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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79069822 No.79069822 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>79065030

>> No.79069861

Having a good localization is rare and it is much better to use something that can create a shared experience with the max amount of people, meaning English Version it is if you speak the language

>> No.79069866
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


>> No.79069865

CC's talking about rrats

>> No.79069877
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>recycle bin not empty
What dark secrets could she be hiding in there

>> No.79069888


>> No.79069894


>> No.79069929
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>> No.79069940

>OG Dank Souls
Hard pass

>> No.79069946

I jumped out of bed holy shit Fauna

>> No.79069951


>> No.79069953
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>> No.79069957

How is vspoEN doing compared to NijiEN?
Are they going to surpass them?

>> No.79069967

all the rejected cropped porn stream thumbnails

>> No.79069969

Justice feels like someone superglued a typical small corpo gen to HoloEN, including:

-an ESL girl with a light accent who's main strength is "she's kinda cute, I guess"
-a dime a dozen Bae type zoomer, they mass produce these in small corpos
-a fucking homosister who's obsessed with homostars, the kind of person you slap the small corpo fag trying to shill his corpo to you with in /#/
-a giga ESL with some skills to pay the bills
-there's 4 of them, unlike any other HoloEN gen

>> No.79069979
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>eroge .rars

>> No.79069988

Alright calm down loser

>> No.79070001

[Good News] CC values enjoyable game elements over realistic ones

>> No.79070012

Fromsoft bros we won

>> No.79070018

She's about to get the biggest raid
Holy shit someone check on faunaschizo

>> No.79070029
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>> No.79070030


>> No.79070039

Germans talking about the taste of human flesh...

>> No.79070041
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We won

>> No.79070043

I thought she hated dark souls? that said I feel like she should start it after she's done with witcher if she plans to make it an actual series and not another one off.

>> No.79070042
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>> No.79070047

FFST is real, and we're about to see it happen for the first time. noon PST into FST is going to be a fucking BEAUTIFUL funnel

>> No.79070046
File: 488 KB, 1892x965, dark souls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


<KIRIN (kneels)
<KIRIN (kneels)
<KIRIN (kneels)
<KIRIN (kneels)
<KIRIN (kneels)

>> No.79070059
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what can >we extrapolate from this?

>> No.79070066

oh i think i finally get who CC reminds me of when her voice goes high, it's fucking rin penrose from jewcorp

>> No.79070069

Holy shit Myth is going to fight the Ender Dragon!

>> No.79070088


>> No.79070090

Still do think it's funny that Kiara gets an incline for the first time in her career, only for her to have to go away to Japan for two months right when a new gen debuts in her timeslot.

>> No.79070094


>> No.79070099

CC keeps talking about rrats

>> No.79070102

Fauna, why are you making me choose...

>> No.79070107


>> No.79070110
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>> No.79070113

Fun Fact: You can sword all the rats in this section to death

>> No.79070117

Knowers tell me does CC play long hours?

>> No.79070124

>new gen overlap
>Fauner with Dark souls
>only POVs on Mori and Kiara's channels
prepare for a lot of shitposting against Myth's oneblock finale kek, they're gonna get like..10-12k max on one POV

>> No.79070125

This poster feels like someone dropped their child and had it grow up to be a useless waste of space.

>> No.79070132

Pretty much this. And when shit breaks, it's easier to find instructions.

>> No.79070148

>same time as myth minecraft finale
stupid green bitch no wonder your gen never gets collabs or figures

>> No.79070157

They arrived too late. Their box is gonna be 1K from glowie + V4Mirai plus whatever random JP VSPBot tourist they can get.

>> No.79070158

14k dorya

>> No.79070162
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>cricket team
Not beating the allegations

>> No.79070170

Korone solo the CGDCT gang with a 20+ years old 8 bit vidya stream while mentioning fictional males in between.
Meanwhile, the CGDCT gang need to spit zoomer xitter/reddit memes per minute while not mentioning ANY male otherwise they are doomed.
The game is not the issue (Subaru is mogging more than a half of EN with mf Danganronpa)

>> No.79070171


>> No.79070178

Nerissa is slowly becoming a chumbie

>> No.79070180

Can Fauna get her gamer cred back?

>> No.79070187

>dark souls
>myth minecraft
I wonder how Gigi will do tonight..

>> No.79070188

Anon she's overlapping Mythcraft

>> No.79070189
File: 3.30 MB, 434x1080, faunamiimusic[sound=https2F2Fx0jfb2.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green is a great colour.

>> No.79070193
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>> No.79070197

same thing happened when she took a vacation right around the Palword hype
chimken is just cursed like that

>> No.79070204


>> No.79070208

>they enroach on her territory means she shouldn't stream on her timeslot when they are
No, fuck off

>> No.79070209


>> No.79070220
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>> No.79070228

Gura mentioning Nerissa got Nerissa to surpass her retarded shark fear (all girls have this cause muh big subs) and use her extrovert power to actually talk to Gura behind the scenes. They are now friends and will be the 1st Advent to collab with Gura

>> No.79070237


>> No.79070241

Ah shit

>> No.79070243


>> No.79070246

is it just me or is CC a lot more comfortable today

>> No.79070245

i don't even hate most of justice but this is too accurate

>> No.79070250
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>> No.79070253
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The era of OG 500k+ sub anime-adjacent girls who are interested in vtubing but haven't got into it yet is functionally over. Those small corpos ARE the current day recruiting pool for anyone higher up on the foodchain.

>> No.79070260

Cicilia is the only one so far that doesn't annoy me on my second monitor while i work
i can see a bright future for her.

>> No.79070290

Scared Ceci cute

>> No.79070313

She should play ds3

>> No.79070315

recently downloaded holostars porn saved to desktop

>> No.79070330

Skyrim was too open, she's more focused here.

>> No.79070346
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>> No.79070343

>Japanese vs English audiences and holos
why do you niggers still bother making these comparisons. do you just love bad faith?

>> No.79070351
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>> No.79070353
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CC jumpscare cute
She needs to play Outlast

>> No.79070355

Mommy and my sister Ceci tag teaming me....

>> No.79070356

Interested to see how well this can do while overlapped by the Mythcraft finale
Poor day to do it numberswise

>> No.79070362
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>playing a game she hates and seethed at and didn't even understand
>just because Ceci is taking so many sappos away

>> No.79070365

Gura is correcting her into staying in the walled garden.

>> No.79070369

Sword isn't a verb

>> No.79070377
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Dig in, boys!

>> No.79070380

>Liz is gonna raid Cece again
you shouldve raided gigi yesterday fuck you

>> No.79070381

>Liz bled nearly half of her peak viewership this stream
Damn, are FPS games THAT big of a debuff if you aren't good at them?

>> No.79070390

Based Fauna. Overlapping the biggest EN event and her new kouhais to attract the least tourists possible.

>> No.79070401

Will Cecilia raid/funnel into Gigi or her fellow green senpai?

>> No.79070407

Also she was tired because barely any sleep post-debut

>> No.79070411

one step closer to cunny collab...

>> No.79070415

Fuck, she can't turn on SCs for this? She could last time.

>> No.79070424

I just realized that she's doing that to try and filter tourists.

>> No.79070426

why do pakistan got weeb but not india

>> No.79070435

she's cute but she should interact more with chat and yap more about random stuff rather than focusing 100% on the game.

>> No.79070450

Be the bowser to her peach. make her seethe such that you will never leave her head. Break her to your will, or twist her into thinking of nothing but you. Whether in love or in hate, its 2 sides of the same coin. If she will never love you, then she will hate you.

>> No.79070455

she was really nervous yesterday

>> No.79070458

How new?

>> No.79070459


>> No.79070461

Getting that first normal stream out of the way probably relieves a lot of pressure

>> No.79070473
File: 42 KB, 1183x135, hal apex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Damn, are FPS games THAT big of a debuff if you aren't good at them?
They're that big of a debuff REGARDLESS of how good you are.
Here is Hal playing his signature game, which used to give him 10k+ on command

>> No.79070480

>play game for 1 minute
>no game to play for 3 minutes
>repeat for 2 hours

>> No.79070482
File: 1.02 MB, 871x863, Elephaunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79070491

Ceci slandered Faendal. For that she must be punished.

>> No.79070502

she said it would take her a week to get used to the chat speed at least

>> No.79070514

yeah it's fucking boring, especially if you don't have any entertaining tangents
I'm still watching though

>> No.79070522
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Tourist chads only watch brand new things

>> No.79070534
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Sometimes SC are turned off, she'll turn them on soon

>> No.79070543

Fuck no, drag Mori if you want another female for a homocollab

>> No.79070545

Stupid. She's been teasing souls arc ever since the collab. That's why she played Withering Rooms and that rage game.

>> No.79070549

It's her SECOND stream after debut

>> No.79070553

No one likes watching an fps shitter.

>> No.79070565


>> No.79070566

English is an abomination that doesn't deserve respect and should be used only as method of communication rather than a method of thought

>> No.79070571

They will play BG3 together and talk about LOTR.

>> No.79070573

I know nothing about apex, what the fuck happened to that games numbers?

>> No.79070574

5AM: ?
6AM: GG, Ina
7AM: Fauna
8AM: Biboo/Calli
9AM: Rissa/Gura
10AM: Bae/Baubau
11AM: Shiori
12AM~1PM: Irys, Kronii, moom
10PM+: Kiara

there are still empty time slots for Asia

>> No.79070582
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>> No.79070589

e-sport games are a giga debuff if you are shit at them

>> No.79070599

The only thing she did wrong was not talk shit about the other loser too. They're both worthless cucks.

>> No.79070598

>Homobeggar raid to help unicorns numbers
Our pleasure

>> No.79070602


>> No.79070635


>> No.79070640

Did you really need to crosspost just to bite bait

>> No.79070637


>> No.79070656

They can work if you go for some challenge, but only if the challenge isn't defeating bunch of utter scrubs

>> No.79070661
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>> No.79070668

i need this doll to change her streaming schedule

>> No.79070673

Today, I will remind them.

>> No.79070676

If I wanted to see someone get a negative k/d ratio and die instantly every time they respawn I could just play the games myself. Which I don't.

>> No.79070680
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It's time

>> No.79070683

No, even Mori isn't willing to do shit like that anymore. Ollie is the only one available for that shit.

>> No.79070685

she debuted at 5 am at her time and hadn't slept after that until the stream in same day at 10 pm

>> No.79070684

Anon, it's Faunaschizo. He's in global too.

>> No.79070700
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I call their names mostly based on holoschedule site

>> No.79070716

They can watch ID

>> No.79070730

>I know nothing about apex, what the fuck happened to that games numbers?
Respawn made changes to cater to the casual audience that did NOT go well with the pros, then made changes to cater to the pros that did NOT go well with the regular lobby player.
Both combined pushed APEX out of meta

>> No.79070734

FPS games in general are debuffs with there being only some rare occasions where they aren't. But they're even bigger debuffs than they normally are if you aren't good at them, since at that point there's no saving grace.

