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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 384 KB, 1800x1013, 1718166092382274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78944719 No.78944719 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>78939314

>> No.78944749
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>> No.78944756
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>> No.78944757


>> No.78944772
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>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover) *new*
>奏 / Kanade (cover)
>My Dearest (cover)
>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)

>symmetry *new*
>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.
>カバー曲 / Cover Songs
>歌まとめ / All Songs

>> No.78944782
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


>> No.78944786

>last thread

>corpse fucker lusts after doll
>Mori's eyes are melting
>someone is shitposting while sitting on a dragon dildo

>> No.78944789
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The beggars really hate helmite

>> No.78944810
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>I mean no one could possibly be that retarded right?
Let me present you, anon.
The only occurence where a Hologirl openly ignoring a homo onstream when he's pestering them in their chat

>> No.78944825
File: 55 KB, 567x534, 1719037156275067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arigato EN ollie
thanks for enabling these fucks even burning your genmates

>> No.78944831
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>> No.78944836

why would ERB already not give a shit? Doesn't she know she's leaving stacks of cash on the table if she gives up like that??

>> No.78944846

Is there no senpai/leader type in homo to slap him? The blue homo is the leader of the group no?

>> No.78944863

Can't you report it and get them permanently banned?

>> No.78944871

I looked around in twitterdome and saw the hints the other indie vtubers that knew who the talents were. It's pretty jarring to see their excitement for those joining Hololive compared to those that are joining Niji. Even Sayu was reacting with excitement.

>> No.78944872
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>> No.78944881
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HiRyS~ It's SexRyS~

>> No.78944897

spanish and bahasa share similarities with japanese????

>> No.78944912

She has more than enough talent to not give a fuck. GFE is the refuge of the talentless.

>> No.78944914

You can't spell "British," without SHIT.

>> No.78944924

This is now my new favorite Biboo soundpost

>> No.78944937

Is this from some discord or are they actually posting these delusion on reddit?

>> No.78944950

Also making stuff up as usual
>yeah well he wishes he could fuck sheep

>> No.78944955

similar vowels i guess? that's all i can think of really

>> No.78944961

That's from the homosub

>> No.78944963

I don't care about homos anon

>> No.78944965

stop glazing yourself and put the frame up already, ERB

>> No.78944972


>> No.78944983

>Klara (the pseudo-JP from the new NijiEN wave) is currently streaming NijiGTA to a grand total of 160 people

>> No.78944984


>> No.78944991

You know you can report for targeting someone right?

>> No.78944997

Heh, the classic hakka leech

>> No.78945000

For a thread that hates ERB so much y'all sure love to bring me up a lot.

>> No.78945004

I'm tired of this already
just let me watch my good old Gura already

>> No.78945022
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As she finished

>> No.78945035
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>> No.78945050

Coward didn't even put the art tags

>> No.78945065

Sorry you'll never be able to shag me, babe

>> No.78945081

Well fuckin done giraffe

>> No.78945092

You think she will be successful with her musical theatre dropout karaokes alone? Because that's all she has shown so far.

>> No.78945094

Because she can't collab with the bois due collab ban

>> No.78945095

Insert the "rent free while shitting their pants.jpg"

>> No.78945097

I remember him distancing himself and tempiss from them when they debuted

>> No.78945121

thats really good

>> No.78945124

Worked for Mumei

>> No.78945142

sorry your yearly stream quota is over

>> No.78945143

So now ennacuck is full on roleplaying now

>> No.78945164
File: 307 KB, 1253x1244, 1717385094016290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope is coming

>> No.78945166

>**flings shit back**


>> No.78945167

>91 organs are live

>> No.78945170

should unironically go and touch grass

>> No.78945169

Wow... all I can say on that

>> No.78945171

This was meant to be a celebration for hitting 24k and she's now at 31.3k.

>> No.78945173

pagpag cannot be controlled anon, just look at Luca

>> No.78945176
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>he's too dedicated
yeah unlike the beggars that doesn't even watch streams

>> No.78945212
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>Fool's games you always play
>Call me corrupt, won't hear anything
What did Gigi mean by this?

>> No.78945221

Jesas man people keep talking about unicorns being problematic but these kind of mental retardation should be exposed more.

>> No.78945231


>> No.78945235

But there's where you got it wrong. Mumei is musical theatre wannabe.

>> No.78945237

They're both retarded.

>> No.78945242
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honestly Helmite just want people to stop talking shit, just how hard is that for people to accept that to the point he got gossiped, targeted, slandered, and harrased?

>> No.78945264

You would be insane to think they are somehow against this, especially the blue faggot, Kobo’s big bro

>> No.78945268
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>> No.78945277
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Thoughts on Chattini?

>> No.78945283

Yeah and only one side keep being brought up when people like that also exist on the different end of the spectrum

>> No.78945305


Unicorns aren't problematic, that's the joke. All they do is spend money or leave when the product isn't to their liking.
Guess who attacks them? Someone deflecting because they got shit to hide.

>> No.78945313

i always wondered, why do these threads die so quickly?

>> No.78945324

any beggar who started watching after tempus can’t donate… all they know is cuckposting , whine about unicorns, beg, be bisexual , eat hot chip & lie

>> No.78945336

No point in reporting to sub mods cause they're useless. No point in reporting to reddit admins since it's not a death threat. Honestly, just leave it so there's more evidence that they're schizos.

>> No.78945344

>clown and fagni just released a podcast
>orc and fagni mentioned they met up with the clown irl
next graduation imminent?

>> No.78945356

Homobeggars really are the bad guys.

>> No.78945370
File: 971 KB, 1000x1000, 856a7d0d89ca4abe055e596ef4332669.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura will stream today i can feel it

>> No.78945394

Cute name

>> No.78945403

Who wrote the lyrics?

>> No.78945406

kek the guy practically just cleverly worded his death threat

>> No.78945404

does EN4 have less JOP tourists during honeymoon season than previous EN gens?

>> No.78945412

tell them to bring the rest of the homos too

>> No.78945431


>> No.78945432

But they don't leave
They spend the whole day shitting up the thread crying about homos posting reddit screencaps and falseflagging. Just look at that retarded "HomoEN lover" guy who SCs random holos. They're equally bad, and anyone who defends either side is a disingenuous gigafaggot.

>> No.78945435

if they doesn't shit on hololive and the girls raiding bots reddit stiring shit all the time, this "problem" beggars have wouldn't even exist

>> No.78945443


>> No.78945446

Probably not

>> No.78945449

This isn't new clownfaggot unironically saw how bad it is after graduation with Magni's every increasing debt and is holding off and just riding whatever pay pigs he has left.

>> No.78945461

Clown and Magni live close by don’t they?

>> No.78945462

Justice demands a sacrifice

>> No.78945464

there's one or two homo graduations pending since Justice finally debuted

>> No.78945493

nigga they already met, even did an irl collab, on new year.
That shit means nothing.
And definitely won't sway him to leave when Fagni keep on lamenting about being broke

>> No.78945503
File: 11 KB, 391x53, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wawa's pet lyric writer

>> No.78945504

>reddit spacing
So Helmite has been the one spamming his posts here, huh. Should have known, these types of schizos love attention.

>> No.78945511
File: 371 KB, 1450x2048, 1719152675032421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna rest day is today

>> No.78945519

No. He will stay out of spite.

>> No.78945535

>hurr durr I'm falseflagging, then using that as proof
Yeah, whatever, viewcounts don't lie and this thread doesn't matter, so fuck off.

