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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 447 KB, 874x720, meopen429 1786490608787296281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78970407 No.78970407 [Reply] [Original]

Doggo Edition
Previous Thread >>78954396

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template

>> No.78970436
File: 493 KB, 2048x1152, GQv2XfYbMAAHYk4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78970470
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>Moco-chan is better at dance than me… I’m definitely more fluffy!! I especially have a hard time spinning for some reason, no matter how many times I practice and try to fix the issues, it doesn’t work…

>> No.78970468 [DELETED] 

red whore just BAU BAU'd while talking with a homo

>> No.78970515
File: 3.16 MB, 2220x1450, 1714842174795183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, we are truly lucky to have them. Not even JP have a member who is this honest and affectionate to their fans like FWMC are.

>> No.78970577
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, Pledge of Loyalty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78970602
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, pledge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78970650


>> No.78970657
File: 108 KB, 1024x577, 1713757763842296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78970707


>> No.78970721
File: 2.21 MB, 1885x1060, バウバウ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78970738
File: 641 KB, 1560x2080, gotototouma 1803139433752862888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78970750
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>> No.78970783
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>> No.78970800

RnR never ever again

>> No.78970886


>> No.78970914

Ok JP has one.

>> No.78970929


>> No.78970996

BAU BAU(exp)!

>> No.78971069

ty baker

>> No.78971098





>> No.78971128


>> No.78971172
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>> No.78971242
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>> No.78971295

I'm going to say something controversial. I love FUWAMOCO.

>> No.78971353



>> No.78971388


>> No.78971438
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1080, 1704509706597334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78971452
File: 1.41 MB, 3654x2926, koahri1 1789037858507862025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck? same

>> No.78971528

Uhh chat? Can I get an I LOVE FUWAMOCO?

>> No.78971602

Hey guys, I've decided to just take a break from FWMC until after 3D when they go back to normal. I only mention it because my posts are ~30% of /baubau/ by volume, and I don't want you to worry. I'll be in their kouhai's generals in the meantime if you need me.

>> No.78971612


>> No.78971674


>> No.78971769

who's tweet is this

>> No.78971774

this must be heaven

>> No.78971889

Who is this?

>> No.78971960
File: 68 KB, 646x764, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78972067

All the takos came out from nowhere.

>> No.78972105


>> No.78972107

Catching up with the debut VODs, who is /baubau/'s favorite?

>> No.78972171


>> No.78972240


>> No.78972275
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>> No.78972278

I see so many Ruffians retweeting art, posting about these new whores.

>> No.78972302

I've been fighting some exceptionally difficult YouTube livechat problems for almost two weeks now so it might give me a small chance to let it calm down again. At least while they're really busy offstream I can support freely on Twitter. I'm a little surprised it's been so reliable in comparison.

Oshikatsu is a battle sometimes

>> No.78972343


>> No.78972431
File: 74 KB, 365x321, 16994106067221232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/baubau/ couldn't stop talking about Raora during her stream this morning. Shit was so bad it was basically /ciao/.

>> No.78972450

I'm throwing up

>> No.78972493
File: 115 KB, 2000x1333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, I might add the Raora oshi mark to my name. She's cute, a hag, can draw, and wants to become an idol. I doubt she's ever going to overlap streams with FWMC. I just...don't know.

>> No.78972531

A fucking Ruffino

>> No.78972576
File: 150 KB, 850x1184, 1717560541114018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most ruffians had another holo as an oshi before becoming ruffians. The number one rule in a relationship is if they'll cheat with you, they'll cheat on you.

>> No.78972706

That's fine just don't say super lovey dovey stuff to FWMC if you have it on.

>> No.78972735

Thank god I was asleep then, that sounds awful.
She has her own thread, go talk about her in there

>> No.78972737

just follow ur heart bro we do not care, seriously
watch whoever the fuck you want just stop mentioning them so much here we genuinely do not care

>> No.78972746

Go for it, there's no shame at all. They'd be happy you're supporting another hololive member. Doubly so because she lives near them and will offcollab a lot

>> No.78972785

But Cecilia is my favorite out of Justice

>> No.78972788
File: 491 KB, 800x800, meopen429 1801927988956782995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUWAMOCO of course, who else?

>> No.78972861

Post-debut vibes:
Elizabeth - https://poal.me/og4s5o
Gigi - https://poal.me/v3mb9p
Cecilia - https://poal.me/ucnu5n
Raora - https://poal.me/fdpz1p
Justice - https://poal.me/iglhvf

>> No.78972939

>I doubt she's ever going to overlap streams with FWMC.
She's in Japan too

>> No.78972940

everywhere I go I see ruffians being whores

>> No.78972969

>just don't say super lovey dovey stuff to FWMC
could have stopped there

>> No.78973009
File: 168 KB, 900x1324, GQx7byFWgAA-MgN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

koahri... you're not making it easy for me... go back to drawing fuwamoco...

>> No.78973030

I'm not being a whore!

>> No.78973078

Rara streams on JST time FWMC streams NA time

>> No.78973203

>boob shine

>> No.78973271

Barking up the wrong tree here anon. You're in the thread for the girls that said "have you ever wanted twin wives?"
FWMC like receiving lovey dovey comments.

