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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79068884 No.79068884 [Reply] [Original]

RuRu army thread

>> No.79069260
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Anons won

>> No.79069416

Sylvie is cute

>> No.79069719

Sylvie love

>> No.79069733


>> No.79069810

Sylvie does only good things for her soldaditos

>> No.79069925

Ryona with Sylvie.

>> No.79069965

Sylvie loves her soldaditos and they love her

>> No.79070136

Who wants to cuddle with Sylvie?

>> No.79070320


>> No.79070499
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>> No.79070655
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>> No.79070873


>> No.79071054
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>> No.79071201

Who wants to caress Sylvie?

>> No.79071369


>> No.79071884


>> No.79071886

my cute sylvie

>> No.79071958

Our cute Sylvie

>> No.79072467

Sylvie won

>> No.79072897

Anon won sylvies heart <3

>> No.79073334


>> No.79074724

Sylvie won a good pampering

>> No.79074731


>> No.79074829


>> No.79076161


>> No.79077278
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>> No.79077626


>> No.79077681

stinky sylvie!

>> No.79078552


>> No.79079149

We have a schedule after a long time!

>> No.79079330

>tú y yo edition

>> No.79079522

She loves us…

>> No.79079871

Too late to start pandering. Fucking retard

>> No.79080145


>> No.79080183

She always put “edition” at the end of her schedules, retardchama

>> No.79080329

It’s never too late to redeem herself.

>> No.79081559


>> No.79081568
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>> No.79081663

Why you try so hard to deny she isn't /here/

>> No.79081677

Sylvie cute!

>> No.79081855

I’m not trying. Why you try so hard to believe that she’s /here/?

>> No.79081992

Nobody cares.

>> No.79082077

Because she admited it herself. She may hate or not this place but she's so sensitive she'll always want to know what people really think about her. It's not rocket science

>> No.79082131

You don't watch her

>> No.79082139

I care. I don't want her to see everything these schizos say about her /here/

>> No.79082340

I'm one of her most oldest fans, I know she's /here/

>> No.79082432


>> No.79083460

We have had this conversation before and we all agreed that Sylvie has been /here/ even before debuting

>> No.79083902

This is the /Sylvie/ general, not indiES

>> No.79083957

>even before debuting
No. She used to think this place was full of hackers or some shit like that.

>> No.79084234


>> No.79084369


>> No.79084587

Ren taught her, that fag was here posting her AI art so she was not clueless at all. She's smart, so smart she uses her asperger card to play dumb for everything

>> No.79084696

Nigga she believes that the dark web its real

>> No.79084759

See newfag >>79084587

>> No.79084800

ofc the shitter it’s here

>> No.79084874

>she uses her asperger card to play dumb for everything
I'm starting to believe this too, sometimes it's way too convenient

>> No.79084899

KEK LMAO I can’t believe sylvie it’s a master mind manipulator. we NEED to stop her. she’s so powerful.

>> No.79085109

She never talks about her asperger, shitterkun

>> No.79085124

NTA but for every yab she've got, you've been manipulated like a retard. I still enjoy her streams but I will never love her like I did

>> No.79085422

Yet that's the excuse (you) used when the tvfaggot yab happened

>> No.79085446

>you've been manipulated like a retard.
>I will never love her like I did
Why is this so fucking funny kek go back

>> No.79085703

A person with Asperger's has difficulty socializing and falls under social pressure. Sylvie has only said that she has Asperger's but she doesn't like to give details about it, (YOU) don't watch her.

>> No.79085793

>sees sylvie’s thread
>sees renacuajo name
why we can’t have nice things

>> No.79085898

Yet you are using the asperger as an excuse as the manipulated retard you are kek

>> No.79086062

Yeah retardchama i cant believe that an autistic girl with low self steem has manipulated me. oh no. what do i do. she’s so powerful.

>> No.79086299
File: 516 KB, 512x768, 00013-37383710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think I'm Ren? Because you're a massive retard if you think so

>> No.79086303

Sorry that your mental retardation doesn't let you see even the most obvious thing retard

>> No.79086399

Ren was better that (you) kek fucking newfag

>> No.79086406

Who is Rem?

