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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.63 MB, 1372x1898, 1699967219274369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
79039850 No.79039850 [Reply] [Original]

>Goes from cute bimbo to androgynous clown freak
I understand that she wants to use her old artist but what the fuck is this?
This looks like complete shit. Straight up niji tier design.

>> No.79039938

The new model is great, it looks even better in motion

>> No.79040089

I think both are cute in their own ways

>> No.79040190

wtf is that hand?

>> No.79040195

Lost the handlebars.

>> No.79040213

only complain is it's too tomboy to the point it just look like a dude. i like tomboy but not to this degree (this is still tomboy yes)

>> No.79040217

The only good part about it is the head
Everything else looks like shit and male

>> No.79040263

vtards will celebrate her model becoming less feminine.

>> No.79040303

Get it? Because she plays Apex pew-pew :D

>> No.79040451

Holy shit, a tomboy!

>> No.79040454

I mean, that's the only part you see most of the time

>> No.79040459

Is she good at it?

>> No.79040462

The model is a complete disappointment.
It's as if you crossbred Selen and Lumi from Phase.

I really hope she will eventually go back to her old one.

>> No.79040498

She looks like Link if he got his nutsack tucked and duct taped over his ass.

>> No.79040652

yeah it's an ugly model, the design itself is alright but I hate this artist's style
I guess it fits her better than the old Doki model though

>> No.79040733

>two scars on her wrist

>> No.79040742

Sure, if it was for a twink homo

>> No.79040873

For a girl she's ok

>> No.79040941

>Cowboy boots, belts, holster and bandana
>Salaryman shirt and slacks
>Gamer jacket, gloves and shades
Honestly it came pretty despite how much clashing designs there are

>> No.79040953

She actually is pretty fucking good at it occasionally, like it's a sight to behold when she pops off.

But she's not consistent and folds under pressure against top tier players in the tournaments she joins, then inevitably has somewhat menhera breakdowns.

She did legitimately make it to the highest rank eventually (while solo no less IIRC) but it was during a period where they changed the rank up system to favor longevity instead of pure skill based performance which was a contentious time.

>> No.79041008

Dokibird got a higher quality model which is a better match for her personality.

>> No.79041011

>straight up niji tier design
Who's gonna tell him

>> No.79041194

For attention.

>> No.79041210

it's great, and she seems really happy with it so that makes me happy too! the only thing that bothers me a bit are the hands but those are rarely seen so whatever.

>> No.79041237

man og doki was such a fuckable little cutie, what a huge downgrade to the ftm freak on the right

>> No.79041651
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>> No.79041780

Put the twintails on the new model and she's perfect idk anon

>> No.79041822

nigga be happy she didn't approve the techware slop design. its so overused like every chuba at least have one of that cyberpunk coat costume

>> No.79041863

not beating the lesbian allegations

>> No.79041912

I dont mind cyberslop it looked really cute on fubuki
Anything is better than this quirk chungus cowboy shit

>> No.79041944

it even has a dude's chest. eeeeewww

>> No.79042032

>grift $140k for legal fund against niji
>use it on a shitty model with an overproduced reveal
I'm sure she'll reveal the proooof~

>> No.79042122

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.79042200

>threaten niji about publicing their illegal practice
>get a huge settlement money
>spend it on a dude model and the debut reveal.
ye really can't defend the model.

>> No.79042264

stop samefagging nijinig

>> No.79042271
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>> No.79042281

Doki does everything out of spite. Typical bpd behavior

>> No.79042321
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nijisisters just can't help themselves

>> No.79042345

Holy shit you're right, looks like her brother. Was wondering where I've seen this vtuber before.

>> No.79042361

I don't even watch her,but even I can tell that you're a niji sister.

>> No.79042379

Sport binders for painless sprinting. Or maybe she's just an A cup now, as in Able-to-run-up-stairs-painlessly.

>> No.79042512

She is a B with a sports binder.
t. a hag who loves sports bras. Also I hate you nijisisters, don't (you) me.

