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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 149 KB, 316x285, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78976916 No.78976916 [Reply] [Original]

All the hype gone after yesterday's cancellation

>> No.78977048

You're going to regret posting this thread OP.

>> No.78980046

2 hours to see if you are right sister. My guess is that it's going to be even hyper than yesterday, to day being a day without big events.

>> No.78980394

thank you for reminding me!

>> No.78980860

sister's and getting btfo, name a more iconic duo.

>> No.78981130

Post tits.

>> No.78981743

either fat whale or ugly femcel typed these

>> No.78982108

Why are female chuubas obsessed with wild west outfits?

>> No.78982163

what happened?

>> No.78982681

Name one other than Mori (and the Nexas one I guess).

>> No.78983084

buy an ad

>> No.78983108

Yes they're all Myth but still

>> No.78983398

And Doki.
Everyone loves cowboys.

>> No.78983450

Wild West is to America is like Feudal Period is to Japan. It's the era that is most iconic and defines their culture other than the world wars.

>> No.78983889

He wanted to go pew pew with her new outfit but hates techwear, so her new mama suggested a western theme.
I hope she has a toggable poncho.

>> No.78984473

she blew her load too early instead of waiting for her team to finish
she announced the debut before everything was even finished
team started crunching and still didn't finish so she had to delay it at the last second
then has the nerve to cry over her own retardation when she could've just waited until everything was done

>> No.78984515

so true nijisister, niji is definitely gonna beat her

>> No.78984626
File: 450 KB, 1920x1244, 1714743608767743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78984632

This. Right after selling out the concert.

>> No.78984649

>fat whale
You think OP is Doki stealth advertising?

>> No.78984698
File: 153 KB, 339x309, oof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an hour left
not a good look
she had more waiting yesterday piggybacking off people waiting for holo debuts
probably would've gotten at least 50k yesterday

>> No.78984932

This is definitely flopping. The other design was already iconic and this one looks like trash. Bad on her team for not advising her properly.

>> No.78985073
File: 17 KB, 200x204, 1718314927452876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop samefaging, sister.

>> No.78985323

What numbers WOULD be "good" or "bad?" in terms of meeting expectations
Extra credit: Split your answer between as originally scheduled and after postponement debuff.

>> No.78985607

Yesterday really would have been perfect now it’s meh

>> No.78985740

anything under 20k would be awful

>> No.78985741

>this is what Nijinigs actually believe

>> No.78985921

She's not American though.

>> No.78988308

she lives above it tho, like a hat. LIKE A COWBOY HAT

>> No.78989428

there are 8 billion people on earth. if she doesn't get at least half of them to watch it's a failure if we're being honest.

>> No.78989878

>"Doki's New Skinsuit Reveal Is Going To Flop," and other lies nijisisters tell themselves
>By Bobson Dugnutt
>with foreword by Raul Chamgerlain
>and afterword by Munchma Quchi

>> No.78990733

This, dookie will absolutely fail

>> No.78991189

It's already above 10k in it's intro lmao

>> No.78991296

Reminds me of a music video about a cup of coffee

>> No.78991326

it gets a bit weird when you keep going on about mentally ill chinese sisters and the vtuber you're defending fits that exact description

>> No.78991620

>1.3K waiting
>14K while intro plays
Literally ten times more.
OP BTFO into outer space.

>> No.78991787

it looks like a complete reworked. original is best I don't know why indi downgrades everytime they get a new model. I'm still sceptical about this one.

>> No.78991793


>> No.78991809

OP just posted this so they could have something to grudgepost

>> No.78991864

>not an easy 20k

>> No.78992014
File: 891 KB, 1269x755, FLOP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78992196

Outperforms the debut follow ups other than elizabeth
Highest performing stream in the slot
Get fucked sister, you need it

>> No.78992381


>> No.78992383

>Can't even get the same amount of viewers as her first month on a regular stream

>> No.78992461

Holy shit there's an there's an entire 3D game segment OP you are a fucking idiot and deserve to be laughed at.

>> No.78992486

nijiniggers it's been 6 months just kill yourselves already, that way you'll match your worthless branch

>> No.78992647

>26k and not even revealed yet
So true sister, what a flop

PD: Post tits

>> No.78992885

why is there so much custom animation...