>> No.78973294

>FWMC streams NA time
for now

>> No.78973342

There is a good possibility she will overlap FWMC Mornings

>> No.78973397

Never gonna happen. They would have a menhera meltdown if they switched to the JST timeslot and ruffians started complaining.

>> No.78973400

They don't care. Why do you think there are so many people here who call others "whores" while also complaining that they're not one of the "favorites" who supports multiple Holomem or has multiple oshi marks? People just want to fantasize about being the most liked ruffian but they like all ruffians equally whether they're you're only oshi or one of twenty.

>> No.78973443

If you think they'll ever swap times, you really need to get to know them better, eurocuck.

>> No.78973476

>You're in the thread for the girls that said "have you ever wanted twin wives?"
When did they say this?

>> No.78973492

keep dreaming europoor
2 more weeks!

>> No.78973491

We just had 3AM Suika stream last night.

>> No.78973609

Jesus Christ this really is tourist central, isnt it?
It was twitter when talking about the VPs.

>> No.78973610
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>> No.78973675

we are so fucked on next months poll, seriously
im not complaining though.. koahri's drawings are just too sexy

>> No.78973702

And they already talked about why it was at 3am

>> No.78973717


>> No.78973723

So they didn't say it, it was just a tagline for shilling VPs.

>> No.78973799
File: 28 KB, 433x433, GQog3LKW8AI5HGP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are so fucked on next months poll, seriously
shit i didnt think about that

>> No.78973818

What...most of their favorites and pay pigs don't have multiple oshi marks.
They don't hate whores or anything but you're crazy if you think they don't like it when they're our favorites.

>> No.78973856

>so they didnt say it, they just said it
Incredible post

>> No.78973884

Anyone know the stream of when Mococo had that "why not us?" moment talking about people tweeting at other girls

>> No.78973940


>> No.78974007

No Fuwawa is an AI

>> No.78974021

I love this fluff

>> No.78974029
File: 1.26 MB, 1674x586, gachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how Fandead used to talk about Rushia and we know how that went

>> No.78974120

>Anyone know the stream
I don't know which it was, but I'm pretty sure it was FWMC morning
Could easily be wrong though

>> No.78974138


>> No.78974257

Everyone who listened to those VPs agree they weren't really into it. And shillposts are most likely manechan.

>> No.78974279
File: 358 KB, 612x640, 1715911364291215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they didn't say it
>they just posted it on their twitter account in a pinned tweet that they could have worded any way they wanted
is this really the hill you want to die on? Not to mention they pretty much always read sc calling them wives and shit. If they didn't like it they would censor those SC.

>> No.78974330

yeah thats why we really gotta win this months poll, vote for MOCOSEXXXXXX

>> No.78974399

>Everyone who listened to those VPs agree they weren't really into it.
Kek no. The only ones who said this said it about MOCOCO, you dumb tranny. Please be consitent with your shitposting

>> No.78974416

time for me to go through every single FWMC morning

>> No.78974488

>le fandead comparison
where's the subtly?

>> No.78974504

The literally skipped SCs after Suika because they skimmed them and cringed out

>> No.78974512

They have skipped plenty of SCs calling them wives what are you smoking?

>> No.78974552


>> No.78974619

halo is shit

>> No.78974636
File: 88 KB, 362x265, 1706850790628050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not any of mine. They always read it out happily and giggle

>> No.78974681

Koahri... Remember how you love to draw flat chests... Draw Cece...

>> No.78974702
File: 1.55 MB, 252x252, 1706636636109331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good halo is Halo 4

>> No.78974725
File: 176 KB, 474x264, 5163536155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Wuffian game night.

>> No.78974729

does anyone actually hope for a vertical stream ?

>> No.78974757

Is the gachischizo.

>> No.78974786
File: 283 KB, 1231x1076, 1718801350890906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a killzone thread

>> No.78974824

No sane person hopes for a vertical stream

>> No.78974856

This is a Sonic Frontiers thread

>> No.78974922

It might be in here if you can find it https://pastebin.com/MwLxUXUz

>> No.78974933

I'm sorry, are you saying you AREN'T gachikoi for FWMC?

>> No.78974971

i want her to draw cece... i thought cece would be her favourite but i wasnt aware she loves pink women...
she should draw the flat chest quartet featuring mococo ina, gura and cece

>> No.78974984

killzone is deader than halo
this is a haze thread

>> No.78974986

I like vertical streams because I can watch their sub count go up.

>> No.78975015

GG just kissraped me

>> No.78975031

i didn't know gachikois were something exclusive to rushia and fandead kek

>> No.78975057

No he's saying that poster is the gachischizo, he's just ESL

>> No.78975112

stop watching justice, traitors

>> No.78975116

So this is the absolute state of this thread from now on?
Somehow it got worse after the new debuts. Fuck this. Do people usually post in their hashtag when they appear in someone else's stream in a call in or something? That's about the only useful thing this thread has left to offer.

>> No.78975249
File: 195 KB, 381x381, 136361364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you niggas should play some Tears of War.