>> No.79086445

I help her manipulate the narrative and have zero regrets about it, in fact most of the "manipulation" you think was done by here is my doing.
She doesn't even know my name, and I don't care.

>> No.79086514

KEK ur mental retardation believes that a an autistic girl with no social life who has been manipulated all of her life it’s a mastermind manipulator, lmao nigga kys

>> No.79086528

Keep underestimating her, that's a nice way to cope.

>> No.79086608

Sorry that you are retarded, try meeting a real woman to understand how they are

>> No.79086651

I've helped her too when the steam yab happened, several of us saw that shit

>> No.79086657


>> No.79086907

>try meeting a real woman to understand how they are
why don't you follow your own advice?

>> No.79087042

Everyone saw it.
And like in the other yabs the cucks stood silent to gain good boy points.

>> No.79087102

Hi Renacuajo you are a massive faggot. why were you unfaithful to ru?

>> No.79087376

it WAS a comfy thread. Look Sylvie, this is what you’re going to get if you keep wanting a community like Shondo

>> No.79087482

Stop replying to yourself nigger

>> No.79088210


>> No.79088446

>now he’s going to post ancient shit
Here we go again

>> No.79088452

If you believe she wasn't here or that she thought this place was full of hackers, you've been manipulated kek

>> No.79088551

She’s a super master mind manipulator, guys. we need to stop her. NOW.

>> No.79088661

she should close the maros and block her stupid friend, who is the cause of puchy, any and chiller finding her accounts.

>> No.79088816

>puchy, any and chiller
I've only saw puchy on her friend's list that time

>> No.79088863

>he doesn’t know

>> No.79089021

>they only defend her yabs
>don't talk about streams
I don't like her that much either but at least I'm not a retard like (you), now go

>> No.79089061

If only I knew how far these three fuckers have come with their stalking.
And I don't mean the steam account.

>> No.79089154

What do you expect? This thread it’s only shitting on her and talk about ancient shit that nobody cares about

>> No.79089199

>he knows
Ok. Wich groomer are you and how often you talk with her?

>> No.79089383

She should go back to Ren. That way no one will groom her, she stops being depressed and stops being a vtuber. It's a win-win

>> No.79089423

>shitting on her
I only read fact checkers and deniers, but are equally faggots

>> No.79089629

This. Sylvie do it

>> No.79089758

I'm just tracking them, especially chiller, the moron always talks too much.

>> No.79089778

>should go back
Anon, I....

>> No.79089885

They aren’t togheter, he’s with another girl kek “Nicole”

>> No.79089909

Sure, "anon". Sure.

>> No.79090051

>checks osu page
>its real
Ohno… Rusita…

>> No.79090156

Oh no no no Sylvie Don’t look!! DON’T LOOK!

>> No.79090201

holy kek

>> No.79090221

>they conveniently broke up after he was known
>she conveniently left wactor after a month
>her stream got nuke conveniently after the steam yab
>she conveniently only talked with the tvnauta just once because of her brother
>she conveniently....

>> No.79090289

>he’s still trying

>> No.79090433

>play a character
>believe that she is like that irl

>> No.79090563

>her stream got nuke conveniently after the steam yab
The stream is still there, she only cut that part

>> No.79090640

Talked like real incel, so that's why you're so retarded. Only chads allowed here, no incels allowed.

>> No.79090639

>they conveniently broke up after he was known
Renacuajo was a piece of shit. they broke up. Also he cucked her multiples times kek
>she conveniently left wactor after a month
she’s not that stupid to stay in a black company more time
>her stream got nuke conveniently after the steam yab
that’s chori’s fault
>she conveniently only talked with the tvnauta just once because of her brother
she show us all her dms with that tvfaggot also she unfollows him, also if she’s “still” with renacuajo she wouldn’t have talked with tvnauta before.

>> No.79090661

>He doesn't know
Try lurking more anon, that page was made public, they still [redacted] on their more intimate accounts

>> No.79090748

I have zero regretas helping her manipulate the narrative to defeat shitters

>> No.79090751

yeah, the stream got privated so she can edit that part

>> No.79090768

ru stop trying, i know you are so obsessed with ren, but let him go. He’s with nicole now.