>> No.79070737

Don't worry, we'll get 40k for the Violin concert.

>> No.79070741

That's actually selenfag. Faunaschizo doesnt call them sappos, and he never uses Fauna images

>> No.79070743
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>> No.79070747

Cecilia wasn't yelling "for justice" yesterday

>> No.79070748

to when? I agree 1 or 2 hours earlier and she's golden to me

>> No.79070751

Ok, I like her now

>> No.79070776

Gigi's numbers are going to be extremely grim after the first hour.

>> No.79070787

>beggars shitting of the board about how red is beating green
>slowly bleed half of her viewers
>get mogged by green

>> No.79070806
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>> No.79070818

you mean 3 hours later

>> No.79070825

Sorry, I just got excited. I don't even like souls games, but Fauna slowly starting an arc of something is always fun.

>> No.79070840

>didn't watch the stream
She was, every time she stole something

>> No.79070856

you want her to overlap Fauna?

>> No.79070864

Never wanna hear anyone say Fauna cares about numbers after putting this one up for the same day as the Myth oneblock finale

>> No.79070868
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ame does okay with cs, even some tourists actually show up

>> No.79070890

She already read my chat when there were 8-9k viewers so I think she's getting a bit better.

>> No.79070920
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Neal i swear to god

>> No.79070924

Management wants ERB into Ceci into Gigi. That's why they're having Gigi stream at EU times this week instead of her standard time. Raora was allowed to stream when she wants as reparations for Gura's and Mumei's Italian racism.

>> No.79070932
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>> No.79070953

So she's just playing it again to complain the whole time.
I fucking hate when they do that. "omg why am I playing this?" bitch you chose to stream it I see no gun to your head.

>> No.79070956

It's certainly not a good idea to play them in your first week if you're not good at them at least

>> No.79070965


>> No.79070967
File: 180 KB, 1920x1153, 90 days chart per ririka 20240624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who missed last thread

And (also for those who missed) here is for a more esoteric one
Starting with Ririka and this is a chart that tells its own story.
Ririka disclosing that she would be participating on VCR and the subsequent "gluing unicorn horn back with ASMR" drunken tirade happened on December 9th. You can see pretty much in real time the effect of that in her numbers and this is the NINETY days chart meaning it is very hard to make the line move in any direction, it takes a lot of streams going the same direction.

Now, something that clobbered her numbers even harder seems to have been to pick Dragon Dogma and Shiren the Wanderer in March and April which clobbered her average and might have filtered whatever audience she still had left.

Her numbers are poised to improve in this ninety day chart because those debuff streams will start falling ouf of the chart while the buff ones from the Hardcore Minecraft will slowly grow in proportion but only if she finds something to float her numbers and avoid debuffing herself again from the already too low of an average.

>> No.79070977

if i want to watch Valo i rather watch Tarik, if i want to watch Apex i rather watch Imperial Hal, etc

>> No.79070982

Kinda makes more sense for European prime time.

>> No.79070989

>The Shark EN collabs are exclusive to White Girls
>Doesn't like Biboo, Bae, IRyS
And Holomonkeys said Niji has a clique problem

>> No.79071013

Nigga, no one could say that after she jumped head into a fuckhuge overlap with Witcher 3 #11

>> No.79071017
File: 1.44 MB, 3000x4125, 1710751308473819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget their ever ongoing battle with their own players over aim assist and cheaters.

>> No.79071022

>seething at scenarios in his head

>> No.79071031

Can't get better evidence than this

>> No.79071035
File: 337 KB, 949x720, 16907446773299531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're Inclining AND we're healing

>> No.79071036

Unless you're skilled and a retard like Aqua, yes.

>> No.79071041


>> No.79071047

>le shark hon hon

>> No.79071049

where's the TSKR soundpost you lazy fucks?

>> No.79071059

so true sis

>> No.79071061
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>> No.79071085

Don't worry, ERB is gonna raid Ceci. Besides even a weak funnel from her is enough to give Ceci the gold.

>> No.79071091
File: 146 KB, 1000x1000, 1718283615345972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever heard of Ride on Time you stupid nijimonkey?

>> No.79071095

What changes were those? I thought the whole class system was handled pretty well but then again I was just a noob plat player.

I thought the whole contraversy was the $300 weapon drop when ALGs got hacked + lots of recent layoffs.

>> No.79071104

Liz already said she's raiding her in like 15 minutes calm down

>> No.79071114

What about Kronii?

>> No.79071113

irys played ER today until late and raider raora

>> No.79071127
File: 327 KB, 1469x2048, IMG_6534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fauna whining all stream long

>> No.79071163

Sounds kino if its Fauna

>> No.79071180

CC is going to achieve the highest of justices!

>> No.79071181

Only Justice?
Huh, kind of a weird choice.

>> No.79071186

Gigi is absolutely going to be fucked by this overlap even worse then yesterday

>> No.79071214

Honorary white and Gura's token self hating asian lackey

>> No.79071218

their oshis are Advents (Raora - Nerissa) and Holostars (ERB), what else would you expect

>> No.79071229

You will only beat the homobeggar with the help of homoneggars

>> No.79071242
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>> No.79071246

Cece is picking fights with me

>> No.79071255

>Conveniently ignoring IRyS in Gura latest cover

>> No.79071267

High mobility?
Fun characters?
And so on

>> No.79071278

dishonoredtomos... your game keeps crashing

>> No.79071284

>literally done song and idol related collabs with Bae
>Calls her IWyS and even asked her for favors
She only hates Biboo. With Bae and IRyS it’s just timezone issues, she genuinely hates Bijou

>> No.79071285
File: 437 KB, 810x393, 123421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The gap keeps rising
Safe to say the silent majority have made up their mind about Liz then? If she doesn't course correct somehow then by next week even Gigi will be outperforming her and she will be the actual runt.

>> No.79071288
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>> No.79071308

gura knelt to Irys at Cover studio to narrate her loli god line

>> No.79071311

>American chocolate is filled with bucolyc acid
That’s just Hersey’s. No other chocolates should have it. At the very least, stick to the $2+ chocolate bars. Stick with Dove, Lindt, Ghirardelli, Ferrero Rocher, even most store branded chocolate is better quality than Hersey’s (and cheaper too).

>> No.79071329

No wonder Microsoft shut down that studio.

>> No.79071344


>> No.79071358
File: 44 KB, 640x400, 1694200425312354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will immerdolf play hearts of iron 4 and corrects the course of history?

>> No.79071357

>What changes were those?
Respawn attempted then walked back changes in the input system for Mouse and Keyboard players that were not accessible for players with controllers
>among them, and the most controversial, removing Tap Strafing
That got even Hal to declare "the age of playing with MnK is over, time to learn how to play controllers".
I'm not sure Respawn walked that back or pretended to walk back then implemented anyway but it surely got all of the serious players to start looking at alternatives.
Then Respawn absolutely fucked every single iteration of the matchmaking and rank system from that point on, making it increasingly hard for new players to get out of the lobby better than they came in because of both accidental and incidental "smurfs"

>> No.79071366
File: 2.28 MB, 1024x1362, 1708526692484531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skyrim >>> Dishonored

>> No.79071373

>Mentioned Biboo multiple times on stream
She doesn't hate her.

>> No.79071375

it might be Copilot changing focus

>> No.79071379

Not a math...

>> No.79071381

They didn't

>> No.79071383

>press alt+space
>game crashes

>> No.79071391

>I jwu to a Fauna stream
Do i have a Fauna sense like Spidey sense?

>> No.79071408

Why does kronii take so many breaks so often? it's not like she has a active RM

>> No.79071427


>> No.79071430

She's savvy enough to use a fresh steam account and clean desktop, but not use game capture in OBS, apparently.

>> No.79071439

She'll be able to ask chat for advice and help now so she probably won't whine or hate it as much. The only reason she hated the speedrun was because she had to be apart from the sappos.

>> No.79071443

its scary that i've done the same...

>> No.79071445

>Stick with Lindt
That's a no brainer. Best price / quality ratio of any brand, you can't possibly go wrong with Lindt

>> No.79071451

Daggerfall > Oblivion > Morrowind > Skyrim >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dishonored.

>> No.79071454


>> No.79071456

>alt+space crashes Dishonored
What is this Germany sorcery?

>> No.79071470
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>> No.79071490

She said she'd stream today, Bozo

>> No.79071502

Remove IRyS, she does seem to hate or at least is not comfortable with "zoomers" like Biboo and Bae

>> No.79071514


>> No.79071521
File: 41 KB, 1248x136, daily dose of grim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79071531
File: 381 KB, 587x484, 1653659288886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hack CC remotely and make her strip and masturbate on stream
thanks for the new fetish

>> No.79071538

sometimes game capture just doesn't work properly

>> No.79071546

mental and physical disabilities

>> No.79071554

>Gigi will be outperforming her and she will be the actual runt.
I think its Genuinely impossible for Gigi to not be the runt. She overlaps the main NA girls. and worst of all, she evidently is the most forgettable in the entire branch. you guys talk about red and green woman more today than you'll talk about Gigi all week

>> No.79071558

She mentioned the pebble and how Bijou literally copied it from Fortnite retard

>> No.79071570

Did she break her own record? It was 176 right?

>> No.79071571
File: 187 KB, 309x329, goon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gooning to green

>> No.79071581

They all use separate streaming accounts for steam/switch/whatever. That's why they sometimes mention playing on new save, they already had some games on private accounts.

>> No.79071585


>> No.79071590

Gura's opening up to everyone in Advent recently, I don't think she hates any of them. The only one she hasn't actually mentioned by name yet is Shiori.

>> No.79071601

>highest in subs, but lowest in CCV
effect in real time.

>> No.79071603

>power toys
Sex toys!?

>> No.79071617

Why is she playing BO3? It came out 9 years ago.

>> No.79071621

Is the recline from debut buff pretty big this time? It seems like it lasted a bit longer with Advent.

>> No.79071626

Green Kiara's accent is so fucking sex

>> No.79071628


>> No.79071644

kill yourself retard

>> No.79071648

Advent mention

>> No.79071654

KEK people earlier were predicting anything from 10 to 20k for Valo's stream. You really underestimate just how much of a turbo shit debuff this crap is. And wait until she starts playing this crap with a bunch of 3view flippirinos.

>> No.79071657
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>black ops 3

>> No.79071658

I like lindt but sometimes you want a candy bar stuffed with peanut butter or caramel or coconut or whatever.

>> No.79071660

Believe in the new car smell buff

>> No.79071662

And also talked about Biboo during the Dark Souls Race.