>> No.78975309

>Do people usually post in their hashtag when they appear in someone else's stream in a call in or something?
usually, but it's late. Use the 'cord cause they're always quicker than this place

>> No.78975347

>FWMC: Please give our kouhai a warm welcome
>Anon: Wtf? Stop watching them you whore

>> No.78975370

I'm collecting data on them in case we go to war

>> No.78975374

i couldn't even if i wanted to. they are overlapping with each other and my autism prevents me from watching them all simultaneously

>> No.78975488

I don't have cord, guess I'll just have to deal with it. No big deal. Thanks.

>> No.78975499

I don't mind and watching the sub counter is fun.

>> No.78975533
File: 820 KB, 1777x987, Screenshot 2024-06-23 12.08.44 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but Fuwawa told me to?

>> No.78975568
File: 528 KB, 2149x2251, F5ukpckboAAeBuK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halo thread is
Killzone thread that
Have you ever thought that is was the FUWAMOCO thread?

I do want to play gaylo later though

>> No.78975654

kek this. I like it too. posting in chat every time they pass a 1k milestone is always fun

>> No.78975694
File: 749 KB, 2558x3640, Keiseeaaa 1691903712418214027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mococo will NOT make it far in fnaf at all

>> No.78975830

The first time she gets jumpscared, her tummy is going to start cramping and she's going to actually pee herself

>> No.78975885

No one who cares about the stream watching experience hopes for vertical streams

>> No.78975975

No-one who cares about the stream watching experience cares about Fuwamoco

>> No.78976007


>> No.78976117

>stream watching experience
roru. i dont watch, i listen

>> No.78976153

For stuff like 2hu, ice climber etc, I don't really care. And they are not doing it for stuff like DKC2 and Minecraft so I don't mind this compromise.

>> No.78976157
File: 133 KB, 363x361, 3265435641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racoon bro you should make a halo 3 open coop room later.

>> No.78976358

>He watches for the "experience" and not to hear his cute wives giggle and scream

>> No.78976371

Can I join too?

>> No.78976390

Sorry Mogojan, but I'm going to take the Gigipill, she loves me more and reads my comments.
Just kidding, although cunny is tempting, but from what she is teaching I feel that paying for her membership would be worth it.

>> No.78976510


>> No.78976619
File: 127 KB, 1200x750, fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they sold wedding ring merch, would you buy it?

>> No.78976654


>> No.78976688

ten times over, for each

>> No.78976693


>> No.78976739

She needs it, barely at 10k in her first stream

>> No.78976850

maybe her genmates shouldn't overlap her

>> No.78976853

A lot of Ruffians in GiGi chat, including me.

>> No.78976953


>> No.78977070
File: 763 KB, 2500x4000, 1718514228002755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bet your ass I would

>> No.78977325
File: 177 KB, 1350x1080, 20240623_223508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78977429

in a heartbeat

>> No.78977465

Fuck No

>> No.78977486

what does it meeeean

>> No.78977536


>> No.78977722


>> No.78977750

No because that would make it obvious they don't actually care about us.

>> No.78977814
File: 972 KB, 1238x600, ring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah you guys are nothing like fandead, right?

>> No.78977969

I am very much like a fandead.

>> No.78978017

When mangojam gonna release her snot tissues, im hungry

>> No.78978035

was it this?

>> No.78978043

I used to be a Fandead

>> No.78978046

I was a fandead before FWMC...

>> No.78978067
File: 1.47 MB, 1256x1254, Screenshot 2024-06-23 at 14.40.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wasn't the first to do it.

>> No.78978216

Get fooled once, shame on her. Get fooled twice, shame on you.

>> No.78978307

Yeah except FWMC are nothing like Rushia and trying to make that comparison immediately outs you as a retarded sister

>> No.78978327

I think it's gross regardless of who does it.

>> No.78978348

i didnt even know who this whore was un til you started shilling her

>> No.78978449
File: 2.63 MB, 642x600, 1713685897537981.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78978549
File: 58 KB, 333x209, 1707611854227102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78978562

Fandead thought that way about Rushia too, right up til they couldn't.

>> No.78978571


>> No.78978579

I have Lamys engagement ring

>> No.78978594

Same. I came in 2 months after FUWAMOCO's debut and had no idea who this girl was.

>> No.78978617
File: 1.48 MB, 1452x1247, 1706917432958256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78978618

who the fuck is this 2view you're shilling?

>> No.78978634

Yeah that's what I was thinking of. Holy ESL those subs kek

>> No.78978637

That's cool it's still gross.

>> No.78978645
File: 81 KB, 500x500, 20240623_223900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want him to absolutely destroy my holes with his phat cock

>> No.78978675

how is it any grosser than a bridal voice pack?

>> No.78978689

Didn't Advent actively avoid overlap for a few weeks?

>> No.78978719

Why did you reply to me

>> No.78978736
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>> No.78978822
File: 102 KB, 1124x870, 1706936385318442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78978871

they are losing ruffians left and right and it's only been one homework day...

>> No.78978880

delete this

>> No.78978884
File: 89 KB, 1124x870, 1706937729596101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78978895

Why does this anti-humor remind me of this https://x.com/toripuru_3/status/1390592238468538374

>> No.78978915


>> No.78978923

I was busy and only just watched the Justice debuts. What were FUWAMOCO's thoughts on them?