>> No.79042522
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>> No.79042534

Surely the company "defamed" will do nothing to show evidence that they did no wrongdoing unless... oh wait, the ceo himself dogezaed without showing any evidence to the contrary. What did he mean by this? U lost

>> No.79042576
File: 509 KB, 498x498, kekw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new outfit
>nijiniggers start seething and crying about how she put down an entire company

>> No.79042658

The new clothes look too casual and realistic to me. You're a vtuber, you don't need to have your shirt scrunched by your belt.

>> No.79042661

>new outfit is shit
>mfw twitchzoomer.gif

>> No.79042690

The nijinigger seethe since the reveal has been something else

>> No.79042691


>> No.79042693

Tangential, but why would a grill choose a sports binder over a sports bra? I imagine the support would be better, but don't they restrict your breathing considerably?

>> No.79042724

Don't we all just want to fuck a guy without a cock

>> No.79042972

dookie didn't Sue retard, if she did she would have hard doxed herself and elira, it's why she pussied out at the end. and then used all that money on this shitty model KWAB

>> No.79043095

NTA. Honestly she might be using a sports bra and not a binder.
But your question: Depends. A properly fitted binder can actually be better for some people, cause sports bras have a band that can hurt the ribs.

>> No.79043142

Small tits and pussy is still hot, I don't care what anyone says.

>> No.79043202

Nice try sister, she as never pandered to coomers, and she as never been very feminine to begin with. I get it from the hordes of virgin incels on the board, but you have been fat and gross for so long that you forgot how woman in real life can look like?

>> No.79043235

also part of her reaction (other than defend herself) is to get some compensation

>> No.79043272
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>> No.79043289

that's not small, that's non-exist

>> No.79043298

she did from retard dragoons like yourself, that's why she blew all her savings on a shitty orchestra from eastern Europe instead of hiring some mother fuckers from Fiverr at a 90% discount

>> No.79043335

lmao are nijiniggers cheapskates now
kek no wonder slop is 5 star delicacy to them

>> No.79043403

dratroons are really just as retarded as their oshit, hopefully the third time is the charm.

>> No.79043406

New one looks like a tranny.

>> No.79043409
File: 1.98 MB, 926x1497, d1v1w0tmh4yc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what's your standard of shit outfits?

>> No.79043459

>niji tier design
That's because it is.

>> No.79043460
File: 73 KB, 166x482, 1698078552562633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tomboy with some of the fattest tits in name brand history
>no pandering

>> No.79043482

Kek just Hire the sweat shop workers

>> No.79043526

Its about on that level yeah

>> No.79043548

That is the spirit!! fiver and 16 year old students to do the work.
And that is why sisters are the fucking worst to defend nijisanji.

>> No.79043563

holy nijiseethe lol

>> No.79043659

Watch as it poison her numbers and decays as the month go by. Then she goes back to the old model like that one indie loli to went total whore model

>> No.79043670

Flat is Justice!
I liked Retrodoki, but people drew her with way too big boobs a lot of the time. Now that won't happen nearly as much and I'm happy for it.

>> No.79043700

now you're just a falseflag. no sister is dumb enough to even think a canadian girl can threaten to sue a billion dollar japan corp. her best shot is just threaten to public her proof.

>> No.79043745

damn it's just an outfit and the nijisisters are on suicide watch

>> No.79043794
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>> No.79043887

Non-existent would be Ina, Shion, and Ollie's level. This is Suisei, Ayame level. So either you are a blind faggot or a sister with sweaty and saggy gross tits.

>> No.79043925

actually they are hoping that the billion dollar corpo tries to sue her for.. plagiarism? yes they are called nijitards for good reason

>> No.79044373

Poorly fitted gloves to make it look like yaoi hands

>> No.79044449

none of you are fan of her so why do you fucking care

>> No.79044498

being a fan or not doesnt matter you are forced to see her mug here every day
At least the face is cute I guess

>> No.79044836

WEAK, when i see this model, i think of fucking her until she becomes feminine, get on my fucking level

>> No.79045123
File: 32 KB, 474x537, IMG_2601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79045198

>while solo no less IIRC
nah if you're talking about the touching pred arc, she got boosted by expros (noct/rpr/ipn, the usuals). iirc she did placements solo though

>> No.79045379

NTA but that face is nowhere near masculine.