>> No.78992918

Almost 30k now.
Ready to see OP rope themselves any day now

>> No.78992976
File: 110 KB, 892x421, holobrossabotagingthemselves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many anons think that successful doki = dunking on niji
niji is dying anyway
at this point doki is more of a threat to hololive
look, justice is being mogged

>> No.78992978

>only 30k
Yikers, I'm thinking she fell off!

>> No.78993079

hanging delivery ah ah ah

>> No.78993100

RIP sisters

>> No.78993214

Shut up ESL retard. Stop trying to make this some competition, Doki has no beef with hololive.

>> No.78993272

Sisters go to Home Depot right now and buy an industrial strength strings right now. lol. lemao even.

>> No.78993277


>> No.78993324
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She really should

>> No.78993337
File: 941 KB, 1446x853, you sure about that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consider toaster bath

>> No.78993338

Hows the taste of the shotgun in your mouth, op?

>> No.78993355

first time doki watcher her

if she laughs one more time im gonna fucking lose it. god damn its annoying

>> No.78993454

>but what about Holo?
Do nijinigs really?

>> No.78993463

you should probably just close the stream now because she literally never stops going HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.78993467

So true sister! Why isn't she punching us to near death us like Hex does?!

>> No.78993492

Get filtered faggot

>> No.78993511

Did the drama buff really fizzle out that hard? Why are her first three streams back from Niji mogging something that cost her all her money?

>> No.78993544

30k viewers

>> No.78993565
File: 261 KB, 393x341, 1632838616490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time doki watcher her

if she laughs one more time im gonna fucking oshi her haha...

>> No.78993603

Skill issue, HAHAHA

>> No.78993624

32k now

>> No.78993680


>> No.78993691

flat... nerf model

>> No.78993705

whatever you're thinking, go through with it

>> No.78993758
File: 11 KB, 86x86, 1689215791639020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78993768

>More than 31k viewers atm

Please livestream your suicide attempt Nijisister.

>> No.78993819

So,should i start to write your will now or did you already decided to do a hero?

>> No.78993831


>> No.78993877

Feathers??? Monstergirl???

>> No.78993881

"like like ya know like cause like i like HAHAHAHA"

jfc closed

>> No.78993936

>No crooked mouth
It's dover...

>> No.78993965

The sisters really can't let go can they. Your options are a dry rope or a wet toaster

>> No.78994014


>> No.78994037

She has a flesh fang...

>> No.78994043


>> No.78994058

I can't believe the person who said this would flop LIED TO ME! How could someone LIE to me online?

>> No.78994087

It's all they have left. The time on their branch is running out, and if rrats are to be believed, their date of death will be July 1st.

>> No.78994162


>> No.78994168

two more weeks right?

>> No.78994220

>a lot of announcements
She's forming her own branch! It's gonna have Zaion and Aloe and Monoe!

>> No.78994230


>> No.78994240
File: 521 KB, 665x488, 1708153899454408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I lived, bitch

>> No.78994271

Selen's eyes????

>> No.78994324


>> No.78994332

Selen fucked a Chocobo and now we're here.

>> No.78994334

Euros are asleep

>> No.78994337
File: 11 KB, 108x151, 1684034658223964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hair and face are cute, but the outfit itself is pretty shit.

>> No.78994352


>> No.78994393
File: 900 KB, 862x841, Screenshot 2024-06-23 173348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its blonde selen...

>> No.78994409

Fuck I meant own corp pretend I said that instead of branch thank you in advance for fixing my dumb joke.

>> No.78994415

Please rope with some niji merch and stream it, will be fun

>> No.78994424

It’s a Selen recolor?

>> No.78994454


>> No.78994492

LMAO NijiEN now has their own Rushia

>> No.78994494
File: 653 KB, 563x771, 1695179852036881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WE lived, bitch

>> No.78994510

can't niji sue her for this?

>> No.78994579

Wait is she allowed to use the Selen artist????

>> No.78994621

massive downgrade.

>> No.78994644

>30k ccv

>> No.78994651
File: 1.10 MB, 1385x812, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78994650

THIS is the model that caused a delay yesterday? Its fucking shit

>> No.78994656

Shes a shitty brat! And she looks like lemon woman!

>> No.78994659

Michael Cat became pink rushia and got away with it, It's clear which one of her children kamame mama preferred over elira/selen

>> No.78994660

"You have feathers and a smug grin"

>> No.78994667

How the fuck? they can't stop someone hiring an artist just because they also did.
Kamame has done like 5 or so Vtuber avatars for non-Nijis.