>> No.78978958

I missed, meant: >>78978327

>> No.78978967

not fast enough

>> No.78979039
File: 95 KB, 848x697, 1705365162068989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What were FUWAMOCO's thoughts on them?
"sex with pink cat, sex with green doll"

>> No.78979074

Bridal voice pack was clearly a what if dream type situation, a ring feels like literally paying for their love but 10x more expensive and possibly needing to buy 2 on top of that plus it would make A LOT more people that are full gachikoi feel left out. There's more bad feeling that good with wedding ring merch.

>> No.78979080

They love the Red one and wishes Adventrix was called Advenchads

>> No.78979081

Gonna make a clip out of it Mr F

>> No.78979117

Fuwawa wants to remove the green girls head and finger her "joints"

>> No.78979159

Mostly generic praise. One thing they couldn't even pretend to like was the fanname "justchads"

>> No.78979185

Funny how Elizabeth and Cecilia are the only ones with a clear impression

>> No.78979191

>feel left out.
And? limited merch already does that

>> No.78979195

They have only themselves to blame.
>JP streams
>Spamming verticals and shit for 1 million
>Being less attentive
>Falling behind on member streams
>JP stream times twice last week
FUWAMOCO are always the first ones to say actions count more than words, yet their words are all about how they miss us, while their actions say otherwise.

>> No.78979245

Limited merch isn't a WEDDING RING I think the difference between the 2 is very obvious

>> No.78979263

Who cares? Tons of holos have sold rings and necklaces as merchs. They won't be the first. And they won't be the last.

>> No.78979334


>> No.78979360

Wll pero get a 3D?

>> No.78979369

rings and necklaces are whatever the fact it's a wedding ring is the major difference, if you don't agree with me then stop replying because you will never change my feelings towards this

>> No.78979372

Alright so it should be a weeding collar instead

>> No.78979393
File: 190 KB, 576x234, 12763890-312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the greatest consecutive 3 streams in a row? absolute kino

>> No.78979405
File: 166 KB, 720x720, rushiascream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this woman

>> No.78979442

Meanwhile I respond to FWMC as soon as I can but then they don't like me until a day later after they've liked everyone else, or sometimes not at all.

>> No.78979445


>> No.78979494
File: 84 KB, 1331x926, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's still the 3rd most superchatted Youtuber of all time, 2 years after retirement. She was the undisputed queen of GFE and defacto top of Hololive.

>> No.78979518

collars are a type of ring

>> No.78979526

Well she definitely doesn't love you or any of her fans kek

>> No.78979538
File: 692 KB, 954x658, 1711653570593590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78979573

Don't care, go shill your irrelevant whore somewhere else, tranny

>> No.78979604
File: 480 KB, 832x828, Screenshot 2024-06-23 at 14.54.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rings and necklaces are whatever the fact
Lol, no. Is clearly targeted at gachikois. Even the wording is MATCHING necklace.

>> No.78979607

What kind of mental illness do you need to suffer from to be a gachikoi? Not even FUWAMOCO understand it.

>> No.78979622

ceci bau baued

>> No.78979625

Collars denote ownership, and FUWAMOCO own me

>> No.78979639

Do sisters really do this?

>> No.78979694

What kind of mental illness do you need to suffer from to constantly spam this place with nonsense?

>> No.78979700

I was assuming you meant a simple ring or necklace but yeah shit like that I don't like at all.

>> No.78979724

>Portal 2
That stream will be absolute kino. Also, I'm betting on the underdog for Fuwawa to win the Game of Sisyphus battle.

>> No.78979755

nope it's tough, mbembe, minecraft

>> No.78979770


>> No.78979819

>What is the relationship between FUWAMOCO and the Ruffians?

>> No.78979825

>i dont like it because... this irrelevant whore used to do it!!
riveting thread

>> No.78979833

Her relevancy is that, like FuwaMoco, she had an army of gachis defending her. Right up to the point it came out that she was married the whole time and cucking not just her fans but also her husband

>> No.78979923

Same. I tweet and SC Lamy with different accounts.

>> No.78979933

so she's not relevant at all? Thanks for the confirmation, tranny. Go back to the catalog

>> No.78979942

Reminder they said this but then admitted that gachikoi confuse them and they can’t relate to your feelings at all.

>> No.78979984

watch streams

>> No.78979988

Mococo's the underdog and will cry before getting the surge of determination from my cheers

>> No.78980003

Off topic ruffians deserve euthanasia
>verification not required

>> No.78980043

>he doesn’t know
It’s over.

>> No.78980107

Bruno bros....

>> No.78980131
File: 232 KB, 558x391, 1705367403653439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This faggot moves from one off-topic thing to another and will continue to spam all day until the jannies actually fucking do their jobs for once

>> No.78980151

Will she find out?

>> No.78980153

Yeah, because they’ve never fallen in love with an idol, how could they understand anything beyond being a huge fan?

>> No.78980162

from what we've seen they're both going to rage hard at the ball game
not sure that's going to be very good

>> No.78980175

Then go watch some other chuubas who don't want gachikois.

>> No.78980189


>> No.78980241
File: 828 KB, 4096x3185, 1706638278780901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love them

>> No.78980250

And yet you believe they’re in love with their fans?

>> No.78980266

>watch a nonGFE chuuba
>they slowly fall in love with me over time

>> No.78980289
File: 83 KB, 268x230, 1688058791700035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has absolutely NOTHING to do with her doing it before you idiot, it doesn't matter who does it I don't like it.

