Hiyo will have to lick my ears to survive

>> No.79074515

she will whore out to mysterydookie heh

>> No.79074668

4k and didnt even get a twitter follow heh

>> No.79074758

she can move in with me on the east coast, I got a spare room (dog house) for her in my backyard.

>> No.79075152
File: 1.43 MB, 2892x4096, 20240624_135615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reina's wedding art just drop
Latina wife latina wife latina wife

>> No.79076012

with ren zotto

>> No.79076041

I like Reina because she owns being Latina and doesn't try to hide it.

>> No.79076704

It's over

>> No.79077516

KEKEDooligans heh

>> No.79077793

I miss kohaku....

>> No.79077851

No, you go away hater.

>> No.79077908

se acabó hermanos.........

>> No.79078049

she hates shitbulls so she's cool in my book

>> No.79079116

Isla-sama give me strength

>> No.79079326

grim for kohakeks

>> No.79079486

Can any tomo give me a qrd of what nene talked about today, im at work and have no time to watch her. Was it anything important or just ASMR stuff?

>> No.79079565

she wants to go back to jamaica

>> No.79079863

stream is only an hour long my guy

>> No.79080098

you will never be shirgler

>> No.79080438

No more kissing, meanwhile other vtubers can cum all over their mic during ASMR and be fine
most likely antis or something reporting her ASMR
also had multiple japanese men staying in her hotel room on day 1

>> No.79080498

Nene wont do coomer asmr anymore and shes sick of people mentioning other girls, no warning bans

>> No.79080966

she cucked cucktomos with comiket ojisans again

>> No.79081112

Some of us work jobs that aren't sitting at a desk getting fat

Funny because i never really considered her ASMR to be commer, tho ill be honest her 1$ for a kiss ASMR was greedy and stupid so im glad thats ending. Tomos mention other girls when?, i never see it

>> No.79081226

Handcams only for comiket westerners, sad

>> No.79082533

>was greedy and stupid so im glad thats ending
The good thing about voluntary transactions is that both parties come away with things they wanted.
They were shamelessly timed however, I agree. The last one came right after the maid cafe stream. I think the one before that also came on the heels of another fundraiser. They sure did fill that survival meter.

>> No.79082865

I'm shaking my hiyo

>> No.79083116

thanks Isla-sama I couldn't do it without you

>> No.79083178

Isla is my mother and girlfriend

>> No.79083219

I will never be shirgler

>> No.79083359

I will never fit Luxter's shoes no matter how hard I try

>> No.79083586

Exactly, and she knows tomos will dono just to get kisses. I like nene but sometimes i see how greedy she can be despite making a fuck ton of money

>> No.79084168

Only on youtube. She might do kisses on twitch.

>> No.79084880

based longboardman

>> No.79085021

Even with a redirect stream up telling people to go to twitch and watch, It's hard as hell to get that ASMR tourism audience to follow you. If she did manage to 4view on Twitch she would be at the top row of ASMR streams during her usual timeslot, a big accomplishment especially when the competition there is flesh thots licking ears or worse. Nene lands upper middle of the pack 3view right now for ASMR on twitch.

But those are just live numbers. A huge portion of the persistent value her channel gets is the ASMR vod views. They are evergreen and get recommended to new people to bring them in.

>> No.79085595

Not defending or attacking her, but vtubing and content creation in is fickle, it can all be over in a few hours or you can do it for a decade or more.
She is also terrible with money even when she grew up with very wealthy family members and friends, I'm sure that doesn't help her anxiety when it comes to finances

>> No.79085681

she needs to earlick on twitch

>> No.79085945

kawaii friend Miki is on vsmp

>> No.79086044

Did you know that you can ask Yuno Hanaki of the Yuno Hanaki channel anything? Well what do Yuno?

>> No.79086080 [DELETED] 
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>> No.79086083
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>> No.79086206


>> No.79086275


>> No.79086478
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>> No.79086592

Can I ask her if she pierced nipples?

