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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78951125 No.78951125 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically, could any vtuber (maybe Gura?) reach Michael Jackson levels of fame and influence?

>> No.78951393

nigga are you serious? Gura could have 100M subs and still NOT reach the legendary status MJ had. As much as I don't like that alien-looking pedo I cannot deny his contributions as an artist and as an icon is nigh unparalleled.

>> No.78951455

maybe if they got caught molesting kids and mainstream media picked it up

>> No.78951456

I didn’t even know about him until last well. But I’ve been watching Gura for years.

>> No.78951574


>> No.78951611

*last week

>> No.78951619

No. Suisei's a powerhouse in her own right, but she couldn't even scratch the fumes from his farts. The guy's an actual legend. We'd need a MAJOR cultural shift for people to accept vtubers as mainstream for that to ever happen.

>> No.78951665

dude, you have no idea how big michael was in his prime. No way in hell, not in a million years

>> No.78951692

No. Not enough weebs in the world really.
vtubing is still a joke to most people.

>> No.78951968

no celebrity can reach that status ever again, the internet and its small specialized spaces has basically destroyed the pop-monoculture that existed between the invention of mass media and the internet

>> No.78952072

No. Anime is too divisive. Closest would be someone already famous deciding to do it, but then they'd be hated by /vt/ anyway.

>> No.78952090

In the future

>> No.78952143

Heh. No, never, nice joke. Gura has huge appeal amongst weebs/otaku, not the normies/Hollywood. Try getting Gura in a movie or two and maybe it could be possible.

>> No.78952260

>Try getting Gura in a movie
Why do you think she's been taking time off streaming? She was filming for a huge hollywood movie

>> No.78952266

Forget about vtubers for moment and think, has anyone even come close to his level of fame? Even with current day internet where anyone can become famous overnight, I find it difficult to say one has or can

>> No.78952290

she literally have to invent a musical genre in a company that only produce covers and the most generic japanese music ever, any indie have more chances to do it than gura.

>> No.78952393

>maybe Gura?
Do holoniggers really?

>> No.78952445

Eminem is bigger than MJ in most places. Also helped by the fact Hip Hop has been the biggest genre for like, decades now.

>> No.78952469

She's the cutest human being on earth, so it's theoretically not impossible, but she isnt interested in that level of fame so it would never happen.

>> No.78952525

no that would require extraordinary out of this world talent and an attraction to real life prepubescent boys

>> No.78952593

>Eminem is bigger than MJ

>> No.78952602

You can fuse all vtubers together and fail

>> No.78952663

delusional. biggest (corpo) vtubers aren't even big enough to stream whatever fucking games they want.

>> No.78952689

God no, are you serious? MJ might have been a muppet of a man in his last years with his past coming back to haunt him, but the dude caused a cultural shift of massive proportions. He was UNTOUCHABLE in his prime. There's no Vtuber out there, especially one with a loli design, that will reach those kind feats.

>> No.78952694

not everyone lives under rock like you

>> No.78952723

She's a literal who on Youtube, let alone the music industry.

>> No.78952746

>maybe Gura
She need to stream first

>> No.78952856

MJ for better or worse was a worldwide household name. Arguably bigger than Muhammad Ali in terms of name recognition (but maybe not sphere of influence) we will never have entertainers of any stripe at that level again.

>> No.78953153

>Muhammad Ali
MJ is a legend, everyone listens to music, almost no one in comparison likes boxing.

>> No.78953197

Yeah that "literal who" just made songs that got her so viral on tiktok it started a trend that made the national news in America and got her DM'd by people as famous as belle delphine, before she ever even joined hololive. Her face is one of the most common twitch emotes and she doesnt even stream on twitch. I literally cant walk downtown in my city without seeing gura stickers on the lamp posts and street signs. She's going to be singing live at the Dodgers stadium in Los Angeles in a couple weeks. What a literal who!

You coping retarded fucks have Gura Derangement Syndrome lmao.

>> No.78953244

No. There is a hard limit on how famous you can become being an artist in a given industry, depending on the maturity of that industry.
Music, writing and films are examples of industries that have reached the final stage of maturity, meanwhile livestreaming, especially Vtubing, is still in its infancy.
To give you some perspective, videogames are probably only now in the process of becoming a mature industry, and they took forty years to do so.
I don't see a vtuber having that level of cultural penetration in the next decade, much less now.

>> No.78953432
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>made songs that got her so viral on tiktok
Meanwhile actual virality

>> No.78953567

Muhammad Ali and his story isnt known to anyone that didnt grow up in the 20th century. MJ and his songs are timeless. You have gen alpha kids that know what thriller is and how MJ looked like even though the man has been dead since 2009

>> No.78953627

And that's after the pedo rrat.

>> No.78953649

oops replied to the wrong guy meant to reply to >>78952856

>> No.78953672

I'm not trying to pretend Gura holds a candle to MJ but when stickers with her face start appearing in my hometown and she's going to sing in front of a stadium of normies at a baseball game you can no longer call her a literal who

>> No.78953746

You have to be 18+ to post.