>> No.79071665

Timeslot you fucking retard

>> No.79071668

toldya fucking washed

>> No.79071667

EU giga debuff during week days

>> No.79071669

Just opened Ceciliia's stream, and oh my god is the game ugly. How did people stomach this kind of graphics in 2002, being gamer must've been really hard in the past.

>> No.79071684

She saw IRyS get numbers with 2 and tries the same? Lmao ing at NijiEn shitters

>> No.79071695
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>> No.79071704

The only thing she likes more is Astarion boysweat and actual babies.

>> No.79071706

All of justice will be 4 views by the weekend

>> No.79071709
File: 427 KB, 985x509, 1698029798047099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's a retard if she plays this shit again

>> No.79071719

its still has the best zombies

>> No.79071728

>t. Kiara

>> No.79071732

Why does it feel like it gets lower and lower every time?

>> No.79071738

Keep crying

>> No.79071744

But that can't be right. It would mean EU isn't watching streams.

>> No.79071752

i don't have a doll fetish
but this green women gives me boners

>> No.79071759

don't forget aerith

>> No.79071772

germans and beer right

>> No.79071778

>sometimes you want a candy bar stuffed with peanut butter or caramel or coconut or whatever.
Then Ferrero Rocher (and others from the same maker) is a good suggestion indeed, but the price / quality is not as advantageous

>> No.79071785

Apparently she turns them off every stream but that could have been some cope

>> No.79071791

What are you talking about? 2015 was only 3 years ago.

>> No.79071798

Ame's pretty decent at CS, right? How's Liz in valo?

>> No.79071801

What are the odds she just ragequits the company like 6 months in?

>> No.79071807

Dude that is far better than anything in 2002.
The lowest you could go is maybe 2007 with stuff like Bioshock.

>> No.79071811

If she had a blue triangle next to her name all you faggots would be defending her none stop

>> No.79071815

People were calling Bijou the runt for all the same reasons during the first week. Being a consistent entertainer that streams a lot beats out any early impression. Literally all Gigi has to do is stay out of trouble and stream games people are interested in and she can at least avoid being last place.

>> No.79071813

I might actually love Ceci

>> No.79071822

I think it looks fine for a Dreamcast-PS2 era game

>> No.79071824

it's her favorite game anon

>> No.79071832

Cover wanted another gura, instead they got the antigura

>> No.79071843

my verdict is CC is "fine"

>> No.79071845

Green Mumei

>> No.79071847

yes that is the prevailing consensus here

>> No.79071851

People said that shooters are a debuff but advent apex was top tier kino

>> No.79071853

Wait, I saw it dive and I thought the stream was ending. Is she really still going?

>> No.79071856

>i don't have a doll fetish

>> No.79071866

holy fuck that bleed

>> No.79071875
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>> No.79071877


>> No.79071881

Oh that's a big one since the only way you could even go against the havoc/controller spam these days is by breaking LOS with a walljump or lurching but theres no way to do that without tapstrafing.

You don't just change something fundamental like that so many years down the road... that's like removing wavedashing in Melee and forcing classic mode while the other has Modern controls from street fighter.

As far as ranked matchmaking is concerned, I honestly don't know what would be a better solution since every game plat+ is 3stacksville as is. You can't exactly force premades together a-la league because of lower player population/more players per server.

>> No.79071880

Raora is for my dick, Cecilia is for my heart

>> No.79071891

Graphicsharts will eat up any old slop as long as it looks like a movie huh
It looks fine

>> No.79071892

window capture is a lot more common on twitch so you can pull up random shit whenever

>> No.79071899
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>> No.79071901

I literally don't know when it got this bad that Fauna can't even put up a reservation without it just being negative posts in global. It's really fucked up when even this thread is more amicable towards her.

>> No.79071914

3 months until Oktoberfest

>> No.79071919

Well, true but she would also be loved, have an audience in the four digits at least and she would definitely pay back IN ADVANCE for all the love she would be receiving.
This loving environment is one of the greatest motivators for smart girls that know they lucked out and pulled the golden ticket

>> No.79071920

>this is what reaching out to da boyz gets you

>> No.79071923

Still mogged Octavio’s sex doll in peak ccv :)

>> No.79071929

Believe in the new shiny pack of cards buff

>> No.79071931

is she getting Nealed or is this her cap?

>> No.79071937
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>> No.79071956

Nah, Gigi's going to end up like Shiori. Had a scuffed first week and probably fall to Shiori's numbers when she tries to swap her timeslot to a later one after these two weeks is over.

>> No.79071957
File: 229 KB, 775x236, mythGODS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

settling for their Twitch and Homoslops, pretending everything's okay LMAO
MIA, japan hort KEK
who? Irrelevant shitters

Meanwhile, myth is still carrying the entire branch LMAO

>> No.79071967

>in my hymen
cecil is virgin confirm?

>> No.79071969
File: 2.30 MB, 1280x720, WDSDIB [sound=https%3A%2F%2ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fzfhuou.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no views
>no memberships
>no supas

>> No.79071970

ERB proves that's false

>> No.79071982

saplings in /uuu/ have remarked at this thread being a more positive thread for Fauna posts than global, its not new

>> No.79071990

Yes if the situation was completely different the reaction would be completely different, great deduction Sherlock

>> No.79071992

Anon i think it's unironically one of her favorite games and she specifically set a goal for it in debut
She's gonna be playing a lot
Though, after a month, it'll probably be in collabs with homos

>> No.79072002

thanks to ERB we have homo wars 24/7 now

>> No.79072015
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>> No.79072024

That's really sad.

>> No.79072022

i am not feeling the justice bros

>> No.79072026

just graduate kiara already we evidently have a suitable replacement now

>> No.79072027

There's 10,000 girls that people would like *if* they were in Hololive. But they aren't. So tough shit, eh? Keep applying.

>> No.79072028

Global is Myth and anti central, they never liked Fauna there. Bunch of gays scared of purely feminine women.

>> No.79072039

Drinking and driving with Cecil during eurotruck sim sounds fun

>> No.79072043 [DELETED] 
File: 323 KB, 814x898, Chumkeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep eating your slop holopiggie

>> No.79072046

It's Fauna and Myth 1 block finale and CC is still streaming she's fucked and no amount of cope from me will change that

>> No.79072054


>> No.79072074

They still make more money than HoloID

>> No.79072101
File: 246 KB, 720x720, 1683919573514294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accelerating the closing of the branch, thanks Liz

>> No.79072105

>even this thread
You mean /uuu2/?

>> No.79072109

Selenfag managed to psyop people into hating a holo

>> No.79072123


>> No.79072125
File: 458 KB, 540x813, image_2024-06-24_162246199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You always try to sell this bullshit and if anyone actually looks at global it's at most one schizo screaming into the void (you probably) or nothing at all.

>> No.79072124

she has hairy gorilla arms
T. knew her in 6th grade

>> No.79072128

Damn her model look like a paladin skin, new irys goblina?

>> No.79072141

no because that'd make nerissa sad which would make my bau baus sad

>> No.79072153

Faunaschizo's posts are never deleted in global

>> No.79072169

Did you think an EU audience would just magically materialize? They need to win people over, just like Myth did for NA.

>> No.79072189

Unironically, # is the most supportive of Fauna when uuu is on downtime when she's not streaming

>> No.79072196

Not him, but that one guy spamming all the blacked posts and samefagging got pretty annoying. Especially with mods never doing shit about it.

>> No.79072202

Enlighten me then, mention three girls that I should be watching instead, their strong suits and one or two streams I should DEFINITELY watch to get acquainted

>> No.79072208


>> No.79072214

just flood them with lewds instead of letting them unchallenged

>> No.79072212

Would she flirt with males like she does in Niji?

>> No.79072217

Aren’t they making a Blade game?

>> No.79072219

Kek it do be like that

>> No.79072224

Why do you think numbers is filled with saplings? They fit right in with dramafaggots and schizos.

>> No.79072229

Maybe it's time for you to just admit that fauna is a low tier chuuba

>> No.79072231

80% of them don't

>> No.79072242

hello my fellow myth/advent antis, who are we shitting on today?

>> No.79072269


>> No.79072294

I knew she took a hit from that drunk stream, but I didn't realise it was that serious

>> No.79072300

How the fuck is she lower than Aster of all people?

>> No.79072301
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>> No.79072314

Only because of Fuwawa.

>> No.79072319

The red whore

>> No.79072323

ERB is based for catching all the schizos the other 3 would get

>> No.79072327
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Why are krauts like this?

>> No.79072332
File: 123 KB, 960x1200, gura ayame base.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you lost? You stepped on Gura's realm!

>> No.79072336

They're green!
They're playing beloved games from the early 2010s!
They love ASMR!

>> No.79072339

Italy is losing

>> No.79072340

>two Justice streams today that failed to hit 15k
Feeling extra GRIM lads

>> No.79072343

replace Gura with Doki/Mint and it'd be 100% accurate no matter if you're a nijifag or a holofag

>> No.79072352

>open to doing ASMR
GFE we won

>> No.79072364
File: 230 KB, 571x640, 30241364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASMR bros we're in

>> No.79072371

It's you, it's YOU, IT'S YOUUUUU

>> No.79072393

seethe, sister

>> No.79072394

>Ceci might do ASMR
gfe bros... we are winning

>> No.79072402

>literally what nijifags do to cope about liking nijisanji
>n-n-no u
fucking kek, you guys really are faggots.

>> No.79072405

Now that's what you call generating hype

>> No.79072412

nearly every time someone tries this thread shit, it's one shitposter most of the time ignored

>> No.79072433

Thank you for traumatising Fauna so much that she turned into who she is now

>> No.79072439
File: 251 KB, 1920x1080, junko laughing cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not even beginner level GRIM, learn frm the master! >>79071521, >>79071695

>> No.79072440

It's weird that ERB keeps bleeding but she's not gaining, but I'm biased

>> No.79072441

>cecilia ASMR

It has never been more over for Fauna

>> No.79072447

globalchad here. It's because we got tired of you faggots numberfagging Fauna too much like she's Gura or something when even Bae (who you faggots call ''runt'') will beat her to 1m subs. Saplings need to calm down, at least chumbuds and Gura have actual achievements to slap everyone around, you can't say the same to your fanbase and your oshi

>> No.79072451

Will you forgive ERB if she does ASMR after every homocollab?

>> No.79072468

Global is a shithole filled with homobeggar troons and the same couple retarded schizo who have been samefagging on cooldown for years with retards still repling to them and even falling for the bait. You know why /#/ is better? Because I can at least call the sisters out and tell them to fuck off. If I do that on /hlgg/ I get a ban.

>> No.79072472

The "leader" failed without overlap. If she ends now green would hit it.