>> No.79088049

dying girls company

>> No.79088079

Holy fuck Yuno destroyed her throat with that otome stream that I didn't watch
This voice triggers my saviorfaggotry

>> No.79088240

woah Yuno sounds so hot

>> No.79088466


>> No.79088655

sad larp, go back astroturfing ephemira it's less pathetic

>> No.79088702

Yuno sounds sexy today
but I miss her girly bubbly giggles

>> No.79088834
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We like green woman around here

>> No.79088839

>I still feel like kawaii is a dream and one day I'm gonna wake up and it's all gone
Yuno is doomposting

Her giggles are there they are just raspy today

>> No.79088900

she is a mistake and she should graduate with ran

>> No.79089026
File: 29 KB, 564x423, Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are men weak to sickly women?

>> No.79089071

she knows she doesn't belong here, dumb sweatshop tumblrinas of the throwaway gen

>> No.79089166

she got aids from that male friends who loves to hug her

>> No.79089173
File: 35 KB, 449x265, Reina is there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reina is a gem. Context is her being willing to offcollab.

>> No.79089209

Reina is a sex pest

>> No.79089361
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yeah him https://streamable.com/l9w1ky

>> No.79089592

Turboextroverts are so weird to me. I've been using the interwebz since 1999 and never once met someone IRL that I met online. I immediately ghosted anyone who suggested it.

>> No.79089616

>reina main content is twitter/chat posts about offcollabs
Unironically what is the point of her as a streamer? Like what the fuck does she do?

>> No.79089882

>Yuno likes medieval and renascence
Yuno, stream Crusader Kings 2. The base game is free, the DLCs are a cheap subscription to get them all. It's an infinite story generator. Once you learn the UI you can make kino streams.
Pentiment is an Obsidian RPG made to look like an animated medival tapestry.
Those can be Yunocore.
Kingdom Come Deliverance is more outside your wheelhouse but has medieval history autism in its bones.

>> No.79089886

I like offcollabs though. I consider those content because it's literally cute girls doing cute things.

>> No.79089967

reina should become an indie orbiter of kawaii similar to the tsunderia clique girls before they got absorbed back into the /corpo/ agencies

>> No.79090163

how is that content if you just see one or two twitter post about it, that's vtweeter tier lol

>> No.79090952

>reina is type of girl that so nice she will have sex with virgin to help them
>incel chuds still shit on her
there is no way your not turbo dicklets hating on pure sweetness girl like reina

>> No.79091054

I am an incel but not a virgin so that's irrelevant to me.

>> No.79091412

Reina's aren't even offcollabs, it's just twitterposting of her going on trips like a vtweeter, viewers get nothing out of them. The only time they got something was during her subathon thingy with Nami, Shee and Nene. It was a flop, they probably didn't enjoy it as much as they would have if they didn't have to stream, I guess that's why she doesn't even try anymore.

>> No.79091781

stop the cap she gets stretched by personal trainer tyrones

>> No.79092478
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Yuno, it's an idol company. You gotta idol.

>> No.79092896

she can make a tumblrina fujo company if she leaves kawaii, I'm sure there's a big market for that

>> No.79092969

Uhh I'm actually just here for the pretend girlfriends, I'm not even into Japanese music

>> No.79092981
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Meimi LIVE

>> No.79093290

yae is doing asmr right now and she's literally sitting on me

>> No.79093363
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>> No.79093435

based ugly bastard damadachi

>> No.79093443


>> No.79093500

Meimi is a good girl and needs better fans

>> No.79093935
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>> No.79094186

but why

>> No.79094304

Why does she actually sound hot, what the hell

>> No.79094418

break time shalashaska

>> No.79094440

I refuse to watch these stupid "vertical" streams, something about the layout and the way chat is set up just pisses me off

>> No.79094495

did yuno lose her voice

>> No.79094530

How many hours has he been on this annoying dragon boss? God I hate fromslop

>> No.79094714

lmao I'm not even watching. i hate all forms of fromslop and xivslop and gachaslop and its even worse when my favorite streamers stream it, even my kawaii girls fail me.

