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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78980070 No.78980070 [Reply] [Original]

They are all just so boring and bland, offering nothing new other than "le Europe market." Redhead is discount Mori/Ollie/Bae with the worst aspects of them all, doll is basically just Fauna without the smooth voice, loli is nowhere near as cheeky nor cute as the others in Hololive, and pink cat is just another Sana variation of being another "artist" in Hololive who's worse than Ina. Their first post-debut solo streams just reinforces this, nobody cares about them when there are already good established holos that have been through thick and thin. People don't care enough to learn about new members and their quirks that didn't have to struggle, hell even Regloss and Advent at least had some initial interest with Regloss being part of an entire new branch and Advent having had such a long gap in time between the last EN gen

>> No.78980340

You made me farted

>> No.78980370

Meh I'm willing to give the green chick and orange loli a chance, the redhead is beyond saving and the pink one is still on a questionable state

>> No.78980463
File: 764 KB, 1080x1080, 1708174488520323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this gen sucks ass. I won't be watching it for sure.

>> No.78980487

now the dust has settled, i think OP should kill himself and stop making these threads.

>> No.78980540

Was Ollie or Bae nearly this bad early on? I know Bae talked about Roberu in her debut and Ollie was doing her thing, but I don't remember near as much outrage for them

>> No.78980561
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>and the pink one is still on a questionable state
kill yourself, faggottinii

>> No.78980564

Seethe Homobegger.

>> No.78980568

Yes, gather here. Very good. Here's a little something to keep you here: The redhead is really entertaining

>> No.78980602

OP is omega gay and hates women. Go back no one wants you here.

>> No.78980639

It'll collapse 100% after the hype runs out. Cover will realize that entering into the "EU market" was a mistake and doubly so for having such an open Homo lover

>> No.78980674

They behave like and look like twitch Indies. None even sound cute.

>> No.78980732

Nah, we're not gonna let whores ruin the good name that actual holos have established for the company over the years

>> No.78980741

>Redhead is discount Mori/Ollie/Bae with the worst aspects of them all
We don't know that yet. She just seems like a tumblr hag with zero interest in idol culture, which is very offputting. The superiority thing is also kinda annoying.
>doll is basically just Fauna without the smooth voice
What the fuck are you talking about? She is just Kiara (in voice and personality) with a mix of Bae's voice. She is the good one, unironically.
>loli is nowhere near as cheeky nor cute as the others in Hololive
She is, but again she brings nothing new to the table. We have plenty of kusogaki in Hololive EN alone. She also has a slight lisp that is very distracting and somehow sounds ESL while claiming to be EOP.
>pink cat is just another Sana variation of being another "artist" in Hololive who's worse than Ina
She is good at art, but that probably won't be her only thing. I find her Towa EN voice annoying and she is cringe without the kino part. Shitalians have no sense of embarrassment for what they say unfortunately.

I won't watch them, but I won't mind seeing Doll in collabs as long as its not in conjunction with Kiara since that will be too much Kiara for one stream.

>> No.78980743

The dust hasn't settled at all. It hasn't even been a week, at least give them a month. Yes, things look grim but adjustments can still be made to correct course.

>> No.78980755

This gen will do irreversible damage to Hololive. Justice was a mistake.

>> No.78980832

Nah even if she doesn't homobeg, she still is shit

>> No.78980851

>Call out a clear anti
Just say you don't like hololive like always, sister

>> No.78980946

shut the fuck up faggot it' hasn't been a week but it's grim as hell.

>> No.78981050

In which ways is it grim, my indonesian friend?

>> No.78981123

Why are you referring to him as if he were multiple people?

>> No.78981181

Go back to X sister

>> No.78981267

>wake up, look in mirror, still Indonesian

>> No.78981294

Not to mention their rigging is garbage, almost like Hololive intentionally made the most mid tier gen in order to get Euro fags to shut up about "where's muh Holo EU"

>> No.78981302
File: 1.01 MB, 1600x1943, 1690501292108541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homobeggers think they can change Hololive from the inside

>> No.78981373

That is definitely what happened and yet, we're happy anyway.