I don't know why you retards get SO fucking defensive about literally everything holy shit

>> No.78980291

That's the whole point of ball game. To see the streamers rage at it.

>> No.78980308

They are. They told me as much

>> No.78980382

That doesn’t add up and you know that.

>> No.78980392

About this time, doxx gets posted

>> No.78980396

Anti gachikoi schizo you really need to fuck off already

>> No.78980409

Portal 2 is going to be hilarious kek I can imagine their brains working overtime trying to figure out the puzzles

>> No.78980441

>Jerrykeks are getting uppity again

>> No.78980456
File: 205 KB, 429x464, 1706986692459326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That doesn’t add up
Yes it does. I'm great at addition

>> No.78980498

They don't even know what gachikoi are and don't understand them at all and you are claiming every creepy thing you do is justified. Rope please.

>> No.78980511

Because you are a retard. Why are you complaining about a unicorn-friendly chuuba pandering to gachikois? I am a daughterfag. I bought their lovey-dovey VPs. I don't listen to it. And I don't whine and bitch about it constantly.

>> No.78980521

This is JerryKING thread. You lost Brunocuck.

>> No.78980541

Grim. I guess we’re done here.

>> No.78980558

That's completely impossible because I never even told her I can speak English

>> No.78980585

ina just bau baud

>> No.78980615

You don't even care about talking about this, you have no idea that I'm gachikoi too and even now you won't believe me just because I have a different opinion than you.

I'm not I literally just said I would not like wedding ring merch, you retards over exaggerate every god damn thing in your head

>> No.78980618

They made a bridal voice pack for me specifically. You lost.

>> No.78980666

>watch pro-gachi GFE chuubas who regularly flirt with their own chat
>get angry that they do pro-gachi GFE shit
??? It's fine to not like it, but going schizo about it is peak retardation. Just complain in the catalog, or watch streams.

>> No.78980744

I speak fluent Japanese but I never have told FWMC this and I complain about their Japanese streams because I think they should speak English.
I'm also Japanese

>> No.78980765

I'm not going schizo I'm just pissed off at you faggots for always acting like everything is a big deal

>> No.78980775
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>> No.78980838

koahri just bau bau'd

>> No.78980867


>> No.78980868

Not really sure what you were expecting from a fanbase as mentally ill as this one.

>> No.78980874

After the stream ends

>> No.78980938

The retard is you. They take a breath or laugh and suddenly you type a 5 paragraph essay about how this justifies your behavior of stalking them through webcams online and being a weird fucking creep

>> No.78980972
File: 1.04 MB, 2048x1536, GDf08z_agAIRA-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are the janitors so FUCKING incompetent? Hey janny, I know at least one of you watches a certain Australian 2view and instantly jumps to clean up her thread the MOMENT it goes to shit. Why don't you actually stop showing favoritism to your favorite 2vier and do your job for once
>inb4 i'm the only one banned

>> No.78981026

>acting like everything is a big deal
It's because you're fucking arguing about this while the gachischizo is rambling, so everyone is confusing you for him, dumbfuck.

>> No.78981034

If you consider their level of chat interaction flirting I'm genuinely concerned for how you interact with women in real life

>> No.78981043

Unless people start mass reporting, jannies don't care.

>> No.78981065

Ruffians don’t deserve quality threads. No one wants any of you here.

>> No.78981093

Learn English

>> No.78981103

I'm don't know I'm just gonna ignore the thread since there will be less than nothing of value in the coming replies

>> No.78981115
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>> No.78981117

Ok, I’ll say it. Would.

>> No.78981182

Would? Try have

>> No.78981213

Grammar lessons. NOW

>> No.78981303
File: 129 KB, 500x500, 1713251151229777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's a cute moment I love a lot and has nothing to do with anything

>> No.78981318

>replying to the schizo who totally isn't you
Alright now you're blatantly samefagging KEK

>> No.78981329


>> No.78981333

a wedding ring is a big step up from VPs. It's an actual institution. Sure, the argument can be made that both fans and oshi can be parasocial towards each other. But pretending that it's not the slightest bit questionable that Cover Corp makes a fat buck out of fueling your delusion that for the low price of 199.99$, you too can be married to your oshi, makes you sound like a retard.

>> No.78981392

I suspect the Italian will be a bigger gachikoi bait compared to them. FWMC is still far from Lamy's and Koyo's level.

>> No.78981402

I can't remember the anticipated delivery date, but we should be getting the FUWAMOCO birthday merch soon, right?

>> No.78981398

>I'm not going schizo
No, you are going schizo. Someone says something dismissive and you think it's defensive and HAVE to respond to it instead of just ignoring it
>acting like everything is a big deal
Welcome to the thread! Is it your first time here?
This applies to /vt/ in general, and (You) aren't excluded from that

>> No.78981411

You have gone off the deep end, schizo. It’s time to kill yourself. Understand that the entire board laughs at you freaks.

>> No.78981481

hopefully before their next birthday lol...

>> No.78981499

Japan gets it mid July, international is late august

>> No.78981524
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>> No.78981547

How's the Accountant today?