>> No.78945536

go back to /MANS/ sister

>> No.78945539

>two hours
>no waiting room
I have given up understanding how her mind works, does she think she can just click start stream and that's it? Do they not teach them this kind of shit when training them?

>> No.78945538

I know this is bait but does anyone actually think ERB has demonstrated any out of the norm talent by EN standards? She can uh...belt I guess? Well fucking done, sing good and mature voice didn't make Nerissa a star now did it.

>> No.78945542

A facetuber

>> No.78945564

I see what you mean, but letting them spout their shit will let them sabotage themselves more

>> No.78945565

I just laughed when they brought up https://x.com/unicornkyoukai as an example of a unicorn in the fandom

>> No.78945594

Kek. Kill yourself, dramafaggot.

>> No.78945604

>doesn't know control+v adds a space

>> No.78945625


>> No.78945635

Seems so. And they won't attract any because they don't speak Japanese. Which is good. Hololive English now has 19 members. Japanese collabs can be a funny little sideshow once a year.

>> No.78945647

Unfortunately not because Fagni and Vesper sank after their graduations. I really wished they did well outside of Holostars to drag more with them, clown especially, but it seems they're here to stay because the girl subsidies are better than the sister support.

>> No.78945661

>start drama
>get told off
As I just said: you have shit to hide.

>> No.78945668

this women might be some homolover staff nepohire, shes too out of place, its only her that are like this

>> No.78945669

I miss wuxiaanon...

>> No.78945678

Im waiting to see when elizabeth sours on the homos, judging by dinofags last tweet it might be sooner rather than later

>> No.78945686
File: 1.72 MB, 220x100, 1696190857368887.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78945684

They won't accept it because they're the homostars themselves on alt accounts. Their motivation is the delusion that they could score money and sex by getting close to hololive girls. That's why it's necessary to destroy homostars.

>> No.78945697

homobeggar get the rope

>> No.78945712

You're conflating leaving the chuba with leaving from /here/, anon.

>> No.78945730

>Do they not teach them this kind of shit when training them?
Either managers have no authority over newbies or are retarded. Anyone with a brain would have stopped a lot of ERB's bullshit by now or hell, had training against it even being a thing.

>> No.78945741

which sub is it? is it the homo sub?

>> No.78945762

Afraid of some redditors sister?

>> No.78945766


>> No.78945777

Nah anyone peddling this invisible war shit and posting a gorillion ribbit screencaps is contributing to this drama retardation. You're all a bunch of cancerous faggots and need to leave this thread. This is /#/ not /drama/.

>> No.78945796

It's probably more like...
>We've been doing this for years. How can they not see what everyone else is doing? Surely they're not this stupid?
But they were, in fact, that stupid.

>> No.78945800

holy shit bro is legit fuming, calling him a sheep fucker lol

>> No.78945818

for some reason i hear shikanokonokokoshitantan

>> No.78945821

No amount of seething here will help your shitty 3view faggots anon and even if the red cunt help them it won't translate to any kind of improvement of their metrics has we've seen it before
Be content with the shit crumbs you are getting from the 2 leeching Filipinos cause that's all you're going to get

>> No.78945822

>Anyone with a brain would have stopped a lot of ERB's bullshit by now or hell
Why though? Pretty sure ERB is those fujoshit holoEN managers dream hologirl.
They probably rather all of HoloEN to follow her steps

>> No.78945833

Yeah we love reddit here. We need to be their allies when the homobeggar cabal starts their final invasion.

>> No.78945847

Biboo streaming today, can she even talk?

>> No.78945851

I really doubt they didn't tell her unless her manager somehow withheld any info that her genmates received

>> No.78945863

>40k for Naruto vs Sasuke
>20k during Boruto
Boruto bros..

>> No.78945864

>sperg so hard his keyboard is covered in spittle
Notice how you're getting singled out, even posting anonymously.

>> No.78945876

there's more than one and I'm still here. The tallest tree catches the most wind and hololive has been catching a lot of foul winds from the sisters.

>> No.78945877

It’s from that thread about all the red heads iirc

>> No.78945888

Ok anon, that last line is just too blatant, the bait and retarded larp was actually went decently before it.

>> No.78945894

Jesus... Don't make me a gosling with a purring sound clip.

>> No.78945897

This is the nth time that some that Kiara works with ends up being picked up by Cover/other talents to do official stuff. Kira, Kanauru, yunaree, and more

>> No.78945900

The easiest way to deal with the homobeggar problem would be to make them escalate their "da boyz R talented, da girls are only popular cuz of da uwu voice" bullshit.

>> No.78945902

Wrong this is /reddit/

>> No.78945905

Boruto is complete garbage so I'm not surprised

>> No.78945904

Something something holos succeed in spite of management, not because of management. In this case though, we'll see if the former part of the adage holds true.

>> No.78945918

Boruto shouldn't happen, what the fuck was Kishimoto thinking for greenlighting that utter garbage?

>> No.78945928

>please stop exposing the homoshitters' fans as the anti they really are

>> No.78945931
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>> No.78945932

funny the thread police only come out for homos, this happens so many times that i think you are not even shitposting anymore but a genuine homofans

>> No.78945935

I won't even bat an eye because those retards will self destrct eventually. No need to waste my breath.

>> No.78945942

call them misogynists who can't stand women being more popular than men

>> No.78945943

The Italian hag is growing on me. I want sex with her

>> No.78945945

We should have gatekept you reddit obsessed drama faggots when we had the chance. Oh well.

>> No.78945950

pinned message
>I'LL BE GOOD!! Taking care of voice rn and won't be a super long stream today!! (but I rly wanna play ;w;) thank u for the get well soon wishes!!

>> No.78945953


>> No.78945963

Her genmates would know because they actually watch vtubers, she seems like an absolute normie that only has surface level knowledge

>> No.78945967

>what the fuck was Kishimoto thinking for greenlighting that utter garbage?
Easy money by not having to do weekly shit anymore

>> No.78945971

Boruto is unironically all the worst thing about zoomer shounen smashed together. Wdym Naruto taking a shit was one of the most popular moment in BORUTO?

>> No.78945981

They just redefine woman.
Your mistake was thinking their minds were rooted in reality.

>> No.78945983

Her Daddy Daddy Do! performance was really good from performative angle and is a great example of how good karaoke performance looks like
I don't get why people think she's something special with non-belting songs tho, she sang like two of them proving opposite

>> No.78945999

her singing isn't very good for JP songs because she doesn't speak Japanse, so it doesn't really matter how good she is singing in English. she clearly doesn't have the talent to mimic Japanese intonation like Gura or Mumei does so her singing just goes to waste in unarchived karaokes until she makes an original song, but unless she get's help from Mori or something her original songs are also going to be ass because Cover seems to not have someone who can write songs that flow well in English, and only in English.

>> No.78945998

why are you guys arguing about reddit again

>> No.78946001


>> No.78946016

>No need to waste my breath.
>Shitting himself ITT acting like a thread janny
lol faggot

>> No.78946018

Well once they're approved it's easy to hire them again, since you don't have to go through the whole NDA thing.