>> No.79095232

I want to feed Meimi her favorite Earl Grey ice cream

>> No.79095459

french vanilla is good

>> No.79095488

based nasumatsuri

>> No.79095594

Member after CE bought kawaii and Charzu was talking about how they make figures? That would be nice...

>> No.79095631

Yeah french kissing Meimi and then vanilla sex with Meimi and then cuddling with Meimi and then showering with Meimi and then taking Meimi to work and then dropping off our kids at school

>> No.79095647
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I want to eat out Nami's ass for 3 straight days

>> No.79095758

reina is not ABG or white you dumb retard fool

>> No.79095782

Don't out me like this Meimi

>> No.79095931

sucking vanilla ice cream out of meimi's mouth
on the serious side meiges once again showing how fucking boring they are

>> No.79096108

KEKEDrojis heh

>> No.79096115

It is a possibility that Meimi is leaning more into the bratty character to make her chatters grow a spine and want to rape her. I already wanted this, however, so this has no effect on me.

>> No.79096197

that's for pl frens offstream, sorry bucko

>> No.79096275

she wants more maxters since he is busy being a mod for other chuubas

>> No.79096370 [DELETED] 

latinas gets stretched by tyrones too

>> No.79096496

Please add 'heh' to your posts so your mindbroken spam doesn't show up for me

>> No.79096593

which ephemira pl fren is this?

>> No.79096650

he is grinber

>> No.79097390

i bet they talked about favorites in chat

>> No.79097742

>doesn't like smoked meats
dropped meimi

>> No.79097971

2view company

>> No.79099105

>Shee and Reina Harry Potter marathon
Seems like peak cute girls
Why am I afraid because of how much Reina is collating right now. Don't be a farewell tour pink woman. Yes, I'm paranoid

>> No.79099106
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I like when Nano calls others bitches

>> No.79099196

When has she done that, not my sweet Nano...

>> No.79099253

nano us 50/50 cute and naughty

>> No.79099333

Reina graduation?, why would she ever

>> No.79099489

Just realized some dude has been making VSMP clips.

>> No.79099522

Charzu where you at I miss you girl

>> No.79099728

clara will take reina to phase

>> No.79100234

I misjudged hiyori and the ephemira girls(expect nano shes cute), there spontaneous colabs and the way they get along finally feels like how a "generation" should be. No hate on the other gens but they feel more solo and i just don't see the same level of comradeship, tho mabey as a tomo I'm just used to having a loner for an oshi who is virtually silent during colabs

>> No.79100728

she said it several times in yesterday's minecraft stream alone

>> No.79101375

To whomst?

>> No.79101417

First they took Hana, then they took Ran, and now they want Reina?
phase is a kawaii retirement home

>> No.79101649

meimi noises good

>> No.79101791

>meiges overwhelmingly vote for Mario kart short stream
>Gaming short stream
Why are meiges so retarded, especially with polls

>> No.79102095

Minecraft con las nanotetas

>> No.79102135

she says it here near the end, as well as a few other times
i don't care enough to search the vod for the rest

>> No.79102263


>> No.79102609
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>> No.79102704

Wish she could take the latex skin off for a second, I want to see them in the flesh

>> No.79102798

I want her to giggle all over my cock

>> No.79103005

>in the flesh
weirdest kawaii cover song choice but ok

>> No.79103076

the see through latex is what's stopping them from popping out anon

>> No.79103160

>4K mememastered
I just know this will give me eye cancer without even looking at it

>> No.79103393
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Sometimes chatters are alright

>> No.79103404

i want to die between those tits

>> No.79103652

you should say thank you so she does it more

>> No.79104901

What the hell is pinterest nano??

>> No.79105573

Nano didn't even know her own name.....