>> No.79072475
File: 94 KB, 356x399, 1708554402361049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HLGG is genOners general.

>> No.79072484

Ceci is a schizo...

>> No.79072495

>doll asmr

>> No.79072500

lmao dodging the overlap

>> No.79072527

Faunaschizo, you don't need to pretend to be someone else. Among other things, your syntax betrays you

>> No.79072546 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.79072548
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This is your oshi dollfuckers?

>> No.79072583
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>> No.79072589

No, I would not forgive ERB if she decided to be a Lyrica instead of an Ollie.

>> No.79072592

anything for the numberrock

>> No.79072594

Has she been mentioning da boiz on stream? She needs to rave and talk about them constantly if she wants to keep her audience. If she isn’t praising da boiz every 5-10 minutes, people are gonna start getting mad.

>> No.79072597

Grim. This is her fucking debute week

>> No.79072602

kys doxfags

>> No.79072604
File: 265 KB, 933x535, 1715623795589779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK Cecil, sounds relax this stream.

>> No.79072605

Now i just need raora ASMR and ill die a happy man

>> No.79072612

>when even Bae (who you faggots call ''runt'') will beat her to 1m subs

>> No.79072618

Was Erb defeated?

>> No.79072623

She shouldn't stream at all unless her throat magically got all healed since yesterday. She is risking it.

>> No.79072626

is cute and funny, literally watch any stream. Even Kiara likes her
is GFE queen. If you want that shit she is the best and mogs holos completely. Literally just tune into a stream and you’ll fall In love if you’re gosling fag
Actuall cool and funny. If you like Stacy vibes she mogs Kiara at everything. Her cam streams are actually fun since she dont have to cover everything like holoslop

>> No.79072628

That's what happens when you have no skill at the game and no common sense to end stream while you're ahead. All she has to do is just stream 1 hour and then forward her audience to the next genmate for everyone to succeed but she's too much of an idiot bong to even understand that.

>> No.79072635
File: 1.95 MB, 2079x3696, 1719157075085946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fauna ASMR but more growling and insults
Muh dick

>> No.79072649

Anon, that's "Cecelia".

>> No.79072651

fuck your numbers
this is now a ceci thread

>> No.79072666

I'm watching ERB due to drama-induced curiosity and she's fucking boring can't play and tangent at the same time making FPS slop extra boring, low energy, not witty at all and to make it even better she planned to stream for just 2 hours which might be her limit atm combine with streaming in debuff timezone and I've never seen someone so DOA in hololive the moment she cuts karaokes to save vocal cords or whatever we might have first EN member pulling ID numbers and on the lower end of that branch I'm talking 1K without raids.

>> No.79072673

That's Cecelia not Cecilia

>> No.79072682

>will have her frame up sooner
Good girl

>> No.79072685

>low 3views
Is her voice worse than enna?

>> No.79072684
File: 15 KB, 708x143, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 minutes within a distance of 100 away from 14K
Fuck you Neal

>> No.79072688

low attention span beggars has already gone back to xitter
even a small funnel from esrb should do it

>> No.79072698
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>> No.79072707

CC apologizing for the late waiting room

>> No.79072709
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>> No.79072716

now she just need to not stream screen

>> No.79072725

>thinking it’s neal

>> No.79072727

Don't you guys get tired of falling for some guy claiming /hlgg/ is doing something you hate and his source is the average schizo post, of which you have hundreds per /#/ thread that could be used as proof /#/ "hates" something they don't?

>> No.79072739

ok but who asked, satan

>> No.79072742


>> No.79072744

She is /here/

>> No.79072750

>purring ASMR
I'll actually gachi

>> No.79072755

t. unironic Vox watcher

>> No.79072759
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>> No.79072760

it's ALWAYS neal

>> No.79072762


>> No.79072764

It is pretty funny how mindbroken you are to mention kiara 2 times in a post that has nothing to do with her

>> No.79072771

damn my prediction was spot on!

>> No.79072808

and yet if you even dared mention anything negative about mori her pocket janny gives you a vacation.

>> No.79072813

Wow why you talking about Irys like that

>> No.79072819

I don't believe anything anyone says unless they have the receipts

>> No.79072817

Being a Fromfag makes you a numberfag by default.

>> No.79072824

I like her giggles, not Fauna tier, but very delectable

>> No.79072836
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holy nijiseethe

>> No.79072839
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>> No.79072851

Part of why she gets shit on so much over there is exactly because she's known as /#/'s oshi

>> No.79072853

>If you like Stacy vibes
Psst, anon. No one watching vtubers likes "stacy vibes", that's just a cope for Kiara being a bit of a tactless bird so they try to rephrase it as being a top tier woman trait.
Not even chads like stacies, they just plow hot bitches.

>> No.79072861

Are you incapable of praising a girl without making a derisive comment about a Holo?
Also, I should have made a restriction: if I wanted to watch fleshstreamers there is no shortage to choose from (including on Onlyfans) meaning this giri chick is right out

>> No.79072872
File: 85 KB, 2421x293, 1719249938261706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subs as metric get more and more worthless by the day.

>> No.79072878

>Her cam streams are actually fun since she dont have to cover everything like holoslop
Do you even like vtubing anon?

>> No.79072885

Cecilia is a little hellion.

>> No.79072884

Where do we see Ceci in a month?

>> No.79072887

i'm in global everytime EN stream and this shit never happened other than one schizo posting on cooldown

>> No.79072894

That's Gura though.

>> No.79072895

I didn't believe him, I just wanted to say this place loves Fauna.

>> No.79072898

Gathering support while under overlap is more difficult, but it also helps develop a better core. Making sure that the ones who are watching you are the ones who really want to, as long as the content is good.

>> No.79072907

i don't need a second Fauna since we got Fauna, but she's a good addition, love her giggles

>> No.79072918

>saviourfag instincts kicking in
thanks man, I was struggling to get into her but this might be enough

>> No.79072928

on Youtube

>> No.79072938

he was probably the one making those posts in the first place

>> No.79072941

you will never have a woman GAWK over your cock

>> No.79072942

Anon I am pretty sure a mod is actually one of the schizos because if you report the spam you get 3day ban.
Global is not complete shit just like # isn't but you need to have a mental filter for spamming and schizophrenia there

>> No.79072948
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>> No.79072960
File: 2.20 MB, 1280x720, mesugaki[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fldellh.mp3].webm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79072972
File: 243 KB, 1588x1600, holo christofascism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79072970

>n-no you see people only like the most popular EN vtuber since day 1, before NijiEN was even a thing, to own niji
who even bothered with this dogshit meme? not even holoans will save it

>> No.79072996

CC cute

>> No.79072997

An important starter of the Cece->Ina/Fauna->Gura/Biboo->Mumei/IRyS pipeline

>> No.79072998

Cute sleep noises

>> No.79073001


>> No.79073011

In church on our wedding

>> No.79073015

i was right
she is immertarded

>> No.79073017
File: 354 KB, 1187x888, 1719039825764559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Gura's 3D Live, it's really good.

>> No.79073020
File: 488 KB, 1000x1000, 1698069410170631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe you disingenuous faggot. Every time I read posts about "numberfagging Fauna" it's literally retards setting it up to shit up the thread. Every single time they fall for that shit because it cycles conveniently to the same samefagging shit that Faunaschizo does

>> No.79073028
File: 87 KB, 458x680, GQ1CKYGboAE9v5N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are gonna watch Gigi today right?
please...at least give her your waiting room view for Fauna/myth

>> No.79073037


>> No.79073047

I preferred this outsider

>> No.79073051

>Subs as metric get more and more worthless by the day
this is what saplings say to themselves every minute just to ease the pain kek

>> No.79073055

she's shiori but german and not cocksucking every other minute because she's sucking mine every minute

>> No.79073065

Neither will the Niji faggot once their audience sees what they really look like. (See notMysta)

>> No.79073087

There's no one to raid her, late running JPs arent going to do it

>> No.79073095

I'll watch her if the green woman raids her.

>> No.79073100

ERB news: she's ending at 2PM and will raid GG

>> No.79073103
File: 100 KB, 462x551, 1714932653234825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hold the FUCK up. You mean to tell me that my wife loves ME and ME ALONE!?!? And that I'm the ONLY MAN she's ever TOUCHED?!?! A-And that my sweet daughter is ACTUALLY my REAL daughter?!?!?!??! You're telling me that all of my KEK fantasies were just that? FANTASIES?!?! And that I'm thoroughly MENTALLY FUCKED and DELUSIONAL!?!?? A-and I've been in the asylum for THIRTY FUCKING YEARS!?!? What's that? You used the ASMR to FIX ME?!?!? NOOOO NO! NO! NO NO!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Please!!! I don't want to be NORMAL!!! TURN ME BACK!!!

>> No.79073107

It's always been worthless until it gets weaponized by someone like faunaschizo there

>> No.79073110

there isn't any "we" or "this place" retards

>> No.79073125

sadly many schizos are in global for hours everyday they are not hard to recognize I don't know how it got so bad

>> No.79073128
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>> No.79073130

Isn't she streaming like in 20 minutes?

>> No.79073143

They're genmates, she's obviously going to raid her.

>> No.79073146

we love hololive here

>> No.79073153

good taste

>> No.79073154

I will put her PiP

>> No.79073175

would unironically be based. Gigi deserves it

>> No.79073180
File: 103 KB, 479x645, 1711197553834728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79073181

we love hololive everywhere that matters

>> No.79073184

Sure I can picture in picture her stream.

>> No.79073195

Unless CC ends before 1block it's not happening, sorry

>> No.79073198

No she doesn't.

>> No.79073223

Also, I obviously have. Why would a holochad be unpopular with women?

>> No.79073230

Red whore is enemy #1

>> No.79073243

She should move to garbage collection duty with IRyS because it's stupid to contest against Fauna

>> No.79073254
File: 984 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 01_34_58 ], take=[ 2024-06-24 22.35.21 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A message to menhera lovers

>> No.79073255

She could not be saved

>> No.79073258 [SPOILER] 
File: 556 KB, 816x997, 1714016507308204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79073282


>> No.79073284


>> No.79073286
File: 137 KB, 314x212, 1713641173454339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cecil has the same Kiara accent but with les swearing and no Chicken voice. I love it

>> No.79073289

I watched her after I got raided from Cece, she was pretty cute but I probably not gonna pick her over a lot of other girls I like.

>> No.79073300

I love my dolly.

>> No.79073303

lack of self awareness = 100000
saying this shit in the holoan general who has been repeatably antiing holos is baffling to say the least
this guy saw one faunaschizo and lost his mind imagine him being a kfp on global

>> No.79073314
File: 108 KB, 1380x1680, GQ2d56naoAAXjb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's honestly impressive that Nijisisters still have the capacity to shittalk and act superior despite NijiEN being the laughing stock of the industry.