>> No.78994697

This happens so fucking often, Rushia, Coco, Lulu etc

>> No.78994707



>> No.78994734

>Keeps "Dragoons" as fan name
>Keeps her Epic account
>Blonde Selen

You can rope yourself sister

>> No.78994791

Why wouldn't she be?, TOTAL NIJINIGGER DEATH
I miss her hat but otherwise that face is PEAK
It was the animations that delayed it, also SEETHE nijinigger

>> No.78994794

Ask PixelLink and V4Mirai who also hired the same artist

>> No.78994798

God, I hope the sisters try to push this retarded rrat

>> No.78994807

she look like a dude now.

>> No.78994811

they could probably try, but it'd cause another doki shitstorm so they won't

>> No.78994820

It always surprises me how fucking stupid sisters are

>> No.78994824

Mint's remodel is going to have purple hair.

>> No.78994827

You're wrong, OP
Also you're a faggot, become an hero

>> No.78994829


>> No.78994832

Elira redesign soon or no new outfits LMAAAAAAAO

>> No.78994873


>> No.78994935
File: 503 KB, 571x524, 1708389215667014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78994941
File: 1.16 MB, 1000x1288, Selen_Tatsuki_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sue her for what retard?
That's the selen model.

>> No.78994971


>> No.78994993

I guess she wanted a good in between but this definitely leans a lot to the Selen side. I found Selen pretty hot though so meh. At least she kept some smug

>> No.78994994

I prefer the real Doki.

>> No.78995025

biboo cute!

>> No.78995037

>because we fired you, you aren't allowed to buy things from suppliers we use
that would be racketeering, anon

>> No.78995036

Already acted like one so its ok

>> No.78995089

Women who look like dudes are sex. So that checks out.

>> No.78995131

She's really alive now.

>> No.78995147

But I like Selen/Doki

>> No.78995221
File: 270 KB, 538x542, 1612093458210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can turn on heterochromia.
Doki really is just styling at this point.

>> No.78995243

>calls fans dragoons
>same model artist
>uses long neck meme

>> No.78995253

Nijisanji owns the design, you imbecile

>> No.78995295

That is an Ao-kun ass outfit though.

>> No.78995311
File: 700 KB, 688x723, 1705865317067540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I lived, bitch

>> No.78995376

why does she have cum swirling in circles behind her head?
whose cum is it?

>> No.78995378

Better designed but not as much soul as the old one.

>> No.78995418

Is it true Moom showed up?

>> No.78995430

They don't own the artstyle braindead fucking retard

>> No.78995442

Well you're into men so shouldn't be problem

>> No.78995456

Imagine the deepthroat game

>> No.78995494

Booba doko??

>> No.78995528
File: 122 KB, 512x512, HOME1021_s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Raging Bolt

>> No.78995539

And cover corp owns uruha rushia and that didn't stop michael cat

>> No.78995565

Yeah the design I posted, not this one are you blind IN ADDITION to being retarded?

>> No.78995604 [SPOILER] 
File: 237 KB, 481x799, 1719188249732030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78995605

You KNOW what a design is, right?

>> No.78995693

Does it have a "bowing in disgrace Riku" toggle? As in makes him pop up and do a little bow. It doesn't, but it should.

>> No.78995706

I liked the previous one better desu

>> No.78995725

her pl name and her voice

>> No.78995738 [DELETED] 

Seethe more tranny nijiniggers!!! Keep on fucking seething!!! YOUR TEARS ARE DELICIOUS!!!

>> No.78995752

Considering how fucking incompetent and cheap Anycolor is, I wouldn't be surprised if they only licensed the art and Kamame owns it.

>> No.78995797

Just fucking recoloring a design is still stealing, you fucking idiot. Chinese bootleg Selen is still a rip off of the original Selen design

>> No.78995801

That's because covercorp isn't a black company.
But yeah "can't they sue?!?" anon is retarded

>> No.78995804

why wouldn't she, retard?

>> No.78995825
File: 499 KB, 609x434, GFxsz7KXcAAkJbS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the tomato?

>> No.78995843

Silky Johnson has no chance at the The Playa Haters' Ball this year, holy shit

>> No.78995909

Legally distinct catchphrase with "Oh hello" instead of hi

>> No.78995940
File: 106 KB, 660x660, 1718505956038345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this done by Selen's actual mama? That would be some brutal mogging

>> No.78995947

It's a similar but different design you blind dolt.