>> No.78946026

none of the guys are trannies who identify as women tho

>> No.78946037

>be homobeggar
>imply you are not reddit

>> No.78946039
File: 139 KB, 502x558, 1714308032737290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i compiled all the popular fans of Hololive based on replies to >>78924439. also added some not mentioned there. here it goes!
>Itori (shares hololive news and memes)
>Kris the holosimp (Holofan's voice of reason)
>Gimi Webshooter (huge Rosetai)
>Kanauru (mocap animator)
>Kevincow (creator of Smol Ame game)
>Soo Min (ID simp)
>Alfred Ridder (Patron Saint of Gachikoi)
>Orca (Rushia/Chloe's oil baron)
>Maddie (lesbian Fauna cosplayer)
>Helmite (Watamate Prime)
>Kay Yu (fan animator that did official holo works too)
>Dudul (see above)
>Hyde (Tatsunoko and Sukonbu Prime, did official holo works)
>Hikosan (auntie Nousagi Prime. Pekomama's designer)
>Blueta (Watamate Prime, known for his "cinematic style" fanarts)
>Pako (homo fan, former holomama)
>Shigure Ui (honorary Holo)
>Ironmouse (orbiter prime)
>Aoi Yuki (Fubuki's seiyuu)
>Ririsya (female composer who did official holo works)
>Ludokano (created Advent's most definitive meme)
>Taotan (Thai cosplayer known for cosplaying Biboo)
>Lyger (Matsuri's translator and stalker)
>Reiza Kloise (Haachama simp)
>Aozane (haaton pixel artist/minecraft skin maker)
>Sea_crown (prime Japanese hololive DD, famous in JP for never losing any of his concert lotteries, also a big merch whale)
>hwikky (that korean KFP vlogger)
>Umiboshi (holo donQ mochidoll video maker)
>mittsu (Gura fanartist. known for his Hololive Tummy series)
>six, risu gachi

>> No.78946042

Should ask one of the other girls to come over and roleplay as her talking to chat instead

>> No.78946050

I'm agreeing with you you stupid troglodye shitposter dumbass

>> No.78946053
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>> No.78946073

That's another point as well, the rest of her gen seems to have taken note about all this stuff but not her, hell some of them would probably help her if she asked about schedules and stuff.

>> No.78946088


>> No.78946090

homobeggar get the rope

>> No.78946103

>no need to waste my breath
>keep wasting his breath
lol pinoy

>> No.78946112

nah, the clown can actually can make a living with his yumejos. It would be so fucking over for HomoEN if he did graduate though.

>> No.78946118

>think both sides are retarded and not necessary here
yeah I can't expect dramafags to have an IQ higher than 80 can I
Go watch false eye whatever his name is and fuck off

>> No.78946126

My local music lounge have better singer than ERB. I watch vtuber for SOVL, not some women who walk around shoving veggies into my mouth.

>> No.78946133
File: 353 KB, 911x564, 1691743623621667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she thinks numbers thread is only about numbers
holy tourist

>> No.78946139

Oh she's dangerous

>> No.78946140
File: 206 KB, 463x453, 1712618540993125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're of the lesser gender
KEK didn't expect to read that on leddit

>> No.78946146

why put vtubers in a list of fans.

>> No.78946150

>shits himself
100% you're falseflagging some of your own shitposts, too.

>> No.78946148

Even if that's the case the fact that it's not covered by training is kinda grim, is all that they teach them a bunch of diplomatic behavior basics?

>> No.78946151
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>> No.78946163

Is Jojo the only series to do "next generation" well?

>> No.78946179

It's too late anon
most this thread is people who think they're fighting a culture war against male vtubers and fans

>> No.78946178

>the clown can actually can make a living with his yumejos.
you're outdated bro

>> No.78946195
File: 295 KB, 456x315, 1620179287351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78946208

You have done this song and dance so many times already, just beg us to stop shitting on your discordbros when they slip up and target members of the community, it won't work but you will have more time over to do something else with your life.

>> No.78946210

>crying about falseflagging now
not even smart enough to figure out what's going on huh
you really do have a low iq huh

>> No.78946223

Why the fuck is this random shitpost actually took off?

>> No.78946227
File: 57 KB, 879x307, 1696150094320594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78946234

kevincow is an anti

>> No.78946249

>shitting on homos that cause nothing but drama is being a dramafag
sisters not sending their best today

>> No.78946252

sorry if i dont keep up to date with the homos kek. Whats happened?

>> No.78946255
File: 396 KB, 576x1024, gura CHU! 💙💙 [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fw63oyj.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78946253

>not giving them money means its a war
The only people seething about a lack of free money is (You). We call it invisible because you're fighting ghosts.


>> No.78946275

>Joins hololive
>Is extra happy and goes full GFE while talking about how she was never this loved while not even realizing for how long she was live
>On first day
So this is how /lig/ treats their darlings...

>> No.78946282

What's the point of council again? Justice exist after all.

>> No.78946285
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>> No.78946302
File: 3.36 MB, 434x1080, wiishop[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fx0jfb2.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78946304
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>> No.78946303

Caught a Helmir in Panthera's chat, specifically trying to get her opinion on his sheep oshi and JP members in general.

>> No.78946311
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>> No.78946313

Reminder that they even proped him up with 2 others as the "musketeers". That was hilarious and a huge blow to the okbh faggots.

>> No.78946315

>he keeps wasting his breath

>> No.78946314

>sub 2 hours
>still no frame
>still no tweet
Justice would be fine with 3 members.

>> No.78946321

Why do we have unironic homobeggars here still? How do we kick them out once and for all?

>> No.78946337
File: 1.75 MB, 2002x1124, 1716059288898454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78946339

It's not fair mumei gets 2 GREEN WIVES?

>> No.78946344

>homobeggars grabbing unicorns hands and MAKING them hit them in the face
like wtf, nasty
go pay a bitch to beat you up, fuck off

>> No.78946360
File: 406 KB, 1080x1241, 1707908515461369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all whats the problem about crying about homos in 4ch thread? Are you seriously going to call, at worst, autistic people complaining about shit in 4ch harrassment? Unlike homobeggars they're not even directly tagging talents in platforms they do use (twitter, youtube, reddit, etc) to push them to do shit they don't want to do, if you think people can't even anonymously sperg out a tiny bit with no real world consequences in a place invisible to everyone that has any amount of self control you might as well implement a global mind-control device to stop wrong-think, this shit is harmless

Again literally all that unicorns are doing is leaving a talent when they debut in corpo that sells product A to sell product B (when theres already a ton of other corpos and indies that sell product B, many times better because they don't have an entire infrastructure built around selling product A (idol concerts, audio messages, asmr, etc)) and telling them that "hey we aren't going to watch you because we want product A and you're selling product B". Of course there's going to be a bit of complaining and namecalling but it's actually hilarious how little there is when you compare it to the rest of the western streamer scene and outside of that there's literal 0 other consequences, the talents are entirely free to produce whatever content they want and they won't be shunned by cover anyway, so seriously, what's so bad that these unicorns have done?
>they don't want to watch thing that i like! That's problematic!
These people seriously sound insane, just go join any of the other corpos you'll be very welcomed there
Well thems the breaks, I don't understand how people haven't pieced it together yet, but if you push for homo collabs you are essentially pushing for drama and self-selecting for a type of drama-seeking, political minded streamer, and those people well, tend to create drama for content and tend to lack talents becasue they spend so long in these crusades

TLDR: Unicorns natural, if you expect otherwise you are terminally online, no proven harrassment of hololive members by unicorns, very much proven success and benefit for hololive members that pander to unicorns

>> No.78946369

I doubt she knows much but I expect it to change eventually with her living in Japan

>> No.78946368

Spam cunny

>> No.78946373

My assumption? too prideful to ask based on her saviourfagging

>> No.78946378

Which one of you faggots posted this?

>> No.78946383

Who do I care about some literal who?