>> No.78981408

The loli girl also killed her own growth by openly saying how she doesn't want to be called a loli

>> No.78981463

Still better than regloss

>> No.78981560

Nah, its over. The only doomposting that happened with Advent was Shiori's dumbfuck last minute statement on debut about collabs but that was nowhere near as bad as this

>> No.78981660

>Nah, its over.
Yeah, they're shutting it down in 30 minutes because of us.

>> No.78981715

You think you are, but you arn't. Its the same emotion that anyone has for finally getting something they've wanted for years, only to quickly realize how shit it really is

>> No.78981735

That doesn't really have an impact tho, in fact it is probably for the better. It makes her different from the other "real" lolis in holo.
Grasping at straws at this point but ANYTHING that makes them different is positive here. Nobody in the gen is giving any reason to get viewership other than Shitalian Towa accent and Bong opera singer, and that is pretty catastrophic.

>> No.78981804

>You think you are, but you arn't
Nah, I am. You won't gaslight me, bitch. I have more streamers to add into my collection.

>> No.78981837

Here is my copium:

HoloJustice streams have more of a FOMO element to them than previous gens.

They themselves are not that unique or stand-out, but when you miss one of their streams, it just *feels* wrong.

>> No.78981840

Even looking at the worst Regloss members, Ririka/Ao/Raden, they still at least have redeemable qualities and don't make homos half their identity

>> No.78981938

If only

>> No.78981983

Some of your points are good but shut your fucking mouth. The doll is amazing and she's not fauna. You retards just think every green chuuba is a fauna clone.

>> No.78981994

No, it's true. They're going to also issue an apology to the mighty country if Indonesia for offending us.

>> No.78982009

Yeah no shit, their lead is a homo beggar

>> No.78982066

She's not a loli. She's closer to the owl, but with a smaller chest.

>> No.78982075

Having a loli character is an automatic filter, not playing into it just completely turns off the people that would be ok with it. Like it'd be one thing if she was doing it more playfully as a gaki, but she wasn't

>> No.78982176

Sure you do sister, you'll definitely watch them and not just stick to clips I'm sure

>> No.78982183

watch streams

>> No.78982277

Ok she's a less annoying Kiara clone with Fauna aesthetics, better?

>> No.78982296

Yep, I like to have a stream on in the evening to watch while I browse stuff or chat to my friends. It's gonna be pretty great. :) By the way, I'm not an african-american woman.

>> No.78982399

I'd rather not waste my time, sorry that i'm not a consoomer that has to consoom everything and actually values my time and knows when to drop shit

>> No.78982502

Ok so just outting yourself as a normie tourist then huh? I guess this gen really was made just for people like you

>> No.78982533

>Fauna aesthetics
Name them

>> No.78982649

Fuck do you mean worst Raden is the most unique girl there is in this corposlop company kys nigger

>> No.78982652

Yes, I've been a tourist since 2006, me and my friends I met here :) Glad to have more vtubers to watch!

>> No.78983025

Raden apologetically collabed with a male, her being le quirky and unique isn't enough. Until she gets a catgirl outfit, i'm not gonna care about her

>> No.78983136

Nice headcannon you got there

>> No.78983134

>Now that the dust has settled, anyone else think

>> No.78983255

Damn, that's a disappointingly boring response. Anyway, I'm going to go watch the green woman (skyrim), have fun making poor posts.

>> No.78983262

I'm not watching a Homo-sympathizer

>> No.78983471
File: 360 KB, 537x620, 1718533716867216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you nigger said this every year

>> No.78983511

>plenty of kusogaki
these words are never to be uttered.
bow your head in shame.