>> No.79073321

>The only way Gigi's going to get a good average is through raids

>> No.79073324

a bit above average. she is forever rusty tho.
i don't watch valo

>> No.79073332

Fauna had to start from somewhere, it can be replicated.

>> No.79073340

ERB news: she's making a lot of Hololive references this stream and has only made one homo reference

>> No.79073344

>got kicked out of global because of too much numberfagging
>surprise surprise! /#/ becomes /uuu2/
>i-i-its the Faunaschizo samefagging!

>> No.79073372

The manliest way to say this phrase is in this context.

>> No.79073381

>one homo reference
that's still 1 too many

>> No.79073383
File: 250 KB, 1480x1200, 171009045634893224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79073391

timestamp and/or soundpost, I don't believe it after the shit she's been doing

>> No.79073397

Do we have German in this thread?

>> No.79073399
File: 390 KB, 854x1260, 17920293847414677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79073396

Retard is going to fuck up her throat before her 3D debut.

>> No.79073403

>still no fanart of Cecilia wearing a kino steampunk Nazi uniform

>> No.79073410

I watched some of her last stream and then finished the vod when i woke up, I'll do the same today

>> No.79073424

Will Gigi be able to hold onto this raid too?

>> No.79073433
File: 178 KB, 512x512, 1711405088788598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is dishonored good?

>> No.79073437

Speaking of /hlgg/, isn't it weird that it's only Holo threads like that, /#/ and splits like /baubau/ that have to deal with constant trooncord raids and samefagging schizos?
You can go to /MANS/ or even fucking /NijiEN/ and you won't find the retarded amount of raids Holo threads get. Which is weird considering the narrative that unicorns are schizo incels and considering how unpopular those two groups are. But no the cute girl who does nothing wrong and just stays in her bubble gets the schizos while the proved groomers and bullies who almost pushed someone into commiting sudoku get nothing.

>> No.79073448

>and has only made one homo reference
>only made one homo reference
>only made one
Amazing how CC, Gigi and Roroa dont have this problem

>> No.79073455

How bad is she?

>> No.79073457

kys homobegging faggot

>> No.79073471

no wonder viewers are leaving, how do you start drama with that? talk about the homo some more red bitch.

>> No.79073475

Global at the start of this year fixed a lot of the issues with samefagging and antis. I think the mod that managed to fix that shit was fired some months ago because it returned to his previous cesspool state.

>> No.79073488

I dont think its worthless for everyone, but for kobo it certainly is.

>> No.79073498

> Austrian/German has to be a Nazi joke.
Is this your first time on the internet from middle school?

>> No.79073510

Meanwhile ERB

>> No.79073515

I had a ton of fun playing it when it came out. It's pretty unique

>> No.79073514

no. we are all pinoy itt

>> No.79073519

I remember loving the game when launched.

>> No.79073530

yes, it's the last good stealth-focused game ever made
no, Dishonored 2 isn't good

>> No.79073533

It just seems like you're eating shit because you're a hipster who hates Hololive.

>> No.79073535

You don't see as much shit stirring in there because they now have a new target

>> No.79073537
File: 712 KB, 1312x497, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youtube just switched me over to a really shitty GUI update where you have to close chat to access the like button and description. This will probably lower engagement on livestreams if it rolls out since it took me a minute to figure out where the like button went.

>> No.79073554

When it came out is was kinda good

>> No.79073560

>Liz still bleeding
>Cece still not gaining
what time is it in Europe? I assume people are just logging off?

>> No.79073564

>has only made one homo reference
And how exactly would you know that...?

>> No.79073562


>> No.79073575

Drama tourist buff...

>> No.79073584

so true sister

>> No.79073597

kys seriously. Keep seething about saplings fucking you everyday

>> No.79073602

Yeah but the talk is all drama. 4chan drama doesn't = views, anon
Green is dramafags and their beef with shondo
Red is unicorns and their beef with the existence of /men/.
Gigi is not drama-inducing to anyone but twitter antis that get upset by loli-types.

>> No.79073621

How long until Kobo beats out Ollie as queen of dead subs for her CCV ratio?

>> No.79073625

Hololive fans are busy watching streams

>> No.79073630

>You can go to /MANS/ or even fucking /NijiEN/ and you won't find the retarded amount of raids Holo threads get
there's your answer

>> No.79073634
File: 624 KB, 1756x988, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About the same.

>> No.79073637

ewww wtf neal

>> No.79073640

ERB news: she doesn't want kohais and hopes Justice is the last Hololive/Holostars gen

>> No.79073641


>> No.79073649

homo aren't holo faggot

>> No.79073664

still not watching

>> No.79073672

the price for being THE MOST

>> No.79073678
File: 126 KB, 720x1073, 1712478692009467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ennacuck or another regular schizo

>> No.79073692

10:40PM, this is what I going to dub as "The Great Churn" going forward, it's when Euros go to bed and NA replace the EU viewers

>> No.79073696

use theater mode

>> No.79073697

almost 11pm

>> No.79073699

When in doubt always blame cull.

>> No.79073703

Great stealth game, but also can be cool combatwise.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/gCC4MuDowhA?si=YxFhZAzmA2rF_Ed6" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

>> No.79073704

Success breeds jealousy

>> No.79073719

this is what happens when you let homos and sisters design your UI

>> No.79073740

Thing is Biboo went down a bit but once she got some legit "gamer cred" she started going back up again. Honestly really well done by her for finding a niche.

>> No.79073741

almost 11pm on a monday night

>> No.79073755

Isn't it also funny how those threads biggest gripes happens to be hololive?

>> No.79073756
File: 109 KB, 552x500, 1691778767817510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mention hololive
>CCV crashed
>sing Homo
She should mention homo more

>> No.79073762
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>> No.79073770
File: 494 KB, 460x706, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just like the uniforms, why are you so butthurt KRAUT?

>> No.79073780

EU don't watch stream. they only like drama like every 3rd world does

>> No.79073783


>> No.79073788


>> No.79073789

>Keep seething about saplings fucking you everyday
your kind was the one seething because every Fauna frame was getting negative (you)s at global LMAO >>79071901

I'm just stating the reasons why KEK

>> No.79073801
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>> No.79073811

this image doesn't tell the full story, this was during giga overlap which includes Gura

>> No.79073812

How is she going to balance out the debuff? What could she do? Spam shorts and prerecorded videos? She doesnt do ASMR like the other girls do when they homocollab

>> No.79073822

Getting a bit late, but not too late. This being a test stream for viewers means some will leave once they decide they aren't interested in the streamer in the end.

>> No.79073828

ceci is so natty...

>> No.79073831

You're arguing with Selenfag

>> No.79073837

So, she's going to graduate/get fired before the next gen debuts?

>> No.79073847

Nice English, brownskin

>> No.79073855
File: 196 KB, 1236x281, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red Queen still reigns

>> No.79073875

Because she's correct

>> No.79073878

Fuck me

>> No.79073879

>Green is dramafags and their beef with shondo
How did you come up with this cope

>> No.79073881
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>> No.79073884
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>> No.79073889

is this the hacker known as 4chan?

>> No.79073902

no one is watching her, so you can just lie about what she said. For example she just called the guy that killed her a fag

>> No.79073904

Advanced /live/

>> No.79073912

>trying to embed dolphin porn in YT link

>> No.79073913

The rats!

>> No.79073926

Wait does this mean that due to the raid Gigi is gonna pass green woman again?

>> No.79073940
File: 34 KB, 227x222, 1709393092941138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79073944
File: 173 KB, 839x608, 1694694225185467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and yet you come here because you miss sapling cock so much. Just bend over and beg for it next time

>> No.79073946

Gigi really pulled the short straw with the timeslot

>> No.79073958

>14K with 0% overlap vs 14K with overlap

>> No.79073964

I don't believe you because what a weird thing to say

>> No.79073967
File: 58 KB, 218x233, 1694311321161766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79073976
File: 37 KB, 468x294, 1719260909972023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79073982


>> No.79073989

This did not only grab my IP it also charged me 5000 ARS

>> No.79073996


>> No.79074011


>> No.79074017
File: 3.47 MB, 842x554, rawr [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdnmjvo.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79074028

numberwise is it over for justice?

>> No.79074045

She did say she might change it

>> No.79074048

who's sexier?
Tokyo Soda
Tokyo Tower

>> No.79074049

I am watching her
OK I was joking about the last gen thing but she really did say she doesn't want kohais

>> No.79074064


>> No.79074074
File: 362 KB, 1463x2048, GQkkOJhakAAc2qM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets the highest CCV on the second stream playing giga debuff
what went right?

>> No.79074078


>> No.79074084

>and yet you come here because you miss sapling cock so much
no, I'm actually more frequent here than global. But hearing your kind crying because ''muh negative reception'' is always hilarious when you've done it to yourselves LMAO

>> No.79074093

Maybe they're a low ceiling high floor gen

>> No.79074098

>passed out
Must been wild one

>> No.79074100

I hate it...

>> No.79074103

I'd pay to watch Diamond Dogs sex streams

>> No.79074118

best girl

>> No.79074124
File: 1.24 MB, 1264x1005, 1664290619524625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79074131

Still a weird thing to say

>> No.79074133

The western man desires hags

>> No.79074140
File: 2.12 MB, 2011x2400, 1714514409283072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you are not pink

>> No.79074146

>in the best timezone (EU + JP)
That's what went right

>> No.79074150

I'm going to watch her but I wish that they all started a like an hour or two earlier. There's that gap after Pink cat which could've been filled and avoided overlap for Gigi/C.C. Especially since it's hard to say no to a Fauna stream

>> No.79074153

which timeslot? laste PST?

>> No.79074162
File: 1.12 MB, 1648x3048, 1692550594563295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come here anon

>> No.79074163

Sorry anonchama, verbing nouns and nouning verbs is 100% normal in English.

>> No.79074172

It's impressive CC has sat at a rock solid 14k for this long honestly

>> No.79074176

I'm loving her streams so far

>> No.79074179

She's not gonna get what she wants. There's always going to be more gens, even if it's after a long break.

>> No.79074191

Fauna already have 1k waiting room. Definitely a buff.

>> No.79074193


>> No.79074194

wtf is it

>> No.79074201

Number wise, Ceci's the only one who's going to survive, she has literally the best timeslot.
Oh and Pink Panther, too. They'll both do great.

>> No.79074203


>> No.79074205

Meanwhile ERB bled like a stuck pig

>> No.79074212

oh no she's muting now

>> No.79074219

CC is re-winding (pissing)

>> No.79074221


>> No.79074225

Shitty timezone turned out to be an okay timezone.