>> No.78981577


>> No.78981630

>need to peel the grapes first
that sound like extra work mococo

>> No.78981677

My dear moco chan, the idea is that ill put enough up there itll come out of her mputh like a real life pez dispenser. Thats when you kiss her and swallow the grape

>> No.78981683

GG and Biboo are perfect for each other... Who are FWMC going to get along with, the pink panther?

>> No.78981690
File: 316 KB, 905x602, Screenshot 2024-01-20 145625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to pop grapes in both of your buttholes, mogotyan my princess wife. It's all I think about every single day.

>> No.78981784

it sounds like you just have a problem with GFE in general. which, if that's the case, why are you even here??

>> No.78981789


>> No.78981903
File: 362 KB, 1463x2048, 1719177855836635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To me I think FWMC are cute, but Raora is sex

>> No.78981922

I thought the idea is that you shove a bunch of grapes in there, fuck her in the ass, then she shits out the grape/cum/shit mixture and she eats it.

>> No.78981939

It's just the resident shitposter wearing another psychopathic shitposter's skin. He does this every time people start "whoreposting" cause in his mind the best way to fight against antis is by antiposting.

>> No.78981955
File: 30 KB, 1278x110, image_2024-06-23_171745052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jankass ui
It's getting worse

>> No.78981972

Do you think they'll look at the chat from Justice girls to see the ruffians with the oshi mark that sticks out like a sore thumb?

>> No.78982007
File: 510 KB, 1550x2397, kuri_nyann 1803608711015051708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is mococo sexy?

>> No.78982038

The sexiest

>> No.78982052

None because they barely collab with anyone to begin with.

>> No.78982103

The idea is to get the grape up one butthole, through both mouths and then down the the second butthole where you create the grape/cum/shit misture before feeding it to pero

>> No.78982101
File: 3 KB, 149x192, 1695065595624587.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really unfortunate that we can never have any disagreements about anything without people losing their fucking mind

>> No.78982121

even on other people's channel they immediately look at chat

>> No.78982199
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>> No.78982204

They'll get along with the pink woman because they fucking love pink women. I don't want them to get into the habit of spamming collabs outside of Advent

>> No.78982268

Thread nearly dead, hopefully next one is better

>> No.78982283


>> No.78982311

You can't have disagreements here when there are literal shitposters who stalk this place looking for ammo, dummy.

>> No.78982312

My sexy demon dog queen i kneel

>> No.78982330
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>> No.78982355


>> No.78982361

Raora is a weeb so it might work. Her, Gigi, and Ceci all play into FWMC's gimmicks so it should work out well enough.

>> No.78982405

is the suika vod worth watching?

>> No.78982419

im surprsied no one comcmented on how she interacted with chat on debut, she's already saying she loves her chattinos and looks forward to spending time with them etc, can absolutely see her baiting gachikoi later down the line, shes quite friendly

>> No.78982435
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>> No.78982442
File: 482 KB, 691x864, Screenshot 2024-01-18 184912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every single thread for the past few weeks has been consistently horrible
>"next thread for sure!"

>> No.78982499

Ruffians gonna ruffian

>> No.78982519

yeah, it's not that long
they unironically talked more about Advent than Justice

>> No.78982534

But that never won't be a thing.

>> No.78982562

agri did you commission that set with fuwawa and mococo holding their husbands hand too?

>> No.78982570

yeah i know...

>> No.78982644
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>> No.78982650


>> No.78982674

Princess mococoe your wish is my command

>> No.78982680

Yeah, she is definitely trying to be a unicorn-friendly chuuba. And her main content will likely be drawing + zatsu. She probably will be a SC monster.

>> No.78982685


>> No.78982742

>trying to be a unicorn-friendly chuuba
she interacted witht eh homos on twitter, so she's not at all.

>> No.78982755

I think the grape talk was probably one of their best yap moments in their entire year. They had a little arguing, a little upset-ness, explaining, talking about random bullshit about the grapes, etc.

>> No.78982759

When tf has a thread been good
people who say this have been saying it for months

>> No.78982763

no it was ramu

>> No.78982837

Unironically pre debut

>> No.78982845

>When tf has a thread been good
The brief moments where the resident shitposter gets banned.

>> No.78982844

yup just checked

>> No.78982865

Doesn't matter. Hololive is a fresh start for her.

>> No.78982945

I know, I was talking about NOW dumbass. She literally interreacted with them on twitter AS the panther

>> No.78982994

>without people losing their fucking mind
That will happen when you speak the same things a shitposter says in the thread
>anti gachikoi schizo is shitting up the thread
>random anon says he doesn't like rings
>someone replies saying "fuck off"
>random anon loses his shit
If someone is so easily pissed off, they shouldn't be here. Especially in bait biting central

>> No.78983013

Unironically when Koyori had a collab with Nijimale. The shitposters went to /#/ instead.

>> No.78983059

So did Shiori and she has a ton of gachikoi

>> No.78983081

I've seen it happen a bunch without shitposters in the thread too though

>> No.78983086

Why do they still care that much about the price of grapes?

>> No.78983111


>> No.78983126

I can't believe I even have to argue that selling fake wedding rings is a distasteful on-the-nose grift.
>oh, so you HATE GFE?!! You hate FUWAMOCO, HUH?!
never mind, just buy the ring anon.