>> No.78953753

No, vtubers aren't THAT mainstream and likely never will be.

>> No.78953817

Gura is probably just the MJ of vtubing but actually reaching his level is near impossible

>> No.78953825

Shut up Chumkek

>> No.78954008

Even attempting to approach any level of fame, I believe the virtual title would quickly get lost. People would see the vtuber and make it more about the person behind the avatar, describing it like "[vtuber] is a project by [person]". That's not to say a vtuber could never reach mainstream success, but I have doubts it would ever be to the level of Michael Jackson. The closest people to that level of fame and influence that could remotely be compared to vtubers would probably be Daft Punk. A more realistic target that I'd believe could be hit would be something like Gorillaz.
The greatest filter I can imagine is "Could any vtuber reach Hatsune Miku levels of fame and influence?" if not, then there's no chance.
Recently, the closest I can imagine to someone heading down the right direction is Ado, since she remains mostly anonymous in name and appearance. The popularity of utaites is probably what will lay the groundwork for vtubers to reach any level of mainstream fame.

>> No.78954018
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>> No.78954046

Good point. Gura still hasn't reached over 10m subs yet. Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, MrBeast, and several dozen others have. Think this discussion can be had when Gura get over 10m... Assuming she lasts that long.

>> No.78954081

But she quite literally is. She's no where even remotely close in notoriety to the vast majority of singers who've performed at stadiums. The only difference is Cover bought that opportunity for her. That isn't "Gura Derangement Syndrome" that's reality.

>> No.78954172

It’s true. Maybe his music isn’t as respected.

>> No.78954207

>tfw you share this board with gurafags

>> No.78954240

Elizabeth will

>> No.78954254

The absolute power stance

>> No.78954279

you guys are making me want to watch an MJ documentary or something

>> No.78954362

The pedo rrat AND excluding over 20 years of listens.

>> No.78954415

Just this

>> No.78954505

Gura arguably well more known in the anime industry than MJ is. I could see it happening.

>> No.78954557

brother, it's hard enough to name another human being that reached Michael Jackson's level of fame and influence.

>> No.78954559

it isnt respected by people that dont care about rap

>> No.78954563

Hi jewish tranny

>> No.78954647

i remember watching an MJ documentary the Sunday before he died. interesting memory to have

>> No.78954649

>has anyone even come close to his level of fame?
The only one actually breaking his records is Taylor Swift.

>> No.78954708

I fucking wish chuubas could ever get this good at dancing.

>> No.78954712

This. But also remember, the numbers in that image severely downplay reality, as these are "just" reposts long after these songs peaked.

>> No.78954716

>leftist tranny believing CNN rrats

>> No.78954768

Gura fans, everyone.

>> No.78954797

Me elementary school choir sang to a stadium full of normies. If it's not a playoff game, nobody cares.

>> No.78954996

No because a centralized platform like MTV doesn't exist anymore. Everyone's pursuing their own separate interests instead of watching the same thing.

>> No.78954999

>I cannot deny his contributions as an artist
Contributing vocals to songs written and performed by other people?

>> No.78955010

Anon, showing up for one baseball game night is kinda "Literal who" level to me anon
Hell, I'd argue even the Super Bowl is still "Literal who" tier in the big picture
World Cup? Maybe, maybe not, depending on how lasting the performance is

>> No.78955148

Are you serious? Most famous vtubers reach at best mid tier internet fame which isn't even low tier real life fame. It's niche of a niche

>> No.78955163

Great point. On the other hand, the internet, at least Web 2.0, has been absolute cancer and focused the entire planet's attention to a couple of points. Everyone is on the same five websites nowadays, whether you're an american millionaire or a poor indian grocery store worker. In such an environment, it's possible, if the stars align, for someone to reach that level of fame, including a vtuber. It's unlikely, but possible

>> No.78955294

>just fucking stands there in silence
>crowd goes erupts
>moves his head
>crowd goes nuclear
>slowly takes off his glasses
>immediately starts dancing, crowd in tears
Absolute kino

>> No.78955535

Vtubing itself isn't actually mainstream yet and entertainment is much more diverse nowadays so it's harder also there is multiple factor on how people get to know MJ it's not just because he is just that talented in music or something like that, like how he was black etc contribute greatly to his fame, his music is actually mediocre, his dance is quite good tho

>> No.78955585

Are you stupid

>> No.78955775

yeh some vtuber fans really are deluded. you can show any boomer MJ and they'd have good memories of him, show them Gura and most of them will think shes either a kids show character or if you describe the concept of vtubing to them they believe she's creepy pedophile bait

>> No.78956141

Gura is barely even a mid tier youtuber anon, she's totally dwarfed by flesh males like Kubz Scouts or H20Delirious
Vtubing is a small pond where she happens to be the biggest fish

>> No.78956256

you need to learn what the jews did to him, and why

>> No.78956268
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Oh fuck, gen alpha is already here

>> No.78956318

Dude come on...it´s MJ

>> No.78956361

>she's totally dwarfed by flesh males like Kubz Scouts or H20Delirious
Literally fucking who lmao
If I post gura's face in my friends group chats they all know who that is even if they don't really watch vtubers
I have never fucking heard of the faggots you just mentioned in my entire life and I guarantee none of my friends would recognize their faces or names either
Maybe if you had said Pewdiepie or Markiplier you'd have a point but no you are a retard.