>> No.78995974


>> No.78996022

She was the top for shippers with Mint/Pom. Its perfect.


>> No.78996031


>> No.78996062

Also Elira's mama :)

>> No.78996173


>> No.78996205

Holy fuck, right

>> No.78996229

God i hope they try, it would be the biggest Niji failure ever

>> No.78996313

I wouldn't be surprised if they try kek

>> No.78996334

Sister confirmed as blind. Keep cooking up new new goalposts so she can meet those and you can seethe more.

Well now I'm just gonna watch and buy her merch just so you can seethe more.
I'll also look forward to seeing you spiral as well, sis.

>> No.78996346
File: 146 KB, 897x552, dokiwins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, Holobros
Let's keep dunking on our mutual enemy, Nijisanji, shall we

>> No.78996353

It's not a question of "allowed" it's more that the artist might be throwing away future opportunities with Niji.

>> No.78996378

Almost missed, thanks king!

>> No.78996385
File: 108 KB, 1500x500, 1500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pink rushia
>Blue coco
Yeah niji can't do shit, It's kamame's artstyle, See picrel which is ANOTHER of kamame's creations, Gonna call that "Red Selen"?

>> No.78996445

Guess we know her favorite daughter

>> No.78996458

Gigi supremacy holy shit

>> No.78996474


As usual OP is a faggot and fp is bp

>> No.78996496

>Opportunities with Niji.
And who the fuck would give a shit about working with niggersanji?

>> No.78996502
File: 63 KB, 1083x1080, 1714492583314025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78996531

Nijisisters seething that Elira got another better version of herself but this time she can't do anything about it

>> No.78996542
File: 604 KB, 1262x851, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78996558

Show Niji numbers, i wanna see the bottom

>> No.78996567

is it the same artist? it looks pretty close

>> No.78996566

>Don't play fucking dumb with me, I know you all know

>> No.78996568


>> No.78996644

It's easy for Doki to be the favorite daughter because Elira is like the crack whore of the family.

>> No.78996664

The sister rrat that "Selen mama hates Doki and prefer Elira" debunked

>> No.78996718
File: 343 KB, 564x538, 1652286887406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78996742

>Mama: kamamesigogo123

>> No.78996754

This is either a false flag or advanced nijiseethe

>> No.78996792
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>> No.78996826

Indie is gonna usually pay more on a per item basis. And given all the free shit she gave doki, clearly, that was preferred.

>> No.78996886
File: 133 KB, 1024x1024, 1707357573408379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opportunities with Niji.

>> No.78996887


>> No.78996890

That's actually so cute

>> No.78996912


They also lied to her mama about how Doki was doing back during the stealth suspension, so this is payback.

>> No.78996957
File: 111 KB, 777x550, nijis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons fighting invisible enemy. Nijisisters are no longer exist. You are like those twitter retards keep saying NAZI NAZI HITLER HITLER. They are already dead, anons, let it go.

>> No.78996963

Who the fuck said she hated Selen? She was one of the first #whereisselen posters

>> No.78997073

I dunno, do you see the same flesh fang and hair style on that red one, retard? She literally just requested for a yellow Selen

>> No.78997091
File: 668 KB, 944x739, 1693349805929430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78997100

Were you faggots bitching when Pink Mikeneko came out as well?

>> No.78997103


>> No.78997155

Dookieturd gets a PC case but not Rosemi-sama? FUCK

>> No.78997172

Sisters argued at some point that she was afraid of niji and would not support doki

>> No.78997215

The nijisisters are too busy seething on here and discord/twitter.

>> No.78997248
File: 430 KB, 600x600, Dr_Nova_E_profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, that's just how the artist is. Dr. Nova(e) is in a different corpo completely and has nothing to do with the Dragon sisters and takes after their hair and flesh fang too.

>> No.78997255

She can always graduate anytime, Vox said so

>> No.78997288

This stream shows Doki could've carried Niji on her own. It's the golden egg goose fable all over again.

>> No.78997416

I didn't know nijisanji owned the copyright to fleshfangs or hairstyles. Also not hte same actual hairstyle.
Retardchama give up.

>> No.78997470

Doki and Mint, they're the show runners, the logistics and producers

>> No.78997521

I wouldn't have known about her if she hadn't left nijisanji.
Mint and Doki only gained from leaving.