>> No.79090805


>> No.79090859

cómo reaccionarian los soldaputos si se enteraran que ella vivió en México sola?? kkkkkk

>> No.79090882

Dang Ren likes big culombianas, based

>> No.79090890

>she show us all her dms with that tvfaggot also she unfollows him
Sylvie must be feeling really nice by having a secret love with tvnauta now

>> No.79090981

Vas a empezar a inventar mamadas, puto pendejo? Ahora dirás que es pariente lejana de Nisha como hiciste el otro día, puto mandril retrasado?

>> No.79091009

>he's a happy cuck

>> No.79091058

>pariente lejana de Nisha
esto es verdad?

>> No.79091158

lmao these niggers really think that she broke up with renacuajo

>> No.79091177

ok puchy

>> No.79091186

They finally do a thread only to shit on Sylvie.

>> No.79091252

Is she been shitted on or just expossed?

>> No.79091287

Ru… stop… let him go

>> No.79091380

Shitted on. There’s no proof of anything. There’s only the same 2 mongoloids samefagging just for her to read this place

>> No.79091396

yo cuando dije eso schizo?
medicate maricon

>> No.79091446

>she show us all her dms with that tvfaggot
But she only shown a screenshot of the part where she replied with that meme cat. You could see there were more messages before and after that.
She couldnt show an actual tab with her dms because that meant exposing herself.

>> No.79091458

No, I'll help her get the community she wats, but free of shitters.

>> No.79091462

Sí. Nisha es su tataratataratataratatara tía lejana de Ucranía.

>> No.79091548

>There’s no proof of anything

>> No.79091553

Go and watch TvNauta’s pov, he always show his messages even his discord

>> No.79091632

Wich stream?

>> No.79091712

So, you nigger will post some proof or are you being a bunch of dramaniggers and shitters making RATS again?

>> No.79091716

hi chori
why dont you show up inher chat anymore? or did you change accounts like a fucking coward?

>> No.79091728

The mission impossible. I don’t think she will last, i give her 3 months or less, she can't handle shitters and schizos, what she needs is a man to take care of her.

>> No.79091775

Don't project yourself on me

>> No.79091807


>> No.79091809

de verdad?
son ucranianas?
no mames wei!!

>> No.79091947

im her furry art account she stated being from an ucranian city so aironou

>> No.79091955

We're the man she needs and we'll take care of her.

>> No.79091998

messages can be deleted anon, they now speak privately on whatsapp

>> No.79092108

I was aware that Nisha has ukrainian relatives but not Sylvie

>> No.79092163

This is not her first yab, anon. (You) and I know she only did that as a facade and messages can be deleted

>> No.79092295

Don’t say that or she will believe it.

>> No.79092401

also in her edgy art account she says being from ucrania but without city
cant tell the difference between both languages so fuck i know

>> No.79092529

idk man she sounded sad af when she showed us that screenshot, even her chat was saying “groomer” after that she unfollowed him

>> No.79092678

You’re confusing her with someone else. her edgy acc only says she’s from Russia.

>> No.79092776

Why are you lying shitter?

>> No.79092837

I'm being serious

>> No.79092961

check again
not the account itself

>> No.79093019

before she edited it, on her personal facebook she posted photos about a famous general during the Donbas war

>> No.79093065

It’s from Russia. Also, in the other account where she cuts herself she talks with other menheras in russian

>> No.79093534

his name is Mikhail Tolstykh, i already did a reverse search with one of the photos she posted

>> No.79093768

She is from the part where Russian is spoken, she doesn't speak Ukrainian

>> No.79093804

She lacks of commitment and loves attention bigger yabs are bond to happen if things continue this way

>> No.79093959

that man, me

>> No.79094257

im still seeing it rn

that kinda explains it
still have my doubts tho

>> No.79094285

Her reputation was healing after runne but the retard just lacks of commitment, she even went to that groomer stream with her account to get his attention. She already did that in the past but I don't know if I should tell since we were just a bunch watching the stream

>> No.79094409

Go back with your culombiana renato

>> No.79094567

Do your part, you also can use the IRC to contact mods

>> No.79094586

>Her reputation was healing after runne but the retard just lacks of commitment
This is my biggest gripe. She too fucking dumb to exploit the algo, everytime jewtube favored her she either did nothing with it, or stopped streaming, or a big yab with only her to blame happened.