>> No.78956474

No vtuber has released an album like Off The Wall or Thriller

>> No.78956659

They're both mid level e-celebs with several million more subscribers than Gura which was the point, retard-kun

>> No.78957056

Well, consider this: Taylor Swift is a massively popular music artist, possibly commercially the most successful of current times, but even she doesn't reach MJs popularity and recognition. MJ was so popular as an artist that you could have went to some bumfuck village in Southern America, Asia or even Africa, and people would still have recognized some of his songs.

Gura would have to breach into major normalfag territory and be able to ignore any sort of preconception people have towards anime, in order to achieve that. So no, she would never be able to do that.

>> No.78957082

Anon, not a single musician was able to achieve the same level of success and fame as Michael Jackson as of today's age, what makes you think a vtuber would be able to?

>> No.78957143

Being honest here, none of them were as talented as Gura.

>> No.78957248

No because vtubing will collapse to AI companions before there's a generational shift that could help normalize vtubing. But even then, I doubt most vtuber fans would reproduce.

>> No.78957256

>"Being honest here"
>*proceeds to not be honest*

>> No.78957281

Its time to leave /vt/ and go into the real world anon

>> No.78957294

Bad argument honestly, not trying to argue with you on which one actually more famous but every considered legends always have more than they are known in certain industry, like they always have a story worth telling, music in general indeed more popular than boxing but not everyone that knows Ali is because they are boxing fans same with MJ not everyone knows him because of his music

>> No.78957446


>> No.78957572

nah hes close to elvis and both held the same title

>> No.78957691

>not everyone knows MJ
I fucking hate you zoomers unironically

>> No.78957918

belle delphine is not a famous person in the united states. Millenials know her, and even then its mostly the online ones. you're weird to consider belle delphine proof of fame, thats coomer shit

>> No.78957987

>being this retarded
In 50 years nobody will remember Hololive exists, but Thriller will still be played in stores across the world.

>> No.78958079

You'd could put the entire vtuber industry together and it would still not come close to equalling the cultural impact of MJ. Just how it is.

>> No.78958083

Who, she is being in the industry too long and her career was a failure, now she comes to hololive and you think she can achieve that being that old, you must be joking

>> No.78958264

?? You're probably haven't finished your school looking at how you can't even read and yet you call other people zoomer, holy retard

>> No.78958274

This. In 100 years, people will still be trying and failing to do the moonwalk.

>> No.78958276

No, Ali's fame pretty much extends entirely to fathers and people into boxing during the years he was active. MJ's been famous across the globe and across every single demographic from every single age over the course of like, at least 20 years of his life. Basically, he's what rockfags say the Beatles were: more popular than Jesus. That's just an objective fact.

>> No.78958378
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>You're probably haven't finished your school

>> No.78958601
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someone forgets that muhammad ali was the international face of the anti war movement when the US went to war in vietnam. he had a cultural impact outside of boxing that was absolutely worldwide just from his humanitarian aid alone.

>> No.78958629

Jesus is revered by every Christian and Muslim in the world. In no way was MJ ever bigger than Jesus.

>> No.78958986

no because vtubing is seen as weird to normies even anime watchers

>> No.78959045

Yes he was, however MJ is again a musical artist that transcended borders. I'm not going to say only American's cared about pulling out of 'nam but you and I both know they were the majority, and I regret to inform you that America is not the center of the world.

To put it simply his music spread farther and wider over a longer period of time, if you go on the street and ask the average person who Ali is if you're lucky you'll get someone every 10 times you ask who knows him as a boxer, and you'll only ever hear people talking about his anti-war contributions if they're greying. Meanwhile if you asked people of any demographic who MJ is I'd reckon every other person would be able to tell you who he is and at least one or two songs, from children to grannies.

>> No.78959144

i think we can agree gura would never even get to ali levels

>> No.78959155

Christians at his time payed more money to see MJ perform than giving that money to jesus

>> No.78959240

no vtubing is niche in the grand scheme of things. plus MJ at his peak had like a decade of experience since he was doing music at like age 5. most vtubers dont have that

>> No.78959320

Oh absolutely, not a single vtuber will ever reach basically any celebrity or major athletes name by default. They're a subset of anime and anime is a subset of cartoons which're already seen with a weird eye by the normal person, outside of like the Simpsons I suppose.
OP is absolutely a faggot for believing otherwise.

>> No.78959370
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Don't let this thread distract you from the fact that MJ BOUGHT A FUCKING MONKEY

>> No.78959426

Like I said, not trying to argue which one is more popular just pointing out that it's not just because one is known is music industry and the other in boxing, also speaking of Jesus, if historical figures counts then they would be way more influential than even legends celebrity like MJ

>> No.78959751

>people ITT don't know the beatles is bigger than jesus spiel
I'm not even in my 30s and this is making me age rapidly.