>> No.78983902

> Redcoat
Seems kinda like a normie which basically leaves me not wanting to watch her at all. I have zero interest in watching normies stumbling stupidly through basic game mechanics. Impressive singer, not denying that, but I don't really care, karaoke streams are about personality not singing skill. The mimicry/impressions is a good gimmick but literally 100% of them are going to be clipped.

> Orange (?)
Cautiously intrigued. I like the design but little sets her apart for me. If she plays good games on stream I'll check in to see her vibe. I also didn't really like Biboo's debut and didn't know what set her apart, and she turned out to be my favorite in Advent by far. I don't like "annoying" streamers and it seems like she's leaning into that; I thought the same of Biboo though and I turned out wrong.

> Green Kraut
Cautiously intrigued. Until she gets 3D the violin might as well just be pre-recorded, so that basic gimmick is pointless. Good design but the lore is actually, genuinely more retarded than most vtuber lore. Depending on what she plays I might tune in to see how she fares as a game streamer. No red flags for me but also nothing super compelling.

> Pasta Fagioli
She's a talented artist but I don't really like art streams, so, I'm left wondering if she'll have anything for me. Similar to the kraut but I like her personality and aesthetics less.

>> No.78983946

>Having a loli character is an automatic filter
meanwhile goombus
>b-but she plays into it
by your logic that should filter people even more
but it doesn't
what does that tell you?

>> No.78984020

>by openly saying how she doesn't want to be called a loli
when did she say that?

>> No.78985272

Designs are kind of boring, they scream indie chuuba, maybe it's grass is greener or rose tinted glasses, but you have this hebe on the right with objectively good design, but she will never topple the simple Shion design.

>> No.78985904

Homo obsessed unitard and also ESL, stick to your EN whores

>> No.78986034

>an actual seething Amerishart
KEK you lost. Get over it.

>> No.78987185

Why? You did not give a single counterargument to all the points raised by OP. Seems like he won.

>> No.78988418

My queen is based and I shall watch with interest as she pegs gavis

>> No.78988961

>green and pink
Endearing Europeans yes I like Kiara, too
>orange and red
annoying anglos

>> No.78989484

>Now that the dust has settled
Clean it up you lazy piece of shit.

>> No.78989511
File: 75 KB, 729x861, 1670931040962045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I caught the doll and pikachu today. They responded to my shitposts so I subbed to them.
Good enough for me!

>> No.78993321

I haven't watched her since she got in Hololive but no she was never amazing she was always boring as shit with a terrible accent.

>> No.78993899

Really, it was just too soon. Advent just takes up too much of the room right now, and are still growing. There was no build-up, no hype, nothing. Just "oh, they're here now, that's neat I guess". If they had held off for another 6 months once Advent started slowing down, I think the reception would have been totally different.

>> No.78997694

yeah idk what Cover was thinking doing this type of Niji speed debut, wait at least 1 year for Advent to settle down and have some of them get 1 million then debut this gen. Way too quickly, and kind of contradicts what the investor report said about them wanting to focus more on their already established talent

>> No.78998295

I was on the fence with Advent, said fuck it, retreated to JP for a little while and then their friendship brought me back in. Justice will live or die on their collabs for me. But fuck the red one frfr

>> No.78998847

No way in hell is Justice gonna match Advent, no other Holo gen in even JP has done almost weekly group collabs like they have. I have no doubt that it was something FuwaMoco pushed for, to really solidify their gen unity unlike anything Hololive has seen before

>> No.78999086

Not just the worst En gen but worst in general. Cover fucked up.