>> No.79045422

m8, fucking her until she starts dressing more and more feminine, and her tits gets larger from all those baby making sex, don't come crying to me saying "You were wrong"

>> No.79045435
File: 560 KB, 500x1114, 0c1b1e6032fdca06a27cb0c393ae41dc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what a real "niji tier" design looks like, btw.

>> No.79045512

boykissers in denial :3

>> No.79045551

Why does she look like Selen?
The only thing I dislike about it is that it is a great departure from her original design that she might as well debut as a new vtuber. But that's what many vtubers are doing nowadays.

>> No.79045639

Fuck fuck fuck the new Doki makes my cock so hard

>> No.79045784


>> No.79046016

i'm not a dookie, so it doesn't matter to me, but:
Selen looked like shit to me. Then i found out her old-new design of doki and i was like - hell yeah! I still don't care, but the design is allright. The smug gives her a soul and something i haven't seen in the other models.
And now she got back basically to a yellow haired Selen.

thank you for coming to my tedtalk

>> No.79046234

Femgoons tell me she is likely a b cup, if that makes you feel better.

>> No.79046319

Can someone post the la+ pic I lost it

>> No.79046453

Eh, to each of their own i guess, for me Selen model was not really that good for me, but the retro doki and this model fits my taste quite well, so im enjoying it

>> No.79046645

Compared to most people? She's phenomenal. Don't let the neckbeards on this forum steer you otherwise, she'd wipe the floor with most people here when she's ACTUALLY trying.

>> No.79046664

So much for moving on… Wasn’t this supposed to be a new skinsuit? it’s literally just Selen 2.0 with added trauma

>> No.79046815
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She's a P cup to me

>> No.79046889

there's no winning with you fags, I swear


>> No.79046926

Its almost like the people judging the model have only seen the static image and haven't actually watched it in motion. Imo it flows well and looks really feminine as far as tomboys go 8/10

>> No.79046994

I miss her boobs...

>> No.79047025

Corpo models aren't designed by the vtuber. Nijisanji does let them choose from a pool of models but they have only a few options. She likely picked the least coomerbait model they had available.

Doki was going to get shit thrown at her regardless of the design. If she had made a coomerbait model with huge jiggling boobs the antis would have been calling her a sell out. The antis will certainly be throwing insults when she does get a more feminine outfit.

>> No.79047068

>Straight up niji tier design

>> No.79047113
File: 260 KB, 388x566, brat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eyes not even green
>hair not even blonde

>> No.79047277
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Could have just stuck with the design she had
Idk if she had a contest or something but a lot of people posted design proposals that looked really cute
>She likely picked the least coomerbait model they had available.
The outfits where she did have input on were more coombait than the original

>> No.79047602

Somewhat agree. The rigging is great, the art is okay but the design is shit. Why couldn't she have went with a slight redesign instead. I like the twintails.

>> No.79047823

In what universe? MtFgoons? that's A.

>> No.79048026

the concept designs she showed were much better than what she ended up choosing. It's a shame, i think her original model was fine and all it needed was a touch up like what mint got

>> No.79048134

>Poorfag with shitty monitor or genetics...

>> No.79048386

She's just lacking in hips and chest but otherwise the outfit is good, it matches the kind of games she likes to play.

>> No.79048435
File: 856 KB, 1285x754, 1689359865042974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The proposals she showed off got progressively worse until we reached the garbage she actually chose
Why does she want her character to be some androgynous tranny shit so bad? Is she that mad about people drawing her with huge tits?

>> No.79048725

Unfortunately, anon, she's the rare chuuba that gives no shits about sexo fanservice.

>> No.79048993

>generic meme cowboy shit fits because she plays ugly scifi shooters
Yeah ok
Who cares about sex appeal? At the least she should want to look cute?
This garbage doesn't even look cool
This is the kind of shit mtf/dykes wear because they think it makes them look manly
The yugioh shit in the bottom right would have been infinitely better

>> No.79049411

the rig is good, definitely better than the old one. People complain about the shit design

>> No.79049829

I, for one, heartily await the futa on female art.