>> No.78959908

there isn't even an actual living celebrity that has gotten to that level since

>> No.78960298

Even pekora learned from the best

>> No.78960418

You do realize MJ wrote and arranged some of his best songs all by himself, right?

>> No.78960457

i think yes but in 100 years

>> No.78960579

Realistically Gura already is pretty close. She can disappear for months and come back to fanfare that few celebrities or content creators could dream of. She's won.

>> No.78960664

If someone under 30 doesn't know Beatles or MJ that only proves that they aren't as influential as historical figures like Jesus or even Einstein and Tesla etc unless they never went to school

>> No.78960722

Even more amazing is he did this during a superbowl half time show, where there's a time limit. Comes up and just stands there while everyone rushes out to the field to get closer to him, a solid chunk of the timed performance is just him standing there.

>> No.78961034

I'm asking you kindly. Google the phrase "beatles are bigger than jesus". And he was honestly kinda right.

>> No.78961074

Doubt. No way was MJ richer than the Vatican.

>> No.78961267

If so, fair enough. Most pop stars, including "pop legends," do not. Madonna for example wrote few of "her" songs.

>> No.78961383

People under the age of 30 absolutely do know MJ, just because you're a retard who doesn't listen to music and/or from SEA doesn't mean you're the golden standard.

>> No.78961577

Gura streams have more viewers than MJ ever had filled in stadiums, I'd say so.

>> No.78961854

Imagine saying that while arguing that any celebrity is more influential than Jesus, peak delusion absolutely retarded.

>> No.78962115

Genuinely how, you cannot be serious.

>> No.78962121

He was richer than anyone in the vatican, everyone there has a salary that could equal his, not even the pope could unite people like mj did when he sang we are world

>> No.78962148

Not that anon but regardless if they were or weren't the fact that you don't even know that whole era only further shows how disconnected you are from the English world. That interview is one of the only things people say when they talk about the Beatles nowadays, next to people doing Ringo impressions I guess.

>> No.78962298
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Pekora is literally the most watched female streamer in the world

>> No.78962412

Michael Jackson level of fame is physically impossibe in the age of Internet, and oversaturation of all consumable content.

>> No.78963203

Michael was so big there wasn't a single corner of the planet that didn't know his name, the only singer who's come close to his level of fame is maybe Taylor Swift. Most people have never even heard of vtubers so there's no way one can reach his level of fame.

>> No.78963353

Hes not exactly wrong because Jesus is tied to the concept of Christianity, or religion so across a large span of time dude's bound to be the most influential. In a short timespan then yea the Beatles blow Jesus out of the water at the height of their popularity. I would say MJ is even more famous than that, because outside the Anglosphere far more people recognize MJ's music and dance moves.

>> No.78963451

No they weren't that's simply a fact thinking otherwise is delusional and I never said I don't know Beatles but I'm not a deluded retard who thinks a celebrity as influential as historical figures.

>> No.78963616

Good god you vtuber faggots got your heads up your asses with your delusions if you believe anyone from Hololive has broken into the mainstream worldwide. They may have become the in-thing in Great Nippon but that won't get you into the Top 100 Billboard, let alone #1.

>> No.78963728

It's not about if the saying is true or false, it's about its original existence and taking it to literally mean "we're bigger than one of the longest standing active religions in the world entire history". Gotta agree with anon, it only takes a second to google.

>> No.78963751

No. Peak Michael was in Pepsi Commercials and singing at the Super Bowl half time show. He defined 80s pop culture.

Come on now.

>> No.78963756

over 30 years of being at the top of the music industry and being the single best selling solo artist of all time are you fucking retarded

>> No.78963927

anon, regular streamers haven't reached this level yet.

>> No.78963992
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>> No.78964169

More simply put, in 10 years no one will remember the top 10 in billboard 100 today, the month of June 2024, but in 10 years there will still be faggots learning to moonwalk from MJ. There is a difference in scale that is completely insurmountable even for today's hottest artists, let alone vtubing.

>> No.78964246

She doesn't count. She is at the top using scummy tactics and weaponising her fans when anyone calls her on said tactics. She is a product of our time, with the internet making possible that type of parasocial cult. One can wonder what could have been if MJ was at the peak now.

>> No.78964361

>he's not a swifty
>he doesn't have his own personal Tiny Swift
Shaking my head right now.

>> No.78964824

>anon just know finds out that pop music stars have cult like fandoms
this shit predates the internet by like 5,000 years

>> No.78965086

The closest to going big in vtubing is probably Suisei and even she at best, AT BEST, right now would be considered a forgettable One Hit Wonder. I just don't see any Vtuber breaking through and 'making it'. Look at vocaloid artists like Hatsune Miko and how derided they are by the mainstream and they were at least 5x bigger in their peak than Suisei so far.

>> No.78965265

That's the point. All e-celebs are niche on some way or another. Youtubers with more subs than gura are literal whos to our subculture. Imagine how that people see Gura.
I think only Pewdiepie at the top of his "Sub2pewds" reached true mainstream appeal, and i don't see gura (or any other chubba) reaching that spot. Ever.