>> No.78946397

He lost most of his paypigs after collabing with Bae

>> No.78946430

Not reading that wall of text, dramafag. Go back to your shithole.

>> No.78946434

Small dog syndrome

>> No.78946443

>raora voice is revealed and everyone instantly posts their disgust
>less than 24 hours later everyone is saying it's actually kinda decent and they like her voice
What happened?

>> No.78946449

How can so many of those idiots still not understand how this job works?

>> No.78946454
File: 303 KB, 473x644, 1714625874329832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78946457

>take pole dancing lessons with a literal strip club whore
His yumes were not happy.

>> No.78946458

As in specifically or around that time? I know he reclined in earnings but if that's the case then lmao

>> No.78946475

Same exact thing happened with Twap

>> No.78946479

Man the mask always fall off so quick

>> No.78946487

because the shitposters that were camping the threads trying to cause drama on debut are now shitting up somewhere else?

>> No.78946489


>> No.78946493

if they post that shit in any other sub they would get clowned on, that's why you can only see it in the homosub. that place is, ironically, an incel shithole

>> No.78946495

The shitposters tried to prime people to hate her

>> No.78946502

You either get used to it or you get filtered. She's cute enough that people are willing to overlook the horrendous ESL accent

>> No.78946505

holy moly he had a good thing and he just threw it away.

>> No.78946515

She calmed down

>> No.78946516

nah, how about you send some SC or buy merch to support your culture war?

>> No.78946520

Ignore them.

>> No.78946521

Euros woke up

>> No.78946525

Discuss numbers or leave. This isn't your personal blog.

>> No.78946527

I watched the stream and liked the pink cat

>> No.78946531

i'm betting all my coins that Jurard will be her first collab partner, just has to be

>> No.78946544

Those initial posts were camping liggers.

>> No.78946548
File: 45 KB, 600x400, 1691452247473357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insanely annoying on twitter
>this lunatic will stir up shit
the lack of self awareness here is astonishing

>> No.78946549

Funniest part is that allegedly both Bae and Him didn't really care to do that collab but he caved in to beggars, so gz to beggars for once again shooting themselves and their "talents" in the fucking face lmfao

>> No.78946553

bro is still stuck in 2023

>> No.78946551

>a really loud minority (homobeggars) trying to ruin shit
Gee, say it ain't so.

>> No.78946560
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>> No.78946568

I don't care for either of them.

>> No.78946584

you get used to it/acquired taste.
Its going to be a huge filter for her, but i could see her going the flare route and having a relatively small but dedicated fanbase.

>> No.78946598

Why is Kiara such a cunt?

>> No.78946605

starschads spend their money on reddit upvotes now. nothing left for sc and merch

>> No.78946607

Wait so SHE replied to him? Well that's her fault then

>> No.78946611

Based orange woman

>> No.78946614
File: 245 KB, 517x290, 1718890096904711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't blame the homo,it was his fans that fucked him

>> No.78946618

>Cover currently has 600 employees
>Homo usually only have 300ccv
There are a lot of "coworker" who don't watch or care about them

>> No.78946620

we grow the best gals with a firm hand like a harsh but fair father

>> No.78946626

Look, it's little thread-janny jr.!

>> No.78946629

She sound like English Tower and i find it funny
Sue me

>> No.78946635

Thank god, she will be shitposted but i would rather watch Kiara

>> No.78946636

nice, something I can watch at that hour

>> No.78946639

The first one that puts up a fucking frame gets the view.

>> No.78946643

Kiara will win because ERB cancelled her first stream

>> No.78946647

maybe if this thread has an embedded video player where it shows streams for 24/7 we could

>> No.78946648

Throw in a type of gaming niche, or other streaming niche and in a vacuum it would be a good debut.
The issue is her only real niche so far is singing, the impressions are neat but that's all.
There's a lot of good singers, to actually stand out there you need a steady output of good original songs

>> No.78946650

Kiara doing the same what Gura did to Advent to Justice

>> No.78946651


>> No.78946657

I thought it's a collage of justice replying to other chuba

>> No.78946655


>> No.78946658
File: 72 KB, 628x576, 1691461647460545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kind of got used to it once i look at her like towa

>> No.78946663


>> No.78946674
File: 42 KB, 1267x534, Es_rMsdffjpUYAEFp54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78946678

>Kiara doing a little light hazing on the new girl

>> No.78946680

I can blame him for being a pussy ass faggot, you don't cave to pressure from people that do not watch you

>> No.78946683


>> No.78946688

>Homo usually only have 300ccv

>> No.78946692

not really after collabing with Bae, just sisters are fickle and lose interest quickly

>> No.78946701

Nice. There's some axis to grind.

>> No.78946706
File: 74 KB, 1163x840, GQwnASla8AA8hO0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this thing
Look at it

>> No.78946709

Fighting back.

>> No.78946711

This is why schedules are important btw, they are really useful in professional setting, like hololive

>> No.78946712

David vs. Goliath.
(Goliath is a homobegger, btw.)

>> No.78946717
File: 2.01 MB, 1224x1608, mint v doki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did Mint beat Doki so badly?

>> No.78946718

What if Kiara is forced to cancel her stream?

>> No.78946721


>> No.78946731

I will watch Kiara's out of spite, and because I haven't heard her sing in a while.

>> No.78946741

>not really after collabing with Bae
Yes really, they were seething in /mans/

>> No.78946746

Wdym justice only have 3 members

>> No.78946747

She posted her karaoke yesterday

>> No.78946755

they got used to it

>> No.78946767

I am rooting for the underdog here

>> No.78946771
File: 305 KB, 1200x1076, 1682194420333868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unity fags aren't welcome in /#/'s go back to global, this is a CGDCT neighborhood

>> No.78946776

No fucking chance. Out of all of EN she's literally the most stubborn, and I'm counting Ame's shitposting when she's in a mood.

>> No.78946778

>Couldn't recognize actual fans from people using him
>Caves in to pressure to do something he doesn't want to do
Nah, it's on him

>> No.78946783


>> No.78946786
File: 19 KB, 290x307, 1712564984984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if it's deliberate. Her choice of her very first game is interesting too.

>> No.78946787

it was a whiplash first because she was nervous and excited, but once she calmed down it gets better

>> No.78946790
File: 194 KB, 355x422, 1715772639440753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A German speaker invading brit space.
I don't feel so good

>> No.78946793

Nah, Kiara is in the right here. I meant ERB. Why the fuck has still not set up the frame?

>> No.78946808

less than 2 hours and ERB still hasn't put up a frame, I think Kiara deserves that slot for today

>> No.78946806
File: 395 KB, 1056x1079, 1692984716727818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

orange women i kneel...

>> No.78946807

feel's like mint got a slice of the holo fanbase when she graduated.

>> No.78946814

After the Justice collab

>> No.78946816
File: 64 KB, 1350x1850, 1689839269817987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78946818

By fucking whom? Imagine the shit Kiara would say if someone even tried.

>> No.78946828

re-enacting WW2 already.

>> No.78946831

Can't believe tuning in to a kiara karaoke is the right thing to do, how times have changed
See you guys there

>> No.78946837

CGDCT always wins

>> No.78946842

Which one?

>> No.78946846

Wait, she totally fucked up even that didn't she?

>> No.78946857

It's a traditional Australian greeting

>> No.78946861

Man you guys really hate Elizabeth huh.

>> No.78946864

uhhhh why is wawa trying to sabotage her dear kouhai's first stream?