>> No.78997552

love my stinky rat wife

>> No.78997555

And notice how those fangs and hair style don't look like Selen at all?

>> No.78997562

Waiting for the Elira not feeling well twitter post now

>> No.78997686


>> No.78997690

>Inbred blind nijinigger still trying to force their "IT'S COPYRIGHTED REEEEEE" faggotry after being provenly BTFO'd
It's over sister, It looks the exact same, Just kill yourself already

>> No.78997754

Maybe Kurosanji should stop being so black

>> No.78997863


>> No.78997976

>2 more weeks

>> No.78998016

nijiEN lost loll. you can smell the seethe from the nijiniggers

>> No.78998024

Do you actually think that "looking like Selen" is against the law? Serious question.

>> No.78998077

this sicko looks like shed give the sloppiest toppy
do you recommend?

>> No.78998098

Fagoons LOVES eating shit covered baits.

>> No.78998226

She's very good if you like girlfalure wife vibes. Her voice fits her model perfectly and she's very entertaining.

>> No.78998258
File: 60 KB, 249x249, 1717009301627557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78998273

Yeah, it's called plagiarism

>> No.78998300

Oh she Nova always reminded me of Selen, but I didn't know she has the same mama.

>> No.78998424
File: 524 KB, 822x803, sanzawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nijisanji shamelessly allows hetshit collabs and units
>They're the shittiest VTuber company ever
Male Nijisanjis were a mistake

>> No.78998447
File: 79 KB, 500x501, 317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Keep trying faggot, you almost got it

>> No.78998455

Serious question, how an artist can plagiarize itself ??

>> No.78998489

plagiarism when its being drawn by the sama artist, gah damn, i know i dont know law, but apparently i know more than some people

>> No.78998502

An artist can't plagiarize it's self you retard.

>> No.78998593

Because when you sell a company a design then someone asks you to pallette swap it, it's called plagiarising an IP

>> No.78998650
File: 44 KB, 640x583, 1715948871345613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they keep pulling shit out of their ass and making up fanfics, eventually one of them will be true.

>> No.78998689
File: 827 KB, 430x834, 1712012225824639.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek your funny, sis

>> No.78998697

Do you know what a pallette swap is?

>> No.78998802

Yeah, it's changing the colors of a design. Like Yellow Selen

>> No.78998808
File: 375 KB, 1254x1080, 1716083707508827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The copium is intense today

>> No.78998875

>Yeah, it's changing the colors of a design
Yes, correct! Well done, sister
>Like Yellow Selen
Nope, still a retard

>> No.78998916

i hope these sisters are at least getting paid to mald

>> No.78998958
File: 22 KB, 649x400, pooh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You must be 18+ to post on this site

>> No.78999059

>Performed better than Justice Debut streams

>> No.78999088
File: 114 KB, 888x826, 1719189245546550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78999100

Must be sad to not be able to control Doki via tweeting like sisters do with Niji organs

>> No.78999106

Concession accepted

>> No.78999229

Self-plagarism is very real, and an ongoing problem in academia.
In visual/audio arts, it's generally called "having a style", and it's easier to get away with it, but it's still a thing.

>> No.78999263
File: 980 KB, 909x1031, You have psychosis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78999296
File: 112 KB, 600x600, 52079991_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78999324


>> No.78999421


>> No.78999441
File: 645 KB, 720x720, Kaneko_Lumi_-_2023_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Doki look like she's the love child of Selen and Lumi?

>> No.78999496

Just a quick question sister do you enjoy being BTFO'd here?, Why do you even still give a fuck about niggersanji anyway when they are literally fucking dead and worthless?, ALL of kamame's fucking designs look like selen and elira, If you think this new dokibird is a "plagiarized" selen while dismissing the other designs kamame has done as "not" being similar, Genuinely, Without a hint of irony or disingenuousness, Kill yourself

>> No.78999505

Don't call me a sister but this model is fugly. Original doki is feminine and cute.

>> No.78999511
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>The absolute state of Nijisisters

>> No.78999527
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>> No.78999554

This isnt about you phasetard

>> No.78999693

>She even got the emotes back

>> No.78999823
File: 190 KB, 417x395, Minto_ogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lumi should sue her because she plagiarized her blonde hair.