>> No.79074232

Cecilia is pissing
Green women have small bladders

>> No.79074233


>> No.79074240

>CC forgot to mute last time
Sound anons??

>> No.79074256
File: 188 KB, 1008x1136, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79074258

Ola muchachos

>> No.79074263


>> No.79074267

Literally got a fat raid by Irys so fuck off

>> No.79074269

It's kinda weird how they use the cancelled stream as a denominator

>> No.79074276


>> No.79074289

hope you can live without those 5 dollars and 50 cents, anon

>> No.79074294

CGDCT. Her only downside is she has a Twitch slop friend circle. You can't complain anymore than that.

>> No.79074298

Her piss probably tastes terrible
Like motor oil or something

>> No.79074302

I'm afraid I'll be asleep for it but I'll be sure to watch the vod.

>> No.79074306

whatever keeps you sleep at night sis

>> No.79074307

Nothing happened, sadly.

>> No.79074312

We got none so sorry no pissing sounds

>> No.79074309

It's sad how one of the two Justice that are streaming EU hours is worthless

>> No.79074315
File: 151 KB, 1680x1380, 1692915713154271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79074318

I prefer this over the more accurate full bush

>> No.79074337

3povs ouh

>> No.79074338

I don't think she said exactly what timeslot probably waiting to see what a good one would be

>> No.79074348

Now that's a green woman graph.

>> No.79074349

fuck off homobeggar

>> No.79074360

SeaGOD tourism

>> No.79074378

Oh apparently that one EU expo in France invited Justice. I remember they reject Hololive last year

>> No.79074379

That would explain why she’s dropping users. She isn’t flattering the homos enough.

>> No.79074391

She's a hag? I know the red one is since /hag/ discussed it and seemed to reject her, but I didn't know pink was.

>> No.79074404

Stable destination automaton

>> No.79074405

I actually think ERB is supposed to start a bit earlier instead of this close so she always overlap someone

>> No.79074435

CC graph is just as flat as her chest

>> No.79074444

you are obsessed anon, seek help

>> No.79074452

>only 800 waiting for Kiara
holy fucking grim man, why won't Gura just post a POV so we mythchads don't have to eat constant mockery for these pathetic collab numbers

>> No.79074460
File: 298 KB, 360x337, 1705369362573707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that toxin tractor is an obscure reference

>> No.79074470

It tastes great too guys. She's a keeper.

>> No.79074491

If she holds the raid it counts cope nigga

>> No.79074501

Are there any euros that can comment on the new girls? I'm fortunate enough to be able to listen to them at work but I'm curious if they actually are filling a need or it's simply just people in NA that have flexible environments.

>> No.79074502

Friend circle doesn't matter if she doesn't collab with or allow them to influence her. Even if she collabs with them a little so long as it's not too much most people won't actually mind.

>> No.79074514
File: 741 KB, 220x124, 1693387394048.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bend over sis

>> No.79074529

What a fucking dork

>> No.79074543

>actually winding herself

>> No.79074546

>she actually has something to wind up

>> No.79074550

Oh my God the winding sound is so cute

>> No.79074552

>why won't Gura just post a POV so we mythchads
kiara would go ballistic since this stream was her idea

>> No.79074561

Japs love Italians, who'd have thought?

>> No.79074578

That’s what tea does to ya.

>> No.79074585

>wind up sound

>> No.79074610

>Walks her L2D offscreen when she leaves
>Winding sfx
She's great

>> No.79074627

I like them a lot, Roara is great for someone to listen to while working or eating dinner while Cecillia fills that super dead slot when Kiara isn't around.

>> No.79074632

where it's from, seems familiar to me but i dont remember

>> No.79074636

RR while I'm at work and CC while waiting for Fauna instead of random YouTube videos, so it's ok for now? CC seems to have similar tastes to Fauna so she's a good waiting room.

>> No.79074648

Oh this was what an actually indian irystocrat was freaking out about earlier

>> No.79074667

>Her only downside is she has a Twitch slop friend circle
it'll be gone once she meets other girls in japan and being truly incorporated into the garden

>> No.79074669

We had a foursome

>> No.79074685
File: 1.93 MB, 2028x1133, 1719181831881359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goes both ways bitches.

>> No.79074702

>faunaschizos in /ggg/

>> No.79074734

We're going to get a lot of green into green raids in the future when they branch out to raiding beyond just their genmates, aren't we? Man I can get used to this pipeline. CC is seriously cute, improvement over yesterday already.

>> No.79074735
File: 10 KB, 325x325, 1696997771045789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already mastering stable destination art, impressive

>> No.79074738
File: 71 KB, 680x680, Philipino Chattino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically. Asia is HoloENs 2nd biggest audience after NA, and a big chunck of that is SEA. no en ever stream at that timeslot for prime time, and when they do, its always a JP only stream, which alienates EN speakers in Austraila, SEA, Korea, etc. Raora is basically scooping up that entire audeince+JP tourists+ EU viewers with open afternoons


>> No.79074742

RR timezone is not that bad for me. I can tune it after work.
CC and GG before sleeping.
It's nice maybe I would move one between CC or GG one or two hours before CC stream time.

>> No.79074743

GG starts in 8, how much do you think red will bleed from this one?

>> No.79074744

just accept it saplings and be proud
>got kicked out of global because of too much numberfagging
>surprise surprise! /#/ becomes /uuu2/
who cares about global anyways? LMAO

>> No.79074746

yeah, with me

>> No.79074748

Realistically it's only Liz and CC that stream in EU time. I like CC

>> No.79074749
File: 124 KB, 755x222, 1711562810778711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79074754
File: 513 KB, 616x353, 1712790859333729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

command and conquer generals

>> No.79074752

Skyrim is a debuff

>> No.79074757

Command and Conquer generals, the non descript sand terrorist faction

>> No.79074759


>> No.79074771

retarded tourist doesn't know what overlap is kek

>> No.79074775

Would you be willing to let your oshi use your mouth as urinal?
As in actually, no jokes
I know I would

>> No.79074773

CC hit a new peak after pissing

>> No.79074774

Raora streams during work hours, no idea.
ERB, not gonna bother.
CC cute, but less of a Fauna clone than expected. Maybe for the better, she is gonna remain unique.
Gigi sounds like Bae, she is clearly still nervous, could get better, but I think she should change her timeslot, it's too busy.

>> No.79074779
File: 414 KB, 1439x531, Screenshot_20240624_135212_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79074795


>> No.79074806

Same. I think I'm gonna watch CC meanwhile I wait for Fauna.

>> No.79074807

That's the FWMC Morning/Kiara stream gap

>> No.79074812

didn't Japan Expo also invited NijiEN?

>> No.79074833


>> No.79074844

I expected it to be much worse, I guess there are plenty of SEA that don't watch JP

>> No.79074851


>> No.79074857

>suddenly breaking the 14k barrier
did ERB end her stream?

>> No.79074864

>overlap cope

>> No.79074872

Mori has played Valo once in her career and it was because Kobo asked her

>> No.79074874


>> No.79074876

RR is top tier, the remaining six sanalites said she filled the hole in their hearts
CC is cute and bloodthirsty, still too nervous tho
GG is

>> No.79074886

Only ERB can save her for being the runtiest

>> No.79074895

>CCV goes up
CC has kinky fans

>> No.79074900

last year no? It's where we got le retard de Vox Akuma meme

>> No.79074904
File: 80 KB, 930x517, 1793030382540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what caused a grown ass man to be like this >>79074744? i can imagine this faggot has holo threads open in multiple tabs and schizpposting on cooldown at each thread

>> No.79074909

its over for homos isn't it

>> No.79074911

>Holo vs Holo

>> No.79074917

is she too nervous or is this just how she is?

>> No.79074948
File: 44 KB, 680x359, GQ3dzerXsAARJVG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a cheap collab. They didn't even make a themed recipe for each Myth

>> No.79074954

Mori usually starts 2-3 hours after Gura what the fuck is this

>> No.79074980

this year too, with Elira and Vox

>> No.79074985
File: 264 KB, 1064x1076, 1719231535812529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 14k

>> No.79074983


>> No.79074984

GG is just talentless and ERB is a whore. RR and CC will carry the Gen

>> No.79074992

main theme is so good in this game

>> No.79075010

btw ERB is still playing

>> No.79075021

That's the tea chads.

>> No.79075028

*Desert freedom fighters

>> No.79075035

Ok, now do Apex.

>> No.79075038

I've been to that ramen shop. Gura's is literally a renamed item already on the menu. the other got unique shit

>> No.79075044

bro this is

>> No.79075048

I'm not EU but I watch streams in my work hours, and it's great having someone other than Kiara filling these times. Not that I hate her or anything.

>> No.79075053

Anon, they just debuted and they have a fucking lot of people watching them.

>> No.79075067

The source of schizos are threads like /MANS/.
I once checked archives for info on Vesper's trip to Japan, and people in the thread frequently mocked Gura while liveposting a Holostar stream.
nyfco was also full of Holostar fans. The site became extremely active following Tempus' debut, whereas it wasn't that active before, even after Luxiem debuts.

>> No.79075072

They are filling a need but i wish they started a bit earlier still. CC starts at 22:00 and GG at 23:00. That's pretty much bedtime for people who've got work the next day. RR is at like 13:00, which is during work time so also a no-go.

ERB has a good slot but I'm not watching that whore.

>> No.79075082

easy money

>> No.79075089

>schizpposting on cooldown at each thread
That's not me anon. Again, I just answered the sapling up top crying because of the negative reception Fauna receives in global. You're fighting ghosts LMAO

>> No.79075096

She got the German audience

>> No.79075100

>8k watching 3 hours of garbage FPS gameplay under overlap
That's good news for her eventual floor right?

>> No.79075145

What a turn around after yesterday's grim performance. Good job green woman.

>> No.79075153

go to sleep pagbros

>> No.79075158
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>> No.79075179

>was about to ban someone in prechat saying they liked coffee

>> No.79075181

Mental illness mostly

>> No.79075198

Slightly better performance than Kobo's first game stream. So since you only need 2 data points to extrapolate, she will end up slightly higher than Kobo average.

>> No.79075202
File: 825 KB, 1324x1481, 1707043323546826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mental Illness. Doesn't matter to me, I love Fauna

>> No.79075213

Even with CC and ERB raiding I'm not feeling too good about GG under Myth and Fauna overlap...

>> No.79075224

grim bros... we won...

>> No.79075222

And saplings wonder why global hates them

>> No.79075249

wrong hole

>> No.79075250


>> No.79075261

Damn might as well graduate Ina

>> No.79075274

That's how you know German is watching her, would double if she went for poop

>> No.79075297
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>> No.79075314

post in on global, then cry here why they hate you KEK >>79071901

>> No.79075317

Are all Myth putting a waiting room?