>> No.78983143

proof? i missed this, if all it was is just a "thank you" then dont bother

>> No.78983149

Link? I only seen her replying to twitch indies.

>> No.78983169

did she? i thought only the red woman did

>> No.78983170

they kept bringing up how silly they were feeling while talking about licking grapes. were they horny?

>> No.78983176

She doesn't give vibes of being unicorn friendly even if you ignore everything else. We'll see how things evolve I guess, though I'm not gonna watch her.

>> No.78983183

Doesn't matter, it's a cute part of the whole thing.
Is this what actually awake FuwaMoco is? The power of tangenting when they just kinda let go?

>> No.78983234

If you hate GFE you hate Fuwamoco yes

>> No.78983333

Why do you hate FUWAMOCO?

>> No.78983342

They just got done having sex with advent and left unsatisfied, so yes

>> No.78983355

they retweeted it bro

>> No.78983359

Gachi and unicorn are not the same thing

>> No.78983375

I like fuwamoco, I hope you do too
Bau bau

>> No.78983418

Why don't any of them donate to her?

>> No.78983487

haha wtf we are almost at 400 posts when there is no stream today and new girls are streaming, are you serious

>> No.78983545
File: 122 KB, 1024x768, GJW3oGLbIAAfWnV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love them BAU BAU

>> No.78983549

400 posts, none of any substance

>> No.78983592
File: 403 KB, 2713x2196, GQrzsbmb0AAc_QN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78983620

Gorillas got wiped off the face of the earth

>> No.78983622

I dunno, I talked about how I thought the grape talk was cute.

>> No.78983688

They do? Doesn't Shiori have the second most SCs in Advent?

>> No.78983750


>> No.78983754

One nugget of gold doesnt make the steaming pile of shit any better

>> No.78983758

they were the protectors of this thread...

>> No.78983803
File: 3.93 MB, 2500x4045, 1716906760395010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing Elden Ring sowwy

>> No.78983841

They're tripping from the lack of sleep

>> No.78983875

I don't care if any of the holos interact with the homos as long as they aren't actively flirting with them

>> No.78983882

this, its elden ring week and then dawntrail year

>> No.78983943

Then why are you even contributing to this specific conversation then?

>> No.78984065
File: 117 KB, 335x299, 1708992533375417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i might have been gaslit

>> No.78984088

They've been trying hard to get better at zatsu since they moved to Japan. It probably started as
>we can't play games so we better get good at this
Then the neediness and how much they enjoy talking took over

>> No.78984146
File: 149 KB, 896x2048, GQwP1_9XsAM1HmK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78984179

yeah lol you just lied to us, i went to check too, no homo interactions
anyways i think she will be a gachi magnet possibly, people are falling in love with her accent and also her laughter. drawing streams are comfy too so i can see her being the SC leader of her gen

>> No.78984183


>> No.78984264

The people who like Zatsu's are the kind of people who would listen to them talk about literally anything no matter how retarded they talk about it. Goofy conversations are what make them fun for the GFE-ers, the gatchikoi, and the obsessed. It's what makes rambling bullshit like the grape thing so much fun.

>> No.78984284


>> No.78984353

because there are levels to unicorns are a cordial tweet reply to a coworker would only filter the most schizo of schizos

>> No.78984486

I still don't buy they can't be good at games. Koyori and Shuba were as bad as them at the start. They just focused 100% on it and got better over the years.

>> No.78984563

Homos are as much their coworkers as the McDonalds CEO is to to your local fry cook

>> No.78984572

playboard says
fwmc: $542,479
sioli: $232,415
newissa: $213,297
biboo: $159,664
obviously excluding members streams

>> No.78984613

ah, I didn't notice the man hands

>> No.78984627

they aren't going to smell the justice girls on me, are they? I'm going to take a shower and I'm only interacting when FUWAMOCO are sleeping.

>> No.78984630

>They just focused 100% on it and got better over the years.
thats the problem. they cant focus on games. there has barely been times where they stream a game series week-to-week, they dont commit and thats the problem but its fine we arent watching for them to be good
fuwamoco are the golden geese of en its not even funny

>> No.78984682

I think a better comparison would be two workers from different restaurants which both have the same parent company

>> No.78984717
File: 101 KB, 365x365, 1715309466054689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

death to all homos and anyone that interacts with them

>> No.78984725

How do they do it?

>> No.78984733

They want to have fun, not exactly be good at games. I don't really care about the games, they're an excuse to spend time together. They've said the same.

>> No.78984745

FUWAMOCO will never do that. They stream game series once a week for 2 hours tops and there's no consistency. Outside of MGS they haven't ever just sat down and grinded out a game and I don't think we'll ever get that again with how busy they are now and forever outside of streaming.

>> No.78984793

>Golden Geese
I can say they probably make more money in merch than Kiara does so you're probably right, but SC Kiara is still top dog. They're really close tho.

>> No.78984837

They CAN be good due to their pure DETERMINATION. They managed to beat DKC and are doing great in DKC2 AND they beat MGS 1&2.
Given enough time, they can be incredible at certain games.