>> No.79094797

>She already did that in the past but I don't know if I should tell since we were just a bunch watching the stream
she knows that other fag since way before becoming anya so i dont think it counts as a yab

>> No.79094826

Who is darknessmasta?

>> No.79094839
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>> No.79094953


>> No.79094971

I don't know who you are talking about but I'm talking about a namefag who was streamming, we were like 4-5 people watching him and she appeared

>> No.79095037

Ren is so lucky

>> No.79095080

>Y los monos donde estan?

>> No.79095097

post Sylvie singing Cupid

>> No.79095226


>> No.79095306

i thought you were talking about this other big mexican streamer my bad

>> No.79095366
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The remaster is fucking awful and buggy, how the fuck is that possible it's fucking remaster not a remake

>> No.79095458

why not?

>> No.79095532

Because I don't want to

>> No.79095590

Why go to someone's stream with your vtuber account? She was trying to get their attention, she acts like the groomer when does that

>> No.79095723

He was the first who interacted with her retarded faggot

>> No.79095746

Kek if you only knew who's sylvie's daughter

>> No.79095773

Is she playing from her switch?

>> No.79095812

Say it now while still can be a nothingburger if not someone else will find it and be used on worst yabs

>> No.79095859


>> No.79096063

Why should I?

>> No.79096076

It will be a nothingburger even if I say it, PuchySugoi deleted his stream after that.

>> No.79096116

for fun

>> No.79096167


>> No.79096178

kek I almost forgot about that but I think right after that the faggot dropped Yamu

>> No.79096187

I'm not pushit

>> No.79096205

A russian mobile game company did that shit, and they used a lot of shortcuts to maximize their profit.

>> No.79096298

>Me encafecé

>> No.79096297

>dropped his oshi after another girl gave him attention

>> No.79096395

It was not puchy that loser dreams with having that kind of attention

>> No.79096469

I heard about that, the game is a mobile game ported to pc with AI graphics. A shitty move made by rockstar, they even took the clasics out of the stores

>> No.79096655

We were just a couple, I was watching him by chance tho, he was editing a clip then sylvie commented something about she using the same program or something, just another fag recognized her and then she left

>> No.79096656

>his oshi
That's a bold statement. He and Yuritroon ran a race on who could groom Himea faster. Both failed and got ignoredin tbe end, the troon switched tactics and became a vtuber to get near 2views, and the other groomer jumped ship to Sylvie because she actually gave him attention.

>> No.79096797

Stop trying pushit, you're not me.

>> No.79097092
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Post Sylvie ads ideas and I'll run them for a couple of days

>> No.79097133

Himea/Yamu gave him a lot of attention, even if that ungrateful faggot almost never clipped Himea. He was cringe as fuck with her and now he's acting like a 30yo teenager with Sylvie just because she gave him attention once and dropped the chuuba he said to love.

>> No.79097221


>> No.79097378

Kek he dropped himea/yamu because of kazze. Also Pushit its a lolicon

>> No.79097389

It was Anysado

>> No.79097391

someone share Sylvie's lora, we need more sylvie porn

>> No.79097454

There's no sylvie lora because she doesn't has a defined model

>> No.79097584

What about the old Ru's lora el calabozo had?

>> No.79097622

Come on anons I have the funds ready

>> No.79097697

Not a lora just generic prompts

>> No.79097806

Post the pictures that resemble her final design the closest and I'll go to ask the vtai anons to bake a lora

>> No.79097899

Aren't we all?

>> No.79097935

Ask her to show her png rn

>> No.79097952

Yeah, but it doesn't matter anymore and that's when pushit went full schizo too

>> No.79098046

chori has sylvie and rwiniuh lora
aski him

>> No.79098395

This is true

>> No.79098572

He started bombing her with ARS supas from that point on.