>> No.78946881

whoa... its almost like beggars doesn't care about da boiz

>> No.78946886

>Gura activity

>> No.78946889

The red homewrecker strikes again

>> No.78946890
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>> No.78946903

No, she was testing. You think she's just too stupid to understand homobegging is bad? Nah. She just doesn't give a shit, and you should realize this by now.

>> No.78946908
File: 130 KB, 1024x730, 1719031164377518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78946913


>> No.78946912

Lmao Kiara does the most funny thing sometimes

>> No.78946921

With "fans" like these who need anti.

>> No.78946920

ruh roh

>> No.78946926

Damn poor chimken is gonna get murdered

>> No.78946933


>> No.78946946


>> No.78946949
File: 2.70 MB, 1280x720, shark alert[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fatr6td.ogg].webm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78946951

Just open the damn Justice collab and skip to the end

>> No.78946950


>> No.78946962

She usually has a frame up before she posts recently if she is going to stream. But who knows.

>> No.78946965


>> No.78946967

All she needed a fight. Imagine that.

>> No.78946969

All that's left is a Russian holo and EN could do a WW2 RP stream

>> No.78946970


>> No.78946972
File: 248 KB, 517x290, Beggars[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4ahstb.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78946976

yes, she just doesn't fit in with what it means to become an idol

>> No.78946978

That's what you get for Brexxit kek.

>> No.78946984

She's waking up later than usual. Should get a butt spanking.

>> No.78946997

Based, we need more mashups like these

>> No.78947006
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>> No.78947018

Weren't people saying the Niji GTA was supposed to last a week?
Instead, like 10 more chuubas joined it today, including Lize.

>> No.78947021

3/3 justchads eating good

>> No.78947025
File: 253 KB, 1778x1000, 20240619_100844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to give Liz a chance but this no schedule shit and no frame is making it hard...

>> No.78947027

Wonder if Kiara even knows about it

>> No.78947033

I got used to it, the only voice that completely filtered me was Sana's

>> No.78947035

Dunno about you, but I'm in the mood for chicken dinner.

>> No.78947036

So he didn't post it at all, she showed it at the end of a collab stream and decided that was enough

>> No.78947049

For the sake of Gigi I hope Gura doesn't put a frame up, she's gonna be murdered...

>> No.78947052

Because it's obvious there were troll campers during their debut. It seems you forget what people here are. People here want people to fail. Show any minute sign of something they don't like? You're done.

>> No.78947054

Prior to her new routine, we were used to her putting up a frame about 2 hours from now.

>> No.78947059
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>> No.78947064

She always had that at Niji, it's probably why so many people want her to join. She feels a lot like a holo girl

>> No.78947067

>They're equally bad, and anyone who defends either side is a disingenuous gigafaggot.
Some retard that cares too much actually took the time to give you a proper explanation of why that isn't the case >>78946360
Understand that the reason people call your ilk holoans is because you react like this >>78946430 to any reasonable discourse, because you believe from the start that only your opinion is correct. Incidentally this is also the reason why you will lose the invisible war unitybeggar

>> No.78947070

Can they beat Ame and blue homo (forgot his name)?

>> No.78947071
File: 197 KB, 1152x254, dokishark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2 today?

>> No.78947079

Four years of hating and loving Kiara. It just never ends. Today I love.

>> No.78947083

>Welsh sheep toucher
Isn't that the same thing as calling a Nigerian a "jungle spear chucker"?

>> No.78947084

Based. Showing her kouhai their places.

>> No.78947099

There's no way she doesn't. This is, ahem, "A game of CHICKEN."

>> No.78947107

The Blitz 2.0.

>> No.78947110

Did management just not teach Elizabeth how this works? How can she not have a schedule, not have a waiting room, nothing? You would think management teaches them tthese tthings.

>> No.78947117
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>> No.78947121

Eventually after so many years of no growth they have to pull the plug on homos eventually right

>> No.78947130

Huh, Doki sang Welcome to the Internet two months ago I fucking love this song

>> No.78947131

Gura's slot is 3 hours after Gigi.

>> No.78947133

So Gura actually likes lolis? It's not even a meme?

>> No.78947135

Yayoi, Bae's korean gachi and bane of /rrat/
Jin Teramachi, previous Okayu translator who dropped because she went the sexy route
mochimiko, fan artist who has done official merch several times
bird-kun, Miko translator /s
Soo Min Park, ID live translator and can usually be seen in their comment sections
Jimmy, Akirose fan and cosplayer
David Wu, Delivering Hope creator and maintainer of hololive fangame database https://softdevwu.dev/hologames/
Alice Magic, fan animator with a giant and foot fetish
2ManySnacks, fan animator

>> No.78947143

Gura followed ERB.

>> No.78947147

Kinda but here it's used to describe a watame fan in a derogatory way

>> No.78947149

after tuning in to her streams it sounds fit for some reason, its Hololive magic i guess

>> No.78947156

Yeah I'm thinking based

>> No.78947157


>> No.78947163


>> No.78947165

Based. Someone post this on the Holosub, they would get a lot of upboats.

>> No.78947171

Don't take any posts about voices seriously during debut week.
They blew their load rerunning the same playbook they tried to use againt Shiori.
She also appears to be doing everything right so far, and seems genuinely grateful to be here. Surprisingly holofans want to like new members

>> No.78947173
File: 681 KB, 1439x1916, Screenshot_20240623_093426_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78947182

Gura just followed the new girls.

>> No.78947183

You new around these parts?

>> No.78947188

There needs to be a pole for it to start correctly.

>> No.78947194

I dont get why she wants to integrate into the homobox, dont they have like a ceiling of 5k? That is like a holoen turning on their stream territory

>> No.78947197
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>> No.78947205
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x720, who said kani[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmrm54l.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78947209

She doesn't care, she's here to change how hololive works and what it is, doesn't matter what fans want, like, or expect from her

>> No.78947211

There is a big chance she doesn't know since ERB never posted about it other than at the end of their collab stream

>> No.78947215
File: 298 KB, 1329x927, 1696751922563525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sending Wawa my energy

>> No.78947220

On stream but she didn't put up schedule, no frame, no tweet. Only way to see is from holodex which 95% of people wont visit

>> No.78947219
File: 41 KB, 592x191, 1714685170892984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ERB, what the sigma

>> No.78947223

Before that, an assassination.
Who is going to get fired to start it off?

>> No.78947227

How new?

>> No.78947254

>So Gura actually likes lolis? It's not even a meme?
Nigga this is the girl who openly mock xittard with
>What, you're afraid of 4 letter words?
And immediately proceed with

>> No.78947253
File: 309 KB, 651x527, 1705750610660737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78947258

Justice just got the Gura follows, she put them all in.

>> No.78947262

ngl with how happy and genki she is she could have any type of voice and I would watch her
I like happy women

>> No.78947263


>> No.78947276

The only reason they did the poledancing was so they could gang bang the teacher.

>> No.78947286

You're going to sit there and tell me that Kiara doesn't know about Holodex or other services that track frames, and she wouldn't look since shes way out of hours? Kiara? That Kiara?
Bro, you high?

>> No.78947288

she followed all Justice

>> No.78947293

All the girls are given months of predebut training. ERB is willfully doing this thinking schedules are more of suggestion than a requirement. Not even veterans do this kind of stuff. Mumei at least tweets her schizo hour karaokes.