>> No.78965658

And even then pewdiepie is a literal who compared to MJ. OP is what the word newfag was created to describe, not just to this board but to culture in general

>> No.78966301

I'm not saying it's something new. I'm saying Taylor Swift has It easy with the internet as a tool. MJ or The Beetles reached that spot without it, and had far more influence on culture than her would ever have.

>> No.78966449

She wouldn't even be considered a forgettable one hit wonder. Nobodyknows is a one hit wonder, which is an ironic name for the people who made motherfucking Kokoro Odoru which is arguably among the most famous songs that ever hit Japanese otaku culture.

>> No.78966662

Yes. It took how long for Pewdiepie to get 100mill subs? and that was with begging. It took how long for MrBeast to surpass him? Currently ishowspeed already gets 100k livestream viewers. Imagine the numbers in 20 years when everyone will have grown up with social media.
Youtubers like Logan Paul already regularly get high profile interviews like with Elon Musk and Trump. Ecelebs will the be only celebs in the near future.

>> No.78967018

The internet is an amazing tool thtat has a more vast reach into nearly every corner of the globe but I don't think most anons here realize how big 1980s MTV was and how it was nearly as effective of a tool in Western markets (North America + Europe)

>> No.78967227

>>Logan Paul
>>Elon Musk
Funny how i don't care about any of these people.

>> No.78967340

She just has to diddle some kids and she will be on her way...

>> No.78967830

No. Never,
One could argue that MJ is bigger than Jesus because Muslim and Christian religions don't reach the whole world, but you could ask about MJ in any place of this planet and get an answer.

>> No.78968195

You're missing the point, these people are giga trashbags but they are still more famous than the concept of vtubing as a whole. You don't care about them but you know who they are. Ask the average person who Gura, or even Hatsune Miku is and you get blank stares

>> No.78968572

But internet cultivates parasocial relationship that weren't possible 30 years ago. When taytay makes a story on Instagram, she's talking to you. She weaponizes her fans like never before, making them buy every new re-release.
My point is, she has it easy, and even with that she hasn't reached MJ levels of cultural impact. And OP wants Gura to surpass MJ. That's not happening.

>> No.78968972

No, no. I was giving you credit. You're right. I don't care about them, but they have more reach that my green oshi will never have. This is a niche hobby. Thinking otherwise is delulu.

>> No.78969629

OP found a way to collect (you)s from anons outside of vt and I'm here for it

>> No.78969878

Michal Jakson was unique.
You could go to some African village, Indian slum, Amazon jungle, eskimo igloo, and all of people from those places would be able to tell they knew him

>> No.78970256

Gura skipped straight to the phase of MJ's career where he was a reclusive hasbeen that rarely did anything and mostly was discussed due to brats surrounding him than due to his actual work

>> No.78970526

There are more places that you can't even get access to media at all than places where those 2 religion can't reach

>> No.78970665

Has Gura even made an original song?

>> No.78970963

Wrong. This is a cope meme.

>> No.78971327

I'd easily say he was bigger than Jesus unironically.

>> No.78971482

Suisei, but only in Japan/Asia-Pacific

>> No.78972110

No, it's basically impossible, reaching the levels of fame and influence of MJ is something that most likely won't happen again no matter in what industry you are, he was one of a kind and his legacy lives on eve though the music industry has been doing their best to memoryhole and stain his name.

MJ is on a league of his own, however if you lower the bar it would be a lot more reasonable, like for example a chuuba getting Taylor swift or Madonna type of fame?, yeah, that is a lot more possible, or whatever current kpop group is now famous for fujos. But reaching MJ levels... Extremely unlikely, and if it happens it won't be anytime soon for sure.

>> No.78972404

Only numbers and when not adjusted for inflation, plus her cultural impact is basically non-existant, and what little exists is only in the states.

>> No.78972648

If Ado got a vtuber model like 2 years ago then maybe. Not anymore though.

>> No.78973053


>> No.78973762

Even this is cope. There’s a much higher possibility vtubing ceases to exist as a hobby than any vtuber making it to the big leagues

>> No.78975454

You are indeed correct, vtubing is quite a niche of a hobby after all.

>> No.78976031

Gura but she never wanted fame

>> No.78976214

Yes but they have to be groomed from childhood to reach that level.

>> No.78978665

Well i'm not gonna deny that, the vtubing industry is on shaky footing at best.
It's still in the baby stages, and has the possibility of dying there as well.

>> No.78981702


>> No.78982211


>> No.78982766
File: 47 KB, 512x512, 1719181579188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can go to a rural village anywhere in the world and they'll most likely know who MJ is
It's just not comparable sorry

>> No.78983131
File: 115 KB, 271x216, 1715052849475279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon. There are Africans living in mud huts 15 years after his death that know who Michael Jackson is. People will still be listening to his songs and copying his dances 50 years from now. There is absolutely no universe where Gura could reach Michael Jackson's level of fame and influence.