>> No.79098647

Chori you are /here/ don't be a faggot and share it

>> No.79099251

So Sylvie appeared in an anysado stream and puchi went schizo because of that? That explains a lot

>> No.79099394

>anysado stream
nigga, stop trying wtf

>> No.79099608

He has a secondary where he plays games and shit

>> No.79099678

Kys anysado that never happened

>> No.79099711

>So Sylvie appeared in an puchy stream and went schizo because of that?
Now thinking about it, one or two months after that, the steam thing happened

>> No.79099855

So Sylvie appeared in puchy and anysado stream and in yuricum's debut with an alt account. Is Sylvie attracting groomers on purpose?

>> No.79099968

Envious pushit? She did that with me but not with you

>> No.79100158

>no proof
kys puchy and anysado. that never happened

>> No.79100266

you finally got the full picture

>> No.79101970

The supremcia fags went to sleep already?

>> No.79102926

>enters to the gta stream
>she's playing roblox

>> No.79103127

Her autism doesn't let her stay focused in a single activity for more than 30 minutes

>> No.79103144

Evry tym

>> No.79103876

She’s like a child

>> No.79104247

She hated the remaster and said would consider getting a PS2 to play the original

>> No.79104420

Just download a pirated version from any trustable site, is not that hard for fucks sake.

>> No.79104770

she’s autistic pls understand

>> No.79104863

She doesn't want to do that, she even has a PS2 chipeada but wants to do it the legit way.

>> No.79105381

she wants to beg for money using the ps2+legit game as excuse

>> No.79105720

Sylvie about to become a 2 views vtuber again

>> No.79105738

That's like 30 bucks tops, get better shitting material

>> No.79105822

ogey tortilla kys

>> No.79105881

No runne no views

>> No.79105958

she was 250~270 in the vr stream, retardchama

>> No.79106033

She missed yet another chance to break the 300 viewers barrier by not doing streams after Runne boost.

>> No.79106680

she needs a manager, fucking lazy brat

>> No.79106876

Anysado stop

>> No.79107017

stop trying anysado

>> No.79107300

>coomerbait stream
No shit really?

>> No.79107488


>> No.79107878

Not the members stream nor the public one were coomerbait tho

>> No.79108061

It was just her. talking and singing, i love when she do that, I like it when she is herself

>> No.79108398

Runne only appeared once to beg for money.

>> No.79108481

She even flashed her bare nipples there

>> No.79108640

That shit was funny af. she was so embarrassed, sadly she deleted the stream as soon as possible, but apart from that, there wasn’t coombait

>> No.79108775

post screencap

>> No.79108925

Can’t. she deleted it. She was testing some vrchat avatars and that avatar had a naked mode or something like that. she freaked out

>> No.79108936

I couldn't because you couldn't rewind that stream. I think her model cunny was visible too.

>> No.79109156

I wish i recorded that part. I love the sound of her trembling voice.

>> No.79109856


>> No.79110138
File: 28 KB, 399x399, 1745854254825452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She knew exactly what she was doing

>> No.79110157

Ando sentimental, sylvie love

>> No.79110168

Horny brat.

>> No.79110239
File: 115 KB, 395x347, Sylvie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79110407


>> No.79110453


>> No.79110560

>No parentheses

>> No.79111988

her sister sounds fuckable

>> No.79113022

btw the shitter exposed himself on the other thread, retard is still asspained for the /indiES/ thread name kek

>> No.79113401

Ren is so lucky

>> No.79115117

After two hours of an intense and schizophrenic internet search i have come to the conclusion that Nisha and Sylvie are distant relatives

>> No.79115562

shimaidon nice

>> No.79116071

That’s why both are so fucking adorable

>> No.79117070


>> No.79117127

They are hot. so no problem

>> No.79119745


>> No.79121867

Great, now fags have two places to shit on Sylvie

>> No.79122658


>> No.79124343
File: 183 KB, 1425x2048, GNh20RtWkAInxXm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79124664

Ruru on TV-Nauta stream rn!

>> No.79124819


>> No.79126171

El bumpo 2