>> No.78984845
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>> No.78984879


>> No.78984909

guess we'll have to see how consistent their SC/merch income is in a year, but i think its fucking wild they havent been in here for a year and their revenue is this high, we have consistent SCers sending $300-$500 every stream just to say "i love you" there doesnt even need to be a special occassion

>> No.78984936

Hope we get fluffball versions when theu collab with korone

>> No.78984997
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>> No.78985030

They trained their fattest piggies so well

>> No.78985035

I just feel compelled to spoil them.

>> No.78985122

They deserve it

>> No.78985179

Time'll tell. Kiara still does really well for her SC stuff, even if her fanbase is smaller. 4 years in and she's still getting decent SC, although it's kinda warped around the Polaroids, so you get massive 10k dono weeks and dry spells of a grand on slower weeks.

>> No.78985278

what is fuwawa doing?

>> No.78985313


>> No.78985319
File: 894 KB, 1275x1800, GQxLoL7bUAA19YO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78985344
File: 82 KB, 720x974, fuwawasuck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with fuwawa

>> No.78985382

fuck I was 10 seconds from posting this

>> No.78985392

hugg ing her sister

>> No.78985415

i unironically might have to filter this gif because its TOO SEXY, like i feel compelled to just start fapping here and now and thats scary.

>> No.78985419


>> No.78985523

Sorry, ruffian
Just saw it on twitter and decided to post it here

>> No.78985539

She does a thing where anyone who donates a pink or more during a certain stream or two will get a goofy png with her imposed into a set of 2-4 styles of KFP employee, like the polaroids you'd get from idol meetings, and she signs it with her art pen.

>> No.78985546

this is creepy to me

>> No.78985557

>it's kinda warped around the Polaroids
You're assuming we watch her.

>> No.78985575

imagine fuwawa offering herself to be mococos chair for some reason haha

>> No.78985619

That's neat, I wonder if FWMC could do something similar

>> No.78985633
File: 540 KB, 707x500, kou_hiyoyo-1804144743678669159-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78985641

that tongue is really fucking hot, i want her to slurp and swirl it around my cock JESASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

>> No.78985666

using the fuwawang

>> No.78985705

you guys are the only holofans that are super proud of not watching other holos. it's pretty cringe, esp. given how big a fan of their senpai fwmc themselves are

>> No.78985752

we talk about JPs all the time here lol

>> No.78985785

we openly talk about watching other chuubas though

>> No.78985798

So they went on a small like spree earlier? Only noticed one post getting liked

>> No.78985815

they barely have time to stream and read the messages and you think they can spend time drawing for us too? We're lucky they even stream an hour or two every other day

>> No.78985865

Not now of course

>> No.78985881

Why does Fuwawa need reading glasses?

>> No.78985883

Not gonna get me spazzing out today with that, faggot. Watched the VoD and the grape talk and their general silly-ness has me in a good mood.

>> No.78985899

this thread has been talking about every single holo except FUWAMOCO recently

>> No.78985908

yeah thats the thing, fuwamoco don't exactly have dry spells - even on a sloppy game stream they'll still get at least like 200kish yen in supas, ruffians just supa to spoil them at any point, special occassions are even more absurd
but if they ever did something like polaroids, or doing a drawing for certain supa thresholds it would fucking EXPLODE, there is untapped potential but im not sure if they're the type to do so - polaroids seem like they'd like that though

>> No.78985932

>you guys
almost like /baubau/ isn't a monolith

>> No.78985950

It kinda reminds me about the orcsoft games given it's style. Never been able to deal with it.

>> No.78985983

Too much time spent reading VNs

>> No.78986029

She doesn’t.


>> No.78986036
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>> No.78986038

Again, this is just the first year. I'd never pay for playboards bullshit for numbers, but Kiara had around 500-600k on her first year too.

>> No.78986124

Have you not been watching streams? Fuwawa has piss poor hag eyesight.

>> No.78986135

Biboo's wallet...

>> No.78986142

I'm aware, I'm talking about the subset that had a melty when the thread was talking about Raora talking to them in her stream earlier

>> No.78986157

the scare i felt from mococos throat being shit is extending to biboo, i really want this rock to just NOT TALK and let that damn throat rest

>> No.78986167

Glasses are cute.

>> No.78986188

even more HUGE Ws
tekzi with 3 likes today, have you gotten yours?

>> No.78986231

If normal women can do it, demon dogs definitely can.

>> No.78986327

I got 2 myself. They were definitely feeling a little needy today

>> No.78986347

>If normal women can do it
Its fucking scary how good they're at it, and at detecting slightly abnormal behavior.

>> No.78986348

I think one screencap is enough. Don’t need to post another.

>> No.78986459
File: 156 KB, 850x1220, fuwawaglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78986487

Holy fucking sex

>> No.78986565
File: 278 KB, 1310x2048, RiA_0z 1773829432010264633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78986880

another like spree another ignore. I'm oshihenning, fuck them

>> No.78986938
File: 207 KB, 1378x1654, 0k0me0522-1718978741358236010-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78987006

after spending all day with Justice it feels nice going back to Biboo and Advent

>> No.78987100

Huh, I did get a like.
What were they liking this most recent likespree?

>> No.78987109

yeah its nice. ceci and raora were cute, gigi was entertaining but im back home

>> No.78987188

everything, #helpFWMC, fuwamoco egosa, for you