>> No.79050118
File: 1.11 MB, 917x927, 1709120212601441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats like 90% of what we got from the start
Ever notice the amount of fanart with this idol outfit even though it doesnt even exist

>> No.79050451

Both models look like complete shit

>> No.79051632
File: 217 KB, 900x1200, Doki-Idol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think the model is fine but the outfit is not very good

>> No.79051895

She can touch top 500 in both Apex and Overwatch. Most can't do that.

>> No.79051896

A tomboy model is closer to her personality and she wanted that as her default. She will eventually get some girly outfits with dresses and ribbons. The antis will than be calling her a whore so there will be criticism regardless of the design.

>> No.79052078

>Straight up niji tier design.
Mission accomplished?

>> No.79052185

Top 500 what? rank? lol thats all about dedication not skill

>> No.79052323

This is correct. There's no winning with antis

>> No.79052434

I can't tell what sucks more, the fact that Doki is now just Selen with a new coat of paint or that people will defend here when she inevitability devolves back into Selen.

>> No.79052546

Have you tried not thinking about trannies all the time, faggot?

>> No.79052557

This is an actual BPD design

>> No.79052579

the model is fine, but it does need twintails.

>> No.79052967

>putting the one thing thats better on the new design onto the old one is bad

>> No.79053128

Bold of you to assume BPD = bad

>> No.79053216

oh you meant she has bpd

>> No.79053322

I feel like dragoons are just coping, there's no way they think this looks good

>> No.79053735

Women probably like it
Cause its an extremely gay feminine form of "masculine"
I know an ftm that dresses like that
>oversized button up
>necklace or some shit around neck
>collarbone shown
>leather jacket

>> No.79053864

Can someone edit it with purple hair?

>> No.79054580

>we like tomboys!
>*gets a cute tomboy*
>nooo, not like this, muh frilly skirt femininity and boobarino

>> No.79055011

Nijiniggers try not to lie about everything challenge impossible.
Chinese influence dug too deep.

>> No.79055187
File: 867 KB, 605x1898, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here bud

>> No.79055285

>ftm = tomboy

>> No.79055512

Literally sovl vs soulless.

>> No.79055706

This is what fags deserve for voting for tomboy Doki over alt girl Doki.

>> No.79056232

are dragoons all retard? just discuss with good faith argument and ignore nijisister/anti/troll. otherwise just stay in her thread and you won't see any complain.

>> No.79056387

Cute esl

>> No.79056420

Sex em both

>> No.79056716

But if you close your eyes....

>> No.79057199
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>> No.79057435


Bottom row, third from the left is Miki :o

>> No.79057787

Asian larping as a white chick kek why do they do this

>> No.79058447

I personally think the design is great, especially from the shoulders up, where we spend most of the time anyways. If I have any complaints its that I wish there was a little more going on below the shoulders, especially in the fanservice dept. But other then her Commander Selen outfit and classic Doki, all of her other outfits were pretty masc. I'm not sure why you're complaining about androgynous design from her.

>> No.79058596

>OG has hidden cannons
>Commander has sideboob and tit belt
>Hoodie has no pants look
>Vampire shit has cleavage
The last horny design she ever had was OG

>> No.79058873

You do realize that like half of Doki's most dedicated fans are thirsty ass women, right? It makes sense for her to pander to them a little.

>> No.79059282
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Her new design kind of gives me female brotuber vibes if that makes sense. Like a female friend you consider one of the bros.

>> No.79059494

So a lesbo?

>> No.79059689

>fps streamer fanbase is mostly dykes
Somehow I find that hard to believe

>> No.79059841
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>> No.79059878

The only thing that was ever lost was her old KINO model. We are so fucking back, and also seethe and cope nijisisters.

>> No.79059894

All of these would have been awesome

>> No.79060006

I don't think you've ever seen a real tomboy.

>> No.79060068

pick me girl?

>> No.79060129

this, I'm actually really looking forward to the inevitable more fem or sexy outfits that will be even more delectable because of the inherent gap

>> No.79060132

A is perfect

>> No.79060172

A real tomboy is just an aloof girl they are not andro freaks that consider self mutilating to be less feminine

>> No.79060181

I hate the "more clutter = better" design philosophy of vtubers nowadays.