>> No.78999839

>Exact same flesh fang
>Exact same hair clip
>Same hair style
>Same eye shape
>Same head shape

NijiEN's very own Rushia

>> No.78999851

Is for tomboy enjoyers... besides, the moment she get an outfit it will be like Commander or Selen Bear aka pure sex

>> No.78999934

Wait untill you hear her voice, will blow your mind

>> No.78999937

Getting a lot of Boss Baby vibes from this vtuber design

>> No.79000008

Retardchama, remember you can always just stop posting. No one will know who you were and that you were wrong on the internet.

>> No.79000079

Nice digits

>> No.79000107

holofag here.
I KNEEL for the dragonqueen I don't care if she mogged my oshi or cute dumbass fist wife. She mogged the nijisisters more.

>> No.79000247

This Mint is really ogey

>> No.79000534

Not a lawyer, but from what I can tell none of the similarities are exact enough to give Niji a strong case. Everything is either part of the artist's art style, or unlikely to be close enough to cause issues. For instance, Doki has an x shaped hairclip while selen had 3 differently colored hairclips. They are similar, almost certainly on purpose, but Niji doesn't own the copyright for having hairclips.

>> No.79000765

>Diffent hair color
>Different eye color
Not even getting into the re-design conversation, just the color palette alone is enough to ne upsetting.
Congratulations to you all on your Selen 2 but old Doki will be missed.

>> No.79000848

She's still going to use old Doki you dramanigger.

>> No.79000903

It's a misnomer and when we're talking about undergrad, it's used by academics to try and get students to do work properly without reusing past work to skirt assignments. Most of the time, it's used for multiple-submission cases which was a way to boost your academic standing via publishing a large amount of articles which purports to be an original submission when it is a retelling of an idea which is the most popular way it is done. With basic checks that don't even need AI, it is no longer really possible.
Speaking from an artistic standpoint, there's no equivalent for even the concept of self-plagiarism, most of the contractor terms for artists puts in limits for this so they can work in multiple places and while the amount of similarity here is on purpose, there is enough plausible deniability and safeguards put in that kanamesigogo won't get in trouble. Otherwise, she would never been able to do models for V4Mirai and Pixellink after working with Nijisanji.

>> No.79000957

>me when I don't watch streams

>> No.79001026

That's literally just a pallette swap. A blue skinned Mario with white overalls is still Mario

>> No.79001080

That's even worse.

>> No.79001159

Retard never saw gacha designs KEK

>> No.79001261

pink korone

>> No.79001383
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>> No.79001407

I dont think you know how being mogged works. They would have to be live at the same time for the numberfaggotry you're the trying to push to actually count.

>> No.79001410

Half an hour of credits for a model update... Jesus it's still going... and she spend ludicrous money on this too...

>> No.79001566

Yeah and both seen and doki are distinct enough. Cope more sister

>> No.79001656

??? retard

>> No.79001682

Niji en mad as shit. Does that means pomu would do the same thing and there's nothing riku can do about it? Lmao does this clown ever stops taking Ls. He's the Elon Musk of the vtuber world

>> No.79001695

It's more like fix it felix vs Mario/Jumpman. Felix is pretty clearly supposed to remind the viewer of Mario, but it's different enough to not infringe on copyright.

>> No.79001724
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>throwing away future opportunities with Niji.

>> No.79001849

What, were you waiting for her to open apex and start playing?

>> No.79001885

Copyright cases require you to have enough evidence to make an argument that it is similar enough to cause confusion with consumers that a case is there. A palette swap is enough but we here, we have a palette swap, a different design from anything other design that was done for Selen or Elira and a different name. Certain design characteristics being similar isn't enough for a case and you can attribute most of it to it being the same artist.

>> No.79002016

We so are.

>> No.79002108

Somebody's not read the financial report, I see.

>> No.79002166
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And she loves her sister.

>> No.79002181
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>> No.79002292

>Assuming you're talking about Niji suing Kamame for working on Doki's new skinsuit, and not Doki for commissioning her new skinsuit:

For copyright infringement? Absolutely not. Doki has a Legally Distinct Hairclip™ and a pair of Legally Distinct Hair-Wings™; and any other visual similarities between Dokibird and Selen Tatsuki are coincidental and unintentional (Wink!).
Niji would have as much casus belli against Kamame on that front as Cover would for them giving Doki blonde hair and green eyes.

For slander/defamation/reputational damage/infringement of honor?
....maybe, considering how Japanese law on that matter works, and Niji's world-famous animosity towards Doki in particular. Whether Niji would win such a lawsuit against Kamame is a discussion for a different thread, but that has no bearing on whether or not they could or would file such a lawsuit in the first place.