>> No.79105697

Nano hanging out with the VNU hags

>> No.79105912

Nano is doing a good job repping kawaii

>> No.79106056

Does nano not have a bgm?

>> No.79106416

Meimi is my baby girl

>> No.79107222

Nano met a whore

>> No.79107277

pillow is kinda weird

>> No.79107436

she got cute mogged by Nano and decided to end it all, unfortunately for her, she landed on the water.

>> No.79108159

Truely woman with a cute voice's privilege
When I do it as a guy, I get put on a list

>> No.79108188

Kawaii has 8 managers who are being paid to do what exactly? Meanwhile they have to hire someone else to clip. Do Kawaii's managers only email game companies for permissions? They also look at each stream's view total but not anything else in Youtube's analytics. Great job marketing your talents faggots.

>> No.79108277

Am i supposed to know who that is?

>> No.79108333

Their job is to tell the girls to post feet on cam. None of them are fired for making dumb suggestions, or for never giving any input that is followed and actually used by the talent, btw.

>> No.79108372

I love when nano has those moments when she starts losing it

>> No.79108406

So whos even in charge of kawaii at this point?, i know they were bought by someone but i don't even know who the fuck they are

>> No.79108455

Nene, it's always been Nene.

>> No.79108551

Nene's manager made a slideshow of 20 anime girl thighs. The original suggestion was to do a name that anime background stream. It was changed to thighs at Nene's suggestion. She got almost all of them right.

>> No.79108589

Yeah no, she is terrible with money and would completely fall apart under any sort of pressure and have a melt down on twitter

>> No.79108682

riiiiiiight. im not saying nene is good at her job but you can't be that gullible my guy.

>> No.79108696

The girl who pays for all of the managers to sit on their asses and do nothing is actually not giving up 50% of her income? Make some sense next time.

>> No.79108914

Officially, Hide is the new head of kawaii, but he doesn't even know Kohaku's fanbase name. He was promoted to this position when Koshitter sold the company to Culture Entertainment. The CEO of Culture also introduced himself on the discord, but I don't remember his name.

>> No.79109004

maybe he's the figure head but Sora is the real mastermind

>> No.79109006

I shouldn't have asked.

>> No.79109077

Uhh anon wrong person?

>> No.79109121

She is always busy with "offline work", what do you think that means?

>> No.79109152

Nano loves her family
she's just like me

>> No.79109313

La familia is important for latina after all

>> No.79109326

That was meant for >>79108455

>> No.79109381

I would love to say she has a bf, but no one would willingly watch there gf whore herself and spend 16 hours a day pretending to laugh at the jokes her whales make.

>> No.79109408

Nano just said perfecto that must mean she's latina right?

>> No.79109510

The signs are everywhere.

>> No.79109724

>says the company is in debt
>makes a thumbnail saying "I'm in debt" with an arrow pointing to her
Stop, I don't want to think about that possibility right now.

>> No.79109737

So he used the fucking unofficial discord to introduce himself... Ah now i understand all the money gouging and price increases like the patreon move.

>> No.79109989

Kawaii isn't in debt, they have no running costs besides paying manager wages. If they cant afford a few concerts they should fold. Even the girls travel costs are write offs same with any streaming stuff the company actually covers. They just do nothing and rake in 50%

>> No.79110001

she's not recording for her covers kek

>> No.79110143

If they do nothing and rake in 50% why do they keep hiring more managers? To let someone else have a cut?

>> No.79110409

>why do they keep hiring more managers?
They're trying to find someone who will actually work

>> No.79110572

Because top heavy useless management positions is a staple of any business, i have no idea why. Because realistically if it made them less money they wouldn't do it

>> No.79110707

"Why do they keep hiring new managers" is exactly what i ask myself everytime i hear of some new one.

>> No.79110824

Charzu is on a 4 day boring guy gangbang tour

>> No.79111270

Is there someone else they just hired? I thought furi 2 was the latest addition
Maybe they need more sexpest managers that dont manage

>> No.79112079