>> No.79060206

>when she inevitability devolves back into Selen.

what are you one about. She always has been

>> No.79060268

I agree

>> No.79060281

Make the eyes a brighter green and any of these would have been perfect.

>> No.79060343

Nobody making a single effort to not be a massive virgin coomer huh
There's plenty of other waifu vtubers let her represent herself in a way she's happy with, very sorry she's not trying to pander to you

>> No.79060356

Ah crap yeah I forgot about her Moriarty design...that was pretty SEX

Point stands, Selen/Doki has never made their sex appeal a cornerstone of their content, so I don't really care that she's gone super Andro now

>> No.79060649

I hate the "more dumbass anons saying words that don't mean anything" design philosophy of you right now.

>> No.79060677

>Don't have an opinion, just agree with the vtuber blindly
It doesn't look great. The OG model isn't coomer in any way and is a way better design.

>> No.79060733

>tomboy is just an aloof girl

Lay off the crack

>> No.79060807
File: 338 KB, 680x932, 1700970401450580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad I forgot this is leddit

>> No.79060817

When did trannies infiltrated selen fanbase?

>> No.79061623

Doki is an ally

>> No.79061798

The problem is the artist he's not skilled enough to pull it off.

>> No.79062009

>androgynous clown freak
The last 10-15 years have poisoned the minds of millions of people, to the point that cute tomboys are now seen as "freaks" by some or "trans men who just haven't realised it yet" by the other side.

What a cursed timeline.

>> No.79062141

>Goes from sex to sex
I don't see the issue

>> No.79062486

Because it's the same artist. Look up Dr.Nova(e) from V4Mirai and Daiya Fortuna from PixelLink - they're all Kamame and they all look very similar.

>> No.79062886

thats post top surgery ftm wear not a tomboy

>> No.79063523

Like I say, poisoned minds.

>> No.79064413

He said with a mind poisoned from anime bullshit
A real tomboy is just the opposite of a girly girl
They dont dress like a man or some shit

>> No.79064566

Have you been living under a rock? She even got a sponsorship with them.

>> No.79064888

My little sister and one of my friends would disagree. In fact when she was much younger my sister used to be mistaken for a boy.

>> No.79065036

Because she plays it a lot
Its just advertisement after all

>> No.79065116
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>> No.79065148

>notkyo's tier downgrade

>> No.79065222

I like the face but not the outfit

>> No.79065384

They say Mike has diagnosed bpd and she has a pink rushia model doki is rumored to have bpd and have a blonde selen model. They are???

>> No.79065516

Also I might add that the first doki outfit had soul something about her mouth and her smug shit eating grin gave her something unique to the model now she looks kinda generic imo.

>> No.79065617

See a lot of women upset about the design of a person they were never going to watch in here.

>> No.79065644

She needed someone in the room to tell her the model looks bad and that didn't happen. It could be great. If it had a hair toggle for a twin tail mode it would fix a lot but yeah.

This happens all the time with indies where the fuck up a great design. Fortunately as an indie she can get a new model tomorrow if she wanted.

>> No.79065739

>Dedication is not a virtue
>Practice doesn't make you good you're only good if you can take a 6-month break then kill literally everyone with melee on your first match

>> No.79065780

Yep. This is like Mike going from her long hair churning design to pink Rushia. Just feels like a downgrade.

>> No.79065807

Turned into a Holostar what the fuck happened here?

>> No.79065967
File: 2.46 MB, 2451x4096, 1719237537904512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its girl wearing your shirt the next day after you fucked her
its great

>> No.79066078

wow thats ugly. i assumed she was a tranny supporter but i guess its clear now. my instincts were correct, glad i never watched her.

>> No.79066114

Remove the Bandalier and increase her booba and HOLY SEXO WE HAVE SAVED THIS DESIGN!

>> No.79066136


>> No.79066387

Wait... is she trying to be Revolver Ocelot for Mint?

>> No.79066498
File: 443 KB, 575x636, doki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck are you talking about OP? Her new model is adorable. I love that blessed smile.

