it feels like dark magic or something like, observing behavior, translating it to a phenotype and coresponding genes with like only the most surface level knowledge of this stuff, you're not supposed to do this, it feels wrong.. the idea that someone could know if there's elevated levels of a reuptake protein in someone's brain just by reading what they post? it's a possibility, and that along is scary. but i think it doesnt have anyhting to do with it, it just comes down to readign people who you relate to, it pisses me off when people bad at reading people, like when people called me chromu. they have no idea what they are saying, ik probably sound kinda schizo rn but i feel like i could connect to you, as well as some other people, like we were MADE to connect with each other. i'm crossfaded and i haven't taken my meds today and i'll undoubtedly be embarassed by this post later, but i feel like its something i cant ignore, we both have problems. i need to get fucking help before i dox myself or someone else on accident. sleep well