>> No.79075329

Based linearCHAD

>> No.79075343

500+ posts in a /#/ thread in these hours...
WTF !?!
Give me back my comfy /#/ threads

>> No.79075373

Only those 3 so far. Ina was the last to put it up which is why it's so low

>> No.79075382

>faggot cry about waiting rooms

>> No.79075384

should I shit on Kiara for the most blatant leeching she's ever done, banning her genmates from streaming on the first day and making her self tha main pov of the whole thing
or should I praise her for making those retards get off their asses?

>> No.79075394


>> No.79075395
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>> No.79075408

no Gura or Ame

>> No.79075420
File: 284 KB, 1080x1076, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a drink

>> No.79075430
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>> No.79075449

The bleed is stronger than it looks because it was present almost from the start, if we pile up the up and down spikes before they canceled each other I could see her reaching 16k (the point where the up and down slopes intersect) and then dipping all the way to 9k, so around 7k bleed (around 40%)

>> No.79075451
File: 133 KB, 560x636, 1719261386689327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Cecilia such a hag and a brat? Are you even allowed to be both...

>> No.79075466

>Post waiting room numbers in the numbers thread
>get assblasted

>> No.79075476

>Be a retard or be a falseflagging retard
It's up to you

>> No.79075478
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>> No.79075479



>> No.79075482

based epicrapbattle adding some life around here

>> No.79075493

>red and green timeslot
/#/ about to be very stormy for a while

>> No.79075499

Sorry ERB but I am not watching GG... she sounds just enough like Enna to bother me. I'm watching CC.

>> No.79075503

Do watchalong for knockout round roara

>> No.79075519

Red woman is raiding her

>> No.79075525

True but I'd still put those two above.

>> No.79075546

All of these girls should get naked together and fondle each other

>> No.79075550
File: 421 KB, 1004x1263, 3488443221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discount Doki is live

>> No.79075552

that is considered numberfagging. Saplings lacking self-awareness again

>> No.79075587
File: 210 KB, 1454x2048, 1702560039109201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gigi cute!

>> No.79075592

She sounds absolutely nothing like enna dumbfuck

>> No.79075595

oh my god gigi's numbers are gigagrim

>> No.79075610

>went to pee
>didn't lose viewers
she is strong

>> No.79075624

That is her full bush.

>> No.79075630

How do you know that's a sapling
It's literally arranged by waiting room numbers from highest to lowest

>> No.79075643

If holoEN does somehow get another gen in the future, how grim will their debuts and settled CCV be? Justice had relatively strong debuts, but their debut-buffed numbers are grim and their regular stream numbers will be painful.

>> No.79075653 [SPOILER] 
File: 62 KB, 1080x1080, 1703513668516075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about this

>> No.79075656

She's about to get a raid, faggot, shut the fuck up.

>> No.79075658

Time to see how much CC bleeds from this overlap

>> No.79075660

can you anon just call them by their name?

>> No.79075665

you faggots seriously need to stop pretending Beryl is/was ever relevant

>> No.79075663

>yugoslavs got too cocky

>> No.79075666

The Justice that creates the most memes will have the highest ccv

>> No.79075678

do you mean Gigirim?

>> No.79075694

Gigi is just Bae but with a Doki laugh...

>> No.79075703

If she holds over 11k I would be impressed.

>> No.79075704

Not cope - literally half the shit I see discussing Cecilia is dramafags that can't let the past die.
Point is most of the talk for both girls is drama sisters by comparison, so it's just grimposting

>> No.79075719

If you're going to fucking talk keep the fucking game on the screen for the love of God

>> No.79075720


>> No.79075725

gigi is still referring to herself in the third person

>> No.79075729

assblasted faggot doesn't even know the difference between numberfagging and numbernigging, not that it counts because this is /#/ we ain't the chuuba doing on stream you retard

>> No.79075734

>No one bought gigi's acrylic stand so she is forced to showcase more of them on stream
Eurobros, onegai buy more gigi's merch

>> No.79075737

is Gawr Gura

>> No.79075738


>> No.79075739

Ok i went to check how this all started. Frames got posted people responded mostly normal with the main ones being memes and overlap discussion. There was someone trying to start cc vs fauna (faunaschizo ofc) and someone trying to shitpost about faunas ego??

The the discussion further down the thread continues normally except for the guy trying to push the shit about faunas supposed ds rant and another cc sapling stealing post (faunaschizo)

The someone mentions "fauna frame causing seethe" so i guess that's when he came here.

tldr mostly positive except for 1 or 2 shitposters

>> No.79075747

ERB is gonna raid her don't worry

>> No.79075754
File: 300 KB, 1170x449, IMG_1404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro global hates Fauna you have to believe my dogshit bait bro

>> No.79075778

Zelda is somehow one of the weaker stream games for numbers, people really just don't want to watch it

>> No.79075780

ERB forever

>> No.79075782

Stop bullying Gigi. At least she isn't a whore like red whore.

>> No.79075791
File: 3.01 MB, 1920x1080, 1701303403074503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gigi going all in on shilling

>> No.79075796

wanna trade her with erb?

>> No.79075803

I don't leave this thread, so I didn't see any of that.

>> No.79075815


Yeah overall I like the girls but there's that gaping hole where Liz is. It's a shame that the person with the best time slot also happens to be the one with the most divisive content because otherwise they could effectively funnel from RR all the way through to Fauna.

>> No.79075827


>> No.79075826

that's why I said ''to post it on global'' because I knew they would hate that shit there LMAO

>> No.79075834

They don't hate fauna. They hate her retarded fans.

>> No.79075836

>Cant get 10k natty
you are nigger. Gigi is runt.

>> No.79075845

Can someone tell Gigi she isn't a 2view anymore

>> No.79075861

Anon, they're all shilling it.

>> No.79075864


>> No.79075865

she was looking at chat the whole time though

>> No.79075867

Todd.... shes saying mean things about your game....

>> No.79075889

go to bed sea

>> No.79075903


>> No.79075906

Fuck off holoans.

>> No.79075912

Depends on how justice performs, it's like a relay.

>> No.79075920

me joe you jane oonga boonga

>> No.79075925
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x720, 1718615174816649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She bought more acrylic stands

>> No.79075932

zelda has always been boring overhyped nintenslop so I'm not surprised

>> No.79075937

you stink tourist

>> No.79075951

No. I like it.

>> No.79075957
File: 345 KB, 556x516, 1707802060924290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to take my pre-Fauna nap

>> No.79075962


>> No.79075969

I like that she thinks she's a 2view, it triggers my saviorfag side

>> No.79076008
File: 342 KB, 472x511, 1704027301098311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold the line saplings
green women alliance strong

>> No.79076020

EU gen that doesn't understand basic relay-stacking
I think any other gen will do a lot better.
But hololive needs to grab that empty space.

>> No.79076023
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>> No.79076042

She to go through this phase,Koyori also have this phase

>> No.79076051

we're not watching garbage FPS gameplay sister, we're watching CGDCT.

>> No.79076064

>1 cm is a lot
Thanks Gigi...

>> No.79076084
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>> No.79076108

European Hours Overlap Hell

>> No.79076107

Ah, the classic Bae laugh...

>> No.79076112

estimated iq numbers for gigi?

>> No.79076111
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>> No.79076120

Does wawa have a regular time now? She used to be raided by FWMC mornings but her recent streams have all started slightly later.

>> No.79076130

>biting the hand that feeds

>> No.79076150

>cc red
>erb green
it hurts my eyes

>> No.79076156

Gigi is a based American Standard supporter

>> No.79076164

They're not performing well so far.

>> No.79076184

She is doing pretty good today, maybe 75 or 80

>> No.79076203

I'll be optimistic and say it's at least 80

>> No.79076206
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>> No.79076211

But, anons say that EN can't kayfabe...

>> No.79076213
File: 27 KB, 371x498, 1689038791769173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like 70 on average

>> No.79076233

I’m sorry I’ll bring my pc to the toilet next time

>> No.79076235

That's extremely high for a holo

>> No.79076240

From who? Red's views are basically the same as Gigi's, they're probably overlapping viewers
Green is probably gonna stream all through Gigi's stream like last time.

>> No.79076281
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>> No.79076304

I'm convinced Gigi wrote this whole tangent down to talk about to begin with

>> No.79076316

>Open GG stream
>She's actually cute and funny
What the fuck

>> No.79076323

Gigi sounds too indie/twtich slop for me. She needs a new mic ASAP. Her tone is like Kiara + Bae combined. At least Bae sounds more bassy if she's talking normally. Gigi's normal speaking voice is hurting my eardrums

>> No.79076341

At least double digits.

>> No.79076362

WTF it's like top 3 of EN and solid top 10 of Hololive as a whole.

>> No.79076364

Anting Liz makes you a unicuck
Anting Cece makes you a homobeggar
Anting Raora means you're Shiori
but Anting Gigi makes you a genuine awful and miserable person, even if you're shitposting

>> No.79076384

She's trying to do a gura but forgetting that Gura does it ironically.

>> No.79076390

Gotta love it.

>> No.79076399
File: 269 KB, 1265x243, runtVoices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do you agree with /#/?

>> No.79076400

Doki laugh
Why are asians like this

>> No.79076404

>Gigi peaked at 6k CCV
Saviorfags how we feeling? Shiori 2.0?

>> No.79076425
File: 377 KB, 647x415, 1694522406788992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gigi is so fucking American

>> No.79076460


>> No.79076464

she'll catch a raid

>> No.79076467

Is Gigi already the designated runt?

>> No.79076474

I do not hear Bae at all

>> No.79076476

Based, she'll absolutely have all those E*ros saying soccer by the end of summer

>> No.79076511

These numbers are awful for a brand new gen, justice's future is looking seriously grim. Also, despite my own prediction that Raora would flop, she is doing the best by a longshot, very surprising.

>> No.79076513

Shiori wasn't doing these numbers at her debut week

>> No.79076515

Gigi just picked bad timeslots. Red whore is still the runt.

>> No.79076514

I fucking hope not. Novelities try and shove Shiori into every fucking conversation. I don't want to hear that shit all over again for every single thing Gigi does.

>> No.79076520
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>> No.79076524

That's why she is the smallest

>> No.79076540

choose better names next time, cover intern

>> No.79076558
File: 473 KB, 1163x1350, 348943467867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a bystander all I can say is pick your battles and banners carefully, it's going to be harder and harder to defend everything.

>> No.79076564

>sub-10k in the first week
holoX could never

>> No.79076567

>but Anting Gigi makes you a genuine awful and miserable person, even if you're shitposting
yes. she's been my oshi for years
don't be an asshole

>> No.79076573

>Few countries use Fahrenheit anymore. The only countries that officially use Fahrenheit as a unit for measuring temperature is the United States, the Liberia and the Cayman Islands
which one is gigi?