>> No.79066783

>no huge paizuriable tits

>> No.79066833

holy shit anon you just solved the mystery... lucky maid ghost

>> No.79067150

pushing it
there is not a single feminine curve in that png
straight line stick figure ass

>> No.79067221

>conveniently crops out the ugly part

>> No.79067288

The good news is when streaming you usually only see the head and maybe shoulders anyway, so the bad part is concealed.

>> No.79067467

What is the ugly part?

>> No.79067742
File: 261 KB, 760x427, 1702770765853387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe her baggy shirt game is ridiculous

>> No.79067752

This would have been an easy fix if she just added tits, twin tail hairstyle, and her signature hat. This is not healthy obsession for doki, everytime she looks at her obs she will see her past trauma. She needs to take her own advice and move on already. Ofcourse the drama fags will eat this up because it shits on niji.

>> No.79068415

I like scruffy tomboys and now she's the scruffiest of them all. All you niggers can fuck off.

>> No.79069116

Armchair psychologists should kill themselves.

>> No.79069553

>armchair psychologists
>it takes qualification to see that this suicidal idiot cant let go after specifically saying she would
>same fan name
>same loading screen
>same model but yellow
She isnt letting go at all even though she knows she should

>> No.79069589

She had to ask kameme to make her a b cup because the original was actually a fucking cuttingboard

>> No.79069742

Looks like a character from a modern remake of an old game. So ugly.

>> No.79069824

I dont believe that cause every vtuber that cunt draws has G cups

>> No.79069963
File: 40 KB, 278x415, dokidokitwintail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We could have had this

>> No.79070947

Nah she has to be a mentally unwell kind of tomboy not a cute one

>> No.79071465


>> No.79071515

>ill schizoid said thing so its true

>> No.79072138
File: 113 KB, 607x969, 1719253924351026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cums on you

>> No.79072266

>le quirky lesbian vtuber

>> No.79072912

Ah okay, I made the mistake of thinking you weren't just a shitposter.

>> No.79073068

I think this thread has proven quite clearly that people who never watched her (and had no intention of watching her) are the ones shutting in the new model.

>> No.79074086

Even more than that this thread has proven that we really need the fucking IP counter back.

>> No.79074611

>Nijisanji almost made me off myself
>Let me do absolutely everything I did in Nijisanji including using a similar model
Bitch is retarded.

>> No.79074664

>people are gonna be upset the design is flat as shit
>pretend you actually advocated for bigger boobs so they cant complain
I know fucking crazy straws I am materializing here
Not like its obviously a lie because the model is literally 100% fucking flat

>> No.79075307

The design of Niji models are not the problem. It's the rigging that is always terrible and stiff. Doki has never had a good rig before so this will be a learning experience.

>> No.79075371

Kameme's other purple daughter is also flat

>> No.79075930

Why are you writing a sensible reply to my last comment now instead of acknowledging what I said

>> No.79077040

Intentional reference back to the selen model to trigger nijifags

>> No.79077308

I didn’t realize she even stands in the same stance as Selen

>> No.79077401

They are both cute but I like the twintails better, She will probably end up getting a casual outfit and other hairstyles eventually anyway.

>> No.79077424

vtuber artists are notorious hacks

>> No.79079428

yea its shit, but dramafags like it for a day, i guess

>> No.79080367

Also remove the shirt and put on a cow-print microbikini, and that outfit is perfect!
A clip art kiddie pool added to her stream overlay would make that outfit safe for Twitch
>Remove the Bandalier and increase her booba
Nah, mate. The bandolier keeps the pistol belt in place even though her sidearm is a revolver, and the world needs more flat chested girls wearing cowkinis

>> No.79081191

That Selen face is ugly, never liked it, the smug Doki was so much better

>> No.79081343

>even though her sidearm is a revolver
Do you is stupid?

>> No.79081357

It is jut blonde Bettel

>> No.79081965

nigger what

>> No.79081982
File: 422 KB, 3000x2000, 1719261707935668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting your corpo artist to make a continuation of your corpo past feels nice at first, but sore in the long run.
In hindsight, I'm doubly glad Sayu got turned away by her nijimama.

>> No.79082130

she said she has to move on herself but clearly isnt moving on at all