>> No.78983500
File: 243 KB, 640x760, 12 inch cock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be this tall to ride this ride

>> No.78984108

Gura still beat that flop

>> No.78984317

Sharon Apple could happen one day.

>> No.78988062

You are underestimating Taylor Swift and Madonna. MJ was/is in a league all his own and before him was Elvis Presley, but they are still just worldwide stars. Taylor Swift, Madonna, Drake etc are also worldwide stars just levels below the peak. It is impossible for any vtuber to reach that level based on what they are doing now.

100% it will most likely never be anything more than a niche. You’re wrong about how low the chance is though. Gaming, Anime, and even DnD all reached the mainstream being enjoyed by all ages all over the world because top streamers enjoyed it and then celebrities learned to enjoy it. Irony at it’s finest is vtubing is as big as it is solely because of Gura, but if anyone else literally any other vtuber had her fame at the time it’d be mainstream. No indie, holo, niji, or brave member would turn down meeting with the biggest youtube personalities which would give you direct connections to real celebrities. The actual irony is that no one else but gura would’ve had the chance because she doesn’t want to do that. Celebrities like reaching out, but they don’t like beggars. Gura participated in an event, but turned down the actual meeting with the game theory guy at a YouTube celeb party. Mori also participated but I don’t remember hearing deadbeats say she attended or turned it down.
As of now though very low chance of vtubing even reaching the level of Miku

>> No.78988283

Seems to be a misunderstanding here. Miku is by no means a megastar but it’s certainly a superstar. It’s performed at some of the biggest music events in the world and nearly headlined one of them. A vtuber reaching Miku’s level of fame would be upper echelons of stars

>> No.78988548

I think you meant to say more popular than Jesus which is arguable. 31.6% of the world is Christian and almost the entire world has heard of Jesus, so no he’s not more known. More popular sure

>> No.78988754

>MJ schizo left /baubau/ only to appear on catalog
Interesting development.

>> No.78988907

MJ would have really liked you.

>> No.78988990

IRyS, she already changed from black to white

>> No.78988997

Wait, the guys a schizo in /baubau/?

>> No.78989029

they would have to sell their soul to the devil
and even then the medium of vtubing would be too constricting/niche to let them grow as big as him
they'd have to leave vtubing and become something bigger
i dont think the devil wants anime avatars (but maybe he'll take anyone)

>> No.78989136

There's a guy who has been asking for FuwaMoco to sing MJ songs since debut.

>> No.78989161
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why the fuck is there an MJ schizo in baubau

>> No.78989180

I miss him so much bros it's insane.
My Oshi.

>> No.78989228


>> No.78989254

and he does it every single time they have karaoke*

I have no idea. I love my oshis but they attract some weird people.

>> No.78989461

They'd have to be equally as good of a performer as they are a business person. And most streamers are genuine retards.

>> No.78989521

King of the world.

>> No.78989772

Michael Jackson literally went broke during his tour. He’s not alone either and this isn’t even bringing up record sales or contracts. Musicians are retarded and financially illiterate for the most part.
No vtuber will be able to match the king of pop standing still. It is impossible literally impossible. Now you want to argue other superstars then it’s a possibility

>> No.78989947

Before MJ, there was the popularity of the Beatles. Elvis Presley before that.
While silly to think the shork to reach that status, don't forget the others weren't superstars overnight either. Gura seems more well-known overseas, which is remarkable for an EN. And after Cover USA is established, there will be a push for more promotions in the West. Yagoo is focused on riding the coattails of anime popularity, so that's the limit of Gura or any vtuber's popularity. Which will continue to grow as the fans grow up, similar to gaming.

>> No.78990375

Anon I was being facetious the chance is 0, with some rounding error. There is no chance of any vtuber making it to mainstream popularity, even if you got the most personable version of Gura or anyone else to get the best possible opportunities for networking. The examples you brought up have existed for decades, they didn’t become popular simply because ‘top streamers’ enjoyed them and brought them into mainstream collectiveness. It’s naive to think otherwise, vtubing on the other hand is so niche it’s hard to say if it will even exist at the end of the decade.

>> No.78991205

no. next question

>> No.78991548


>> No.78994995

just truth

>> No.78995555
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>> No.78995882

>This thread is up and not a single mention of brown lamy

>> No.79000607

Pretty obvious Suisei is going to end up like that

>> No.79001803
File: 35 KB, 1024x576, 1638551301056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, no fucking human person in history is going to reach Michael Jackson levels of fame ever again.

>> No.79001815
File: 47 KB, 205x204, 1698024693746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause MJ is the king of pop, baby

>> No.79002057

Taylor Swift is the only person that comes to mind and even then I have no clue what any of her songs sounds like except one called shake it off or something. I guess Drake? That's literally the only other person I can think of after about like 10 minutes and even then he kind of fucking died with the whole Kendrick thing and everyone's hated him for years. Bruno Mars? I dunno man.

>> No.79003100

Miku is kind of unfair because she's a character that any vocaloid producer can give life to; it's the equivalent of some singer lending their voice to literally anyone willing to compose a song for them. Regardless, if no vtuber can surpass Miku then there's no shot at going big. I won't even touch the retarded MJ comparison by OP because as other people have said there will NEVER be someone who'll ever reach MJ levels of iconic again.