>> No.78999220

>rose became a 0/10 the moment she involved homos. I will not watch already unfollowed
>gigi 3/10 her voice not cunny enough for that model.
>pink cat 2/10 hard to understand her accent and art is boring to watch
>cc 5/10 I like her I'm a sucker for green women. She is probably the one I'll watch

>> No.78999349

For real, I don't even think any of the ID gens have ever come close to being this much of a miss. Like gen 1 really only had Moona carrying them, gen 2 is kind of a mixed bag, and gen 3 has Kaela. This gen is just fucked

>> No.78999477

>Plus she doesn't lean into being a loli much
>Her accent is the worst part of her, otherwise decent
>Green woman is probably the only decent one, accent is a bit hard to sit through tho

>> No.79000828
File: 274 KB, 1806x1208, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nooooo it's the bestest best ever.

>> No.79001134

>Literal tranny lover

>> No.79001248

I really like the red hag, her singing is awesome and right up my alley. It's going to be nice to watch her blossom into a full-blown gamer idol.

>> No.79001482

Whore leech.

>> No.79001627


Unironically no one really cares that Ollie does it because she's ID. The reason Bae didn't get as much flack, though, was because Roberu was JP. He was distant enough that her fans didn't care.

>> No.79001847

>still thinks they're HoloEU
im fucking shittttingggggg and this thread is 1ply

>> No.79002179

Literally every single "point" you have was levied at advent on debut you shit eating fucktard
>They are all so boring and bland
>Biboo is a hag faking a loli voice with fake cringe zoomer memes, she is a tryhard and her streams are boring
>Nerissa's entire personality is "I'M A KIARA FAN UUUUUUUU, I'M KFP I JOINED JUST TO FUCK KIARA PLEASE LET ME FUCK KIARA UUUUUU" Her singing sucks, her first karaoke was a disaster, She is a white amalee youtuber cover artist who collabs with twitch thots
>Shiori is an oldfag homo collaber who tweeted at the homos and couldn't answer a single question in kiara's quiz, She hates FWMC for their kayfabe and is so lazy and uninterested she took a 2 week break in the first month
>FWMC sound like retards and are basically teletubbies with tits, They are so cringe and MEMEMEMEME that they force their retarded baubau speak in every collab they are a part of, They don't gel at all with EN and just joined to cozy up with JP
and so on and so on, Literally ALL of that seethe was levied and spewed at advent in their debut month and to this very fucking day by antis just, like, you, You are either a SUPER newfag who joined after advent had been well established and shook off the debut nerves, OR you are a seething falseflagging nijinigger shitposting cause your branch is fucking dead and worthless

>> No.79002255


>> No.79003054

HoloEN usually takes the “safer options” when talent scouting, which is fine because boring streamer with cute/pleasant voice can be patched with good model and character marketing (something that Holo has been really good at). Justice as a gen doesn’t have cute voice and all have lowkey generic models, and they don’t seem to be that interesting in terms of streaming?

>> No.79005075

>singlehandedly killing the bait thread with one long breakdown

>> No.79007464

Eurocucks lost

>> No.79011516

Damn.. thanks for the summary anon, not gonna check them up though,since they are already infected with homo

>> No.79011649

3/4 are good. So it's overall a win so far.

>> No.79012387

You say this about every gen

>> No.79012556

Cover made Elizabeth the leader of Justice and will be using her to push for more HoloPro unity in the EN branch. Unicorns will seethe but management literally wants Hololive culture to be less dependent on unicorn pandering.

>> No.79012712

She's taller than Ame. I can see how incorrectly being classified as a loli could get annoying, so she's shutting that down quick.

>> No.79012734

>is just kiara
holy fucking newfag clipwatching retard
go fuck yourself if youre comparing ceci to her out of all people

>> No.79014157

She's really not one, but they fucked her by giving her the outfit of one. Just looks sad now

>> No.79014304

nigger this gen has been around for like 4 days and your ass is tryna write their fucking obituary? Would you treat your own 2-month-old child like this because he couldn't download ntr hentai on his first try?
Please go off and rope instead of doomposting like the biggest retard this side of the keyboard.

>> No.79015208

They're all fine but it's getting harder to carve out your niche nowadays, something they did well with Advent was not having gimmicks that overlapped with other girls much