>> No.78947300

The kind of thing Twitch streamer do for view will always impress me, they take streaming so seriously

>> No.78947302

Holy mother of leeching kek

>> No.78947303

wtf I like ERB now

>> No.78947320

I wonder if they can re enact Anne Frank's story

>> No.78947325

more like ceiling of 2k, they only hit above that with raids, 3d debuts or company wide events (due to the holos)

>> No.78947327


>> No.78947336

Kiara executing operation Sea Lion

>> No.78947357

I would believe that she sets her schedules according to their shared scheduler and ERB probably didn't put hers there

>> No.78947360

Gotta keep an eye on the retard

>> No.78947362

TELL DOWN POST ANON!!!!!!!!!! Don't give the boiz antis ammo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.78947370

I thought it was 10 days

>> No.78947395

What if Shorts buff defeats new gen buff? It can't happen, right?

>> No.78947397
File: 84 KB, 245x253, 1691458551304450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its time to apologize to orange women calling her voice annoying

>> No.78947410
File: 341 KB, 1080x601, 1709829613981222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78947427

/#/ have always loved Wawa THOUGH

>> No.78947432

Gotta keep the homobeggar in check

>> No.78947435

I will unironically watch her karaoke just out of spite

>> No.78947439

Dunno about you, but I'M WATCHING KIARA.

>> No.78947446

NTA but is Naruto Shippiden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4: Road to Boruto an enjoyable enough game for someone who has only seen 2 episodes of Naruto? It's on sale for like $8 and I'm tempted to snag it.

>> No.78947447

BROS wtf is this?

>> No.78947452 [SPOILER] 
File: 75 KB, 963x560, Fucin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS is the kind of people Helmite is argue against

>> No.78947465
File: 601 KB, 2424x4096, 1709916391423774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never did that though?

>> No.78947466

The watchalong did not help at all

>> No.78947481

This means Ceci and Raora will join Kiara's side right?

>> No.78947492

Shorts buff? How many shorts graphs have you seen? Kiara will get hammered on the head to head here, but being in a different algorithm may mean she will get some new viewers.

>> No.78947514

might be axel himself

>> No.78947523

Nothing with Boruto in it is worth it. You can't even pay me to buy it
t.certified hater of Boruto who have watched all of its season to form my own opinion

>> No.78947527

>mind controlled gaming
The fuck? Not gonna bother watching her videos but thats interesting

>> No.78947559

Turns out she was right to not try to jump in and exploit the drama buff for short term gain I guess.
To be fair those Doki numbers are still good, she's looking fairly steady

>> No.78947569

It's always these "m'lady" type, man. it's like a caricature at this point.

>> No.78947571
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1080, Kiara ASMR - Ich Liebe Dich, So Sehr [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fntinpx.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never needed to.

>> No.78947574


>> No.78947598

Kaela getting her normal stream numbers for a sponsored series.

>> No.78947600

Yes, anon, I've said it like 10 times already, you do an opsec check on these fags and a good amount of them are honest to god unironic incels

>> No.78947608

i did years ago

>> No.78947636

This entire board really is just reddit 2.0

>> No.78947639
File: 68 KB, 888x336, Screenshot 2024-06-23 at 18.41.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 Twistys worth of CCV

>> No.78947650

>holoEN new gen debut buffed streams
>possible shark stream
>all of these still won't come close to doki today
What is the point of holoEN if they can't even compete with indies?

>> No.78947654

I hang out in the numbers thread, so I haven't seen any graphs since none are posted.

>> No.78947661

Yeah funny but off topic unfortunately.

>> No.78947666

It's just one example, the other one I knew of recently is Kai Cenat downing thousands of dollar buying themed prop just for his ER playthrough
Sleep streamer are whatever but sometime you got reminded Twitch culture is going all in on streaming

>> No.78947667

Go back to shitting your pants.

>> No.78947675
File: 32 KB, 663x223, 1692406857298653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78947689

Hahahha. Jeeeeezus. WW2 for real. That's brave, she gonna get slaughtered.

>> No.78947698

I watched suba sometimes, kiara isn't even that noisy

>> No.78947708

This is reddit 0.5 actually.

>> No.78947713

Somehow I doubt he's attractive

>> No.78947720

She's streamed everyday since she debuted and sometimes 2 times a day

>> No.78947730


>> No.78947740
File: 78 KB, 257x318, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She followed Justice already.

>> No.78947752

>Being friendly to homos
>Management loves her
>Thus she can do what she wants
She can be as lazy as possible, and management won't care.

>> No.78947757

It wasn't really shitposters but the first pre-recorded lines they played of her did her voice no favors.

>> No.78947761

Himawari is so cute though

>> No.78947762

Incredibly based if the CGDCT faction overlaps her with buff streams for the first week/month
I would take a hammer out and shatter my knees myself

>> No.78947763

holostars is homostars
holostars is homostars
holostars is homostars

>> No.78947767
File: 171 KB, 581x401, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This remind me, was Itachi a homo and an incestCHAD? Nigga was grooming and gaslighting his lil bro

>> No.78947773

Reddit is 4chan 2.0

>> No.78947784

>But they don't leave
>They spend the whole day shitting up the thread
Anon? Who the fuck cares about "the thread"? Get the fuck out with this "both sideism"; there is only ONE side that is visible
>the beggars

>> No.78947796

Nah, this is fun. Can't wait to see the greys in her chat asking her why she's overlapping the first stream of her new kouhai.

>> No.78947803

Nope. Erb has, so far, gone about her decision the right way.
This thread just don't like her decsion and the direction her content looks like it will go in, and think it's a bad career move.
Feel free to prove anons wrong though, and actually support her if she's giving you what you want

>> No.78947815

Shut up Liz. Stop shitposting on /vt/ and put a frame

>> No.78947821

Even better, even. That woman is a mystery.

>> No.78947822

More like he's a confrontational type and doesn't hesitate to throw hands
Everything else is just lip service so he can feel good about himself

>> No.78947823

Nah just doing the Mori strat.
Probably with more success this time.
He'll stay around for half a decade more.

>> No.78947830

HELL NAH, Shigure (The purple hair class president) is the cutest

>> No.78947851

>NPLB Chained Together with announcement
Number prediction?

>> No.78947860

oh no... liztomos are going to set a bad example of themselves

>> No.78947868

Really think RMB was a late hire and did not get properly trained. Pray that a good Holo Senpai can teach her the ropes.

>> No.78947870

>can't promise anything on stream and not do it because people will remember it
>they're actually blaming and insulting their viewers because they uhm, ask the person that promised to do something to actually do that something?
Am i out of my mind here? Like, do these peoples personality warp because how good of a deal their job is? Are they actually insane?
Of course people are going to ask you about the thing you promised to do, fucking hell some of them don't even eman to be aggressive they just assume that you just forgot about it and actually meant to do something you promised to do, jesus

>> No.78947879

Maybe if Holos did creative streams like that they would do better numbers

>> No.78947917

so what do you think of two blue vortex?

>> No.78947919

Nope. We don't hate. We just don't care. When she do turn around we will greet her like a clean slate. But I doubt it given her seemingly colossal pride.

>> No.78947922

He is doing the equivalent of trying to reason with schizo in /#/, except it's Reddit
These people don't want to hear the truth, they want to mess with people enjoyment, just like the schizo we have here

>> No.78947923

Now that I checked, ERB hasn't been on twitter since five hours ago. It's likely she's still sleeping, but if she lives in the UK her sleep schedule is absolutely fucked.

>> No.78947954

total beggar death

>> No.78947961

hate is a strong word

>> No.78947971

>Unicorns aren't problematic, that's the joke.
Alright Gabe

>> No.78947970

>When she do turn around we will greet her like a clean slate.
Not really, but we'll tolerate her. She'll never achieve her potential now, though.