>> No.79003380

You should be fucking executed for making this thread. Gura is a massive fish in an extremely tiny pond that is vtubing. I don’t even know if she’s Mia Khalifa level of fame yet much less the goddamn king of pop

>> No.79003553

Are you chumbuds this retarded. Don't ever disrespect the king of pop Michael Jackson by comparing him to a fucking vtubing corpo mascot. Holy fucking delusional twatwaffles how many platinum records gura has?

>> No.79004267

Not even IRL singers can reach that level, he was so fucking talented, not even his deteriorated looks and I mean god damn he was ugly, and all the child molestation lawsuits in the world can put a dent to his reputation, he was regarded as the undisputed King of pop to the very end.

>> No.79005136

Gura is unironically a nicer singer.

>> No.79005494

Gura is unironically a shit entertainer

>> No.79005731

Gura is average.

>> No.79005833

Gura is below average.

>> No.79007085

MJ's cultural status is impossible to explain to somebody that didn't grow up before the widespread use of the internet. Anyone that seriously claims that *anybody* could eclipse MJ's cultural fame and impact literally doesn't get it and never will.

>> No.79007092

>Realistically, could any small village priest (maybe Father Jones?) reach Jesus Christ levels of fame and influence?

>> No.79007536
File: 61 KB, 744x468, 5474578484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura cant even beat kai cenat let alone MJ

>> No.79007728

Gura videos get more views than 138k

>> No.79007818

thats live CCV anon

>> No.79007958

Most people these days don't know who he is. You're vastly overestimating how often people listen to rap from the fucking eighties in current year.

>> No.79008195

if youre under 16 you wont know who michael jackson is

>> No.79008708

Lmao there are levels to this. The most famous vtubers can't even compete against pro idols and seiyuu in terms of influence. What makes you think they're even able to touch MJ level?

>> No.79008817

Even Taylor Swift couldn't with all those drones and bots of hers. Now stop making this shitty thread and go back to /mu/

>> No.79008959

>Even Taylor Swift couldn't
Anon, she literally made a billion dollars touring.
She is on par at this point.

>> No.79009023

No. The “broadcast” celebrity that everyone knows a bit about doesn’t exist. What has taken its place are “narrowcast” mini celebrities that a smaller number of people know a lot about. The wall of perceived holiness of megacelebrities of old has been torn down by social media and on-demand media, and they are more human and boring.

>> No.79009443

>believing jewish lies
>kick me kike me
>jew me sue me
MJ had the mob and cartels ensuring his safety in the middle of Brasil and Mexico. Famously stated that ''one could leave a million dollars in the favela and not a soul would steal it.''
He has people in this very thread vouching for him, that dont even like the man or his songs. The man was bigger than Christiano Ronaldo. He was bigger than the Beatles. He was bigger than Elvis. MJ is the one of the few men that allow you to use the word zenith to describe the place they claimed as their own.
So no, like dozens of others have told (you) already - no. Just no.

Fun fact:
>He had a room full of Hitler/National Socialist memorabilia
>and his style was obviously influenced by that era of military fashion

>> No.79009646

>He has people in this very thread vouching for him, that dont even like the man or his songs
Taylor Swift is already on his level yet there's deniers here. So half of this thread is just MJ fags.

>> No.79010181

Maybe if Hatsune Miku gains sentience, skynets the world, and then starts vtubing on the side, otherwise no.

Though bits and parts from vtubing might invade public perception with most people not even knowing where it came from like loli kami, though even that's nowhere near MJ's notoriety. Maybe after a couple billion views and stuff like widespread bootleg merch?

>> No.79010644

>No indie, holo, niji, or brave member would turn down meeting with the biggest youtube personalities which would give you direct connections to real celebrities. The actual irony is that no one else but gura would’ve had the chance because she doesn’t want to do that.
Gura had that chance? When?
>100% it will most likely never be anything more than a niche.
It's fine as long as there are people financially supporting this niche. TTRPGs even outside of DnD are still alive and there are still new ones coming out every now and then. Aren't there some vtubers who's breaking more into less niche hobbies like anime and games, at the very least in Japan? Aqua appeared as a collab DLC in a SAO game. Suisei had that idolm@ster collab. Suisei also has/had a radio show.

>> No.79010790

by what measure is taylor swift on the same level as MJ

>> No.79010874

The media environment is so different now. You can be MJ big in numbers and Taylor might be idk but people have so many more options than CDs, MTV, magazines, and newspapers to get away from the sphere of influence of any one celebrity.

>> No.79010931

>Maybe if Hatsune Miku gains sentience
What's stopping someone from imitating Vedal and making a Hatsune Miku vtuber aside from copyright? Hell, why isn't whoever behind Miku as an IP doing that already?

>> No.79010954

Thriller sold more albums than Swift did in total
I dont mind people aiming high, but i feel for any vtuber shooting for MJ position is a bit too much.