>> No.79076579

>no talent
>not European
>pst timezone
You can't convince me she didn't send nudes to the scouts or some shit.

>> No.79076585

Kiara but deeper

>> No.79076594
File: 248 KB, 756x720, 1709590323607716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CC cute

>> No.79076624

because she was at the end of advent relay? baffling post

>> No.79076625

art streams are long term debuff

>> No.79076627

>This is what handeggers actually believe

>> No.79076649

She doomed us all...

>> No.79076648

SC predictions
Raora > (Power Gap) > Cecilia > Gigi = Elizabeth

>> No.79076653

She may do better in collabs or with other american ENs

>> No.79076654

she was sub 10k yesterday if not for the raid

>> No.79076659

She is a Liberian living in America

>> No.79076663

>/lig/ darling is the runt
>no redeeming features
indiebros how could this happen

>> No.79076677

i meant this for ceci btw

>> No.79076683
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Su casa es mi casa.

>> No.79076691

Deadass they should've hired someone softspoken for Gigi to give that gap between her personality and her model. It would've been better than someone trying to actually live up to the model and be ~chaotic~ and instead just turn out with an awful annoying voice

>> No.79076695

Raora is a spoiled cat

>> No.79076698

Honestly, simply because of timeslots, Liz is going to beat Gigi. Which is REALLY. FUCKING. SAD.

>> No.79076700

Seems about right, but put a powergap between Cecilia and Gigi.

>> No.79076714

Really just wanted 1 or 2 members to stream, in between Kiara and Ina/Fauna. So pretty happy with Cecilia. Hope she settles a little earlier though if she's going to do longer streams.
End of the day the EU prime/NA morning timeslots needs cultivating to build up an audience here. I think it'll be beneficial in the long term

>> No.79076715
File: 1.16 MB, 1280x720, 1700879596061847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with Cecilia

>> No.79076725

Cici will easily win monetization if she leans into the medical bill bit

>> No.79076739

Damn right friend.

>> No.79076750

>Cece bullying Raora

>> No.79076757

Why would I buy merch for an american streamer that streams for americans from a shop that doesnt ship to europe?
Fucking window licker

>> No.79076758

Who's the /lig/ darling? Thought that was Raora?

>> No.79076775

Behold the spoils of snapping unicorn horns. Turns out they can't be glued back on. I don't know how anybody vtuber was only just working this out in 2023.

>> No.79076782

I think Liz will get more SCs than Gigi.

>> No.79076785

Her switch might be stuck between the two, have you tried putting a duct tape on it?

>> No.79076788

Gigi isn't /lig/ though, Ceci is.

>> No.79076789

She sounded really German when talking about kidnapping. That was fucking hot...

>> No.79076797

No I seriously can't wrap my head around it. I can't. Why Gigi? That slot could have gone to Mint, Shylily, Ririsya, Sayu, Enna, or Shondo...

>> No.79076809

/lig/ darlings are Raora and Cecilia you retard. Gigi is a /v4m/ darling

>> No.79076830

raora isn't a /lig/ darling

>> No.79076841

Dancing lessons, that's what always tires them out.

>> No.79076845

They really should have wrapped it up earlier when they could, just dragged it out a bit too long

>> No.79076849

nah, Raora will cry on monetization like how she almost cried for 200k subs
She will get at least double of the second place

>> No.79076848

Red woman raiding orange woman

>> No.79076856

I want to give Gigi a chance, but her voice and vibe legit come off like even in Niji, she'd be bottom-tier.

>> No.79076858

How badly do think ERB wishes she could raid the homos

>> No.79076869

If I was a small corpo I would be seething that Gigi got in.

>> No.79076879

CC seems better today than yesterday, this is why you need to wait a few streams to really form opinions on new girls.

>> No.79076893

Isn't BPM one of these high difficulty shooters about high degree of technical mastery?
Is she sure that she should be playing it?

>> No.79076895

>Cover wanted Doki at home
>Hires Gigi
>Gets Doki at home
It's that simple.

>> No.79076896

So what made them switch from Raora to Gigi? They were antiing pink cat hard then it just swapped suddenly

>> No.79076897

What a shit list

>> No.79076903

She was the best of whoever applied to holoEN. It just shows you the quality of vtubers who care about that company.

>> No.79076917

too much redtape
didn't apply
already in a chink corpo
too radioactive

>> No.79076918

This is looking pretty likely, though i still think Liz is going beat Gigi, and maybe even Ceci (sadly).

>> No.79076932

Trying too hard.

>> No.79076939

I keep typing in "CC, GG, ERB, RR" in YouTube because of you assholes

>> No.79076948

She's playing with autorhythm which is easy modo

>> No.79076959

They always look for cracks that they can exploit. Then smash at them with a rubber mallet.

>> No.79076969


>> No.79076970

Shitposters are so fucking desperate to dismiss the girls, don't you ever think it's too obvious?

>> No.79076993

It's a legit question, bait aside.

>> No.79076995

It's like Quake + Necrodancer.

>> No.79076999

>high difficulty
lmao even
maybe for holos yes

>> No.79077011

Global rather talk about Roara than Liz. No one in global or #s cares about ERB……

>> No.79077014

Ceci feeding the rrats

>> No.79077020

>wants to recycle used goods instead of giving a chance for someone new
You are retarded.

>> No.79077031
File: 28 KB, 858x168, shiorin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anting Raora means you're Shiori
Shiorin loves her tho

>> No.79077033

I am very curious on Liz's SC numbers after the blatant homo begging. Will it hurt her or did she carve out some weirdass niche that only she can fill? We'll find out soon.

>> No.79077048
File: 2.76 MB, 3040x3448, 1717609173466242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abide by the horn, or your metrics will be shorn.

>> No.79077045

only Riri is good from this list, be she is JP

>> No.79077047

They're good.
I had no needs previously, I watch Hololive from the moment I wake up to the moment I sleep and it has been that way for years.
I will obviously continue to watch Hololive the same amount.

>> No.79077059

I'm shocked it wasn't just 3 days during the initial weekend. Just get all of them together for 3 days instead of that stretched streaming with 2-3 girls on average.

>> No.79077063

But Gigi is better than those.

>> No.79077065

>shylily that has leveraged her career into being a co-owner in a business should throw it all away to join hololive
you really inhaled too many of fagoos farts

>> No.79077067

beggers once again annoying mint to join their corpo

>> No.79077069

Sounds like a "you" issue

>> No.79077071

>Why a normal woman? Why not actual whores?

>> No.79077089

erbsister pretending to know who ririsya is...

>> No.79077094

Beryl should have gone in...

>> No.79077102


I can't bros. It's like I'm watching Phaseconnect or another small corpo slop

>> No.79077121

nyo I want the banter vs Italian a little more it's cute how Shiori does it

>> No.79077132
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dont trust her lies

>> No.79077135


>> No.79077142
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>> No.79077145

Bros I think I might be German... I kinda like her...

>> No.79077144
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>> No.79077156

kek every EN is catching strays /here/ whenever I visit. Honestly as a 4ch dweller, the best decision I made was switch to phase - branch unity, entertaining streams without antis raiding and can actually have fun on 4ch.

Also I know (you) are going to respond to my post with some retarded phaseseethe but its just (you) venting your frustration so carry on

>> No.79077171

shitniggers gonna shitnig

>> No.79077173

>Mint - veto
>Shylily - will never apply
>Ririsya - does she know english?
>Sayu - veto
>Enna - veto wish you kidding
>Shondo - will never apply

>> No.79077176

I don't think she sounds that much like Kiara but I can at least hear it
Thinking she sounds like Bae is straight up delusional though.

>> No.79077184

You found him (her).

>> No.79077196


>> No.79077213
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>> No.79077217

god it would be so funny if the vspoen girls are super good just to prove the retards claiming that the talent pool is dried up wrong

>> No.79077223

>Shondo - will never apply
anon doesn't know

>> No.79077225

We need to see how she performs on an actual decent game, valo is a huge debuff, even fucking Gura would tank. I'm thinking 15-20k on a good game.

>> No.79077227

Lumi cute

>> No.79077230

On the plus side, CC only lost 1k so far

>> No.79077233

what did she do in that drunk stream?

>> No.79077246

>ERB and Gigi already 4views
Holy GRIM.

>> No.79077254

this is bait but /#/s is to retarded to avoid replying so enjoy the (you)'s

>> No.79077262

What if they are neutral

>> No.79077263

this gen sucks Flayons cock

>> No.79077275

Is she half Japanese or is that just rrat? She streams in JP primetime instead of early in the morning like the other EN girls in JP.

>> No.79077274
File: 29 KB, 218x170, 20240517_000454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only thing about Gigi is her mic, reminds me of the mic Kiara had when she first debuted, god knows she needs a better one because it's rough to listen to

>> No.79077279
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>> No.79077293

Prove otherwise.

>> No.79077307

try /mans/

>> No.79077321


>> No.79077322

Anon are you new here? She was the one that was going on about the unicorn horn mending

>> No.79077325
File: 588 KB, 413x738, Isla cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Gigi, I'm watching her while Isla-sama is gone.

>> No.79077331

She is italian that moved to japan, she cant speak or read japanese

>> No.79077337

ERB peaked at 14k dont compare her to GG

>> No.79077349

Gigi wasn't an indie so no she wasn't a /lig/ darling

>> No.79077362

GG Grimrin

>> No.79077364

So Quinn made a Q&A video where he dances around the NDA, basically shittalks much of Niji, but more from a "I'm a normalfag grifter" perspective than the place being shit. Outright calls it a stepping stone for his career lmao. Hard denies dating anyone in Niji.

He also said he wasted 10k on the the new vtuber model only to have to backpedal to flesh content anyway (KWAB)

>> No.79077370

Why would the race affect timeslot, its locational

>> No.79077371

[Sad ERB News]: she is ending stream...

>> No.79077377

what he said is correct, she applied, got through first round or smth bailed out and will never apply again unless she loves her brain hort completely

>> No.79077404
File: 232 KB, 676x537, adventday2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79077408

Stop falsefagging. No one buy your cope

>> No.79077412

>Crowd Control
>Good Game
>Elden Ring
>Raymond Richard
nice names Cover

>> No.79077422
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, 1692886015811823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

green women is so stable, they won again

>> No.79077425

She is full Italian. Panty is just la weeb

>> No.79077456

>Gigi is a /v4m/ darling
She was the runt over there too

>> No.79077458

Man I remember the shitposting about Biboo. Shit was really annoying.

>> No.79077465

>That slot could have gone to...Enna...
Uh oh new schizo target KEK

>> No.79077474

buy an ad

>> No.79077491

Is this game making anyone sick? I don't like it at all.