>> No.78947976

Mane-san, I kneel

>> No.78947982

Chumbuds... what is this...

>> No.78948000

there'ss no saving what can't be saved

>> No.78948012


>> No.78948027

Hate? Naaahh. More like concerned. I just hope she won't rope the other girls to her homo crusade.
Other than that I'll just ignore her just like the other homocollabers.

>> No.78948034

what really makes this animation remarkable is the fact that the jiggle is a longer animation cycle than it looks. there's a subtle sideways movement that makes it more fluid.

>> No.78948040

I notice Shu and Meloco are playing GTA RP every single day, but Luca only played twice.
Did that guy actually get banned for harassing JP's? kek

>> No.78948045


>> No.78948048

The shark doing what she does best. Losing.

>> No.78948056


>> No.78948061

self deleted?

>> No.78948062

Kronii did that shit to herself, though.

>> No.78948064

That was already posted, but does that sound like a normal mic or an asmr mic?

>> No.78948094
File: 1.41 MB, 2880x2160, 広いことを伝えたくてゴロゴロしたけど写真の方がよくわかる( ˘ω˘ ) GQogjf7bQAAV3dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78948093

>the funny reddit post was mod deleted
You fucking retards. Just let them keep shooting themselves in the foot.

>> No.78948104

With only 10k subs, that's honestly impressive. How'd she get this momentum? Biboo's mama association or did she have a decent size PL or something?

>> No.78948106

She should've posted the frame when she had the thumbnail ready instead of replying to people on twitter

>> No.78948124

Shit art, meh character, and Naruto is just there because otherwise people won't care about it

>> No.78948126

I think it's just a stock sound, she's been using them from a sound board, like the roar and the meow

>> No.78948127

She’s kinda cute but for real tho

>> No.78948136

Ao frequently hot dropped streams, no waiting frame just opened it up immediately. The graphs were pretty interesting.

>> No.78948139
File: 315 KB, 1000x568, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 a.m

>> No.78948148

tell me how many "we should collab" during totsus actually happen?

>> No.78948154

the one on homosub?
Wait, how? I thought that place completely abandoned by cover

>> No.78948153


>> No.78948171

Might have gotten deleted by mods, he deleted it himself when being called out for threatening someone or the thread police told him about the attention it garnered.

>> No.78948175

everyone giving ERB shit for not putting up her frame when Cecilia also hasn't yet put up her frame

>> No.78948180

He got banned because he is EOP. No vermin allowed on the server.

>> No.78948191

Yes, that is why this thread caring about reddit is absolutely retarded. Never interupt when your enemies is making mistakes.

>> No.78948194

Is that a boy

>> No.78948203

He's back again, doing ASMR again. He never learned his lesson


>> No.78948210

Nijifans are all kids and neets that don't need to go to work

>> No.78948213

Am I welcome in here? I'm a Novelite

>> No.78948224

No nigga, he just really cared about his little brother and wanted to protect him as best he could. Even after Sasuke fucked up big time, Itachi was the only one on his side.

>> No.78948226

I see

>> No.78948227
File: 3.46 MB, 853x480, advent milk[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fg41voc.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78948229
File: 67 KB, 640x960, 08f0d1d32df70941d7ff35acb2cfc5a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check Raora
>Expect Towa voice
>It's the most normal sounding woman voice ever
Some of you should be sued for fraudulent practices

>> No.78948236

They literally told anyone who can't speak lick of JP to get out from the server no joke KEK

>> No.78948247
File: 72 KB, 721x807, 1718727842276579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unicorns are the good guys, homobeggars are the bad guys.

>> No.78948253

I don't even know what she sounds like and i probably won't for the next 5 years either
All i want from her is to not interact contaminate any of the talents i watch with her hatred of everything that is fundamental to hololives success
I sincerely hope she succeeds, just hopefully very far away from any of the things that i care about

>> No.78948262

Cici released a schedule and isn’t streaming in 1 hour

>> No.78948266

what was it about kek

>> No.78948270

Towa has a normal sounding woman voice too tho

>> No.78948271

By being EUs most promising and hardworking (read streams a lot) streamer, she had 25k subs on her previous corpo account but not this high CCV, PixelLinks advertisements and watchalongs really helped her grow

>> No.78948273

welcome friend

>> No.78948276

looks like mod deleted. Had to check on new reddit because old reddit doesn't show that info. Question is why is t-chan working this early in the morning?

>> No.78948278

Cecilia has put out a whole ass schedule

>> No.78948281

at least CC still has time to put hers up. ERBs karaoke starts in like an hour.

>> No.78948283

>I'm a Novelite
Orly? Prove it. Is it Novelite or Novelite?

>> No.78948294

>we don't care about her
>make a ton anti posts about her

>> No.78948295

Nice try itachi, your tsukuyomi won't work on my anti-genjutsu trained eyes you brotherfucker

>> No.78948316

most likely the hololive mama effect.

previously there was a ame mama leech as well.lots of request to collab from tourist

>> No.78948317

So this is 100% going to be used for Unicorn vs homobeggar shitposting once Liz inevitably gets like 30k at most while Kiara gets anywhere between 4-8k, right?

>> No.78948322

as long as she doesn't drag other holo
i couldn't care less

>> No.78948321

No, novelites are fine but faggots aren't, go join the 41%

>> No.78948323

Advent is the Golden Gen of course you are welcome

>> No.78948332

>1 hour left
>3 hour left
>Tweet she just woke up

>> No.78948334

Might not be T-chan since what he did goes beyond sub rules

>> No.78948333

If it's this one >>78945035
Then admins might not liked the Welsh sheep toucher part.

>> No.78948336

beggar melting down and threatening people

>> No.78948335

Oh and her pet project was making her corpo create a small corpo minecraft server that has 77 girls on it last time i counted so she has really put herself in the centre of the small corpo sphere

>> No.78948339



>> No.78948345
File: 1.14 MB, 2624x3936, #これでフォロワーさん増えました お嬢で知ってくれた方も多いかなと思いました✨ GQme4fnbsAAr-uC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78948354

I'm still in the "she thinks she knows what is best for herself and everyone and will never be convinced otherwise" boat
I know it's part of her kayfabe to be the bossy leader but it comes off as she really does naturally have a personality like that and just leans into it

>> No.78948358

We love Shiori here

>> No.78948371
File: 446 KB, 1072x4876, 1611365372770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78948372

Itachi literally incite him to be EVIL and fucked up

>> No.78948383

Yes. Then they're going to claim both sides are "Just as bad."
But they'll ignore it when ERB runs off a cliff after debut buff runs out.

>> No.78948394

Nigga the entire Justice already has a schedule up except ERB with her single, uno, one karaoke stream that's not even having a frame 2 hours befoer the stream

>> No.78948399

hey, spicbro.

>> No.78948408
File: 129 KB, 1199x848, 1715941438095506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78948418
File: 213 KB, 1462x990, #これでフォロワーさん増えました お嬢で知ってくれた方も多いかなと思いました✨ GQme4f4asAA4CU2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78948420

>1 hour away
>no schedule
>no tweet about the stream
>no frame
ERB was a fucking mistake.

>> No.78948438
File: 11 KB, 809x108, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. The one where he threatened to kill Helmite the sheep fucker. He made it clear it was a death threat before it got deleted too. As for how it got deleted, I don't fucking know I don't use reddit.

>> No.78948441

Wake me up when she's in Father-Son Rasengan part

>> No.78948453

Yes, but at least i will have some 70-80s tunes to bop to while it goes on.