>> No.79011129

imagine being this fucking retarded
bro go outside

>> No.79011167

Vocaloid got game freak'd

Current Vocaloid models sound worse than a lot of the freeware alternatives you can find. So now, all they really have going for them is their merchandising. They wouldn't risk their golden goose by fucking around with anything that could upset their status quo.

>> No.79011372

I am 49.
Why am I posting here? Cause I'm a fuckin' loser, but besides the point.
The point is that I grew up in the 80s. I was alive when the Thriller album came out and this man's star turned into a supernova! No celebrity or musical artist in the current or previous century can touch the prominence of popularity this man achieved. Think up absolutely any of the most "Legendary" bands, performers or celebrities your can think of. The Beatles, David Bowe, Clint Eastwood, the kind of people who have become household names, and not s single one of them hold a candle to the inferno of MJ's celebrity.
If he was visiting a city, they would give to close down blocks around the hotel he was staying in, because the streets were filled shoulder to shoulder with his fans for blocks around! If you were born in the current century, you just cannot, in any way understand how you ubiquitous this man's popularity and influence was on the industry.

>> No.79011477


You have to consider the difference in time periods. Its like asking why no debuting vtuber will ever reach Gura's popularity or CCV. Like >>79010874 said, the media enviro is different now. And it does not help that MJ was doing his schtick as a kid - MJ was part of the Jackson 5 and was a music prodigy as a kid. That he continued it into his young adult years with Thriller, Beat it is what cemented it. By the 90s, and even with the mounting allegations and revitiligo, MJ was at the peak of his popularity.

For Hura, just Gura, to be anything "like" MJ, she'd have to eclipse Taylor Swift first. and I dont mean to know your parade, but the Swiftie audience outnumbers the chuuba fandom. And the Swiftie audience is dwarfed by the MJ fandom. And if we're talking historical legacy, Elvis Presley is far greater than MJ. There is always a bigger fish.

>> No.79011635

Literally just NUMBERS. It's all Siwfties care about at this point

>> No.79011698

i believe everything you say about MJ. but i also see taylor swift's name thrown around too. how close is she?

>> No.79011915

old far here. Anyone who got famous after the spread use of the internet is not as famous as a star from before that era. Accessibility killed stardom.

>> No.79011929

>the inferno of MJ’s celebrity
Yeah this is a major point, huge numbers of people were absolutely fanatical for him in a way that no other celebrity can hope to replicate.

>> No.79012355

You wish, her numbers are inflated due to inflation and her cultural impact is non-existant, she is the hottest singer right now but a good couple of leagues below MJ or Elvis.

>> No.79012424

bros im turning to dust.... back in my day even hobos knew who michael jackson was

>> No.79012533

Who's your oshi boomer?

>> No.79012538

Man, he's so fucking cool.

>> No.79016109

Absolutely unrivalled to this day. You may have artists that achieve similar numbers, but they're far too niche and don't reach to the audience as wide as MJ. He was the King. He was Mister Worldwide.

>> No.79016460

Maybe in a few decades or so.

>> No.79016961

>And if we're talking historical legacy, Elvis Presley is far greater than MJ
Elvis is an odd example. Sure, he's at the inception of rock'n'roll, but I doubt that his insane popularity in the USofA was in any measurable amount comparable to international. I, of course, may be wrong, but my impression is that his worldwide fame is mostly postmortem, unlike the Beatles and MJ.

>> No.79017261

How old are you toddleranon?

>> No.79020367

False equivalence.
MJ was an artist who received money because he worked in an industry that works like that, it was his job and logically he received money for what he did from those who wanted to listen to him (as the entertainment industry has always worked).

Jesus is faith and belief, you don't need to give money to believe in Jesus, his resurrection and his promise. It requires only faith to think that Jesus is God and to truly believe in him will give you eternal salvation.

MJ died 15 years ago and there are already stupid people like OP asking questions like this trying to compare Gura to MJ.

Jesus died 2000 years ago and not even the most retarded child would think of asking if Gura could be as influential as Jesus.

Parents kill their children in the name of Jesus 2000 years after, colloquially we are in the year 2024 (guess why precisely this number), Jesus is cited by the great men of history regardless of the time or context.

If MJ resurrects tomorrow it would be a miracle, but if Jesus returns it will be the end. And I'm not even a Christian.

>> No.79020707

Those that ask this question are either trolls that just want to start a stupid discussion. Or those that actually have no idea how popular MJ is.

>> No.79020776

That man was

>> No.79020889

No. Even Taylor Swift or Mr. Beast can't reach half the fame that Michael had at his peak. The world has changed. Culture has become too polarised, there won't be anybody like him ever again.

>> No.79020903

Yes, remember that it would take years and a few generation for that to happen so there is a chance. But remember that the entertainment market is oversaturated with entertainers nowadays so it won't be easy as with MJ back in the days.

>> No.79021020

In America maybe. He doesn't have the international appeal Michael had.

Here in Mexico, Eminem was famous for like 5 years after his movie came out. Now he's forgotten unlike Michael

>> No.79021124

>as famous as belle delphine
Kek. You gotta be joking