>Niji cannot sue Doki at all, lest they open themselves to discovery in a Canadian court

>> No.79002703

Firstly, you people are assuming that this isn't being funded with Niji's settlement money.
Secondly, Nijisanji has a very long history of losing cases that should have been easy wins for them, including one infamous case where THE JUDGE THREW THE DEFENDANT'S ARGUMENT OUT AND NIJI STILL LOST THE CASE. Niji's legal team is fighting with duct tape and string.

>> No.79002928

only 27k for a new outfit reveal with all this hype? fucking grim. comparing it to stream #9837987 of longass rpg, not much of an own

>> No.79002976

peak was 35k

>> No.79003038

35k actually

>> No.79003137

Can someone post the full body

>> No.79003238

The fact that Elira is streaming at the same time with that title is fucking hilarious
I had to check to see if it was real cause I fucking CAN'T

>> No.79003262

she is about to do green screen

>> No.79003285
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>> No.79003332

>"I have no more tears left pls"

>> No.79003339

Is this artist cursed, They did Veibae and Lumi, both mentally ill nutjobs

>> No.79003349

>For the worst version of Persona 3
The merger will kill her and I'm all for it.

>> No.79003495


>> No.79003659

I would prefer the full body without any outfit

>> No.79003690
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>it's more that the artist might be throwing away future opportunities with Niji.

>> No.79003795

What's this I hear about a merger rumor that pops up time to time? Qrd?

>> No.79003808

nijien might be dead but nijijp is still a thing

>> No.79003849

But will the porn of this skinsuit be good

>> No.79003893

what what?? I need some history lessons here

>> No.79003896

The porn of anything can be good if the artist is good enough

>> No.79003923
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"future opportunities with Niji"
The bargaining phase

>> No.79004067

So uh, bad news Nijitrannies, this stream beat every single Niji stream in the past 4 months by 5x

>> No.79004164

The guy who hinted at Kyo and Pomu leaving said that NijiEN will stop existing on July 1st with Finana leaving on that day and the clique will remain as they know they have no future outside of Niji. The same goes for the VTA skippers but it's doubtful that Kotoka will stay.
Also that the new wave knew about the merger beforehand.

>> No.79004442

im gay

>> No.79004655

>Narukami, infamous shitlord dramafag vtuber in JP, talks shit about Niji a bit too much
>Niji takes him to court
>Narukami's chief defense is "it was kayfabe, bro," using a defense that Narukami (the character) was saying the stuff, so Narukami (the IRL person) can't be held responsible, trying to pull a defense used primarily for actors that say bad shit in-character.
>Judge says "but you exclusively control what you say in-character," and threw the argument out as invalid.
>The case is dismissed because Niji couldn't substantiate that they suffered any actual damage, with or without Narukami's shit getting thrown in.
Niji's court record is pretty bad. They've lost most of their cases that have actually gone to court.

>> No.79004683
File: 201 KB, 315x785, Captura de pantalla 2024-06-23 201524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your new Doki

>> No.79004818

No blouse or skirt, no dress, no leg wear, not even denim shorts+tights, wish the outfit was more feminine

>> No.79005131

the absolute fucking state of this company

>> No.79005182
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>Complaining that the FPS-addict tomboy had a tomboy model

>> No.79005498

>Captura de pantalla
Onions entiende

>> No.79005620

La pajara amarilla...

>> No.79006206

is Reload that bad?

>> No.79006616

It's a pretty, soulless remake that charges $30 extra for The Answer, so if you bought the extra special edition you also have to pay extra. I'd make the argument that FES and Portable are better.
If you really wanna play an Atlus game released in 2024 you're better off with the new SMTV.

>> No.79006776

One final "GET SHIT ON" for OP lol

>> No.79006778

>If you really wanna play an Atlus game released in 2024 you're better off with the new SMTV
did they fix the wonky ass difficulty curve where the late game was absurdly easy compared to the early to mid game?

>> No.79006896

They removed the damage scaling based on difficulty and changed it so that stats are more important overall, so yes.

>> No.79006975

semi unrelated but does anyone has the greentext of selen and anon fucking and she keeps laughing as he cums inside unprotected or something, i swear is a thing but beyond that i cant remember most of it.

>> No.79007037

>she keeps laughing