>> No.78948458

No way they actually call Justice fan "Justchads", who suggest these name?

>> No.78948464

No. Everyone, including Wawa, knows that ERB will have more views.

>> No.78948466

>with content creators, if it's not streaming, be prepared to get ignored, having to chase them, having to negotiate or fight with them to do shit
Is this true for Holo or Niji?

>> No.78948471

some one should edit that to liggers

>> No.78948473

you are literally a tranny.

>> No.78948475

Green is really not a goth color

>> No.78948478
File: 6 KB, 190x188, 1615725421044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a second, are homobeggars simply falseflagging vtubing antis who deliberately choose extremely cunning tactics of pitting 2 mutually exclusive fanbases against each other to inflict as much damage as possible to vtubing culture as a whole?..

>> No.78948483

>Bullies pink girl on twitter
>overlaps red girl with the same stream
What is her game plan here?

>> No.78948495

>Critics = anti
jobless anonchama...

>> No.78948510

Yes, but, they always fail.
Hence the "invisible war" joke.

>> No.78948513

Kek, definitely reported to site admin for death threat by someone from /here/.

>> No.78948515

why are you censoring his name?
who is this fucker?

>> No.78948523

All beggars are here.
They get baited by the same 500 "unicorns" on basket weaving forum and have a meltdown about them on 5 different platforms.
It's bvtm and vt screenshot subhumans fault.

>> No.78948529

To lose her entire fanbase to the new girls

>> No.78948547

They put it to a vote and cursed themselves

>> No.78948552
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>> No.78948561

i think it might be an anti start to shit on vtubers who are generally liked and to praise vtubers who are generally disliked to cause as much chaos and infighting as possible.

>> No.78948563
File: 99 KB, 1193x128, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78948564

>reading replies
>an underage retard seething about someone got twitter blue for free.
I regret clicking it.

>> No.78948572

Unfortunately the Italian aunt IIRC, the other ones were worse

>> No.78948574


>> No.78948582
File: 95 KB, 810x1080, 1694798534151516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78948584

now here to overlap your girls!!!

>> No.78948591

Sadly, this was already known. Subhumans, sisters and insects are just the same thing. Holorejects jealous of the girls.

>> No.78948594

Those types are mixed in yeah but a lot of them are fans of other corpos coughnijiphasecough

>> No.78948599

Welcome to HoloEurope...

>> No.78948604

...The other choice that was in 2nd place was 'Jamingos', anon...

>> No.78948611

EN singing tier list
IRyS > Liz > Nerissa > Gura > Mumei > Kiara = Mori > Bae > Fuwawa > Mococo > Kronii > Ina > Bijou > Cecilia > Raora > Ame > Gigi > Fauna > Shiori

>> No.78948622

They arnt antis, they are ironic fans.
Same in practice but they consider themselves the "good fans."

>> No.78948628

Sure thing, sister.

>> No.78948630

The thought leaders yes. Though they convince a ton of the casual fans to go along with their rhetoric, as it sounds fair enough if you don't dig too deep.

>> No.78948637

shoo shoo

>> No.78948639

Nerissa is not that good

>> No.78948644

Beggars can be baited by the same 3 accounts on twitter

>> No.78948649

At least Jamingos doesn't sound like an ironic shitpost

>> No.78948651

Itachi was like 15 when he had to genocide his clan, he needed Sasuke to get stronger.

>> No.78948661
File: 12 KB, 305x277, boobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

captcha: boobs

>> No.78948673

It the anyafication dude, i didn't knew he still in holo.

>> No.78948678

i have never seen a tier list itt that isn't unfathomable amounts of shit

>> No.78948687
File: 84 KB, 900x900, Gunbeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kris the holosimp (Holofan's voice of reason)
Good job, I almost fell for it

>> No.78948688

Operation Sealion

>> No.78948693

wow Gura follows girls what a shock. wake me up when she responds to dino flip

>> No.78948705

It ain't that well thought out anon, they're usually the social activist types or they're insecure about liking anime girls so they need to compensate with "chad" behavior

>> No.78948711
File: 374 KB, 578x768, 1691820256146030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is her game plan here?
Overpowering the enemy before they can defend themselves

>> No.78948723

All options were shit

>> No.78948743


>> No.78948744

You guys suck at coming up with title

>> No.78948747

but what brought up this kind of response anyway

>> No.78948758

Is Liz actually going to miss out on her first stream?

>> No.78948770

ERB and Nesissa... Belting as loud as possible doesn't mean they are good at singing. It just means they are loud.

>> No.78948797

>hour left
>no waiting room
Jesus Christ

>> No.78948802

That techs been in development for a while, didn't realise it had gotten this far though

>> No.78948805
File: 442 KB, 590x510, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nepolabo Chained Together soon

>> No.78948813

>Nigga can just kill himself off once the mission over
>"No I need to make my brother totally hateful that he want and able to kill me. Oh I'll also reminds him that I killed his whole clan when he's started to go soft because of his spiky blonde friend"

>> No.78948814
File: 56 KB, 520x458, 1701497915167493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I voted for Jammers

>> No.78948816

>a lot of them are fans of other corpos coughnijiphasecough

>> No.78948820

>are homobeggars simply falseflagging vtubing antis

>> No.78948841
File: 158 KB, 1080x1080, 1719143909078850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78948843

Don't you fuckers timeloop this shit I though we already established it means nothing

>> No.78948849

the list is unironic. the Kris entry description is sarcasm.

>> No.78948851

Just being loud isn't enough to be a good singer.

>> No.78948852
File: 1.29 MB, 3500x2200, GMwJOOragAA0fRK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We very much enjoy Shiori here.

>> No.78948856

oh shit kino incoming

>> No.78948862

I think it'd say removed by reddit. Either way they probably don't want to leave death threats up. They should just shutter that sub before it causes more problems for Hololive.

>> No.78948867

Wtf is this guy spamming about? I thought ERB frame is already up? Or is it just Holodex doing guessing game again?

>> No.78948869

It's songs she has sang like once and never practiced, so it's probably going to be jank.

>> No.78948885

You don't know what belting is if you think Nerissa is a belter. Do you just hear any voice that doesn't sound like a vocaloid and say "belt"

>> No.78948889
File: 3.99 MB, 607x480, raora purring[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fypn2vf.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78948901

the latter

>> No.78948904
File: 662 KB, 936x819, Iryshehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78948907

Post the link then.

>> No.78948909

She announced if but no frame

>> No.78948911

ERB just sings everything like it is musical theatre which puts her in below kronii tier

>> No.78948915

>Twitter activist-type woman has a shitty personality and won't listen to anyone's advice
Wow, who woulda thunk.

>> No.78948918

>IRyS number 1

>> No.78948919

got receipts anyway.

>> No.78948922

Holodex will pull from a known schedule even if there is no frame. Someone added it since it was announced.

>> No.78948927

Holodex just made note that there was stream scheduled to happen at that time, there is no frame yet

>> No.78948931
File: 421 KB, 745x692, shirakami realraep #0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78948944

We have established that we hate holoantis.
We will keep bringing it up so nobody forgets what we hate.

>> No.78948962

Holodex like to put temporary schedule when no frame is up yet as long as it's announced

>> No.78948974 [SPOILER] 
File: 125 KB, 400x275, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...save for a few exceptions

>> No.78948980

if it says "scheduled stream" in holodex there's no frame

>> No.78948981


>> No.78948984

Yes ERB is overdoing it but you can't deny that she's a very good singer

>> No.78948992

